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AngularJS: Isolated scope and function parameter
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="myApp.myCtrl">
<script src="//"></script>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>AngularJS: Isolated scope and function parameter</title>
<h1>AngularJS: Isolated scope and function parameter</h1>
<a href=",js,console">see at jsBin</a>
<p>Look at the <strong>console</strong>!</p>
<car passengers="people" with-passenger="greet"></car>
<bus passengers="people" with-passenger="greet2(name)"></bus>
angular.module 'myApp', []
.controller 'myApp.myCtrl', ['$scope', ($scope) ->
$scope.people = [
$scope.greet = (name) ->
console.log "Hi #{name}!"
$scope.greet2 = (name) ->
console.log "Hello #{name}!"
# passing function without invoking
.directive 'car', ->
restrict: 'E'
scope: {
passengers: '='
withPassenger: '&'
link: (scope) ->
scope.withPassenger()(person) for person in scope.passengers
# passing object
.directive 'bus', ->
restrict: 'E'
scope: {
passengers: '='
withPassenger: '&'
link: (scope) ->
scope.withPassenger({name: person}) for person in scope.passengers
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