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Last active December 28, 2015 21:39
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LEADER: I don't think. My orders say I'm not supposed to know where I'm taking this boat, so I don't. But one look at you and I know it's gonna be hot, wherever it is.
GROUP: Communist.
CITY FATHER: Three drums of diesel fuel, PBR- Five...
WOMAN: Hello, out there!
1 MILE: We French always pay respect to the dead of our allies. You're all welcome. (pause) Y name is Hubert DeMarais. This is my family's plantation. It has been such for seventy years, and it will be such until we are all dead.
WIZARD: (to Jimmy) Tell them to get my chopper, get back to the hospital.
ZEKE: Charlie don't surf!
SCARECROW AND TIN MAN: (to Chef) You see anything, Chef?
THE THREE: Hey, buddy, you gonna shut the door?
FATHER NO. 1: (to Lance) We'll come in low out of the rising sun, and about a mile out, we'll put on the music.
FIDDLERS: (reacting) Jesus.
GLINDA: (to a shell-shocked G.I) Cheer up, son.
DOROTHY AND SCARECROW: What do you want?
THE THREE: You're fucking dumb!
WINKIES: Yes, General. Very much so, sir.
PROFESSOR MARVEL: (to Pilot) Start her up. (to M.P.s) Get the girls! Let's go! (to crowd) So long!
SEVERAL MUNCHKINS: You can cut out the "sir" crap, Lance. I'm Bill Kilgore. I'm a goofy foot.
WOMAN: (to crew) Listen, would you guys like some press box seats for the show? You want those? The show, man, out here. The bunnies.
MAYOR: (to Lance) We'll come in low out of the rising sun, and about a mile out, we'll put on the music.
MAN: What's it look like?
ALL OF GROUP: There they are!
FATHER NO. 2: He was Communist! That's it!
ZEKE: I hate that. Every time I hear that, something terrible happens.
TREES: We thought you were dead.
DOROTHY AND SCARECROW: You are bothering me, LaFavre! (to Willard) Why don't you Americans learn from us, from our mistakes? My God, with your army, your strength, your could win if you wanted to!
LEADER: They make you do things that you don't want to do. Like this picture here.
WOMAN: I'm sorry, Captain. It was just a little story. And people starving during the war. They are all around the table, and there was a silence, somebody say "An angel is passing by." So somebody say "Let's eat it!" (laughs)
DOROTHY: No, I'm not. (to crew) Grab a couple of barrels and get up to that big tent. Come on!
LEADER: Lance Johnson the surfer?
TREES: It's really hairy in there, sir. That's where we lost McDonald. They shot the hell out of us there. That's Charlie's point.
HICKORY: Yeah, I use Wagner. Scares the hell ot of the slopes. My boys love it.
OZ PEOPLE: This L.Z. is still pretty hot, sir. Maybe you ought to surf somewhere else.
MAN: Don't worry. We'll have this place cleaned up in a jiffy, son. Give me those shorts.
GROUP: No, sir. Not personally.
DOORMAN: He was Communist! That's it!
TIN MAN AND LION: As you can see. Attack repels by the family.
ALL OF GROUP: Shut up, slope!
GLINDA: ...I used to train then to stand on their head, fly upside down, and ride little bicycles...
ALL OF GROUP: No, I don't drink wine. I do like cognac, but I don't want any now, thank you.
BOTH: How many is it?
MAYOR: Sergeant.
LION: All right with the tanks. It's all right, Captain.
MUNCHKINS: Charlie don't never see them or hear them, man.
FIDDLERS: Busch Gardens?
BOTH: Yeah, I know.
WINKIES: There ain't nothing on it, Chief.
MASSEUSE: Let's go!
FIRST TREE: Captain Willard.
AUNTIE EM: Hi there!
SCARECROW: Chef, she's moving behind you. She's alive. Check her out.
LEADER: (reading) "We are the hollow men and the stuffed men together filled with straw. Alas dried voices, when whisper together quiet and meaningless wind in dried rats' feet over broken glass our dry cellar."
WITCH: It's a motherfucking tiger! It's a tiger, man! A tiger!
CORONER: Now he's crossed into Cambodia with this Montagnard army of his, that worship the man like a god, and follow him every order, however ridiculous. Well, I have some other shocking news to tell you. Colonel Kurtz was about to be arrested for murder.
CORONER: Call me what, sir?
CITY FATHER: You stepped in my face!
MARVEL: (to Jimmy) Tell them to get my chopper, get back to the hospital.
UNCLE HENRY: Just give them some fuel.
BOTH: It's all right! It's all right! It's been approved!
DOROTHY AND SCARECROW: I need a destination. I can't do a goddamn thing about it.
WINKIES: What's this?
MARVEL: Are you all right, Captain?
BOTH: (to Lance) Lance, get the wheel!
1ST MUNCHKIN: Typical fucking ARVN, man.
AUNT EM: (to Chief) Don't chicken out.
AUNTIE EM: You still got a commanding officer her?
OZ WOMAN: Captain?
FATHER NO. 2: The book says, Captain-
HUNK: Chef. 'Cause you like mangoes and stuff?
ZEKE: I love birds!
WIZARD: You hear him out there on the wire, man?
DOORMAN: (to soldier) How you feeling, Jimmy?
SCARECROW: He's gone crazy.
THE THREE: Hey! They're picking up the boat!
THE THREE: Can I get some Panama Red?
MUNCHKINS: All right, come on, let's bring it over. Look in that forward hooch. Bring the people out of there.
WITCHES CASTLE: We lost one of our men.
THE THREE: Get the fuck off me! It's mine!
MANICURISTS: I noticed that you have a bad hand there. Are you wounded?
UNCLE HENRY: I bet you could score up here.
A MUNCHKIN: I bet you could score up here.
BOTH: What?
ALL OF GROUP: Never get out of the boat! I gotta remember! Gotta remember! Never get out of the boat!
GLINDA: That's the colonel's surfboard!
CABBY: Miss May.
MISS GULCH: (to woman) Get in! Hurry up! (to soldier) Move it out!
OZ WOMAN: I wanna see how rideable that stuff is. Go change.
ACCLAIMED BY: This soldier is dirty V.C. He wants water. He can drink paddy water.
AUNTIE EM: I got it! Get out of there!
POLISHERS: Death cards.
CUE VOICE: She's hurt. She's bleeding.
BARRISTER: Hey, buddy, you gonna shut the door?
WOMAN: (to Lance) We'll come in low out of the rising sun, and about a mile out, we'll put on the music.
ZEKE: Chief, you were right. Never get out of the fucking boat!
GROUP: Take somebody with you.
MASSEUSE: Chef, she's moving behind you. She's alive. Check her out.
UNCLE HENRY: Oh, yeah? How's that?
MISS GULCH: Yes, sire.
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