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Created September 14, 2019 19:24
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Dialogflow Typing Namespace for TS
/* tslint:disable:no-import-side-effect no-namespace no-shadowed-variable */
export namespace Dialogflow {
/** The basic card message. Useful for displaying information. */
export interface BasicCard {
/** Optional. The title of the card. */
title?: string;
/** Optional. The subtitle of the card. */
subtitle?: string;
/** Required, unless image is present. The body text of the card. */
formattedText?: string;
/** Optional. The image for the card. */
image?: Image;
/** Optional. The collection of card buttons. */
buttons?: Button[];
/** Optional. Contains information about a button. */
export interface Button {
/** Optional. The text to show on the button. */
text?: string;
/** Optional. The text to send back to the Dialogflow API or a URI to open. */
postback?: string;
/** The card response message. */
export interface Card {
/** Optional. The title of the card. */
title?: string;
/** Optional. The subtitle of the card. */
subtitle?: string;
/** Optional. The public URI to an image file for the card. */
imageUri?: string;
/** Optional. The collection of card buttons. */
buttons?: Button[];
/** The card for presenting a carousel of options to select from. */
export interface CarouselSelect {
/** Required. Carousel items. */
items: Item[];
/** Represents a context. */
export interface Context {
* Required. The unique identifier of the context. Format: projects/<Project ID>/agent/sessions/<Session ID>/contexts/<Context ID>.
* The Context ID is always converted to lowercase, may only contain characters in [a-zA-Z0-9_-%] and may be at most 250 bytes long.
name: string;
* Optional. The number of conversational query requests after which the context expires.
* If set to 0 (the default) the context expires immediately.
* Contexts expire automatically after 20 minutes if there are no matching queries.
lifespanCount?: number;
/** Optional. The collection of parameters associated with this context. Refer to this doc for syntax. */
parameters?: Struct;
/** Represents a single followup intent in the chain. */
export interface FollowupIntentInfo {
/** The unique identifier of the followup intent. Format: projects/<Project ID>/agent/intents/<Intent ID>. */
followupIntentName: string;
/** The unique identifier of the followup intent's parent. Format: projects/<Project ID>/agent/intents/<Intent ID>. */
parentFollowupIntentName?: string;
/** The image response message. */
export interface Image {
/** Optional. The public URI to an image file. */
imageUri?: string;
/** Optional. A text description of the image to be used for accessibility, e.g., screen readers. */
accessibilityText?: string;
* Represents an intent. Intents convert a number of user expressions or patterns into an action.
* An action is an extraction of a user command or sentence semantics.
export interface Intent {
* The unique identifier of this intent. Required for Intents.UpdateIntent and Intents.BatchUpdateIntents methods.
* Format: projects/<Project ID>/agent/intents/<Intent ID>.
name?: string;
/** Required. The name of this intent. */
displayName?: string;
/** Represents the different states that webhooks can be in. */
webhookState?: WebhookState;
* Optional. The priority of this intent. Higher numbers represent higher priorities.
* If this is zero or unspecified, we use the default priority 500000. Negative numbers mean that the intent is disabled.
priority?: number;
/** Optional. Indicates whether this is a fallback intent. */
isFallback?: boolean;
* Optional. Indicates whether Machine Learning is disabled for the intent.
* Note: If ml_diabled setting is set to true, then this intent is not taken into account during inference in ML ONLY match mode.
* Also, auto-markup in the UI is turned off.
mlDisabled?: boolean;
* Optional. The list of context names required for this intent to be triggered.
* Format: projects/<Project ID>/agent/sessions/-/contexts/<Context ID>.
inputContextNames?: string[];
* Optional. The collection of event names that trigger the intent.
* If the collection of input contexts is not empty,
* all of the contexts must be present in the active user session for an event to trigger this intent.
events?: string[];
/** Optional. The collection of examples that the agent is trained on. */
trainingPhrases?: TrainingPhrase[];
/** Optional. The name of the action associated with the intent. Note: The action name must not contain whitespaces. */
action?: string;
* Optional. The collection of contexts that are activated when the intent is matched.
* Context messages in this collection should not set the parameters field.
* Setting the lifespanCount to 0 will reset the context when the intent is matched.
