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Created March 24, 2017 23:48
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a thing like a prism but non-composable and has error types
import Control.Lens
-- from Control.Error
hush :: Either e a -> Maybe a
hush (Left _) = Nothing
hush (Right a) = Just a
data Lossy e a b = Lossy {
previewE :: a -> Either e b
, reviewE :: b -> a
lossy :: (b -> a) -> (a -> Either e b)-> Lossy e a b
lossy = flip Lossy
hushLossy :: Lossy e a b -> Prism' a b
hushLossy l = prism' (reviewE l) (hush . (previewE l))
newtype MyInt = MyInt Int deriving (Show)
data MyIntError = TooBig
| TooSmall
deriving (Show)
myIntLossy :: Lossy MyIntError Int MyInt
myIntLossy = lossy toI fromI
toI (MyInt i) = i
fromI i
| i < 0 = Left TooSmall
| i > 10 = Left TooBig
| otherwise = Right (MyInt i)
useLikePrism :: Either MyIntError MyInt
useLikePrism = previewE myIntLossy 42
useAsPrism :: Maybe MyInt
useAsPrism = 42 ^? hushLossy myIntLossy
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