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1833,worldcom ex-boss launches defence lawyers defending former worldcom chief bernie ebbers against a battery of fraud charges have called a company whistleblower as their first witness. cynthia cooper worldcom s ex-head of internal accounting alerted directors to irregular accounting practices at the us telecoms giant in 2002. her warnings led to the collapse of the firm following the discovery of an $11bn (£5.7bn) accounting fraud. mr ebbers has pleaded not guilty to charges of fraud and conspiracy. prosecution lawyers have argued that mr ebbers orchestrated a series of accounting tricks at worldcom ordering employees to hide expenses and inflate revenues to meet wall street earnings estimates. but ms cooper who now runs her own consulting business told a jury in new york on wednesday that external auditors arthur andersen had approved worldcom s accounting in early 2001 and 2002. she said andersen had given a green light to the procedures and practices used by worldcom. mr ebber s lawyers have said he was unaware of the fraud arguing that auditors did not alert him to any problems. ms cooper also said that during shareholder meetings mr ebbers often passed over technical questions to the company s finance chief giving only brief answers himself. the prosecution s star witness former worldcom financial chief scott sullivan has said that mr ebbers ordered accounting adjustments at the firm telling him to hit our books . however ms cooper said mr sullivan had not mentioned anything uncomfortable about worldcom s accounting during a 2001 audit committee meeting. mr ebbers could face a jail sentence of 85 years if convicted of all the charges he is facing. worldcom emerged from bankruptcy protection in 2004 and is now known as mci. last week mci agreed to a buyout by verizon communications in a deal valued at $6.75bn.,business
154,german business confidence slides german business confidence fell in february knocking hopes of a speedy recovery in europe s largest economy. munich-based research institute ifo said that its confidence index fell to 95.5 in february from 97.5 in january its first decline in three months. the study found that the outlook in both the manufacturing and retail sectors had worsened. observers had been hoping that a more confident business sector would signal that economic activity was picking up. we re surprised that the ifo index has taken such a knock said dz bank economist bernd weidensteiner. the main reason is probably that the domestic economy is still weak particularly in the retail trade. economy and labour minister wolfgang clement called the dip in february s ifo confidence figure a very mild decline . he said that despite the retreat the index remained at a relatively high level and that he expected a modest economic upswing to continue. germany s economy grew 1.6% last year after shrinking in 2003. however the economy contracted by 0.2% during the last three months of 2004 mainly due to the reluctance of consumers to spend. latest indications are that growth is still proving elusive and ifo president hans-werner sinn said any improvement in german domestic demand was sluggish. exports had kept things going during the first half of 2004 but demand for exports was then hit as the value of the euro hit record levels making german products less competitive overseas. on top of that the unemployment rate has been stuck at close to 10% and manufacturing firms including daimlerchrysler siemens and volkswagen have been negotiating with unions over cost cutting measures. analysts said that the ifo figures and germany s continuing problems may delay an interest rate rise by the european central bank. eurozone interest rates are at 2% but comments from senior officials have recently focused on the threat of inflation prompting fears that interest rates may rise.,business
1101,bbc poll indicates economic gloom citizens in a majority of nations surveyed in a bbc world service poll believe the world economy is worsening. most respondents also said their national economy was getting worse. but when asked about their own family s financial outlook a majority in 14 countries said they were positive about the future. almost 23 000 people in 22 countries were questioned for the poll which was mostly conducted before the asian tsunami disaster. the poll found that a majority or plurality of people in 13 countries believed the economy was going downhill compared with respondents in nine countries who believed it was improving. those surveyed in three countries were split. in percentage terms an average of 44% of respondents in each country said the world economy was getting worse compared to 34% who said it was improving. similarly 48% were pessimistic about their national economy while 41% were optimistic. and 47% saw their family s economic conditions improving as against 36% who said they were getting worse. the poll of 22 953 people was conducted by the international polling firm globescan together with the program on international policy attitudes (pipa) at the university of maryland. while the world economy has picked up from difficult times just a few years ago people seem to not have fully absorbed this development though they are personally experiencing its effects said pipa director steven kull. people around the world are saying: i m ok but the world isn t . there may be a perception that war terrorism and religious and political divisions are making the world a worse place even though that has not so far been reflected in global economic performance says the bbc s elizabeth blunt. the countries where people were most optimistic both for the world and for their own families were two fast-growing developing economies china and india followed by indonesia. china has seen two decades of blistering economic growth which has led to wealth creation on a huge scale says the bbc s louisa lim in beijing. but the results also may reflect the untrammelled confidence of people who are subject to endless government propaganda about their country s rosy economic future our correspondent says. south korea was the most pessimistic while respondents in italy and mexico were also quite gloomy. the bbc s david willey in rome says one reason for that result is the changeover from the lira to the euro in 2001 which is widely viewed as the biggest reason why their wages and salaries are worth less than they used to be. the philippines was among the most upbeat countries on prospects for respondents families but one of the most pessimistic about the world economy. pipa conducted the poll from 15 november 2004 to 3 january 2005 across 22 countries in face-to-face or telephone interviews. the interviews took place between 15 november 2004 and 5 january 2005. the margin of error is between 2.5 and 4 points depending on the country. in eight of the countries the sample was limited to major metropolitan areas.,business
1976,lifestyle governs mobile choice faster better or funkier hardware alone is not going to help phone firms sell more handsets research suggests. instead phone firms keen to get more out of their customers should not just be pushing the technology for its own sake. consumers are far more interested in how handsets fit in with their lifestyle than they are in screen size onboard memory or the chip inside shows an in-depth study by handset maker ericsson. historically in the industry there has been too much focus on using technology said dr michael bjorn senior advisor on mobile media at ericsson s consumer and enterprise lab. we have to stop saying that these technologies will change their lives he said. we should try to speak to consumers in their own language and help them see how it fits in with what they are doing he told the bbc news website. for the study ericsson interviewed 14 000 mobile phone owners on the ways they use their phone. people s habits remain the same said dr bjorn. they just move the activity into the mobile phone as it s a much more convenient way to do it. one good example of this was diary-writing among younger people he said. while diaries have always been popular a mobile phone -- especially one equipped with a camera -- helps them keep it in a different form. youngsters use of text messages also reflects their desire to chat and keep in contact with friends and again just lets them do it in a slightly changed way. dr bjorn said that although consumers do what they always did but use a phone to do it the sheer variety of what the new handset technologies make possible does gradually drive new habits and lifestyles. ericsson s research has shown that consumers divide into different tribes that use phones in different ways. dr bjorn said groups dubbed pioneers and materialists were most interested in trying new things and were behind the start of many trends in phone use. for instance he said older people are using sms much more than they did five years ago. this was because younger users often the children of ageing mobile owners encouraged older people to try it so they could keep in touch. another factor governing the speed of change in mobile phone use was the simple speed with which new devices are bought by pioneers and materialists. only when about 25% of people have handsets with new innovations on them such as cameras can consumers stop worrying that if they send a picture message the person at the other end will be able to see it. once this significant number of users is passed use of new innovations tends to take off. dr bjorn said that early reports of camera phone usage in japan seemed to imply that the innovation was going to be a flop. however he said now 45% of the japanese people ericsson questioned use their camera phone at least once a month. in 2003 the figure was 29%. similarly across europe the numbers of people taking snaps with cameras is starting to rise. in 2003 only 4% of the people in the uk took a phonecam snap at least once a month. now the figure is 14%. similar rises have been seen in many other european nations. dr bjorn said that people also used their camera phones in very different ways to film and even digital cameras. usage patterns for digital cameras are almost exactly replacing usage patterns for analogue cameras he said. digital cameras tend to be used on significant events such as weddings holidays and birthdays. by contrast he said camera phones were being used much more to capture a moment and were being woven into everyday life.,tech
917,enron bosses in $168m payout eighteen former enron directors have agreed a $168m (£89m) settlement deal in a shareholder lawsuit over the collapse of the energy firm. leading plaintiff the university of california announced the news adding that 10 of the former directors will pay $13m from their own pockets. the settlement will be put to the courts for approval next week. enron went bankrupt in 2001 after it emerged it had hidden hundreds of millions of dollars in debt. before its collapse the firm was the seventh biggest public us company by revenue. its demise sent shockwaves through financial markets and dented investor confidence in corporate america. the settlement is very significant in holding these outside directors at least partially personally responsible william lerach the lawyer leading the class action suit against enron said. hopefully this will help send a message to corporate boardrooms of the importance of directors performing their legal duties he added. under the terms of the $168m settlement - $155m of which will be covered by insurance - none of the 18 former directors will admit any wrongdoing. the deal is the fourth major settlement negotiated by lawyers who filed a class action on behalf of enron s shareholders almost three years ago. so far including the latest deal just under $500m (£378.8m) has been retrieved for investors. however the latest deal does not include former enron chief executives ken lay and jeff skilling. both men are facing criminal charges for their alleged misconduct in the run up to the firm s collapse. neither does it cover andrew fastow who has pleaded guilty to taking part in an illegal conspiracy while he was chief financial officer at the group. enron s shareholders are still seeking damages from a long list of other big name defendants including the financial institutions jp morgan chase citigroup merrill lynch and credit suisse first boston. the university of california said the trial in the case is scheduled to begin in october 2006. it joined the lawsuit in december 2001alleging massive insider trading and fraud claiming it had lost $145m on its investments in the company.,business
1582,howard truanted to play snooker conservative leader michael howard has admitted he used to play truant to spend time with his school friends at a snooker hall. mr howard said his time at jack s snooker hall in llanelli in the 1950s had not done him any lasting damage . but he told the times educational supplement that truancy was very bad and said firm action was needed. mr howard also called for a return to o-levels and more classroom discipline. mr howard eventually left llanelli grammar school - and the snooker hall - to go to cambridge university. he said: i don t think it s done me any lasting damage. nor has it made me a snooker world champion. there might have been some occasions when we left early of an afternoon. i m just being honest. i think truancy is a very bad thing and that firm action should be taken to deal with it. another player who has failed to win snooker s world championship - jimmy the whirlwind white - has previously admitted missing lessons instead spending his days in smoky halls. tony meo [another player] and me used to spend all of our spare time there mr white said we loved the game and the atmosphere. school went out of the window. i went for a while and then started taking time off. mr howard s fellow welshman ray reardon - known by his fellow professionals as dracula - won the snooker world championship six times having left school at 14 to work as a miner. and terry griffiths like mr howard from llanelli won the tournament in 1979. it is not known whether the two of them ever clashed cues at jack s.,politics
651,wales silent on grand slam talk rhys williams says wales are still not thinking of winning the grand slam despite a third six nations win. that s the last thing on our minds at the moment said williams a second- half replacement in saturday s 24-18 win over france in paris. we all realise how difficult a task it is to go up to scotland and beat them. we ve come unstuck there a couple of times recently so our focus is on that game and we ll worry about ireland hopefully after we ve beaten scotland. with captain gareth thomas ruled out of the rest of the campaign with a broken thumb williams is vying for his first start in the championship so far. kevin morgan is probably favourite to replace thomas at full-back leaving williams and hal luscombe to battle for the right wing berth. a hamstring injury denied luscombe the opportunity to make a third successive start but the dragons winger is expected to be fit for the trip to murrayfield on 13 march. hooker robin mcbryde is doubtful after picking up a knee injury in paris but centre sonny parker and flanker colin charvis are set to recover from injury to be in contention for selection. said wales assistant coach scott johnson: they ve worked through the weekend and the reports are a bit more positive. so we re getting a couple back and that adds to the depth of the squad. scotland secured their first win of the campaign on saturday by grinding out an 18-10 win over italy. matt williams side has shown little in attack but johnson insisted the scots will be difficult opposition to break down. italy are really brave opposition and sometimes it s very hard to win he said. so an ugly win can be just as effective as a 30 or 40 point victory. scotland are a hard side and very underrated so we re not taking anything for granted. we re not basking in the glory of winning our first three games. we ve got to be diligent in our preparation. that s my job and we ve got to make sure we re focused.,sport
1797,french honour for director parker british film director sir alan parker has been made an officer in the order of arts and letters one of france s highest cultural honours. sir alan received his decoration in paris on wednesday from french culture minister renaud donnedieu de vabres. you have explored the possibilities of film with an immense talent mr de vabres said as he presented the award. parker praised french films saying: hollywood which created modern cinema uses it only as a commodity. he told the minister: i am honoured to be thus distinguished by france the flag carrier of cinema throughout the world. sir alan s films include oscar-winning fame plus midnight express and the commitments. a founding member of the director s guild of great britain he is a former chairman of the uk film council and on the board of the british film institute. through your work and your campaigns you have shown us how the artist occupies an essential place in our contemporary society mr de vabres said. through your dreams which you show us through the links that you weave you question the world through the mirror of your work. he also cited the director s 2003 film the life of david gale in which kevin spacey played a man on death row as proof of his veritable artistic commitment against the death sentence .,entertainment
2034,car giant hit by mercedes slump a slump in profitability at luxury car maker mercedes has prompted a big drop in profits at parent daimlerchrysler. the german-us carmaker saw fourth quarter operating profits fall to 785m euros ($1bn) from 2.4bn euros in 2003. mercedes-benz s woes - its profits slid to just 20m euros - obscured a strong performance from the chrysler group whose returns met market expectations. mercedes faces fierce competition in the luxury car sector from bmw and but hopes to revive its fortunes by 2006. mercedes profits over the period compared unfavourably with 2003 s 784m euro figure and were well below analyst expectations of 374m euros. for the year as a whole its operating profits fell 46% to 1.6bn euros. sales of mercedes brands fell 2% as demand cooled while revenues were affected by the weakness of the us dollar. the carmaker blamed the fall in profits on high launch costs for new models and losses from its mercedes smart mini-car range. mercedes is hoping to increase productivity by 3bn euros having negotiated 500m euros in annual savings with german workers last year. the firm said it was determined to retain mercedes position as the world s most successful luxury brand. however daimlerchrysler s shares fell 1.5% on the news. while all these divisions are doing well the big worries continue to surround mercedes-benz michael rabb an analyst with bank sal oppenheim told reuters. in contrast chrysler enjoyed a 5% annual increase in unit sales while revenues - calculated in us dollars - rose 10%. the us division - whose marques include dodge and jeep - transformed a full year operating loss of 506m euros in 2003 into a 1.4bn euros profit last year. overall daimlerchrysler saw worldwide vehicle sales rise 8% to 4.7 million in 2004 while total revenues added 4% to 142bn euros. chrysler s strong performance helped the world s fifth largest carmaker boost net income by 400m euros to 2.5bn euros. the year 2004 shows that our strategy works well - even in such a challenging competitive environment said jurgen schrempp daimlerchrysler s chairman. daimlerchrysler took a 475m euro hit in costs stemming from a defects scandal at its joint venture japanese subsidiary fuso. daimlerchrysler last week agreed a compensation package with partner mitsubishi motors which will see it buy out its stake in fuso. looking forward daimerchrysler s profits are expected to be slightly higher in 2005. however it is expecting significant improvements in profitability in 2006 as a result of a major investment in the mercedes product range.,business
1866,fockers fuel festive film chart comedy meet the fockers topped the festive box office in north america setting a new record for christmas day. the sequel took $44.7m (£23.2m) between 24 and 26 december according to studio estimates. it took $19.1m (£9.9m) on christmas day alone the highest takings on that day in box office history. meet the fockers is the sequel to ben stiller comedy meet the parents also starring robert de niro blythe danner dustin hoffman and barbra streisand. despite the success of meet the fockers takings were down 26.5% on 2003 s figures - which was blamed on christmas falling over a weekend this year. when christmas falls on a weekend it s bad for business said paul dergarabedian president of exhibitor relations which compiles box office statistics. the weekend s top 12 films took an estimated $121.9m (£63.3m) compared with $165.8m (£86.1m) last year when the third lord of the rings film dominated the box office. meet the fockers knocked last week s top film lemony snicket s a series of unfortunate events down to third place with $12.5m (£6.5m). comedy fat albert - co-written by bill cosby - entered the chart in second place after opening on christmas day taking $12.7m (£6.6m). the aviator starring leonardo dicaprio as howard hughes took $9.4m after expanding from 40 to 1 796 cinemas on christmas day.,entertainment
1683,blair rejects iraq advice calls tony blair has rejected calls for the publication of advice on the legality of the iraq war amid growing calls for an investigation. the prime minister told his monthly press conference the matter had been dealt with by the attorney general. earlier conservative mp michael mates joined calls for a probe into claims lord goldsmith s statement to parliament was drawn up at number 10. mr blair said the statement was a fair summary of lord goldsmith s opinion. that s what he (lord goldsmith) said and that s what i say. he has dealt with this time and time and time again mr blair told his monthly news conference in downing street. he refused to answer further questions on the issue saying it had been dealt with literally scores of times and the position has not changed . lord goldsmith has denied being leaned on and says the words written were his. the government refuses to publish his advice on the legality of the war - saying such papers have always been kept confidential. mr mates who is a member of the commons intelligence and security committee and was part of the butler inquiry into pre-war intelligence told the bbc on friday: that as a general rule is right but it s not an absolute rule. he said there had been other occasions when advice had been published most recently regarding prince charles s marriage plans. the government could not pick and choose when to use the convention he said. mr mates added: we discovered that there were two or three occasions in the past when law officers advice to the government has been published. and this may be one of those special occasions... when it would be in the public interest to see the advice which the attorney general gave to the prime minister. this is argument was rejected by mr blair who said: firstly we haven t broken the precedent and secondly peter goldsmith has made his statement and i have got absolutely nothing to add to it. in a book published this week philippe sands qc a member of cherie blair s matrix chambers says lord goldsmith warned tony blair on 7 march 2003 that the iraq war could be illegal without a second un resolution sanctioning military action. but a short statement about lord goldsmith s position was presented in a written parliamentary answer on 17 march 2003 - just before a crucial commons vote on the military action. mr sands book suggests it was actually written by home office minister lord falconer and downing street adviser baroness morgan. former minister clare short who resigned from the government over the iraq war said it was the same statement that was earlier shown to the cabinet as it discussed military action. she told the bbc the full advice should have been attached according to the ministerial code. my view is we need the house of lords to set up a special committee summon the attorney get all the papers out look at exactly what happened she said. the conservatives and liberal democrats say they want the publication of the full legal advice given by the attorney general. on thursday lord goldsmith said his statement had not been written by or at number 10 . in my parliamentary answer on march 17 2003 i explained my genuinely held independent view that military action was lawful under the existing security council resolutions he said.,politics
1153,housewives lift channel 4 ratings the debut of us television hit desperate housewives has helped lift channel 4 s january audience share by 12% compared to last year. other successes such as celebrity big brother and the simpsons have enabled the broadcaster to surpass bbc2 for the first month since last july. however the channel s share of the audience fell from 11.2% to 9.6% last month in comparison with january 2004. celebrity big brother attracted less viewers than its 2002 series. comedy drama desperate housewives managed to pull in five million viewers at one point during its run to date attracting a quarter of the television audience. the two main television channels bbc1 and itv1 have both seen their monthly audience share decline in a year on year comparison for january while five s proportion remained the same at a slender 6.3%. digital multi-channel tv is continuing to be the strongest area of growth with the bbc reporting freeview box ownership of five million including one million sales in the last portion of 2004. its share of the audience soared by 20% in january 2005 compared with last year and currently stands at an average of 28.6%.,entertainment
1028,uk coal plunges into deeper loss shares in uk coal have fallen after the mining group reported losses had deepened to £51.6m in 2004 from £1.2m. the uk s biggest coal producer blamed geological problems industrial action and operating flaws at its deep mines for its worsening fortunes. the south yorkshire company led by new chief executive gerry spindler said it hoped to return to profit in 2006. in early trade on thursday its shares were down 10% at 119 pence. uk coal said it was making significant progress in shaking up the business. it had introduced new wage structures a new daily maintenance regime for machinery at its mines and methods to continue mining in adverse conditions. the company said these actions should significantly uplift earnings . it expected 2005 to be a transitional year and to return to profitability in 2006. the recent rise in coal prices has failed to benefit the company as most of its output had already been sold it said. total production costs were £1.30 per gigajoule uk coal said but the average selling price was just £1.18 per gigajoule. we have a long journey ahead to fix these issues. we continue to make progress and great strides have already been made said mr spindler. uk coal operates 15 deep and surface mines across nottinghamshire derbyshire leicestershire yorkshire the west midlands northumberland and durham.,business
812,bp surges ahead on high oil price oil giant bp has announced a 26% rise in annual profits to $16.2bn (£8.7bn) on the back of record oil prices. last week rival shell reported an annual profit of $17.5bn - a record profit for a uk-listed company. bp added that it was increasing its fourth-quarter dividend by 26% to 8.5 cents and that it would continue with share buybacks. bp chief executive lord browne said the results were strong both operationally and financially. the company is earning about $1.8m an hour. despite the record annual profits figure bp s performance was below the expectations of some city analysts. however bp s share price rose 4p or nearly 1% in morning trading to 548p. its profit rise for the year included profits of $3.65bn (£1.97bn) for the final three months of 2004 - up from $2.89bn a year ago but below its third quarter. speaking on the bbc s today programme on tuesday lord browne said the profits were not solely down to the high oil price alone. the profits are up more than the price of oil is up he said. lord browne pointed out that bp was reaping the benefits of its investment in oil exploration. we have spent many years buying (assets) when the price is low he said. the company has made new discoveries in egypt the gulf of mexico and angola. however lord browne rejected calls for a windfall tax on his company s huge profits saying that in the north sea it paid progressively more tax the more profits it made. lord browne believes oil prices will remain quite high. currently above $40 a barrel he said: the price of oil will be well supported above $30 a barrel for the medium term. bp put production for the year at 3.997 billion barrels of oil up 10% on 2003 but slightly lower than the four billion barrels it had initially aimed for.,business
707,ireland 21-19 argentina an injury-time dropped goal by ronan o gara stole victory for ireland from underneath the noses of argentina at lansdowne road on saturday. o gara kicked all of ireland s points with two dropped goals and five penalties to give the home side a 100% record in their autumn internationals. an impressive argentina appeared in control until the dying seconds. the pumas shocked the irish early on with a try from federico aramburu and felipe contepomi kicked 14 points. the well-drilled and sharper pumas out-played and out-thought ireland in the early stages. indiscipline allowed argentina s leinster fly-half contepomi to open the scoring in the third minute with a straightforward penalty. he was on the mark again two minutes later when argentina shocked a ragged ireland with the first try of the game. ireland turned the ball over and manuel contepomi broke through an unstructured defence before feeding his midfield partner aramburu to sprint in under the posts. o gara finally got ireland on the board with a dropped goal in the ninth minute only for contepomi to rifle over his second penalty two minutes later. playing into a strong wind and rain ireland continued to come second best in tight situations and turnovers began to mount up against a rugged defence. o gara managed to land his second penalty in the 36th minute but once again contepomi replied in kind four minutes into first-half injury time. the second-half started as the first had ended. o gara rifled over another penalty in the 45th minute but contepomi matched it three minutes later. the upper-body strength of the pumas never allowed ireland to take control up front while the three-quarters had no space to manoeuvre. ireland had to rely on o gara s boot to keep in touch rather than any contrived running plays. the munsterman landed two more penalties - one of them from 48 metres - to bring his team to within four points with 13 minutes on the clock remaining. and ireland s chance came when argentina s number eight gonzalo longo was yellow carded with six minutes to go for an offence in the line-out. o gara made no mistake as he rifled over his fifth penalty to set up a tense final few minutes. but ireland showed great composure to get themselves into a position to allow o gara to thump over a massive drop goal to complete a tremendous if fortuitous comeback.,sport
1588,wenger signs new deal arsenal manager arsene wenger has signed a new contract to stay at the club until may 2008. wenger has ended speculation about his future by agreeing a long-term contract that takes him beyond the opening of arsenal s new stadium in two years. he said: signing a new contract just rubber-stamps my desire to take this club forward and fulfil my ambitions. i still have so much to achieve and my target is to drive this club on. these are exciting times for arsenal. the 55-year-old frenchman told arsenal s website my intention has always been clear. i love this club and am very happy here. wenger has won the title and the fa cup three times each during his reign. chairman peter hill-wood said: we are absolutely delighted that arsene has signed an extension to his contract. since his arrival in 1996 he has revolutionised the club both on and off the pitch. as well as the six major honours he s won during his time here arsene has been a leading influence behind all the major initiatives at the club including the construction of our new training centre and also our new stadium. the club has continued to reap the benefits of arsene s natural eye for unearthing footballing talent. we currently have a fantastic crop of young players coming through the ranks together with a number of world-class players who are playing a wonderful brand of football. meanwhile arsenal director danny fiszman is looking for wenger to stay beyond 2008. when we come towards the end of his contract we will both review the situation. i m sure we will want him to stay on and i hope he will too said fiszman.,sport
342,u2 s desire to be number one u2 who have won three prestigious grammy awards for their hit vertigo are stubbornly clinging to their status as one of the biggest bands in the world. the most popular groups in the history of rock all have several things in common. the music must be inspired and appeal across generations and be distinctive if not always groundbreaking. but such success is down to more than music. they have to be compelling performers charismatic and intelligent enough to make good decisions and keep their feet on the ground. they also have to want it. they have to want to be the biggest band ever and not stop wanting it. the beatles had it the rolling stones still have it rem hold onto it and queen were it in a catsuit. and u2 have it in spades and keep churning it out. their new album how to dismantle an atomic bomb comes 28 years after the schoolfriends got together in dublin and 17 years after the joshua tree cemented their place on the all-time rock a-list. they may have lost some of the edginess and raw youthful force that propelled them to the top but they have lost none of the desire or ability to craft songs and albums. vertigo the first single from the new album went straight into the uk singles chart at number one knocking eminem off the top spot and giving them their 26th top 10 hit. the challenge is to be bigger and bolder and better - to make records the whole world will listen to bono recently said. drummer larry mullen jr echoed those sentiments: we re very competitive - we want to be on the radio have big singles. we don t want to be thought of as a veteran band. the band have done everything in their considerable powers to ensure they remain the biggest band in the world according to q magazine editor paul rees. this makes them hugely determined and formidable. he added: they are equally determined to push themselves to make music that continues to stand up. as such they ve constantly re-invented and challenged themselves. they are perhaps alone as the only rock band that has got better with age. the other key ingredient was the fact they were highly organised mr rees said. they do everything in the right way. the group were born when mullen put an appeal for bandmates on a high school notice board attracting fellow pupils paul hewson (bono vocals) adam clayton (bass) david evans (the edge guitar) and his brother dick. dick evans soon dropped out and the four-piece were known as the feedback and the hype before settling on u2. by 1978 they had won a talent contest and got noticed by a manager paul mcguinness. they were brilliant but very coarse mcguinness recently said. in a way they were doing exactly what they do now. only badly. they struggled to attract record company attention later being described as pretty damn average and strange and eerie by scouts who saw them live. they released two ireland-only singles which topped the national charts in 1979 and 1980 leading to a deal with island and their debut album boy. the stadium-filling anthemic sound was u2 s aim from the start and their third album war saw them make the breakthrough on both sides of the atlantic going to number one in the uk and 12 in the us. songs like sunday bloody sunday and new year s day brought success and an image as a political and spiritual band - which bono rejected as a cliche. his stage performances - which included flag-waving speaker-climbing and drum-throwing - earned him a reputation as an electric performer and their appearance at 1985 s live aid is widely seen as sealing their global stardom. in 1987 the joshua tree broke sales records and saw the band reach the height of their powers with hits including where the streets have no name i still haven t found what i m looking for and with or without you. those songs took the band s epic atmospheric sound to a simple powerful and popular pinnacle. the end of the decade marked a crucial point for the band - they had reached the top but still yearned for new challenges and achievements. these came in the form of explorations of different branches of rock and forays into electronic dance music plus wildly extravagant stage shows while still trying to retain their mass appeal. the achtung baby album in 1991 was followed by zooropa pop and their corresponding stadium tours which featured giant olives flying cars live phone calls to the white house and bono s transformation into alter-egos the fly and macphisto. he was also building a parallel reputation - not always to the pleasure of his bandmates - as a campaigner on issues from global debt to aids. before the release of how to dismantle an atomic bomb they had sold 125 million albums around the world. but they still want more.,entertainment
486,hantuchova in dubai last eight daniela hantuchova moved into the quarter-finals of the dubai open after beating elene likhotseva of russia 7-5 6-4 and now faces serena williams. australian open champion williams survived an early scare to beat russia s elena bovina 1-6 6-1 6-4. world number one lindsay davenport and anastasia myskina also progressed. davenport defeated china s jie zheng 6-2 7-5 while french open champion myskina sailed through after her opponent marion bartoli retired hurt. american davenport will now face fellow former wimbledon champion conchita martinez of spain who ousted seventh-seeded nathalie dechy of france 6-1 6-2. myskina will face eighth-seed patty schnyder from switzerland who defeated china s li na 6-3 7-6 (10-8). the other quarter final pits wild card sania mirza of india against jelena jankovic of serbia and montenegro who both won on tuesday. before her meeting with martinez davenport believes there is some room for improvement in her game. i started well and finished well but played some so-so games in the middle she said. williams was also far from content. i don t know what i was doing there she said. it was really windy and i hadn t played in the wind. all my shots were going out of here. but hantuchova is in upbeat mood ahead of her clash with the younger williams sister who was handed a first-round bye. i feel i have an advantage (over serena) because i have already played two matches on these courts she said. it is a difficult court to play on. very fast and sometimes you feel you have no control over the ball.,sport
1344,melzer shocks agassi in san jose second seed andre agassi suffered a comprehensive defeat by jurgen melzer in the quarter-finals of the sap open. agassi was often bamboozled by the austrian s drop shots in san jose losing 6-3 6-1. defending champion and top seed andy roddick rallied to beat sweden s thomas enqvist 3-6 7-6 (8-6) 7-5. but unseeded cyril saulnier beat the fourth seed vincent spadea 6-2 6-4 and tommy haas overcame eighth seed max mirnyi 6-7 (2-7) 7-6 (7-3) 6-2. melzer has now beaten agassi in two of their three meetings. i had a good game plan and i executed it perfectly he said. it s always tough to come out to play andre. i didn t want him to play his game. he makes you run like a dog all over the court. and agassi who was more than matched for power by his opponent s two-handed backhand said melzer was an example of several players on the tour willing to take their chances against him. a lot more guys are capable of it now said the american. he played much better than me. that s what he did both times. i had opportunities to loosen myself up agassi added. but i didn t convert on the big points.,sport
1552,moving mobile improves golf swing a mobile phone that recognises and responds to movements has been launched in japan. the motion-sensitive phone - officially titled the v603sh - was developed by sharp and launched by vodafone s japanese division. devised mainly for mobile gaming users can also access other phone functions using a pre-set pattern of arm movements. the phone will allow golf fans to improve their swing via a golfing game. those who prefer shoot- em-ups will be able to use the phone like a gun to shoot the zombies in the mobile version of sega s house of the dead. the phone comes with a tiny motion-control sensor a computer chip that responds to movement. other features include a display screen that allows users to watch tv and can rotate 180 degrees. it also doubles up as an electronic musical instrument. users have to select a sound from a menu that includes clapping tambourine and maracas and shake their phone to create a beat. it is being recommended for the karaoke market. the phone will initially be available in japan only and is due to go on sale in mid-february. the new gadget could make for interesting people-watching among japanese commuters who are able to access their mobiles on the subway. fishing afficiandos in south korea are already using a phone that allows them to simulate the movement of a rod. the ph-s6500 phone dubbed a sports-leisure gadget was developed by korean phone giant pantech and can also be used by runners to measure calorie consumption and distance run.,tech
1547,hewitt overcomes wobble in sydney lleyton hewitt gave himself the perfect preparation for next week s australian open with victory over ivo minar in the final of the sydney international. the defending champion brushed aside the czech qualifier 7-5 6-0. the australian world number three strolled to the first five games of the match but was shocked as minar won the next five. the top seed was rattled but recovered to close out the set and raced to victory in exactly an hour. it was a strange match . . . momentum swings said hewitt. i felt like i came out of the blocks extremely well but then he loosened up a bit. when he got back to 5-5 i had to try to settle down and take it up a notch and i was able to do that. hewitt has now lifted the sydney title four times in the last six years. it just keeps getting better and better every year hewitt said. i ve only played this tournament four times and i ve won it four times. hewitt went into the final as a short-priced favourite to clinch his 24th career title after dropping only one set all week. he is set to meet frenchman arnaud clement in the first round of the australian open. minar ranked 158th in the world was forced to pull out of the australian open qualifying draw to play in his first atp final. for me this was a big success said the 20-year-old. i was so nervous last night i couldn t sleep. i ve never played a top-10 player before. i wanted to play qualifying in melbourne but it s saturday and i m still here. but this is a main draw and i need the points and the money. alicia molik takes on samantha stosur in an all-australian women s final later on saturday.,sport
177,carry on star patsy rowlands dies actress patsy rowlands known to millions for her roles in the carry on films has died at the age of 71. rowlands starred in nine of the popular carry on films alongside fellow regulars sid james kenneth williams and barbara windsor. she also carved out a successful television career appearing for many years in itv s well-loved comedy bless this house. rowlands died in hove on saturday morning her agent said. born in january 1934 rowlands won a scholarship to the guildhall school of speech and drama scholarship when she was just 15. after spending several years at the players theatre in london she made her film debut in 1963 in tom jones directed by tony richardson. she made her first carry on film in 1969 where she appeared in carry on again doctor. rowlands played the hard-done-by wife or the put-upon employee as a regular carry on star. she also appeared in carry on at your convenience carry on matron and carry on loving as well as others. in recent years she appeared in bbc mini-series the cazalets and played mrs potts in the london stage version of beauty and the beast. agent simon beresford said: she was just an absolutely favourite client she never complained about anything particularly when she was ill she was an old trouper. she was of the old school - she had skills from musical theatre and high drama that is why she worked with the great and the good of directors. she didn t mind always being recognised for the carry on films because she thoroughly enjoyed making them. she was a really lovely person and she will be much missed. her last appearance on stage was as mrs pearce in the award-winning production of my fair lady at the national theatre. previously married she leaves one son alan. her funeral will be a private family occasion with a memorial service at a later date.,entertainment
1785,serena becomes world number two serena williams has moved up five places to second in the world rankings after her australian open win. williams won her first grand slam title since 2003 with victory over lindsay davenport the world number one. men s champion marat safin remains fourth in the atp rankings while beaten finalist lleyton hewitt replaces andy roddick as world number two. roger federer retains top spot but safin has overtaken hewitt to become the new leader of the champions race. alicia molik who lost a three-set thriller against davenport in the quarter-finals is in the women s top 10 for the first time in her career. her rise means australia have a player in the top 10 of the men s and women s rankings for the first time in 21 years. and britain s elena baltacha who qualified and then reached the third round has risen to 120 in the world - a leap of 65 places and her highest ranking yet.,sport
1617,ferguson urges henry punishment sir alex ferguson has called on the football association to punish arsenal s thierry henry for an incident involving gabriel heinze. ferguson believes henry deliberately caught heinze on the head with his knee during united s controversial win. the united boss said it was worse than ruud van nistelrooy s foul on ashley cole for which he got a three-game ban. we shall present it to the fa and see what they do. the tackle on heinze was terrible he said. clubs are permitted to ask the fa to examine specific incidents but information is expected to be provided within 48 hours of the game. the clash occurred moments before half-time when a freddie ljungberg challenge left heinze on the ground on the left touchline. henry following the ball attempted to hurdle the argentine but his knee collided with the back of heinze s head. the striker protested his innocence - and referee mike riley deemed the collision accidental. ferguson was also upset by arsenal s overall discipline during the heated encounter between the two arch-rivals and praised his own side s behaviour. edu produced a terrible tackle on scholes that was a potential leg-breaker he said. there were 24 fouls in the game by arsenal seven on heinze five on ronaldo six by vieira - and it was only his sixth foul that got him booked. phil neville got booked for his first challenge. i am proud of my players for the way they handled that pressure. we have always been good at being gracious in defeat. what happened on sunday overshadowed our achievement but then they do it all the time don t they,sport
405,bt boosts its broadband packages british telecom has said it will double the broadband speeds of most of its home and business customers. the increased speeds will come at no extra charge and follows a similar move by internet service provider aol. many bt customers will now have download speeds of 2mbps although there are usage allowances of between one gigabyte and 30 gigabytes a month. the new speeds start to come into effect on 17 february for home customers and 1 april for businesses. britain is now broadband britain said duncan ingram bt s managing director broadband and internet services. he added: ninety percent of our customers will see real increases in speed. these speed increases will give people the opportunity to do a lot more with their broadband connections he said. upload speeds - the speed at which information is sent from a pc via broadband - will remain at the same speed said mr ingram. despite the increases bt will continue to have usage allowances for home customers. the allowances are extremely generous said mr ingram for what we are seeing in the market place - they are really not an issue. bt will begin enforcing the allowances in the summer. customers who exceed the amounts will either be able to pay for a bigger allowance or see their download speeds reduced. bt now has a 36% share of the broadband market - down from 39% - which is becoming increasingly competitive. in the last few months many rival isps have begun to offer 2mbps services including aol plusnet and uk online. but britain continues to lag behind some countries - especially japan and south korea - which offer broadband speeds of up to 40mbps. but mr ingram said it was important to separate hype from reality . he said that a limited number of people with those connections consistently received speeds of 40mbps. customers will not see their connections double immediately on 17 february. mr ingram said there would be a roll out across the network in order to prevent any problems.,tech
1561,china had role in yukos split-up china lent russia $6bn (£3.2bn) to help the russian government renationalise the key yuganskneftegas unit of oil group yukos it has been revealed. the kremlin said on tuesday that the $6bn which russian state bank veb lent state-owned rosneft to help buy yugansk in turn came from chinese banks. the revelation came as the russian government said rosneft had signed a long-term oil supply deal with china. the deal sees rosneft receive $6bn in credits from china s cnpc. according to russian newspaper vedomosti these credits would be used to pay off the loans rosneft received to finance the purchase of yugansk. reports said cnpc had been offered 20% of yugansk in return for providing finance but the company opted for a long-term oil supply deal instead. analysts said one factor that might have influenced the chinese decision was the possibility of litigation from yukos yugansk s former owner if cnpc had become a shareholder. rosneft and veb declined to comment. the two companies [rosneft and cnpc] have agreed on the pre-payment for long-term deliveries said russian oil official sergei oganesyan. there is nothing unusual that the pre-payment is for five to six years. the announcements help to explain how rosneft a medium-sized indebted and relatively unknown firm was able to finance its surprise purchase of yugansk. yugansk was sold for $9.3bn in an auction last year to help yukos pay off part of a $27bn bill in unpaid taxes and fines. the embattled russian oil giant had previously filed for bankruptcy protection in a us court in an attempt to prevent the forced sale of its main production arm. but yugansk was sold to a little known shell company which in turn was bought by rosneft. yukos claims its downfall was punishment for the political ambitions of its founder mikhail khodorkovsky. once the country s richest man mr khodorkovsky is on trial for fraud and tax evasion. the deal between rosneft and cnpc is seen as part of china s desire to secure long-term oil supplies to feed its booming economy. china s thirst for products such as crude oil copper and steel has helped pushed global commodity prices to record levels. clearly the chinese are trying to get some leverage [in russia] said dmitry lukashov an analyst at brokerage aton. they understand property rights in russia are not the most important rights and they are more interested in guaranteeing supplies. if the price of oil is fixed under the deal which is unlikely it could be very profitable for the chinese mr lukashov continued. and rosneft is in desperate need of cash so it s a good deal for them too.,business
702,peer-to-peer nets here to stay peer-to-peer (p2p) networks are here to stay and are on the verge of being exploited by commercial media firms says a panel of industry experts. once several high-profile legal cases against file-sharers are resolved this year firms will be very keen to try and make money from p2p technology. the expert panel probed the future of p2p at the consumer electronics show in las vegas earlier in january. the first convictions for p2p piracy were handed out in the us in january. william trowbridge and michael chicoine pleaded guilty to charges that they infringed copyright by illegally sharing music movies and software. since the first successful file-sharing network napster was forced to close down the entertainment industry has been nervous and critical of p2p technology blaming it for falling sales and piracy. but that is going to change very soon according to the panel. the music and film industries have started some big legal cases against owners of legitimate p2p networks - which are not illegal in themselves - and of individuals accused of distributing pirated content over networks. but they have slowly realised that p2p is a good way to distribute content said travis kalanick founder and chairman of p2p network red swoosh and soon they are all going to want a slice of it. they are just waiting to come up with business models that work for them which includes digital rights management and copy-protection standards. but until the legal actions are resolved experimentation with p2p cannot not happen said michael weiss president of streamcast networks. remembering the furore around vcrs when they first came out mr weiss said: old media always tries to stop new media. when they can t stop it they try to control it. then they figure out how to make money and they always make a lot of money. once the courts decided that the vcr in itself was not an illegal technology the film studios turned it into an extremely lucrative business. in august 2004 the san francisco-based us court of appeals ruled in favour of grokster and streamcast two file-sharing networks. the court said they were essentially in the same position that sony was in the 1980s vcr battle and said that the networks themselves could not be deemed as illegal. p2p networks usually do not rely on dedicated servers for the transfer of files. instead it uses direct connections between computers - or clients. there are now many different types of p2p systems than work in different ways. p2p nets can be used to share any kind of file like photos free software licensed music and any other digital content. the bbc has already decided to embrace the technology. it aims to offer most of its own programmes for download this year and it will use p2p technology to distribute them. the files would be locked seven days after a programme aired making rights management easier to control. but the technology is still demonised and misunderstood by many. the global entertainment industry says more than 2.6 billion copyrighted music files are downloaded every month and about half a million films are downloaded a day. legal music download services like apple itunes napster have rushed into the music marketplace to try and lure file-sharers away from free content. sales of legally-downloaded songs grew tenfold in 2004 with 200 million tracks bought online in the us and europe in 12 months the ifpi reported this week. but such download services are very different from p2p networks not least because of the financial aspect. there are several money-spinning models that could turn p2p into a golden egg for commercial entertainment companies. paid-for-pass-along in which firms receive money each time a file is shared along with various drm solutions and advertiser-based options are all being considered. we see there are going to be different models for commoditising p2p said marc morgenstern vice president of anti-piracy firm overpeer. consumers are hungry for it and we will discover new models together agreed mr morgenstern. but many net users will continue to ignore the entertainment industry s potential controlling grip on content and p2p technology by continuing to use it for their own creations. unsigned bands for example use p2p networks to distribute their music effectively which also draws the attention of record companies looking for new artists to sign. increasingly what you are seeing on p2p is consumer-created content said derek broes from microsoft. they will probably pay an increasing role in helping p2p spread he said. looking into p2p s future file sharing is just the beginning for p2p networks as far as mr broes is concerned. once some of these issues are resolved you are going to see aggressive movement to protect content but also in ways that are unimaginable now he said. file-sharing is the tip of the iceberg.,tech
1026,henman to face saulnier test british number one tim henman will face france s cyril saulnier in the first round of next week s australian open. greg rusedski the british number two is in the same quarter of the draw and could face andy roddick in the second round if he beats swede jonas bjorkman. local favourite lleyton hewitt will meet france s arnaud clement while defending champion and world number one roger federer faces fabrice santoro. women s top seed lindsay davenport drew spanish veteran conchita martinez. henman came from two sets down to defeat saulnier in the first round of the french open last year so he knows he faces a tough test in melbourne. the seventh seed who has never gone beyond the quarter-finals in the year s first major and is lined up to meet roddick in the last eight is looking forward to the match. he s tough player on any surface he s got a lot of ability he said. we had a really tight one in paris that went my way so i m going to need to play well from the outset because he s a dangerous competitor. switzerland s federer seeded one is the hot favourite having won three of the four grand slam titles in 2004. he has beaten santoro in five of their seven previous encounters but is taking nothing for granted. it s a tricky match federer said. i played him at the us open and won quite comfortably then. but you never know if the rhythm is a bit off he can keep you guessing and make it difficult. the most important thing though is to get used to playing five-set matches and winning them. the 23-year-old could meet four-time champion andre agassi in the quarter-finals before meeting russian marat safin the player he beat in last year s final. eighth-seeded american agassi is set to play a qualifier in round one if he can shake off a hip injury which ruled him out of the kooyong classic. second seed andy roddick will open his campaign against irakli labadze of georgia. the american could meet rusedski in the second round seventh seed henman in the quarter-finals and hewitt in the last four. hewitt is hoping to become the first australian man to win the event since mark edmondson in 1976. the 23-year-old has never been beyond round four in eight attempts at melbourne park but has at least secured the opposite half of the draw to federer who beat him in the australian open wimbledon and us open last year. safin seeded four opens his campaign against a qualifier with 16th seed tommy haas the player he beat in the semi-finals in 2002 a possible fourth-round opponent. in the women s draw davenport could encounter eighth-seeded venus williams in the quarter-finals and third-ranked anastasia myskina the french open champion in the semi-finals. bronchitis ruled davenport the 2000 australian open champion out of her sydney quarter-final on thursday. venus williams who lost to younger sister serena in the melbourne final two years ago opens against eleni daniilidou of greece. serena williams who won her fourth consecutive grand slam at the 2003 australian open was drawn in the bottom quarter with second seed amelie mauresmo a runner-up in 1999. serena will open against another frenchwoman camille pin while mauresmo plays australia s samantha stosur. wimbledon champion maria sharapova seeded fourth drew a qualifier in the first round but could meet fellow russian svetlana kuznetsova the us open winner in the last eight 1 roger federer (switzerland) 2 andy roddick (us) 3 lleyton hewitt (australia) 4 marat safin (russia) 5 carlos moya (spain) 6 guillermo coria (argentina) 7 tim henman (britain) 8 andre agassi (us) 9 david nalbandian (argentina) 10 gaston gaudio (argentina) 11 joachim johansson (sweden) 12 guillermo canas (argentina) 13 tommy robredo (spain) 14 sebastien grosjean (france) 15 mikhail youzhny (russia) 16 tommy haas (germany) 17 andrei pavel (romania) 18 nicolas massu (chile) 19 vincent spadea (us) 20 dominik hrbaty (slovakia) 21 nicolas kiefer (germany) 22 ivan ljubicic (croatia) 23 fernando gonzalez (chile) 24 feliciano lopez (spain) 25 juan ignacio chela (argentina) 26 nikolay davydenko (russia) 27 paradorn srichaphan (thailand) 28 mario ancic (croatia) 29 taylor dent (us) 30 thomas johansson (sweden) 31 juan carlos ferrero (spain) 32 jurgen melzer (austria) 1 lindsay davenport (us) 2 amelie mauresmo (france) 3 anastasia myskina (russia) 4 maria sharapova (russia) 5 svetlana kuznetsova (russia) 6 elena dementieva (russia) 7 serena williams (us) 8 venus williams (us) 9 vera zvonareva (russia) 10 alicia molik (australia) 11 nadia petrova (russia) 12 patty schnyder (switzerland) 13 karolina sprem (croatia) 14 francesca schiavone (italy) 15 silvia farina elia (italy) 16 ai sugiyama (japan) 17 fabiola zuluaga (colombia) 18 elena likhovtseva (russia) 19 nathalie dechy (france) 20 tatiana golovin (france) 21 amy frazier (us) 22 magdalena maleeva (bulgaria) 23 jelena jankovic (serbia and montenegro) 24 mary pierce (france) 25 lisa raymond (us) 26 daniela hantuchova (slovakia) 27 anna smashnova (israel) 28 shinobu asagoe (japan) 29 gisela dulko (argentina) 30 flavia pennetta (italy) 31 jelena kostanic (croatia) 32 iveta benesova (czech republic),sport
1527,uk will stand firm on eu rebate britain s £3bn eu rebate is not up for renegotiation at next week s european council summit jack straw said. the foreign secretary told mps the rebate secured by margaret thatcher in 1984 was entirely justified . new european commission president jose manuel barroso has suggested the cash could be shared out among net contributors to the eu budget. mr straw acknowledged some countries in the newly enlarged 25 nation eu still had to see the light on the rebate. but the foreign secretary told the commons foreign affairs committee: our position is very clear: it is entirely justified and it is not for negotiation. he added that he did not think there would be a political price to pay for the uk s stance - britain contributed more and received less than other eu states. the two-day european council summit in brussels begins on 16 december and is widely expected to mark the beginning of a lengthy negotiating period over the eu s budget for 2007-13. the wrangling could stretch into 2005 even 2006. the uk france germany austria the netherlands and sweden want the eu budget to be capped at 1% of member states combined national incomes - the commission wants it to be 1.26%. mr straw said the eu commission s proposal would mean a 35% hike in the budget. i don t know of any national government thinking of increasing its budget by that amount he added. the foreign secretary said he hoped the talks next week could produce a date in 2005 for the beginning of negotiations with turkey about possible eu membership although that there would be no prospect of a date for joining for some time.,politics
1503,iran budget seeks state sell-offs iran s president mohammad khatami has unveiled a budget designed to expand public spending by 30% but loosen the islamic republic s dependence on oil. the budget for the fiscal year starting on 21 march calls for the sell-off of 20% of the state s corporate holdings. mr khatami s second term as president ends on 1 august making this his last budget. but opposition from members of parliament who have attacked previous privatisations could block his plans. elections in may 2004 ousted many of mr khatami s supporters in parliament in favour of more hard-line religious conservatives. late last year they backed a law which would give parliament a veto over foreign investment. the ruling was a response to the involvement in telecoms and airport projects by turkish companies which hardliners accused of doing business with israel. it came not long after the expediency council - iran s ultimate decision-maker - blessed mr khatami s policy of selling stakes in sectors protected by the constitution such as energy transport telecoms and banking. continued obstruction of foreign investment could get in the way not only of privatisation plans but also of mr khatami s hope of modestly reducing the government s reliance on oil revenues. in an address to the majlis mr khatami predicted economic growth of 7.1% in 2005-6 up from 6.7% in the current year. he said he wanted to increase the 2005-6 budget to 1 546 trillion rials ($175.6bn; £93.6bn) from the previous year s 1 070 trillion. within that figure taxation would rise to $14.3bn a rise of over 40% from what is expected from the current year. in contrast oil revenues were expected to fall to $14.1bn from $16bn in the year to march 2005. current government expenditure should come from tax revenues mr khatami said. oil revenues should be used for productive investment. mr khatami has already been blocked by parliament from reducing the subsidies on many products including bread and petrol reducing his room to manoeuvre.,business
1951,pompeii gets digital make-over the old-fashioned audio tour of historical places could soon be replaced with computer-generated images that bring the site to life. a european union-funded project is looking at providing tourists with computer-augmented versions of archaeological attractions. it would allow visitors a glimpse of life as it was originally lived in places such as pompeii. it could pave the way for a new form of cultural tourism. the technology would allow digital people and other computer-generated elements to be combined with the actual view seen by tourists as they walk around an historical site. the lifeplus project is part of the eu s information society technologies initiative aimed at promoting user-friendly technology and enhancing european cultural heritage. engineers and researchers working in the europe-wide consortium have come up with a prototype augmented-reality system. it would require the visitor to wear a head-mounted display with a miniature camera and a backpack computer. the camera captures the view and feeds it to software on the computer where the visitor s viewpoint is combined with animated virtual elements. at pompeii for example the visitor would not just see the frescos taverns and villas that have been excavated but also people going about their daily life. augmented reality has been used to create special effects in films such as troy and lord of the rings and in computer gaming. this technology can now be used for much more than just computer games said professor nadia magnenat-thalman of the swiss research group miralab. we are for the first time able to run this combination of software processes to create walking talking people with believable clothing skin and hair in real-time she said. unlike virtual reality which delivers an entirely computer-generated scene to the viewer the lifeplus project is about combining digital and real views. crucial to the technique is the software that interprets the visitor s view and provides an accurate match between the real and virtual elements. the software capable of doing this has been developed by a uk company 2d3. andrew stoddart chief scientist at 2d3 said that the eu project has been driven by a new desire to bring the past to life. the popularity of television documentaries and dramatisations using computer-generated imagery to recreate scenes from ancient history demonstrates the widespread appeal of bringing ancient cultures to life he said.,tech
1407,rapper snoop dogg sued for rape us rapper snoop dogg has been sued for $25m (£13m) by a make-up artist who claimed he and his entourage drugged and raped her two years ago. the woman said she was assaulted after a recording of the jimmy kimmel live tv show on the abc network in 2003. the rapper s spokesman said the allegations were untrue and the woman was misusing the legal system as a means of extracting financial gain . abc said the claims had no merit . the star has not been charged by police. the lawsuit filed in los angeles on friday says the woman s champagne was spiked and she was then assaulted. the rapper s spokesperson said: snoop will have the opportunity to prove in a court of law that [the alleged victim] is opportunistic and deceitful. we are confident that in this case [the alleged victim s] claims against snoop dogg will be rejected. the lawsuit names snoop dogg - real name calvin broadus - plus three associates the walt disney company and its parent company abc inc. the woman waited two years to sue because she was trying to negotiate a settlement with the media companies her lawyer perry wander said. disney and abc failed to provide a safe working environment for my client he said. the legal action comes after the rap star sued a woman who claimed they tried to blackmail him to keep quiet about an alleged assault. the 32-year-old rapper has enjoyed six us top 10 albums since bursting onto the music scene with hit songs like what s my name and gin and juice in 1993.,entertainment
