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Last active June 25, 2019 14:40
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  • Save MichaelSimons/dd043c3690e00f6f3e93b032f54d8262 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Image Tagging Principles

Image Tagging

The .NET Core image tags strive to align with the tagging practices utilized by the Official Images on Docker Hub.

Simple Tags

  1. <Major.Minor.Patch Version>-<OS>-<Architecture> - e.g. 2.2.5-alpine3.9, 2.1.11-stretch-slim-arm32v7, 3.0.0-nanoserver-1809, 5.0.0-preview1-disco-arm64
  2. <Major.Minor Version>-<OS>-<Architecture> - e.g. 2.2-alpine3.9, 2.1-stretch-slim-arm32v7, 3.0-nanoserver-1809

Shared Tags

  1. <Major.Minor.Patch Version> - e.g 2.1.11, 3.0.0, 5.0.0-preview1

  2. <Major.Minor Version> - e.g 2.1, 3.0

  3. latest - will always refer to the most recent non-prerelease <Major.Minor.Patch Version> image.

    All shared tags support multiple platforms and have the following characteristics:

    1. Include entries for all supported architectures.
    2. Include Linux entries based on Debian.
    3. Include Windows entries for each supported version.

Tag Parts

  • <Major.Minor.Patch Version> - The Major.Minor.Patch number of the .NET Core version included in the image.
  • <Major.Minor Version> - The Major.Minor number of the .NET Core version included in the image. The tag is updated to always reference the most recent patch that is currently available for the Major.Minor release.
  • <OS> - The name of the OS release and variant the image is based. The image the tag references is updated whenever a new OS patch is released. The OS release name does support pinning to a specific OS patch. If OS patch pinning is required then the image digest should be used (e.g.
  • <Architecture> - The architecture the image is based on. amd64 is the implied default if no architecture is specified.
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