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Created October 3, 2018 14:07
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  • Save MichalCz/6a4c774e69fda24ab8ef7775ae2b07ac to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save MichalCz/6a4c774e69fda24ab8ef7775ae2b07ac to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
michal@miura:/ccc/apps/worker-4.2.0⟫ docker run -it travisci/ci-nodejs:packer-1494866191 /bin/bash
root@3bb11d58773a:/# su -l travis
travis@3bb11d58773a:~$ git clone --depth=50 --branch=master signicode/scramjet-core
Cloning into 'signicode/scramjet-core'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 816, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (816/816), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (311/311), done.
remote: Total 816 (delta 549), reused 735 (delta 494), pack-reused 0
Receiving objects: 100% (816/816), 245.59 KiB | 0 bytes/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (549/549), done.
Checking connectivity... done.
travis@3bb11d58773a:~$ nvm install 8
######################################################################## 100.0%
Checksums empty
Now using node v8.12.0
travis@3bb11d58773a:~$ export PATH=./node_modules/.bin:$PATH
travis@3bb11d58773a:~$ cd signicode/scramjet-core/
travis@3bb11d58773a:~/signicode/scramjet-core$ git checkout -qf 77a56e0a075fbc7a8be5bf75ad566110112e0c25
travis@3bb11d58773a:~/signicode/scramjet-core$ npm ci
> fsevents@1.2.4 install /home/travis/signicode/scramjet-core/node_modules/fsevents
> node install
added 532 packages in 3.608s
travis@3bb11d58773a:~/signicode/scramjet-core$ npm test
> scramjet-core@4.16.12 test /home/travis/signicode/scramjet-core
> gulp test
[12:46:35] Using gulpfile ~/signicode/scramjet-core/gulpfile.js
[12:46:35] Starting 'test'...
[12:46:35] Starting 'lint'...
[12:46:37] File "/home/travis/signicode/scramjet-core/gulpfile.js" linted correctly.
[12:46:37] File "/home/travis/signicode/scramjet-core/lib/buffer-stream.js" linted correctly.
[12:46:37] File "/home/travis/signicode/scramjet-core/lib/data-stream.js" linted correctly.
[12:46:37] File "/home/travis/signicode/scramjet-core/lib/index.js" linted correctly.
[12:46:37] File "/home/travis/signicode/scramjet-core/lib/multi-stream.js" linted correctly.
[12:46:37] File "/home/travis/signicode/scramjet-core/lib/string-stream.js" linted correctly.
[12:46:37] File "/home/travis/signicode/scramjet-core/lib/util/async-generator-constructor.js" linted correctly.
[12:46:37] File "/home/travis/signicode/scramjet-core/lib/util/merge-sort-stream.js" linted correctly.
[12:46:37] File "/home/travis/signicode/scramjet-core/lib/util/mk-read.js" linted correctly.
[12:46:37] File "/home/travis/signicode/scramjet-core/lib/util/mk-transform.js" linted correctly.
[12:46:37] File "/home/travis/signicode/scramjet-core/lib/util/mk-write.js" linted correctly.
[12:46:37] File "/home/travis/signicode/scramjet-core/lib/util/options.js" linted correctly.
[12:46:37] File "/home/travis/signicode/scramjet-core/lib/util/promise-transform-stream.js" linted correctly.
[12:46:37] File "/home/travis/signicode/scramjet-core/lib/util/stream-errors.js" linted correctly.
[12:46:37] File "/home/travis/signicode/scramjet-core/scripts/lib/util.js" linted correctly.
[12:46:37] File "/home/travis/signicode/scramjet-core/scripts/tasks/docs.js" linted correctly.
[12:46:37] File "/home/travis/signicode/scramjet-core/scripts/tasks/index.js" linted correctly.
[12:46:37] File "/home/travis/signicode/scramjet-core/scripts/tasks/lint.js" linted correctly.
[12:46:37] File "/home/travis/signicode/scramjet-core/scripts/tasks/readme.js" linted correctly.
[12:46:37] File "/home/travis/signicode/scramjet-core/scripts/tasks/scm-clean.js" linted correctly.
[12:46:37] File "/home/travis/signicode/scramjet-core/scripts/tasks/test-legacy.js" linted correctly.
[12:46:37] File "/home/travis/signicode/scramjet-core/test/lib/async-generator-test.js" linted correctly.
[12:46:37] File "/home/travis/signicode/scramjet-core/test/lib/modtest.js" linted correctly.