2002,china continues rapid growth china s economy has expanded by a breakneck 9.5% during 2004 faster than predicted and well above 2003 s 9.1%. the news may mean more limits on investment and lending as beijing tries to take the economy off the boil. china has sucked in raw materials and energy to feed its expansion which could have knock-on effects on the rest of the world if it overheats. but officials pointed out that industrial growth had slowed with services providing much of the impetus. growth in industrial output - the main target of government efforts to impose curbs on credit and investments - was 11.5% in 2004 down from 17% the previous year. still consumer prices - at 2.4% - rose faster than in 2004 adding to concern that a sharp rise in producer prices of 7.1% could stoke inflation. and overall investment in fixed assets was still high up 21.3% from the previous year - although some way off the peak of 43% seen in the first quarter of 2004. the result could be higher interest rates. china raised rates by 0.27 percentage points to 5.8% - its first hike in nine years - in october 2004. despite the apparent rebalancing of the economy the overall growth picture remains strong economists said. there is no sign of a slowdown in 2005 said tim congdon economist at ing barings. china s economy is not only gathering speed thanks to domestic demand but also from soaring sales overseas. figures released earlier this year showed exports at a six-year high in 2004 up 35%. part of the impetus comes from the relative cheapness of the yuan china s currency. the government keeps it pegged close to a rate of 8.28 to the us dollar - much to the chagrin of many us lawmakers who blame china for lost jobs and competitiveness. despite urging to ease the peg officials insist they are a long way from ready to make a shift to a more market-set rate. we need a good and feasible plan and formulating such a plan also needs time national bureau of statistics chief li deshui told reuters. those who hope to make a fortune by speculating on a renminbi revaluation will not succeed in making a profit.,business
2100,security papers found in street an inquiry is under way after files containing security details about the pakistani president s visit to london were found by a member of the public. the files are believed to contain detailed security arrangements for gen pervez musharraf s visit this week including police codes. scotland yard said the policing operation had been reviewed. a spokesman said president musharraf s safety had not been compromised as the papers had been handed in promptly. we cannot discuss who was responsible for the documents only that they contained the policing arrangements for the official visit said the spokesman. the papers are believed to have been found by a member of the public in a street in mayfair and given to the mirror newspaper. the police spokesman said the newspaper handed the report over on monday. the force s directorate of professional standards is investigating the circumstances surrounding the loss of the documents he said. gen musharraf held talks with tony blair on monday. he arrived in britain on sunday night after flying from the united states where he met president george w bush. he is due to visit the pakistani community in manchester on tuesday afternoon.,politics
466,philippoussis doubt over open bid mark philippoussis is almost certain to miss the australian open after suffering a groin injury during the hopman cup loss to the netherlands. the 28-year-old suffered two tears to the adductor muscle and was unable to play in the deciding mixed doubles. he is now unlikely to be fit in time for the australian open which begins on 17 january in melbourne. he has to strengthen it enough to cope with repetitive days of tennis said hopman cup doctor hamish osborne. it would be very unlikely in my opinion for him to do a five-setter once let alone two days in a row inside two weeks. the injury is more common in australian rules football and a fit footballer would normally take three to four weeks to recover fully although mark s injury is slightly different. the australian has suffered a host of injury problems throughout his career but is still holding out slim hope that he can make the event. it s something i ll have to go by feel. i ll start treatment as soon as possible and try to strengthen it without tearing it any more he said. what doesn t kill you makes you stronger. i know i can come back from this and that s all that matters. - former world number two tommy haas is also a doubt for the australian open after picking up a thigh injury playing for germany in the hopman cup. the 26-year-old had treatment on his left thigh while leading argentine guillermo coria 7-5 2-2. he played one more game but his movement was hampered and he quit.,sport
687,musical treatment for capra film the classic film it s a wonderful life is to be turned into a musical by the producer of the controversial hit show jerry springer - the opera. frank capra s 1946 movie starring james stewart is being turned into a £7m musical by producer jon thoday. he is working with steve brown who wrote the award-winning musical spend spend spend. a spokeswoman said the plans were in the very early stages with no cast opening date or theatre announced. a series of workshops have been held in london and on wednesday a cast of singers unveiled the musical to a select group of potential investors. mr thoday said the idea of turning the film into a musical had been an ambition of his for almost 20 years. it s a wonderful life was based on a short story the greatest gift by philip van doren stern. mr thoday managed to buy the rights to the story from van doren stern s family in 1999 following mr brown s success with spend spend spend. he later secured the film rights from paramount enabling them to use the title it s a wonderful life.,entertainment
1009,corry backs skipper robinson england forward martin corry says jason robinson is the right man to lead the national team back to winning ways. after losses to wales and france critics have started to wonder whether robinson can captain from full-back. but corry has backed robinson who was given the role after the injury to fly-half jonny wilkinson ahead of this weekend s trip to ireland. jason is doing a tremendous job. every week my respect for him goes up corry told bbc radio five live. he is an inspirational captain. when he talks with the squad he talks with a lot of sense. the players have a lot of respect for him. it s an honour to be in the england side and an honour to play under him. england are under immense pressure following their poor start to the year and victory is vital if they are to rescue their six nations campaign. but corry insists england are in the right frame of mind for the contest. there is apprehension going into every game he added. but you have to use that fear and put it into a positive mindset. when the whistle goes on sunday what has happened in the past does not count for anything. we have not performed but if we put in a performance on sunday then we can start turning results around. there are a lot of changes taking place with england and we are at the start of something. we have not got off to the greatest of starts but you need to experience the bad the before you can fully appreciate the good. a trip to lansdowne road is daunting at any time especially against an ireland side that are flying high after two impressive wins. they are the form team of the tournament and are tipped to claim their first grand slam since 1948. but corry is relishing the prospect of taking on the irish in their own backyard. they are full of confidence and are playing a great team game he said. the forwards are creating a great platform and they have explosive runners out wide. if you look at the team on paper they have stars from one to 15. it s a huge task but it is a great opportunity for us. lansdowne road is a tremendous venue to play in and we have to use it to our advantage.,sport
805,yachvili savours france comeback france scrum-half dimitri yachvili praised his team after they fought back to beat england 18-17 in the six nations clash at twickenham. yachvili kicked all of france s points as they staged a second-half revival. we didn t play last week against scotland and we didn t play in the first half against england he said. but we re very proud to beat england at twickenham. we were just defending in the first half and we said we had to put them under pressure. we did well. yachvili admitted erratic kicking from england s charlie hodgson and olly barkley who missed six penalties and a drop goal chance between them had been decisive. i know what it s like with kicking. when you miss some it s very hard mentally but it went well for us he said. france captain fabien pelous insisted his side never doubted they could secure their first win against england at twickenham since 1997. france were 17-6 down at half-time but pelous said: no-one was down at half-time we were still confident. we said we only had 11 points against us which was not much. the plan was to keep hold of possession and pressure england to losing their composure. france coach bernard laporte accepted his side had not played well. we know we have to play better to defend the title he said. i m not happy we didn t score a try but we re happy because we won.,sport
771,prop jones ready for hard graft adam jones says the wales forwards are determined to set the perfect attacking platform for the backs by dominating the powerful france pack in paris. the prop said: if we get stuffed in the front five our backs have had it. the mentality of the french is scrum scrum scrum . we will see how good france are and the scrum is the key. i just hope [the backs] carry on where they left off against italy. it s just up to us in the forwards to win the ball and give them the opportunity. wales have won two of their last three visits to stade de france having secured back-to-back wins under graham henry in 1999 and 2001. and with the likes of shane williams and gavin henson finding top form at the right time mike ruddock s team is now one of international rugby s most potent attacking threats. gavin is ridiculously talented. he has been bouncing around the place this week so he is up for it warned jones. france have been criticised for their uncharacteristic one-dimensional play in their victories over scotland and france. captain fabien pelous has acknowledged his side needs to show more attacking flair but stressed the game with be won or lost up front. the lock believes the welsh forwards are not big enough to trouble his side in the scrum or line-out but jones insisted his fellow front-row colleagues have nothing to fear. gethin [jenkins] won t be intimidated tomorrow none of us will said jones who will be facing france for the first time. we will go out there and front up and hopefully get the ball out to the backs. me and gethin are quite young so it is good to have someone of mefin s experience in there. mefin is a good thinker who puts things across. but what is the saying if you are good enough you are old enough and gethin certainly is. he is a really good player and i imagine he will be on the lions tour [to new zealand this summer].,sport
1532,security scares spark browser fix microsoft is working on a new version of its internet explorer web browser. the revamp has been prompted by microsoft s growing concern with security as well as increased competition from rival browsers. microsoft said the new version will be far less vulnerable to the bugs that make its current browser a favourite of tech-savvy criminals. test versions of the new program called ie 7 are due to be released by the summer. the announcement about internet explorer was made by bill gates microsoft chairman and chief software architect during a keynote speech at the rsa security conference currently being held in san francisco. although details were scant mr gates said ie7 would include new protections against viruses spyware and phishing scams. this last category of threats involves criminals setting up spoof websites that look identical to those of banks and try to trick people into handing over login and account information. in a bid to shore up the poor security in ie 6 microsoft has regularly issued updates to patch loopholes exploited by criminals and the makers of nuisance programs such as spyware. earlier this month it released a security bulletin that patched eight critical security holes - some of which were found in the ie browser. microsoft has also made a series of acquisitions of small firms that specialise in computer security. one of the first fruits of these acquisitions appeared last month with the release of a microsoft anti-spyware program. an own-brand anti-virus program is due to follow by the end of 2005. the decision to make internet explorer 7 is widely seen as a u-turn because before now microsoft said it had no need to update the browser. typically new versions of its browser appear with successive versions of the windows operating system. a new version of ie was widely expected to debut with the next version of windows codenamed longhorn which is due to appear in 2006. the current version of internet explorer is four years old and is widely seen as falling behind rivals such as firefox and opera. there are also persistent rumours that search engine google is poised to produce its own brand browser based on firefox. in particular the firefox browser has been winning fans and users since its first full version was released in november 2004. estimates of how many users firefox has won over vary widely. according to market statistics gathered by websidestory firefox s market share is now about 5% of all users. however other browser stat gatherers say the figure is closer to 15%. some technical websites report that a majority of their visitors use the firefox browser. internet explorer still dominates with a share of about 90% but this is down from a peak of almost 96% in mid-2004.,tech
2205,argonaut founder rebuilds empire jez san the man behind the argonaut games group which went into administration a week ago has bought back most of the company. the veteran games developer has taken over the cambridge-based just add monsters studios and the london subsidiary morpheme. the argonaut group went into administration due to a severe cash crisis firing about half of its staff. in august it had warned of annual losses of £6m for the year to 31 july. jez san is one of the key figures in the uk s games industry. the developer who received an obe in 2002 was estimated to have been worth more than £200m at the peak of the dotcom boom. he founded argonaut in 1982 and has been behind titles such as 1993 starfox game. more recently it was behind the harry potter games for the playstation. but like all software developers argonaut needed a constant flow of deals with publishers. in august it warned of annual losses of £6m blaming delays in signing new contracts and tough conditions in the software industry. the group s three subsidiaries were placed in administration a week ago with mr sans resigning as the company s ceo and some 100 staff being fired. after the latest round of cuts there were 80 workers at argonaut headquarters in edgware in north london with 17 at its morpheme offices in kentish town london and 22 at the just add monsters base in cambridge. mr san has re-emerged buying back morpheme and just add monsters. we are pleased to announce the sale of these two businesses as going concerns said david rubin of administrators david rubin & partners. this has saved over 40 jobs as well as the substantial employment claims that would have arisen had the sales not been achieved. mr rubin said the administrators were in talks over the sale of the argonaut software division in edgware and were hopeful of finding a buyer. this is a very difficult time for all the employees there but i salute their commitment to the business while we work towards a solution he said. some former employees are angry at the way cash crisis was handled. one told bbc news online that the staff who had been fired had been financially ruined in the space of a day .,tech
2000,mcleish ready for criticism rangers manager alex mcleish accepts he is going to be criticised after their disastrous uefa cup exit at the hands of auxerre at ibrox on wednesday. mcleish told bbc radio five live: we were in pole position to get through to the next stage but we blew it we absolutely blew it. there s no use burying your head in the sand we know we are going to get a lot of criticism. we have to take it as we have done in the past and we must now bounce back. mcleish admitted his team s defending was amateurish after watching them lose 2-0 to guy roux s french side. i m very disappointed because we didn t give ourselves a chance losing the first goal from our own corner. it was amateur he added. the early goal in the second half gave us a mountain to climb and we never created the same kind of chances as we did in the first half. it s difficult to take positives from the game. we ve let the fans down.,sport
953,premier league planning cole date the premier league is attempting to find a mutually convenient date to investigate allegations chelsea made an illegal approach for ashley cole. both chelsea and arsenal will be asked to give evidence to a premier league commission but no deadline has been put on when that meeting will convene. it s hard to put a date on it a premier league spokesman confirmed to bbc sport. it s not a formal situation where they ve got so much time to respond. arsenal and england defender cole reportedly met blues boss jose mourinho and chief executive peter kenyon in a london hotel 11 days ago. chelsea have yet to officially confirm or deny the meeting which would be in breach of premier league rule k3. now the gunners have asked for an inquiry to look into claims that their player has been tapped up . both clubs have pledged to co-operate with the inquiry which will be conducted on a single day as opposed to being run as an ongoing evaluation. cole is in negotiations with the gunners over extending his current deal which ends in 2007. and his arsenal team-mate robert pires has urged the england left-back to stay at highbury. pires told the evening standard: he has been at arsenal for ever. he is a very attacking left-back and i think he is enjoying his football because at arsenal he plays in an offensive team. i am not sure he will get the same pleasure at chelsea even though they are doing so well at the moment. i have built a fantastic playing relationship with ashley. we play together so well - we could do it with our eyes shut. but you have to respect the decision of the player. everybody has that right.,sport
1394,viewers to be able to shape tv imagine editing titanic down to watch just your favourite bits or cutting out the slushier moments of star wars to leave you with a bare bones action-fest. manipulating your favourite films to make a more personalised movie is just the beginning of an ambitious new 7.5m euro (£5.1m) project funded by the european union. new media for a new millennium (nm2) will have as its endgame the development of a completely new media genre which will allow audiences to create their own media worlds based on their specific interests or tastes. viewers will be able to participate in storylines manipulate plots and even the sets and props of tv shows. bt is one of 13 partners involved in the project. it will be contributing software that was originally designed to spot anomalies in cctv pictures. the software uses content recognition algorithms. the three-year project will work on seven productions as it develops a set of software tools that will allow viewers to edit content to their needs. one of the productions will be a experimental television show where the plot will be driven by text messages from the tv audience. participants will text selected words which will impact how the characters in the drama interact. it is being developed in finland and will be shown to finnish tv audiences. another team will work on the bbc s big budget drama of mervyn peake s gothic fantasy gormenghast. it will be re-engineered to allow people to choose a variety of edited versions. the bbc is allowing us access to the material so that we can prove the technology and the principles explained dr doug williams of bt who will be nm2 s technical project manager. the tv at the moment is a relatively dumb box which receives signals. this project is about teaching the machine to look at content like lego blocks that can be reassembled to make perfect sense he said. at the moment we have interactive gaming and a limited form of interactive tv which usually means allowing audiences to vote on shows. we are hoping to occupy the space in-between he added. nm2 s co-ordinator peter stollenmayer explained that the new genre would radically alter the role of the audience. viewers will be able to interact directly with the medium and influence what they see and hear according to their personal tastes and wishes he said. media users will no longer be passive viewers but become active engagers. it will also be important that the tools are sophisticated enough to obey the complex rules of cinematography and editing said john wyver from tv producer illuminations television limited which is also involved in the project. it s not just a matter of stringing together the romantic or action portions of a production said mr wyver. the tool has to know which bits fit together both visually by observing the time-honoured rules that go in editing and in terms of the story. only then will the personalised version both make sense and be aesthetically pleasing he added. mr wyver is planning a production entitled the golden age about renaissance art. it will allow viewers to create a so-called media world based on their own specific areas of interest such as poetry music and architecture. other productions that the nm2 team will make range from news documentaries to a romantic comedy drama.,tech
1522,obituary: dame alicia markova dame alicia markova who has died in bath aged 94 was the uk s first prima ballerina of the modern age and in her heyday the greatest in the western world. she was born lilian alicia marks in london in 1910. her parents were comfortably off - her father a mining engineer drove a rolls royce. when she was eight her mother took a decision which changed her life. fearing that she had flat feet and weak legs she arranged for her to have ballet lessons. very quickly it became apparent that she was something special. she was spotted by the russian artistic impresario sergei diaghilev who wanted her to dance for his company ballets russes. she became ill with diphtheria but kept in touch and eventually with a governess in tow joined diaghilev in monte carlo when she was 14. from here she toured europe playing in all the top venues. it was diaghilev who changed her name without even consulting her. her life was one of great excitement. people such as matisse and stravinsky became like uncles to her the latter put in charge of her musical education. soon after diaghilev s death in 1929 alicia markova returned to england and became britain s first international ballerina. she helped launch the ballet club at the mercury theatre (later the ballet rambert) the vic wells ballet and then with anton dolin the markova-dolin ballet of 1935-37. she also began working with young choreographers such as anthony tudor and frederick ashton who became huge influences on the direction of ballet in the west. her version of giselle all lightness and grace is still considered to be among the finest ever. she was also outstanding in the dying swan. she was one of the first british ballerinas to take a major part in les sylphides. she above all helped popularise ballet both in britain and in america. alicia markova spent world war ii in the united states where in a re-formed ballets russes she played to huge audiences. she even appeared in hollywood movies. in 1950 back in england she and anton dolin jointly established the festival ballet. she retired in 1963 an instant decision she said largely because of a leg injury . created a dame she made a new career for herself as a teacher. she also travelled the world directing ballet companies and putting on shows. she became director of ballet for the metropolitan opera ballet in new york and for some years was full-time professor of ballet and performing arts in the university of cincinnati. a critic once said of dame alicia markova s dancing: she gave the illusion of moving as if she had no weight to get off the ground.,entertainment
455,tv station refuses adoption show a tv station in the us has refused to show a controversial new series where adopted children try and pick their birth father - and win a cash prize. the wraz-tv fox affiliate in north carolina was the only one of 182 stations to refuse monday s show. who s your daddy promises $100 000 (£52 000) to the contestant if she correctly identifies her father. it was met with protests by the national council for adoption which said it exploits sensitive emotions. it exploits the sensitive emotions of adoption said thomas atwood president of the national council for adoption. it trivialises them. adoption is a very personal meaningful experience and it should not be commercialised like this. on the pre-taped programme the contestant is presented with eight men who may or may not be her natural father. if she picks the correct man from the line-up the contestant wins the jackpot prize of us$100 000 (£52 590). however if she picks the wrong man then the impostor takes the money. fox producers defended the show saying it was a positive experience . they have made six specials though only one episode has so far been broadcast. the special was thoroughly vetted by our standards and practices department to ensure that it was appropriate for broadcast said a fox spokesman. however any network affiliate that feels the programming may be inappropriate for their individual market has the right to pre-empt the schedule. wraz-tv instead chose to air an independently-produced film i have roots and branches... personal reflections on adoption a documentary about families with adopted children. we just don t think adoption is a game show said tommy schenck wraz-tv s general manager though he said his decision had not been influenced by public protests.,entertainment
593,china ripe for media explosion asia is set to drive global media growth to 2008 and beyond with china and india filling the two top spots analysts have predicted. japan south korea and singapore will also be strong players but china s demographics give it the edge a media conference in london heard. the world s most populous country - population 1.3bn - now has about 200 million middle-class consumers. forty per cent fall in the key 16 to 35-year-old demographic. as a result it is attracting huge foreign investment in media and communications analysts told the financial times new media and broadcasting conference last week. interest in china among international media groups has surged in recent months after beijing issued rules allowing foreign investment in joint-venture television radio and film production companies. news corporation viacom and sony pictures are among the big names involved in joint ventures with chinese players. more than 700 million chinese listen to 1 000 radio stations while 200 tv stations broadcast 2 900 channels. china central television (cctv) the state broadcaster claims an audience of more than a billion people. of the country s 360 million households 100 million receive cable tv programmes. the rest could be a potential audience for satellite broadcasting which china plans to launch in 2006. the state administration of radio film and television (sarft) which regulates broadcasting plans to move all programmes to digital by 2015. the continuing roll-out of new digital channels has boosted demand for quality content creating significant opportunities for both chinese and foreign content providers. but according to recent reports from china the authorities have tightened controls over foreign investment in tv production joint ventures. it has limited most foreign companies to only one joint venture and banned the involvement of any found to be unfriendly according to reports. the sarft said: there is a very strong ideological component to production of broadcast television programmes. it added: china must understand the political tendencies and background of overseas partners and prevent joint ventures or cooperation from bringing harmful foreign thinking or culture into our production sector. according to the financial times china correspondent the new rules highlight the political sensitivities that surround foreign involvement in china s media sector. this is despite beijing s decision to open the state-dominated sector to international investment. as well as traditional broadcasting chinese and foreign entrepreneurs alike see fortunes waiting to be made in new media like mobile services and online gaming. mobile games already account for 15% of revenues from china s 340 million mobile users. online gaming sales are predicted to top a billion us dollars next year according to the uk-based journal screen digest. the video market is also seen as a big opportunity although piracy levels are still very high despite an anti-piracy drive during the past year. in the cinema industry the deployment of digital screens is being accelerated. this is not just to modernise venues but also to curb piracy and regulate distribution. li ruigang president of the commercial broadcaster shanghai media group told the conference that china s new media market is already experiencing explosive growth . it was particularly strong in charged broadband services and mobile value-added services. leading china-watcher and founder of the cga consultancy jeanne-marie gescher agreed that the time was ripe for foreign media groups to tap china s huge media market potential. china s media are now driven by investors who do not care how people consume media - they just want people to consume more of it mrs gescher concluded.,tech
590,broadband fuels online change fast web access is encouraging more people to express themselves online research suggests. a quarter of broadband users in britain regularly upload content and have personal sites according to a report by uk think-tank demos. it said that having an always-on fast connection is changing the way people use the internet. more than five million households in the uk have broadband and that number is growing fast. the demos report looked at the impact of broadband on people s net habits. it found that more than half of those with broadband logged on to the web before breakfast. one in five even admitted to getting up in the middle of the night to browse the web. more significantly argues the report broadband is encouraging people to take a more active role online. it found that one in five post something on the net everyday ranging from comments or opinions on sites to uploading photographs. broadband is putting the me in media as it shifts power from institutions and into the hands of the individual said john craig co-author of the demos report. from self-diagnosis to online education broadband creates social innovation that moves the debate beyond simple questions of access and speed. the demos report entitled broadband britain: the end of asymmetry was commissioned by net provider aol. broadband is moving the perception of the internet as a piece of technology to an integral part of home life in the uk said karen thomson chief executive of aol uk with many people spending time on their computers as automatically as they might switch on the television or radio. according to analysts nielsen//netratings more than 50% of the 22.8 million uk net users regularly accessing the web from home each month are logging on at high speed they spend twice as long online than people on dial-up connections viewing an average of 1 444 pages per month. the popularity of fast net access is growing partly fuelled by fierce competition over prices and services.,tech
277,halo 2 sells five million copies microsoft is celebrating bumper sales of its xbox sci-fi shooter halo 2. the game has sold more than five million copies worldwide since it went on sale in mid-november the company said. halo 2 has proved popular online with gamers notching up a record 28 million hours playing the game on xbox live. according to microsoft nine out of 10 xbox live members have played the game for an average of 91 minutes per session. the sequel to the best-selling need for speed: underground has inched ahead of the competition to take the top slot in the official uk games charts. the racing game moved up one spot to first place nudging gta: san andreas down to second place. halo 2 dropped one place to five while half-life 2 fell to number nine. last week s new releases goldeneye: rogue agent and killzone both failed to make it into the top 10 debuting at number 11 and 12 respectively. record numbers of warcraft fans are settling in the games online world. on the opening day of the world of warcraft massive multi-player online game more than 200 000 players signed up to play. on the evening of the first day more than 100 000 players were in the world forcing blizzard to add another 34 servers to cope with the influx. the online game turns the stand alone warcraft games into a persistent world that players can inhabit not just visit europe s gamers could be waiting until january to hear when they can get their mitts on nintendo s handheld device nintendo ds says david yarnton nintendo uk general manager told a press conference to look out for details in the new year. its us launch was on sunday and it goes on sale in japan on 2 december. nintendo has a 95% share of the handheld gaming market and said it expected to sell around five million of the ds by march 2005.,tech
90,bank set to leave rates on hold uk interest rates are set to remain on hold at 4.75% following the latest meeting of the bank of england. the bank s rate-setting committee has put up rates five times in the past year but rates have been on hold since september amid signs of a slowdown. economic growth slowed in the previous quarter as manufacturing output fell while consumer confidence has slipped. there is also growing evidence that the previously booming uk housing market is now cooling. house prices fell 0.4% in october according to the nationwide their biggest monthly fall since february 2001. last month bank of england governor mervyn king said that the economy had hit a softer patch after rapid economic growth in the first half of 2004. richard jeffrey chief economist at bridgewell securities said it was very unlikely that the bank of england would put rates up again this time around. there have been sufficient signs in the economy of a slowdown to stay the bank of england s hand he told bbc radio 4 s today programme. however mr jeffrey said he believed the slowdown in economic activity was temporary and it was dangerous to assume that rates had peaked. i still think interest rates are going up he said. we are not out of the woods.,business
904,telewest to challenge sky plus cable firm telewest is to offer a personal video recorder (pvr) in a set -top box to challenge sky plus. sky plus is the market leader in the field of digital video recorders in the uk with 474 000 subscribers. pvrs record tv programmes to a hard drive letting viewers pause and rewind live television and effectively time shift the viewing experience. a number of pvrs incorporating freeview digital terrestrial tv are also on the market but their success is limited. telewest s pvr will offer a 160gb hard drive which has storage for up to 80 hours of programmes. the box has three tuners which means viewers can record two channels simultaneously while watching a third channel. sky plus boxes come in two versions - a 20gb version for £99 and a 160gb version for £399. sky also charges a £10 subscription fee to the service unless viewers have a subscription to one of its premium packages. telewest has yet to reveal pricing for the new box or if it will be charging a subscription fee for the service. eric tveter president and chief operating officer at telewest broadband said: we will make our pvr set-top box available later this year putting a stop to missed soaps interrupted films and arguments over which programmes to record. pvrs and recordable dvd players are set to replace video recorders as the standard method of recording and saving favourite tv programmes. last year high street retailer dixons said it was going to stop selling vhs machines in favour of pvrs and recordable dvd machines. sky has said it aims to have 25% of its subscribers using sky plus by 2010 - it is predicting 10 million total subscribers by that date. it currently has 7.4 million subscribers while telewest provides digital cable to 1.7 million customers.,tech
527,mourinho defiant on chelsea form chelsea boss jose mourinho has insisted that sir alex ferguson and arsene wenger would swap places with him. mourinho s side were knocked out of the fa cup by newcastle last sunday before seeing barcelona secure a 2-1 champions league first-leg lead in the nou camp. but he denied his club was suffering a dip in form which league rivals arsenal and manchester united could exploit. they cannot speak to us about blips because they re not in a better position than us mourinho said. do they want to change positions with us we are top of the league by nine points and in the carling cup final. the only thing they can say they are in a better position than us in is the fa cup. in the champions league all three teams can either go through or go out but the one team that is in the best position is still chelsea. mourinho said it was important to keep his team s results in perspective. don t try to put pressure on me because i am never under pressure he warned. we have lost one important game this week - at newcastle - and we re out of the fa cup but i don t think a defeat in a first-leg tie is a real defeat. we are just 2-1 down at half-time. asked if his chelsea honeymoon was now over mourinho replied: i have had 20 years of honeymoons with my wife. the day that this club is not happy with me is the day that i go.,sport
1763,mps quiz aides over royal income senior officials at the two bodies generating private income for the queen and prince of wales are to be questioned by mps. aides from the duchy of lancaster and duchy of cornwall will appear before the commons public accounts committee. it has been reported they could be questioned about prince charles spending on camilla parker bowles. but bbc correspondent peter hunt said they are not responsible for how money is spent and may be unable to answer. duchy officials who will appear before the committee on monday are only responsible for generating money. the duchy of lancaster provides the queen s private income while the duchy of cornwall provides prince charles annual income. the duchy of cornwall is a 140 000-acre estate across 25 counties and also includes residential properties shops offices stocks and shares. it was set up in 1337 by king edward iii to provide income for successive heirs to the throne. it covers the cost of the prince s public and private life - neither charles nor william and harry receive taxpayers money from the civil list. however the prince of wales did receive over £4m from government departments and grants-in-aid in 2003-4. the duchy last year generated almost £12m. the prince has voluntarily paid income tax - currently 40% - since 1993.,politics
42,federer claims dubai crown world number one roger federer added the dubai championship trophy to his long list of successes - but not before he was given a test by ivan ljubicic. top seed federer looked to be on course for a easy victory when he thumped the eighth seed 6-1 in the first set. but ljubicic who beat tim henman in the last eight dug deep to secure the second set after a tense tiebreak. swiss star federer was not about to lose his cool though turning on the style to win the deciding set 6-3. the match was a re-run of last week s final at the world indoor tournament in rotterdam where federer triumphed but not until ljubicic had stretched him for five sets. i really wanted to get off to a good start this time and i did and i could really play with confidence while he still looking for his rhythm federer said. that took me all the way through to 6-1 3-1 0-30 on his serve and i almost ran away with it. but he came back and that was a good effort on his side. ljubicic was at a loss to explain his poor showing in the first set. i didn t start badly but then suddenly i felt like my racket was loose and the balls were flying a little bit too much. and with roger if you relax for a second it just goes very quick he said. after those first three games it was no match at all. i don t know it was really weird. i was playing really well the whole year and then suddenly i found myself in trouble just to put the ball in the court. but despite his defeat the world number 14 was pleased with his overall performance. i had a chance in the third and for me it s really positive to twice in two weeks have a chance against roger to win the match. it s an absolutely great boost to my confidence that i m up there and belong with top-class players.,sport
1364,calder fears for scottish rugby former scotland international finlay calder fears civil war at the sru could seriously hamper his country s rbs six nations campaign. four members of the executive board including the chairman david mackay have resigned after a simmering row. and calder said: this is terrible news for every level of scottish rugby. david is a successful businessman and i thought that if anybody could transform the negative atmosphere and rising debt level it was him. mackay s executive board has been in a power struggle with the general committee which contains members elected by scotland s club sides. he has been driven out by people who seem happier waging civil war than addressing the central issue that professional rugby can t be run by amateurs said calder. in fact i don t understand why we are still having this argument 10 years after professionalism arrived. but i don t believe the rest of the sru will take this lying down. i think the banks will be dismayed at this decision and ultimately it is them who pull the strings. so i wouldn t be surprised if they reviewed their position. but in the wider picture what message does this send out he thought the work of scotland s coaches who have been attempting to arrest the decline of the national side would be made much more difficult. matt williams and willie anderson must be wondering what have we walked into here said calder. and we can now expect weeks of arguments and acrimony just at a time when we should be looking forward to the six nations championship. i am very very disappointed more than you can imagine. why do so many scots have this knack of turning on each other when the going gets tough,sport
1418,blair buys copies of new band aid prime minister tony blair purchased two copies of the charity single band aid 20 in edinburgh on friday. staff were surprised when the prime minister walked into hmv at 0900 gmt accompanied by aides and local police. when mr blair came in unannounced we were all pretty gobsmacked said hmv manager clive smith. our customer helper approached him... it was only then we realised he wanted to buy copies of the band aid single rather than the latest eminem album. predicted chart-topper do they know it s christmas is expected to sell at least 300 000 copies by the time the new chart is announced on sunday. however the new version of the 1984 single is not going to be released in the us despite being sold in many countries around the world. us record shops are stocking an import version of do they know it s christmas which is said to be selling very well in los angeles and new york. the original track was released in the us and reached number 13 in the singles chart. british stars who appear on the current recording such as dido and coldplay s chris martin are well-known to music fans across the atlantic along with u2 frontman bono. record company universal is responsible for the global distribution of the single which will be available across europe asia south america and canada. but music fans in the us are still able to access the song and download it on band aid 20 s official website. in 1985 a group of high-profile american stars known as usa for africa came together to record their own fund-raising single we are the world. the song was written by lionel richie and michael jackson with quincy jones as producer. it topped the us charts for three weeks and went on win grammy awards for best record and song. dionne warwick diana ross and tina turner were among the line-up of performers. it is predicted that the band aid 20 song will sell 300 000 copies in the uk by the time the new chart is announced on sunday. the record is also tipped to become this year s christmas number one as the original version did in 1984. proceeds from the sales are going towards relief for the darfur region of sudan and to combat hiv and aids across africa.,entertainment
643,borussia dortmund near bust german football club and former european champion borussia dortmund has warned it will go bankrupt if rescue talks with creditors fail. the company s shares tumbled after it said it has entered a life-threatening profitability and financial situation . borussia dortmund has posted record losses and missed rent payments on its westfallen stadium. chief executive gerd niebaum stepped down last week and creditors are now pushing for greater control. shares in borussia dortmund germany s only stock-market listed football club dropped by almost 23% to 2.05 euros during early afternoon trading. fund manager florian hamm - borussia dortmund s largest investor - said he would only invest more money in the company if he got a greater say in how it is run. i demand better transparency he is quoted as saying by germany s manger magazin. the club has also faced calls to appoint executives from outside the club. borussia dortmund posted a record loss of 68m euros ($89m; £47m) in the 12 months through june. it made a loss of 27.2m euros in the first half of the current fiscal year and said that total debts will increase to 134.7m euros by the middle of 2006 unless a restructuring plan is pushed through. this is the bill for their mismanagement over the past years said hvb analyst peter-thilo halser. the club appointed an auditor who has recommended a number of steps including deferring the rent due on the stadium and suspending debt repayments until at least the 2006-2007 fiscal year. stephen schechter a uk investment banker who has held talks with borussia dortmund over a possible bond sale said the club needs a capital injection of 35m euros. they need strong people on the board who do not have a history with the club he said.,business
40,german growth goes into reverse germany s economy shrank 0.2% in the last three months of 2004 upsetting hopes of a sustained recovery. the figures confounded hopes of a 0.2% expansion in the fourth quarter in europe s biggest economy. the federal statistics office said growth for the whole of 2004 was 1.6% after a year of contraction in 2003 down from an earlier estimate of 1.7%. it said growth in the third quarter had been zero putting the economy at a standstill from july onward. germany has been reliant on exports to get its economy back on track as unemployment of more than five million and impending cuts to welfare mean german consumers have kept their money to themselves. major companies including volkswagen daimlerchrysler and siemens have spent much of 2004 in tough talks with unions about trimming jobs and costs. according to the statistics office destatis rising exports were outweighed in the fourth quarter by the continuing weakness of domestic demand. but the relentless rise in the value of the euro last year has also hit the competitiveness of german products overseas. the effect has been to depress prospects for the 12-nation eurozone as a whole as well as germany. eurozone interest rates are at 2% but senior officials at the rate-setting european central bank are beginning to talk about the threat of inflation prompting fears that interest rates may rise. the ecb s mandate is to fight rising prices by boosting interest rates - and that could further threaten germany s hopes of recovery.,business
1518,tory backing for id cards the tories are to back controversial government plans to introduce id cards. the shadow cabinet revealed its support ahead of next week s commons vote on a bill to introduce compulsory id. the decision follows a tough meeting where some senior tories argued vociferously against the move party sources told the bbc. the bill which ministers claim will tackle crime terrorism and illegal immigration is expected to be opposed by the liberal democrats. they have said the scheme is deeply flawed and a waste of money. sources within the conservative party told the bbc michael howard has always been in favour of id cards and tried to introduce them when he was home secretary. the party has been agnostic on the issue until now but had now decided to come off the fence the tory source said. despite giving their backing to id cards the conservatives insisted they would hold ministers to account over the precise purpose of the scheme. they said they would also press labour over whether objectives could be met and whether the home office would deliver them. and they pledged to assess the cost effectiveness of id cards and whether people s privacy would be properly protected. it is important to remember that this bill will take a decade to come into full effect a spokesman said. it will do nothing to solve the immediate problems of rising crime and uncontrolled immigration. lib dem home affairs spokesman mark oaten said: this has all the signs of michael howard overruling colleagues concerns over id cards. the tories should have the courage to try and change public opinion not follow it. the new chairman of the bar council guy mansfield qc warned there was a real risk that people on the margins of society would be driven into the hands of extremists. what is going to happen to young asian men when there has been a bomb gone off somewhere they are going to be stopped. if they haven t [id cards] they are going to be detained.,politics
2046,benitez delight after crucial win liverpool manager rafael benitez admitted victory against deportivo la coruna was vital in their tight champions league group. jorge andrade s early own goal gave liverpool a 1-0 win. and benitez said: we started at a very high tempo and had many chances. it is a very important win for us and we could have scored more goals. we were very good defensively and also good on the counter attack. we are pleased but move on to the next game. igor biscan was outstanding in midfield after replacing injured xabi alonso and benitez said: he played very well. it is important to have all the players ready and a good squad so you can play more games at a high level. benitez added: it is all back in our own hands now it was a great win for us and i was delighted with what i feel was the best liverpool i have seen. as far as my feelings about winning in spain that is really not important. i want to see us win away matches in the champions league that it was in spain was not my first consideration. as far as i am concerned it is important for liverpool to win it is not important in what country it is in. benitez added: benitez said: we had a problem before the start it was decided that xabi could not play more than 45 minutes. but in the end because of the way that (dietmar) hamann and (igor) biscan performed we did not need to change things until right at the end of the match. depor are a good team and if you allow them to keep possession they can be very dangerous indeed. but we knew that if we hit them on the counter-attack it would make them nervous and that is how it worked out. deportivo coach javier irureta said: liverpool played very well and we just could not break them down. i know we have now gone six games at home in europe without scoring but that does not reflect our overall performances. but this time we did not play well and we lacked imagination. the goal was a bad mistake and a big blow to our confidence. players who usually want the ball at that stage did not want it. i know we are bottom of the group but as long as there is hope of qualifying we will hang on to that.,sport
464,dozens held over id fraud site twenty-eight people including a briton have been arrested after a global operation against a website allegedly involved in identity fraud. those arrested are accused of operating which investigators claim was a global clearing house for criminals involved in credit card fraud. a 19-year-old man from camberley surrey was arrested by the national hi-tech crime unit but has been bailed. operation firewall led by the us secret service involved seven nations. the british teenager was arrested on wednesday but details only emerged on friday. he has now been bailed to return to a surrey police station in december. all 28 people detained globally are suspected of being involved in an internet-based network which stole people s identities and used computers and websites to defraud credit card companies. the authorities in the us who have indicted 19 people in newark new jersey estimate the fraud caused losses of more than $4m. assistant us attorney scott christie said several people had been arrested in argentina bulgaria canada estonia poland and sweden. mr christie said one of the ringleaders was believed to be a russian anatoly tyukanov. investigators from 30 law enforcement agencies worldwide spent 15 months looking into the activities of three websites - shadowcrew carderplanet and darkprofits. the us secret service was first tipped off in july 2003. an nhtcu spokeswoman said the american investigators went undercover on the shadowcrew website and discovered some of the site s 4 000 members were using it for organised crime purposes. she said criminals were using the websites to traffic counterfeit credit cards and false identification information and documents such as credit cards driver s licences passports and birth certificates. the websites shared tips on how to commit fraud and provided a forum by which people could buy the information and tools they needed to commit such crime she said. the shadowcrew site which has now been taken over by the us secret service listed several discussion groups in english and russian including one on hacking spam and online anonymity tools. the head of the nhtcu acting detective chief superintendent mick deats said: this investigation has resulted in the significant disruption of organised criminals using the internet for profit. we believe that the suspects have trafficked at least 1.7 million stolen credit card numbers leading to losses by financial institutions running into the millions. chief supt deats went on to warn: the internet offers huge legitimate benefits for modern society; however with it brings powerful opportunities for those seeking to abuse those benefits for criminal gain. your identity is one of the most precious commodities. criminals who try to steal the personal and financial information of ordinary citizens as well as the confidential and proprietary information of companies engaged in e-commerce will be targeted by law enforcement.,tech
180,arsenal may seek full share listing arsenal vice-chairman david dein has said the club may consider seeking a full listing for its shares on the london stock exchange. speaking at the soccerex football business forum in dubai he said a full listing was one of the options for funding after the club moves to its new stadium. the club - which is currently listed on the smaller ofex share exchange - is due to move into its new 60 000-seater emirates stadium at ashburton grove for the start of the 2006/07 season. mr dein also warned the current level of tv coverage of the premiership may be reaching saturation level with signs that match attendances have been dropping off in the first few months of this season. when arsenal moves to its new stadium it will see its proportion of turnover from media earnings drop from 52% this season to 34% in two years time. the club is hoping to increase matchday earnings from 29% to 40% of turnover and has not ruled out other money-earning means including a full share listing. when the new stadium opens we will go through a thorough financial review mr dein said. listing would be one option but we are flexible and no decisions have been made on that issue yet. we want to be in the best financial health - maybe clubs can do it (listing) manchester united have been a success. mr dein said that although television money and coverage had driven the english game forward in the past 10 years he feared there might now be too many games being shown. since the formation of the premier league in season 1992/93 premiership clubs have seen their income from television soar. television has been the driving force over the past 10 years... but we must constantly improve if we want to remain as the world s leading league competition. we must monitor the quality of the product and ensure attendances do not decline and we must balance that with the quantity of exposure on tv too. i think we have practically reached saturation point... sometimes i think less is more. the club is funding its move to ashburton grove through a number of sources including debt from banks from money it already has and will receive in coming years from sponsors and from the sale of surplus property including its highbury stadium. it is also looking to create new revenue streams from overseas markets including asia. we have two executives travelling round japan and china at the moment building relationships with organisations and clubs and we know our supporters clubs are growing there too as they are around the world. we have got a very good product so it is very important we go and look at these markets and make sure we are on the case.,business
476,prince crowned top music earner prince earned more than any other pop star in 2004 beating artists such madonna and elton john in us magazine rolling stone s annual list. the singer banked $56.5m (£30.4m) from concerts album and publishing sales with his musicology tour and album. he kept madonna in second place as she earned $54.9m (£29.5m) while embarking on her global re-invention tour. veterans simon and garfunkel were in 10th place their comeback tour helping them earn $24.9m (£13.4m) last year. prince returned to centre stage after a decade in the commercial wilderness the magazine reported. the singer s 2004 tour took $90.3m (£48.5m) in ticket sales and he sold 1.9 million copies of his latest album musicology. although she grossed more than prince last year madonna remained in second place because of the monumental production costs of her tour. heavy metal band metallica s madly in anger with the world tour helped push their 2004 earnings up to $43.1m (£23.1m). they were ahead of sir elton john who took fourth place and almost $42.7m (£23m) from performances including a debut on the las vegas strip. other seasoned performers in the list included rod stewart whose sold-out shows and third volume of the great american songbook covers album helped net him £35m (£19m). the highest-ranking rap act in the list was 50 cent who at number 19 took $24m (£13m) to the bank.,entertainment
2017,what high-definition will do to dvds first it was the humble home video then it was the dvd and now hollywood is preparing for the next revolution in home entertainment - high-definition. high-definition gives incredible 3d-like pictures and surround sound. the dvd disks and the gear to play them will not be out for another year or so and there at are still a number of issues to be sorted out. but when high-definition films do come out on the new format dvds it will profoundly change home entertainment. for rick dean director of business development for digital content company thx a high-definition future is an exciting prospect. he has worked on the star wars dvd trilogy finding nemo the incredibles and indiana jones. there was a time not so long ago when the film world and the video world were two completely separate worlds he told the bbc news website. the technology we are dealing with now means they are very much conjoined. the film that we see in theatres is coming from the same digital file that we take the home video master he says. but currently putting a master feature film onto dvd requires severe compression because current dvd technology cannot hold as much as high-definition films demand. as much as you compress the picture data rate wise you also take qualities away from the picture that we fight so hard to keep in the master he explains. i would love to be able to show people what projects that we worked on really look like in the high-def world and i find it very exciting. high-definition dvds can hold up to six times more data than the dvds we are used to. it will take time though to persuade people who spent money on dvd players to buy the different players and displays required to watch high-definition dvds in 18 months time. mr dean is confident though: i think if they see real hd [high-definition] not some heavily compressed version of it there is such a remarkable difference. i have heard comments from people who say the images pop off the screen. high-definition will mean some changes for those working behind the scenes too. on the whole producing films for high-definition dvds will be easier in some ways because less compression is needed. equally it may mean hollywood studios ask for more to be put onto the average dvd. when we master movies right now our data rates are running at about 1.2 gigabits per second says mr dean. our dvds that we put out today have to be squashed down to about five or six megabits per second. that s a huge amount of compression that has to be applied - about 98%. so if you have anything that allows more space you don t have to compress so hard. studios could fit a lot more marketing material games and features onto high-capacity dvds. currently an entire dvd project can take up to three months says mr dean. although the step of down-converting will be bypassed this will realistically only save a day s work says mr dean. one of the most time consuming elements is building dvd navigation and menu systems. on the fairly complex star wars disks making sure the menu buttons worked took 45 human hours alone. if studios want to cash in on the extra space it could mean extra human hours for which someone has to pay. if the decision on the studio side is that they are going to put a lot more on these disks it could be more expensive because of all the extra navigation that is required. and if studios do focus on delivering more added value content thinks mr dean ultimately it could mean that they will want more money for it. those costs could filter down to the price ticket on a high-definition dvd. but if the consumer is not willing to pay a premium price studios will listen thinks mr dean. high-definition throws up other challenge to film makers and dvd production alike. more clarity on screen means film makers have to make doubly sure that attention to detail is meticulous. when we did the first hd version of star wars episode i everybody was very sun-tanned but that was make-up. in the hd version of episode i all these make-up lines showed up explains mr dean. the restoration of the older star wars episodes revealed some interesting items too. there are scans of a corridor [on the death star] and fairly plainly in one of those shots there is a file cabinet stuck behind one of the doorways. you never used to be able to see it because things are just blurred enough during the pan that you just didn t see it. what high-definition revolution ultimately means is that the line between home entertainment and cinema worlds will blur. with home theatre systems turning living rooms into cinemas this line blurs even further. it could also mean that how we get films and in what format will widen. in the future we are going to look towards file delivery over ip [internet protocol - broadband] giving a dvd-like experience from the set-top box to the hard drive says mr dean. but that is some time off for most and for now people still like to show off something physical in their bookshelves.,tech
315,two nigerian banks set to merge nigerian banks united bank of africa and standard trust bank have agreed plans to merge and create the biggest bank in west africa. the deal is also in line with a 2004 directive from the nigerian central bank that called for more consolidation in the nation s crowded banking sector. the merger was announced in a statement on standard trust s website on tuesday but no financial details were revealed. united bank is the third biggest in nigeria in terms of number of branches. standard trust is smaller but more profitable. the boards of united bank and standard trust at separate meetings yesterday approved arrangements to merge both institutions standard trust said. standard trust is 100% nigerian-owned but united bank has some foreign investors including new york-based global depository receipts (32.8%) and banca nazionale del lavoro and monte del paschi di siena both from italy who each have a 2.4% stake.,business
96,dent continues adelaide progress american taylor dent reached the final of the australian hardcourt event in adelaide with a crushing 6-1 6-1 win over argentine juan ignacio chela. dent will meet swede joachim johansson on sunday after the second seed survived a tense tie-break to defeat belgium s olivier rochus 6-1 7-6 (7/5). johansson the boyfriend of lleyton hewitt s sister jaslyn received strong crowd support on saturday. it feels like home for me because jaslyn lives here said johansson. rochus was leading 5-4 in the second set tiebreak but his concentration was ruffled by a disputed line call and the match slipped away. it was so close - one mistake like this and the match is over it s tough. for me it was clearly out rochus said.,sport
1079,stalemate in pension strike talks talks aimed at averting national strikes over pension reforms have ended without agreement after 90 minutes. five public sector unions met deputy prime minister john prescott at the labour spring conference in gateshead. they want the government to withdraw regulations - due to be introduced in weeks - which would raise the pension age for council workers from 60 to 65. up to 1.4 million workers could take part in strikes earmarked for 23 march. discussions will resume next week. a spokesman for unison britain s biggest union said after saturday s meeting: at least we are still talking. all sides are anxious to avoid a major confrontation in the run up to the general election said bbc labour affairs correspondent stephen cape. in four days unison will start balloting 800 000 local government workers on strikes. other public sector unions have pledged to follow. the five unions which met mr prescott want the government to withdraw these regulations. this would allow months of tough negotiations to follow said our correspondent. but a spokesman for mr prescott warned that the changes to the local government pension scheme would have to go ahead in april. privately ministers believe this will be the less painful option our correspondent added. the public and commercial services union (pcs) will co-ordinate any industrial action with up to six other public sector unions. pcs leader mark serwotka warned last week that there could be further walkouts unless there was a government rethink. for a government that lectures everyone on choice - choice on public service choice on this and choice on that - isn t it ironic that they re saying to public sector workers there is no choice he said. if you want the pension you were promised when you started you must work for an extra five years - that is working until people drop. in the 20th century it s completely unacceptable. unison s 800 000 workers the transport and general workers union s 70 000 and amicus 20 000 are among those being balloted about a 23 march walkout. mr prescott held a private meeting with senior union figures last week. it is understood no deal was offered in that meeting but there was room for further negotiations.,politics
