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DAT FIle FOrmat
# RFC: Dat File Format Specification
## 1. Introduction
This document specifies the Dat File Format, a binary file format designed for efficient storage and retrieval of serialized data objects. The primary goal of this format is to facilitate the transfer and persistence of structured data in a compact, binary representation.
### 1.1. Purpose
The Dat File Format aims to provide a standardized way to serialize custom data objects for various applications, including caching, data exchange, and persistent storage. Its design focuses on simplicity, efficiency, and extensibility.
### 1.2. Scope
This RFC covers the structure of the Dat File Format, the serialization protocol, and guidelines for implementation. It is intended for developers creating software that reads from or writes to Dat files.
## 2. Dat File Structure
A Dat file consists of a sequence of serialized data objects, hereafter referred to as "nodes." Each node is prefixed with its total size in bytes to facilitate fast seeking and parsing.
### 2.1. File Header
The Dat file begins with a file header:
- **Magic Number (4 bytes):** A fixed sequence of bytes (`0xDA7F1L3`) to identify the file as a Dat file.
- **Version (1 byte):** Format version, allowing for future revisions.
### 2.2. Node Structure
Each node within the file follows this structure:
- **Node Size (4 bytes, big endian):** The total size of the node, including this field.
- **Is Terminal (1 byte):** A boolean flag (`0x01` for true, `0x00` for false) indicating some condition or state.
- **Value1 (dynamic):** A byte sequence with a 4-byte big endian length prefix.
- **Value2 (dynamic):** A byte sequence with a 4-byte big endian length prefix.
### 2.3. Serialization Protocol
#### Primitives
- **Integers:** Sized integers are serialized in big endian format.
- **Booleans:** Serialized into 1 byte (`0x01` for true, `0x00` for false).
- **Byte Sequences:** Prefixed with a 4-byte big endian length.
#### Complex Types
- **Tuples and Lists:** Serialized by appending the serialization of each element. Lists are prefixed with a 4-byte count.
- **Optionals:** Prefixed with a 1-byte flag (`0x01` for present, `0x00` for absent), followed by the item if present.
- **Custom Types:** Serialized according to their specific serialization method, documented separately.
## 3. Implementation Guidelines
### 3.1. Reading Dat Files
- **Validation:** Begin by validating the magic number and version.
- **Parsing:** Read each node sequentially, processing the content as per the application's logic.
### 3.2. Writing Dat Files
- **Header:** Always start with the correct magic number and version.
- **Node Construction:** Ensure each node is correctly sized and formatted before writing.
### 3.3. Error Handling
- Implement robust error handling to manage incomplete or corrupted files, especially for reading operations.
## 4. Use Cases
The Dat File Format is suitable for applications requiring efficient, binary serialization of structured data, such as:
- Configuration files for software applications.
- Cache files storing temporary data.
- Data exchange between different systems in a standardized format.
## 5. Security Considerations
When implementing or using the Dat File Format, consider the following security aspects:
- **Data Validation:** Always validate input data to avoid injection attacks or processing of malicious content.
- **Encryption:** If sensitive information is stored, consider encrypting the content of the Dat file.
## 6. Compatibility
The Dat File Format is designed to be forward-compatible. Future versions should ensure that files created with older versions can still be read, even if new features are not recognized.
## 7. Conclusion
The Dat File Format provides a structured, efficient way to serialize and store data in binary form. This RFC aims to standardize the format to ensure interoperability between different systems and applications.
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