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Last active December 11, 2015 23:29
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Selenium IDE - Include command with auto-clean feature
* Jerry Qian(
* include extension for Selenium-IDE edition
* refer to includeCommand_2.1.3 for Selenium-Core edition
* @version 1.1
function IDEIncludeCommand() {}
IDEIncludeCommand.LOG_PREFIX = "IDEIncludeCommand: ";
IDEIncludeCommand.BEGIN_TEMPLATE = "begin$Template$";
IDEIncludeCommand.END_TEMPLATE = "end$Template$";
IDEIncludeCommand.VERSION = "1.1";
IDEIncludeCommand.prototype.prepareTestCaseAsText = function(responseAsText, paramsArray) {
* Prepare the HTML to be included in as text into the current testcase-HTML
* Strip all but the testrows (tr)
* Stripped will be:
* - whitespace (also new lines and tabs, so be careful wirt parameters relying on this),
* - comments (xml comments)
* Replace variable according to include-parameters
* note: the include-variables are replaced literally. selenium does it at execution time
* also note: all selenium-variables are available to the included commands, so mostly no include-parameters are necessary
* @param responseAsText table to be included as text (string)
* @return testRows array of tr elements (as string!) containing the commands to be included
* - selenium already can handle testcase-html. use selenium methods or functions instead
* - find better name for requester
// removing new lines, carret return and tabs from response in order to work with regexp
var pageText = responseAsText.replace(/\r|\n|\t/g,"");
// remove comments
// begin comment, not a dash or if it's a dash it may not be followed by -> repeated, end comment
pageText = pageText.replace(/<!--(?:[^-]|-(?!->))*-->/g,"");
// find the content of the test table = <[spaces]table[char but not >]>....< /[spaces]table[chars but not >]>
var testText = pageText.match(/<\s*table[^>]*>(.*)<\/\s*table[^>]*>/i)[1];
// Replace <td></td> with <td>&nbsp;</td> for iE - credits Chris Astall
// rz: somehow in my IE 7 this is not needed but is not bad as well
testText = testText.replace(/<\s*td[^>]*>\s*<\s*\/td[^>]*>/ig,"<td></td>");// jq: no space
// replace vars with their values in testText
for ( var k = 0 ; k < paramsArray.length ; k++ ) {
var pair = paramsArray[k];
testText = testText.replace(pair[0],pair[1]);
// removes all < /tr>
// in order to split on < tr>
testText = testText.replace(/<\/\s*tr[^>]*>/ig,"");
// split on <tr>
var testRows = testText.split(/<\s*tr[^>]*>/i);
return testRows;
IDEIncludeCommand.prototype.getIncludeDocumentBySynchronRequest = function(includeUrl) {
* Prepare and do the XMLHttp Request synchronous as selenium should not continue execution meanwhile
* note: the XMLHttp requester is returned (instead of e.g. its text) to let the caller decide to use xml or text
* selenium-dependency: uses extended String from htmlutils
* TODO use Ajax from prototype like this:
* var sjaxRequest = new Ajax.Request(url, {asynchronous:false});
* there is discussion about getting rid of prototype.js in developer forum.
* the ajax impl in xmlutils.js is not active by default in 0.8.2
* @param includeUrl URI to the include-document (document has to be from the same domain)
* @return XMLHttp requester after receiving the response
var url = this.prepareUrl(includeUrl);
// the xml http requester to fetch the page to include
var requester = this.newXMLHttpRequest();
if (!requester) {
throw new Error("XMLHttp requester object not initialized");
}"GET", url, false); // synchron mode ! (we don't want selenium to go ahead)
try {
} catch(e) {
throw new Error("Error while fetching url '" + url + "' details: " + e);
if ( requester.status != 200 && requester.status !== 0 ) {
throw new Error("Error while fetching " + url + " server response has status = " + requester.status + ", " + requester.statusText );
return requester;
IDEIncludeCommand.prototype.prepareUrl = function(includeUrl) {
/** Construct absolute URL to get include document
* using selenium-core handling of urls (see absolutify in htmlutils.js)
var prepareUrl;
// htmlSuite mode of SRC? TODO is there a better way to decide whether in SRC mode?