947,tories outlining policing plans local communities would be asked to go to the polls to elect their own area police commissioner under plans unveiled by the conservatives. party leader michael howard said the new role would replace inconspicuous police authorities. he said the new office would not supersede the job of a chief constable. the lib dems said the plan could let extreme groups run policing while labour criticised extravagant tory promises on policing. responding to the plans the chairman of the police federation of england and wales which represents rank and file officers said it was essential operational independence was retained. jan berry said: it is a service not a political football to be kicked around every time an election approaches. these plans could result in those with extreme political views dictating what actually happens on the ground she warned. outlining his crime manifesto mr howard said elected police commissioners would be more accountable than police authorities which are made up of local councillors and magistrates. the commissioner will have the powers which existing police authorities have he told bbc radio 4 s today programme. the trouble is and it s no reflection on the people who are on the police authority - they are good people - but hardly anyone knows who they are. mr howard said the authorities were not providing the local accountability that we want to see and that elected police commissioners would be more visible. critics fear the move could hand control of the police to single-issue campaigners who would ignore the needs of the wider community. lord harris who sits on the executive of association of police authorities said the plans seemed to suggest chief constables should be told what to do by a single politician. that is overturning nearly 200 years of the way in which we have organised policing in this country to avoid the politicisation of policing decisions he said. liberal democrat home affairs spokesman mark oaten said the plan was dangerous and could create conflict between chief constables and elected officials . mr oaten said local people had too little control over policing but a far better solution would be for elected councillors to draw up a minimum policing guarantee with their chief constables. a labour party spokesman criticised michael howard s record saying police numbers had fallen by 1 132 when he was home secretary. he said: today the tories are making more extravagant promises on the police without making clear how they would pay for them other than through fantasy savings to the asylum system. the tories insists the commissioner role would not be like that of an american sheriff. other tory law and order plans include building more prisons and making criminals serve full jail sentences.,politics
1742,us state acts to stop spammers us state texas has filed a lawsuit against two men believed to be among the world s top five spammers. it is seeking millions of dollars in damages in a civil lawsuit filed earlier this week. the texas attorney general said it started the legal action as messages sent by the alleged spammers broke three laws governing e-mail marketing. the company named in the lawsuit denied any wrongdoing and said it complied with all relevant laws. the texas lawsuit was filed against ryan samuel pitylak a university oftexas student and mark stephen trotter of california. both are thought to be the top executives in three companies - payperaction llc. leadplex llc. and leadplex inc - that are suspected of sending out many millions of unwanted e-mail messages. illegal spam must be stopped said greg abbott texas attorney general announcing the legal action. spam is one of the most aggravating and pervasive problems facing consumers today. the attorney general alleges that messages sent by mr pitylak and mr trotter s companies broke the 2003 controlling the assault of non-solicited pornography and marketing act (can-spam) as well as the texas electronic mail and solicitation act and texas deceptive trade practices act. all three acts confer cash penalties for each violation of their terms. if the men are found guilty and all penalties are applied the two men could face a damages bill running into millions. mr abbott said the messages sent by the pair broke laws by using misleading subject lines not identifying themselves as adverts and offering services for which they had no licence to do so in texas. lawyers for the alleged spammers said the lawsuit was groundless and the two men would defend themselves strongly against the accusations. leadplex and payperaction are legitimate internet marketing companies that are in complete compliance with the federal can-spam act said lin hughes speaking on behalf of mr pitylak and mr trotter. in a similar move the us federal trade commission (ftc) has won a court order that stops an international group of spammers sending sexually explicit e-mail. the ftc took the action because the messages being sent violated several parts of the can-spam act. in particular the pornographic messages did not identify themselves as being sexually explicit had deceptive subject headings did not have working opt-out mechanisms failed to mention they were adverts and did not give the sender s real world address. the court order stops the spammers sending e-mail and freezes assets prior to a hearing on a permanent injunction.,tech
972,gates opens biggest gadget fair bill gates has opened the consumer electronics show (ces) in las vegas saying that gadgets are working together more to help people manage multimedia content around the home and on the move. mr gates made no announcement about the next generation xbox games console which many gadget lovers had been hoping for. about 120 000 people are expected to attend the trade show which stretches over more than 1.5 million square feet and runs from 6 to 9 january. the latest trends in digital imaging storage technologies thinner flat screen and high-definition tvs wireless and portable technologies gaming and broadband technologies will all be on show over the three days. mr gates said that a lot of work had been done in the last year to sort out usability and compatibility issues between devices to make it easier to share content. we predicted at the beginning of the decade that the digital approach would be taken for granted - but there was a lot of work to do. what is fun is to come to the show and see what has been done. it is going even faster than we expected and we are excited about it. he highlighted technology trends over the last year that had driven the need to make technology and transferring content across difference devices seamless . gaming is becoming more of a social thing and all of the social genres will use this rich communications. and if we look at what has been going on with e-mail instant messaging blogging entertainment - if we can make this seamless we can create something quite phenomenal. mr gates said the pc like microsoft s media centre had a central role to play in how people would be making the most out of audio video and images but it would not be the only device. it is the way all these devices work together which will make the difference he said. he also cited the success of the microsoft xbox video game halo 2 released in november which pushed xbox console sales past playstation in the last two months of 2004 for the first time in 2004. the game which makes use of the xbox live online games service has sold 6.23 million copies since its release. people are online and playing together and that really points to the future he said. several partnerships with device and hardware manufacturers were highlighted during mr gates speech but there were few major groundbreaking new technology announcements. although most of these affected largely us consumers the technologies highlighted the kind of trends to come. these included what mr gates called an ecosystem of technologies like sbc s iptv a high-definition tv and digital video recorder that worked via broadband to give high-quality and fast tv. there were also other deals announced which meant that people could watch and control content over portable devices and mobile phones. ces features several more key speeches from major technology players such as intel and hewlett packard as well as parallel conference sessions on gaming storage broadband and the future of digital music. about 50 000 new products will be unleashed at the tech-fest which is the largest yet. consumer electronics and gadgets had a phenomenal year in 2004 according to figures released by ces organisers the cea on tuesday. the gadget explosion signalled the strongest growth yet in the us in 2004. that trend is predicted to continue with wholesale shipments of consumer technologies expected to grow by 11% again in 2005.,tech
210,aragones angered by racism fine spain coach luis aragones is furious after being fined by the spanish football federation for his comments about thierry henry. the 66-year-old criticised his 3000 euros (£2 060) punishment even though it was far below the maximum penalty. i am not guilty nor do i accept being judged for actions against the image of the sport he said. i m not a racist and i ve never lacked sporting decorum. i ve never done that and i have medals for sporting merit. aragones was handed the fine on tuesday after making racist remarks about henry to arsenal team-mate and spanish international jose reyes last october. the spanish football federation at first declined to take action against aragones but was then requested to do so by spain s anti-violence commission. the fine was far less than the expected amount of about £22 000 or even the suspension of his coaching licence. arsenal boss arsene wenger who was fined £15 000 in december for accusing manchester united striker ruud van nistelrooy of cheating believes that aragones punishment was too lenient. you compare his fine and my fine and if you consider his was for racist abuse then you seem to get away with it more in spain than you should wenger said. he shouldn t have said what he said and how much money is enough i don t know but it doesn t look a big punishment. however aragones insists the fine is unjustified and unfair. i have been treated like islero (the bull that killed famous bullfighter manolete) said aragones on hearing he had been fined for his actions. i have not liked one thing about this whole affair and i do not agree with the sanction. they have looked for a scapegoat. spain s anti-violence commission must now ratify the spanish fa s decision and has until next week to announce its verdict. aragones has 10 days to appeal and the commission can also appeal. alberto flores president of the spanish fa s disciplinary committee said no-one in the committee felt aragones was a racist nor had acted in a racist way. a fine the highest we could apply is sufficient punishment. suspension would have been a bit exaggerated flores told sports daily marca.,sport
2144,camera phones are must-haves four times more mobiles with cameras in them will be sold in europe by the end of 2004 than last year says a report from analysts gartner. globally the number sold will reach 159 million an increase of 104%. the report predicts that nearly 70% of all mobile phones sold will have a built-in camera by 2008. improving imaging technology in mobiles is making them an increasingly must-have buy. in europe cameras on mobiles can take 1.3 megapixel images. but in japan and asia pacific where camera phone technology is much more advanced mobiles have already been released which can take 3.2 megapixel images. japan still dominates mobile phone technology and the uptake there is huge. by 2008 according to gartner 95% of all mobiles sold there will have cameras on them. camera phones had some teething problems when they were first launched as people struggled with poor quality images and uses for them as well as the complexity and expense of sending them via mms (multimedia messaging services). this has changed in the last 18 months. handset makers have concentrated on trying to make phones easier to use. realising that people like to use their camera phones in different ways they have introduced more design features like rotating screens and viewfinders removable memory cards and easier controls to send picture messages. mobile companies have introduced more ways for people to share photos with other people. these have included giving people easier ways to publish them on websites or mobile blogs - moblogs. but the report suggests that until image quality increases more people will not be interested in printing out pictures at kiosks. image sensor technology inside cameras phones is improving. the gartner report suggests that by mid-2005 it is likely that the image resolution of most camera phones will be more than two megapixels. consumer digital cameras images range from two to four megapixels in quality and up to six megapixels on a high-end camera. but a lot of work is being done to make camera phones more like digital cameras. some handsets already feature limited zoom capability and manufacturers are looking into technological improvements that will let people take more photos in poorly-lit conditions like nightclubs. other developments include wide-angle modes basic editing features and better sensors and processors for recording film clips. images from camera phones have even made it into the art world. an exhibition next month in aid of the charity mencap will feature snaps taken from the camera phones of top artists. the exhibition fonetography will feature images taken by photographers david bailey rankin and nan goldin and artists sir peter blake tracey emin and jack vettriano. but some uses for them have worried many organisations. intel samsung the uk s foreign office and lawrence livermore national laboratories in the us have decided to ban camera phones from their buildings for fear of sensitive information being snapped and leaked. many schools fitness centres and local councils have also banned them over fears about privacy and misuse. italy s information commissioner has also voiced concern and has issued guidelines on where and how the phones can be used. but camera phone fears have not dampened the manufacturers profits. according to recent figures sony ericsson s profits tripled in the third-quarter because of new camera phones. over 60% of mobiles sold during the three months through to september featured integrated cameras it said.,tech
1766,vickery upbeat about arm injury england prop phil vickery is staying positive despite a broken arm ruling him out of the rbs six nations. the 28-year-old fractured the radius in his right forearm during gloucester s 17-16 win over bath on saturday. he will undergo an operation on monday and is expected to be out for at least six weeks. he said: this isn t an injury that will stop me from working hard on the fitness elements and being around the lads. he added: i ve got the operation this afternoon and i could be back doing fitness work after a week. as frustrating as it is i ve got to be positive. after the game vickery spoke with bath prop david barnes who also broke his arm recently. i had a chat with david barnes and it looks like a similar injury to him he said. he said he had the operation and he was back running after a week. there s no doubt that i m going to get involved and be around this place as soon as i can after the operation. gloucester director of rugby nigel melville said: phil has broken his radius which is the large bone in his forearm. i don t really know how it happened but phil will definitely be out of action for at least six weeks. i feel very sorry for him as he has been in great shape. he really needed 80 minutes of rugby this weekend and then this happened. mentally it must be very hard for him.,sport
1971,balco case trial date pushed back the trial date for the bay area laboratory cooperative (balco) steroid distribution case has been postponed. us judge susan illston pushed back a preliminary evidentiary hearing - which was due to take place on wednesday - until 6 june. no official trial date has been set but it is expected to begin in september. balco founder victor conte along with james valente coach remy korchemny and trainer greg anderson are charged with distributing steroids to athletes. anderson s clients include barry bonds and several other baseball stars have been asked to appear before a congressional inquiry into steroid use in the major leagues. the balco defence team have already lost their appeal to have the case dismissed at a pre-trial hearing in san francisco but will still argue the case should not go to trial. the hearing in june will focus on the admissibility of evidence gathered during police raids on balco s offices and anderson s home. conte and anderson were not arrested at that point but federal agents did obtain statements from them. the defence are expected to challenge the legality of those interviews and if ilston agrees she could could reject all the evidence from the raids. balco has been accused by the united states anti-doping agency (usada) of being the source of the banned steroid thg and modafinil. former double world champion kelli white and olympic relay star alvin harrison have both been banned on the basis of materials discovered during the balco investigation. britain s former european 100m champion dwain chambers is currently serving a two-year ban after testing positive for thg in an out-of-competition test in 2003. and american sprinter marion jones has filed a lawsuit for defamation against conte following his allegations that he gave her performance-enhancing drugs.,sport
1303,gebrselassie in london triple bid double olympic 10 000m champion haile gebrselassie will race in the london marathon for the next three years. the ethiopian legend won sunday s almeria half-marathon in spain on his return from an operation on his achilles tendon. he was third in london in 2002 in his first serious attempt at the marathon. it is a coup for us to secure haile s presence for the next three years and it guarantees a quality race said race director david bedford. gebrselassie will face olympic champion stefano baldini world champion jaouad gharib and arch-rival paul tergat the current world record holder. if i didn t think i could win i would not be here said gebrselassie who has set world records on 18 occasions in his illustrious career and is keen to add the marathon record to his collection. there are a lot of fantastic runners in the race but i shall be doing my utmost to upset them.,sport
1638,china aviation seeks rescue deal scandal-hit jet fuel supplier china aviation oil has offered to repay its creditors $220m (£117m) of the $550m it lost on trading in oil futures. the firm said it hoped to pay $100m now and another $120m over eight years. with assets of $200m and liabilities totalling $648m it needs creditors backing for the offer to avoid going into bankruptcy. the trading scandal is the biggest to hit singapore since the $1.2bn collapse of barings bank in 1995. chen jiulin chief executive of china aviation oil (cao) was arrested by at changi airport by singapore police on 8 december. he was returning from china where he had headed when cao announced its trading debacle in late-november. the firm had been betting heavily on a fall in the price of oil during october but prices rose sharply instead. among the creditors whose backing cao needs for its restructuring plan are banking giants such as barclay s capital and sumitomo mitsui as well as south korean firm sk energy. of the immediate payment the firm - china s biggest jet fuel supplier - said it would be paying $30m out of its own resources. the rest would come from its parent company china aviation oil holding company in beijing. the holding company owned by the chinese government holds most of cao s singapore-listed shares. it cut its holding from 75% to 60% on 20 october.,business
79,o driscoll out of scotland game ireland captain brian o driscoll has been ruled out of saturday s rbs six nations clash against scotland. o driscoll was originally named in the starting line-up but has failed to recover from the hamstring injury he picked up in the win over italy. his replacement will be named after training on friday morning. fellow centre gordon d arcy is also struggling with a hamstring injury and he will undergo a fitness test on friday to see if he can play. kevin maggs would be an obvious replacement at centre while shane horgan could also be moved from wing. ulster wing tommy bowe could also be asked to travel with the squad to scotland as a precautionary measure. the only other change to the ireland side sees wasps flanker johnny o connor replacing denis leamy. o connor will be winning his third cap after making his debut in the victory over south africa last november. : murphy horgan tbc d arcy hickie o gara stringer corrigan byrne hayes o kelly o connell s easterby o connor foley. : sheahan horan o callaghan miller g easterby humphreys dempsey.,sport
1055,vodafone appoints new japan boss vodafone has drafted in its uk chief executive william morrow to take charge of its troubled japanese operation. mr morrow will succeed shiro tsuda as president of vodafone kk japan s number three mobile operator in april. mr tsuda who will become chairman was appointed president only two months ago but the business has struggled since then losing customers in january. vodafone had pinned its hopes on the launch of its 3g phones in november but demand for them has been slow. while it has more than 15 million customers in japan vodafone has found it difficult to satisfy japan s technologically demanding mobile users. it suffered a net loss of more than 58 000 customers in january its second monthly reverse in the last year. vodafone is going to need to put a lot of money into japan if it wants to rebuild the business tetsuro tsusaka a telecoms analyst with deutsche bank told reuters. i do not know if it will be worth it for them to spend that kind of money just for japan.,business
1804,super size me wins writers award super size me director morgan spurlock has won the writers guild of america s award for documentary feature writing. the oscar-nominated film followed spurlock as he ate only mcdonald s fast food for an entire month. spurlock was given the award at a special ceremony at the roosevelt hotel in hollywood on tuesday. organisers said the rising popularity of documentary films led them to honour a writer for a documentary screenplay for the first time. producer brian grazer presented the award to spurlock and the film s backers roadside attractions samuel goldwyn films and showtime independent films. spurlock set out to discover the effect of living on nothing but mcdonald s for a month upgrading to supersize portions when offered. the film followed his 25lb weight gain and the health effects on his body including his liver and cholesterol levels. mcdonald s announced it was to scrap its supersized meals last year but denied the move was as a result of the negative publicity created by spurlock s film. spurlock was given his award on the same day the european court of human rights ruled that two uk activists should have been given legal aid in their long fight against a mcdonald s libel action. helen steel and david morris from north london dubbed the mclibel two were found guilty in a 1990s trial of libelling the company in a leaflet they had been handing out at the end of the case the high court in london ruled mcdonald s had been libelled and awarded the company £60 000 in damages later reduced to £40 000 on appeal. but he found the leaflet was true in some aspects.,entertainment
1929,ukraine strikes turkmen gas deal ukraine has agreed to pay 30% more for natural gas supplied by turkmenistan. the deal was sealed three days after turkmenistan cut off gas supplies in a price dispute that threatened the ukrainian economy. supplies from turkmenistan account for 45% of all natural gas imported by ukraine which has large coal deposits but no gas fields. turkmenistan is also trying to strike a similar deal with russia which is not so dependent on its gas. turkmen president saparmurat niyazov who signed the contract said the turkmen side agreed to lower the price demanded by $2 per 1 000 cubic metres bringing it down to $58. but the new price is still $14 higher than the price fixed in the contract for 2004. the head of the ukrainian state-owned naftohaz company yury boyko said he was fully happy with the deal. on friday turkmenistan acted on a threat and shut off gas supplies to ukraine in attempt to bring the price dispute to a head. mr niyazov said that his government would insist on the same price for supplies to russia. analysts say thay may not happen as russia the world s leading gas producer needs the cheap turkmen gas only to relieve is state-owned gazprom from costly investment in the exploration of oil fields in siberia. turkmenistan is the second-largest gas producer in the world.,business
371,text messages aid disaster recovery text messaging technology was a valuable communication tool in the aftermath of the tsunami disaster in asia. the messages can get through even when the cell phone signal is too weak to sustain a spoken conversation. now some are studying how the technology behind sms could be better used during an emergency. sanjaya senanayake works for sri lankan television. the blogging world though might know him better by his online name morquendi. he was one of the first on the scene after the tsunami destroyed much of the sri lankan coast. cell phone signals were weak. land lines were unreliable. so mr senanayake started sending out text messages. the messages were not just the latest news they were also an on-the-ground assessment of who needs what and where . blogging friends in india took mr senanayake s text messages and posted them on a weblog called dogs without borders. thousands around the world followed the story that unfolded in the text messages that he sent. and that s when mr senanayake started to wonder if sms might be put to more practical use. sms networks can handle so much more traffic than the standard mobile phone call or the land line call he says. in every rural community there s at least one person who has access to a mobile phone or has a mobile phone and can receive messages. half a world away in the caribbean nation of trinidad and tobago taran rampersad read morquendi s messages. mr rampersad who used to work in the military knew how important on the ground communication can be in times of disaster. he wondered if there might be a way to automatically centralise text messages and then redistribute them to agencies and people who might be able to help. mr rampersad said: imagine if an aid worker in the field spotted a need for water purification tablets and had a central place to send a text message to that effect. he can message the server so the server can send out an e-mail message and human or machine moderators can e-mail aid agencies and get it out in the field. he added: or send it at the same time to other people who are using sms in the region and they might have an excess of it and be able to shift supplies to the right places. mr rampersad and others had actually been thinking about such a system since hurricane ivan ravaged the caribbean and the southern united states last september. last week he sent out e-mail messages asking for help in creating such a system for asia. in only 72 hours he found dan lane a text message guru living in britain. the pair along with a group of dedicated techies are creating what they call the alert retrieval cache. the idea is to use open-source software - software can be used by anyone without commercial restraint - and a far-flung network of talent to create a system that links those in need with those who can help. this is a classic smart mobs situation where you have people self-organizing into a larger enterprise to do things that benefit other people says paul saffo a director at the california-based institute for the future. you may be halfway around the world from someone but in cyberspace you re just one click or one e-mail away he said that s put a whole new dimension on disaster relief and recovery where often people halfway around the world can be more effective in making something happen precisely because they re not right on top of the tragedy. it is still very early days for the project though. in an e-mail dan lane calls it an early proof of concept. right now the alert retrieval cache can only take a text message and automatically upload it to a web-page or distribute it to an e-mail list. in the near future the group says it hopes to take in messages from people in affected areas and use human moderators to take actions based on the content of those messages. but there s still another challenge. you have to get people to know that the system is there for them to use. it s amazing how difficult it is to find someone to pass it along to and say look this is what we re trying to do and everything like that says mr rampersad. so the big problem right now is the same problem we re trying to solve - human communication. he is optimistic however. he thinks that the alert retrieval cache is an idea whose time has come and he hopes governments too will sit up and take notice. and he stands by his motto courtesy of michelangelo: criticise by creating. clark boyd is technology correspondent for the world a bbc world service and wgbh-boston co-production.,tech
445,peugeot deal boosts mitsubishi struggling japanese car maker mitsubishi motors has struck a deal to supply french car maker peugeot with 30 000 sports utility vehicles (suv). the two firms signed a memorandum of understanding and say they expect to seal a final agreement by spring 2005. the alliance comes as a badly-needed boost for loss-making mitsubishi after several profit warnings and poor sales. the suvs will be built in japan using peugeot s diesel engines and sold mainly in the european market. falling sales have left mitsubishi motors with underused capacity and the production deal with peugeot gives it a chance to utilise some of it. in january mitsubishi motors issued its third profits warning in nine months and cut its sales forecasts for the year to march 2005. its sales have slid 41% in the past year catalysed by the revelation that the company had systematically been hiding records of faults and then secretly repairing vehicles. as a result the japanese car maker has sought a series of financial bailouts. last month it said it was looking for a further 540bn yen ($5.2bn; £2.77bn) in fresh financial backing half of it from other companies in the mitsubishi group. us-german carmaker daimlerchrylser a 30% shareholder in mitsubishi motors decided in april 2004 not to pump in any more money. the deal with peugeot was celebrated by mitsubishi s newly-appointed chief executive takashi nishioka who took over after three top bosses stood down last month to shoulder responsibility for the firm s troubles. mitsubishi motors has forecast a net loss of 472bn yen in its current financial year to march 2005. last month it signed a production agreement with japanese rival nissan motor to supply it with 36 000 small cars for sale in japan. it has been making cars for nissan since 2003.,business
105,howard pitches for uk ethnic vote michael howard is to make a pitch for britain s ethnic vote urging people who feel taken for granted by tony blair to vote conservative. he will say conservatives share the same values as the uk s minorities. and that he wants to build a better britain where everyone whatever the colour of their skin or religion can make the most of their talents . but the tory leader will argue against positive discrimination saying it is outdated and unjust . it sets family against family and it leads ethnic communities to doubt their own abilities he will argue. mr howard - himself the son of immigrants - will acknowledge that racial discrimination still exists in the uk. people from ethnic communities for example still earn less than their white counterparts he will say before arguing the answer to helping everyone to get on was free enterprise free trade free speech . the tory leader will also call for religious tolerance arguing that hindus and sikhs as well as muslims got caught in the downdraft of islamaphobia which was one of the terrible side effects of 9/11 . mr howard will make his speech during a visit to support tory parliamentary hopefuls robert light and sayeeda warsi - the first british muslim woman selected to run for mp as a conservative candidate. he will attack labour s record in government over issues such as tax and he will set out tory plans for an immigration quota to be set by mps. mr howard will also attack the lib dems for wanting to abolish faith schools introduce compulsory sex education from the age of seven and give contraceptives out in schools from the age of 11 . so i say to all those people from ethnic minorities who feel mr blair and the liberal democrats take their votes for granted - come join us he will say. lib dem president simon hughes branded mr howard arrogant and wrong for claiming the tories were the natural party for britain s ethnic minorities. given the tories considerably reduced support in urban areas where many black and asian britons live during their time in power the evidence simply does not support his claims that the conservatives are the party for these communities he said.,politics
1297,clarke to press on with id cards new home secretary charles clarke has vowed to plough on with plans for id cards despite a call for him to pause for thought from charles kennedy. the lib dem leader said david blunkett s resignation was a good opportunity to question whether the legislation was necessary. but mr clarke said he had supported the plans when mr blunkett argued for them in cabinet and he supported them now. id cards are a means to creating a more secure society he said. mr clarke acknowledged how the measure was introduced remained a matter for debate but he said legislation had already been significantly influenced by the recommendations of the commons home affairs committee. the issue would be debated in parliament next monday as scheduled he insisted. earlier mr kennedy whose party opposes the id cards plan as deeply flawed said with christmas coming up the new home secretary had time to think again. he told bbc radio 4 s today programme that mr clarke had been reported to be less enthusiastic about id cards than his predecessors. wouldn t this be a good opportunity for a new home secretary a new broom to sweep clean in this respect and why do we need this legislation in the first place he asked. earlier this week the tories announced they would back the government s plans although michael howard was forced to deny the shadow cabinet was split over its decision. they had decided to support the plans as the police said they would help fight terror crime and illegal immigration. among those reported to have serious reservations over the strategy were senior shadow cabinet members david davis oliver letwin and tim yeo. the chairman of the bar council guy mansfield qc has warned there is a real risk that people on the margins of society would be driven into the hands of extremists. what is going to happen to young asian men when there has been a bomb gone off somewhere they are going to be stopped. if they haven t [id cards] they are going to be detained. the home office says people will pay £85 for a passport and id card together or a undecided fee for a separate id card. the first cards would be issued in 2008 and when he was introducing the bill mr blunkett suggested parliament could decide in 2011 or 2012 whether to make it compulsory for everybody to own the cards although not to carry them. the new bill will also create new criminal offences on the possession of false identity documents. and there will be civil penalties including a fine of up to £1 000 fine for people who fail to say they have moved house or changed other details and of up to £2 500 for failing to sign up if the cards become compulsory. the scheme will be overseen by a new independent watchdog.,politics
1932,venus stunned by farina elia venus williams suffered a first-round defeat for the first time in four years at the dubai championships. sylvia farina elia who had lost all nine of her previous meetings with the american fifth seed won 7-5 7-6 (8-6). former wimbledon champion conchita martinez and india s sania mirza the oldest and youngest players in the draw also reached the second round. martinez 32 beat shinobu asagoe 6-4 6-4 and 18-year-old mirza beat jelena kostanic 6-7 (7-2) 6-4 6-1. mirza the first indian woman to win a wta tour title this month on home ground at hyderabad will now face us open champion svetlana kuznetsova. but she is remaining confident. she (kuznetsova) is a great player she said. but everyone is beatable and i am looking forward to a great match. williams though blamed her defeat by farina elia on injuries. blisters were a factor but mostly my stomach wasn t that great she said. i did it in the last tournament in the semi-finals and i was serving at 40% in the final. the first time i served again was sunday and there wasn t a lot i could do out there. when your serve isn t good it throws the rest of your game off too. she will wait to see how she recovers before deciding whether to take part in the nasdaq-100 open in miami starting on 21 march.,sport
1458,iranian misses israel match iranian striker vahid hashemian will not travel to israel for bayern munich s champions league match against maccabi tel aviv on wednesday. the german club said the player had pulled out because of a back injury. iran refuses to recognise israel s right to exist and does not allow its citizens to travel to the country. a bayern spokesman said on monday that the decision not to take hashemian to israel had been motivated only by his physical condition. he s got back pain and he couldn t train the spokesman said. it would have made no sense for him to go. iran gave judo world champion arash miresmaeili a $125 000 reward when he refused to fight an israeli at the athens olympics. the international judo federation considered taking action against miresmaeili but concluded he had been overweight for the fight and could not have taken part.,sport
2127,boris opposes mayor apology ken livingstone should stick to his guns and not apologise for his nazi comment to a jewish reporter tory mp boris johnson has insisted. mr johnson also claimed tony blair s intervention in the row was an attempt to reassure jewish voters . london mayor mr livingstone says he is standing by his remarks which likened an evening standard journalist to a concentration camp guard . but the prime minister says it is time for mr livingstone to say sorry. labour s mr livingstone has said his comments may have been offensive but were not racist and said earlier this week he would not apologise even if mr blair asked. later the prime minister said: a lot of us in politics get angry with journalists from time to time but in the circumstances and to the journalist because he was a jewish journalist yes he should apologise. however mr johnson who was forced to apologise last year for an article in the magazine he edits about liverpudlians grieving over the death of british hostage ken bigley said mr blair should butt out of the row. i don t see why the prime minister has to get involved in this the spectator editor told bbc radio 4 s today programme. it s a dispute between ken livingstone and a reporter on the evening standard. mr johnson mp for henley-on-thames oxfordshire said he suspected labour was now trying to reassure jewish voters because of this curious way in which labour seems to be trying to curry favour with disillusioned muslim voters who may be disillusioned about the war . ken doesn t think he s got anything to say sorry for and if that s really his feeling then i think that he should stick to his guns he said. mr johnson apologised last october for perpetuating an outdated stereotype of liverpool in the leader article on the death of mr bigley. the article in the magazine suggested grieving liverpudlians were wallowing in their victim status. it also attributed blame to drunken liverpool football fans for the 1989 hillsborough disaster in which 96 died. mr johnson told today: it s perfectly true that i got into the grovelling game myself and when i apologised there were some things that i felt i ought to say sorry for ... there were also other things i didn t think i should apologise for he said. but here s old ken - he s been crass he s been insensitive and thuggish and brutal in his language - but i don t think actually if you read what he said although it was extraordinary and rude i don t think he was actually anti-semitic.,politics
1321,deal to ban homophobic reggae the reggae industry is to refuse to release or stage concerts featuring homophobic songs under a global deal struck with gay rights groups. a damaging campaign against stars such as beenie man and sizzla has been waged over lyrics that allegedly call for gay people to be killed or assaulted. the campaign which led to gigs being scrapped and a uk police investigation will now be dropped under the truce. brett lock of gay group outrage! said they were wiping the slate clean . the protests had been led by the stop murder music coalition an umbrella group including outrage! the black gay men s advisory group and jamaican movement j-flag. that coalition has reached a verbal agreement with major dancehall reggae record labels and concert promoters covering eight of the scene s biggest stars. but the artists themselves were not involved in the negotiations and have not directly signed up. instead the record companies have pledged not to release or re-release any offensive songs - many of which date back a number of years. and it is believed promoters will make stars agree not to perform such tunes on stage. the reggae industry will work with the artists while still maintaining their freedom of speech and artistic freedom according to media and pr strategist glen yearwood who is representing the reggae industry. the industry would halt any attempt by an artist to perform or release a song inciting violence against any group or gender he said. we ll advise them this is not the way forward in a civilised society. the stop murder music campaign saw protesters picket gigs resulted in sizzla s uk tour being cancelled in november forced mobo award organisers to drop artists from nominations and saw beenie man dropped from an mtv show in august. police have also been investigating whether lyrics incite the assault and murder of gay people. the campaign was a blow to the reggae industry mr yearwood admitted. if you can t have major stars touring then you don t sell many albums he said. but the artists - beenie man sizzla elephant man buju banton bounty killer tok capleton and vybz kartel - will not have to apologise for past songs or comments. outrage! s mr lock said: the main players in the dancehall reggae industry will attempt to regulate the industry themselves to ensure that there aren t any violently homophobic or gay-bashing lyrics in the future. as a gesture of good faith the stop murder music coalition has agreed to suspend our aggressive campaigning against murder music. so we shall not be picketing concerts or calling for prosecutions to give the industry the space to regulate and reform itself. record companies vp and greensleeves distributor jet star and concert promoters including jammins and apollo entertainment are all on board.,entertainment
699,britain boosted by holmes double athletics fans endured a year of mixed emotions in 2004 as stunning victories went hand-in-hand with disappointing defeats and more drugs scandals. kelly holmes finally fulfilled her potential by storming to double gold on the track at the olympic games. holmes helped erase the gloom hanging over team gb after their biggest medal hope paula radcliffe dropped out of the marathon and then the 10 000m. britain s men s 4x100m relay team also did their bit by taking a shock gold. holmes had started the year in disappointing style falling over in the final of 1500m at the world indoor championships where she was favourite. her olympic build-up was clouded by self doubt but that proved unfounded as she overhauled rival maria mutola to win the 800m - her first global title. just five days later the 34-year-old made it double gold in the 1500m. it was the first time in 84 years a briton has achieved the olympic middle-distance double. while holmes left athens as the star of team gb it was radcliffe who carried expectations before the august games. the 30-year-old marathon world record holder went into the athens event as favourite but an exhausted radcliffe dropped out after 23 miles in tears. her decision to enter the 10 000m five days later also backfired as she again pulled out with eight laps remaining. but radcliffe helped put her olympic trauma behind her with a thrilling win in november s new york marathon. the 4x100m team grabbed some last-gasp glory for the british men s olympic squad after a poor start to the games. it seemed as though athens would be the first games where the men would fail to win a medal with michael east the only individual track finalist in the 1500m. but darren campell jason gardener marlon devonish and mark lewis-francis made amends in the sprint relay. the quartet held off favourites the usa to win britain s first relay medal since 1912 in 38.07 seconds. gardener added the olympic relay crown to his world indoor title over 60m and just like holmes finally lived up to his promise in 2004. kelly sotherton completed team gb s athletics medal haul in athens with a surprise bronze in the heptathlon. the 28-year-old won her first championship medal since becoming a full-time athlete in 2003. but it was a different story for britain s defending champion denise lewis who withdrew on day two of the competition after some poor results. lewis who was troubled by injury has ruled out retiring while sotherton is tipped to build on her success. the athens olympics proved to be a landmark occasion for steve backley who retired from competition after finishing fourth in the javelin. the battling 35-year-old leaves the sport with a vast medal haul including two silvers and one olympic bronze. and backley s departure was balanced by the return of injury-hit decathlete dean macey who came fourth in athens. the continued improvement of sprinter abi oyepitan and long jumper chris tomlinson also boosted team gb. sadly the 2004 olympics did not escape the problems of drugs misuse. on the eve of the games greek sprinters kostas kenteris and katerina thanou missed a drugs test and claimed to have been involved in a road crash. kenteris the 200m champion in 2000 and thanou have since been charged by the greek authorities and await trial. at the games adrian annus (hammer) robert fazelas (discus) and irina korzhanenko (shot) were all stripped of their titles because of doping issues. hungarian compatriots annus and fazelas both refused to give urine samples while russian korzhanenko tested positive for the steroid stanozolol. the fallout from the thg scandal which rocked the sport in 2003 continued to impact in olympic year. britain s 4x100m team took gold without the services of dwain chambers who was handed a two-year ban in february after testing positive for steroid thg. american kelli white was suspended and stripped of her world 100m and 200m titles after failing a drugs test. and world 400m champion jerome young landed a life ban from us chiefs after a second doping offence. russian pole vaulter yelena isinbayeva provided some light relief by smashing the world record seven times on her way to the world indoor and olympic titles. her rivalry with compatriot svetlana feofanova livened up the field events. morocco s hicham el guerrouj also delighted fans by racing to a historic olympic double in the 1500m and 5 000m. and though there was no paula radcliffe in the london marathon there was plenty of drama as kenyans evans rutto and margaret okayo took the titles. rutto held on to win despite slipping on some cobblestones and tumbling into a barrier. okayo also had to battle back after mistiming her tactics but clinched victory on her debut.,sport
1738,campbell to be lions consultant former government communications chief alastair campbell will act as a media consultant to sir clive woodward s 2005 lions on their tour to new zealand. campbell who left downing street earlier this year will advise on media strategy before and during the tour. i hope i can contribute to the planning and preparation and to ensuring the media and public get the most out of the tour itself he said. i am also looking forward to going out for the later stages of the tour. woodward s decision to call in prime minister tony blair s former spin doctor springs from the deterioration in media relations on the last lions tour of australia in 2001 when new zealander graham henry was the head coach. the furore surrounding the newspaper diaries of matt dawson and austin healey was compounded by other disillusioned players venting their frustration through the media. the lions is a massive media event said woodward who will be the head coach. there will be a huge level of interest from the travelling media the fans that will go out in their thousands and the new zealand public. we need to have the strategy and processes in place to deal with the pressures that will bring. [alastair] will act as an advisor both in the build up to and on the tour itself. his role is to work closely with not only myself but (tour manager) bill beaumont (media manager) louisa cheetham and (team manager) louise ramsay. campbell is due to resume working for the government in the new year in the build-up to an anticipated may general election. the lions leave for new zealand on 24 may with the first test match against the all blacks in christchurch on 25 june.,sport
639,could rivalry overshadow election tony blair and gordon brown are desperately trying to stuff the genie of their rivalry back into the bottle. along with any number of senior cabinet colleagues they are insisting their only job is to win the next election and govern in the best interests of britain. it is a message they are aiming directly at their backbenchers who are becoming irritated and even unnerved by the continuing claims and counter claims surrounding this alleged rift. ian gibson for example urged the two men to stop squabbling declaring: for goodness sake sometimes you have to rise above petulance and make sure that you do your job as effectively as you can. those with slim majorities are particularly fearful that the rift could hit their own hopes of re-election. tony blair will seek to reassure labour mps on monday evening at their first meeting of the new year at westminster - a behind-closed doors meeting which gordon brown is thought likely to also attend to show unity. meanwhile the likes of health secretary john reid and labour peer lord haskins are warning of the electoral dangers of allowing this soap opera to continue. and they have both warned the rival camps to stop spreading the poison. lord haskins even suggested mr blair should reinstate mr brown as the central figure in the election planning. but this particular genie is unusually reluctant to return to captivity and many fear it is simply too late to repair the damage. they believe they will be fighting the next election with the sounds of open warfare between the two men ringing in their ears. and it matters little whether the rift is real or as some try to suggest simply the product of newspaper headlines and westminster gossip. few in westminster actually believe that simply because the evidence appears to contradict it. for example the weekend s attempts by both men to play down the divisions failed to do the trick. even as they were both insisting on their unity of purpose and claiming they would not be swayed by newspaper stories they still managed to stir the speculation with their comments. mr blair talked about the new labour manifesto - a move which seemed calculated to irritate the chancellor who has long rejected the label. and mr brown pointedly refused to deny claims the prime minister had reneged on a deal to hand him the premiership last year. that claim was repeated in robert peston s book a book which amply demonstrates this corrosive downing street soap opera is nowhere near its final act. for his part mr brown insists his only motivation was to get labour re-elected. the trouble is both men have fallen short of offering simple straightforward denials of the central claims. so they have both been accused of actually making matters worse by feeding the speculation with their own behaviour. the first thing to be said is that these suggestions have not come from nowhere. they started with and are sustained by friends of the two men. one only had to listen to the chancellor s friend and former spin chief charlie whelan last week to understand that there is a real anger from this camp at the prime minister s apparent attempts to confound mr brown s leadership ambitions. but it is not just public pronouncements from ex-aides. there are whispered briefings to selected journalists from both sides. it is no secret in westminster for example that downing street believes the chancellor is indulging in a mammoth sulk and acting in a petty and deliberately provocative manner. then there are the actions of the men themselves. gordon brown sets out what is seen as a rival manifesto then appears to embark on his own personal campaign. the prime minister responds by scheduling his monthly press conference to clash with a keynote speech by the chancellor. meanwhile large numbers of backbench mps insist voters are either entirely uninterested in the chatter which they believe is a media-only obsession or that they fear for the efficient running of a government beset by such rivalry. either way there is universal agreement that if this goes on through the general election it can only do the labour party serious damage. there are signs that the two men appreciate the dangers and both want to put a lid on all the speculation. but with probably only four months to the next election that looks like being a particularly difficult trick to pull off.,politics
1756,2d metal slug offers retro fun like some drill sergeant from the past metal slug 3 is a wake-up call to today s gamers molly-coddled with slick visuals and fancy trimmings. with its hand-animated sprites and 2d side-scrolling this was even considered retro when released in arcades four years ago. but a more frantic shooter you will not find at the end of your joypad this year. and yes that includes halo 2. simply choose your grunt and wade through five 2d side-scrolling levels of the most hectic video game blasting you will ever encounter. it is also the toughest game you are likely to play as hordes of enemies and few lives pile the pressure on. players must battle soldiers snowmen zombies giant crabs and aliens not to mention the huge screen-filling bosses that guard each of the five levels. the shoot-anything-that-moves gameplay is peppered with moments of old-school genius. fans of robotic gastropods should note the title refers instead to the vast array of vehicles on offer in a game stuffed with bizarre hardware. tanks jets and submarines can be commandeered as well as cannon-toting camels elephants and ostriches - more weaponry on offer than in an acre of iraq. doling out justice is a joy thanks to ultra responsive controls and while this is a tough nut to crack it is addictive enough to have you gagging for that one last go. and at a mere £20 metal slug 3 is as cheap as sliced fried spuds as the man says. of course most of you will ignore this lacking as it does the visual fireworks of modern blasters. but at a time when blockbuster titles offer only a fresh lick of paint in favour of real innovation metal slug 3 is a fresh gasp of air from an era when the xbox was not even a twinkle in bill gates eye.,tech
212,straw attacked on china arms moves to lift the european union s ban on arms exports to china have been condemned by human rights groups and the conservatives. the 15 year embargo was imposed in the aftermath of china s crackdown on protesters in tiananmen square in 1989. uk foreign secretary jack straw who will hold talks in beijing on thursday said an eu arms code was more effective than the current ban. but human rights watch says the eu is putting commerce above abuse concerns. in december the eu pledged to work towards lifting the ban but said it was not ready to do so yet. germany and france have repeatedly called for the embargo to be lifted. britain has been more cautious but mr straw last week said he also wanted it to end despite us objections. he expects it to be lifted over the next six months a prediction which has alarmed critics. brad adams from human rights watch said: this is a huge political signal from europe that they are willing to forget about tiananmen square. there are still thousands of people who are unaccounted for. mr straw said it was wrong to put china under the same embargo as countries such as zimbabwe and burma. the scope of the embargo was very narrow and did not have any force of law behind it he told bbc radio 4 s world at one. in the uk more export licences were refused under the existing european union arms code than under the embargo he said. and only two of the licences denied under the embargo would have been granted under the code. the code of conduct is much more effective it s a more powerful tool of and we intend to strengthen it as a pre-condition of lifting the embargo with china he said. mr straw denied the decision would suggest to china that tiananmen square had been forgotten. the level of human rights was a key criteria under the eu arms exports code he said. human rights groups say the code of conduct is not legally binding - but mr straw said it would be given legal force by the laws of many eu countries. conservative shadow foreign secretary michael ancram said the move would be profoundly wrong . the decision could undermine nato as it severely damaged relations with the us which is opposed to ending the ban. mr ancram argued: what the british government is doing is giving in to french and german pressure especially the french who see vast contracts available to them if the embargo is lifted... it gives the wrong signals to china who are simply not prepared to accept that what happened at tiananmen square was wrong. mr straw s china trip is part of regular high-level meetings with beijing ministers. he will meet chinese counterpart minister li zhaoxing to discuss developing relations between their two countries hong kong and china s part in the talks on north korea.,politics
1566,ferdinand casts doubt over glazer rio ferdinand has said he is unsure of malcolm glazer s motives after the american billionaire launched a new offer to buy manchester united. the club have confirmed that the glazer family partnership have submitted proposals of a third bid. a lot of people want the club s interest to be with people who have grown up with the club and have got its interests at heart said ferdinand. no one knows what this guy will be bringing to the table. the central defender added on bbc radio five live: we will have to wait and see what glazer comes with. i would like to see the situation resolved either way. i think people are getting bored with him coming in and out of the news with new proposals. the other stuff off the pitch takes the shine off what is going on the pitch. glazer currently owns a 28.1% stake in the club and united s statement to the stock exchange said: the board has noted the recent press speculation on this subject. the board can confirm that it has now received a detailed proposal subject to various pre-conditions which may form the basis of an offer for manchester united from glazer. a further announcement will be made in due course. glazer s previous bids for the club which united supporters opposed were rejected by the board because of the high level of debt they would incur. but it is believed that glazer has substantially reduced the borrowing required for his latest move. he will still need the approval of major shareholders john magnier and jp mcmanus who own 28.9% of the club to succeed. but the irish duo have cut off talks with glazer over the proposed sale of their stake while fans remain opposed to his involvement.,sport
1544,best person for top legal job the best person for the job should be appointed lord chancellor and not necessarily a lawyer or mp the courts minister has told mps. under reforms the post of lord chancellor is to be stripped of its judicial functions. the lord more needs to be a lawyer than the secretary of health needs to be a doctor said courts minister christopher leslie. the constitutional reform bill was entering its second reading on monday. mr leslie said: the prime minister should be able to appoint the best person for the job whether they sit in the house of lords or the house of commons. under the reforms the law lords will also be replaced as the uk s highest legal authority by a supreme court and judges will be appointed by an independent panel rather than ministers. in december the lords rejected a plea by current lord chancellor lord falconer that the holder of the job should not necessarily be a lawyer or a peer. the peers voted by 229 to 206 to say in law that lord chancellors must also be peers. the debate was carried over from the last parliamentary session but with an impending general election time is crucial for the government to get the bill passed. mr leslie said it was irrelevant whether the post was called secretary of state for constitutional affairs or lord chancellor. he said: what matters most is...whether it is reformed so that the post holder no longer has those conflicting duties. it is no longer appropriate for a government minister to have such unfettered discretion in the appointment of judges. shadow attorney general dominic grieve criticised the government on its plans to change what he said was an exceptional institution providing a champion of the independence of the judiciary . the government had initially proposed to take this institution and smash it to pieces mr grieve said. convention should be nurtured and celebrated but the government distrusted and disliked it instead. he warned that unless ministers backed down over the lord chancellor remaining a member of the house of lords the government would have great difficulty in getting the bill through parliament. former cabinet minister douglas hogg whose father and grandfather served as lord chancellor said the bill was largely unnecessary bureaucratic and expensive . but the tory mp for sleaford and north hykeham admitted the lord chancellor s role and office cannot be frozen in aspic .,politics
1962,durex maker ssl awaits firm bid uk condom maker ssl international has refused to comment on reports it may be subject to a takeover early in 2005. a financial times report said business intelligence firm gpw was understood to be starting due diligence work on ssl international for a corporate client. an spokesman for ssl which makes the famous durex brand of condom would not to comment on market speculation . however the news sent shares in ssl which also makes scholl footwear up more than 6% or 16.75 pence to 293.5p. the ft said most the high-profile firm that might woo ssl was anglo-dutch household products group reckitt benckiser. eighteen months ago reckitt benckiser was at the centre of a rumoured takeover bid for ssl - but that came to nothing. other firms that have been seen as would-be suitors include kimberly-clark johnson & johnson and private equity investors. analysts have seen ssl as a takeover target for years. it sold off its surgical gloves and antiseptics businesses for £173m to a management team in may. ssl was formed by a three-way merger between seton healthcare footwear specialists scholl and condom-maker london international group. its other brands include syndol analgesic meltus cough medicine sauber compression hosiery and deodorant products and mister baby.,business
1474,bmw to recall faulty diesel cars bmw is to recall all cars equipped with a faulty diesel fuel-injection pump supplied by parts maker robert bosch. the faulty part does not represent a safety risk and the recall only affects pumps made in december and january. bmw said that it was too early to say how many cars were affected or how much the recall would cost. the german company is to extend a planned production break at one of its plants due to the faulty bosch part. the dingolfing site will now be closed all next week instead of for just two days. the additional three-day stoppage will mean a production loss of up to 3 600 vehicles bmw said adding that it was confident it could make up the numbers later. bosch has stopped production of the part but expects to restart by 2 february. the faulty component does not represent a safety risk but causes the motor to stall after a significant amount of mileage. when asked if bmw would be seeking compensation from bosch the carmaker s chief executive helmut panke said: we will first solve the problem before talking about who will pay . audi and mercedes benz were also supplied with the defective diesel fuel-injection pumps but neither of them have to recall any vehicles. a spokesman for daimlerchrysler parent company of mercedes benz said it will however have to halt some production. it is to close the mercedes factory in sindelfingen on monday and tuesday. audi said it had been hit by production bottlenecks due to a shortage of unaffected bosch parts.,business
603,pension hitch for long-living men male life expectancy is much higher than originally estimated leading pension researchers have said. the pensions policy institute (ppi) said life expectancy for unskilled and professional men has been understated. life expectancy at birth is 71 years for a manual worker and 79 years for a professional - a gap of eight years. but if measured at age 65 instead the ppi said a manual worker will live to 81 years and a professional worker to 86 years - a gap of just five years. the ppi s estimate is higher because it excludes people who have died before they reach 65 years of age and also takes into account ongoing improvements in life expectancy. the government has ruled out raising the state pension age because it says it would penalise lower-skilled workers who generally have lower life expectancies. chris curry ppi research director said its calculations suggested there could be more pressure on state pension spending than originally envisaged. even people in social class v [unskilled manual workers] who are widely likely to have the lowest life expectancy can still expect to live 16 years after state pension age he said. researchers have not updated life expectancy projections for women who on average live longer than men.,business
1220,ryanair in $4bn boeing plane deal budget airline ryanair has placed an order for 70 boeing 737-800 planes in a deal valued at $4bn (£2.1bn) which should lead to 2 500 new ryanair jobs. it also has an option for a further 70 aircraft a move which brings the ryanair/boeing order book up to 225 firm orders and options on 193 more. ryanair said the new planes would help it to cut operating costs further. the carrier reported a drop in quarterly profit earlier this year after it was hit by higher fuel costs. however when it reported the results the airline was upbeat about prospects for 2005 despite tough competition in the budget airline market. ryanair chairman david bonderman said that the 737-800 had significantly reduced our unit operating costs and allowed us to reduce air fares each year for the last five years . with this new order and new pricing in place ryanair expects that unit operating costs (excluding fuel) will continue to fall each year for the next five years he added. at the end of this year ryanair will have taken delivery of about 100 new planes while the 70 new orders are due for delivery between 2008 and 2012. the airline said that when all these planes have been delivered it will be able to carry more than 70 million passengers a year making it europe s largest airline. about 2 500 new jobs should be created in the next seven years it added. the order can be seen as good news for boeing which in recent years has been overtaken by european plane maker airbus as the world s biggest-selling plane maker.,business
891,wales win in rome wales secured their first away win in the rbs six nations for nearly four years with a six-try victory in rome. tries from jonathan thomas tom shanklin and martyn williams gave the visitors a 19-5 half-time advantage. luciano orquera did reply with one for italy but second-half efforts from brent cockbain shane williams and robert sidoli sealed victory. fly-half stephen jones added four conversions as wales maintained their superb start to this year s tournament. starting full of confidence after their victory over england the visitors scored the opening try after just four minutes. diminutive wing shane williams fielded a kick ahead and danced past the onrushing andrea masi and aaron persico into the italian half. his pass to tom shanklin appeared forward but when the centre was held up short the ball was switched left and michael owen s long cut-out pass gave the lurking thomas an easy run-in. stephen jones who retained the kicking duties despite gavin henson s heroics against england slotted an excellent conversion from wide out. wales twice threatened further scores but failed to find the crucial pass and italy hit back out of the blue in the 11th minute. henson sporting gold boots rather than the silver variety that did for england beat two players with ease out on the left touchline. but his attempted chip ahead was charged down by orquera who snaffled the loose ball and hared away from halfway to score in the right corner. with the welsh line-out stuttering and italy twice turning the visitors scrum the home side s forward power brought them back into it. but a clever high kick from henson almost brought a try for hal luscombe when roland de marigny and ludovico nitoglia made a hash of claiming it as the ball bounced into touch. wales regained control with a second try in the 21st minute henson lobbing up a high kick to the left corner where shanklin jumped higher than nitoglia to dot down his 15th test try. jones was unable to convert and de marigny then hit the upright with a penalty attempt for italy. henson was also narrowly short with a long-range effort at goal but wales ended the half with a vital third score to give themselves some breathing space. henson sent luscombe streaking away and when he off-loaded to martyn williams the flanker showed his nous to ground the ball against the padding of the post jones adding the conversion. italy who lost flanker mauro bergamasco with a head knock before half-time built up a head of steam on the resumption. de marigny landed a penalty to make it 19-8 and a nitoglia break through the middle threatened a try only for the move to break down with a knock-on. but wales put the outcome beyond doubt with two superb tries in four minutes before the hour. their fourth after 53 minutes was sparked by another mazy run from shane williams who beat several players with ease and finished with a powerful angled run from lock cockbain. before italy could recover from that blow a strong surge from gareth thomas and great off-loads from martyn williams and replacement kevin morgan saw shane williams scamper over. with jones converting both for a 33-8 lead wales had the luxury of sending on five more replacements for the final quarter. the icing on the cake came with a sixth try after more superb support work shane williams and ceri sweeney combining to send sidoli over in the left corner. the only downside for wales was a hamstring injury suffered by luscombe. but after back-to-back wins at the start of the tournament for the first time in 11 years they will travel to paris in a fortnight looking like genuine contenders. r de marigny; mirco bergamasco w pozzebon a masi l nitoglia; l orquera a troncon; a lo cicero f ongaro m castrogiovanni s dellape m bortolami (capt) a persico mauro bergamasco s parisse. g intoppa s perugini ca del fava d dal maso p griffen m barbini kp robertson. g thomas (capt); h luscombe t shanklin g henson s williams; s jones d peel; g jenkins m davies a jones; b cockbain r sidoli; j thomas m williams m owen. r mcbryde j yapp i gough r sowden-taylor g cooper c sweeney k morgan. andrew cole (australia).,sport