[12:46:37] File "/home/travis/signicode/scramjet-core/test/run.js" linted correctly.
[12:46:37] File "/home/travis/signicode/scramjet-core/test/simple.js" linted correctly.
[12:46:37] File "/home/travis/signicode/scramjet-core/test/v1/async-test.js" linted correctly.
[12:46:37] File "/home/travis/signicode/scramjet-core/test/v1/basic-stream.js" linted correctly.
[12:46:37] File "/home/travis/signicode/scramjet-core/test/v1/data-stream.js" linted correctly.
[12:46:37] File "/home/travis/signicode/scramjet-core/test/v1/expose-test.js" linted correctly.
[12:46:37] File "/home/travis/signicode/scramjet-core/test/v1/multi-stream.js" linted correctly.
[12:46:37] File "/home/travis/signicode/scramjet-core/test/v1/options.js" linted correctly.
[12:46:37] File "/home/travis/signicode/scramjet-core/test/v1/plugin-test.js" linted correctly.
[12:46:37] File "/home/travis/signicode/scramjet-core/test/v1/string-stream.js" linted correctly.
[12:46:37] Finished 'lint' after 1.11 s
[12:46:37] Starting 'test_legacy'...
✓ basic-stream/test_pipe/sync
✓ deepEqual(All chunks but two removed)
✓ basic-stream/test_read/starve
✓ ok(Stream still implements a DataStream)
✓ deepEqual(Stream must read the array in sync)
✓ basic-stream/test_read/sync
✓ ok(Stream still implements a DataStream)
✓ deepEqual(Stream must read the array in sync)
✓ basic-stream/test_read/async
✓ ok(Stream still implements a DataStream)
✓ deepEqual(Stream must read the array in async)
✓ basic-stream/test_write/sync
✓ deepEqual(Should write all chunks in order)
✓ data-stream/test_when/end
✓ ok(Does not resolve before the stream ends)
✓ ok(Stream is ended)
✓ data-stream/test_from/noOptions
✓ deepEqual(Should be the same as the stream)
✓ data-stream/test_from/subClass
✓ deepEqual(Should be the same as the stream)
✓ ok(Should return the derived class)
✓ data-stream/test_from/typeArray
✓ ok(Should return the called class)
✓ deepEqual(Should work on type Array)
✓ expose-test/test_plugin
✓ ok(Must expose 'plugin')
✓ expose-test/test_BufferStream
✓ ok(Must expose ctor for 'BufferStream')
✓ throws(Must be able to construct 'BufferStream' with no args)
✓ ok(Must extend 'PromiseTransformStream')
✓ expose-test/test_DataStream
✓ ok(Must expose ctor for 'DataStream')
✓ throws(Must be able to construct 'DataStream' with no args)
✓ ok(Must extend 'PromiseTransformStream')
✓ expose-test/test_StringStream
✓ ok(Must expose ctor for 'StringStream')
✓ throws(Must be able to construct 'StringStream' with no args)
✓ ok(Must extend 'PromiseTransformStream')
✓ expose-test/test_MultiStream
✓ ok(Must expose ctor for 'MultiStream')
✓ throws(Must be able to construct 'MultiStream' with no args)
✓ data-stream/test_from/typeDataStream
✓ ok(Should return the called class)
✓ equal(Should return the same stream if type is equal)
✓ notEqual(Should not return the same stream as derived type)
✓ notEqual(Should not return the same stream as ancestor type)
✓ deepEqual(Should pipe, but not convert the stream.)
✓ expose-test/test_PromiseTransformStream
✓ ok(Must expose ctor for 'PromiseTransformStream' with no args)
✓ throws(Must be able to construct 'PromiseTransformStream')
✓ expose-test/test_API
✓ ok(Must expose 'API')
✓ data-stream/test_from/typeGenerator
✓ ok(Should return the called class)
✓ deepEqual(Return data as generated.)
✓ data-stream/test_from/typeAsyncGenerator
✓ ok(Not tested, no support for async generator)
✓ data-stream/test_from/testAsyncIterable
✓ ok(Should return the called class)
✓ deepEqual(Return data as generated.)
✓ data-stream/test_from/typeIterable
✓ ok(Should return the called class)
✓ deepEqual(Return data as generated.)