* Format: projects/<Project ID>/agent/sessions/-/contexts/<Context ID>.
outputContexts?: Context[];
/** Optional. Indicates whether to delete all contexts in the current session when this intent is matched. */
resetContexts?: boolean;
/** Optional. The collection of parameters associated with the intent. */
parameters?: Parameter[];
/** Optional. The collection of rich messages corresponding to the Response field in the Dialogflow console. */
messages?: Message[];
* Optional. The list of platforms for which the first response will be taken from among the messages assigned to the DEFAULT_PLATFORM.
defaultResponsePlatforms?: Platform[];
* Read-only. The unique identifier of the root intent in the chain of followup intents.
* It identifies the correct followup intents chain for this intent.
* We populate this field only in the output. Format: projects/<Project ID>/agent/intents/<Intent ID>.
rootFollowupIntentName?: string;
* Read-only after creation. The unique identifier of the parent intent in the chain of followup intents.
* You can set this field when creating an intent, for example with [intents.create][] or [intents.batchUpdate][],
* in order to make this intent a followup intent. It identifies the parent followup intent.
* Format: projects/<Project ID>/agent/intents/<Intent ID>.
parentFollowupIntentName?: string;
* Read-only. Information about all followup intents that have this intent as a direct or indirect parent.
* We populate this field only in the output.
followupIntentInfo?: FollowupIntentInfo[];
/** An item in the list. */
export interface Item {
/** Required. Additional information about this option. */
info: SelectItemInfo;
/** Required. The title of the list item. */
title: string;
/** Optional. The main text describing the item. */
description?: string;
/** Optional. The image to display. */
image?: Image;
/** The suggestion chip message that allows the user to jump out to the app or website associated with this agent. */
export interface LinkOutSuggestion {
/** Required. The name of the app or site this chip is linking to. */
destinationName: string;
/** Required. The URI of the app or site to open when the user taps the suggestion chip. */
uri: string;
/** The card for presenting a list of options to select from. */
export interface ListSelect {
/** Optional. The overall title of the list. */
title: string;
/** Required. List items. */
items: Item[];
/** Corresponds to the Response field in the Dialogflow console. */
export interface Message {
/** Optional. The platform that this message is intended for. */
platform: Platform;
// Union field message can be only one of the following:
/** The text response. */
text?: Text;
/** The image response. */
image?: Image;
/** The quick replies response. */
quickReplies?: QuickReplies;
/** The card response. */
card?: Card;
* Returns a response containing a custom, platform-specific payload.
* See the Intent.Message.Platform type for a description of the structure that may be required for your platform.
payload?: Struct;
/** The voice and text-only responses for Actions on Google. */
simpleResponses?: SimpleResponses;
/** The basic card response for Actions on Google. */
basicCard?: BasicCard;
/** The suggestion chips for Actions on Google. */
suggestions?: Suggestions;
/** The link out suggestion chip for Actions on Google. */
linkOutSuggestion?: LinkOutSuggestion;
/** The list card response for Actions on Google. */
listSelect?: ListSelect;
/** The carousel card response for Actions on Google. */
carouselSelect?: CarouselSelect;
// End of list of possible types for union field message.
/** Represents intent parameters. */
export interface Parameter {
/** The unique identifier of this parameter. */
name: string;
/** Required. The name of the parameter. */
displayName: string;
* Optional. The definition of the parameter value. It can be:
* - a constant string
* - a parameter value defined as $parameterName
* - an original parameter value defined as $parameterName.original
* - a parameter value from some context defined as #contextName.parameter_name
value?: string;
* Optional. The default value to use when the value yields an empty result.
* Default values can be extracted from contexts by using the following syntax: #contextName.parameter_name.
defaultValue?: string;
* Optional. The name of the entity type, prefixed with @, that describes values of the parameter.
* If the parameter is required, this must be provided.
entityTypeDisplayName?: string;
* Optional. Indicates whether the parameter is required.
* That is, whether the intent cannot be completed without collecting the parameter value.
mandatory?: boolean;
/** Optional. The collection of prompts that the agent can present to the user in order to collect value for the parameter. */
prompts?: string[];
/** Optional. Indicates whether the parameter represents a list of values. */
isList?: boolean;
/** Represents a part of a training phrase. */
export interface Part {
/** Required. The text for this part. */
text: string;
/** Optional. The entity type name prefixed with @. This field is required for annotated parts of the training phrase. */
entityType?: string;
* Optional. The parameter name for the value extracted from the annotated part of the example.
