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Created March 10, 2022 02:38
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// Create photomosaics from a source image and a directory of tile images.
// by Greg Borenstein, January 2013
// Read more here:
// NOTE: based on luminance (white/black) only, NOT HUE
// see inline comments for more details
// -------------------------------------
// Import the java libraries we need.
// These are both utilites for sorting things.
// We use them to define a custom comparison operation.
// This lets us sort our PixelImages by their brightness,
// which makes it really easy to select the right one
// for each portion of the source image
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.sql.Timestamp;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Date;
// Our PixelImage class
// This class stores information about each of the images
// we'll use as tiles in making up our photomosaic.
// That infomation includes the path to where the image is stored
// as well as the image's "score", i.e. its brightness level.
// We use this latter to sort an ArrayList of these PixelImages
// so that they're stored in order from darkest to brightest.
// Then, when we need to find a PixelImage that matches one of the cells
// in our source image, we can do so simply by its position in this ArrayList.
// One other note: this class also "caches" the image that it represents.
// Loading images from disk takes time, especially when the image is large.
// Depending on how many images we have, we end up re-using the same PixelImage
// multiple times in our mosaic. Hence, we can speed things up, by saving the image
// the first time we see it. Then, next time this same PixelImage is called for
// we're able to display the image without having to reload it from disk
// and resize it. This makes things MUCH FASTER, making it less painful to create
// photomosaics with lots of cells.
class PixelImage {
float score;
String path;
PImage cache;
boolean cached = false;
PixelImage(float s, String p) {
score = s;
path = p;
// This function implements the caching of the image.
// Instead of having outside code access the PImage or the image path directly
// they call this function, which loads, resizes and stores the image if it's never
// seen it before or simply displays it if it has.
// Note how we call the PImage resize() function with a 0
// as the argument for either the width of the height depending on
// if the image is wide or tall. This ensures proportional resizing:
PImage image() {
if (!cached) {
cache = loadImage(path);
float proportion = 1;
if (cache.width > cache.height) {
cache.resize(0, cellHeight*outputScale);
else {
cache.resize(cellWidth*outputScale, 0);
cached = true;
return cache;
// This is our custom comparison operation.
// Java already knows how to compare its built-in types
// like integers: by looking at which number is bigger.
// However we want to be able to sort our own custom PixelImage
// type so we have to tell Java how to compare PixelImages.
// To do that we define this special class with one function, compare()
// that takes two PixelImages as arguments. compare() returns
// 1,0, or -1 depending on which of the arguments is greater (or
// if they are equal). We want to sort our PixelImages based
// on their score variable, so all we do is subtract those from each other
// and return the result.
// We'll see how this function is used in setup()...
class PixelImageComparator implements Comparator<PixelImage> {
public int compare(PixelImage i1, PixelImage i2) {
return (int)(i1.score - i2.score);
// These are our chief variables.
// We declare them here for one of two reasons:
// 1) They are global in score (i.e. used in multiple functions).
// 2) They represent 'settings' for our sketch that we might
// want to manipulate without having to search through all the source code.
// Mostly they're the later. Each is describe inline.
PImage sourceImage; // image to be mosaic-ed
String sourceImagePath = "/Users/MPAULUKO/Downloads/"; // filename for our sourceImage
String sourceImageFilename = "36_bore_.png"; // filename for our sourceImage
String tileFolder = "/Users/MPAULUKO/Downloads/mosaic/";
int numCellsPerSide = 100; // increasing this, means more cells, and vice versa
int outputScale = 4; // size of photomosaic relative to original image.
int cellWidth, cellHeight; // size of each cell (calculated based on number of cells and image size)
ArrayList<PixelImage> pixelImages; // will store all the PixelImages as we load them in.
// Our setup() function.
// Since this sketch doesn't run interactively (it just runs once and produces a photomosaic)
// this is where most of the work is done. Comments inline to explain individual steps.
void setup() {
// clear the screen to white.
