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Created June 9, 2010 05:10
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ORG $1000
START: ; first instruction of program
green_t EQU 60
yello_t EQU 5
lights EQU $2000
timer EQU $2001
n_ymask EQU %100010 ; EW will be red when NS yellow
n_gmask EQU %100001
e_ymask EQU %010100
e_gmask EQU %001100
MOVE.B #1,D0
green CMPI.B #1,D0
BNE green_e
green_n MOVE.B #n_gmask,lights
JMP green_c
green_e MOVE.B #e_gmask,lights
green_c MOVE.B #green_t,D2
JSR wait
JSR yellow
JMP green
wait MOVE.B D2,timer
waitloop CMPI.B #0,timer
BNE waitloop
yellow CMPI.B #1,D0
BNE yellow_e
yellow_n MOVE.B #n_ymask,lights
JMP yellow_c
yellow_e MOVE.B #e_ymask,lights
yellow_c MOVE.B #yello_t,D2
JSR wait
END START ; last line of source
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