✓ multi-stream/test_construct
✓ throws(MultiStream can be constructed without any arguments)
✓ throws(MultiStream can be constructed a list of streams)
✓ ok(MultiStream extends EventEmitter)
✓ multi-stream/test_mux
✓ ok(Returns DataStream instance)
✓ equal(Accumulates all chunks from both streams)
✓ notEqual(Contains chunks from first stream)
✓ notEqual(Contains chunks from second stream)
✓ data-stream/test_from/typeFunction
✓ ok(Should return the called class)
✓ deepEqual(Return data as generated.)
✓ async-test/test_ok
✓ ok(called asynchronous map)
✓ equal(accumulated all items)
✓ ok(Order should be preserved {"ref":true,"val":3})
✓ multi-stream/test_mux_nowarn
✓ equal(should not warn on multiple event emitters)
✓ data-stream/test_from/typeAsyncFunction
✓ ok(Should return the called class)
✓ deepEqual(Return data as generated.)
✓ data-stream/test_options/set
✓ equal(Option can be set in constructor)
✓ equal(Any option can be set)
✓ equal(Default options can be set at any point)
✓ data-stream/test_options/fromReferrer
✓ equal(Referrer is set correctly)
✓ equal(Any option can be set)
✓ equal(Own option is always more important than referrer's)
✓ equal(Options are passed from referrer even if set after the reference)
✓ data-stream/test_while_until/while
✓ equal(Must not read beyond last matching item)
✓ multi-stream/test_mux_cmp
✓ equal(Stream items must be merged in)
✓ equal(Stream items must be merged in)
✓ equal(Stream items must be merged in)
✓ equal(All items should be consumed)
✓ equal(Stream added after calling constructor should be taken into account)
✓ data-stream/test_while_until/until
✓ equal(Must not read beyond last not matching item)
✓ multi-stream/test_map
✓ throws(Does not throw error)
✓ ok(Returns MultiStream (async))
✓ equal(Outputs the mapped MultiStream)
✓ data-stream/test_tee/standard
✓ notEqual(The stream must be a new object)
✓ equal(The stream items must be identical)
✓ ok(Stream has to be a DataStream)
✓ data-stream/test_tee/extended
✓ ok(Returns instance of the Extended class)
✓ notEqual(Should return a new stream here)
✓ equal(The instance works as it should)
✓ options/test_declare/single
✓ equal(should be equal)
✓ throws(should not throw)
✓ options/test_declare/chained
✓ throws(should not throw)
✓ options/test_read/single
✓ ok(Should not show undefined default value.)
✓ ok(Should show defined default value.)
✓ ok(Should not have any properties from other instances)
✓ equal('option1' should be undefined)
✓ equal('option2' should be defined)
✓ equal('option2' should have the default value)
✓ equal('option1' setters and getters should work)
✓ equal('option2' setters and getters should work)
✓ throws(Does not throw on standard operations)
✓ throws(Shoud throw on setter of undeclared item)
✓ throws(Shoud throw on getter of undeclared item)
✓ data-stream/test_tee/stream
✓ deepEqual(Original stream is not affected)
✓ deepEqual(Tee'd streams have the right content)
✓ deepEqual(Tee'd streams have the right content)
✓ options/test_read/inherited
✓ ok(Should not show undefined default value.)
✓ ok(Should show defined default value.)
✓ equal('option1' setters and getters should work)
✓ throws(Does not throw on standard operations)
✓ options/test_read/chained
✓ ok(B should not show undefined default value.)
✓ ok(B should show defined inherited default value.)