if (window.location.href.indexOf("selenium-server") >= 0) {
LOG.debug(IDEIncludeCommand.LOG_PREFIX + "we seem to run in SRC, do we?");
preparedUrl = absolutify(includeUrl, htmlTestRunner.controlPanel.getTestSuiteName());
} else {
preparedUrl = absolutify(includeUrl, selenium.browserbot.baseUrl);
LOG.debug(IDEIncludeCommand.LOG_PREFIX + "using url to get include '" + preparedUrl + "'");
return preparedUrl;
IDEIncludeCommand.prototype.newXMLHttpRequest = function() {
// TODO should be replaced by impl. in prototype.js or xmlextras.js
// but: there is discussion of getting rid of prototype.js
// and: currently xmlextras.js is not activated in testrunner of 0.8.2 release
var requester = 0;
var exception = '';
// see
// changed order of native and activeX to get it working with native
// xmlhttp in IE 7. credits dhwang
try {
// for IE/ActiveX
if(window.ActiveXObject) {
try {
requester = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");
catch(e) {
requester = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
// Native XMLHttp
else if(window.XMLHttpRequest) {
requester = new XMLHttpRequest();
catch(e) {
throw new Error("Your browser has to support XMLHttpRequest in order to use include \n" + e);
return requester;
IDEIncludeCommand.prototype.splitParamStrIntoVariables = function(paramString) {
* Split include Parameters-String into an 2-dim array containing Variable-Name and -Value
* selenium-dependency: uses extended String from htmlutils
* TODO: write jsunit tests - this could be easy (if there were not the new RegExp)
* @param includeParameters string the parameters from include call
* @return new 2-dim Array containing regExpName (to find a matching variablename) and value to be substituted for
var newParamsArray = new Array();
// paramString shall contains a list of var_name=value
var paramListPattern = /([^=,]+=[^=,]*,)*([^=,]+=[^=,]*)/;
if (! paramString || paramString === "") {
return newParamsArray;
} else if (paramString.match( paramListPattern )) {
// parse parameters to fill newParamsArray
var pairs = paramString.split(",");
for ( var i = 0 ; i < pairs.length ; i++ ) {
var pair = pairs[i];
var nameValue = pair.split("=");
//rz: use String.trim from htmlutils.js of selenium to get rid of whitespace in variable-name(s)
var trimmedNameValue = new String(nameValue[0]).trim();
// the pattern to substitute is ${var_name}
var regExpName = new RegExp("\\$\\{" + trimmedNameValue + "\\}", "g");
if (nameValue.length < 3) {
newParamsArray.push(new Array(regExpName,nameValue[1]));
} else {
var varValue = new String(nameValue[1]);
for (var j = 2; j < nameValue.length; j++) {
newParamsArray.push(new Array(regExpName,varValue));
} else {
throw new Error("Bad format for parameters list : '" + paramString + "'");
return newParamsArray;
IDEIncludeCommand.prototype.doInclude = function(locator, paramString) {
// Rewrite logic for Selenium IDE by Jerry Qian
var currentSelHtmlTestcase = testCase;
var includeCmdRow = testCase.debugContext.currentCommand();
if (!includeCmdRow) {
throw new Error("IDEIncludeCommand: failed to find include-row in source testtable");
var paramsArray = this.splitParamStrIntoVariables(paramString);
var inclDoc = this.getIncludeDocumentBySynchronRequest(locator);
var includedTestCaseHtml = this.prepareTestCaseAsText(inclDoc.responseText, paramsArray);
IDEIncludeCommand.prototype.injectIncludeTestCommands = function(locator,includeCmdRow, testRows) {
// Rewrite logic for Selenium IDE by Jerry Qian
var newCommands = new Array();
// skip first element as it is empty or <tbody>
for (var i = 1 ; i < testRows.length; i++) {
if(i == 1){// add BEGIN-END block
var beginCommand = new Command(IDEIncludeCommand.BEGIN_TEMPLATE,locator,"");
var newText = testRows[i];
if(newText.match(/<\s*td.*colspan=.*>(.*)<\/\s*td[^>]*>/i)){//delete comment step
// removes all < /td>
// in order to split on <td>
newText = newText.replace(/<\/\s*td[^>]*>\s*<\/\s*tbody[^>]*>/ig,""); //remove </tbody>first
newText = newText.replace(/<\/\s*td[^>]*>/ig,"");
var newCols = newText.split(/<\s*td[^>]*>/i);
var new_cmd,new_target,new_value;
for (var j = 1 ; j < newCols.length; j++) {//skip 0
if(j == 1) {
new_cmd = newCols[j].replace(/\s/g,"");//trim \s
}else if(j == 2) {
new_target = newCols[j].replace(/\s+$/g,"");//trim end \s
}else if(j == 3) {
new_value = newCols[j].replace(/\s+$/g,"");//trim end \s
var newCommand = new Command(new_cmd,new_target,new_value);
newCommands.push(newCommand); //correct all steps
var endCommand = new Command(IDEIncludeCommand.END_TEMPLATE,locator,"");
newCommands.push(endCommand);//add BEGIN-END block
var cmsBefore = testCase.commands.slice(0,testCase.debugContext.debugIndex + 1);
var cmdsBehind = testCase.commands.slice(testCase.debugContext.debugIndex + 1, testCase.commands.length);
testCase.commands = cmsBefore.concat(newCommands).concat(cmdsBehind);//Injection
editor.view.refresh();//Must refresh to syncup UI
Selenium.prototype.doInclude = function(locator, paramString) {
LOG.debug(IDEIncludeCommand.LOG_PREFIX + " Version " + IDEIncludeCommand.VERSION);
var ideIncludeCommand = new IDEIncludeCommand();
ideIncludeCommand.doInclude(locator, paramString);
Selenium.prototype.doBegin$Template$ = function(locator){"Begin Template " + locator);
Selenium.prototype.doEnd$Template$ = function(locator){"End Template " + locator);
// Delete used included commands
var i = testCase.debugContext.debugIndex;
var lastDeletedCommand = '';
while (lastDeletedCommand != IDEIncludeCommand.BEGIN_TEMPLATE) {
lastDeletedCommand = testCase.commands[i].command;
testCase.commands.splice(i, 1);
testCase.debugContext.debugIndex = i;
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Hi Michal-Mikolas ,

thanks first for your contribution. I really appreciate it. I currently facing a strange issue I can execute the code smoothly over Selenium IDE but by calling the server I got an error: testCase is not defined. FYI, server and IDE are using the same js user extensions. Any idea?


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