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Last active January 31, 2017 13:59
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  • Save MichaelRyom/afdb4c949ae57e1bd677f47bcc399b77 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save MichaelRyom/afdb4c949ae57e1bd677f47bcc399b77 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
#Created by Michael Ryom
#Go to and download Windows Server TP 5 - Nano ISO
#Link that might work ?
#Windows Server TP5 Licnese Key MFY9F-XBN2F-TYFMP-CCV49-RMYVH
#Download image if link works: wget -OutFile C:\temp\Windows-Nano-Server-TP5.VHD
#Variables that can be chnaged
$VMWorkStation = 'C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware Workstation\'
#$vdisk = $VMWorkStation + "vmware-vdiskmanager.exe"
$StarWind = "c:\Program Files (x86)\StarWind Software\StarWind V2V Image Converter\StarV2Vc.exe"
$VMTools = $VMWorkStation + "windows.iso"
$WorkingDir = "C:\Temp\Windows Nano Server\"
$ISOPath = $WorkingDir + "ISO\"
$NanoISOName = "Windows-Nano-Server-TP5.ISO"
$NanoISOPath = $ISOPath + $NanoISOName
$NanoVMDKName = "Windows-Nano-Server-TP5.VMDK"
$NanoVMDKPath = $WorkingDir + $NanoVMDKName
$NanoVHDxName = "Nano01.vhdx"
$NanoVHDxPath = $WorkingDir + $NanoVHDxName
$DriversDir = $WorkingDir+"Drivers\"
$WindowsAdminPass = "VMware1!"
#^End of Variables that can be chnaged
#Test if PowerShell has been run as administrator - Source:
if(([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal] [Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole] “Administrator”)){
Write-Host "This script requies that it is 'Run as Administrator' - Please run it again by right clicking and selete 'Run as Administrator'"
$x = $host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey("NoEcho,IncludeKeyDown")
#^End of Test if PowerShell has been run as administrator
#Test all variables needed
If(!(Test-Path $VMworkStation)){
Write-Host "Variable VMworkStation/$VMworkStation is not correct or VMware Workstation is not installed - Please fix"
$x = $host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey("NoEcho,IncludeKeyDown")
If(!(Test-Path $VMTools)){
Write-Host "Variable VMtools/$VMtools is not correct or VMware Workstation is not installed - Please fix"
$x = $host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey("NoEcho,IncludeKeyDown")
If(!(Test-Path $WorkingDir)){
New-Item $WorkingDir -type directory | Out-Null
If(!(Test-Path $DriversDir)){
New-Item $DriversDir -type directory | Out-Null
If(!(Test-Path $ISOPath)){
New-Item $ISOPath -type directory | Out-Null
#^End of Test all variables needed
#Create Nano Server image
#Mount VMwareTools ISO disk image
$MountCDROM = Mount-DiskImage $VMTools -StorageType ISO -Access ReadOnly -PassThru
$MountDriveVMTools = ($MountCDROM | Get-Volume).DriveLetter
& $MountDriveVMTools":\setup64.exe" /a /s /v /qn #Cant get it to extract to a chosen location - Defaults to c:\ everytime
#Copy needed drivers
}until(Test-Path "C:\VMware\VMware Tools\VMware\Drivers\vmxnet3\NDIS6")
Copy-Item (Dir "C:\VMware\VMware Tools\VMware\Drivers\pvscsi\").FullName $DriversDir
Copy-Item (Dir "C:\VMware\VMware Tools\VMware\Drivers\vmxnet3\NDIS6\").FullName $DriversDir
#Clean up after extract
Sleep 1 #or else remove-item command failes
Remove-Item "C:\VMware Tools64.msi"
Remove-Item "C:\VMware" -Force -Recurse
$MountCDROM | Dismount-DiskImage
#Mount Windows ISO disk image
$MountCDROM = Mount-DiskImage $NanoISOPath -StorageType ISO -Access ReadOnly -PassThru
$MountDriveWin = ($MountCDROM | Get-Volume).DriveLetter
Import-Module -Global $MountDriveWin":\NanoServer\NanoServerImageGenerator\NanoServerImageGenerator.psm1"
New-NanoServerImage -MediaPath $MountDriveWin":\" -BasePath $WorkingDir"Base" -TargetPath $NanoVHDxPath -ComputerName Nano01 -EnableRemoteManagementPort -DriversPath $WorkingDir"Drivers" -AdministratorPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString -String $WindowsAdminPass -AsPlainText -Force) -DeploymentType Host -Edition Standard
#Convert VHDx to VMDK
.$StarWind if=$NanoVHDxPath ot=VMDK_VMFS of=$NanoVMDKPath vmdktype=scsi
if(!(Test-Path $NanoVMDKPath)){
Write-Host "Convertion failed! - See generic error above"
#Clean up after VHDx creation
$MountCDROM | Dismount-DiskImage
Remove-Item $NanoVHDxPath
Remove-Item $WorkingDir"Drivers" -Force -Recurse
Remove-Item $WorkingDir"Base" -Force -Recurse
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