1259,honda wins china copyright ruling japan s honda has won a copyright case in beijing further evidence that china is taking a tougher line on protecting intellectual property rights. a court ruled that chongqing lifan industry group must stop selling honda brand motorbikes and said it must pay 1.47m yuan ($177 600) in compensation. internationally recognized regulation is now a key part of china s plans for developing its economy analysts said. beijing also has been threatened with sanctions if it fails to clamp down. chinese firms copy products ranging from computer software and spark plugs to baby milk and compact discs. despite the fact that product piracy is a major problem foreign companies have only occasionally won cases and the compensation awarded has usually been small. still recent rulings and announcements will have boosted optimism that attitudes are changing. earlier this week china said that in future it will punish violators of intellectual property rights with up to seven years in jail. and on tuesday paws incorporated - the owner of the rights to garfield the cat - won a court battle against a publishing house that violated its copyright. other firms that have taken legal action in china with varying degrees of success include yamaha general motors and toyota. the problem of piracy is not limited to china however and the potential for profit is huge. the european union estimates that the global trade in pirated wares is worth more than 200bn euros a year (£140bn; $258bn) or about 5% of total world trade. and it is growing. between 1998 and 2002 the number of counterfeit or pirated goods intercepted at the eu s external borders increased by more than 800% it said. last month the eu said it will start monitoring china ukraine and russia to ensure they are going after pirated goods. other countries on the eu s hit list include thailand brazil south korea and indonesia. any countries that are not making enough of an effort could be dragged to the world trade organisation (wto) a step that could trigger economic sanctions the eu warned.,business
813,ukip could sue veritas defectors the uk independence party could take legal action to unseat two london assembly members who defected to robert kilroy silk s veritas party. damian hockney now veritas deputy leader and peter hulme-cross were elected in 2004 on the list system. the party argues the pair should give up their seats as they won them as ukip representatives not as individuals. mr hockney said the law was clear that those elected on a list who quit their party should keep their seats. ukip chairman petrina holdsworth urged the men to step down from the gla in a letter. she said: the party has taken legal advice and it is clear that we could take legal proceedings against you which could result in the return of our seats and/or damages against you. we would however like you to be given an opportunity to reflect on what you have done to restore your own credibility with the electorate and return the seats to the party which won them fair and square at the last election. mr hockney said the law worked in exactly the same way for the gla as it did for other electoral list systems. the greater london act is clear that if someone resigns who was elected on a list their party whip the seat belongs to them and not the party. he said mr hulme-cross and himself had no intention of resigning and added that they felt that it was ukip who were not being true to the electorate. he accused the party of signing up to a deal with the tories in europe rather than sticking to an independent stance. but the claim was denied by ukip spokesman who said: mr hockney s accusations are like his sense of political morals - empty. veritas was formed by mr kilroy-silk earlier this month after he quit ukip following an unsuccessful bid to take over as leader.,politics
1680,security warning over fbi virus the us federal bureau of investigation is warning that a computer virus is being spread via e-mails that purport to be from the fbi. the e-mails show that they have come from an address and tell recipients that they have accessed illegal websites. the messages warn that their internet use has been monitored by the fbi s internet fraud complaint center. an attachment in the e-mail contains the virus the fbi said. the message asks recipients to click on the attachment and answer some questions about their internet use. but rather than being a questionnaire the attachment contains a virus that infects the recipient s computer according to the agency. it is not clear what the virus does once it has infected a computer. users are warned never to open attachment from unsolicited e-mails or from people they do not know. recipients of this or similar solicitations should know that the fbi does not engage in the practice of sending unsolicited e-mails to the public in this manner the fbi said in a statement. the bureau is investigating the phoney e-mails. the agency earlier this month shut down accounts used to communicate with the public because of a security breach. a spokeswoman said the two incidents appear to be unrelated.,tech
136,europe backs digital tv lifestyle how people receive their digital entertainment in the future could change following the launch of an ambitious european project. in nice last week the european commission announced its networked & electronic media (nem) initiative. its broad scope stretches from the way media is created through each of the stages of its distribution to its playback. the commission wants people to be able to locate the content they desire and have it delivered seamlessly when on the move at home or at work no matter who supplies the devices network content or content protection scheme. more than 120 experts were in nice to share the vision of interconnected future and hear pledges of support from companies such as nokia intel philips alcatel france telecom thomson and telefonica. it might initially appear to be surprising that companies in direct competition are keen to work together. but again and again speakers stated they could not see incompatible stand-alone solutions working. a long-term strategy for the evolution and convergence of technologies and services would be required. the european commission is being pragmatic in its approach. they have identified that many groups have defined the forms of digital media in the areas that nem encompasses. the nem approach is to take a serious look at what is available and what is in the pipeline pick out the best bring them together and identify where the gaps are. where it finds holes it will develop standards to fill them. what is significant is that such a large and powerful organisation has stated its desire for digital formats to be open to all and work on any gadget. this is bound to please if not surprise many individuals and user organisations who feel that the wishes of the holder of rights to content are normally considered over and above those of the consumer. many feel that the most difficult and challenging area for the commission will be to identify a solution for different digital rights management (drm) schemes. currently drm solutions are incompatible locking certain types of purchased content making them unplayable on all platforms. with the potential of having a percentage of every media transaction that takes place globally the prize for being the supplier of the world s dominant drm scheme is huge. although entertainment is an obvious first step it will encompass the remote provisions of healthcare energy efficiency and control of the smart home. the 10-year plan brings together the work of many currently running research projects that the ec has been funding for a number of years. simon perry is the editor of the digital lifestyles website which covers the impact of technology on media,tech
684,celebrities get to stay in jungle all four contestants still remain in i m a celebrity ... get me out of here as no evictions were made on the television show on saturday. contestants paul burrell joe pasquale janet street-porter and fran cosgrave were told by hosts ant and dec. natalie appleton s decision to quit the show last monday had given them all a stay of execution the group were told. model sophie anderton was the last person to be voted off the itv1 show set in the australian jungle. the four remaining stars will do a joint bushtucker trial on sunday. former all saints singer natalie appleton 31 walked out of the show after learning she would face a fifth so-called bushtucker trial. the celebrities are chosen by the viewers to pass trials in order to win food for the rest of the camp. appleton had endured a torrid time during the programme including a well-publicised row with sophie anderton. and on 26 november singer brian harvey quit as a contestant after he had a blazing row with janet street-porter.,entertainment
777,talks aim to avert pension strike talks aimed at averting a series of national strikes over pensions reforms will take place this weekend. five public sector unions will hold private talks with deputy prime minister john prescott at labour s spring conference in gateshead. they want the government to withdraw regulations - due to be introduced in weeks - which would raise the pension age for council workers from 60 to 65. up to 1.4m workers could take part in a strike already earmarked for 23 march. however all sides are anxious to avoid a major confrontation in the run up to the general election said bbc labour affairs correspondent stephen cape. in four days britain s biggest union unison will start balloting 800 000 local government workers on strikes. other public sector unions have pledged to follow. it is just weeks before new regulations are introduced to raise the pension age of local government workers. the five unions meeting mr prescott want the government to withdraw these regulations. this would allow months of tough negotiations to follow said our correspondent. but a spokesman for mr prescott warned that the changes to the local government pension scheme would have to go ahead in april. privately ministers believe this will be the less painful option our correspondent added. the public and commercial services union (pcs) will co-ordinate any industrial action with up to six other public sector unions. pcs leader mark serwotka warned last week that there could be further walkouts unless there was a government rethink. for a government that lectures everyone on choice - choice on public service choice on this and choice on that - isn t it ironic that they re saying to public sector workers there is no choice he said. if you want the pension you were promised when you started you must work for an extra five years - that is working until people drop. in the 20th century it s completely unacceptable. unison s 800 000 workers the transport and general workers union s 70 000 and amicus 20 000 are among those being balloted about a 23 march walkout. mr prescott held a private meeting with senior union figures last week. it is understood no deal was offered in that meeting but there was room for further negotiations.,politics
618,rivals of the £400 apple... the mac mini is the cheapest apple computer ever. but though it is cheap for a mac how does it compare to pcs that cost about the same amount tries to find out if you can you get more for your money if you stick with the beige box. an extremely small computer that is designed to bring the macintosh to the masses. apple offer a less powerful mac mini for £339 but the £399 models has a 1.4ghz power pc chip 80 gigabyte hard drive combined cd burner/dvd player. it comes equipped with usb and firewire ports for peripheral connections ethernet port for broadband a port for standard video output and an audio/headphone jack.the machine comes with mac os x the apple operating system the software suite ilife which includes itunes iphoto imovie idvd and garageband. a monitor keyboard or mouse. there is also no built-in support for wireless technology or any speakers. the lack of a dvd burner is an omission in the age of backing-up important software. wireless and a dvd burner can be added at extra cost. apple are targeting people who already have a main computer and want to upgrade - especially pc users who have used an apple ipod. compact and stylish the mac mini would not look out of place in any home. apple computers are famously user friendly and offer much better network security which means fewer viruses. the package of software that comes with the machine is the best money can buy. the mac mini is just a box. if you don t already have a monitor etc adding them to the package sees the value for money begin to dwindle. macs don t offer the upgrade flexibility of a pc and the machine s specifications lack the horse power for tasks such as high-end video editing or games. the mac mini puts the macintosh within the reach of everyone an apple spokesman said. it will bring more customers to the platform especially pc users and owners. an entry-level machine designed for basic home use. a 2.6ghz intel celeron chip 40 gigabyte hard drive 256mb combined cd burner/dvd player. it comes equipped with a 17 inch monitor keyboard and mouse. the machine has 6 usb ports and an ethernet port for broadband connection. there s also a port for standard video output. the machine comes with windows xp home edition. it provides basic home tools such as a media player and word processor. a dvd burner or any wireless components built in. wireless and a dvd burner can be added at extra cost. homes and small offices including those looking to add a low cost second computer. cost is the clear advantage. the dell provides enough power and software for basic gaming and internet surfing. it s easily upgradeable so a bigger hard drive better sound and graphics cards can be added. the dell is hardly stylish and the hard drive is on the small size for anyone wanting to store photos or a decent sized digital music collection. this machine is for small businesses and for people who want a second computer for basic home use perhaps in a kids bedroom a spokesman for dell said. i think we offer better value once you realise all the extras needed for the mac mini. a desktop computer that pc pro magazine dubbed best performer in a group test of machines that cost only £399 (£469 including vat). a good basic pc that according to pc pro has superb upgrade potential . for your money you get a 1.8ghz amd sempron processor 512mb of ram 120gb hard drive dvd writer 16-inch monitor mouse keyboard and windows xp2 much more than the basics. it cannot handle 3d graphics and has no firewire slots. those on a limited budget who want a machine they can add to and improve as their cash allows. it s cheap and has plenty of room to improve but that could end up making it expensive in the long run. it s a good basic workhorse. it s not pretty and has a monitor rather than a flat-panel display. some of the upgrades offered by jal to the basic model are pricey. you might find that you want to chop and change quite quickly. nick ross deputy labs editor at pc pro said the important point about buying a cheap and cheerful pc is the upgrade path. interest has switched from processor power to graphics and sound cards as that s what makes the difference in games. even manufacturers are not going to be marketing machines as faster he said they ll emphasise the different features. a computer built from bits you buy and put together yourself. a surprisingly good pc sporting an amd athlon xp 2500 processor 512 megabytes ram a graphics card with 128 ram on board plus tv out a 40 gb hard drive cd-writer and dvd player windows xp home. anything else. you re building it so you have to buy all the software you want to install and do your own trouble-shooting and tech support. building your own machine is easier than it used to be but you need to read specifications carefully to make sure all parts work together. experienced and keen pc users. building your own pc or upgrading the one you have is a great way to improve your understanding of how it all works. it s cheap you can specify exactly what you want and you get the thrill of putting it together yourself. and a bigger thrill if everything works as it should. once it s built you won t be able to do much with it until you start buying software for it. if it starts to go wrong it might take a lot of fixing. as gavin cox of the excellent website put it: it will be tough to obtain/build a pc to ever be as compact and charming as the mac mini. performance-wise it s not cutting edge and is barely entry-level by today s market but up against the mac mini i believe it will hold its own and even pull a few more tricks says gavin cox. the good news is that the machine is eminently expandable. by contrast says mr cox the mac mini is almost disposable.,tech
1843,mitsubishi in peugeot link talks trouble-hit mitsubishi motors is in talks with french carmaker psa peugeot citroen about a possible alliance. on tuesday mitsubishi the only major japanese car firm in the red confirmed earlier reports of negotiations. but a spokesman refused to comment on speculation that mitsubishi could end up building cars for psa and perhaps its japanese rival nissan. mitsubishi has been hit by a recall scandal and the withdrawal of support from shareholder daimlerchrysler. the us-german firm once a majority shareholder decided last april to stop providing financial backing. mitsubishi s sales have slid 41% in the past year catalysed by the revelation that the company had systematically been hiding records of faults and then secretly repairing vehicles. mitsubishi is due to unveil a recovery plan later in january. analysts said that alliances with other carmakers would be a necessary part of whatever it came up with not least because its own slow sales have left its manufacturing capacity under-used.,business
2048,bombardier chief to leave company shares in train and plane-making giant bombardier have fallen to a 10-year low following the departure of its chief executive and two members of the board. paul tellier who was also bombardier s president left the company amid an ongoing restructuring. laurent beaudoin part of the family that controls the montreal-based firm will take on the role of ceo under a newly created management structure. analysts said the resignations seem to have stemmed from a boardroom dispute. under mr tellier s tenure at the company which began in january 2003 plans to cut the worldwide workforce of 75 000 by almost a third by 2006 were announced. the firm s snowmobile division and defence services unit were also sold and bombardier started the development of a new aircraft seating 110 to 135 passengers. mr tellier had indicated he wanted to stay at the world s top train maker and third largest manufacturer of civil aircraft until the restructuring was complete. but bombardier has been faced with a declining share price and profits. earlier this month the firm said it earned $10m (£19.2m) in the third quarter down from a profit of $133m a year ago. i understand the board s concern that i would not be there for the long-term and the need to develop and execute strategies and the need to reshape the management structure at this time mr tellier said in a statement on monday. bombardier said restructuring plans drawn up by mr tellier s would continue to be implemented. shares in bombardier lost 65 canadian cents or 25% on the news to 1.90 canadian dollars before rallying to 2.20 canadian dollars.,business
334,ecb holds rates amid growth fears the european central bank has left its key interest rate unchanged at 2% for the 19th month in succession. borrowing costs have remained on hold amid concerns about the strength of economic growth in the 12 nations sharing the euro analysts said. despite signs of pick-up labour markets and consumer demand remain sluggish while firms are eyeing cost cutting measures such as redundancies. high oil prices meanwhile have put upward pressure on the inflation rate. surveys of economists have shown that the majority expect borrowing costs to stay at 2% in coming months with an increase of a quarter of a percentage point predicted some time in the second half of the year. if anything there may be greater calls for an interest rate cut especially with the euro continuing to strengthen against the dollar. the euro land economy is still struggling with this recovery said economist dirk schumacher. the ecb may sound rather hawkish but once the data allows them to cut again they will. data coming out of germany on thursday underlined the problems facing european policy makers. while germany s economy expanded by 1.7% in 2004 growth was driven by export sales and lost some of its momentum in the last three months of the year. the strength of the euro is threatening to dampen that foreign demand in 2005 and domestic consumption currently is not strong enough to take up the slack. inflation in the eurozone however is estimated at about 2.3% in december above ecb guidelines of 2%. ecb president jean-claude trichet has remained upbeat about prospects for the region and inflation is expected to drop below 2% later in 2005. the ecb has forecast economic growth in the eurozone of 1.9% in 2005.,business
2093,us interest rate rise expected us interest rates are expected to rise for the fifth time since june following the us federal reserve s latest rate-setting meeting later on tuesday. borrowing costs are tipped to rise by a quarter of a percentage point to 2.25%. the move comes as a recovery in the us economy the world s biggest shows signs of robustness and sustainability. the dollar s record-breaking decline meanwhile has spooked markets and along with high oil prices has raised concerns about the pace of inflation. we are seeing evidence that inflation is moving higher said ken kim an analyst at stone & mccarthy research. it s not a risk it s actually happening. mr kim added that borrowing costs could rise further. the fed has said that it will move in a measured way to combat price growth and lift interest rates from their 40-year lows that were prompted by sluggish us and global growth. with the economic picture now looking more rosy the fed has implemented quarter percentage point rises in june august september and november. although the us economy grew at an annual rate of 3.9% in the three months to september analysts warn that fed has to be careful not to move too aggressively and take the wind out of the recovery s sails. earlier this month figures showed that job creation is still weak while consumer confidence is subdued. i think the fed feels it has a fair amount of flexibility said david berson chief economist at fannie mae. while inflation has moved up it hasn t moved up a lot. if economic growth should subside... the fed would feel it has the flexibility to pause in its tightening. but if economic growth picked up and caused core inflation to rise a little more quickly i think the fed would be prepared to tighten more quickly as well.,business
226,fox too reliant on reality tv the head of us tv network fox has admitted the broadcaster had relied too heavily on reality tv shows such as the poor-rating who s your daddy. chief executive gail berman said in the case of this fall we drifted to too much on the unscripted side . the series who s your daddy where a young woman tries to pick her natural father for a cash prize caused outrage from adoption groups and rated badly. last season fox s prime-time audience fell by 600 000 to 5.9 million. ms berman said: i think the audience expects loud things from fox. sometimes they work and sometimes they don t. who s your daddy the first episode of which was shown on 3 january pulled in a disappointing audience of 6.3 million according to the nielsen ratings system. five other episodes of the show had also been filmed will be dropped from fox s schedules ms berman said. she was predicting a drop in ratings even for some of the network s established reality shows such as american idol which is due to start its fourth series this week. fox had unveiled a new strategy last year promising to launch new shows every season including the traditionally quiet summer season. though that had met with a poor reception ms berman said there s no question that the audience in our mind is ready willing and able to accept new programming in the summer . fox has changed this plan launching new shows in may instead of june. one of the new shows will be the animated series american dad made by seth macfarlane the creator of family guy. that series after becoming a hit on dvd is also set to return with new episodes.,entertainment
506,gallas sees two-horse race chelsea s william gallas believes they will battle it out with arsenal for the premiership in the coming months. it ll be a two-horse race all the way to the end of the season because we are both going to give it everything he told bbc sport. you need to be good and you need a lot of luck. you need a bit of both but it will be as hard for the arsenal players as it is for the chelsea boys. we know that we have got the power in our hands just now added gallas. but you never know what is going to happen in football - two seasons ago manchester united picked up so many points towards the end of the season when they won the title. obviously nobody at chelsea wants to come second but you never know what happens in football. we will be challenging to come first as much as every arsenal player will be challenging to come first. gallas has been given extra confidence by the impact manager jose mourinho has had since taking over as manager during the summer. and the french international defender believes mourinho is perfectly suited to boss the squad of chelsea stars and says his managerial expertise will prevent any player revolt. it s only normal when you have got a team put together of such big names that you put the finishing touch to it and the finishing touch at chelsea is a fantastic manager like mourinho he said. he is the icing on the cake at the club. he has this fantastic knack of thinking of everything. another incredible quality that mourinho has is that every player even though the fans may consider them to be a stars within the dressing-room they are absolutely equal. mourinho reminds everyone but he doesn t have to because he has created a wonderful atmosphere where everybody is playing and laughing every day. it is a changed dressing-room from the atmosphere there was last year.,sport
974,barclays shares up on merger talk shares in uk banking group barclays have risen on monday following a weekend press report that it had held merger talks with us bank wells fargo. a tie-up between barclays and california-based wells fargo would create the world s fourth biggest bank valued at $180bn (£96bn). barclays has declined to comment on the report in the sunday express saying it does not respond to market speculation. the two banks reportedly held talks in october and november 2004. barclays shares were up 8 pence or 1.3% at 605 pence by late morning in london on monday making it the second biggest gainer in the ftse 100 index. uk banking icon barclays was founded more than 300 years ago; it has operations in over 60 countries and employs 76 200 staff worldwide. its north american divisions focus on business banking whereas wells fargo operates retail and business banking services from 6 000 branches. in 2003 barclays reported a 20% rise in pre-tax profits to £3.8bn and it has recently forecast similar gains in 2004 predicting that full year pre-tax profits would rise 18% to £4.5bn. wells fargo had net income of $6.2bn in its last financial year a 9% increase on the previous year and revenues of $28.4bn. barclays was the focus of takeover speculation in august when it was linked to citigroup though no bid has ever materialised. stock market traders were sceptical that the latest reports heralded a deal. the chief executive would be abandoning his duty if he didn t talk to rivals but a deal doesn t seem likely reuters quoted one trader as saying.,business
1408,split-caps pay £194m compensation investors who lost money following the split-capital investment trust scandal are to receive £194m compensation the uk s financial watchdog has announced. eighteen investment firms involved in the sale of the investments agreed the compensation package with the financial services authority (fsa). splits were marketed as a low-risk way to benefit from rising share prices. but when the stock market collapsed in 2000 the products left thousands of investors out of pocket. an estimated 50 000 people took out split-capital funds some investing their life savings in the schemes. the paying of compensation will be overseen by an independent company the fsa said. further details of how investors will be able to claim their share of the compensation package will be announced in the new year. this should save investors from having to take their case to the financial ombudsman service something no doubt that will be very welcome rob mcivor fsa spokesman told bbc news. agreeing to pay compensation did not mean that the eighteen firms involved were admitting any guilt the fsa added. any investor accepting the compensation will have to waive the right to take their case to the financial ombudsman service. the fsa has been investigating whether investors were misled about the risks posed by split-capital investment trusts. the fsa s 60 strong investigation team looked into whether fund managers colluded in a so-called magic circle in the hope of propping up one another s share prices. firms involved were presented with 780 files of evidence detailing 27 000 taped conversations and over 70 interviews. in may the fsa was widely reported as having asked firms to pay up to £350m in compensation. mr mcivor told the bbc that the final settlement figure was smaller because two unnamed firms had pulled out of the compensation negotiations. investors in these two firms may now have to take any compensation claim to the financial ombudsman service or the courts.,business
461,monsanto fined $1.5m for bribery the us agrochemical giant monsanto has agreed to pay a $1.5m (£799 000) fine for bribing an indonesian official. monsanto admitted one of its employees paid the senior official two years ago in a bid to avoid environmental impact studies being conducted on its cotton. in addition to the penalty monsanto also agreed to three years close monitoring of its business practices by the american authorities. it said it accepted full responsibility for what it called improper activities. a former senior manager at monsanto directed an indonesian consulting firm to give a $50 000 bribe to a high-level official in indonesia s environment ministry in 2002. the manager told the company to disguise an invoice for the bribe as consulting fees . monsanto was facing stiff opposition from activists and farmers who were campaigning against its plans to introduce genetically-modified cotton in indonesia. despite the bribe the official did not authorise the waiving of the environmental study requirement. monsanto also has admitted to paying bribes to a number of other high-ranking officials between 1997 and 2002. the chemicals-and-crops firm said it became aware of irregularities at a jakarta-based subsidiary in 2001 and launched an internal investigation before informing the us department of justice and the securities and exchange commission (sec). monsanto faced both criminal and civil charges from the department of justice and the sec. companies cannot bribe their way into favourable treatment by foreign officials said christopher wray assistant us attorney general. monsanto has agreed to pay $1m to the department of justice adopt internal compliance measures and co-operate with continuing civil and criminal investigations. it is also paying $500 000 to the sec to settle the bribe charge and other related violations. monsanto said it accepted full responsibility for its employees actions adding that it had taken remedial actions to address the activities in indonesia and had been fully co-operative throughout the investigative process.,business
1745,brown to outline presidency goals next year will be make or break for development in poorer countries gordon brown will say as he sets out uk goals for its eu and g8 presidencies. the chancellor is due to outline a series of key targets the government will be judged on in 2005. they will include doubling aid from donor countries and eliminating debt owed by the poorest nations. mr brown also wants other g8 nations to match his target for overseas aid - spending 0.7% of national income. he also wants the richer countries to do more to help the development of vaccines for aids and malaria. the chancellor is travelling to america next week as part of his persuasion drive over the issue. he told bbc radio 4 s today programme: we need more resources allied to progress on trade and progress on debt relief if we are going to make an impact on the problems of ill health of illiteracy of poverty particularly in africa but right through the developing countries. his proposals were effectively a new marshall plan for the world including an international finance facility which would issue bonds in an attempt to double global aid cash to $100bn a year. agreement in the doha development talks could also give developing nations the trading ability they needed he argued. the european union s common agricultural policy had caused aggravated trade problems he said but there was now an agreement to end export subsidies. mr brown said much had been achieved on issues such as debt relief in the last seven years. but with 30 000 children were dying unnecessarily every day more was needed including 100% debt relief multilaterally. that is why next year is a test he said. if after five years of making promises the world is not prepared to honour them then people will be justified in saying they promised but they did not produce results. the catholic aid agency cafod will host mr brown s speech on wednesday. cafod wants britain to use its influence to pressure countries like the us to make firm commitments to tackle global poverty. mr brown said america too needed to take more action but defended president george bush for guaranteeing resources to countries which introduced reforms to tackle corruption. oxfam s paying the price report this week said 45 million children will die needlessly before 2015 and aid budgets are half their 1960 levels. the charity s director barbara stocking said: 2005 offers the chance for an historic breakthrough but unless world leaders act now the year will end in shameful failure. the report said the g8 of top industrialised nations had agreed in 1970 to spend 0.7% of their incomes on aid. but 34 years later none of the organisations members had reached this target and many had not yet set a timetable. mr blair who has described africa as a scar on the world s conscience has already said tackling world poverty would be one his g8 priorities along with climate change and the aids epidemic. but band aid founder bob geldof in july said he was sick of hearing guff about scars on the world. it was pathetic that britain was the 4th richest country in the world but only the 11th most generous aid donor he added. conservative shadow international development secretary alan duncan accused mr brown of missing his target on providing anti-retroviral drug treatment to three million africans by 2005. instead only 500 000 people would benefit he said. there s no point in him demanding praise and adulation for setting a whole new raft of targets when he has so woefully failed to meet the ones he already has added mr duncan.,politics
1133,profits jump at china s top bank industrial and commercial bank (icbc) china s biggest lender has seen an 18% jump in profits during 2004. the increase in earnings has allowed the firm to write off bad loans and pave the way for a state bailout and eventual stock-market listing. china is trying to clean up its banking system which is weighed down by billions of dollars of unpaid loans. it has already pumped $45bn (£24bn) into two of its largest banks and has identified icbc as a recipient of aid. icbc s profits were 74.7bn yuan ($9bn; £4.8bn) in 2004 the bank said in a statement. the percentage of non-performing loans dropped to 19.1% down about 2 percentage points. icbc was founded in 1984 and had total assets of 5.3 trillion yuan at the end of 2003. china committed to gradually opening up its banking sector when it joined the world trade organisation in 2002.,business
1844,ministers deny care sums wrong ministers have insisted they are committed to free personal care for the elderly despite research suggesting the cost of the policy was under-estimated. a report by the fraser of allander institute says the decision to push ahead with the flagship policy was based on flawed research. deputy health minister rhona brankin has pledged to study the research. snp holyrood leader nicola sturgeon said the public needed reassurance that the care programme was secure. the rise in costs stems from a series of mistakes in the research used by the care development group of scottish executive experts who prepared the original costings according to findings published in the quarterly economic commentary of strathclyde university s fraser of allander institute. dubious assumptions about improving health expectancy could drive the cost of the policy up by another £130m by 2022 the report warned. it was carried out by husband and wife economist team jim and margaret cuthbert. but ms brankin told bbc radio scotland: we don t think we got our sums wrong. obviously we will examine the findings of this new report along with figures from our own research that we have already commissioned. we will look in great detail at any contribution to this because we need to be sure we can provide free personal care and nursing care for our older people into the future. and we are absolutely committed to doing that. but the scottish national party called on ministers to reassure people that enough funding is in place to support the free personal care policy. ms sturgeon said that while she had no reason to doubt the executive s support for the policy there were questions which needed to be answered and if necessary sums redone. she said: serious concerns have been raised and there are questions which need to be answered by the scottish executive. we need to know that the money is there not just for this year or next year but into the future so that older people and those who are looking forward to older age can rest assured that their personal care needs will be met.,politics
1249,o sullivan quick to hail italians ireland coach eddie o sullivan heaped praise on italy after seeing his side stutter to a 28-17 victory in rome. it was a hell of a tough game said o sullivan. we struggled in the first half because we hadn t the football. italy played really well. they handled the ball well in terms of kicking it if that s not an oxymoron. we said before the game that it might take until 10 minutes from the end for this game to be won and that s how it turned out. ireland struggled to cope with italy s fierce start and were indebted to skipper brian o driscoll who set up tries for geordan murphy and peter stringer. we had our first attack in the italian half after 22 minutes said o sullivan. we had a good return with three first-half possessions in their half and we scored twice. the second half was about spending more time in their half. scrum-half peter stringer was also glad that ireland escaped wtih a victory. all credit to them he told bbc sport. we knew it would be tough coming to rome. they always give us a tough game here and they showed a lot of spirit. they had a lot of ball in the first half but we got a few scores when we got into their 22.,sport
1515,apple laptop is greatest gadget the apple powerbook 100 has been chosen as the greatest gadget of all time by us magazine mobile pc. the 1991 laptop was chosen because it was one of the first lightweight portable computers and helped define the layout of all future notebook pcs. the magazine has compiled an all-time top 100 list of gadgets which includes the sony walkman at number three and the 1956 zenith remote control at two. gadgets needed moving parts and/or electronics to warrant inclusion. the magazine staff compiled the list and specified that gadgets also needed to be a self-contained apparatus that can be used on its own not a subset of another device . in general we included only items that were potentially mobile said the magazine. in the end we tried to get to the heart of what really makes a gadget a gadget it concluded. the oldest gadget in the top 100 is the abacus which the magazine dates at 190 a.d. and put in 60th place. other pre-electronic gadgets in the top 100 include the sextant from 1731 (59th position) the marine chronometer from 1761 (42nd position) and the kodak brownie camera from 1900 (28th position). the tivo personal video recorder is the newest device to make the top 10 which also includes the first flash mp3 player (diamond multimedia) as well as the first successful digital camera (casio qv-10) and mobile phone (motorola startac). the most popular gadget of the moment the apple ipod is at number 12 in the list while the first sony transistor radio is at number 13. sony s third entry in the top 20 is the cdp-101 cd player from 1983. who can forget the crystalline hiss-free blast of madonna s like a virgin emanating from their first cd player asked the magazine. karl elsener s knife the swiss army knife from 1891 is at number 20 in the list. gadgets which could be said to feature surprisingly low down in the list include the original telephone (23rd) the nintendo gameboy (25th) and the pulsar quartz digital watch (36th). the list also contains plenty of oddities: the pez sweet dispenser (98th) 1990s toy tamagotchi (86th) and the bizarre ronco inside the shell egg scrambler (84th). almost everyone has a mobile phone how many people own a powerbook or an ipod the findings of this magazine are not very convincing. what about the magnetic compass we still use it 1 000 years after it was invented. i am amazed by the obsession with individual gadgets rather than genre. for example the sony walkman was the first truly portable way of listening to your own music on the move whereas minidisc flash mp3 portable cd players etc. are really just improvements in technology. my favourite true gadgets are probably my portable minidisc player and the little battery powered whizzy thing i use to froth up my coffee! calm down it s only in their opinion and any list that includes the taser in the top 100 gadgets has to be suspect.... swiss army knife and no question about it. how many of the other items are still relatively unchanged from the original idea and still as useful/popular you don t need a laptop or even a pocket calculator to work that one out! this list merely illustrates interesting cultural divides between the american authors and the overwhelmingly british responses. brits see no further than mobile phones and the over thirties sinclair; whilst the americans focus on apple tv remotes and tivo (which probably is rather obscure in europe). what about the soda stream. this gadget changed my pre-teen life. lap tops may enable you to think different but you cant use them to get busy with the fizzy how about astro wars one of the pioneers for computer games i remember spending many an hour playing this and it still works today! however tried it the other day and it was rubbish still a great gadget of its time. why worry about mobile phones. soon they will be subsumed into the pda s / laptops etc. what about the marine chronometer completely revolutionised navigation for boats and was in use for centuries. for it s time a technological marvel! sony net minidisc! it paved the way for more mp3 player to explode onto the market. i always used my netmd and could not go anywhere without it. a laptop computer is not a gadget! it s a working tool! the sinclair executive was the world s first pocket calculator. i think this should be there as well. how about the clockwork radio or gps or a pocket calculator all these things are useful to real people not just pc magazine editors. are the people who created this list insane surely the most important gadget of the modern age is the mobile phone it has revolutionised communication which is more than can be said for a niche market laptop. from outside the modern age the marine chronometer is the single most important gadget without which modern transportation systems would not have evolved so quickly. has everyone forgot about the breville pie maker an interesting list. of the electronic gadgets thousands of journalists in the early 1980s blessed the original noteboook pc - the tandy 100. the size of a4 paper and light three weeks on a set of batteries an excellent keyboard a modem. a pity tandy did not make it dos compatible. what s an apple powerbook 100 it s out of date - not much of a gadget . surely it has to be something simple / timeless - the tin opener swiss army knife safety razor blade wristwatch or the thing for taking stones out of horses hooves it has to be the mobile phone. no other single device has had such an effect on our way of living in such a short space of time. the ball point pen has got to be one of the most used and common gadgets ever. also many might be grateful for the pocket calculator which was a great improvement over the slide rule. the casio pocket calculator that played a simple game and made tinny noises was also a hot gadget in 1980. a true gadget it could be carried around and shown off. all top 10 are electronic toys so the list is probably a better reflection of the current high-tech obsession than anything else. i say this as the swiss army knife only made no 20. sinclair ql a machine far ahead of its time. the first home machine with a true multi-takings os. shame the marketing was so bad!!! apple.. a triumph of fashion over... well everything else. utter rubbish. yes the apple laptop and sony walkman are classic gadgets. but to call the sextant and the marine chronometer gadgets and rank them as less important than a tv remote control reveals a quite shocking lack of historical perspective. the former literally helped change the world by vastly improving navigation at see. the latter is the seed around which the couch potato culture has developed. no competition. i d also put apple s newton and the first palm pilot there as the front runners for portable computing and possibly the toshiba libretto for the same reason. i only wish that vulcan inc s flipstart wasn t just vapourware otherwise it would be at the top. how did a laptop ever manage to beat off the challenge of the wristwatch or the telephone (mobile or otherwise) what about radios and tvs the swiss army knife. by far the most useful gadget. i got mine 12 years ago. still wearing and using it a lot! it stood the test of time. psion organiser series 3 should be up there. had a usable qwerty keyboard removable storage good set of apps and programmable. case design was good (batteries in the hinge - a first i think). great product innovation. the first mobile pc was voted best gadget by readers of...err... mobile pc ! why do you keep putting these obviously biased lists on your site it s obviously the mobile phone or remote control and readers of a less partisan publication would tell you that. the motorola startac should be number one. why there will be mobile phones long after notebook computers and other gadgets are either gone or integrated in communications devices. the psion series 3c! the first most practical way to carry all your info around... i too would back the sinclair spectrum - without this little beauty i would never have moved into the world of it and earn the living that i do now. i d have put the mobile phone high up the list. probably a nokia model. sinclair spectrum - 16k. it plugged into the tv. games were rubbish but it gave me a taste for programming and that s what i do for a living now. i wish more modern notebooks -- even apple s newest offerings -- were more like the pb100. particularly disheartening is the demise of the trackball which has given way to the largely useless trackpad which every notebook on the market today uses. they re invariably inaccurate uncomfortable and cumbersome to use. congratulations to apple a deserved win!,tech
1425,can smith work scottish wonders the worst kept secret in scottish football was revealed on thursday when walter smith was named as the new national manager. from the moment berti vogts miserable tenure in charge of scotland ended the former rangers and everton boss has been the overwhelming favourite for the post. but is smith the man for what must be one of the hardest jobs in football the 56-year-old takes over at a time when the national side is in the doldrums. scotland have not reached a major finals since the world cup in 1998 and reaching germany 2006 looks near impossible having picked up just two points from the opening three games in the qualifying race. and the fifa rankings see scotland listed at an all time low of 77th below the likes of estonia ghana angola and thailand. scotland are not blessed with quality players with experience at the top level so smith will have to get the best out of meagre resources. smith s track record make impressive reading and he is widely respected within the game. the man who was alex ferguson s assistant when scotland played at the 1986 world cup won seven league titles with rangers. and his appointment has been widely endorsed by many of the games top names including ferguson and graeme souness who took him to ibrox as his assistant in 1986. characters like souness ferguson and current ibrox manager alex mcleish all cite smith s experience and his expansive knowledge of the scottish game. much was made of vogts inability to express himself to the players and media. that will certainly not be the case with smith. the former dundee united and dumbarton full-back is from the managerial old school - straight talking and never slow to let players know when he expects better (often with the use of some colourful invective). but it should be remembered vogts came to scotland with an impressive curriculum vitae - a world cup winner as a player and a european championships winner as a manager. smith will inherit the same problems vogts had - a callow squad of players with no exceptional talents. and it remains to be seen if smith will experience the rash of call-offs that blighted so much of vogts preparation work. a fresh start for the scottish national team was imperative and smith is widely regarded as a safe pair of hands. but will a safe pair of hands be enough when the adroit hands of a magician might be required...,sport
2061,wenger dejected as arsenal slump arsenal manager arsene wenger claimed their display in the 3-1 defeat against bayern munich was our worst peformance in the champions league . kolo toure s late goal gives the gunners hope for the second leg but wenger said: the only positive is that we are still in the tie. the players are really down in the dressing-room. i feel we really turned in a bad performance. at 3-0 we faced a real struggle but 3-1 at least gives us a chance. goalscorer toure was also at fault for two goals and wenger said: we need to help toure rebuild his confidence as he is low at the moment. wenger also tried to stay upbeat himself adding: but there is enough time for crying. i could cry - maybe it would be easier - but life goes on. in this job you have good and bad nights. this was a bad night - but i still have confidence in the quality of my players as well as their spirit and desire. but wenger s bayern counterpart felix magath was in no mood to celebrate either. he said: i am far from happy despite the win. my players failed to try and score a fourth to kill the tie and then conceded the late goal. arsenal are fully capable of scoring several goals against us on their own turf. arsenal keeper jens lehmann whose personal rivalry with bayern goalkeeper oliver kahn was not helped by the result said: do i blame myself for the third goal as a goalkeeper i always blame myself. i just know the goals were very easy against us. in my time here we have never conceded three easy goals like that - but sometimes it happens. it would have been impossible to go through at 3-0 - but with the goal we have chances. everything is now possible.,sport
39,debate needed on donations cap a cap on donations to political parties should not be introduced yet the elections watchdog has said. fears that big donors can buy political favours have sparked calls for a limit. in a new report the electoral commission says it is worth debating a £10 000 cap for the future but now is not the right time to introduce it. it also says there should be more state funding for political parties and candidates should be able to spend more on election campaigning. there were almost £68m in reported donations to political parties in 2001 2002 and 2003 with nearly £12m of them from individual gifts worth more than £1m. the rules have already been changed so the public can see who gives how much to the parties but the report says there are still public suspicions. the commission says capping donations would mean taxpayers giving parties more cash - something which would first have to be acceptable to the public and shown to work. while we are not in principle opposed to the introduction of a donation cap we do not believe that such a major departure from the existing system now would be sensible says its report. if there was to be a cap it should be £10 000 - a small enough amount to make a difference but which would have banned £56m in donations between 2001 and 2003. even without changes the commission does urge political parties to seek out more small-scale donations and suggests there should be income tax relief for gifts under £200. it also suggests increasing state funding for parties to £3m so help can be extended to all parties with at least two members in the house of commons european parliament scottish parliament welsh assembly or northern ireland assembly. and it suggests new ways of boosting election campaigning seen as a way of improving voter turnout. all local election candidates should be entitled to a free mailshot for campaign leaflets says the watchdog. and there should be a shift in the amount of money allowed to be spent at elections from a national level to a local level to help politicians engage better with voters. the report suggests doubling the money which can be spent by candidates while cutting national spending limits from £20m to £15m. the commission also says the spending limits for general elections should cover the four months before the poll - as happens with other elections. electoral commission chairman sam younger said: there is no doubt that political parties have a vital role to play in maintaining the health of our democracy and for this they need to be adequately resourced. our research has shown that people want to be more informed about party politics and that they want politicians to be more visible and accessible. the public are reluctant for the state to fund parties but at the same time are unhappy with large private donations. he called for a wider public debate on party funding to find the consensus needed for radical changes to the current system.,politics
1091,smart search lets art fans browse if you don t know art but know what you like new search technology could prove a useful gateway to painting. artgarden developed by bt s research unit is being tested by the tate as a new way of browsing its online collection of paintings. rather than search by the name of an artist or painting users are shown a selection of pictures. clicking on their favourite will change the gallery in front of them to a selection of similar works. the technology uses a system dubbed smart serendipity which is a combination of artificial intelligence and random selection. it chooses a selection of pictures by scoring paintings based on a selection of keywords associated with them. so for instance a whistler painting of a bridge may have the obvious keywords such as bridge and whistler associated to it but will also widen the search net with terms such as aesthetic movement 19th century and water. a variety of paintings will then be shown to the user based partly on the keywords and partly on luck. it is much more akin to wandering through the gallery said jemima rellie head of the tate s digital programme. for richard tateson who worked on the artgarden project the need for a new way to search grew out of personal frustration. i went to an online clothes store to find something to buy my wife for christmas but i didn t have a clue what i wanted he said. the text-based search was restricted to looking either by type of garment or designer neither of which he found helpful. he ended up doing his present shopping on the high street instead. he thinks the dominance of text-based searching is not necessarily appealing to the majority of online shoppers. similarly with art browsing is often more important than finding a particular object. you don t arrive at tate britain and tell people what you want to see. one of the skills of showing off the collection is to introduce people to things they wouldn t have asked for he said. the tate is committed to making its art more accessible and technology such as artgarden can help with that said ms rellie. she hopes the technology can be incorporated on to the website in the near future. bt research is looking at extending the technology to other searching such as for music and films.,tech
865,uk gets official virus alert site a rapid alerting service that tells home computer users about serious internet security problems is being launched by the uk government. the service it safe will issue warnings about damaging viruses software vulnerabilities and weaknesses on devices such as mobile phones. alerts tell people how the threats affect them and what they can do to avoid trouble and protect themselves. the service will be free and those who sign up can get e-mail or text alerts. the scheme is aimed at home users and small businesses. the government estimates it will issue security alerts about six to 10 times a year based on previous experience of virus outbreaks. there is a clear need for easy-to-understand and simple independent advice for non-technically minded people who use computers either at home or at work said home office minister hazel blears. the purpose of this new government service is to ensure computer users are aware of the risks involved and how to deal with them easily and effectively without causing alarm. those signing up will only be told about the most serious security threats that have the potential to affect millions of people. full-time staff are being employed to comb through the many hundreds of alerts issued each year by computer security firms to spot which ones have the potential to catch out a large number of people between alerts the service will occasionally send messages giving people advice about safe ways to use their computers and phones. it safe will take our technical expertise and use it to help home users understand the risks and keep their computer systems mobile phones and a range of related consumer electronic items safe said roger cumming director of the national infrastructure security coordination centre (niscc). the niscc which is running the service also stressed that those signing up would still need to use anti-virus software firewalls and software updates to stay secure. warnings about security problems will tell people what the problem is how it affects them and what they can do to avoid trouble. alerts will not be issued unless users can do something to protect themselves against the threat. this might include downloading an update from an anti-virus vendor or updating software to close loopholes and fix vulnerabilities. however no software patches or programs will actually be dispensed through the site. the alerts will tell people how to go about getting hold of patches from security firms. the niscc spokesman said the site and alerting service would stay in existence for as long as there were security bugs on home computers and other gadgets. government statistics show that more than half of all uk households own a home computer. it was estimated that almost 13 million of these were able to access the internet in 2004. the launch comes as the number of viruses and other malicious programs in existence is reaching unprecedented numbers. in september 2004 the number of malicious programs circulating topped the 100 000 mark. some fear that this figure could hit 150 000 by september 2005. the creation of the national alert service follows similar efforts in the netherlands and us. the national alerting service for the netherlands (aka de waarschuwingsdienst) and the us national cyber alerting service also tell citizens of serious security threats.,tech
634,gallery unveils interactive tree a christmas tree that can receive text messages has been unveiled at london s tate britain art gallery. the spruce has an antenna which can receive bluetooth texts sent by visitors to the tate. the messages will be unwrapped by sculptor richard wentworth who is responsible for decorating the tree with broken plates and light bulbs. it is the 17th year that the gallery has invited an artist to dress their christmas tree. artists who have decorated the tate tree in previous years include tracey emin in 2002. the plain green norway spruce is displayed in the gallery s foyer. its light bulb adornments are dimmed ordinary domestic ones joined together with string. the plates decorating the branches will be auctioned off for the children s charity artworks. wentworth worked as an assistant to sculptor henry moore in the late 1960s. his reputation as a sculptor grew in the 1980s while he has been one of the most influential teachers during the last two decades. wentworth is also known for his photography of mundane everyday subjects such as a cigarette packet jammed under the wonky leg of a table.,entertainment
306,faultless federer has no equal roger federer - nice bloke fantastic tennis player - the ultimate sportsman. when lleyton hewitt shook his hand after getting another thrashing a third in as many months the australian said; you re the best. how right he is. the stats speak for themselves: 11 titles from 11 finals during 2004 - three of them grand slams - and 13 final victories in a row going back to vienna 2003. that s an open-era record. hewitt at times in houston showed form which easily matched his grand slam-winning efforts of 2001 and 2002. but he was outplayed. twice. hewitt along with andy roddick and marat safin is sure to be prominent during 2005. but realistically all three will be fighting for the world number two ranking. according to all those players and even federer himself the swiss star is in a different league. right now i feel that a little bit he told bbc sport. i ve dominated all the top ten players. they say nice things about me because i have beaten them all. i am dominating the game right now and i hope it continues! the number one player in the world is also the main man for promoting the sport off court. he has just been voted by the international tennis writers as the best ambassador for tennis on the atp tour. he has time for everyone. every match from first round to final is followed by a series of press interviews in three languages; english french and swiss-german. after a major win there are extra requests obligations and interviews all seen through to the end with courtesy and most importantly good humour. you guys are funny i have a good time with you guys he said genuinely happy to talk into yet another tape recorder. i see you pretty much every day on the tour so to give away an hour for interviews is really no problem for me. if i can promote tennis and the sport then that is good for me. people say thanks back and that is nice. what a refreshing attitude from someone who could easily dominate the sports pages for a decade. it sums up his modest personality. shortly after collecting a waterford crystal trophy a mercedes convertible and a tasty cheque for $1.5m federer addressed the houston crowd and concluded by saying thanks for having me . now he just needs to find a way of winning the french open the one grand slam to so far elude him.,sport
1825,howard and blair tax pledge clash tony blair has said voters will have to wait for labour s manifesto to see if the party has plans to increase tax. the premier was responding to a challenge from tory leader michael howard who said labour would raise taxes in its post-election budget. mr blair derided tory claims they could cut £35bn in wasteful spending saying the party had got its sums wrong. the two political leaders clashed just days after the opening salvoes of the pre-election period. mr howard told mps that every independent expert from the international monetary fund to the institute of fiscal studies had suggested the government was spending more than it is raising and a labour chancellor would have to put up taxes . mr blair replied: i think they are wrong for this very simple reason: that the treasury forecasts on the economy have been proven right. the tories on monday highlighted their plans for tax cuts worth £4bn although the specific taxes to be cut have not been announced. they also spelled out their plans for reduced government borrowing and more spending on key services. labour and the liberal democrats have said the party s sums do not add up and claim it would cut frontline services. but mr howard said voters faced a clear choice at the next election between more waste and more tax under labour and tory value for money and lower taxes. the liberal democrats have also launched their pre-election platform with leader charles kennedy saying his party was the authentic opposition particularly on the iraq war council tax and university tuition fees. labour hit back at the tory proposals even before their publication with election coordinator alan milburn accusing mr howard of producing a fraudulent prospectus .,politics
764,shares rise on new man utd offer shares in manchester united closed up 4.75% on monday following a new offer from us tycoon malcolm glazer. the board of the football club is expected to meet early this week to discuss the latest proposal which values the club at £800m ($1.5bn). manchester united revealed on sunday that it had received a detailed proposal from mr glazer which looks set to receive more serious scrutiny. the club has previously rejected mr glazer s approaches out of hand. but a senior source at the club told the bbc: this time it s different. supporters group shareholders united however urged the club to reject the new deal. a spokesman for the shareholders united said: i can t see any difference (compared to mr glazer s previous proposals) other than £200m less debt. he isn t bringing any money into the club; he ll use our money to buy it. mr glazer s latest move is being led by mr glazer s two sons avi and joel according to the financial times. a proposal was received by david gill united s chief executive at the end of last week pitched at about 300p a share. david cummings head of uk equities for standard life investments said he believed a well funded 300p a share bid would be enough for mr glazer to take control of the club. i do not think there is anything that manchester united fans can do about it he told the bbc. they can complain about it but it is curtains for them. they may not want him but they are going to get him. the us tycoon who has been wooing the club for the last 12 months has approached the united board with detailed proposals it has confirmed. mr glazer who owns the tampa bay buccaneers team hopes this will lead to a formal bid being accepted. he is believed to have increased the amount of equity in the new proposal though it is not clear by how much. for his proposal to succeed he needs the support of united s largest shareholders the irish horseracing tycoons jp mcmanus and john magnier. they own 29% of united through their cubic expression investment vehicle. mr glazer and his family hold a stake of 28.1%. but it is not yet known whether mr mcmanus and mr magnier would support a glazer bid. nm rothschild the investment bank is advising mr glazer according to the financial times. his previous adviser jpmorgan quit last year when mr glazer went ahead and voted against the appointment of three united directors to the board against its advice. but the ft said it thought jp morgan may still have had some role in financing mr glazer s latest financial proposal.,business