// load the source image
sourceImage = loadImage(sourceImagePath + sourceImageFilename);
// scale the canvas based on the proportions of
// the source image, but somewhat bigger
// (we want our final result to be nice and high res so we can see the individual tiles)
size(sourceImage.width*6, sourceImage.height*4);
// calculate the size of each cell based on the size of the sourceImage
// and the resolution of our grid.
cellWidth = sourceImage.width/numCellsPerSide;
cellHeight = sourceImage.height/numCellsPerSide;
// Now we're going to process all of the tile images
// and create PixelImage objects for each of them.
// First we need to get a list of all of the names of the files
// in our images directory. folder = new;
String[] tileImageFilenames = folder.list();
// initialize our ArrayList of PixelImages
// since we're about to populate it based on our images.
// As in the declaration above, the angle-bracket indicator
// tells Java the type of the object we'll be storing in the ArrayList
// and avoids us having to cast it when accessing it later.
pixelImages = new ArrayList<PixelImage>();
// Since we'll be looping through and loading a lot of images
// it's slightly more efficent to just declare a single PImage
// object and then reuse that over and over. Hence we declare it outside
// of the loop. This is a minor efficiency thing and not important.
PImage img;
// Loop through all of the filenames that we found in the directory
for (int i = 0; i < tileImageFilenames.length; i++) {
// print out a progress indicator
println(i + "/" + tileImageFilenames.length + " : " + tileImageFilenames[i]);
// we only want to process the actual images,
// not the other files that might be in there like
// text files and .DS_Store files and other junk.
// So we wrap everything that's supposed to happen to images
// inside of an if-statement based on the filename.
// If you have images that are pngs or anything other than
// jpgs, you'd need to change this.
if (match(tileImageFilenames[i], "(.*png)|(.*jpg)$") != null) {
// if (tileImageFilenames[i].endsWith("jpg")) {
// Load the image based on its filename
img = loadImage(tileFolder + tileImageFilenames[i]);
// Resize it down. This will make it
// MUCH faster to find the average brightness of the image,
// since that function has to loop through each pixel in the image.
// With really large images, Processing will even choke if you try to load too
// many of them, so this is very necessary.
img.resize(200, 200);
// Calculate the average brightness of the image.
// See the implementation of the function below for details,
// but the gist is that we loop through all the pixels, add up
// their individual brightnesses, and divide by how many pixels there were.
float imgBrightness = aveBrightness(img);
// Now we create a new PixelImage object with the brightness score
// and the path to the image. And add that object to our growing ArrayList
PixelImage pixelImage = new PixelImage(imgBrightness, tileFolder + tileImageFilenames[i]);
else {
// Now we use the custom comparison operator we created before
// to sort our pxiel images based on their scores. This will
// be in ascending order.
Collections.sort(pixelImages, new PixelImageComparator());
// We've now done all of our pre-processing and we're ready
// to display our photomosaic.
// First draw the original image, for reference.
image(sourceImage, 0, 0);
// Move over to the right so the photomosaic doesn't
// overlap the source image.
translate(sourceImage.width + 50, 0);
// Draw the photomosaic.
// This code is moved into its own function
// solely to keep things organized. Look below
// to see the details of how that's done.
// Save the result as a png. The filename is based on
// the filename of the source image and the number of cells
// per side, which, in combination, should produce a unique result.
final SimpleDateFormat sdf1 = new SimpleDateFormat("");
Timestamp timestamp = new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis());
String outName = sdf1.format(timestamp) + "." + sourceImageFilename + "." + numCellsPerSide + ".png";
println("outname: " + outName);
// This function loops over the grid and draws the actual photomosaic.
// The core of this is two steps:
// 1) Calculate the average brightness of that area of the source image.
// 2) Pick one of the PixelImages based on that brightness.
void drawPhotomosaic() {
// To calcualte the average brightness of each portion of the source image
// we'll copy the pixels from that area into its own image
// and the run our aveBrightness() function on that image.
