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Last active January 17, 2018 19:24
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  • Save MichelDiz/c41d391f3ce5a19dbc37a0a0f79a817f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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async registerDgraph({ username, email, password, role, isActive }) {
// const passwordHashed = await bcrypt.hash(password, 12);
console.log(username, '<====== username');
const txn = dgraph.newTxn();
try {
if (role === undefined) {
role = 'user';
const now = new Date().toISOString();
let mu = new dgraph.Mutation();
_:user <username> "${username}" .
_:user <email> "${email}" .
_:user <role> "${role}" .
_:user <pass> "${password}" .
_:user <is_active> "${isActive}" .
_:user <CreationDate> "${now}".
_:user <LastAccessDate> "${now}" .
const ag = await txn.mutate(mu);
const uid = ag.getUidsMap().get('user'); //isso é muito importante se vc precisa retornar o UID
// Commit transaction.
await txn.commit();
console.log('start =========================>', uid, '<====== mutate uid');
//mu.forEach(uidsMap => console.log(uidsMap.user));
let query = `
query {
getUserByUID(func: uid(${uid})) {
// const vars = { $a: "Alice" };
const res = await dgraph.newTxn().queryWithVars(query);
// Deserialize result.
const jsonStr = new Buffer(res.getJson_asU8()).toString();
// OR if you want to use base64
// const jsonStr = new Buffer(res.getJson_asB64(), "base64").toString();
let resToJson = JSON.parse(jsonStr);
return resToJson.getUserByUID;
} catch (e) {
if (e === dgraph.ERR_ABORTED) {
// Retry or handle exception.
} else {
throw e;
} finally {
// Clean up. Calling this after txn.commit() is a no-op
// and hence safe.
await txn.discard();
async checkpwdDgraph(email, password) {
console.log(email, password, '<====================== checkpwdDgraph INPUT');
let query = ` query check{
checkpwdDgraph(func: eq(email, "${email}")) {
checkpwd(pass, "${password}")
const res = await dgraph.newTxn().queryWithVars(query);
// Deserialize result.
const jsonStr = new Buffer(res.getJson_asU8()).toString();
// OR if you want to use base64
// const jsonStr = new Buffer(res.getJson_asB64(), "base64").toString();
let resToJson = JSON.parse(jsonStr);
let bucketZero = null;
let bucket = null;
resToJson.checkpwdDgraph.forEach(pass => console.log(pass));
if (Object.keys(resToJson.checkpwdDgraph).length > 0) {
let arrayToObjectToCall = array =>
array.reduce((obj, item) => {
obj['user'] = item;
return item;
}, {});
bucketZero = arrayToObjectToCall(resToJson.checkpwdDgraph);
} else {
bucketZero = undefined;
if (bucketZero) {
let arrayToObjectToCall = array =>
array.reduce((obj, item) => {
obj['user'] = item;
return item;
}, {});
bucket = arrayToObjectToCall(bucketZero.pass);
} else {
bucket = undefined;
console.log(bucket, '<====================== USER bucket checkpwdDgraph');
return bucket;
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