997,benitez joy as reds take control liverpool boss rafael benitez was satisfied after his team s 3-1 win over bayer leverkusen despite conceding a goal in the last minute. before the game if you had said the score will be 3-1 i would have happily accepted that said benitez. but you must realise that you have to concentrate right to the very last seconds of a game at this level. i have confidence that we can complete the task in germany. i am always confident and we must be positive. benitez defended goalkeeper jerzy dudek whose failure to hold on to dimitar berbatov s weak drive allowed franca to score with the last kick of the game - and give the german team a lifeline for the second leg. for me it was not jerzy dudek s fault added benitez. he had played a very good game - and had we scored our other chances nobody would be talking about about their goal. it would not have mattered. if we had scored our other chances it would not have been worth remembering that last goal. in my opinion jerzy played well made two very fine saves - and i am happy with him. if we lose 2-0 we are out but i think we can score in germany - certainly one and that will make all the difference. and the liverpool boss is looking forward to having skipper steven gerrard who was suspended for the anfield leg back for the return in germany. steven gerrard is a key player for us said benitez. when he is on the pitch he makes everyone else play better - and the opposition pay special attention to him - which gives space for others. steven is one of the best players in the world but i need a team that is not about just one player. there must be 11 players on the pitch all doing well.,sport
1361,call centre users lose patience customers trying to get through to call centres are getting impatient and quicker to hang up a survey suggests. once past the welcome message callers on average hang up after just 65 seconds of listening to canned music. the drop in patience comes as the number of calls to call centres is growing at a rate of 20% every year. customers are getting used to the idea of an always available society says cara diemont of it firm dimension data which commissioned the survey. however call centres also saw a sharp increase of customers simply abandoning calls she says from just over 5% in 2003 to a record 13.3% during last year. when automated phone message systems are taken out of the equation where customers have to pick their way through multiple options and messages the number of abandoned calls is even higher - a sixth of all callers give up rather than wait. one possible reason for the lack in patience ms diemont says is the fact that more customers are calling on the move using their mobile phones. the surge in customers trying to get through to call centres is also a reflection of the centres growing range of tasks. once a call centre may have looked after mortgages now its agents may also be responsible for credit cards insurance and current accounts ms diemont says. problems are occurring because increased responsibility is not going hand-in-hand with more training the survey found. in what dimension data calls an alarming development the average induction time for a call centre worker fell last year from 36 to just 21 days leaving agents not equipped to deal with customers . this ms diemont warns is scary and not good for the bottom line either. poor training frustrates both call centre workers and customers. as a result call centres have a high churn rate with nearly a quarter of workers throwing in the towel every year which in turn forces companies to pay for training new staff. resolution rates - the number of calls where a customer s query is resolved to mutual satisfaction - are running at just 50%. when the query is passed on to a second or third person - a specialist or manager - rates rise to about 70% but that is still well below the industry target of an 85% resolution rate. suggestions that outsourcing - relocating call centres to low-cost countries like india or south africa - is to blame are wrong ms diemont says. there are no big differences in wait time and call resolution between call centres based in europe or north america and those in developing countries around the world. you can make call centres perform anywhere if you have good management and the right processes in place she says. however companies that decide to offshore their operations are driven not just by cost considerations. only 42% of them say that saving money is the main consideration when closing domestic call centre operations. half of them argue that workers in other countries offer better skills for the money. but not everybody believes that outsourcing and offshoring are the solution. nearly two-thirds of all firms polled for the survey have no plans to offshore their call centres. they give three key reasons for not making the move: - call centre operations are part of their business core function - they are worried about the risk of going abroad - they fear that they will damage their brand if they join the offshoring drive. the survey was conducted by sunovate on behalf of dimension data and is based on in-depth questionnaires of 166 call centres in 24 countries and five continents. what are your experiences with call centres are you happy to listen to vivaldi or greensleeves or do you want an immediate response and if you work in a call centre: did your training prepare you for your job,business
1945,hard act to follow for outkast us rap duo outkast s trio of trophies at the mtv europe awards crowns a year of huge success for the band. the latest triumph adds to the three grammys and four american mtv gongs won earlier in this year. andre 3000 and big boi s album speakerboxxx/the love below has been critically acclaimed since its release and sold in large quantities around the world. the double album - which saw the pair produce one disc each - topped the charts in the us at the same time as single hey ya! it took another track from the exponents of southern hip-hop - the way you move - to displace it from the top spot. the georgia pair s year of critical and commercial triumph leaves them with a tough act to follow - what can be next for a musical act that has done it all g money a presenter on the bbc s urban music station 1xtra thinks a hiatus is inevitable after such a sustained period of exposure - giving the band time to think about other interests. they might be more appearances outside the band such as producing for other artists while they have a number of fringe music projects. andre 3000 would like to go into acting so we might see him a film while big boi already has a dog-breeding business says the dj. but in a couple of years they will be back with another album which will be a collaboration unlike their double cd. their greatness has become clear with speakerboxxx/the love below. we haven t seen the last of them he adds. outkast s musical career spans 10 years and they have enjoyed commercial and critical success in the past with their debut southernplayalisticadillacmuzik going platinum. but it took until 2001 for the pair to score their first hit in the uk with ms jackson while their album stakonia saw their fame spread beyond the us. 1xtra s g money says it took the latest album released in 2003 for him to be assured of their genius . they have always been experimental some of it has worked and some hasn t he adds. but g money acknowledges that making the next move for a band that has reached a pinnacle can be tough. what can you do next when you ve done it all he says. with ten years of success behind them and worldwide fame it seems that outkast is not a name that is likely to be forgotten in a hurry.,entertainment
267,wolves appoint hoddle as manager glenn hoddle has been unveiled as the new wolves manager. the ex-england coach has been given a six-month contract to succeed dave jones who was sacked after the club s poor start to the season. wolves chairman rick hayward said: we re delighted glenn is here. he has a six-month contract so we can test each other out and see if it works. hoddle who will work alongside stuart gray has been out of the game since he was sacked by spurs in 2003. gray who has been caretaker manager was assistant boss when hoddle was manager at southampton. i m delighted to be here said hoddle. i saw the massive potential that wolves have got and their desire and amibition to get back into the premiership parallels my ambitions. stuart gray has done a fantastic job as caretaker manager. we ve worked together at southampton and i m delighted to be back with him. wolves chief executive jez moxey defended the decision to give hoddle a short-term contract. we hope it will work out for both parties and we extend it for the long term he said. most managers want a four-year contract and then expect it to be paid off if it doesn t work out. for somebody of glenn s calibre to come in on a short-term contract and put his reputation on the line it demonstrates his commitment and self-belief and the potential he thinks is here. hayward revealed that hoddle was one of the first to be approached after jones departure. he was not available at the time because he was looking at various other things he explained. five weeks later we re back on track and this a tremendous opportunity for wolves. hoddle began his managerial career as player-boss with swindon before moving on to chelsea and then taking up the england job. his spell in charge of the national side came to an end after the 1998 world cup when he made controversial remarks about the disabled in a newspaper interview. the 47-year-old later returned to management with southampton where he again succeeded jones - as he has now done at wolves. he engineered an upturn in saints fortunes before being lured to white hart lane by tottenham - the club where he made his name as a player. that relationship turned sour at the start of the last campaign and he left the london club early last season. since then he has applied unsuccessfully for the post of france manager and had also been linked with a return to southampton. wolves are currently 17th in the championship and have a home game against millwall on tuesday.,sport
227,learning to love broadband we are reaching the point where broadband is a central part of daily life at least for some argues technology analyst bill thompson. one of the nice things about being a writer is that i rarely have to go to an office to work. i can sit in a café or a library with or without a wi-fi connection and research and write articles. if i am passing through kings cross station on my way to a meeting then i can log on from the platform. and i can spend the day working with my girlfriend anne a children s writer at her house in cambridge sharing her wireless network. but just over a week ago i arrived at her house to find that there was no network connection. we checked the cable modem and noticed that it had no power and when she changed the power lead it sparked at her in a way which made it abundantly clear that it was never going to talk to the internet again. she called her service provider and they told her it would be five days before an engineer would show up with a new cable modem. this did not seem too bad but in fact she really suffered until her connection was restored on wednesday. with no modem installed in her computer she had to borrow internet access from friends or use the dial-up connection on her daughter s laptop so she had to choose between copying her files onto her usb memory card or accepting a slower and flakier net connection. as a result she did not submit the pictures she wanted to use for a book on earthquakes because they were too big to send over dial-up. she could not research other material because she is used to having easy access to a fast link that lets her search quickly and effectively. but the impact spread into her personal life too. she did not take her children to the cinema during half-term because she could not find out which films were showing at the local cinemas. she planned a trip to norfolk but did not check the weather because the only place she knows to look for weather information is the bbc website. and she did not know where to go fossil-hunting on the trip because she could not type fossils norfolk into google. of course she readily admits she could have answered these questions if she had looked in the local paper listened to the radio or found a book on fossils. but she did not because having fast always on and easy access to the net has become part of the routine of her daily life and when it was taken away it was too much effort to go back to the old ways of doing things. she may be unusual but i do not think anne is alone. according to ofcom there were almost four million broadband users in the uk in april 2004 and numbers are climbing fast. there will certainly be five million by the end of the year. dial-up users are switching to broadband. my dad finally made the change earlier this month and new net users are selecting broadband from the start. more and more of these broadband users are beginning to mould their daily lives around the availability of broadband internet connections and they too will find it difficult to cope if they cannot get online for any reason. it is part of the process of adaptation and it is a vital step in the growth of broadband in the uk and elsewhere. people who have integrated net access into their daily lives tell their friends about it and show off the cool stuff they can do. they encourage other people to get broadband so that they can share digital photos and do all of the other things that need fast and reliable connectivity. of course broadband in the uk is laughably slow compared to other parts of the world. in south korea japan and hong kong normal connection speeds are measured in megabits or millions of bits a second rather than the thousands that we are supposed to be happy with. but speed is only a small part of the attraction of broadband and when it comes to checking websites for film times looking at weather forecasts or all of the other small things that make a real difference to the routines and habits of our daily lives even uk speeds are sufficient. it may not be the brave new world of streaming full-screen video and superfast file downloads but it will do for now. and it is certainly better than slow access or no access. just ask anne. bill thompson is a regular commentator on the bbc world service programme go digital.,tech
197,versace art portfolio up for sale the art collection of murdered fashion designer gianni versace could fetch up to £9m ($17m) when it is auctioned in new york and london later this year. among the pictures for sale are works by roy lichtenstein andy warhol and henri matisse. the collection was housed at versace s six-storey new york townhouse. the 51-year-old designer was shot outside his florida home in 1997 by suspected serial killer andrew cunanan who later killed himself. the auction at sotheby s will feature 45 contemporary impressionist and 19th century paintings. one of the highlights of the sale is roy lichtenstein s blue nude which has been given an estimate of £1.8m ($3.4m). tobias meyer sotheby s worldwide head of contemporary art said: this collection reflects mr versace s wide-ranging taste and impeccable eye and many of the works were commissioned directly from the artists. outstanding later examples from champions of the pop movement such as roy lichtenstein are juxtaposed with masterpieces from the most visible artists of the 1980 s including jean-michel basquiat and the collaborative genius of basquiat and warhol as well as francesco clemente. much of the collection will be offered for sale at three auctions in new york in june with smaller contemporary paintings going under the hammer in london on 22 and 23 june. a sale of versace s furniture and artworks sold in 2001fetched £5.5m ($10.3m).,entertainment
749,tv debate urged for party chiefs broadcasters should fix a date for a pre-election televised debate between the three main political leaders according to the hansard society. it would then be up to tony blair michael howard and charles kennedy to decide whether to take part the non-partisan charity said. chairman lord holme argued that prime ministers should not have the right of veto on a matter of public interest . the broadcasters should make the decision to go ahead he said. lord holme s proposal for a televised debate comes just four months after millions of viewers were able to watch us president george w bush slug it out verbally with his democratic challenger john kerry. he said it was a democratically dubious proposition that it was up to the incumbent prime minister to decide whether a similar event takes place here. if mr blair did not want to take part the broadcasters could go ahead with an empty chair or cancel the event and explain their reasons why lord holme said. what makes the present situation even less acceptable is that although mr howard and mr kennedy have said they would welcome a debate no-one has heard directly from the prime minister he said. it has been left to nudges and winks hints and briefings from his aides and campaign managers to imply that mr blair doesn t want one but we haven t heard from the prime minister himself. lord holme who has campaigned for televised debates at previous elections said broadcasters were more than willing to cooperate with the arrangements . opinion polls suggested that the idea had the backing of the public who like comparing the personalities and policies of the contenders in their own homes he said. lord holme argued that as part of their public service obligations broadcasters should make the decision to go ahead as soon as the election is called. an independent third-party body such as the hansard society or electoral commission could work out the ground rules so they were fair to participants and informative to the public he said. it would be up to each party leader to accept or refuse said lord holme. if the prime minister s reported position is true and he does want to take part he would then be obliged to say why publicly. the broadcasters would then have the option of cancelling the event for obvious and well-understood reasons or going ahead with an empty chair. either way would be preferable to the present hidden veto. the hansard society has long campaigned for televised debates and has published reports on the issue in 1997 and 2001. tony blair has already ruled out taking part in a televised debate during the forthcoming election campaign. last month he said: we answer this every election campaign and for the reasons i have given before the answer is no he said at his monthly news conference.,politics
380,mcdonald s boss bell dies aged 44 charlie bell the straight-talking former head of fast-food giant mcdonald s has died of cancer aged 44. mr bell was diagnosed with colorectal cancer in may last year a month after taking over the top job. he resigned in november to fight the illness. joining the company as a 15-year-old part-time worker mr bell quickly moved through its ranks becoming australia s youngest store manager at 19. a popular go-getter he is credited with helping revive mcdonald s sales. mr bell leaves a wife and daughter. as we mourn his passing i ask you to keep charlie s family in your hearts and prayers chief executive james skinner said in a statement. and remember that in his abbreviated time on this earth charlie lived life to the fullest. no matter what cards life dealt charlie stayed centred on his love for his family and for mcdonald s. after running the company s australian business in the 1990s mr bell moved to the us in 1999 to run operations in asia africa and the middle east. in 2001 he took over the reins in europe mcdonald s second most important market. he became chief operating officer and president in 2002. mr bell took over as chief executive after his predecessor as ceo jim cantalupo died suddenly of a heart attack in april. having worked closely with mr cantalupo who came out of retirement to turn mcdonald s around mr bell focused on boosting demand at existing restaurants rather than follow a policy of rapid expansion. he had promised not to let the company get fat dumb and happy and according to reuters once told analysts that he would shove a fire hose down the throat of competitors if he saw them drowning. mr bell oversaw mcdonald s i m lovin it advertising campaign and introduced successes such as mccafe now the biggest coffee shop brand in australia and new zealand. colleagues said that mr bell was proud of his humble beginnings helping out behind cash tills and clearing tables when visiting restaurants.,business
251,wenger handed summer war chest arsenal boss arsene wenger has been guaranteed transfer funds to boost his squad the summer. the club s managing director keith edelman stressed that the development of their new £350m stadium had no affect on wenger s spending power. the money is there. don t worry we ve got it edelman told bbc sport. hopefully we ll spend it this summer and in the coming years. arsene attends all our board meetings and he knows our finances are very strong. edelman added that it was pointless having a brand new stadium if the team did not match the surroundings. its great to have nice new surroundings but if the team aren t performing on the pitch then there isn t great respect in having a fabulous stadium he said. it s important that we had sufficient funds for our team in place before we began on the stadium.,sport
690,vera drake scoops film award oscar hopefuls mike leigh and imelda staunton were both winners at the 2004 evening standard british film awards. vera drake - leigh s 1950s drama about a backstreet abortionist - was named best film and staunton who played the title role was named best actress. other winners included paddy considine who was crowned best actor for his role in dead man s shoes. bridget jones: the edge of reason was named evening standard readers film of 2004 at the central london ceremony. leigh was presented with his winner s statuette by timothy spall and staunton s award was announced by patrick stewart during the glittering ceremony at the savoy on sunday night. evening standard film critic derek malcolm said: he [leigh] has never made a film that is better controlled and technically more secure... if this isn t one of the films of the year i don t know what is. the alexander walker special award - which honours those who have made a supreme contribution to british film - went to tim bevan and eric fellner the co-chairmen of working title films. the production company is behind films such as my beautiful laundrette billy elliot about a boy shaun of the dead and bridget jones: the edge of reason. simon pegg who stars in and co-wrote shaun of the dead won the 2004 peter sellers award for comedy. other winners included emily blunt and nathalie press who were jointly named itv london most promising newcomer award for their performances in pawel pawlikowski s rites-of-passage story my summer of love. pawlikowski won the best screenplay statuette while roger deakins won the technical achievement award for his cinematography on the village and the ladykillers. guests at the ceremony included dame judi dench kim cattrall charles dance bill nighy and colin firth. the awards which were hosted by jack dee are to be screened on itv london on tuesday at 2300 gmt.,entertainment
1411,help for indies in download sales a campaign has been launched to help independent labels get their music online and benefit from the growing trend for downloading music. the british phonographic industry has identified a lack of independent music available for download. we want to ensure that independent repertoire is as successful in the download world as it is in the physical world said bpi chief peter jamieson. downloaded singles have now overtaken physical singles in the uk. mr jamieson said his organisation was lobbying music service providers which include itunes and napster to urge them to promote independent releases. download sales are due to be incorporated into the uk singles chart later this year. with downloads shortly to be eligible for the singles chart this is a key commercial issue on which the bpi committed to assisting its members added mr jamieson. as part of the campaign the bpi is running a series of seminars entitled getting your music online focusing on how independent labels can embrace digital music. the us has already begun incorporating download sales in the billboard s hot 100 chart.,entertainment
1235,verizon seals takeover of mci verizon has won a takeover battle for us phone firm mci with a bid worth $6.8bn (£3.6bn) reports say. the two firms are expected to seal the deal on monday morning according to news agency reports despite what was thought to be a higher bid from qwest. the us telecoms market is consolidating fast with former long-distance giant at&t being bought by former subsidiary sbc earlier this year for $16bn. mci exited bankruptcy in april having gone bust under previous name worldcom. the bankruptcy followed its admission in 2002 that it illegally booked expenses and inflated profits. shareholders lost about $180bn when the company collapsed while 20 000 workers lost their jobs. former worldcom boss bernie ebbers is currently on trial accused of overseeing an $11bn fraud. qwest has itself come under suspicion of sub-standard behaviour paying the securities and exchange commission $250m in october to settle charges that it manipulated its results to keep wall street happy. mci is the us s second-biggest long distance firm after at&t. consolidation in the us telecommunications industry has picked up in the past few months as companies look to cut costs and boost client bases. a merger between mci and verizon would be the fifth billion-dollar telecoms deal since october. last week sbc communications agreed to buy its former parent and phone trailblazer at&t for about $16bn. buying mci would give either qwest or verizon access to mci s global network and business-based subscribers. the rationale is similar to the one underpinning sbc s at&t deal. verizon is by far the bigger company and has its own successful mobile arm - factors which may have swung the board in its favour since both suitors are offering a mixture of cash and shares.,business
932,irish markets reach all-time high irish shares have risen to a record high with investors persuaded to buy into the market by low inflation and strong growth forecasts. the iseq index of leading shares closed up 23 points to 6661.89 on thursday fuelled by strong growth in banking and financial stocks. a fall in the rate of inflation to 2.3% in january gave a fresh boost to shares which have advanced 4% this month. the economy is set for strong growth in 2005 while interest rates remain low. several of ireland s biggest companies saw their market value hit recent highs on thursday. allied irish banks ireland s biggest company by capitalisation touched a five year peak while bank of ireland shares rose to their highest level since august 2002. telecoms firm eircom which recently revealed that it would re-enter the irish mobile phone market hit a yearly high. analysts said that economic conditions were benign and irish shares were still trading at a discount to other european markets. ireland ticks all the boxes as far as international investors are concerned roy asher chief investment officer of hibernian investment managers told reuters. buoyant economic conditions are set to continue in ireland over the next few years and irish equities continue to offer quality growth at a reasonable valuation. bernard mcalinden head of equity research at ncb stockbrokers said equities represented good value compared to other investments. it is still looking good he told reuters. we have seen good economic data on ireland which benefits the financial stocks. ireland s economic miracle is enjoying a second wind with 5% growth forecast for 2005 and 2006. the economy cooled markedly between 2001 and 2003 after enjoying spectacular growth of more than 10% in 2000. however it has bounced back strongly with growth of just under 5% expected in 2004.,business
1487,wenger rules out new keeper arsenal boss arsene wenger says he has no plans to sign a new goalkeeper during the january transfer window. wenger has brought in manuel almunia for the last three games for the out-of-form jens lehmann - but the spaniard himself has been prone to mistakes. there have been suggestions that wenger will swoop for a high-quality shot-stopper in the new year. but he told the evening standard: i don t feel it will be necessary to bring in a new goalkeeper in january. the gunners manager refused to comment on the difficult start that 27-year-old almunia has made to his career at highbury. and he would not be drawn on whether lehmann would return for the top-of-the table clash with chelsea on sunday. almunia was at fault for rosenborg s goal in arsenal s 5-1 champions league win on tuesday and had some hairy moments in last week s win over birmingham. but wenger said earlier this week that his indifferent form was down to pressure caused by being under scrutiny from the media. the debate has gone on too long. everyone has an opinion and i do not have to add to it wenger added. arsenal have been linked with middlesbrough keeper mark schwarzer fulham s edwin van der sar and parma s sebastien frey. and wenger has no immediate plans to recall former england under-21 international stuart taylor from his loan spell at leicester.,sport
611,broadband fuels online expression fast web access is encouraging more people to express themselves online research suggests. a quarter of broadband users in britain regularly upload content and have personal sites according to a report by uk think-tank demos. it said that having an always-on fast connection is changing the way people use the internet. more than five million households in the uk have broadband and that number is growing fast. the demos report looked at the impact of broadband on people s net habits. it found that more than half of those with broadband logged on to the web before breakfast. one in five even admitted to getting up in the middle of the night to browse the web. more significantly argues the report broadband is encouraging people to take a more active role online. it found that one in five post something on the net everyday ranging from comments or opinions on sites to uploading photographs. broadband is putting the me in media as it shifts power from institutions and into the hands of the individual said john craig co-author of the demos report. from self-diagnosis to online education broadband creates social innovation that moves the debate beyond simple questions of access and speed. the demos report entitled broadband britain: the end of asymmetry was commissioned by net provider aol. broadband is moving the perception of the internet as a piece of technology to an integral part of home life in the uk said karen thomson chief executive of aol uk with many people spending time on their computers as automatically as they might switch on the television or radio. according to analysts nielsen//netratings more than 50% of the 22.8 million uk net users regularly accessing the web from home each month are logging on at high speed they spend twice as long online than people on dial-up connections viewing an average of 1 444 pages per month. the popularity of fast net access is growing partly fuelled by fierce competition over prices and services.,tech
775,uk needs true immigration data a former home office minister has called for an independent body to be set up to monitor uk immigration. barbara roche said an organisation should monitor and publish figures and be independent of government. she said this would counter so-called independent groups like migration watch which she described as an anti-immigration body posing as independent. migration watch says it is not against all immigration and the government already publishes accurate figures. sir andrew green chairman of the organisation says there is no need for an independent body because office of national statistics data are accurate. he says he opposes large-scale immigration both on the grounds of overcrowding and culture . he said: for example over the next 20 years one household in three will be due to immigration. we are already more overcrowded than india and we are four times more overcrowded than france. ms roche labour mp for hornsey and wood green believes legal migration is something we should welcome. she said her proposals mean we wouldn t have so-called independent experts like migration watch who come into this debate from an anti-immigration point of view. she went on: what i would like to see is there being a body which actually looked at the figures published them and was independent of government. i think that would go a long way to allaying some of the fears that are sometimes whipped up during this debate.,politics
1523,fed chief warning on us deficit federal reserve chairman alan greenspan has warned that allowing huge us budget deficits to continue could have severe consequences. speaking to the house budget committee he urged congress to take action to cut the deficit such as increasing taxes. while the us economy is growing at a reasonably good pace he warned that budget concerns were clouding the economic outlook for the us. pension and healthcare costs posed the greatest risks to the economy he said. the government program faces severe financial strains in coming decades as the massive baby-boom generation retires. i fear that we may have already committed more physical resources to the baby-boom generation in its retirement years than our economy has the capacity to deliver. if existing promises need to be changed those changes should be made sooner rather than later mr greenspan said. he also warned that unless the nation sees unprecedented rises in productivity retirement and health programmes would need significant changes. he called on congress to cut promised benefits for retirees as the promised benefits for the soon-to-retire baby boom generation were much larger than the government could afford. meanwhile any move to narrow the deficit gap by raising taxes could pose a significant risk to the economy by dampening growth and spending he added. he also urged congress to reinstate lapsed rules that require tax cuts and spending to be offset elsewhere in the budget in an effort to prevent the us heading further into the red. despite the dire warnings mr greenspan did offer some good news for the short term. as us growth gathers steam and incomes rise that should lead to a narrowing of the deficit. recent increases in defence and homeland security spending were also not expected to continue indefinitely which should cut some costs. since president george w bush came to office the federal budget has swung from a record surplus to a record deficit of $412bn last year.,business
303,quiksilver moves for rossignol shares of skis rossignol the world s largest ski-maker have jumped as much as 15% on speculation that it will be bought by us surfwear firm quiksilver. the owners of rossignol the boix-vives family are said to be considering an offer from quiksilver. analysts believe other sporting goods companies may now take a closer look at rossignol prompting an auction and pushing the sale price higher. nike and k2 have previously been mentioned as possible suitors. rossignol shares touched 17.70 euros before falling back to trade 7.8% higher at 16.60 euros. european sporting goods companies have seen foreign revenues squeezed by a slump in the value of the us dollar making a takeover more attractive analysts said. companies such as quiksilver would be able to cut costs by selling rossignol skis through their shops they added. the boix-vives family is thought to have spent the past couple of years sounding out possible suitors for rossignol which also makes golf equipment snowboards and sports clothing.,business
91,slovakia reach hopman cup final slovakia will play argentina in the final of the hopman cup after beating group b rivals the netherlands 3-0. daniela hantuchova defeated michaella krajicek 6-4 6-2 to give the slovaks the perfect start before dutchman peter wessels retired against dominik hrbaty. wessels was unable to compete in the mixed doubles but slovakia had already booked their place in the final for the second year running. argentina claimed top spot in group a with three wins from three matches. in the other group b match the united states defeated australia 2-1. meghann shaughnessy lost the opening match against alicia molik but james blake levelled the tie with a 6-3 6-4 win over paul baccanello who came in as a replacement for the injured mark philippoussis. blake and shaughnessy then beat molik and baccanello in a tense mixed doubles contest to take the win. hantuchova who did not win a hopman cup singles match in 2004 has been in good form during this year s event and has won two of her three matches. i feel like it s really deserved this time as i ve helped dominik to get through she said. i think if i keep going the way i have been in the past few matches then i will be okay. i was really pleased with my last two singles even the first one which was a really high standard. you can t ask for a better preparation than to play a few matches here for the australian open.,sport
1184,arthur hailey: king of the bestsellers novelist arthur hailey who has died at the age of 84 was known for his bestselling page-turners exploring the inner workings of various industries from the hotels to high finance. born in luton bedfordshire on 5 april 1920 hailey was the only child of working class parents they could not afford to keep him in school beyond the age of 14. he served as a pilot with the royal air force during world war ii flying fighter planes to the middle east. it was an occupation that was later to feature in his authorial debut the television screenplay flight into danger. hailey emigrated to canada in 1947 where he eventually became a citizen. he wanted to be a writer from an early age but did not take it up professionally until his mid-thirties when he was inspired to write his first screenplay while on a return flight to toronto. i fell to daydreaming. i visualised the pilots at the controls and wondered what would happen if they both got sick. could i fly the airplane i was a rusty wartime pilot who hadn t flown for nine years... hailey later recalled. the canadian broadcasting corporation bought flight into danger for $600 (£318) and it was shown on tv in april 1956. it was later memorably spoofed in the 1980 comedy airplane! starring leslie nielsen. hailey worked as a screenwriter for a couple of years before turning to novels. he went on to produce 11 best-selling books which were published into 38 languages in 40 countries. flight into danger was adapted to become hailey s first novel runaway zero-eight in 1958. the final diagnosis and in high places followed both achieving a popular following. but it was not until hotel in 1965 that hollywood came calling. the hit novel took four years to write and stayed on national best-seller lists for a full year. it was turned into a movie in 1967 and later adapted into a glossy soap in the 1980s starring james brolin. airport (1968) arguably remains hailey s best-loved work and prompted the disaster movie genre. the thriller follows events in the sky and on the ground at a snow-logged airport when a terrorist boards an airplane with a bomb. the book was adapted into a hit film in 1970 starring burt lancaster as the harassed aiport manager and dean martin as a womanising pilot alongside jean seberg and jacqueline bisset. in a testament to the popularity of the fledgling disaster genre - three sequels followed. the writer was known for his painstaking research into the professions around which each novel was centred drawing his characters from real life and taking up to three years to produce each book. i have never been able to write quickly or easily. i am too self-critical for that. i am never satisfied he once said. in 1969 he moved to nassau in the bahamas with his wife sheila. wheels (1971) the moneychangers (1975) and overload (1979) followed. despite a lukewarm response from critics and few literary accolades hailey was at the height of his fame in the seventies and continued to attract the attention of hollywood producers. strong medicine hailey s blockbuster focusing on the pharmaceutical industry was turned into a film in 1986 starring sam neill douglas fairbanks jr and a panoply of former soap stars. the 1997 novel detective proved to be hailey s final book when at the age of 77 he decided to retire. hailey s health began to deteriorate in recent years twice undergoing heart surgery. he suffered a stroke just two months ago. he died in his sleep on wednesday after dinner with his wife and two of his six children at his home in new providence island. he had a wonderful life. his greatest ambition was to see his name on a book and he certainly achieved that said his wife sheila.,entertainment
449,collins calls for chambers return world 100m champion kim collins says suspended sprinter dwain chambers should be allowed to compete in the olympics again. chambers was banned for two years after testing positive for the anabolic steroid thg and his suspension runs out in november this year. but collins says the british olympic association should reverse the decision to ban him from the olympics for life. it was too harsh collins told radio five live. they should reconsider. chambers has been in america learning american football but has not ruled out a return to the track. collins added: he is a great guy and i have never had any problems with him. we are friends. i would like to see dwain come back and compete again. he is a good person. even though he made a mistake he understands what he did and should be given a chance once more.,sport
1778,tevez - an argentine in brazil some 65 years ago bernardo gandulla left boca juniors in his native argentina and headed for brazil. he arrived at the vasco da gama club with considerable prestige - which he failed to live up to. he left an impression but not for reasons he would have wanted. the only thing of note he did was to throw the ball back when it went out of play. even today gandula is the term used in brazil for ballboy. brazilians delighted in the failure of gandulla then and many will delight now if history is repeated. another boca juniors player is coming to brazil. the new maradona - carlos tevez - is joining corinthians for nearly $20m in a strong candidate for the strangest move of the year. corinthians - or the london-based company who have just entered into partnership with them - appear to have paid well above the odds for tevez. it is particularly strange as - until last week - tevez was not even an especially big name in brazil where the argentine championship is not shown. presumably there is some financial logic behind the move. what is harder to work out is why tevez should be interested in heading north rather than across the atlantic. argentina s brightest new star hit top form in august as he spearheaded the charge towards the olympic gold medal. but the subsequent months have not been easy for tevez. boca re-signed martin palermo forcing tevez to vacate his favoured centre forward role. and off the pitch he gave the press plenty to report - atletico madrid gave up on him after declaring his private life to be disorganized. hounded by the press tevez grew tired of his life in buenos aires. so now he says that he is heading for corinthians in search of tranquillity. anyone acquainted with the city of são paulo will relish the nonsense of this declaration. brazil s biggest city is a sprawling ugly restless metropolis. once it shared with buenos aires the same melancholy air of a city of italian immigrants. but that world now lies buried under skyscrapers. the most turbulent place in this frenetic city is sport club corinthians. it is the most passionately supported club in brazil. pelé scored reams of goals against them reasoning that unless he did something special the corinthians fans were capable of winning the game on their own. that passion can also be turned against the team - especially nowadays when the level of urban violence gives a hysterical edge to life in brazil s big cities. corinthians fans have invaded the dressing room or ambushed the team coach to attack the players. tevez then can kiss tranquillity goodbye. he can also say farewell to the copa libertadores south america s champions league. corinthians have not qualified. indeed he will have a long wait for a worthwhile match. next year s brazilian championship only gets underway at the end of april. until then he will have to make do with the foolish são paulo state championship an appalling waste of his talent. there will be matches in small towns on poor pitches with plenty of defenders keen to kick him all the way back to argentina. like so many of the top south american players tevez has the gift of being able to surprise - to feint right and go left to pass when he was expected to dribble to shoot and catch the goalkeeper unawares. but his choice of destination is the biggest surprise of all.,sport
1469,election could be terror target terrorists might try to target the uk in the run-up to the election london s most senior police officer has said. sir ian blair said terror groups would remember the effect of the madrid bomb on spain s general election last year. other potential targets were the royal wedding and the uk s presidency of the european union and g8 he said. he refused to say if there was specific information about the risk of a pre-poll attack. no 10 was similarly cautious but said the threat was real. the comments come after tony blair defended his controversial anti-terror proposals warning that it would be wrong to wait for an attack before acting. sir ian told a meeting of the metropolitan police authority it would be unwise to speculate about whether there was specific information about risks of a pre-election attack. but he said: terrorists have long memories. they understand what happened in madrid and know what the impact of that was on the spanish electorate. this year we are responsible for the eu presidency presidency of the g8 a royal wedding and a general election. there are obvious and enormous targets which we have to deal with. sir ian said the debate over anti-terror plans was one for politicians not the police who would enforce any new powers. home secretary charles clarke has also warned that a madrid-style pre-election bombing could happen in the uk too. asked about sir ian s comments the prime minister s official spokesman said: we believe the threat is real. the spokesman declined to comment on whether the security services had received specific intelligence relating to a possible attack during the election campaign. he said no 10 did not disclose any security advice they received. earlier writing in the daily telegraph the prime minister conceded that plans to detain suspects under house arrest without trial were difficult issues for any government . the commons has approved the measures despite considerable opposition with the government s majority more than halved as 32 labour rebels joined tory and lib dem opposition. but mr blair insisted: there is no greater civil liberty than to live free from terrorist attack. tory leader michael howard has accused mr blair of steamrolling the house arrest plans and of using national security for political point scoring . liberal democrat leader charles kennedy says that the plan is a further example of labour s authoritarian response to crises. the prevention of terrorism bill proposes control orders which as well as house arrest could impose curfews tagging or bans on telephone and internet use. they would replace current powers to detain foreign terror suspects without trial which the law lords have ruled against. but critics are concerned that it would be the home secretary and not judges who decided to impose control orders. the plans face further commons scrutiny on monday before passing to the lords.,politics
1260,uk heading wrong way - howard tony blair has had the chance to tackle the problems facing britain and has failed michael howard has said. britain is heading in the wrong direction the conservative leader said in his new year message. mr blair s government was a bossy interfering government that takes decisions that should be made by individuals he added. but labour s campaign spokesman fraser kemp responded: britain is working don t let the tories wreck it again . mr howard also paid tribute to the nation s character for its generous response to the asian quake disaster. the catastrophe was overshadowing the hopes for the future at this usually positive time of the year mr howard said. we watched the scenes of destruction with a sense of disbelief. the scale the speed the ferocity of what happened on boxing day is difficult to grasp. yet britain s response has shone a light on our nation s character. the last week has shown that the warm caring heart of britain beats as strong as ever. he went on to reflect on the values that most britons hold dear . looking ahead to the coming general election he pledged to turn these beliefs into reality and set out the choices he says are facing britain. how much tax do people want to pay who will give taxpayers value for money the clean hospitals and good disciplined schools they want who can be trusted to get a grip on the disorder on our streets and the chaos in our immigration system mr blair has failed to tackle these problems he claimed saying he has the wrong solution to them. the result is big government and higher taxes eroding incentives undermining enterprise and denying people choice. worst of all it is a government that has wasted people s money and failed to tackle the problems families face today. the tories he said can cut crime and improve public services without asking people to pay more taxes. we can have progress without losing what makes britain great - its tolerance the respect for the rule of law the ability of everyone to fulfil their potential. we simply need to change direction. the election will give britain the chance to change. this is the record mr blair will have to defend in the coming months he said urging voters to hold him to account. but labour spokesman mr kemp said: it would be more appropriate for this message to come out on 1 april not 1 january. let us never forget that when michael howard was in government britain suffered mass unemployment 15% interest rates record home repossessions and the introduction of the poll tax. with labour britain is working. rather than alluding to false promises michael howard should be starting 2005 with an apology to the british people for the misery that the government of which he was a member inflicted upon the country.,politics
2044,the year search became personal the odds are that when you fire up your browser you go straight to your favourite search engine rather than type in a web address. some may see this as the height of laziness but in an era of information overload search has become a vital tool in navigating the net. it is symptomatic of how the way we use the internet is changing. and as google has shown there is money in offering a service that people cannot live without. there is no shortage of companies vying for the loyalty of web searchers offering a wealth of different services and tools to help you find what you want. over the past 12 months giants of the technology world such as microsoft and yahoo have sought to grab a slice of the search action. user experience has contributed to people searching more said yonca brunini of yahoo. as people become more familiar with the internet they tend to spend more time online and ask more queries she said. the other second thing is broadband ms brunini told the bbc news website. this will do to internet what colour has done to tv. but search is hardly a new phenomenon. it has been around since the early days of the net. veteran surfers will remember old-timers like hotbot and altavista. search was always important said urs holzle google vice-president of operations. we trumpeted that in 1999. it is even truer now as there are more users and more information. people didn t realise that search was the future. the financials have something to do with it. google has shown web commerce can work through its targeted small adverts which appear at the top and down the right-hand side of a page and are related to the original search. these small ads helped google reach revenues of $805.9m for the three months to september. others have woken up to the fact that you can make money out of web queries. once you see there is a market microsoft is bound to step to it. if microsoft sees search as important then nobody queries it said mr holzle. microsoft is just one of the net giants muscling in on search. yahoo ask jeeves amazon and a handful of smaller outfits are all seeking to capture eyeballs. web users face a plethora of choices as each company tries to outflank google by rolling out new search products such as desktop search. it reflects how the battlefield has shifted from the net to your pc. search is not just about finding your way around the web. it is now about unlocking information hidden in the gigabytes of documents images and music on hard drives. for all these advances search is still a clumsy tool often failing to come up with exactly what you had in mind. in order to do a better job search engines are trying to get to know you better doing a better job of remembering cataloguing and managing all the information you come across. personalisation is going to be a big area for the future said yahoo s yonca brunini. whoever cracks that and gives you the information you want is going to be the winner. we have to understand you to give you better results that are tailored to you. this is perhaps the holy grail of search understanding what it is you are looking for and providing it quickly. the problem is that no one yet knows how to get there.,tech
19,japanese banking battle at an end japan s sumitomo mitsui financial has withdrawn its takeover offer for rival bank ufj holdings enabling the latter to merge with mitsubishi tokyo. sumitomo bosses told counterparts at ufj of its decision on friday clearing the way for it to conclude a 3 trillion yen ($29bn) deal with mitsubishi. the deal would create the world s biggest bank with assets of about 189 trillion yen ($1.8 trillion). sumitomo s exit ends the most high profile fight in japanese bank history. ufj holdings japan s fourth-largest bank has been at the centre of a fierce bid battle over the last year. sumitomo japan s third-largest bank tabled a higher offer for ufj than its rival valuing the company at $35bn. however ufj s management was known to prefer the offer from mitsubishi tokyo financial group (mtfg) japan s second-largest bank. concerns were also raised about sumitomo s ability to absorb ufj and the former has now admitted defeat. we believe the market and most investors accept a ufj-mtfg merger sumitomo said in a statement. given the ongoing integration of ufj and mtfg operations persisting with our proposal may not be in the best interests of our shareholders or ufj s. mitsubishi s takeover of ufj - which will be japan s largest-ever takeover deal - will still have to be approved by shareholders of the two firms. however this is expected to be a formality. sumitomo may now turn its attention to deepening its ties with daiwa securities another japanese financial firm. the two are set to merge their venture capital operations and there has been speculation that this could lead to a full-blown merger. japanese banks are increasingly seeking alliances to boost profits.,business
666,uk risks breaking golden rule the uk government will have to raise taxes or rein in spending if it wants to avoid breaking its golden rule a report suggests. the rule states that the government can borrow cash only to invest and not to finance its spending projects. the national institute of economic and social research (niesr) claims that taxes need to rise by about £10bn if state finances are to be put in order. the treasury said its plans were on track and funded until 2008. according to niesr if the government s current economic cycle runs until march 2006 then it is unlikely the golden rule will be met. should the cycle end a year earlier then the chances improve to 50/50 . either way fiscal tightening is needed niesr said. the report is the latest to call into question the viability of government spending projections. earlier this month accountancy firm ernst & young said that chancellor of the exchequer gordon brown s forecasts for tax revenues were too optimistic. it claimed revenues were likely to be £6bn below estimates by the end of the tax year despite the economy growing in line with forecasts. a treasury spokesperson dismissed the latest claims saying it was on track to meeting spending rules and the golden rule in the current cycle and beyond . spending plans have been set out until 2008 and they are fully affordable. other than its warning on possible tax hikes the niesr report was optimistic about the state of the uk and global economy. it said the recent record-busting surge in oil prices would have a limited effect on worldwide expansion saying that if anything the world economy will continue to grow strongly . global gross domestic product (gdp) is tipped to be 4.1% this year dipping to 4% in 2005 before picking up again to 4.2% in 2006. the us will continue to drive expansion until 2006 albeit at a slightly slower rate as will be the case in japan. hinting at better times for uk exporters niesr said the euro zone is expected to pick up speed . growth in britain also is set to accelerate it forecast. despite weak growth in the third quarter the forces sustaining the upswing remain intact and the economy will expand robustly in 2005 and 2006 niesr said adding that the economy will become better balanced over the next two years as exports stage a recovery . gdp is expected at 3.2% in 2004 and 2.8% in both 2005 and 2006. the main cloud on the horizon niesr said was the uk s much analysed and fretted over property market.,business
853,prince crowned top music earner prince earned more than any other pop star in 2004 beating artists such madonna and elton john in us magazine rolling stone s annual list. the singer banked $56.5m (£30.4m) from concerts album and publishing sales with his musicology tour and album. he kept madonna in second place as she earned $54.9m (£29.5m) while embarking on her global re-invention tour. veterans simon and garfunkel were in 10th place their comeback tour helping them earn $24.9m (£13.4m) last year. prince returned to centre stage after a decade in the commercial wilderness the magazine reported. the singer s 2004 tour took $90.3m (£48.5m) in ticket sales and he sold 1.9 million copies of his latest album musicology. although she grossed more than prince last year madonna remained in second place because of the monumental production costs of her tour. heavy metal band metallica s madly in anger with the world tour helped push their 2004 earnings up to $43.1m (£23.1m). they were ahead of sir elton john who took fourth place and almost $42.7m (£23m) from performances including a debut on the las vegas strip. other seasoned performers in the list included rod stewart whose sold-out shows and third volume of the great american songbook covers album helped net him £35m (£19m). the highest-ranking rap act in the list was 50 cent who at number 19 took $24m (£13m) to the bank.,entertainment
844,france starts digital terrestrial france has become the last big european country to launch a digital terrestrial tv (dtt) service. initially more than a third of the population will be able to receive 14 free-to-air channels. despite the long wait for a french dtt roll-out the new platform s backers hope to emulate the success of its uk free-to-air counterpart freeview. recent figures from the uk s regulator ofcom showed freeview was more popular than the sky digital satellite service. in the three months to september 2004 almost five times as many people signed up to the uk s free-to-air dtt service compared with sky. almost 60% of uk households have gone digital on at least one television set through cable satellite or freeview. the french dtt platform is known as tnt which stands for tv numerique terrestre or digital terrestrial television. but it is being branded as television numerique pour tous or digital television for all . tnt is a joint venture between public broadcaster france televisions and a handful of cable and satellite operators. digital terrestrial tv will launch as a free-to-air platform to start with adding pay-tv channels later. thirty-five contenders have bid for an additional eight frequencies on top of the 14 already allocated. a couple of years ago dtt had a bad image said olivier gerolami chief operating officer of tnt. but everyone s impressed with dtt in the uk italy and germany and they realise it is a very good idea. france is the poorest market in europe in terms of free-to-air national channels so it has the potential to be one of the biggest dtt markets mr gerolami added in remarks quoted by the us entertainment industry paper variety. tnt aims to reach 35% of france s population at launch from 17 transmission sites. the transmission area will initially include paris lille lyon and toulouse. eventually there will be 115 sites reaching over 80% of homes. digital terrestrial set-top boxes are available from as little as 70 euros (£50). a recent survey by mediametrie found that 70% of people interviewed were aware of dtt and 25% were planning to buy a digital receiver. consumer electronics companies such as nokia sagem sony and thomson are gearing up for production. the conseil superieur de l audiovisuel (csa) the french broadcasting regulator said: following the recent success of freeview in the uk some manufacturers are optimistic about sales prospects . media analysts believe that initially the majority of viewers will buy inexpensive set-top boxes that are unable to support interactive services. the csa said the current aim of reaching 85% of the population by 2007 was achievable but the future of the remaining tv viewers required action by the public sector. for the most part they are people living in mountainous or border areas which will remain beyond the reach of digital terrestrial tv for years. up to 15 pay-tv channels will launch on dtt between september 2005 and march 2006. leading pay-tv operators canal plus and tps have submitted bids to market bouquets of channels. free-to-air services will be broadcast in mpeg-2 format. but pay-tv operators will be allowed to broadcast in mpeg-4 - a much better compression technology - which will potentially allow for high-definition (hd) subscription services in the future. tnt expects between 700 000 and one million dtt set-top boxes to be sold in 2005. it is difficult to tell how quickly it will take off said mr gerolami but we re optimistic that it will revolutionise television in france. other analysts were less optimistic predicting consumers would now be less likely to sign up for pay-tv subscriptions. we think free dtt could put brakes on the underlying growth of pay-tv in france said henri de bodinat vice-president of the arthur d. little consultancy.,tech
1919,uk tv channel rapped for csi ad tv channel five has been criticised for sending offensive and threatening advertising material to viewers for a new show about murder scene scientists. five mailed thousands of fake dossiers including photos of murder victims and an e-mail suggesting the recipient was being stalked by a serial killer. following complaints the advertising standards authority contacted five to cease promotion of crime show csi:ny. five admitted it had sent out 55 000 promotion packs but had now stopped. the promotion material was sent in brown envelope of the type used by investigators in the series a spin-off from the highly successful csi: crime scene investigation series which also runs on five. the pack also features pictures of forensic evidence from a crime scene and a wanted poster which did have a csi:ny logo printed in large at the bottom. five said it had received 100 complaints but that it had been surprised at the reaction because it was obvious this material is promoting a drama . a five spokesman said: in light of the efforts we have made to make the nature of the contents so transparent we are surprised a very small minority of recipients have mistaken it as anything else. everyone who was sent this promotion has expressed an interest in receiving details about this particular genre of programming on various websites. we have also received emails and calls from recipients praising the originality and imagination of the campaign.,entertainment
344,blair returns from peace mission prime minister tony blair has arrived back from his diplomatic mission to the middle east to try to resurrect the peace process. mr blair held talks with his israeli counterpart ariel sharon and the palestinian leader mahmoud abbas. he confirmed that a renewed drive to reform the palestinian authority and address security issues would come at a london conference in march. mr blair also made a surprise trip to iraq this week. the israelis described the meeting as important but said they would not need to attend. mr blair briefly visited the tomb of yasser arafat in ramallah - the first world leader to do so. he nodded briefly towards the tomb rather than lay a wreath in what palestinian officials said was a compromise gesture agreed at the last minute. the bbc s paul reynolds says the london conference will be a limited measure to shore up the leadership of mahmoud abbas also known as abu mazen who is expected to win the palestinian presidential election on 9 january. at a news conference following talks with mr blair mr abbas said the british prime minister was in a unique position to help us progress in our peaceful pursuit . he added: your endeavour to hold a conference in london is another example of your deep commitment to this purpose. in an interview with the bbc s political editor andrew marr mr blair said getting progress between israelis and palestinians would be tough but at least we have got the first step . mr blair acknowledged some people believed he was too close to the israelis but said the israelis were entitled to expect palestinians to give up terrorism. he argued that mr sharon was committed to the internationally-agreed roadmap peace plan and said his bid to disengage from gaza had to be part of the peace process not the end of it. earlier mr sharon again said he had not seen the slightest step the palestinians were working to end terror attacks - though he acknowledged palestinian leaders were in the middle of an election campaign that could be hampering their efforts. before visiting israel mr blair made a surprise visit to iraq where he met leaders in baghdad during his first trip to the city. he was briefed on preparations for the national poll which is scheduled for next month but is threatened by a deadly campaign of insurgent violence. he also flew to basra in southern iraq where british forces are stationed.,politics