* This field is required for annotated parts of the training phrase.
alias?: string;
* Optional. Indicates whether the text was manually annotated.
* This field is set to true when the Dialogflow Console is used to manually annotate the part.
* When creating an annotated part with the API, you must set this to true.
userDefined?: boolean;
/** Represents different platforms that a rich message can be intended for. */
export enum Platform {
/** Not specified. */
/** Facebook. */
/** Slack. */
/** Telegram. */
/** Kik. */
/** Skype. */
/** Line. */
/** Viber. */
* Actions on Google. When using Actions on Google, you can choose one of the specific Intent.Message types that mention support
* for Actions on Google, or you can use the advanced Intent.Message.payload field.
* The payload field provides access to AoG features not available in the specific message types.
* If using the Intent.Message.payload field, it should have a structure similar to the JSON message shown here.
* For more information, see Actions on Google Webhook Format
/** The quick replies response message. */
export interface QuickReplies {
/** Optional. The title of the collection of quick replies. */
title?: string;
/** Optional. The collection of quick replies. */
quickReplies?: string[];
/** Additional info about the select item for when it is triggered in a dialog. */
export interface SelectItemInfo {
/** Required. A unique key that will be sent back to the agent if this response is given. */
key: string;
/** Optional. A list of synonyms that can also be used to trigger this item in dialog. */
synonyms: string[];
/** The simple response message containing speech or text. */
export interface SimpleResponse {
/** One of textToSpeech or ssml must be provided. The plain text of the speech output. Mutually exclusive with ssml. */
textToSpeech?: string;
* One of textToSpeech or ssml must be provided. Structured spoken response to the user in the SSML format.
* Mutually exclusive with textToSpeech.
ssml?: string;
/** Optional. The text to display. */
displayText: string;
* The collection of simple response candidates.
* This message in QueryResult.fulfillment_messages and WebhookResponse.fulfillment_messages should contain only one SimpleResponse.
export interface SimpleResponses {
simpleResponses: SimpleResponse[];
export interface Struct {
[key: string]: any;
/** The suggestion chip message that the user can tap to quickly post a reply to the conversation. */
export interface Suggestion {
/** Required. The text shown the in the suggestion chip. */
title: string;
/** The collection of suggestions. */
export interface Suggestions {
suggestions: Suggestion[];
/** The text response message. */
export interface Text {
/** Optional. The collection of the agent's responses. */
text?: string[];
/** Represents an example that the agent is trained on. */
export interface TrainingPhrase {
/** Output only. The unique identifier of this training phrase. */
name?: string;
/** Required. The type of the training phrase. */
type: Type;
* Required. The ordered list of training phrase parts. The parts are concatenated in order to form the training phrase.
* Note: The API does not automatically annotate training phrases like the Dialogflow Console does.
* Note: Do not forget to include whitespace at part boundaries,
* so the training phrase is well formatted when the parts are concatenated.
* If the training phrase does not need to be annotated with parameters,
* you just need a single part with only the Part.text field set.
* If you want to annotate the training phrase, you must create multiple parts,
* where the fields of each part are populated in one of two ways: Part.text is set to a part of the phrase that has no parameters.
* Part.text is set to a part of the phrase that you want to annotate, and the entityType, alias, and userDefined fields are all set.
parts: Part[];
* Optional. Indicates how many times this example was added to the intent.
* Each time a developer adds an existing sample by editing an intent or training, this counter is increased.
timesAddedCount?: number;
/** Represents different types of training phrases. */
export enum Type {
/** Not specified. This value should never be used. */
/** Examples do not contain @-prefixed entity type names, but example parts can be annotated with entity types. */
* Templates are not annotated with entity types, but they can contain @-prefixed entity type names as substrings.
* Template mode has been deprecated. Example mode is the only supported way to create new training phrases.
* If you have existing training phrases that you've created in template mode, those will continue to work.
/** Represents the different states that webhooks can be in. */
export enum WebhookState {
/** Webhook is disabled in the agent and in the intent. */
/** Webhook is enabled in the agent and in the intent. */
/** Webhook is enabled in the agent and in the intent. Also, each slot filling prompt is forwarded to the webhook. */
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