✓ ok(A should not have any properties from the chain)
✓ equal('option3' should be undefined)
✓ equal(Inherited 'option4' should be defined)
✓ equal('option4' should have the default value)
✓ equal('option3' setters on A should be readable from B)
✓ equal('option4' setters on B should not affect A)
✓ equal('option5' should be overridden)
✓ equal('option5' overriding should be unaffected)
✓ ok('option7' should be defined)
✓ equal('option7' setters on A should be readable from B)
✓ equal('option8' setters on B should not affect A)
✓ throws(Does not throw on standard operations)
✓ multi-stream/test_filter
✓ throws(Does not throw error)
✓ ok(Returns MultiStream (async))
✓ equal(Outputs the mapped MultiStream)
✓ data-stream/test_slice
✓ ok(Slice is not implemented)
✓ data-stream/test_reduce/accumulator_tests
✓ ok(Reduce returns a chainable Promise)
✓ equal(The method should get all 100 elements in the stream)
✓ equal(Sum should be equal to the sum of all streamed elements)
✓ ok(Stream should end before resolving the promise)
✓ data-stream/test_reduce/pass_accumulator_test
✓ equal(Sum should be equal to the sum of all streamed elements)
✓ data-stream/test_map
✓ notDeepEqual(Mapped stream should emit the mapped objects)
✓ ok(Transform must keep the order)
✓ ok(New values must be mapped {"even":true,"num":2})
✓ plugin-test/test_plugin
✓ equal(DataStream must be extended)
✓ equal(DataStream must be extended)
✓ equal(StringStream must be replaced by constructor)
✓ equal(DataStream must have the plugin method)
✓ equal(DataStream must have the plugin getter)
✓ equal(DataStream constructor must be called before StringStream)
✓ equal(this must point to the stream context)
✓ data-stream/test_filter
✓ deepEqual(Even value objects must not be fitered out)
✓ ok(Odd value items must not exist in fitered streams)
✓ equal(Every other item should be emitted in order)
✓ equal(On merged transform following filter the previously filtered elements should not show up)
✓ data-stream/test_fromx/array
✓ deepEqual(Should resolve to the same array)
✓ data-stream/test_fromx/iteratorMap
✓ equal(Test some elements...)
✓ equal(Test some elements...)
✓ equal(Test some elements...)
✓ equal(Should have all elements)
✓ async-test/test_err
✓ ok(Should emit error)
✓ ok(Thrown should be an instance of Error)
✓ equal(Should error on and pass catch 22... I mean chunk...)
✓ data-stream/test_fromx/iterator
✓ deepEqual(Should resolve to the same array)
✓ data-stream/test_pipe/pipes
✓ notEqual(Piped stream musn't be the same object)
✓ equal(Chunks should appear on piped stream)
✓ string-stream/test_pipe
✓ ok(Extends data stream)
✓ equal(Reads chunks in order and intact)
✓ data-stream/test_pipe/allows_to_capture
✓ equal(Should pass the same error)
✓ equal(Should pass the error via pipe)
✓ data-stream/test_pipe/propagates_errors
✓ ok(Pipe should propagate errors)
✓ string-stream/test_split/string
✓ throws(Should not throw on split by string)
✓ ok(Should return a StringStream)
✓ equal(Should split by every occurence of that string)
✓ equal(The splitting string should not occur in items)
✓ string-stream/test_split/regex
✓ throws(Should not throw on split by regex)
✓ ok(Should return a StringStream)
✓ equal(Should split by every occurence of that string)
✓ equal(The splitting string should not occur in items)
✓ data-stream/test_mod/string_arg
✓ deepEqual(Should identify and load the right module, relative to __dirname)
✓ string-stream/test_match
✓ throws(Should not throw on match by regex)
✓ ok(Should return a DataStream)
✓ equal(Should return a string with all four letter words)
✓ string-stream/test_parse
✓ ok(Should return data stream)
✓ equal(Data should be parsed according to the function)
✓ equal(Data should be parsed according to the function)
✓ string-stream/test_when/superclass_end
✓ ok(Does not resolve before the stream ends)
✓ ok(Stream is ended)
✓ string-stream/test_from/superclass_noOptions
✓ deepEqual(Should be the same as the stream)
✓ string-stream/test_from/superclass_subClass
✓ deepEqual(Should be the same as the stream)
✓ ok(Should return the derived class)
✓ string-stream/test_from/superclass_typeArray
✓ ok(Should return the called class)
✓ deepEqual(Should work on type Array)
✓ string-stream/test_from/superclass_typeDataStream
✓ ok(Should return the called class)
✓ equal(Should return the same stream if type is equal)
✓ notEqual(Should not return the same stream as derived type)
✓ notEqual(Should not return the same stream as ancestor type)
✓ deepEqual(Should pipe, but not convert the stream.)
✓ string-stream/test_from/superclass_typeGenerator
✓ ok(Should return the called class)
✓ deepEqual(Return data as generated.)
✓ string-stream/test_from/superclass_typeAsyncGenerator
✓ ok(Not tested, no support for async generator)
✓ string-stream/test_from/superclass_testAsyncIterable
✓ ok(Should return the called class)
✓ deepEqual(Return data as generated.)
✓ string-stream/test_from/superclass_typeIterable
✓ ok(Should return the called class)
✓ deepEqual(Return data as generated.)