840,format wars could confuse users technology firms sony philips matsushita and samsung are developing a common way to stop people pirating digital music and video. the firms want to make a system that ensures files play on the hardware they make but also thwarts illegal copying. the move could mean more confusion for consumers already faced by many different and conflicting content control systems experts warned. they say there are no guarantees the system will even prevent piracy. currently many online stores wrap up downloadable files in an own-brand control system that means they can only be played on a small number of media players. systems that limit what people can do with the files they download are known as digital rights management systems. by setting up the alliance to work on a common control system the firms said they hope to end this current fragmentation of file formats. in a joint statement the firms said they wanted to let consumers enjoy appropriately licensed video and music on any device independent of how they originally obtained that content . the firms hope that it will also make it harder for consumers to make illegal copies of the music movies and other digital content they have bought. called the marlin joint development association the alliance will define basic specifications that every device made by the electronics firms will conform to. marlin will be built on technology from rights management firm intertrust as well as an earlier drm system developed by a group known as the coral consortium. the move is widely seen as a way for the four firms to decide their own destiny on content control systems instead of having to sign up for those being pushed by apple and microsoft. confusingly for consumers the technology that comes out of the alliance will sit alongside the content control systems of rival firms such as microsoft and apple. in many ways the different drm systems are akin to the different physical formats such as betamax and vhs that consumers have seen in the past said ian fogg personal technology and broadband analyst at jupiter research. the difference is that it is very fragmented he said. it s not a two-horse race it s a five six seven or even eight-horse race mr fogg said consumers had to be very careful when buying digital content to ensure that it would play on the devices they own. he said currently there were even incompatibilities within drm families. although initiatives such as microsoft s plays for sure program could help remove some of the uncertainty he said life was likely to be confusing for consumers for some time to come. shelley taylor analyst and author of a report about online music services said the locks and limits on digital files were done to maximise the cash that firms can make from consumers. apple s itunes service was a perfect example of this she said. although itunes has been hugely successful apple could not justify its existence if it did not help sell all those ipods she said. she said rampant competition between online music services of which there are now 230 according to recent figures could drive more openness and freer file formats. it always works out that consumer needs win out in the long run she said and the services that win in the long run are the ones that listen to consumers earliest. ms taylor said the limits legal download services place on files could help explain the continuing popularity of file-sharing systems that let people get hold of pirated pop. people want portability she said and with peer-to-peer they have 100% portability. cory doctorow european co-ordinator for the electronic frontier foundation which campaigns for consumers on many cyber-rights issues expressed doubts that the marlin system would achieve its aims. not one of these systems has ever prevented piracy or illegal copying he said. he said many firms readily admit that their drm systems are little protection against skilled attackers such as the organised crime gangs that are responsible for most piracy. instead said mr doctorow drm systems were intended to control the group that electronics firms have most hold over - consumers. the studios and labels perceive an opportunity to sell you your media again and again - the ipod version the auto version the american and uk version the ringtone version and so on.,tech
1596,no charges against tv s cosby us comedian bill cosby will not face charges stemming from an allegation of sexual misconduct. authorities in philadelphia said they found insufficient evidence to support the woman s allegations regarding an alleged incident in january 2004. the woman reported the allegations to canadian authorities last month. cosby s lawyer walter m phillips jr said the comedian was pleased with the decision. he looks forward to moving on with his life he said. district attorney bruce l castor jr who was in charge of the case said that detectives could find no instance where anyone complained to law enforcement of conduct which would constitute a criminal offence. he also said that the fact the woman waited a year before coming forward and she had had further contact with cosby during that time were also factors in his decision. the unidentified woman s lawyer dolores m troiani said her client was likely to sue the comedian. i think that s the only avenue open to her. she felt as we did that it s a very strong case and she was telling the truth. she also said that the woman supplied further evidence to prosecutors that she believed strengthened her allegations. cosby emerged as one of the first black comics to have mainstream success in the us. he was a successful stand-up before hosting the children s show fat albert and the cosby kids and starring in the cosby show one of the biggest sitcoms of the 1980s.,entertainment
1769,curbishley delight for johansson charlton manager alan curbishley paid tribute to two-goal striker jonatan johansson after beating norwich. curbishley said after the 4-0 win: there was talk about norwich being interested in the summer but i have a lot of faith in jonatan. when there was talk of other clubs i just told him he was going nowhere. he s part of our squad and he got us a couple of important goals early on. i m sure he s happy here but i was delighted with all the players. curbishley was subjected to criticism from charlton fans recently and he said: the thing about this club is that we have got where we are by all pulling in the same direction. that s happened for however long i ve been here and we don t want people taking sides.,sport
1771,astrazeneca hit by drug failure shares in anglo-swedish drug have closed down 8% in uk trade after the failure of its iressa drug in a major clinical trial. the lung cancer drug did not significantly prolong survival in patients with the disease. this setback for the group follows the rejection by the us in october of its anti-coagulant pill exanta. meanwhile another of its major money spinners - cholesterol drug crestor - is facing mounting safety concerns. this would be two of the three blockbuster drugs that were meant to power the company forward failing... and we ve got risks on crestor said nick turner analyst at brokers jefferies. astrazeneca had hoped to pitch its iressa drug against rival medicine tarceva. but iressa proved no better than a placebo in extending lives in the trial involving 1 692 patients. tarceva - made by osi pharmaceuticals genentech and roche - has already proved to be successful in helping prolong the life of lung cancer patients. aztrazeneca has now appointed a new executive director to the board. john patterson will be in charge of drug development. the company said mr patterson would make substantial changes to the clinical organisation and its processes . i am determined to improve our development and regulatory performance restore confidence in the company and value to shareholders said chief executive tom mckillop.,business
378,top tories on lib dem hit list the liberal democrats are aiming to unseat a string of top tories - including leader michael howard - at the next general election. mr howard s seat is at the top of the liberal democrats list. others targeted include oliver letwin david davis and theresa may lib dem s elections chief lord rennard said. he said it was nothing personal but that very many of the prominent conservatives had slender leads in seats where the lib dems were second. in 2001 michael howard won the folkestone & hythe seat with 20 645 votes compared to 14 738 for the liberal democrat candidate peter carroll giving the tory leader a majority of 5 907. asked if this amounted to the party s much vaunted decapitation strategy lord rennard said it was not a term he had ever used. but he urged labour supporters to vote tactically to remove prominent conservatives. i just don t think labour voters in these sort of seats could resist the temptation to use their votes effectively to remove a conservative. he denied this strategy was opportunism insisting the lib dem s policies on issues such as tuition fees the council tax and free care for the elderly appealed to all sides of the political spectrum . we are in favour of tactical voting as long as the tactic is to vote liberal democrat he added. a conservative spokesperson said: the liberal democrats can talk all they like about strategy. the problem the liberal democrats face is that a large number of lib dem voters do not agree with their policies. we will be pointing out how they are soft on crime how they support higher taxes their opposition to controlled immigration and support for giving europe more control over our lives .,politics
2079,horror film heads us box office a low-budget horror film produced by evil dead director sam raimi has topped the north american box office. boogeyman which focuses on a man who returns to his childhood home to confront his traumatic past took $19.5m (£14.9m) in three days. last week s chart-topper the robert de niro thriller hide and seek fell to number four. other new entries included the wedding date a comedy starring will and grace s debra messing at number two. the road-trip comedy are we there yet and multiple oscar nominee million dollar baby completed the top five. other oscar contenders including the aviator and sideways continued to perform strongly at the box office. the aviator has taken $75m (£40m) so far while sideways has taken $46.8m (£24.8m) in a more limited release. boogeyman which cost just $7m (£3.5m) to make performed well even though it was not screened to critics before release - normally a sign that a film will get bad reviews or perform poorly at the box office. i certainly believe it s a genre where people are going to be more moved by the marketing materials for the movie than by what the critics say said rory bruer head of distribution for sony pictures which released the film in the us. overall the weekend box office was strong despite the fact that it was american football s super bowl weekend - a time when cinema admissions generally fall. this year the top 12 films grossed around $91m (£48.3m) compared to 2004 s super bowl weekend when the total box office was $73.4m (£38.9m).,entertainment
183,kenyon denies robben barca return chelsea chief executive peter kenyon has played down reports that arjen robben will return for the champions league match against barcelona. he s been responding well to treatment and started running on friday but we ll have to wait and see he told bbc five live s sportsweek. we re looking to getting him back as soon as possible but he ll be back when it s right for him and for us. there s no plans at the moment around the barcelona game. his comments contradict those of chiropractor jean pierre meersseman who treated the dutchman after he fractured his foot at the start of february. robben had been expected to be out for six weeks but meersseman hinted that the winger could be fit for the vital stamford bridge game on 8 march. i hope he can be back and i will try to help him make that happen meersseman told the mail on sunday. i put everything right with arjen s foot the last time i saw him 12 days ago. it was an obvious correction and easy to perform. i know he was pleased with what i did and now that he is running again. i am due to see him one more time again in the next few days. meersseman is the medical co-ordinator at italian side ac milan.,sport
413,blair labour s longest-serving pm tony blair has become the labour party s longest-serving prime minister. the 51-year-old premier has marked his 2 838th day in the post overtaking the combined length of harold wilson s two terms during the 1960s and 1970s. if mr blair wins the next election and fulfils his promise to serve a full third term he will surpass margaret thatcher s 11 years by the end of 2008. in 1997 mr blair became the youngest premier of the 20th century when he came to power at the age of 43. the last prime minister to be installed at a younger age was lord liverpool who was a year his junior in 1812. mr blair s other political firsts include becoming the first labour leader to win two successive full terms in power after the 2001 labour landslide. and the birth of the blairs fourth child leo on 20 may 2000 was the first child born to a serving prime minister in more than 150 years. the last downing street dad was lord john russell in 1848. labour won a huge majority of 167 over the conservatives in 2001 but mr blair has since been criticised by many in his own party. the war in iraq and reforms of the health service and education system have provoked dissent from backbenchers. gordon brown chancellor of the exchequer under mr blair became britain s longest-serving chancellor of modern times in 2004. former labour leader lord kinnock said the chancellor would be best placed to take over from mr blair. when asked about the future leadership of the party he told itv wales waterfront programme: that contest is a long way away and it will occur only when the prime minister tony blair decides he s subscribed all he can and then wants to go. i think that the main contender will be gordon brown who is a man of virtually unmatched capability and now great experience. both mr brown and mr blair rose to prominence when lord kinnock led labour between 1983 and 1992.,politics
1066,bellamy under new fire newcastle boss graeme souness has reopened his dispute with craig bellamy after claiming the welshman was not good enough for the magpies. bellamy left newcastle to join celtic on loan after a major row with souness. souness - who refused to refer to the 25-year-old by name - said bellamy did not score enough goals the chap that s just gone has scored 9.3 goals a season in his time in senior football - half of those weren t even in the top flight said souness. that s not good enough for a striker at a club like this. we need to have two strikers who are near 20 goals on a regular basis. bellamy turned down a move to birmingham in favour of joining celtic after a disagreement about the welsh international playing out of position quickly escalated. earlier in the week souness had said that he risked losing the confidence of the players and damaging his own reputation if he had not taken a hard line after bellamy accused him of lying. there are certain things you can forgive and forget said souness. but if i d been seen to be weak in this case there was no future for me with the players in the dressing room or any job i have after newcastle. he could then return to st james park - and he says that he wants to. however it would seem unlikely he will play for newcastle again as long as souness remains in charge.,sport
1557,reboot ordered for eu patent law a european parliament committee has ordered a rewrite of the proposals for controversial new european union rules which govern computer-based inventions. the legal affairs committee (juri) said the commission should re-submit the computer implemented inventions directive after meps failed to back it. it has had vocal critics who say it could favour large over small firms and impact open-source software innovation. supporters say it would let firms protect their inventions. the directive is intended to offer patent protection to inventions that use software to achieve their effect in other words computer implemented invention . the draft law suffered setbacks when poland one of the largest eu member states rejected its adoption twice in two months. intense lobbying on the issue has started to gain momentum in some national parliaments putting them under immense pressure. only two meps backed the draft law at the juri meeting with one voting to abstain. opponents of the draft directive welcomed the decision and said a new first reading of the proposals would give the eu a chance to have fuller debates about its implications in all member states. in the us the patenting of computer programs and internet business methods is permitted. this means that the us-based holds a patent for its one-click shopping service for example. critics are concerned that the directive could lead to a similar model happening in europe. this they fear could hurt small software developers because they do not have the legal and financial might of larger companies if they had to fight patent legal action in court. supporters say current laws are inefficient and it would serve to even up a playing field without bringing eu laws in line with the us.,tech
1645,spirit awards hail sideways the comedy sideways has dominated this year s independent spirit awards winning all six of the awards for which it was nominated. it was named best film while alexander payne won best director and best screenplay along with writing partner jim taylor. it also won acting awards for stars paul giamatti thomas haden church and virginia madsen. sideways is tipped to do well at sunday s oscars with five nominations. the awards now in their 20th year are given to films made outside the traditional studio system and are traditionally held the day before the oscars. other winners included catalina sandino moreno who took best actress for her role as a drug smuggler in the colombian drama maria full of grace. moreno is also nominated for best actress at the oscars. the best first screenplay award went to joshua marston for maria full of grace. scrubs star zach braff won the award for best first feature for garden state which he wrote directed and starred in. oscar-nominated euthanasia film the sea inside from spain won best foreign film while metallica: some kind of monster was awarded best documentary. actor rodrigo de la serna took the best debut performance prize for the motorcycle diaries. the awards are voted for by the 9 000 members of the independent feature project/los angeles which includes actors directors writers and other industry professionals. last year s big winner lost in translation went on to win the oscar for best original screenplay for writer-director sofia coppola.,entertainment
406,o gara revels in ireland victory ireland fly-half ronan o gara hailed his side s 19-13 victory over england as a special win. the munster number 10 kicked a total of 14 points including two drop goals to help keep alive their grand slam hopes. he told bbc sport: we made hard work of it but it s still special to beat england. i had three chances to win the game but didn t. we have work to do after this but we never take a victory over england lightly. ireland hooker shane byrne echoed o gara s comments but admitted the game had been england s best outing in the six nations. byrne said: it was a really really hard game but from one to 15 in our team we worked really really hard. we just had to stick to our defensive pattern trust ourselves and trust those around us. all round it was fantastic. ireland captain brian o driscoll who scored his side s only try said: we are delighted we felt if we performed well then we would win but with england also having played very well it makes it all the sweeter. we did get the bounce of the ball and some days that happens and you ve just got to jump on the back of it. ireland coach eddie o sullivan was surprised that england coach andy robinson said he was certain mark cueto was onside for a disallowed try just before the break. andy was sitting two yards from me and i couldn t see whether he was offside or not so i don t know how andy could have known said o sullivan. what i do know is that england played well and when that happens it makes a very good victory for us. we had to defend for long periods and that is all good for the confidence of the team. i think our try was very well worked it was a gem as good a try as we have scored for a while. o sullivan also rejected robinson s contention england dominated the forward play. i think we lost one lineout and they lost four or five so i don t know how that adds up to domination he said. o driscoll also insisted ireland were happy to handle the pressure of being considered favourites to win the six nations title. this season for the first time we have been able to play with the favourites tag he said. hopefully we have proved that today and can continue to keep doing so. as for my try it was a move we had worked on all week. there was a bit of magic from geordan murphy and it was a great break from denis hickie.,sport
867,south bank awards honour hit soap coronation street has become the first soap to triumph at the south bank show awards which traditionally reward highbrow and groundbreaking culture. the soap beat fellow itv1 show filthy love and channel 4 s shameless to win the best tv drama prize on thursday. little britain was named best comedy while franz ferdinand beat morrissey and the libertines to the music award. shane meadows dead man s shoes picked up the best film award beating shaun of the dead and my summer of love. the two award ceremonies reflect the achievements the industry believes have been made in the last year. in 2004 coronation street pulled away from its bbc one rival eastenders in the ratings and dominated other tv awards. last year the south bank award for best tv drama went to steven poliakoff s period piece the lost prince while bloody sunday about the 1972 killings in northern ireland won in 2003. in other south bank categories little britain s second series beat nighty night and the green wing to the comedy trophy while alan bennett s the history boys won in the theatre category. author david mitchell made up for losing out in the booker prize to alan hollinghurst by beating him to the literary award with his book cloud atlas. shameless state of play and clocking off creator paul abbott got a lifetime achievement award while former grange hill actress amma asante won the breakthrough award for writing and directing her first film a way of life.,entertainment
1392,manufacturing recovery slowing uk manufacturing grew at its slowest pace in one-and-a-half years in january according to a survey. the chartered institute of purchasing and supply (cips) said its purchasing manager index (pmi) fell to 51.8 from a revised 53.3 in december. but despite missing forecasts of 53.7 the pmi number remained above 50 - indicating expansion in the sector. the cips said that the strong pound had dented exports while rising oil and metals prices had kept costs high. the survey added that rising input prices and cooling demand had deterred factory managers from hiring new workers in an effort to cut costs. that triggered the second successive monthly fall in the cips employment index to 48.3 - its lowest level since june 2003. the survey is more upbeat than official figures - which suggest that manufacturing is in recession - but analysts said the survey did suggest that the manufacturing recovery was running out of steam. it appears that the uk is in a two-tier economy again said prebon yamane economist lena komileva. you have weakness in manufacturing which i think would concern policymakers at the bank of england.,business
490,cairn shares slump on oil setback shares in cairn energy a uk oil firm have closed down 18% after a disappointing drilling update and a warning over possible tax demands. the company said tests had shown no significant finds in one of its indian oil fields but was upbeat about the potential of other areas. it also said the indian government had told it to pay a production tax for which cairn argues it is not liable. cairn s shares have jumped by almost 400% this year. investors had piled into cairn after the company announced significant oil finds in india this year. chief executive bill gammell said on friday he was disappointed with exploration in the so-called n-c extension area in rajasthan. investors had held high hopes of major oil finds in this area. but cairn said estimates had been revised in what was a significant downgrade of the initial expectation . cairn also said that the government believed the company was liable to pay taxes under its production-sharing contract. the company said the rate would be about 900 rupees ($20.40; £10.50) per tonne or seven barrels of oil. a spokesman for the firm said that the tax would wipe 5% of the field s current value. cairn refutes the government s position mr gammell said. he insisted that the contract made it clear that the tax should be shouldered by the licensee - india s state-run oil & natural gas corp (ongc) - and not the contractor. we have a pretty strong legal case here he added saying it would only become an issue once the firm started production. investors took a dim view of the statements though. the shares closed down 247p or 18% at 1115 pence. i think people were slightly over-ambitious for how quickly cairn would be able to develop and potentially offload these reserves said analyst jason kenney at ing. the disappointments overshadowed increased production targets for cairn s existing oilfields. the company raised targets for its mangala and aishwariya fields in india from 60 000 barrels a day to between 80 000 and 100 000 barrels a day. its mangala field thought to contain a billion barrels is its biggest find to date. these two fields will provide the core of the future developments in rajasthan mr gammell said. cairn added that it would be appraising another field early next year. mr gammell set up the company in the 1980s and has successfully switched its focus to south asia from interests in the us and europe. cairn which also operates in nepal and bangladesh was catapulted into the ftse 100 index of leading uk shares earlier this year after the sharp rise in its share price.,business
537,itunes now selling band aid song ipod owners can now download the band aid single from itunes after apple reached agreement with the charity. apple had been unwilling to raise the cost of the single in line with other download services said band aid. but the single is now on sale for 79p - the usual cost of a song from itunes - with apple donating a further 70p to the charity for each song downloaded. a copy of the original 1984 song is also available for download at 79p - with all proceeds going to the charity. more than 72 000 copies of the new band aid single were sold on its first day of release on monday according to sales figures. the track has become the fastest-selling single of the year so far shifting more copies than the rest of the top 30 combined hmv claimed. dido robbie williams and chris martin are among those featured on the new version of do they know it s christmas which is raising money to fight hunger in africa. if the track sold 500 000 copies more than £1m would be raised for charity. the cd is being sold for £3.99 with hmv virgin and woolworths all donating their profits.,entertainment
1205,at a glance: tory health checks the uk opposition conservatives have unveiled plans to introduce health checks for immigrants if they win the general election. here s a guide to the plan: people coming to live and work in britain from outside the eu. if they plan to stay six months or more and are from a country with lots of tb they would have to have a chest x-ray and further tests if appropriate. all people from outside the european union who want to stay a year or more will have to undergo a full medical. tuberculosis hepatitis b and hiv. a positive test for tb would automatically mean visa applications being turned down. all other conditions would be dealt with on a case by case basis. people would have to prove they have an acceptable standard of health and are unlikely to be a danger to public health in the uk or impose significant costs or demands on the nhs. they would also if appropriate have to be able to undertake the work or study they applied to come here for. people coming to britain for less than six months would not be medically tested unless they intended to work in health care childcare or teaching. children and pregnant women wanting to live in britain permanently would not have to have a chest x-ray for tb. under 16s would not face tests for hepatitis and hiv. the tories say people fleeing persecution will not be denied sanctuary in britain because of poor health. however they will undergo health checks to ensure they receive the right medical treatment and do not spread infectious diseases. they claim government figures show that tb in england has increased by 25% over the last 10 years and that nearly two-thirds of people with the disease were born overseas. they also believe there should be stricter controls over who comes into britain to ensure they are not a public health risk. they say the plans will protect access to the nhs. applicants will be tested in their home country. only asylum seekers will be tested in the uk once their refugee status is established. home office minister des browne says the government already routinely checks people for tb if they come into the uk for six months or more from high-risk countries. recent medical checks were carried out on 175 000 people at heathrow airport and 10 000 at gatwick. from those tests about 100 infectious cases of tb were found. the tories say 47 other countries across the world impose requirements of this kind. the party has looked at the way the system is operated in australia canada and new zealand. the tory proposals are quite closely modelled on the new zealand system. labour claims the policy is little more than a desperate attempt to catch up with labour s five-year plan for immigration and asylum which was published last week. this says health screening for tb will be targeted on applicants from high-risk areas before they are given entry clearance. those who are diagnosed with the disease would then need to seek treatment at home before being allowed to enter the uk. the liberal democrats have warned labour and the tories they were in danger of pandering to prejudice rather than challenging it .,politics
1964,imf agrees fresh turkey funding turkey has agreed a draft proposal with the international monetary fund to borrow $10bn (£5.19bn) extending its ongoing financial support until 2007. turkey s current $18.6bn loan agreement with the imf expires in february and the new deal would see it receive added support between 2005 and 2007. in return for the funding turkey would be expected to keep inflation under control and introduce market reforms. turkey s economy has steadily recovered from a severe crisis in 2001. economic growth has average 6-7% in the past three years ahead of imf forecasts while inflation fell below 10% this year for the first time in 30 years. however turkey has a huge debt burden - already owing $23bn to the imf - while its current account deficit has swelled to $10.7bn this year. the turkish economics minister ali babacan said the two sides had reached general agreement on a new three year funding program. rodrigo de rato the imf s managing director said the loan agreement would help to improve turkish economic prospects by cutting its debt and stimulating growth. i believe the new programme if implemented successfully will help turkey create the conditions for sustained growth and employment creation reduce inflation toward european level and enhance the economy s resilience he said. the agreement must still be ratified by imf directors at a meeting expected to take place next month. the agreement would also enable turkey to defer payments on previous loans worth $3.7m until 2006. as part of the draft agreement turkey has signed a letter of intent stating its determination to push through far-reaching reforms to its tax and benefits system and its banking sector. such reforms are considered vital for turkey if it is to fulfil its ambition of joining the european union. the eu will decide on 17 december whether to begin entry talks with turkey. the us the largest of the imf s 184 members is a strong supporter of continued financial support for turkey.,business
1330,irish finish with home game republic of ireland manager brian kerr has been granted his wish for a home game as the final world cup qualifier. ireland will close their bid to reach the 2006 finals by playing switzerland in dublin on 12 october 2005. the republic met the swiss in their final euro 2004 qualifier losing 2-0 away and missing out on a place in the finals in portugal. the group four fixtures were hammered out at a meeting in dublin on tuesday. the irish open their campaign on 4 september at home to cyprus and wrap up the 10-match series on 12 october 2005 with the visit of switzerland. manager brian kerr and fai officials met representatives from switzerland france cyprus israel and the faroe islands to arrange the fixture schedule. kerr had hoped to finish with a clash against france but got the reigning european champions as their penultimate home match on 7 september 2005. the manager got his wish to avoid a repeat of finishing their bid to qualify with too many away matches. republic of ireland v cyprus; france v israel; switzerland v faroe islands. switzerland v republic of ireland; israel v cyprus; faroe islands v france. france v republic of ireland; israel v switzerland; cyprus v faroe islands. republic of ireland v faroe islands; cyprus v france. cyprus v israel. france v switzerland; israel v republic of ireland. switzerland v cyprus; israel v france. republic of ireland v israel; faroe islands v switzerland. faroe islands v republic of ireland. august 17 - faroe islands v cyprus. france v faroe islands; switzerland v israel. republic of ireland v france; cyprus v switzerland; faroe islands v israel. switzerland v france; israel v faroe islands; cyprus v republic of ireland. france v cyprus; republic of ireland v switzerland.,sport
1711,stevens named in england line-up england have named bath prop matt stevens in the starting line-up for their six nations match against ireland at lansdowne road on sunday. fellow bath prop duncan bell will start on the bench as coach andy robinson makes just one change to the team that was beaten by france. it will be stevens first start after two caps as a replacement against the all blacks last year. leicester duo ollie smith and andy goode have been drafted onto the bench. stevens takes over from phil vickery who suffered a broken arm playing for gloucester last weekend. i m confident matt will grasp this opportunity and make his mark against ireland said robinson. all three players have shown outstanding form of late most recently in the england a win against france a and for their club added robinson. selection beckons when players demonstrate such consistent ability. this game against ireland will be massive. we recognise it s a must-win game for us this season. england confirmed that sale sharks prop andrew sheridan was not considered for selection because of an injury he picked up to the back of his ankle during last friday s match against leeds. j robinson (sale sharks capt); m cueto (sale sharks) j noon (newcastle) o barkley (bath) j lewsey (wasps); c hodgson (sale sharks) h ellis (leicester); g rowntree (leicester) s thompson (northampton) m stevens (bath) d grewcock (bath) b kay (leicester) j worsley (wasps) l moody (leicester) m corry (leicester). a titterrell (sale sharks) d bell (bath) s borthwick (bath) a hazell (gloucester) m dawson (wasps) a goode (leicester) o smith (leicester).,sport
876,sun offers processing by the hour sun microsystems has launched a pay-as-you-go service which will allow customers requiring huge computing power to rent it by the hour. sun grid costs users $1 (53p) for an hour s worth of processing and storage power on systems maintained by sun. so-called grid computing is the latest buzz phrase in a company which believes that computing capacity is as important a commodity as hardware and software. sun likened grid computing to the development of electricity. the system could mature in the same way utilities such as electricity and water have developed said sun s chief operating officer jonathan schwartz. why build your own grid when you can use ours for a buck an hour he asked in a webcast launching sun s quarterly network computing event in california. the company will have to persuade data centre managers to adopt a new model but it said it already had interest from customers in the oil gas and financial services industries. some of them want to book computing capacity of more than 5 000 processors each sun said. mr schwartz ran a demonstration of the service showing how data could be processed in a protein folding experiment. hundreds of servers were used simultaneously working on the problem for a few seconds each. although it only took a few seconds the experiment cost $12 (£6.30) because it had used up 12 hour s worth of computing power. the sun grid relies on solaris the operating system owned by sun. initially it will house the grid in existing premises and will use idle servers to test software before shipping it to customers. it has not said how much the system will cost to develop but it already has a rival in ibm which argues that its capacity on-demand service is cheaper than that offered by sun.,tech
1021,houllier praises benitez regime former liverpool manager gerard houllier has praised the work of his anfield successor rafael benitez. houllier was angry at reports that he has been critical of benitez since the spaniard took over at liverpool. but houllier told bbc sport: in private and in public i have stressed i believe rafa is doing a good job. he is the right man at the right place. rafa is a good coach and a good man. i ve spoken to him since he has been at liverpool and never criticised him. houllier also revealed he is now ready to return to the game after leaving liverpool in may following six years at anfield. the former france boss has been linked with a host of jobs and pulled out of the race to succeed mark hughes as wales national coach. he has been working for uefa covering the premiership for french television and also coaching in brazil with national coach carlos alberto perreira. houllier said: if a good club comes up at the right time then yes i am ready to come back. it has been interesting to watch games from a different perspective and i have learned things. i have been involved in football since leaving liverpool and my batteries are recharged. houllier has been impressed with the quality in the premiership after watching as a pundit - particularly with jose mourinho s work at leaders chelsea. he said: chelsea are doing very well. they have some very good creative players in damien duff and arjen robben and didier drogba showed he can change the face of a game when he came on against newcastle. they have got a good team spirit and are strong mentally. they have shown they can cope with all the pressure put on them because of the expectations and cope well with jose s principles. jose had results before he came to chelsea and i think he will have an impact in the premiership because he manages his team very cleverly. and houllier away from his brief at liverpool has been hugely impressed with the premiership. he said: it is a very exciting league. it is entertaining goals are scored and teams are always trying to win. it has been very interesting to watch the game from a different perspective. games switch from end-to-end and there is more pace to the premiership than other leagues. it is a very good product.,sport
2082,post-christmas lull in lending uk mortgage lending showed a post-christmas lull in january indicating a slowing housing market lenders have said. both the council of mortgage lenders (cml) and building society association (bsa) said lending was down sharply. the cml said gross mortgage lending stood at £17.9bn compared with £21.8bn in january last year. the bsa said mortgage approvals - loans approved but not yet made - were £2bn down from £2.6bn in january 2004. at the same time the british bankers association (bba) said lending was weaker . overall the bba said mortgage lending rose by £4bn in january a far smaller increase than the £5.1bn seen in december. this was a return to the weaker pattern of lending seen in the last months of 2004 the bba added. however it is the year-on-year lending comparisons which are the most striking. the cml said lending for house purchases and gross mortgage lending were 29% and 18% lower year-on-year respectively. these figures show beyond doubt the recent slowdown in the housing market peter williams cml deputy director said.,business
627,businesses fail to plan for hiv companies fail to draw up plans to cope with hiv/aids until it affects 20% of people in a country new research says. the finding comes in a report published on thursday by the world economic forum harvard and the un aids agency. too few companies are responding proactively to the social and business threats said dr kate taylor head of the wef s global health initiative. nearly 9 000 business leaders in 104 countries were surveyed for business and hiv/aids: commitment and action dr taylor described the level of action taken by businesses as revealed by the report as too little too late . the issue will be highlighted to business and world leaders at the world economic forum which meets in davos switzerland next week. the wef report shows that despite the fact that 14 000 people contract hiv/aids every day concern among businesses has dropped by 23% in the last 12 months. most (71%) have no policies in place to address the disease. nor could over 65% of the business leaders surveyed say or estimate the prevalence of hiv among their staff. the un programme tackling aids unaids pointed out that having a clear strategy for dealing with hiv/aids was a good investment as well as being socially responsible. one company that does have a plan is anglo-american the international mining company which estimates an hiv prevalence of 24% among its 130 000-strong southern african workforce. over the last two years the company has implemented extensive voluntary counselling and testing for hiv infection coupled with anti-retroviral therapy for employees progressing to aids. over 90% of the 2 200 employees who have accessed and remained on treatment are well and have returned to normal work. effective action on hiv/aids is synonymous with good business management and leads to more profitable and sustainable operations said brian brink senior vice-president health at anglo-american. companies should encourage all workers to know their hiv status making it as routine as monitoring blood pressure or cholesterol he said. providing access to treatment is a critical part of this. across sub-saharan africa even in countries with an hiv prevalence of 10-19% only around 7% of companies have formal hiv/aids policies in place according to the report. the gap is even wider in china ethiopia india nigeria and russia the so-called next wave countries which are predicted to experience the highest numbers of new hiv/aids cases worldwide by 2010. the report adds an important building block to our understanding of how the business community is experiencing the hiv/aids epidemic and to whether and how it is reacting said david bloom professor of economics and demography at the harvard school of public health. the wef report concludes that businesses need to understand their exposure to hiv/aids risks and come up with good local practices to manage them. a key priority in both high and low-prevalence settings said the wef is to establish a policy based on non-discrimination and confidentiality.,business
1400,european medal chances improve what have the european indoor trials told us well i think we could be heading to the european championships with half a dozen medal prospects. it was good to see athletes beginning to make steps forward to see a few new faces and there were lots of personal bests kicking around. the best performance on the track for me was sarah claxton s win in the 60m hurdles. running sub-eight seconds twice in a week puts her right up there and if she repeats that in madrid she will be close to picking up a medal. but what was great about sunday s performance was that she was under pressure to produce the goods when it counted. diane allahgreen has been our best hurdler for some time now and i think she was surprised to be beaten by sarah. and knowing that she got the better of diane in a head-to-head race will give sarah confidence. in the men s race on saturday allan scott was right in there and there is definitely more to come from him. in fact the men s 60m hurdles is so strong i think the selectors will pick three hurdlers to go to madrid. phillips idowu lit up the field events not only with his hair but also with his leap of 17.30m which puts him at the top of the world rankings. i had a chat with him before the competition and he was really looking forward to getting out there. he feels he is in great shape and has some big jumps inside him - but then phillips always has. a lot of the athletes said the runway was not very helpful so for phillips to jump like that is a good performance. he is such a huge talent but just needs some consistency - and if he does that then the big jumps will get even further. across the board i thought kelly sotherton had a great weekend and continued to show she is developing. she picked up three personal bests in the long jump high jump and 60m hurdles and you can t ask for more than that. kelly will be up against carolina kluft in the pentathlon at the european championships but she has every chance of a medal on the basis of what we ve seen so far. she has a complicated training regime where different people help her with different disciplines but it seems to be working really well. it wasn t all good news in sheffield. i thought both the 60m races were disappointing in different ways. jason gardener may have won but he wasn t at his best. i chatted to him afterwards and he knows it was an off-day for him. he s there to be shot at and the other lads nearly got a big scalp out there. in the women s race jeanette kwayke was hoping to run against defending champion joice maduaka. the pair are enjoying a bit of rivalry but joice had to pull out with a chest infection. if she had made the final i think jeanette would have gone a bit quicker. janine whitlock competed well in the pole vault on her return following a two-year drugs ban. but the most disappointing thing in the wider view is that she is our best pole vaulter by a long way and that shouldn t be the case. the event has moved on immensely since janine has been away and if there was more domestic competition i think that would help her. a couple of other interesting topics to look out for are the citizenship issues surrounding mark findlay and rabah yusuf. findlay is a londoner who has chosen to represent trinidad and tobago but has never run for them so he could still compete for great britain. yusuf who came third in the 400m is from the sudan but is trying to gain british citizenship. he came to britain as a high jumper but damaged his toe started doing more running and found his talent. so we shall have to see what happens to both of them.,sport
61,telegraph newspapers axe 90 jobs the daily and sunday telegraph newspapers are axing 90 journalist jobs - 17% of their editorial staff. the telegraph group says the cuts are needed to fund an £150m investment in new printing facilities. journalists at the firm met on friday afternoon to discuss how to react to the surprise announcement. the cuts come against a background of fierce competition for readers and sluggish advertising revenues amid competition from online advertising. the national union of journalists has called on the management to recall the notice of redundancy by midday on monday or face a strike ballot. pearson s financial times said last week it was offering voluntary redundancy to about 30 reporters. the national union of journalists said it stood strongly behind the journalists and did not rule out a strike. managers have torn up agreed procedures and kicked staff in the teeth by sacking people to pay for printing facilities said jeremy dear nuj general secretary. nuj official barry fitzpatrick said the company had ignored the 90-day consultation period required for companies planning more than 10 redundancies. they have shown a complete disregard for the consultative rights of our members said mr fitzpatrick who added that the company now planned to observe the consultation procedures. the two telegraph titles currently employ 521 journalists. some broadsheet newspapers - especially those which have not moved to a tabloid format - have suffered circulation declines which are hitting revenues. the telegraph has announced no plans to go tabloid although both the independent and the times have seen circulation rise since shrinking in size. the guardian is hedging its bets planning a larger tabloid format like those popular in continental europe. the telegraph group was bought by the barclay twins - frederick and david - last year having previously been owned by lord conrad black s hollinger international. the brothers are currently mulling the sale of another of their businesses retailer littlewoods. telegraph executive murdoch maclennan said the two newspapers would add eight colour pages in the coming months. journalists are the lifeblood of any newspaper and maintaining the quality of the daily telegraph and the sunday telegraph for our readers is vital he said. however action to improve our production capability and secure our titles against the competition is also vital. many newspapers are investing in new printing machinery that enables them to print more colour pages or in some cases have colour on every page. they are hoping that by boosting colour it will make their publications more attractive to advertisers and readers alike. in recent months news corp s news international unit which publishes the sun and the news of the world the guardian media group trinity mirror and the daily mail & general trust have all announced substantial investments in new printing plants.,business
2179,hollywood ready for oscars night hollywood is preparing for the biggest night in the film world s calendar the 77th academy awards on sunday. a host of stars are expected to grace the red carpet outside los angeles kodak theatre including johnny depp cate blanchett and leonardo dicaprio. british actors in attendance include nominees clive owen imelda staunton kate winslet and director mike leigh. the aviator leads the shortlist but critics believe the night may belong to clint eastwood s million dollar baby. a recent poll of us pundits found eastwood s boxing drama had become the new favourite to win best film over the howard hughes biopic. if the 74-year-old does win he will become the oldest person ever to be named best director at the ceremony. uk critics still favour the aviator for best film but believe the best director title will generate a close fought battle between eastwood and martin scorsese. scorsese has never won the best director prize despite four previous nominations for films including raging bull goodfellas and gangs of new york. eastwood has won best director once before for unforgiven in 1993. most experts predict the twice-nominated jamie foxx will win best actor for his portrayal of singer ray charles while vera drake star imelda staunton looks likely to lose out in the best actress field to hilary swank in million dollar baby. the uk s highest hopes remain with clive owen who has scooped both the golden globe and the bafta for his supporting role in closer. actor and comedian chris rock will host the event which will be broadcast with a seven-second time delay to allow censors to cut out any unsuitable content. we have the bleep machine ready but bleeps will be used as needed producer gil cates told reporters. however he added that he strongly disapproved of the growing tendency to censor live broadcasts on us tv. he also played down fears that rock who is known for using strong language in his stand-up routines might cause controversy on the night. the 40-year-old comic has already promised not to swear live on air during the show. chris has a sense of humour and everything he says is really said humorously cates said. you need a movie star and someone who is a stand-up comic so they can deal with the vicissitudes of the show. security will also be tight with police employing a system to detect sarin nerve gas. we are pulling out all the stops said john miller chief of counterterrorism at the los angeles police department. the show is a symbol of american culture and has the potential to be a high-visibility target he added. meanwhile organisers have erected a canopy over the red carpet following an outbreak of torrential rain in los angeles over the past week. cates said the covers would be removed if the threat of wet weather receded. details have also emerged of the contents of this year s gift bags which are given to nominees and presenters on the night. this year s bags will include a gift certificate for a luxury beach resort a pair of mink eyelashes and a kitchen set with a year s supply of tea and coffee. the event will be televised by the abc network from 1700 local time (0100 gmt) and on sky movies in the uk from 0130 gmt.,entertainment
1213,candidate resigns over bnp link a prospective candidate for the uk independence party (ukip) has resigned after admitting a brief attachment to the british national party(bnp). nicholas betts-green who had been selected to fight the suffolk coastal seat quit after reports in a newspaper that he attended a bnp meeting. the former teacher confirmed he had attended the meeting but said that was the only contact he had with the group. mr betts-green resigned after being questioned by the party s leadership. a ukip spokesman said mr betts-green s resignation followed disclosures in the east anglian daily times last month about his attendance at a bnp meeting. he did once attend a bnp meeting. he did not like what he saw and heard and will take no further part of it the spokesman added. a meeting of suffolk coastal ukip members is due to be held next week to discuss a replacement. mr betts-green of woodbridge suffolk has also resigned as ukip s branch chairman.,politics
1299,angels favourite funeral song angels by robbie williams is the song britons would most like played at their funeral a survey has suggested. while the melancholy hit topped the uk poll europeans favoured queen s more upbeat anthem the show must go on as their first choice. frank sinatra s my way was second in the uk vote with monty python s always look on the bright side of life in third place. more than 45 000 people were surveyed by digital tv station music choice. the european chart which included denmark france and germany put led zeppelin s stairway to heaven in second and ac/dc s highway to hell in third. queen s who wants to live forever was highly favoured by both uk and european voters. both lists featured only one traditional or classic song each with britons requesting the royal scots dragoon guards amazing grace and their continental counterparts opting for mozart s requiem. wanting to share your most treasured musical gem with those you re leaving behind is the perfect way to sign off and leave a lasting impression music choice music and marketing manager simon george said.,entertainment
1264,the producers scoops stage awards the producers has beaten mary poppins in the battle of the blockbuster west end musicals at the olivier awards. the producers won three prizes at the uk s most prestigious annual theatre awards while mary poppins won two. mel brooks hit show triumphed in the battle for best new musical where it was up against mary poppins and andrew lloyd webber s the woman in white. alan bennett s the history boys was the big winner in the straight theatre categories picking up three trophies. but all eyes were on the musical prizes after the producers mary poppins and the woman in white all had high-profile openings in the last six months. the producers nathan lane a last-minute replacement for richard dreyfuss beat his former co-star lee evans to win best musical actor. lane has already left the production. a smash hit on broadway before moving to london the show also won best musical performance in a supporting role for conleth hill who plays director roger debris. mary poppins awards came for best choreography and best musical actress for its star laura michelle kelly. it led the nominations going into sunday s ceremony at london s hilton hotel up for nine awards. both shows are stage adaptations of 1960s films. the history boys set in a grammar school in the early 1980s and partly based on bennett s experiences as a teacher was named best new play. it also won best actor for richard griffiths who beat his harry potter film co-star michael gambon nominated for endgame as well as jonathan pryce and ben whishaw. the play also won national theatre artistic director nicholas hytner best director and bennett got a special award for outstanding contribution to british theatre. dame judi dench who starred in all s well that ends well at the gielgud lost out in the best supporting role category to amanda harris who played emilia in othello for the royal shakespeare company. the olivier awards have been handed out by the society of london since 1976. - best lighting design - his dark materials designed by paule constable at the olivier - best sound design - the woman in white designed by mick potter at the palace - best new opera - lady macbeth of mtsensk at the royal opera house - outstanding achievement in opera - thomas ades and the royal opera house for the world premiere of the tempest - best costume design - all s well that ends well designed by deirdre clancy at the gielgud - best revival - hamlet by william shakespeare at the old vic - best set design - his dark materials designed by giles cadle at the olivier - outstanding musical production - grand hotel at the donmar warehouse - best supporting role in a musical - conleth hill for the producers at theatre royal drury lane - best theatre choreographer - matthew bourne and stephen mear for mary poppins at the prince edward - best actor - richard griffiths for the history boys at the lyttelton - outstanding achievement or performance in an affiliate theatre - andrew scott for a girl in a car with a man at the jerwood theatre upstairs at the royal court - best new dance production - rambert dance company s swamp at sadler s wells - outstanding achievement in dance - san francisco ballet for their season at sadler s wells - best performance in a supporting role - amanda harris for othello at trafalgar studios - best actress - clare higgins for hecuba at the donmar warehouse - best musical actor - nathan lane for the producers at theatre royal drury lane - best musical actress - laura michelle kelly for mary poppins at the prince edward - best director - nicholas hytner for the history boys at the lyttelton - best new play - the history boys by alan bennett at the lyttelton - best new musical - the producers at theatre royal drury lane - special award - alan bennett for his outstanding contribution to british theatre,entertainment
2077,looks and music to drive mobiles mobile phones are still enjoying a boom time in sales according to research from technology analysts gartner. more than 674 million mobiles were sold last year globally said the report the highest total sold to date. the figure was 30% more than in 2003 and surpassed even the most optimistic predictions gartner said. good design and the look of a mobile as well as new services such as music downloads could go some way to pushing up sales in 2005 said analysts. although people were still looking for better replacement phones there was evidence according to gartner that some markets were seeing a slow-down in replacement sales. all the markets grew apart from japan which shows that replacement sales are continuing in western europe mobile analyst carolina milanesi told the bbc news website. japan is where north america and western european markets can be in a couple of years time. they already have tv music ringtones cameras and all that we can think of on mobiles so people have stopped buying replacement phones. but there could be a slight slowdown in sales in european and us markets too according to gartner as people wait to see what comes next in mobile technology. this means mobile companies have to think carefully about what they are offering in new models so that people see a compelling reason to upgrade said gartner. third generation mobiles (3g) with the ability to handle large amounts of data transfer like video could drive people into upgrading their phones but ms milanesi said it was difficult to say how quickly that would happen. at the end of the day people have cameras and colour screens on mobiles and for the majority of people out there who don t really care about technology the speed of data to a phone is not critical. nor would the rush to produce two or three megapixel camera phones be a reason for mobile owners to upgrade on its own. the majority of camera phone models are not at the stage where they can compete with digital cameras which also have flashes and zooms. more likely to drive sales in 2005 would be the attention to design and aesthetics as well as music services. the motorola razr v3 phone was typical of the attention to design that would be more commonplace in 2005 she added. this was not a women s thing she said but a desire from men and women to have a gadget that is a form of self-expression too. it was not just about how the phone functioned but about what it said about its owner. western europe has always been a market which is quite attentive to design said ms milanesi. people are after something that is nice-looking and together with that there is the entertainment side. this year music will have a part to play in this. the market for full-track music downloads was worth just $20 million (£10.5 million) in 2004 but is set to be worth $1.8 billion (£9.4 million) by 2009 according to jupiter research. sony ericsson just released its walkman branded mobile phone the w800 which combines a digital music player with up to 30 hours battery life and a two megapixel camera. in july last year motorola and apple announced a version of itunes online music downloading service would be released which would be compatible with motorola mobile phones. apple said the new itunes music player would become motorola s standard music application for its music phones. but the challenge will be balancing storage capacity with battery life if mobile music hopes to compete with digital music players like the ipod. ms milanesi said more models would likely be released in the coming year with hard drives. but they would be more likely to compete with the smaller capacity music players that have around four gigabyte storage capacity which would not put too much strain on battery life.,tech
1119,ireland call up uncapped campbell ulster scrum-half kieran campbell is one of five uncapped players included in ireland s rbs six nations squad. campbell is joined by ulster colleagues roger wilson and ronan mccormack along with connacht s bernard jackman and munster s shaun payne. gordon d arcy is back after injury while munster flanker alan quinlan also returns to international consideration. the squad is selected purely on form. a lot of players put their hands up coach eddie o sullivan told bbc sport. kieran campbell was just one of those players. he has been playing very well in the heineken cup and deserves his call-up. there is big competition in some departments and not so much in others. there were one or two players who were unfortunate just to miss out. back-row forwards david wallace and victor costello are omitted with o sullivan having quinlan wilson simon easterby anthony foley denis leamy and johnny o connor vying for the three positions. with david humphreys kevin maggs simon best and tommy bowe again included it is ulster s biggest representation in a training panel for quite some time. munster and leinster have 12 and 11 players in the squad respectively while jackman is the sole connacht representative. four british-based players are also included. ulster forward ronan mccormack said he was totally shocked to be included. i m really looking forward to it said mccormack. i played with guys like brian o driscoll and denis hickie back in my school days in leinster so i do know a few of them although not that well. it will be great to work with them. s best (ulster) s byrne (leinster) r corrigan (leinster) l cullen (leinster) s easterby (llanelli) a foley (munster) j hayes (munster) m horan (munster) b jackman (connacht) d leamy (munster) e miller (leinster) r mccormack (ulster) d o callaghan (munster) p o connell (munster) j o connor (wasps) m o kelly (leinster) f sheahan (munster) r wilson (ulster) a quinlan (munster). t bowe (ulster) k campbell (ulster) g d arcy (ulster) g dempsey (leinster) g duffy (harlequins) g easterby (leinster) d hickie (leinster) a horgan (munster) s horgan (leinster) d humphreys (ulster) k maggs (ulster) g murphy (leicester) b o driscoll (leinster) r o gara (munster) s payne (munster) p stringer (munster). k gleeson (leinster) t howe (ulster) j kelly (munster) n mcmillan (ulster).,sport
828,brown outlines third term vision gordon brown has outlined what he thinks should be the key themes of new labour s next general election bid. he said ensuring every child in britain had the best start in life could be a legacy to match the nhs s creation. the chancellor has previously planned the party s election strategy but this time the role will be filled by alan milburn - a key ally of tony blair. the premier insisted mr brown will have a key role in labour s campaign and praised his handling of the economy. writing in the guardian newspaper mr brown outlined his view of the direction new labour should be taking. as our manifesto and our programme for the coming decade should make clear labour s ambition is not simply tackling idleness but delivering full employment; not just attacking ignorance disease and squalor but promoting lifelong education good health and sustainable communities. bbc political editor andrew marr said that mr brown s article was a warning shot to mr blair not to try and cut him out of the manifesto writing process. it was as always coded and careful... but entirely deliberate was mr marr s assessment. the prime minister was asked about mr brown s article and about his election role when he appeared on bbc radio 4 s today programme. mr blair said a decision had yet to be taken over how the election would be run but the chancellor s role would be central . mr blair argued that under new labour the country had changed for the better and that was in part because of mr brown s management of the economy. and he pledged childcare would be a centrepiece of labour s manifesto. he also predicted the next general election will be a tough tough fight for new labour. but the prime minister insisted he did not know what date the poll would take place despite speculation about 5 may. mr blair said he was taking nothing for granted ahead of the vote - warning that the tory strategy was to win power via the back door by hinting they were aiming to cut labour s majority instead of hoping for an outright win.,politics
893,rangers seal old firm win goals from gregory vignal and nacho novo gave rangers a scrappy victory at celtic park that moves them three points clear of the champions. rangers had rarely threatened until celtic goalkeeper rab douglas let defender vignal s 25-yard drive slip through his grasp and into the net. opposite number ronald waterreus had been rangers hero saving superbly from craig bellamy and john hartson. striker novo secured victory lobbing douglas with eight minutes remaining. it ended celtic s 11-game unbeaten run at home in old firm derbies and gave rangers manager alex mcleish his first victory at the home of his glasgow rivals. celtic had won their last six meetings on their home pitch including twice already this season. they started confidently with new signing bellamy on loan from newcastle united given his celtic debut up front with wales international colleague john hartson and chris sutton dropping into midfield. it took bellamy just four minutes to threaten taking on marvin andrews before delivering a low drive that was held by waterreus at the second attempt. he had an even better chance after hartson dispossesed sotiris kyrgiakos and sent his strike partner clear with only the goalkeeper to beat. but waterreus did well to beat away bellamy s disappointing low drive from 16 yards. waterreus came to the rescue again when the ball fell to hartson just inside the box and the dutch goalkeeper made a brave block. it was an old firm return for barry ferguson as mcleish stuck by the side that thumped four goals past hibernian. but rangers found celtic harder to break down and douglas was not threatened until 10 minutes after the break. dado prso turned inside neil lennon only for the celtic goalkeeper to beat away his powerful 18-yard drive. a great defensive header by andrews prevented hartson pouncing from five yards out. hartson foxed vignal at the edge of the rangers box but the striker s shot on the turn was again beaten away by waterreus. rangers were beginning to dominate the midfield and vignal collecting a knock back from fernando ricksen broke the deadlock douglas somehow letting the frenchman s dipping drive slip through his grasp. novo pounced on a moments hesitation in the celtic defence to latch on to a long ball from ricksen and lob the ball over the advancing douglas. ricksen appeared to be hit by a coin but it could not prevent rangers celebrations at the final whistle. : douglas mcnamara balde varga laursen petrov lennon sutton thompson bellamy hartson. subs: marshall henchoz juninho paulista lambert maloney wallace mcgeady. : waterreus hutton kyrgiakos andrews ball buffel ferguson ricksen vignal prso novo. subs: mcgregor namouchi burke alex rae malcolm thompson lovenkrands. : m mccurry,sport
