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HOWTO Run Sia host on Ubuntu server
#HOWTO Run Sia host on Ubuntu server
#Updated: 13 august, 2016
#Tested with Sia 1.0.2 and Ubuntu 16.04
#Update 13.08.2016: Changed from using supervisor to systemd
# Create user `siad`
adduser siad
su siad
# Download and install Sia binaries
cd ~
mv Sia-UI-linux-x64/ Sia/
# Configure systemd so that siad runs on boot (and restarts in case of a crash)
# Create siad.service
nano ~/.config/systemd/siad.service
# Add these lines to siad.service
Description=Sia Daemon
Note: If you are also running Sia-UI, change WorkingDirectory above to:
# Exit to root user
# Configure firewall (if ufw is in use)
ufw allow 9982
# Start siad as a service
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl enable ~/.config/systemd/siad.service
systemctl start siad.service
# Sia should now be running as a service which can be confirmed with:
curl -s -X GET http://localhost:9980/consensus -A "Sia-Agent"
# Next, lets configure siad by changing to user `siad`:
su siad
cd ~/Sia
# Create new wallet:
./siac wallet init
# Copy down the seed to a safe location! You will need this to unlock your wallet.
# Unlock wallet (might take upwards to a minute, but probably less):
./siac wallet unlock
# Create a new wallet address that you can receive funds on:
./siac wallet address
# Configure your host settings:
# See:
# Confirm your host status:
./siac host
# Announce your host:
./siac host announce
# If you want to run Sia on a different port and/or host, do this instead:
./siac host announce [hostname]:[port]
# Wait a few minutes/hours and confirm other nodes see you:
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