✓ string-stream/test_from/superclass_typeFunction
✓ ok(Should return the called class)
✓ deepEqual(Return data as generated.)
✓ string-stream/test_from/superclass_typeAsyncFunction
✓ ok(Should return the called class)
✓ deepEqual(Return data as generated.)
✓ string-stream/test_options/superclass_set
✓ equal(Option can be set in constructor)
✓ equal(Any option can be set)
✓ equal(Default options can be set at any point)
✓ string-stream/test_options/superclass_fromReferrer
✓ equal(Referrer is set correctly)
✓ equal(Any option can be set)
✓ equal(Own option is always more important than referrer's)
✓ equal(Options are passed from referrer even if set after the reference)
✓ string-stream/test_while_until/superclass_while
✓ equal(Must not read beyond last matching item)
✓ string-stream/test_while_until/superclass_until
✓ equal(Must not read beyond last not matching item)
✓ string-stream/test_while_until/superclass_until
✓ equal(Must not read beyond last not matching item)
✓ basic-stream/test_write/async
✓ deepEqual(Should write all chunks in order)
✓ string-stream/test_tee/superclass_standard
✓ notEqual(The stream must be a new object)
✓ equal(The stream items must be identical)
✓ ok(Stream has to be a DataStream)
✓ string-stream/test_tee/superclass_extended
✓ ok(Returns instance of the Extended class)
✓ notEqual(Should return a new stream here)
✓ equal(The instance works as it should)
✓ basic-stream/test_transform/sync
✓ basic-stream/test_transform/async
✓ string-stream/test_tee/superclass_stream
✓ deepEqual(Original stream is not affected)
✓ deepEqual(Tee'd streams have the right content)
✓ deepEqual(Tee'd streams have the right content)
✓ string-stream/test_slice/superclass_base
✓ ok(Slice is not implemented)
✓ string-stream/test_reduce/superclass_accumulator_tests
✓ ok(Reduce returns a chainable Promise)
✓ equal(The method should get all 100 elements in the stream)
✓ equal(Sum should be equal to the sum of all streamed elements)
✓ ok(Stream should end before resolving the promise)
✓ string-stream/test_reduce/superclass_pass_accumulator_test
✓ equal(Sum should be equal to the sum of all streamed elements)
✓ async-test/test_error_flow
✓ equal(Should call catch on every fourth element)
✓ equal(Should contain all elements)
✓ string-stream/test_map/superclass_base
✓ notDeepEqual(Mapped stream should emit the mapped objects)
✓ ok(Transform must keep the order)
✓ ok(New values must be mapped {"even":true,"num":2})
✓ string-stream/test_filter/superclass_base
✓ deepEqual(Even value objects must not be fitered out)
✓ ok(Odd value items must not exist in fitered streams)
✓ equal(Every other item should be emitted in order)
✓ equal(On merged transform following filter the previously filtered elements should not show up)
✓ string-stream/test_fromx/superclass_array
✓ deepEqual(Should resolve to the same array)
✓ string-stream/test_fromx/superclass_iteratorMap
✓ equal(Test some elements...)
✓ equal(Test some elements...)
✓ equal(Test some elements...)
✓ equal(Should have all elements)
✓ string-stream/test_fromx/superclass_iterator
✓ deepEqual(Should resolve to the same array)
✓ string-stream/test_mod/superclass_string_arg
✓ deepEqual(Should identify and load the right module, relative to __dirname)
✓ async-test/test_error_filtering
✓ equal(Should call catch on every fourth element)
✓ equal(Should contain all elements)
✓ async-test/test_catch
✓ equal(Should pass the error in {cause})
✓ equal(Should fail on the catch 22... chunk...)
✓ equal(Should contain all items except one)
✓ equal(Should preserver order of elements (part 1))
✓ equal(Should preserver order of elements (part 2))
✓ async-test/test_catch_chaining
✓ equal(Should pass the error in {cause})
✓ equal(Should fail on the catch 22... chunk...)
✓ ok(Should be passing StreamErrors)
✓ equal(Should pass on the same cause)
✓ equal(Should pass on the same chunk)
✓ equal(Should pass the new error)
✓ equal(Should pass the new error)
✓ equal(Should not reject and contain all items except one)
✓ equal(Should preserver order of elements (part 1))
✓ equal(Should preserver order of elements (part 2))
[12:46:37] Finished 'test_legacy' after 768 ms
[12:46:37] Finished 'test' after 1.88 s
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