1164,bt program to beat dialler scams bt is introducing two initiatives to help beat rogue dialler scams which can cost dial-up net users thousands. from may dial-up net users will be able to download free software to stop computers using numbers not on a user s pre-approved list . inadvertently downloaded by surfers rogue diallers are programs which hijack modems and dial up a premium rate number when users log on. thousands of uk dial-up users are believed to have been hit by the scam. some people have faced phone bills of up to £2 000. bt s modem protection program will check numbers that are dialled by a computer and will block them if they have not been pre-approved such as national and net service provider numbers. icstis the uk s premium rate services watchdog said it had been looking for companies to take the lead in initiatives. the initiatives are very welcome a spokesperson from icstis told the bbc news website. we are very pleased to see they are putting into place new measures to protect consumers. the second initiative bt announced is an early warning system which will alert bt customers if there is unusual activity on their phone bills. if a bill rises substantially above its usual daily average or if a call is made to a suspect number a text or voice alert will be sent to the user s landline phone. as part of the clamp-down on rogue diallers companies must now satisfy stringent conditions including clear terms and conditions information about how to delete diallers and responsibility for customer refunds. any firm running a dialler without permission can now be closed down by icstis. the watchdog brought in the action last october following a decision to license all companies which wanted to operate legitimate premium rate dialler services. there are legitimate companies who offer services such as adult content sports results and music downloads by charging a premium rate rather than by credit card bt said it had ploughed an enormous amount of effort into protecting people from the problem. it has already barred more than 1 000 premium rate numbers and has tried to raise public awareness about the scams. we now want to ensure there are even stronger safeguards for our customers who we would urge to make use of these new options to protect themselves said gavin patterson group managing director for consumer the arm of bt. both schemes have been undergoing trials in ireland and will be made available to 20 million bt customers from may.,tech
1696,new yob targets to be unveiled fifty new areas getting special help to fight anti-social behaviour in england and wales will be named on thursday. ten areas have already had access to special prosecutors and local experts and the government is now expanding the crackdown to more towns and cities. details of how many anti-social behaviour orders (asbos) were used in the last year are also being published. labour sees nuisance behaviour as a key election issue but critics claim the record is at best patchy. a year ago ministers launched their anti-social behaviour plan and thursday s figures offer a progress check. they will say that in the past year more than 2 600 anti-social behaviour orders were issued by the courts - more than double the total used in the previous four years. police have also closed 150 crack houses and issued more than 400 dispersal orders breaking up groups of youths in public places. the 50 new pilot areas to get special attention will also receive extra government funding. exeter and cardiff are among cities who have voiced interest in being involved. prime minister tony blair is also expected to announce new measures to strengthen the use of asbos and fixed penalty notices. there are still concerns that some areas of the country are not using the powers properly. he is expected to say that the new figures were heartening but he would not rest until similar action was taken in all areas of the country where it was needed. we have not defeated this problem by any means but shown together what can be done he will say. mr blair this week defended the shake-up of the licensing laws saying it was right to focus on troublemakers rather than treating everybody as a potential drunken nuisance. ministers also boast of record police numbers and are speeding up plans to put in place 25 000 community support officers (csos). but researchers from leeds university warned that csos could undermine traditional bonds between police officers and communities. more work needed to be done on clarifying the role of different agencies and how they linked together before csos they argued in a the study. critics of the government say it has announced more than 20 initiatives to tackle nuisance behaviour when the real focus should be on good policing. home office minister hazel blears also revealed this week that about a third of asbos were breached - with some people jailed and others not.,politics
396,holmes is hit by hamstring injury kelly holmes has been forced out of this weekend s european indoor athletics championships after picking up a hamstring injury during training. the double olympic champion said: i am very disappointed that i have been forced to withdraw. i can hardly walk at the moment and i won t be able to do any running for two or three weeks although i ll be keeping fit as best i can. holmes will have now have intensive treatment in south africa. the 34-year-old made a cautious start to the season but looked back to her best when she stormed to the 1 000m title at the birmingham grand prix 10 days ago. after that race and more progress in training holmes revealed she had decided to compete at the european indoors before her plans were wrecked last weekend. on saturday night i pulled my hamstring running the last bend on my final 200m of the night said holmes. i was going really really well when i felt a massive spasm in my left leg and my hamstring blew. i saw the doctor here and he has said it is not serious but it s frustrating missing madrid when i knew i was in great shape. holmes has now been advised by her coach margot jennings not to rush back into training and it is unlikely she will compete again until the summer. helen clitheroe now goes to madrid as the only british competitor in the women s 1500m while there will be no representative in the 800m.,sport
1862,capriati out of australian open jennifer capriati has become the third leading lady to withdraw from the australian open because of injury. the organisers of the first grand slam of 2005 which begins on 17 january said the american has a problem with her right shoulder. it comes as a blow to the women s draw as last year s champion justin henin-hardenne and runner-up kim clijsters will also be absent. capriati is a two-time champion in melbourne with wins in 2001 and 2002. she is believed to have picked up the injury at the advanta championships at philadelphia in november and had to pull out of an exhibition match with wimbledon champion maria sharapova on 17 december. capriati also decided against competing in the australian open warm-up event the sydney international.,sport
559,mcilroy continues winning streak james mcilroy stormed to his second international victory in less than a week claiming the men s 800m at the teag indoor meeting in erfurt. the northern ireland runner set a new personal best of one minute 46.68 seconds - a time good enough to qualify for the european indoor championships. i m qualified now and that s what matters most said the 28-year-old. mcilroy is now hoping to gain a late entry into sunday s international indoor meeting in leipzig. the northern irishman is hoping manager ricky simms can swing it for him to compete after he initially withdrew after contracting a cold. after three successive wins over the past fortnight mcilroy is brimming with confidence. i ve been waiting over six years for this to happen and now i m certain my career has turned the corner. on friday mcilroy delivered an impressive run despite suffering from his bad cold. the aaa indoor and outdoor champion accelerated away from the field in the final 300m beating german wolfram mulle by 0.90 seconds. mcilroy set a world-leading mark for 1 000m at the sparkassen cup in stuttgart last weekend. and his time in erfurt makes him third fastest over 800m in the world this year.,sport
439,sa return to mauritius top seeds south africa return to the scene of one of their most embarrassing failures when they face the seychelles in the cosafa cup next month. last year bafana bafana were humbled in the first by minnows mauritius who beat them 2-0 in curepipe. coach stuart baxter and his squad will return to curepipe face the seychelles in their first game of the new-look regional competition. the format of the event has been changed this year after the entry of the seychelles who have taken the number of participants to 13. the teams are now divided into three group of four and play knock-out matches on successive days to determine the group champions. mauritius host the first group and their opponents are madagascar the seychelles and south africa. bafana bafana play the seychelles before mauritius take on madagascar in a double-header on 26 february. the two winners return to the new george v stadium the next day and the victor of the group decider advances to august s final mini-tournament. the second group will be hosted in namibia in april. it comprises zimbabwe botswana mozambique and the hosts. in june former champions zambia will host lesotho malawi and swaziland in the third group in lusaka. the three group winners will then join title holders angola for the last of the mini-tournaments in august where the winners will be crowned. seychelles v south africa mauritius v madagascar winners meet in final match mozambique v zimbabwe namibia v botswana winners meet in final match lesotho v malawi zambia v swaziland winners meet in final match,sport
601,snow patrol feted at irish awards snow patrol were the big winners in ireland s top music honours the meteor awards picking up accolades for best irish band and album on thursday. the belfast-born glasgow-based band collected the prizes at the ceremony at dublin s point theatre. westlife won the award for best irish pop act voted for by the public beating former member brian mcfadden. franz ferdinand picked up best international band and album while paddy casey collected best irish male. singer-songwriter casey beat brian mcfadden and damien rice. juliette turner was named best irish female. in the international categories morrissey beat eminem usher and robbie williams to best male while pj harvey pipped kylie minogue joss stone anastacia and natasha bedingfield to the female crown. the 8 000 fans at the ceremony were treated to performances from us rapper snoop dogg brian mcfadden with delta goodrem and the thrills featuring rolling stones star ronnie wood. snow patrol s success came after a year in which they made a chart breakthrough with their third album final straw. i think a lot of bands should go through a wee bit of a kicking before the make a success singer gary lightbody and drummer jonny quinn said. it has been good for us but also hard for us over the past six years. snow patrol will support u2 on their european tour later this year - but u2 were not nominated for best irish band and album.,entertainment
147,clyde 0-5 celtic celtic brushed aside clyde to secure their place in the scottish cup semi-final but only after a nervy and testing first half. the home side s craig bryson had a goal chopped off before stan varga headed celtic into the lead. alan thompson scored from the penalty spot at the start of the second half after shaun maloney had been fouled. stilian petrov slid in a third varga tapped in his second and craig bellamy completed the rout with a fine drive. bryn halliwell was the busier keeper early on saving from bellamy chris sutton and juninho. clyde had the ball in the net after half-an-hour through a tremendous strike from bryson but the referee had already blown for a foul by petrov. from the resulting free kick darren sheridan curled the ball round the celtic wall only for the post to deny him. back at the other end halliwell did well to come off his line and block bellamy s effort to lift the ball over him. the keeper misjudged a corner that stephane henchoz headed wide but a similar scenario five minutes before the break led to the opening goal. the ball was delivered from the left and halliwell was left floundering as varga glanced the ball into the net. maloney replaced the injured sutton at half time and he marked his first competitive appearance after a year out injured by helping his side take a two-goal lead just after the break. the young striker fired a free kick straight into the clyde wall but as he collected the rebound he was tripped by bryson and thompson converted the penalty. sheridan and bellamy were involved in something of a flare-up that led to both being booked after the intervention of the assistant referee. juninho brought out another good save from halliwell and then petrov saw a tremendous effort come off the top of the bar. but petrov and juninho combined brilliantly to allow the bulgarian to make it 3-0 on the hour mark - a quick one-two giving him the time and space to steer the ball past halliwell from 12 yards. varga got his second goal of the game as celtic drove home their advantage - thompson whipped in a corner from the right and the unmarked defender simply tapped the ball over the line from a couple of yards out. celtic were utterly dominant by this stage and bellamy opened his scoring account for the club after a fine move involving aiden mcgeady jackie mcnamara and maloney culminated in the welshman hammering the ball into the net. halliwell kept the deficit at five by pushing a mcgeady shot wide as the game petered out. halliwell mensing bollan balmer potter sheridan (burns 61) arbuckle (gilhaney 61) gibson bryson (jones 78) malone harty. morrison wilson. mensing sheridan. douglas henchoz mcnamara balde varga juninho paulista thompson lennon (lambert 70) sutton (maloney 45) petrov (mcgeady 70) bellamy. marshall laursen. thompson bellamy. : varga 40 thompson 48 pen petrov 60 varga 68 bellamy 72. 8 200 c thomson,sport
736,bad weather hits nestle sales a combination of bad weather rising raw material costs and the sluggish european economy has hit sales at swiss food and drink giant nestle. revenue dipped 1.4% to 86.7bn swiss francs ($74.6bn; £39.1bn) in 2004 as sales of ice cream and mineral water were dampened by the wet summer. however nestle s profits margins were helped by a strong performance in the americas and china. nestle is to raise its dividend by 11% after paying back some of its debt. nestle said that the strength of the swiss franc against the us dollar the disposal of businesses and challenging trading conditions in europe all dented sales. a poor summer across the continent - in contrast to the prolonged heat wave in 2003 - severely affected demand for ice cream. sales of bottled water also fell although chocolate coffee frozen goods and petcare products performed better. elsewhere nestle said it had enjoyed an exceptional year in north america outperforming the market in terms of sales growth. nestle added that it had performed strongly in africa and asia despite the impact of high oil prices and political instability. nestle s total earnings before interest remained broadly flat over the past year despite the company managing to boost profit margins. as well as increasing its dividend nestle plans to buy back shares worth 1bn swiss francs ($861m; £451m). looking forward nestle forecasts organic earnings growth of about 5% in 2005 although it warned that trading would remain just as competitive. uncertainty remains over the future of perrier the iconic french mineral water owned by nestle. perrier has been locked in a long-standing dispute with unions about productivity levels at the business which has lead nestle to consider selling the firm. the option of selling is perrier is still on the table chief executive peter brabeck-letmathe confirmed on thursday.,business
1412,net fingerprints combat attacks eighty large net service firms have switched on software to spot and stop net attacks automatically. the system creates digital fingerprints of ongoing incidents that are sent to every network affected. firms involved in the smart sensing system believe it will help trace attacks back to their source. data gathered will be passed to police to help build up intelligence about who is behind worm outbreaks and denial of service attacks. firms signing up for the sensing system include mci bt deutsche telekom energis ntt bell canada and many others. the creation of the fingerprinting system has been brokered by us firm arbor networks and signatures of attacks will be passed to anyone suffering under the weight of an attack. increasingly computer criminals are using swarms of remotely controlled computers to carry out denial of service attacks on websites launch worms and relay spam around the net. we have seen attacks involving five and ten gigabytes of traffic said rob pollard sales director for arbor networks which is behind the fingerprinting system. attacks of that size cause collateral damage as they cross the internet before they get to their destination he said. once an attack is spotted and its signature defined the information will be passed back down the chain of networks affected to help every unwitting player tackle the problem. mr pollard said arbor was not charging for the service and it would pass on fingerprint data to every network affected. what we want to do is help net service firms communicate with each other and then push the attacks further and further back around the world to their source said mr pollard. arbor network s technology works by building up a detailed history of traffic on a network. it spots which computers or groups of users regularly talk to each other and what types of traffic passes between machines or workgroups. any anomaly to this usual pattern is spotted and flagged to network administrators who can take action if the traffic is due to a net-based attack of some kind. this type of close analysis has become very useful as net attacks are increasingly launched using several hundred or thousand different machines. anyone looking at the traffic on a machine by machine basis would be unlikely to spot that they were all part of a concerted attack. attacks are getting more diffuse and more sophisticated said malcolm seagrave security expert at energis. in the last 12 months it started getting noticeable that criminals were taking to it and we ve seen massive growth. he said that although informal systems exist to pass on information about attacks often commercial confidentiality got in the way of sharing enough information to properly combat attacks.,tech
1878,sa unveils more for all budget the south african government has put tax cuts and increased social spending at the centre of its latest budget. aiming to both stir economic growth and aid the country s poor finance minister trevor manuel said the focus of the 2005 budget was more for all . the tax cuts target firms and individuals cutting corporate tax from 30% to 29% and offering income tax cuts worth 6.8bn rand ($1.2bn; £910m). spending on health and education will rise by 9.4% and 8.1% respectively. spending on housing and sanitation will rise by 12%. all the spending increases will run over the next three years. unveiling the 418bn-rand budget to parliament mr manuel said the south african economy had grown by an average of 3.2% over the past four years slightly below the african average of 4%. he predicted that the south african economy would grow by 4.3% in 2005 and 4.2% in 2006. mr manuel added that inflation fell to 4.3% in 2004 and is expected to remain at between 3% and 6% from now until at least 2008 helped by interest rates which are at their lowest level in 24 years. given that both corporate and personal taxes are being cut - under the new measures those earning less than 35 000 rand a year will be exempt from income tax - the extra 22.3bn rand in social spending will be partly met by higher fuel tobacco and alcohol taxes. in this budget the focus is on more for all not more for some and not a hell of a lot more for a few but spread across all of south africa said mr manuel. he said that the economic situation was a marked improvement on the position at the end of apartheid but acknowledged that more needed to be done to improve the lives and livelihoods of the disadvantaged. about 280 000 jobs a year have been created in south africa since 2000 but unemployment remains high currently close to 30%. economist colen garrow said the budget looked as if it would stimulate economic growth. it s pleasant to see the cut in company taxes it s a good incentive for business he said.,business
261,ukip outspent labour on eu poll the uk independence party outspent both labour and the liberal democrats in the european elections new figures show. ukip which campaigned on a slogan of say no to europe spent £2.36m on the campaign - second only to the conservatives £3.13m. the campaign took ukip into third place with an extra 10 meps. labour s campaign cost £1.7m the lib dems £1.19m and the greens £404 000 according to figures revealed by the electoral commission on wednesday. much of the ukip funding came from yorkshire millionaire sir paul sykes who helped bankroll the party s billboard campaign. critics have accused the party of effectively buying votes. but a ukip spokesman said labour and the conservatives had spent £10m between them on the last general election. with the advantages of public money the others have the only way the smaller parties can get their message across is by buying the advertising space he added.,politics
273,soderling wins tense milan final fifth seed robin soderling took the milan indoors title with a dramatic win over radek stepanek in sunday s final. the 20-year-old swede edged the final set tie-break for a 6-3 6-7 (2-7) 7-6 (7-5) victory and his second tour title after winning in lyon last year. i m delighted to have won against such a good opponent in a tournament of this importance said soderling. i was really on form my service was good and i really liked playing on the synthetic surface. soderling the world number 37 shrugged off a nervous start to take the opening set on his first set point. a change in approach from fourth seed stepanek in the second set paid dividends as he took it on a tie-break but soderling s superior power proved too much in the third.,sport
1022,format wars could confuse users technology firms sony philips matsushita and samsung are developing a common way to stop people pirating digital music and video. the firms want to make a system that ensures files play on the hardware they make but also thwarts illegal copying. the move could mean more confusion for consumers already faced by many different and conflicting content control systems experts warned. they say there are no guarantees the system will even prevent piracy. currently many online stores wrap up downloadable files in an own-brand control system that means they can only be played on a small number of media players. systems that limit what people can do with the files they download are known as digital rights management systems. by setting up the alliance to work on a common control system the firms said they hope to end this current fragmentation of file formats. in a joint statement the firms said they wanted to let consumers enjoy appropriately licensed video and music on any device independent of how they originally obtained that content . the firms hope that it will also make it harder for consumers to make illegal copies of the music movies and other digital content they have bought. called the marlin joint development association the alliance will define basic specifications that every device made by the electronics firms will conform to. marlin will be built on technology from rights management firm intertrust as well as an earlier drm system developed by a group known as the coral consortium. the move is widely seen as a way for the four firms to decide their own destiny on content control systems instead of having to sign up for those being pushed by apple and microsoft. confusingly for consumers the technology that comes out of the alliance will sit alongside the content control systems of rival firms such as microsoft and apple. in many ways the different drm systems are akin to the different physical formats such as betamax and vhs that consumers have seen in the past said ian fogg personal technology and broadband analyst at jupiter research. the difference is that it is very fragmented he said. it s not a two-horse race it s a five six seven or even eight-horse race mr fogg said consumers had to be very careful when buying digital content to ensure that it would play on the devices they own. he said currently there were even incompatibilities within drm families. although initiatives such as microsoft s plays for sure program could help remove some of the uncertainty he said life was likely to be confusing for consumers for some time to come. shelley taylor analyst and author of a report about online music services said the locks and limits on digital files were done to maximise the cash that firms can make from consumers. apple s itunes service was a perfect example of this she said. although itunes has been hugely successful apple could not justify its existence if it did not help sell all those ipods she said. she said rampant competition between online music services of which there are now 230 according to recent figures could drive more openness and freer file formats. it always works out that consumer needs win out in the long run she said and the services that win in the long run are the ones that listen to consumers earliest. ms taylor said the limits legal download services place on files could help explain the continuing popularity of file-sharing systems that let people get hold of pirated pop. people want portability she said and with peer-to-peer they have 100% portability. cory doctorow european co-ordinator for the electronic frontier foundation which campaigns for consumers on many cyber-rights issues expressed doubts that the marlin system would achieve its aims. not one of these systems has ever prevented piracy or illegal copying he said. he said many firms readily admit that their drm systems are little protection against skilled attackers such as the organised crime gangs that are responsible for most piracy. instead said mr doctorow drm systems were intended to control the group that electronics firms have most hold over - consumers. the studios and labels perceive an opportunity to sell you your media again and again - the ipod version the auto version the american and uk version the ringtone version and so on.,tech
760,gm pays $2bn to evade fiat buyout general motors of the us is to pay fiat 1.55bn euros ($2bn; £1.1bn) to get out of a deal which could have forced it to buy the italian car maker outright. fiat had sold gm a stake in 2000 as part of a partnership agreement. but fiat s heavy losses have convinced gm - whose own european operations are in the red - to back away. the pay-off means the two firms will unwind joint ventures but fiat will keep supplying diesel engines and the money will allow it to reduce its debt. fiat s shares on the milan stock exchange rose 4.5% by 0900 gmt to 6.2 euros having shot up more than 7% in early trading. we now have absolute freedom to design our own future said fiat chief executive sergio marchionne. analysts said fiat seemed to have done well out of the deal although some predictions had expected a 2bn euro pay-off. fiat is to get 1bn euros immediately with another 550m to follow within 90 days. the firm is italy s largest private employer and a failure to reach an agreement could have had severe consequences for thousands of workers and for the italian economy. for its part gm was keen to ward off any criticism that the deal had been a mistake. we needed scale in europe to get costs down and we were able to do that in working with fiat said gm chief executive rick wagoner. the fiat-gm alliance came about in 2000 as an alternative to selling fiat outright. german-us car firm daimlerchrysler had been willing to buy the firm but fiat patriarch gianni agnelli did not want to give up control. instead gm swapped a 6% stake in itself for 20% of fiat - and gave fiat a put option to sell gm the rest of the car maker between january 2004 and july 2009. but despite the alliance fiat failed to put itself back on track continuing to lose money and market share. as a result the sell-off looked better and better for the italians - and much worse for gm which is struggling with its own loss-making european marques opel and saab. the relationship soured further after fiat sold half its finance arm and recapitalised in 2003 halving gm s stake to 10%.,business
50,stock market eyes japan recovery japanese shares have ended the year at their highest level since 13 july amidst hopes of an economic recovery during 2005. the nikkei index of leading shares gained 7.6% during the year to close at 11 488.76 points. in 2005 it will rise toward 13 000 predicted morgan stanley equity strategist naoki kamiyama. the optimism in the financial markets contrast sharply with pessimism in the japanese business community. earlier this month the quarterly tankan survey of japanese manufacturers found that business confidence had weakened for the first time since march 2003. slower economic growth rising oil prices a stronger yen and weaker exports were blamed for the fall in confidence. despite this traders expect strength in the global economy to benefit japan which has been close to sliding into recession in recent months. structural reform within japan and an anticipated end to the banking sector s bad debt problems should also help they say.,business
850,wasps 31-37 leicester leicester withstood a stunning wasps comeback to win a pulsating heineken cup encounter at the causeway stadium. the tigers stormed 22-6 ahead within 18 minutes through tries from lewis moody geordan murphy and martin corry. european champions wasps fought back through a josh lewsey try and mark van gisbergen s boot and they were level at 31-31 with five minutes remaining. but it was the visitors who kept their cool as andy goode kicked the tigers to victory with a penalty and a drop goal. the closing moments saw desperate defence from leicester as wasps turned down several penalties to go for the try they needed. wasps pounded the line and a penalty try looked likely before referee nigel williams controversially blew for full-time. fly-half goode was the tigers hero kicking 22 points in total while leicester s overwhelming domination in the scrums ultimately told. even their lack of discipline in defence - which presented the admirable van ginsberg with 26 points - could not undo them as they held out for a famous win. lawrence dallaglio s team have now got it all to do in the quest for a quarter-final place given that two of their last three games are away - against leicester and biarritz. however wasps rugby director warren gatland warned his side will will not relinquish their european title without a fight. if we lose next week then we are struggling said gatland. but we don t want to give this trophy away. we worked so hard to win it last season we will go down fighting. we have got to get our scrum right next week it is the biggest cause for concern. leicester coach john wells saluted the outstanding work of graham rowntree and julian white who were magnificent up front. they were the backbone of our performance today said wells. and to score three tries against the european champions at home was also something i am pleased about. van gisbergen; lewsey erinle abbott voyce; king dawson; dowd greening green; shaw birkett; worsley o connor dallaglio (capt). replacements: gotting mckenzie lock hart biljon brooks hoadley. murphy; rabeni smith gibson healey; goode ellis; rowntree chuter white m johnson (capt) l deacon; moody back corry. replacements (from): buckland/cockerill morris kay w johnson/b deacon h tuilagi bemand a tuiliagi lloyd vesty.,sport
1930,da vinci film to star tom hanks actor tom hanks and director ron howard are reuniting for the da vinci code an adaptation of the international best-selling novel by dan brown. distributor sony pictures said production will begin next year with a planned release in may 2006. hanks will play robert langdon who is trying to solve the murder of a member of an ancient society that has protected dark secrets for centuries. it will be hanks third collaboration with howard. they previously worked together along with howard s producing partner brian grazer on splash and apollo 13. hanks is one of hollywood s most bankable stars with his presence in a movie almost guaranteeing box office success. brown s book has become a publishing phenomenon consistently topping book charts in the uk and us. it has sold more than eight million copies worldwide in little over two years. it is a classic whodunit which centres on a global conspiracy surrounding the holy grail mythology and places heavy emphasis on symbols and cryptography. its protagonist is a harvard professor likened to a contemporary indiana jones who also appeared in brown s first book angels and demons. the tale mixes art history with mythology semiotics with medieval history.,entertainment
1060,mccririck out of big brother show racing pundit john mccririck has become the latest contestant to be evicted from celebrity big brother. he was nominated to leave the channel 4 show by fellow housemates alongside happy mondays dancer bez. at one time bez was among the most popular contestants but he has since become withdrawn and argumentative. mccririck was ordered to leave the house on monday following jackie stallone the actor sylvester s mother who was first to be evicted. bez reacted badly to the news that he had been nominated by five of his fellow housemates whilst john received four votes against him. sylvester stallone s ex-wife brigitte nielsen nominated both john and bez. she said: bez is a difficult human being. there s something wrong with him. even though he s making an effort he s not very happy in here. former holby city actor jeremy edwards said he had nominated bez after he became agitated on friday night and talked about escaping over the wall to go clubbing. he said bez was being loopy and stressed . according to bookmaker ladbrokes john mccririck was 1/3 favourite to be evicted on monday while bez was at 9/4 . mccririck faced the public vote on friday and received 67% of the vote to keep him in the house whilst jackie stallone was evicted.,entertainment
31,royal couple watch nation s mood prince charles and camilla parker bowles are awaiting the nation s reaction after announcing they are to be married on 8 april. mrs parker bowles will take the title hrh duchess of cornwall after a civil ceremony to be held at windsor castle. a daily telegraph poll of 1 313 people suggests two-thirds of britons support the couple s decision to marry. but only 40% think mrs parker bowles should become princess consort as planned after charles becomes king. some 47% believe she should have no title while 7% think she should become queen. the poll also found that the majority of britons would prefer the monarchy to miss a generation with the queen handing the throne to her grandson prince william 22 on her death or abdication. on thursday night prince charles 56 and mrs parker bowles 57 hosted a dinner at windsor castle their first public appearance since announcing their engagement. mrs parker bowles said the prince went down on one knee to propose and added: i m just coming down to earth. she displayed her diamond engagement ring - a royal family heirloom - to reporters. charles said he and his wife-to-be were absolutely delighted . their marriage will end years of speculation on a relationship which dates back to 1970. the queen and duke of edinburgh said the news had made them very happy . princes william and harry said they are very happy and wish the couple all the luck in the future . the wedding will be a civil ceremony followed by a service of prayer and dedication in st george s chapel at which the archbishop of canterbury dr rowan williams will preside. the marriage is likely to be a sensitive issue because mrs parker bowles is divorced and her former husband is still alive. if he became king charles would be the supreme governor of the church of england and some anglicans remain opposed to the remarriage of divorcees. his divorce from diana and the disappointment the country felt over how diana had been treated... opened up a sense of disillusionment with [prince charles] said ros coward who wrote the authorised biography of diana princess of wales. the archbishop of canterbury said: i am pleased that prince charles and mrs camilla parker bowles have decided to take this important step. tony blair said he was delighted for the couple and offered his congratulations as did conservative leader michael howard and liberal democrat leader charles kennedy. australia s prime minister john howard also offered his congratulations adding that their decision to marry was a sensible and a good thing . mrs parker bowles has joined the prince at numerous engagements in recent years - mostly at evening events for the prince s trust. clarence house staff were at pains to point out that she attended these events in a private capacity.,politics
761,kilroy-silk attacked with slurry euro mp robert kilroy-silk has had a bucket of farm slurry thrown over him by a protester in manchester. the uk independence party member was arriving for a bbc radio show when the attacker emerged from behind a bush. fellow guest ruth kelly mp was also hit by the slurry. mr kilroy-silk said the man who later disappeared claimed he was doing it in the name of islam . in january mr kilroy-silk quit his bbc one show for remarks he made about arabs who he called suicide bombers . mr kilroy-silk had already been taken off air by bbc bosses for the comments in which he also described arabs as limb-amputators women repressors . the remarks prompted outrage among muslim groups. the slurry attack took place on friday as mr kilroy-silk and ms kelly a cabinet office minister and bolton west mp arrived at manchester high school for girls for the recording of bbc radio 4 s any questions. the police were called but the attacker had disappeared by the time officers arrived. they are treating the incident as assault. the programme s host jonathan dimbleby later told the audience the mep had been covered from head to toe . mr kilroy-silk was still able appear to appear on the show after being loaned a change of clothes. he told reporters he was very angry and planned to press charges if his attacker was caught. he said the man shouted: you ve offended my religion i m doing this in the name of islam. as i started to turn round a guy tipped a bucket of farmyard muck over me and then threw the rest of it over me and the car mr kilroy-silk said. i was totally covered it was all through my clothes and it stank to high heaven. it went all inside the car and splattered ruth kelly. a bbc spokesman said: he took his seat as jonathan dimbleby was introducing the show. fortunately someone at the school had a change of clothes to let him have. greater manchester police said people near mr kilroy-silk had also been hit by the waste. officers took statements at the scene but no arrests have been made. police say the suspect ran off after towards wilmslow road after committing the offence but is believed to have been driving a red vauxhall corsa earlier. the suspect is described as white aged 30 to 40 with a ginger beard. police want to hear from anyone who has any information. mr kilroy-silk an mep for the east midlands resigned the uk independence party whip in the european parliament in october after criticising ukip and stating his ambition to be leader. however he remains a member of the party. he said on friday he hoped to be elected party leader before christmas. i think that is sufficient time for us to put in process what is necessary... in time for us to fight and have a significant impact upon the general election. but a ukip spokesman said that would be impossible under the party s constitution which requires 70 days before any leadership ballot can take place.,politics
316,white prepared for battle tough-scrummaging prop julian white is expecting a resurgent wales to give him a rough ride in england s six nations opener in cardiff on saturday. the leicester tight-head is in the form of his life making the england number three shirt his own. but he knows wales will put his technique under immense scrutiny. the welsh scrum is a force to be reckoned with he told bbc sport. they have made a lot of changes for the better over the last few years. white is also impressed with the welsh pack s strength in depth. gethin jenkins is starting at loose-head for them. he has played a bit at tight-head but i think his favoured position is loose-head and he is very good he added. the 31-year-old has made a massive contribution to the england and leicester cause of late and is arguably the form tight-head prop in the world. he destroyed south africa s os du randt in the scrum at twickenham last autumn to give england the platform for an impressive 32-16 victory. leicester who signed white from bristol when the west country side were relegated from the zurich premiership in the summer of 2003 have also been aided by white s presence this season. the tigers are sitting pretty at the top of the premiership table and have also booked their place in the last eight of the heineken cup. i am pleased with my form he said. but my form is helped by the people i play with at leicester - people like martin johnson and graham rowntree. it s been a good season so far and to be in the starting xv for the first game of the six nations is what every player wants. i am delighted with the way things have gone but we have to get it right this weekend. white is now one of the more experienced members of the england squad which takes to the field on saturday. injuries have taken their toll and coach andy robinson has been deprived of richard hill jonny wilkinson martin corry mike tindall will greenwood and stuart abbott. and with 27 caps and a world cup winner s medal to his name white is now in a position to offer his experience to youngsters such as centres matthew tait and jamie noon. i don t know how much experience a tight-head can give a centre but you are there to give them a pat on the back if things go wrong or to be there if they want to talk in any way he added. when i first came into the squad people like jason leonard and martin johnson were the first to come over and talk through things and help out. it gives you a lot of confidence when people like that speak to you. i was in awe of a lot of them so to sit down and speak with them and realise you are on the same wavelength is good. white missed the vast majority of last year s six nations because of a knee injury and is raring for the 2005 event to get going. and that is despite the opening game taking place amid the red-hot atmosphere in cardiff. i enjoy the atmosphere. the millennium stadium is probably one of the best stadiums in the world he said. to go down there and hear the shouting and the singing - it s one of my favourite places to play. this is probably the most even six nations for a long time. england ireland france and wales are all contenders. on form ireland should be favourites but you just don t know - that s the great thing about this tournament.,sport
171,fox attacks blair s tory lies tony blair lied when he took the uk to war so has no qualms about lying in the election campaign say the tories. tory co-chairman liam fox was speaking after mr blair told labour members the tories offered a hard right agenda . dr fox told bbc radio: if you are willing to lie about the reasons for going to war i guess you are going to lie about anything at all. he would not discuss reports the party repaid £500 000 to lord ashcroft after he predicted an election defeat. the prime minister ratcheted up labour s pre-election campaigning at the weekend with a helicopter tour of the country and his speech at the party s spring conference. he insisted he did not know the poll date but it is widely expected to be 5 may. in what was seen as a highly personal speech in gateshead on sunday mr blair said: i have the same passion and hunger as when i first walked through the door of 10 downing street. he described his relationship with the public as starting euphoric then struggling to live up to the expectations and reaching the point of raised voices and throwing crockery . he warned his supporters against complacency saying: it s a fight for the future of our country it s a fight that for britain and the people of britain we have to win. mr blair said that whether the public chose michael howard or mr kennedy it would result in a tory government not a labour government and a country that goes back and does not move forward . dr fox accused mr blair and other cabinet ministers of telling lies about their opponents policies and then attacking the lies. what we learned at the weekend is what labour tactics are going to be and it s going to be fear and smear he told bbc news. the tory co-chairman attacked labour s six new pledges as vacuous and said mr blair was very worried voters would take revenge for his failure to deliver. dr fox refused to discuss weekend newspaper reports that the party had repaid £500 000 to former tory treasurer lord ashcroft after he said the party could not win the election. we repay loans when they are due but do not comment to individual financial matters he said insisting he enjoyed a warm and constructive relationship to lord ashcroft. meanwhile lib dem leader charles kennedy is expected to attack mr blair s words as he begins a nationwide tour on monday. mr kennedy is accelerating lib dem election preparations this week as he visits manchester liverpool leicester somerset basingstoke shrewsbury dorset and torbay. he said: this is three-party politics. in the northern cities the contest is between labour and the liberal democrats. in southern and rural seats - especially in the south west - the principal contenders are the liberal democrats and the conservatives who are out of the running in scotland and wales. the lib dems accuse mr blair of making a touchy-feely speech to labour delegates which will not help him regain public trust.,politics
1175,what really divides the parties so what is the gap between labour and the tories nowadays one starbucks one rymans and one small greek cafe as it happens. both parties have now completed their moves to new headquarters with labour creating its election hub just three doors away from the tories new headquarters in victoria street just down the road from the commons. that should make things a little easier if and when the crack-of-dawn election press conferences kick off. unlike 2001 there should be no need for colleagues to have taxis gunning their engines outside or to buy scooters to get themselves between the tightly-timetabled events. and to all intents and purposes we already appear to be in that general election campaign. certainly the press conference hosted by election co-ordinator alan milburn in the rather compact new conference room - still smelling of new carpet and with the garish new labour coffee mugs as yet unstained - had all the hallmarks of an election event. welcome to the unremittingly new labour media centre he said. and i ll bet he hadn t checked that one with gordon brown. along with work and pensions secretary alan johnson and minister for work jane kennedy he then went on to tear into the tory plans to scrap the new deal welfare-to-work scheme which they claimed would lead to an increase of almost 300 000 in unemployment. and they ridiculed the claims made on monday by michael howard that he could save £35 billion of labour waste and inefficiency to spend on public services while also offering £4 billion of tax cuts. labour has come up with a figure of £22 billions worth of efficiency savings so understandably perhaps believe mr howard must be planning cuts to squeeze the extra £13 billion. these figures based on the two parties own detailed studies will be battered to within an inch of their lives during the campaign. wednesday was just the start.,politics
1047,ivanovic seals canberra victory serbia s ana ivanovic captured her first wta title with a straight-sets victory over hungarian melinda czink in the final of the canberra classic. the 17-year-old took 83 minutes to take the match 7-5 6-1. ivanovic beat czink in the last round of qualifying but the hungarian made the main draw as a lucky loser after katarina srebotnik withdrew injured. ivanovic said: i was really nervous in the beginning but i pulled through and didn t do too much wrong. a junior wimbledon finalist last year she added: it s my first wta title and to win it has really given me more energy to practice and improve. ivanovic will play 32nd seed iveta benesova of the czech republic in the first round.said of the australian open in melbourne.,sport
1343,moreno debut makes oscar mark catalina sandino moreno has joined a rare group of actresses who have been nominated for an oscar for starring in a foreign language film. the colombian-born actress was the final hope for director joshua marston who scoured the us and colombia for a lead for maria full of grace. the film sees the 23-year-old play a teenage drug mule who smuggles heroin by swallowing pellets in condoms. plaudits have been raining down on her for her gritty performance making it all the more surprising that this is her first film. her previous acting experience was in amateur productions in her home city of bogota at the ruben di pietro theatre academy. she has already received a nomination for the independent spirit awards leading actress category but these rarely overlap with academy awards instead recognising quirkier low-budget films. and at the 2004 berlin film festival the jury could not choose between her and charlize theron s oscar winning performance in monster so gave them a tied award. sandino moreno is now being regarded as one of the most promising actresses around at the moment. but she is taking her time committing to her next project hoping to land a strong spanish script and would love to be able to work with directors pedro almodovar or alejandro amenabar.,entertainment
1934,fears raised over ballet future fewer children in the uk are following in the dainty footsteps of dancers like darcey bussell and carving out potential careers as ballet dancers. new research from the royal academy of dance (rad) has found fewer children over the age of 10 are attending ballet classes and taking exams in the discipline. the organisation blames the growing popularity of computer games and other changes in lifestyle. and there are fears that if the trend is not reversed there could be fewer british ballet stars in the future. the rad found that the number of youngsters taking their ballet exams drops by almost 70% after the age of 10 or 11. dance teacher eve trew who has taught ballet for over 48 years told bbc news she had seen a vast change over the years. she blamed modern lifestyles for the fall in ballet attendance. i think the children of many years ago did not have as many hobbies she said. the trouble now is that they are wide open to computers gameboys and everything else children have got. as a result there is less time being spent on ballet lessons. hazel gilbert 23 an information manager from newcastle gave up ballet at the age of 10 and is typical of the problem. it s not a very cool thing to do when you go to big school and i think you have to be very focused on ballet to want to carry on doing it she said. i used to love it but after a certain age it becomes much more disciplined and i didn t want that. i started getting into other things like swimming and kickboxing and ballet just wasn t something i wanted to do any more. ms trew who runs a dance school in gateshead admitted it would be very difficult to reverse the trend and said many young ballet dancers were no longer willing to make the sacrifices to succeed. you have to be very dedicated and you have to be very disciplined. it is a career that you have got to really want to do because it is such hard work. children these days have not got the time to spend perfecting it... that is very sad. currently only two out of 16 principal dancers at the royal ballet - darcey bussell and jonathan cope - are british compared to 16 of the 21 principals in 1985. but a spokesman for the english national ballet told bbc news that although only two out of their 12 principal dancers were british around a quarter of the company s dancers were from the uk. he said competition at open auditions in london was fierce between talented dancers from all over the world. the rad have launched a new competition to try and reverse the decline in british ballet. dame antoinette sibley president of the rad launched the fonteyn nureyev young dancers competition earlier this week. aimed at children aged 10 to 13 it is hoped the contest will help keep british ballet evolving. a spokeswoman for the rad said: it is our responsibility to re-ignite the passion and nurture young dancers for the long-term future of ballet. we need to provide them with a framework and a goal to work towards with constant support and coaching in an environment where they can work with their peers and possibly leading artists and choreographers. perhaps more importantly provide them with the opportunity to experience performance themselves. what better way to reignite a passion for ballet than to let them experience the thrill of performance,entertainment
82,coach ranieri sacked by valencia claudio ranieri has been sacked as valencia coach just eight months after taking charge at the primera liga club for the second time in his career. the decision was taken at a board meeting following the side s surprise elimination from the uefa cup. we understand and he understands that the results in the last few weeks have not been the most appropriate said club president juan bautista. former assistant antonio lopez will take over as the new coach. italian ranieri took over the valencia job in june 2004 having been replaced at chelsea by jose mourinho. things began well but the spanish champions extended their winless streak to six after losing to racing santander last weekend. that defeat was then followed by a uefa cup exit at the hands of steaua bucharest. ranieri first took charge of valencia in 1997 guiding them to the king s cup and helping them to qualify for the champions league. the 54-year-old then moved to atletico madrid in 1999 before joining chelsea the following year.,sport
1023,fockers keeps us box office lead film comedy meet the fockers sequel to meet the parents has topped the us box office for a third week. the movie which stars ben stiller robert de niro dustin hoffman and barbra streisand took $28.5m (£15.2m) making a total of 204.3m (£109m). michael keaton thriller white noise was second with $24m (£12.8m) despite negative reviews. martin scorsese s howard hughes biopic the aviator came third with $7.6m (£4m) and a total of $42.9m (£22.8m). children s adventure lemony snicket s a series of unfortunate events starring jim carrey and meryl streep fell two places to fourth position with $7.4m (£3.9m). it is also the ninth jim carrey film to hit the $100m (£53.2m) mark according to exhibitor relations. and fat albert a live-action adaptation of bill cosby s tv cartoon fell one place to number five with takings over the three days beginning on friday of $5m (£2.6m). ocean s twelve took sixth place in the us chart with $5.4m (£2.8m) but it led the non-us chart at the weekend according to hollywood reporter with an estimated $17.7m (£9.4m) and total takings of $137m (£73m). the incredibles took $300m (£160m) outside the us while meet the fockers topped box office charts in australia and mexico with non-us takings of $19.35m (£10.2m).,entertainment
1875,aviator and vera take bafta glory hollywood blockbuster the aviator and low-budget british movie vera drake have shared the main honours at the 2005 bafta film awards. the aviator was declared best film and its star cate blanchett won best supporting actress. but vera drake scored best director for mike leigh while imelda staunton took the hotly contested best actress award. jamie foxx won best actor for ray while british actor clive owen took best supporting actor for closer. the two actors have repeated their success at the golden globes in january. but big british hope kate winslet walked away empty-handed on saturday despite two nominations for best actress. celebrating his win the oscar-nominated owen told reporters: the whole award season is new to me because i haven t won anything before. all of that is a bit overwhelming. blanchett who won a bafta in 1999 for her leading role in elizabeth said: winning a bafta means an enormous amount to me. she thanked the woman she played katharine hepburn for paving the way for women to work in film. thank you very much i m sure you re pleased although you re not able to see this she said. the aviator took four awards in all also collecting best make-up and hair and production design while vera drake also scooped best costume design. staunton who is up for an oscar for her role in vera drake arrived wearing a green silk and chiffon beaded evening dress. thank you very much. i m so thrilled and so grateful and i m delighted that the success of vera drake has boosted sales of hair nets and pinnies which is very good she said on accepting her award. her director leigh who beat martin scorsese to the best director award told the audience: we always say it was a surprise and sometimes i ve said it and not meant it. on this occasion given the other names it s a real surprise and an extraordinary honour. it s an immense privilege to have been allowed the freedom to make as uncompromising a film as i think vera drake is and an epic with such a small budget. best actor foxx could not make the ceremony but actress helen mirren read out his acceptance speech. i m honoured and proud to receive this bafta. i d like to thank the late ray charles himself. he apologised for not being in london joking: unfortunately i m stuck driving a car in la at gunpoint and i can t get away. dicaprio who lost out on the best actor bafta to foxx will face him again at the academy awards in two weeks time. it s the first time i ve come to the baftas because it s the first time i ve been nominated he told reporters on the red carpet. i ve appreciated british cinema for a long time and to be recognised like this is a special honour. other winners included the motorcycle diaries which took best foreign film and best music while eternal sunshine of the spotless mind won best original screenplay and best editing. best british film was my summer of love the story of two young women and their developing relationship while foxx s movie ray a bio-pic of late singer ray charles also took best sound. harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban won the orange film of the year voted for by the public. the orange british academy film awards are being shown on bbc one from 2010 gmt.,entertainment
826,england to launch ref protest england will protest to the international rugby board (irb) about the referee s performance in the defeat by ireland reports the daily mail. england coach andy robinson has called on ex-international referees colin high and steve lander to analyse several of jonathan kaplan s decisions. i want to go through the tape with colin and steve robinson told the daily mail. i want to speak to the irb about it. i think only one side was refereed. high the rugby football union s referees manager claimed kaplan made three major errors which changed the outcome of sunday s match. england were beaten 19-13 by the irish in dublin their third straight defeat in the 2005 six nations. the international rugby board will be disappointed high told the daily mail. jonathan kaplan is in the top 20 in the world but that wasn t an international performance. it would not have been acceptable in the zurich premiership. if one of my referees had done that i would have had my backside kicked for making the appointment. if any english referee refereed like that in a european match there would be an inquest. no question about that. if someone had performed like that he would have been pulled from the next game.,sport
1069,angry williams rejects criticism serena williams has angrily rejected claims that she and sister venus are a declining force in tennis. the sisters ended last year without a grand slam title for the first time since 1998. but serena denied their challenge was fading saying: that s not fair - i m tired of not saying anything. we ve been practising hard. we ve had serious injuries. i ve had surgery and after i got to the wimbledon final. i don t know many who have done that. while serena is through to the australian open semi-finals venus went out in the fourth round meaning she has not gone further than the last eight in her last five grand slam appearances. but serena added: venus had a severe strain in her stomach. i actually had the same injury but i didn t tear it the way she did. if i would have torn it i wouldn t have been here. she played a player (alicia molik) that just played out of her mind and venus made some errors that she probably shouldn t have made. serena also said people tended to forget the impact the 2003 murder of sister yetunde price had had on the family. to top it off we have a very very very very very close family serena continued. to be in some situation that we ve been placed in in the past little over a year it s not easy to come out and just perform at your best when you realize there are so many things that are so important. so no we re not declining. we re here. i don t have to win this tournament to prove anything. i know that i m out here and i know that i m one of the best players out here.,sport
1802,continental may run out of cash shares in continental airlines have tumbled after the firm warned it could run out of cash. in a filing to us regulators the airline warned of inadequate liquidity if it fails to reduce wage costs by $500m by the end of february. continental also said that if it did not make any cuts it expects to lose hundreds of millions of dollars in 2005 in current market conditions. failure to make cutbacks may also push it to reduce its fleet the group said. shares in the fifth biggest us carrier had fallen 6.87% on the news to $10.44 by 1830 gmt. without the reduction in wage and benefit costs and a reasonable prospect of future profitability we believe that our ability to raise additional money through financings would be uncertain continental said in its filing to the us securities and exchange commission (sec). airlines have faced tough conditions in recent years amid terrorism fears since the 11 september world trade centre attack in 2001. but despite passengers returning to the skies record-high fuel costs and fare wars prompted by competition from low cost carriers have taken their toll. houston-based continental now has debt and pension payments of nearly $984m which it must pay off this year. the company has been working to streamline its operations - and has managed to save $1.1bn in costs without cutting jobs. two weeks ago the group also announced it would be able to shave a further $48m a year from its costs with changes to wage and benefits for most of its us-based management and clerical staff.,business
1098,ask jeeves joins web log market ask jeeves has bought the bloglines website to improve the way it handles content from web journals or blogs. the bloglines site has become hugely popular as it gives users one place in which to read search and share all the blogs they are interested in. ask jeeves said it was not planning to change bloglines but would use the 300 million articles it has archived to round out its index of the web. how much ask jeeves paid for bloglines was not revealed. bloglines has become popular because it lets users build a list of the blogs they want to follow without having to visit each journal site individually. to do this it makes use of a technology known as really simple syndication (rss) that many blogs have adopted to let other sites know when new entries are made on their journals. the acquisition follows similar moves by other search sites. google acquired pyra labs makers of the blogger software in 2003. in 2004 msn introduced its own blog system and yahoo has tweaked its technology to do a better job of handling blog entries. jim lanzone vice president of search properties at ask jeeves in the us said it did not acquire bloglines just to get a foothold in the blog publishing world. he said ask jeeves was much more interested in helping people find information they were looking for rather than helping them write it. the universe of readers is vastly larger than the universe of writers he said. mr lanzone said the acquisition would sit well with ask s my jeeves service which lets people customise their own web experience and build up a personal collection of useful links. search engines are about discovering information for the first time and rss is the ideal way to keep track of and monitor those sites he said. it would also help drive information and entries from blogs to the portals that ask jeeves operates. there would be no instant sweeping changes to bloglines said mr lanzone. our intent is to take our time to figure out the right business model not to try to monetise it right away he said. though mr lanzone added that ask jeeves would be helping organise the database of 300m blog entries bloglines holds with its own net indexing technology. being able to search the blogosphere as one corpus of information will be very useful in its own right said mr lanzone. rumours about the acquisition were broken by the napsterization weblog which said it got the hint from ask jeeves insiders.,tech
1128,my memories of marley... to mark the 60th anniversary of the birth of reggae star bob marley rob partridge - marley s former head of press at island records - remembers the man behind the legend. partridge worked with marley from 1977 until the jamaican musician s death in 1981. : i joined island records in 1977 and the first week i was there i worked on his show at the rainbow theatre. it was one of the last dates he did in london. : the album exodus came out in 1977 and that provided five hits and confirmed his global superstar status. by 1979 he was the biggest touring attraction in the world. i remember going to see dates in milan and turin and they were enormous concerts. : bob was one of the most mesmeric people i ve ever had the privilege to work with. he must have had an iron will to succeed. bob was a very driven individual. you realised from the start there was a manifest destiny within him that he believed in. he didn t suffer fools gladly. at the risk of stating the obvious he was an extraordinary song writer and his stage act was perhaps the greatest i ve ever seen. i saw him many times. : i recall in 1978 he came to the uk for top of the pops and a daily mirror journalist did a half-hour interview. it was interrupted to do a rehearsal. he came back into the dressing room to resume the interview but saw a world cup match on tv. he sat down in front of the tv and after 10 minutes it was obvious he wasn t going to move. that was the end of it. the mirror had a very truncated interview. the last time i saw him was in london in 1980. i arranged for him to play four days of football indoors in fulham. bob was a good player. we are talking about jamaican-style football. he was an attacking midfield player. his team assembled wherever his gigs were. we played in brazil against some world cup-winning players. : it was always a struggle for him to connect with black america. reggae did not correspond with disco in the 70s. but bob in the 1990s became one of the great icons in america and the third world. in 1991 ten years after his death he sold more records than at any time during his life. we saw black america taking bob into their hearts for the first time. : bob in worldwide terms is the greatest music star there has ever been. if you went to africa he would be recognised everywhere in places john lennon or elvis wouldn t be. no disrespect to the other artists but a case can be made for him as the greatest the best and the most influential artist in popular music. : well 1981 was to be the year he toured africa with stevie wonder. he had only performed in zimbabwe and guinea before. of course the 1981 tour never happened but the whole of africa would have embraced him. we can t speculate but he was at the height of his powers and just 36 years old. i had no sense his career was going to go downhill. : bob was endlessly optimistic about the way africa would turn out. he realised that nothing was perfect but he had total belief in the power of mankind. i m sure if he were alive today he would believe africa would firstly become politically free and secondly be able to defeat the aids epidemic. : the final tune of his final album was redemption song - one of the most incredible classics of all time.,entertainment
1736,brown calls for £5.5bn aids fund gordon brown has called on rich nations to fund a £5.5bn ($10bn) plan to fight the aids epidemic and find a vaccine. on the fourth day of his six-day tour of africa the uk chancellor predicted a vaccine could be found by 2012 if the world stepped up its funding pledges. doubling the £400m being spent yearly on finding such a vaccine could advance it by three years and save six million lives mr brown said on thursday. he hopes to use the uk s g8 presidency to push the issue forward. i believe that the generation that provided the finance to combat cure and eradicate the world s deadliest disease of today - and today the world s least curable disease - hiv/aids - will rightly earn the title the great generation mr brown said in a speech during his african tour. the problems of hiv/aids were inseparable from poverty he added. at least $10 billion per annum (£5.5bn) is needed to address the hiv/aids crisis in low and middle income countries. existing financial commitments on their own will not stop the pandemic. the uk s proposal for an international finance facility is so important - increasing world aid flows by over $50 billion (£27bn). a doubling of world aid to halve world poverty. mr brown also said he had agreed with the italian finance minister domenico siniscalco to push forward with plans for the world-wide sharing and co-ordination of research into the disease. currently the private sector was only spending £60m a year on seeking an inoculation and the market needed boosting mr brown said. he called on industrialised nations to commit themselves to buying the first 300m vaccines at a cost of $20 each thereby boosting the market for inoculations. this would be a large enough inducement to create much stronger interest from both large and small pharmaceutical firms mr brown added. more must also be done to finance the treatment and care of those living with hiv/aids and their families he said. but aid charity actionaid criticised mr brown s preoccupation with finding a vaccine and called on g8 nations to fund hiv/aids treatments. the charity s head of hiv/aids in britain simon wright said: while encouraging the pharmaceutical industry to discover an hiv vaccine is important a failure to provide any funding for hiv treatments condemns a generation of people to death. hiv is decimating african countries killing the most productive adults who should be working caring for children and building the economy. an hiv vaccine is probably at least 10 years away. treatments are needed now. on wednesday mr brown visited slums in the kenyan capital nairobi . he will visit an hiv/aids orphanage in tanzania and a women s credit union in mozambique before chairing a meeting of the commission for africa in cape town. the chancellor has already unveiled proposals for a g8 aid package which he has likened to the marshall plan used by the united states to rebuild europe after world war two.,politics