// To make things somewhat more efficent, instead of creating a new image
// each time, we'll re-use the same "working image" over and over.
// Here we create that workingImage to be the appropriate dimensions and color space
PImage workingImage = createImage(cellWidth, cellHeight, RGB);
// These two variables are just used to give a kind of progress bar
// since this part of the program can take a long time to run.
// i captures how many cells we've processed so far and
// total is the total number of cells needed.
int i = 0;
int total = numCellsPerSide*numCellsPerSide;
// A two dimensional loop. We know that our grid is made up of a series
// of rows, each of which has numCellsPerSide images. And, likewise, we have
// numCellsPerSide rows in total.
// We need to loop through all of these cells in a way that allows us to
// calculate the x and y coordinates of each cell. These coordinates
// are determined by which row the cell is in and which column it represents
// within that row.
// So, to achieve this, we nest one loop inside of another. The outside
// loop represnts all of the rows in the image, the inner one reprsents
// each column of each row. For each row, we'll touch each column
// exactly once. And between knowing which row and column we're on,
// and knowing the width and height of our cells, we'll be able to calculate the
// x- and y-position of each cell, which is just what we need to copy
// the appropriate portion of the image into our workingImage, so that we
// can find its average brightness.
for (int row = 0; row < numCellsPerSide; row++) {
for (int col = 0; col < numCellsPerSide; col++) {
// pring progress bar and increment column counter
println(i + "/" + total);
// Copy the pixels from the sourceImage into our working image.
// The arguments to the copy() function represent the coordinates in the source image,
// the dimensions of the area we want to copy from, the coordinates to paste into in the destination
// image, and the dimensions we want the paste to be. For more detail:
workingImage.copy(sourceImage, col*cellWidth, row*cellHeight, cellWidth, cellHeight, 0, 0, cellWidth, cellHeight);
// Pass that working image into our aveBrightness() function to find the
// average brightness of this area of our sourceImage
float b = aveBrightness(workingImage);
// Now this is the cool trick.
// We need to translate from the brightness of this particular region of our source image
// into which of our pixelImages we should select.
// Since we've sorted our pixelImages ArrayList by the score, we know that darker images
// will be at the front of the ArrayList and lighter ones will be at the back.
// So the brightness of our sourceImage region varies from 0-255 and we want to translate
// that into the corresponding index in the pixelImages ArrayList. For example, if the
// brightness was 255, i.e. full white, we'd want to use the last entry in pixelImages.
// If the brightness was 128, we'd want to use the entry exatly in the middle of pixelImages.
// To acheive, this we use Processing's map() function. This takes a variable
// that has a known input range and maps it to the corresponding value in a different outut
// range.
// map() is one of the most widely useful functions in Processing:
// In our case, we use it to map from the range of potential brightnesses (i.e. 0 to 255) into the range
// of indices into our pixelImages ArrayList, i.e. 0 to however many images we have.
int imageIndex = (int)map(b, 0, 255, 0, pixelImages.size());
// Once we have the imageIndex, we use it to get the corresponding image our of pixelImages
PImage cellImage = pixelImages.get(imageIndex).image();
// Then we display that image at the right position,
// calcuated based on our current row and column as well as the width and height
// of our cells, and the output scale.
image(cellImage, col*cellWidth*outputScale, row*cellHeight*outputScale);
// This helper function is used in a couple of different places in the sketch.
// It loops over the pixels in an image to calculate their average brightness.
// To do that it keeps a running variable where it adds up all the brightnesses
// and at the end it divides by the total number of images.
// It's key that the variable holding the total is declared as a float rather
// than an int, otherwise you'd get a weird result.
float aveBrightness(PImage img) {
float result = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < img.pixels.length; i++) {
result += brightness(img.pixels[i]);
result /= img.pixels.length;
return result;
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