140,rich grab half colombia poor fund half of the money put aside by the colombian government to help the country s poor is benefiting people who do not need it a study has found. a total of 24.2 trillion pesos ($10.2bn; £5.5bn) is earmarked for subsidies for the poor the government department for planning said. but it also found 12.1 trillion pesos was going to the richest part of the population rather than to those in need. sound distribution of the cash could cut poverty levels to 36% from 53% the government believes. resources are more than enough to reduce poverty and there is no need for more tax reforms but a better distribution deputy planning director jose leibovich said. colombia has a population of about 44 million and half lives below poverty line. however some large properties are paying less in tax as they are situated inside poor areas which benefit from cheaper utilities such as electricity and water government research found. government expenditure in areas such as pensions public services education property and health should be revised mr leibovich said. he added that the government is now examining the report but warned there would be no easy solution to the problem. with a good distribution of such subsidies and economic growth of just 2% by 2019 poverty could fall as low as 15.3% he said.,business
1941,iaaf awaits greek pair s response kostas kenteris and katerina thanou are yet to respond to doping charges from the international association of athletics federations (iaaf). the greek pair were charged after missing a series of routine drugs tests in tel aviv chicago and athens. they have until midnight on 16 december and an iaaf spokesman said: we re sure their responses are on their way. if they do not respond or their explanations are rejected they will be provisionally banned from competition. they will then face a hearing in front of the greek federation which will ultimately determine their fate. their former coach christos tzekos has also been charged with distributing banned substances. under iaaf rules the athletes could receive a maximum one-year suspension. kenteris and thanou already face a criminal trial after being charged with avoiding a drug test on the eve of the athens olympics and then faking a motorcyle crash. no date for the trial has yet been set and again tzekos is also facing charges. the iaaf issued an official warning to the trio last year after they were discovered training in qatar rather than in crete where they had said they would be. all athletes must inform their national federations where they are at all times so they can be available for out-of-competition drugs tests. but kenteris and thanou then went on to skip tests in tel aviv and chicago when they decided to fly back to greece early. then just before the olympics the pair dramatically missed another test in athens and withdrew from the games.,sport
2,worldcom boss left books alone former worldcom boss bernie ebbers who is accused of overseeing an $11bn (£5.8bn) fraud never made accounting decisions a witness has told jurors. david myers made the comments under questioning by defence lawyers who have been arguing that mr ebbers was not responsible for worldcom s problems. the phone company collapsed in 2002 and prosecutors claim that losses were hidden to protect the firm s shares. mr myers has already pleaded guilty to fraud and is assisting prosecutors. on monday defence lawyer reid weingarten tried to distance his client from the allegations. during cross examination he asked mr myers if he ever knew mr ebbers make an accounting decision . not that i am aware of mr myers replied. did you ever know mr ebbers to make an accounting entry into worldcom books mr weingarten pressed. no replied the witness. mr myers has admitted that he ordered false accounting entries at the request of former worldcom chief financial officer scott sullivan. defence lawyers have been trying to paint mr sullivan who has admitted fraud and will testify later in the trial as the mastermind behind worldcom s accounting house of cards. mr ebbers team meanwhile are looking to portray him as an affable boss who by his own admission is more pe graduate than economist. whatever his abilities mr ebbers transformed worldcom from a relative unknown into a $160bn telecoms giant and investor darling of the late 1990s. worldcom s problems mounted however as competition increased and the telecoms boom petered out. when the firm finally collapsed shareholders lost about $180bn and 20 000 workers lost their jobs. mr ebbers trial is expected to last two months and if found guilty the former ceo faces a substantial jail sentence. he has firmly declared his innocence.,business
1658,ray charles studio becomes museum a museum dedicated to the career of the late legendary singer ray charles is to open in his former recording studio in los angeles. his longtime publicist jerry digney said the museum would house archive materials from recordings to awards to ephemera to wardrobe . a tour bus used by charles and his entourage over the years will also be on permanent display. it is hoped the museum will be ready for visitors in late 2007. mr digney said the recording studio and offices had been used by charles for many years and was where he recorded much of his last album genius loves company. it is hoped the museum will also house an education centre. the building had been declared a historic landmark by the city of los angeles just before charles death in june 2004 at the age of 73. following his death charles won eight grammy awards including album of the year for genius loves company a collection of duets.,entertainment
1811,yukos unit fetches $9bn at auction a little-known russian company has bought the main production unit of oil giant yukos at auction in moscow. baikal finance group outbid favourite gazprom the state-controlled gas monopoly to buy yuganskneftegas. baikal paid 260.75bn roubles ($9.37bn: £4.8bn) for yugansk - nowhere near the $27bn russia says yukos owes in taxes. yukos reacted immediately by repeating its view that the auction was illegal in international and russian law and said baikal had bought itself trouble. the company considers that the victor of today s auction has bought itself a serious $9bn headache said yukos spokesman alexander shadrin. he said the company would continue to make every lawful move to protect tens of thousands of shareholders in yukos from this forcible and illegitimate removal of their property . meanwhile tim osborne head of yukos main shareholders group menatep said that yukos may have to declare itself bankrupt and that legal action would be taken outside russia against the auction winners. reports from russia say baikal has paid a deposit of nearly $1.7bn from a sberbank (savings bank) account to the russian federal property fund for yugansk. the sale came despite a restraining order issued by a us court dealing with the firm s bankruptcy application for chapter 11 protection. yukos has always insisted the auction was state-sponsored theft but russian authorities argued they were imposing the law trying to recover billions in unpaid taxes. there were originally four registered bidders and with its close ties to the kremlin state-backed gas monopoly gazprom had been seen as favourite. but just two companies turned up for the auction gazprom and the unknown baikal finance group named after a large freshwater lake in siberia. and according to tass news agency gazprom did not make a single bid leaving the way open for baikal which paid above the auction start price of 246.75bn roubles. mystery firm baikal finance group is officially registered in the central russian region of tver but many analysts believe it may be linked to gazprom. kaha kiknavelidze analyst at troika dialog said: i think a decision that yugansk should end up with gazprom was taken a long time ago. so the main question was how to structure this transaction. i would not exclude that the structure of the deal has slightly changed and gazprom now has a partner. i would also not exclude that baikal will decline to pay in 14 days that are given by law and gazprom is then recognised as the winner. this would give gazprom an extra 14 days to accumulate the needed funds. another surprise was that the winner paid a significant premium above the starting price. however gazprom has announced it is not linked to baikal in any way. and paul collison chief analyst at brunswick ubs said: i see no plausible explanation for the theory that baikal was representing competing interests. yugansk will most likely end up with gazprom but could still end up with the government. there is still potential for surprises. yugansk is at the heart of yukos - pumping close to a million barrels of oil a day. the unit was seized by the government which claims the oil giant owes more than $27bn in taxes and fines. yukos says those tax demands are exorbitant and had sought refuge in us courts. the us bankruptcy court s initial order on thursday - to temporarily block the sale - in response to yukos filing for chapter 11 bankruptcy protection was upheld in a second ruling on saturday. the protection if recognised by the russian authorities would have allowed yukos current management to retain control of the business and block the sale of any company assets. yukos has said the sale amounts to expropriation - punishment for the political ambitions of its founder mikhail khodorkovsky. mr khodorkovsky is now in jail on separate fraud charges. but president vladimir putin has described the affair as a crackdown on corruption - and the bbc s sarah rainsford in moscow says most russians believe the destruction of yukos is now inevitable. hours before the auction lawyers for menatep a group through which mr khodorkovsky and his associates control yukos said they would take legal action in other countries. menatep lawyers who were excluded from observing the auction said they would retaliate by seeking injunctions in foreign courts to impound russian oil and gas exports.,business
1855,hitachi unveils fastest robot japanese electronics firm hitachi has unveiled its first humanoid robot called emiew to challenge honda s asimo and sony s qrio robots. hitachi said the 1.3m (4.2ft) emiew was the world s quickest-moving robot yet. two wheel-based emiews pal and chum introduced themselves to reporters at a press conference in japan. the robots will be guests at the world expo later this month. sony and honda have both built sophisticated robots to show off developments in electronics. explaining why hitachi s emiew used wheels instead of feet toshihiko horiuchi from hitachi s mechanical engineering research laboratory said: we aimed to create a robot that could live and co-exist with people. we want to make the robots useful for people ... if the robots moved slower than people users would be frustrated. emiew - excellent mobility and interactive existence as workmate - can move at 3.7m/h. its wheel feet resemble the bottom half of a segway scooter. with sensors on the head waist and near the wheels pal and chum demonstrated how they could react to commands. i want to be able to walk about in places like shinjuku and shibuya [shopping districts] in the future without bumping into people and cars pal told reporters. hitachi said pal and chum which have a vocabulary of about 100 words could be trained for practical office and factory use in as little as five to six years. robotics researchers have long been challenged by developing robots that walk in the gait of a human. at the recent aaas (american association for the advancement of science) annual meeting in washington dc researchers showed off bipedal designs. the three designs each built by a different research group use the same principle to achieve a human-like gait. sony and honda have both used humanoid robots which are not commercially available as a way of showing off computing power and engineering expertise. honda s asimo was born five years ago. since then honda and sony s qrio have tried to trump each other with what the robots can do at various technology events. asimo has visited the uk germany the czech republic france and ireland as part of a world tour. sony s qrio has been singing jogging and dancing in formation around the world too and was until last year the fastest robot on two legs. but its record was beaten by asimo. it is capable of 3km/h which its makers claim is almost four times as fast as qrio. last year car maker toyota also stepped into the ring and unveiled its trumpet-playing humanoid robot. by 2007 it is predicted that there will be almost 2.5 million entertainment and leisure robots in homes compared to about 137 000 currently according to the united nations (un). by the end of that year 4.1 million robots will be doing jobs in homes said the report by the un economic commission for europe and the international federation of robotics. hitachi is one of the companies with home cleaning robot machines on the market.,tech
495,arnesen denies rift with santini tottenham sporting director frank arnesen has denied that coach jacques santini resigned because of a clash of personalities at white hart lane. there had been newspaper speculation that santini had felt undermined by arnesen s role at the club. it is absolutely not true arnesen told bbc radio five live. there is only one thing that made him resign and that is his own personal problems. he has talked to me recently and said this matter is absolutely for himself. arnesen said he was unable to throw any light onto the problems that caused santini to quit after just 13 games in charge. he added: jacques has never gone into exactly what it was. but i trust him in that; you have to accept it. i think we should respect it. the plan is now that over the weekend we will have talks with the board and then on monday we will clarify the situation. arnesen countered criticism at the timing of the announcement coming less than 24 hours before tottenham s premiership fixture with charlton. when it comes down to personal problems i don t think we should talk about timing he said. and he also denied reports that santini had been given a £3m pay-off. that is absolute nonsense. he is the one who said i will go and so he went said the spurs sporting director. tottenham s structure of having a sporting director working alongside a coach is based on a continental model and arnesen sees no reason why they should change it. i have confidence in this structure. i am confident that we have started something here in july and i still have a lot of confidence in tottenham and what we are doing he said. however former spurs and england defender gary stevens said he would not be surprised if the system had caused a rift. i think the problems go a lot deeper between the director of football at white hart lane and santini stevens told five live. on paper they could have worked together. but frank arnesen was a very creative forward-thinking and expansive player - whereas i think santini was very much the opposite more a case of being organised disciplined and happy not conceding goals. that sort of arrangement can work if the two people have the same principles and ideals and work very closely. but it seems that has not happened.,sport
485,lewis-francis eyeing world gold mark lewis-francis says his olympic success has made him determined to bag world championship 100m gold in 2005. the 22-year-old pipped maurice greene on the last leg of the 4x100m relay in athens to take top honours for team gb. but individually the birchfield harrier has yet to build on his world junior championship win four years ago. the gold medal in athens has made me realise that i can get to the top level and i want to get there again. it can happen i don t see why not he said. lewis-francis has still to decided what events will feature in his build-up to the worlds - with one exception. he has confirmed his participation in the norwich union grand prix in birmingham on 18 february where he will take on another member of britain s victorious men s relay team - jason gardener - over 60m. he added: it s a bit too early to make any predictions for helsinki but i have my eyes open and i know i can be the best in the world.,sport
1642,tulu to appear at caledonian run two-time olympic 10 000 metres champion derartu tulu has confirmed she will take part in the bupa great caledonian run in edinburgh on 8 may. the 32-year-old ethiopian is the first star name to enter the event. tulu has won the boston london and tokyo marathons as well as the world 10 000m title in 2001. we are delighted to have secured the services of one the most decorated competitors the sport has ever seen said race director matthew turnbull. her record speaks for herself and there are few other women distance runners who would dare compare their pedigree with tulu s he added. she might be 33 next month but that didn t stop her winning the olympic 10 000m bronze medal last summer. she s an ultra-consistent championships racer.,sport
92,solskjaer raises hopes of return manchester united striker ole gunnar solskjaer said he hoped to return next season following a career-threatening injury to his right knee. the 31-year-old norway international had surgery in sweden in august to transplant cartilage into the joint. i m in no doubt that i ll play again solskjaer told aftenposten daily. the problem will be the speed but we re talking about eight months time. it s going as it should with the knee. i m slavishly following a programme. solskjaer last played for united as a late substitute in may s fa cup final win over millwall. his contract with united runs out in 2006 by which time he will have been at the premier league club for 10 years.,sport
597,wilkinson return unlikely jonny wilkinson looks set to miss the whole of the 2005 rbs six nations. england s world cup-winning fly-half said last week he was hoping to recover from his latest injury in time to play some role in the championship. but rob andrew coach of wilkinson s club side newcastle said that with only two games left to play wilkinson was unlikely to be fit in time. it would be irresponsible to put him straight into a test match andrew told the times. wilkinson is recovering from a knee injury which followed long-term neck and arm injuries. he has not played for england since the world cup final in november 2003 since when the stuttering world champions have lost nine of their 14 matches. wilkinson is aiming to make his third start to the season in the zurich premiership match against harlequins on 13 march. that game is the day after england play italy in the six nations and six days before their final match of the championship against scotland. we are hoping jonny will be ready in a fortnight but it is touch and go said andrew. his recovery is going very well and the key now is how he is reintroduced to playing and with it goal-kicking. he will probably have to come off the bench to start and it would be ridiculous and irresponsible to put him straight back into a test match. we can t afford to get it wrong with a knee injury. we are in touch with england and they are relaxed about it. despite not playing for england wilkinson is still hoping to make the lions tour to new zealand this summer. lions coach sir clive woodward has not set a deadline for when wilkinson has to start playing again in order to be considered for selection.,sport
1012,making your office work for you our mission to brighten up your working lives continues - and this time we re taking a long hard look at your offices. over the next few months our panel of experts will be listening to your gripes about where you work and suggesting ways to make your workspace more efficient more congenial or simply prettier. this week we re hearing from marianne petersen who is planning to convert a barn in sweden into a base for her freelance writing work. click on the link under her photograph to read her story and then scroll down to see what the panel have to say. and if you want to take part in the series go to the bottom of the story to find out how to get in touch. working from home presents a multitude of challenges. understanding your work personality allows you to work in terms of your own style. do you feel confident about your work output without conferring with others are you able to retain discipline and self motivate to get the job done do you build on the ideas of others - or are you a more introspective problem solver . in order for a virtual office to succeed keeping the boundary between work and home life is essential. it may be useful to be quite rigid about who is allowed to visit and to keep strict office hours. referring to the space as work will give those around you a clear message that this is professional space. it is imperative to consider how to bring the outside world into yours keeping up to date with developments and maintaining a network. isolated work environments mean this has to be carefully thought out and a strategy has to be developed that suits both your personality and your industry. joining professional groups or forming a loose association of like-minded people may assist. it is useful to structure these meetings in advance as often they get relegated to less important status when times are busy - with the danger that when the workload eases they have to be resurrected. prior to any interior work being undertaken it is essential to ensure that the roof and walls are made water-and-weather-tight and the structure is checked for stability. it appears that the roof trusses may need repairs and additional bracing. ideally the roof should be replaced with an outer material in keeping with the character and location of the barn. this would also allow for a well-insulated inner skin to be provided which should be light coloured. it is likely that the most efficient way of heating the building is with electricity. in order to provide this the owner will need to have an electrical engineer calculate the potential heating power and lighting load to make sure the mains supply and distribution capacity are adequate. ideally it would be good to have a mains water supply and some means of drainage for toilet and washing facilities. the walls should be dry lined with a single skin of plasterboard laid over rockwool slab which will allow good wall insulation and the power and lighting circuits to be concealed and the walls should be painted in a light colour. the owner mentions she might lay a new floor over the existing planks; this will improve the insulation and offer a level surface. i would suggest laying new oak veneer planks which can work in with the character of the barn. as for lighting consider a combination of floor mounted uplights wall lights (wall washers) and selected downlights. use a combination of mains voltage fluorescent fittings and dimmable units which can vary the light levels and the feel of the interior. please click on the link to the right here to see my ideas for marianne s barn. the layout of this office reflects the need to have a working area and a more relaxed meeting space. large desk space and extensive storage would combine with tub chairs to maximise the space available. the finishes chosen for the furniture will need to reflect the unusual setting while the lighting and temperature control mechanisms used will further influence the workplace. regarding accessing the internet via the connection in the main house your plan of going wireless is sensible. a wireless router/access point in the house with a wireless lan card in the pc in the renovated area may be sufficient. however important points to consider are the distance between the two buildings and the nature of the materials through which the signals have to pass which could result in a weak signal strength. you may require an additional wireless access point in the renovated area. your local it supplier will be able to advise on this. if you haven t already invested in robust firewall and anti-virus software it is essential to do so to protect your investment. to really take advantage of wireless technology you might consider a laptop computer and a docking station with external mouse and monitor. or you could use one of the new tablet computers which allow you to write directly on the screen and convert into text with built-in hand recognition software. and finally you will save money and space by considering a multi-function product for print scan copy and fax.,business
518,ireland 17-12 south africa ronan o gara scored all ireland s points as the home side claimed only their second ever win over south africa on an emotional day at lansdowne road. o gara s first-half try poached after a quick tap-penalty helped the irish to a 8-3 lead at half-time. three further o gara penalties extended ireland s lead to 17-6 as the game entered the final quarter. two percy montgomery penalties set up a frantic finish but ireland held out to claim a famous victory. ireland began strongly and were never led but the match was tense and closely fought throughout. aware of the threat posed by the south africans ireland pressed hard from the outset and played some impressive rugby while searching for a breakthrough. early on denis hickie thought he was in for a try after a delightful backline move but shane horgan s pass was adjudged to have gone forward by referee paul honiss. ireland continued to press and they showed their intent by opting for a line-out in the 19th minute when three straight-forward points were on offer. another south african infringement a minute later led to ireland s first points - o gara took a quick tap-penalty and charged over the opposition line for an irish try. the springboks could feel hard done by as captain john smit had his back to the play when o gara pounced after referee honiss had told the skipper to warn his own players after consistent infringements. stung by the score the south africans almost replied with a try of their own within 60 seconds with geordan murphy s ankle-tap tackle denying a certain try for percy montgomery. however the springboks did win a penalty a minute later which montgomery easily slotted to cut ireland s lead to 5-3. ireland got out of jail when the south africans had a three-to-one overlap near the irish line only to waste the chance. after the sustained springboks pressure the irish produced an attack of their own in the 34th minute which culminated with o gara s clever drop-goal to restore his side s lead to five points which remained the margin at half-time. sustained irish pressure immediately after half-time was rewarded by another o gara penalty. however montgomery responded quickly by slotting over a superb penalty from near the right touchline to cut ireland s lead to five points again. montgomery then burst through the irish defence in the 48th minute and it took a superb girvan dempsey tackle to prevent a try. the south africans suffered a double-blow in the 52nd minute when schalk burger was sin-binned for the second week in a row after killing the ball and o gara punished the transgression by notching another penalty. in the 61st minute hickie was left frustrated by a poor pass from girvan dempsey as a chance to seal the match was wasted. however a late tackle on brian o driscoll enabled o gara to notch another penalty in the 63rd minute which extended ireland s lead to 17-6. however two montgomery penalties had ireland s lead in peril again as the springboks closed to within five points with seven minutes remaining. south africa produced a huge effort in the closing minutes but ireland held on to claim a deserved victory. g dempsey; g murphy b o driscoll (capt) s horgan d hickie; r o gara p stringer; r corrigan s byrne j hayes m o kelly p o connell s easterby j o connor a foley. f sheahan m horan d o callaghan e miller g easterby d humphreys k maggs. : p montgomery; b paulse m joubert de wet barry a willemse j van der westhuyzen; f du preez; o du randt j smit (captain) e andrews b botha v matfield s burger aj venter j van niekerk. : h shimange cj van der linde g britz d rossouw m claassens j de villiers g du toit/j fourie. paul honiss (new zealand),sport
1294,spector facing more legal action music producer phil spector is facing legal action from the mother of the actress he has been accused of killing. donna clarkson whose daughter lana was found dead in mr spector s home in february 2003 is seeking unspecified damages in a civil action. the legal action accuses mr spector of murdering the actress at his la home. mr spector is currently free on $1m (£535 000) bail and is awaiting trial. the 64-year-old has denied the killing saying her death was accidental. ms clarkson s legal action filed in los angeles superior court also accuses mr spector of negligence and battery alleging he grabbed hit fought with and restrained lana clarkson before shooting her to death. her lawyers said in a statement: the clarkson family had hoped that there would be some resolution with regard to the criminal proceedings before moving forward with the civil action. however ms clarkson and her family understand that the fair administration of justice takes time and in light of the numerous changes mr spector has made in his legal defence team over the last two years ms clarkson was forced to file the action before (the statute of limitations expired) on 3 february 2005. mr spector known for his work with the beatles has claimed that lana clarkson committed suicide. his lawyers led by bruce cutler have vowed to prove him innocent at trial. mr cutler said: phil did not cause the death of this woman he s not criminally responsible and he s not civilly responsible either. but i m not surprised they filed a suit for money that seems to be de rigueur nowadays. a los angeles superior court judge is expected to set a trial date later this month for spector who was indicted on murder charges in september. roderick lindblom one of ms clarkson s lawyers said: our intent is to let the criminal proceedings go forward and not do anything that would interfere with the prosecution.,entertainment
1376,liberian economy starts to grow the liberian economy started to grow in 2004 but sustained and deep reform efforts are needed to ensure long term growth the international monetary fund (imf) has said. an imf mission made the comments in a report published following 10 days of talks with the transition government. the imf said that according to data provided by the liberians the country s gdp rose by 2% in 2004 after a 31% decline in 2003. liberia is recovering from a 14-year civil war that came to an end in 2003. the power-sharing national transition government of liberia will remain in place until elections on 11 october the first presidential and parliamentary ballots since the conflict ended. the imf said liberia s economy started to grow last year thanks to a continued strong recovery in rubber production domestic manufacturing and local services including post-conflict reconstruction . the imf however remains cautious about what it sees as a lack of transparency in government actions. in particular it pointed to mystery surrounding the sale of iron ore stockpiles and the alleged disappearance of some import and export permits. these matters are now being investigated by the liberian authorities and the imf has called for their findings to be made public. the imf also said it was crucial that the central bank of liberia be strengthened the national budget be effectively managed and a sound economic basis built to allow the country s large external debt to be addressed. the imf team stands ready to assist the (liberian) authorities in strengthening the areas mentioned said the report. the team agreed with the (liberian) authorities that the period until elections and the inauguration of a new government will pose exceptional challenges to fiscal management and expresses its willingness to provide...continued support.,business
1446,kennedy criticises unfair taxes gordon brown has failed to tackle the fundamental unfairness in the tax system in his ninth budget charles kennedy has said. how was it right that the poorest 20% of society were still paying more as a proportion of their income than the richest 20% the lib dem leader asked. the new £200 council tax rebate for pensioners did nothing to fix the unfair tax he added. the government could not go on patching up the system he added. speaking in the commons after mr brown had delivered what is widely thought to be the last budget before the general election mr kennedy acknowledged that the uk was one of the most successful economies in the world. but he criticised both the chancellor and the tories for failing to address the ticking bomb of council tax revaluation. he said the recent experience of wales indicated seven million households in england would pay significantly more after revaluation. the chancellor s announcement that he was to offer a £200 council tax rebate paid by pensioner households was merely a sticking plaster to a much bigger problem. the lib dem plan for a local income tax would benefit the typical household by more than £450 a year with half of all pensioners paying no local tax and about three million being better off. on pensions mr kennedy said it was a scandal that the system discriminated against women who had missed making national insurance payments when they were having children. he said a residency criteria would end at a stroke this fundamental iniquity . mr kennedy added his party s priorities of free long-term care for the elderly abolishing top-up fees and replacing the council tax would be funded by charging 50% income tax to those earning more than £100 000 per annum. he contrasted his approach with mr brown s pledge in 2001 not to increase income tax. the chancellor went on to put up national insurance contributions after the election. for most individuals most families most households it adds up to exactly the same thing said mr kennedy. and they wonder why people get cynical about their politicians when they give one impression before an election and do exactly the opposite after that election.,politics
990,radcliffe yet to answer gb call paula radcliffe has been granted extra time to decide whether to compete in the world cross-country championships. the 31-year-old is concerned the event which starts on 19 march in france could upset her preparations for the london marathon on 17 april. there is no question that paula would be a huge asset to the gb team said zara hyde peters of uk athletics. but she is working out whether she can accommodate the worlds without too much compromise in her marathon training. radcliffe must make a decision by tuesday - the deadline for team nominations. british team member hayley yelling said the team would understand if radcliffe opted out of the event. it would be fantastic to have paula in the team said the european cross-country champion. but you have to remember that athletics is basically an individual sport and anything achieved for the team is a bonus. she is not messing us around. we all understand the problem. radcliffe was world cross-country champion in 2001 and 2002 but missed last year s event because of injury. in her absence the gb team won bronze in brussels.,sport
871,macy s owner buys rival for $11bn us retail giant federated department stores is to buy rival may department stores for $11bn (£5.7bn). the deal will bring together famous stores like macy s bloomingdale s and marshall field s creating the largest department store chain in the us. the combined firm will operate about 1 000 stores across the us with combined annual sales of $30bn. the two companies facing competition from the likes of wal-mart tried to merge two years ago but talks failed. sources familiar with the deal said that negotiations between the two companies sped up after may s chairman and chief executive gene kahn resigned in january. as part of the deal federated - owner of macy s and bloomingdale s - will assume $6bn of may s debt bringing the deal s total value to $17bn. directors at both companies have approved the deal and it is expected to conclude by the third quarter of this year. may has struggled to compete against larger department store groups such as federated and other retailers such as wal-mart. federated expects the merger to boost earnings from 2007 but the deal will cost it $1bn in one-off charges. we have taken the first step toward combining two of the best department store companies in america creating a new retail company with truly national scope and presence said terry lundgren federated s chairman. some analysts see the merger as a rescue deal for may. without this deal may would have been to put it bluntly washed up said kurt barnard president of barnard s retail consulting group. federated has annual sales of $15.6bn while may s yearly sales are $14.4bn.,business
778,eu fraud clampdown urged eu member states are failing to report fraud and irregularities in eu funds on a consistent basis the uk s public spending watchdog has said. the national audit office said although the latest figures showed reported fraud was falling the eu still had no common definition of fraud. it also expressed concern that for the 10th year the european court of auditors had qualified the eu accounts. the nao urged the government to push for improvements in reporting fraud. it said member states needed to be more accountable on how money was spent. the report said: member states still do not report fraud and other irregularities to the european anti-fraud office on a consistent basis. as the court has now qualified its opinion on the community accounts for a decade it is essential for all the authorities involved to contribute to the strengthening of the audit of eu revenue and expenditure and improving accountability for the financial management and use of eu resources. it said there were 922 cases of reported fraud or irregularities in eu funds in the uk in 2003 worth £38.5m (52m euros) up from 831 cases worth £35.7m in 2002. at the same time reported fraud throughout the eu dropped from 10 276 cases worth £808m to 8 177 cases worth £644m. edward leigh chairman of the commons public accounts committee said britain had to set an example when it assumed the eu presidency. any fraud in other member states is potentially fraud against the uk taxpayer given that we are the second largest net contributor to the community he said. departments responsible for administering eu funds need to make sure that they re doing everything possible to weed out improper spending. the government must take the opportunity afforded by the uk presidency of the eu to press the commission and other member states to take an equally robust stance against fraud and irregularity and raise overall standards of financial management. a spokesman for the european anti-fraud office said the organisation agreed with the nao s assessment of fraud reporting. the quality of reporting does differ from member state to member state and there is room for improvement spokesman jorg wojahn said. he added that there is generally good co-operation with member states and the anti-fraud office on specific cases of fraud with the statistics studied by nao providing a good overview for planning strategic ways of detecting fraud .,politics
1982,minister hits out at yukos sale russia s renationalisation of its energy industry needs to be reversed a senior government figure has warned. economy minister german gref told the kommersant newspaper that direct state involvement in oil was unjustified . his comments follow the sale of much of oil giant yukos to cover back taxes - a deal which effectively took most of the firm s assets into public ownership. on 28 december another senior economic adviser called the sale the swindle of the century . yuganskneftegaz the unit which produced 60% of yukos output had been seized and sold in december for less than $10bn to a previously unknown firm called baikal. baikal promptly passed into the hands of state-controlled firm rosneft itself shortly to merge with state gas giant gazprom. we used to see street hustlers do this kind of thing andrei illarionov - then economic adviser to president vladimir putin - told a press conference. now officials are doing it. within days he was stripped of most of his responsibilities. mr gref a well-known opponent of nationalisation in competitive parts of the market was keen to distance himself from mr iliaronov s comments. the privatisation of companies such as yukos in the 1990s had been badly handled he said. but he stressed that the government needed to get out of oil. i think that rosneft and yuganskneftegaz should it become a state-owned company must be privatized he said. today our government is ineffective and state companies as a result are for the overwhelming part ineffective as well. and he warned that using back taxes to deal with firms like yukos - a technique now being applied by the kremlin to several other firms - was a mistake. if we follow that logic we should nationalise all businesses he said. many large russian companies particularly in the energy sector use complex webs of offshore companies to avoid taxes. mr gref also poured cold water on president putin s promises of doubled economic growth within a decade. the assault on yukos assets has been widely blamed for a slowdown in economic growth in recent months. the task is not simply to double gdp; instead it is to use gdp to qualitatively improve people s lives mr gref told kommersant. we don t need simply to increase gdp but to improve its structure. instead of focusing on headline growth figures russia needed to focus on better institutions such as a more efficient - and less corrupt - court system.,business
1065,queen recruit singer for new tour the remaining members of rock band queen are to go on tour next year with former free and bad company singer paul rodgers taking freddie mercury s place. guitarist brian may has said he expects to be on the road with rodgers and drummer roger taylor from april. may said: suddenly the queen phoenix is rising again from the ashes and will take precedence over... our lives. queen have played with many different singers since mercury s death in 1991 but have reportedly not toured. may performed with rodgers at a concert to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the fender stratocaster guitar in london in september. we were both so amazed at the chemistry that was going on in [free hit] all right now that suddenly it seems blindingly obvious that there was something happening here may wrote on his website. they teamed up again for a concert to mark their induction into the uk music hall of fame and were joined by taylor. the show went so incredibly well from our point of view and we got so many rave reactions from out there we decided almost then and there that we would look at a tour together may wrote. queen went to number one in 2000 with a version of we will rock you sung by boy band 5ive and they have also played with robbie williams will young and bob geldof. queen bassist john deacon has currently retired from the stage. rodgers was singer with early 1970s rockers free who had a global hit with all right now before forming bad company a successful supergroup with members of king crimson and mott the hoople. he has also been in the firm with led zeppelin s jimmy page and the law with the small faces and the who drummer kenny jones.,entertainment
420,celtic unhappy over bulgaria date martin o neill hopes to block stilian petrov s call-up by bulgaria during celtic s busy festive programme. the celtic manager does not view the friendly against valenciana - a region of spain - on 28 december as important. i can t say i was overly pleased at the fixture being played just after christmas said o neill. we will have to speak with the bulgarian fa. it s their prerogative for them to arrange a fixture and our prerogative how we handle it. bulgaria s game comes between celtic s boxing day meeting with hearts and their 2 january fixture against livingston. o neill believes the extra game will not help a midfielder whose season has already been affected by injury. they have organised a game at a rather awkward time he added. when we were out playing barcelona i spoke with the bulgarian manager hristo stoichkov and he mentioned this game to me. we pay his wages we are the ones that if an awkward fixture is going to be played at some stage or another it should be to our benefit rather than anyone else. i have said this before but bulgaria are the one nation who seem to organise a lot of friendly games.,sport
1387,adriano s chelsea link rejected adriano s agent gilmar rinaldi has insisted that he has had no contact with chelsea over the striker. chelsea were reported to have made inquiries about inter milan s 22-year-old brazilian star. rinaldi told bbc sport from rio de janeiro: i can assure you that chelsea have had no dealings whatsoever with either me or adriano. parma and real madrid are interested but there s nothing new there. their interest has been known for some time. adriano has scored 14 goals in 20 serie a appearances this season. and chelsea boss jose mourinho had claimed that he was in milan talking to adriano on the day he is alleged to have held a clandestine meeting with arsenal defender ashley cole. mourinho said he was just practising my portuguese with him because i don t need strikers . rinaldi told bbc sport: i have to say that nobody from chelsea or any other london club has contacted me. if they want to that s fine. i can tell them what the situation is. if chelsea are interested then they must make an offer. inter are reported to have slapped a price tag in the region of £40m on the head of adriano who joined them just over a year ago from parma. real madrid view him as a natural replacement for compatriot ronaldo. but rinaldi said: i cannot give you a price that inter would accept for adriano. that s something that would have to be negotiated between the interested clubs.,sport
1681,europe asks asia for euro help european leaders say asian states must let their currencies rise against the us dollar to ease pressure on the euro. the european single currency has shot up to successive all-time highs against the dollar over the past few months. tacit approval from the white house for the weaker greenback which could help counteract huge deficits has helped trigger the move. but now europe says the euro has had enough and asia must now share some of the burden. china is seen as the main culprit with exports soaring up 35% in 2004 partly on the back of a currency pegged to the dollar. asia should engage in greater currency flexibility said french finance minister herve gaymard after a meeting with his german counterpart hans eichel. markets responded by pushing the euro lower in the expectation that the rhetoric - and the pressure - is unlikely to ease ahead of a meeting of the g7 industrialised countries next week. early on tuesday morning the dollar had edged higher to 1.3040 euros. the yen meanwhile had strengthened to 102.975 against the dollar by 0730 gmt.,business
283,consumers snub portable video consumers want music rather than movies while on the move says a report. produced by jupiter research the analysis of the portable media player market found only 13% of europeans want to watch video while out and about. by contrast almost a third are interested in listening to music on a portable player such as an ipod. the firm said gadget makers should avoid hybrid devices and instead make sure music reproduction was as good as possible. the report concluded that the driving force behind the growth of europe s portable player market was likely to be music rather than films or any combination of the two. barely 5% of those questioned said they wanted a player that could play back both music and movies. only 7% wanted a player that could handle games and video. dedicated music players are the only established digital media players in europe today despite their high prices said ian fogg jupiter analyst. mr fogg said although video players and smartphones were trying to cash in on this success they faced a tough job because of the compromises that had to be made when creating a dual-purpose device. europeans care most about music playback he said. the report showed that 27% of consumers asked are interested in portable music players. the research revealed that french 39% and british 31% consumers were most interested in music players. mr fogg said portable video players were likely to remain a niche product that would not be able to compete with devices dedicated to music playback. a separate report by jupiter forecasts that the european digital music market will grow to 836m euros (£581m) by 2009. at the end of 2003 the market was worth 10.6m euros (£7.36m). digital music players will be behind this market growth said jupiter . apple s ipod was launched in october 2001 but the portable music player market has been growing steadily since the launch of the creative nomad jukebox in mid-2000. now consumers face an almost overwhelming choice of high-capacity portable music players that let them store every track on every cd that they own.,tech
2052,hariri killing hits beirut shares shares in solidere the lebanese company founded by assassinated former prime minister rafik hariri fell 15% in renewed trading in beirut. the real estate firm which dominates lebanon s stock exchange ended the day down at $8.08. traders said there was some panic selling during friday s session the first since a three-day market closure to mourn the death of mr hariri. beirut s benchmark blom stock index closed down 7.9% at 642.80. solidere in which mr hariri was a major shareholder was the major drag on the index. the company owns much of the property in central beirut which it restored and redeveloped following the end of lebanon s bitter 15-year civil war. solidere should be above $10 but because of this disaster it is falling said one trader. if solidere drops much lower i would consider it a buying opportunity. this is a very big company held by many lebanese. critics had accused mr hariri of using lebanon s post-war reconstruction drive for his personal financial gain. but his assassination on monday sent shudders through lebanon s business community which saw the billionaire tycoon as the country s best hope for economic revival. solidere posted profits of $12.5m in the first half of 2004 and its shares had been gaining in recent months.,business
878,nintendo handheld given euro date nintendo s new handheld console the ds will launch in europe on 11 march the company has announced. the portable games machine which features touch-screen control will retail for £99 in the uk (149 euros). nintendo said 15 games would be available in the uk at launch with prices ranging from £19 to £29. more than 2.8 million ds consoles have been sold since it first appeared in the us and japan at the end of 2004. rival sony has said it will launch its first handheld console the psp in the us and europe before the end of march. the psp is expected to compete for a large part of the same handheld market despite sony s assertion that the machines are aimed at different consumers. the 15 games available on the european launch date will include nintendo s super mario 64 ds as well as titles from third-party developers such as ubisoft s rayman ds. more than 120 games are in development for the new console nintendo has said. the ds is backwards compatible with the game boy advance allowing the earlier machine s back catalogue of 700 games to be played. additionally a short-range wireless link for multiplayer gaming is built in to the ds with a download play option which allows a group to play against each other even if just one person owns a copy. other features include a short-range messaging application called pictochat and a built-in microphone which is used in sega s launch title project rub. nintendo has also announced a media adapter which will allow the console to play music and video on the move. the launch price of £99 (149 euros) compares favourably with the us price of $149 according to john houlihan editor of the magazine. it s a very very competitive price point. there are some innovative features and nintendo has created quite a buzz he says. however the line-up of games could have been stronger. everyone wanted to see the eight-player mario kart ds for example. mr houlihan believes that there is likely to be an audience for both the nintendo ds and sony s new psp with the former aimed largely at a younger audience and the latter expected to be marketed as a multimedia device. the psp is a sexy bit of kit but sony s attitude to the psp has been very understated in europe so far mr houlihan said. the worldwide handheld software market had an estimated worth of $2.6bn at the end of 2004 according to industry analysts screen digest. in the past games consoles and handhelds have generally launched much later in europe than in other parts of the world. however nintendo president satoru iwata said the company was pleased to have offered such a short period of time between the us and european launch . europe is an extremely important market for nintendo mr iwata added. nintendo raised its sales targets for the ds console last december after selling a million in the us and japan in just a few weeks.,tech
1718,borders rail link campaign rally campaigners are to stage a rally calling for a borders rail link which was closed in 1969 to be reopened. they will mark the 36th anniversary of the line closure which ran from edinburgh through the borders and on to carlisle with a walk at tweedbank. anne borthwick of campaign for borders rail said reopening the waverley line would restore the area s prosperity. msps are considering the reintroduction of passenger rail services through midlothian to the borders. campaigners have said that reopening the waverley line which could cost up to £100m would be a huge economic boost for the borders. in 2000 borders council said the area s economy had suffered since the closure. ms borthwick said the lobby group was determined to keep the pressure on the scottish executive. we are hoping that many people will join us in a march to mark the 36th anniversary of the closure of the waverley line she said. campaign for borders rail is the biggest independent lobby group in scotland and we have been lobbying tirelessly for the reinstatement of rail services to the borders and eventually to carlisle. we believe that it is time for the scottish executive to commit to the first phase of the project by pledging to fund the line between edinburgh and tweedbank in the first instance and then investigate extending the line in the future. ms borthwick said reopening the line would be a prosperous move and protect the character of the scottish borders. a study in 2000 which was commissioned by the executive scottish borders council midlothian council and scottish borders enterprise found that a half-hourly service from tweedbank to edinburgh could cover its operating costs. it also found that a half-hourly service from gorebridge to edinburgh could cover operating costs and that a freight railway joining the west coast main line at longtown could also be reinstated.,politics
1553,attack prompts bush site block the official re-election site of president george w bush is blocking visits from overseas users for security reasons . the blocking began early on monday so those outside the us and trying to view the site got a message saying they are not authorised to view it. but keen net users have shown that the policy is not being very effective. many have found that the site can still be viewed by overseas browsers via several alternative net addresses. the policy of trying to stop overseas visitors viewing the site is thought to have been adopted in response to an attack on the website. scott stanzel a spokesman for the bush-cheney campaign said: the measure was taken for security reasons. he declined to elaborate any further on the blocking policy. the barring of non-us visitors has led to the campaign being inundated with calls and forced it to make a statement about why the blocking was taking place. in early october a so-called denial of service attack was mounted on the site that bombarded it with data from thousands of pcs. the attack made the site unusable for about five hours. about the same time the web team of the bush-cheney campaign started using the services of a company called akamai that helps websites deal with the ebbs and flows of visitor traffic. akamai uses a web-based tool called edgescape that lets its customers work out where visitors are based. typically this tool is used to ensure that webpages video and images load quickly but it can also be used to block traffic. geographic blocking works because the numerical addresses that the net uses to organise itself are handed out on a regional basis. readers of the boingboing weblog have found that viewers can still get at the site by using alternative forms of the george w bush domain name. ironically one of the working alternatives is for a supposedly more secure version of the site. there are now at least three working alternative domains for the bush-cheney campaign that let web users outside the us visit the site. the site can also be seen using anonymous proxy services that are based in the us. some web users in canada also report that they can browse the site. the international exclusion zone around was spotted by net monitoring firm netcraft which keeps an eye on traffic patterns across many different sites. netcraft said that since the early hours of 25 october attempts to view the site through its monitoring stations in london amsterdam and sydney have failed. by contrast netcraft s four monitoring stations in the us managed to view the site with no problems. data gathered by netcraft on the pattern of traffic to the site shows that the blocking is not the result of another denial of service attack. mike prettejohn netcraft president speculated that the blocking decision might have been taken to cut costs and traffic in the run-up to the election on 2 november. he said the site may see no reason to distribute content to people who will not be voting next week. managing traffic could also be a good way to ensure that the site stays working in the closing days of the election campaign. however simply blocking non-us visitors also means that americans overseas are barred too. most american soldiers stationed overseas will be able to see the site as they use the us military s own portion of the net. akamai declined to comment saying it could not talk about customer websites.,tech
1434,when technology gets personal in 2020 whipping out your mobile phone to make a call will be quaintly passé. by then phones will be printed directly on to wrists or other parts of the body says ian pearson bt s resident futurologist. it s all part of what s known as a pervasive ambient world where chips are everywhere . mr pearson does not have a crystal ball. his job is to formulate ideas based on what science and technology are doing now to guide industries into the future. inanimate objects will start to interact with us: we will be surrounded - on streets in homes in appliances on our bodies and possibly in our heads - by things that think . forget local area networks - these will be body area networks. ideas about just how smart small or even invisible technology will get are always floating around. images of devices clumsily bolted on to heads or wrists have pervaded thinking about future technology. but now a new vision is surfacing where smart fabrics and textiles will be exploited to enhance functionality form or aesthetics. such materials are already starting to change how gadgets and electronics are used and designed. so mp3 players - the mass gadget of the moment - will disappear and instead become integrated into one s clothing says mr pearson. so the gadgets that fill up your handbag when we integrate those into fabric we can actually get rid of all that stuff. you won t necessarily see the electronics. wearable technology could exploit body heat to charge it up while video tattoos or intelligent electronic contact lenses might function as tv screens for those on the move. however this future of highly personal devices where technology is worn or even fuses with the body itself raises ethical questions. if technology is going to be increasingly part of clothing jewellery and skin there needs to be some serious thinking about what it means for us as humans says baroness susan greenfield. at a recent conference for technology engineering academic and fashion industry experts at the royal society in london neuroscientist baroness greenfield cautioned we can t just sleepwalk into the future . yet this technology is already upon us. researchers have developed computers and sensors worn in clothing. mp3 jackets based on the idea that electrically conductive fabric can connect to keyboard sewn into sleeves have already appeared in shops. these smart fabrics have come about through advances in nano- and micro-engineering - the ability to manipulate and exploit materials at micro or molecular scale. at the nanoscale materials can be tuned to display unusual properties that can be exploited to build faster lighter stronger and more efficient devices and systems. the textile and clothing industry has been one of the first to exploit nanotechnology in quite straightforward ways. many developments are appearing in real products in the fields of medicine defence healthcare sports and communications. professional swimming suits reduce drag by incorporating tiny structures similar to shark skin. nanoscale titanium dioxide (tio2) coatings give fabrics antibacterial and anti-odour properties. these have special properties which can be activated in contact with the air or uv light. such coatings have already been used to stop socks smelling for instance to turn airline seats into super stain-resistant surfaces and applied to windows so they clean themselves. dressings for wounds can now incorporate nanoparticles with biocidal properties and smart patches are being developed to deliver drugs through the skin. but baroness greenfield is concerned about how far this more personal contact with technology might affect our very being. if our clothing skin and personal body networks do the talking and the monitoring everywhere we go we have to think about what that means for our concept of privacy. mr pearson picks up the theme pointing out there are a lot of issues humans have to iron out before we become cyborgian . his main concern is privacy . we are looking at electronics which are really in deep contact with your body and a lot of that information you really don t want every passer-by to know. so we have to make sure we build security in this. if you are wearing smart make-up where electronics are controlling the appearance you don t want people hacking in and writing messages on your forehead. as technology infiltrates our biology how will our brains function differently we cannot arrogantly assume that the human brain will not change with this warns baroness greenfield. there have already been successful experiments to grow human nerve cells on circuit boards. this paves the way for brain implants to help paralysed people interface directly with computers. clearly the organic carbon of our bodies and silicon is increasingly merging. the cyborg - a very familiar part-human part-inorganic science fiction and academic idea - is on its way.,tech
514,brazil buy boosts belgium s inbev belgian brewing giant inbev has seen its profits soar thanks to its acquisition of brazil s biggest beer firm ambev last year. inbev which makes stella artois said pre-tax profits for 2004 rose 56% to 1.16bn euros ($1.5bn; £800m) and said it expected solid growth in 2005. the performance comes on sales up 21% at 8.6bn euros. the firm formerly interbrew became the world s biggest brewer by volume when it bought ambev in august 2004. the acquisition meant its sales by volume grew 57% in 2004 with four months of ambev sales accounting for almost all of the increase. us beermaker anheuser-busch sells less beer by volume than inbev but is bigger in terms of the value of its sales. continuing demand for inbev s products in the south american markets where its brazilian arm is most popular means it expects to keep boosting its turnover. it s the brazil business that s doing it said ing analyst gerard rijk of inbev s strong performance. ambev boosted its share of brazil s beer market from 62% at the end of 2003 to more than 68% by december 2004 inbev reported. in contrast inbev s european business saw volume sales fall 2.5% although central and eastern european sales rose 12%. overall net profits were up 42% to 719m euros.,business
122,jack cunningham to stand down veteran labour mp and former cabinet minister jack cunningham has said he will stand down at the next election. one of the few blair-era ministers to serve under jim callaghan he was given the agriculture portfolio when labour regained power in 1997. mr cunningham went on to become tony blair s cabinet enforcer . he has represented the constituency now known as copeland since 1970. mr blair said he was a huge figure in labour and a valued personal friend . during labour s long period in opposition mr cunningham held a number of shadow roles including foreign affairs the environment and as trade spokesman. as agriculture minister he caused controversy when he decided to ban beef on the bone in the wake of fears over bse. he quit the government in 1999 and in recent years has served as the chairman of the all-party committee on lords reform and has been a loyal supporter of the government from the backbenches.,politics
2151,spain coach faces racism inquiry spain s football federation has initiated disciplinary action against national coach luis aragones over racist comments about thierry henry. if found guilty aragones could lose his job or face a fine of about £22 000. the federation had initially declined to take action against aragones after comments he made during a national team training session in october. but its president angel maria villar changed his mind after a request by spain s anti-violence commission. aragones insisted the comments made to henry s arsenal club-mate jose antonio reyes were meant to motivate the player and were not intended to be offensive. i never intended to offend anyone and for that reason i have a very easy conscience he said at the time. i m obliged to motivate my players to get the best results. as part of that job i use colloquial language with which we can all understand each other within the framework of the football world. england s players made a point of wearing anti-racism t-shirts when training before their friendly against spain in madrid last month. but the storm increased following racist chanting by spanish fans at england s black players during the game which spain won 1-0. spain s minister of sport jaime lissavetzky was quick to give his backing to the federation s decision. everyone who has a public function has to consider their declarations and make sure they do not give a negative image he said. we are going to have zero tolerance in questions of racism.,sport
46,franz man seeks government help franz ferdinand frontman alex kapranos has called for more government help for musicians while taking part in an edinburgh lectures discussion. for any cultural output to thrive there needs to be some kind of state input to that as well he said. but kapranos warned against musicians being too closely linked with mps at the university of edinburgh event. i think the role of musicians is to question politicians rather than to go to bed with them he said. kapranos joined the prestigious lecture series to discuss scotland s role in making 21st century music. there are elements of our musical output which require sustenance because they aren t self-sufficient he said. but so-called commercial music would benefit from investment as well. he warned musicians against being allied to a particular party however. i don t know if having tea with politicians is always a good idea. kapranos and his glasgow four-piece band have been nominated for five prizes at next week s brit awards including best group and best album. their self-titled debut album won last year s mercury music prize and spawned three top 20 singles. he told the 300-strong audience at the university s reid hall that musicians should listen to a wide range of music and should not be restricted by stereotypes. we say i like this . because i listen to nirvana and korn i am a troubled individual i m riddled with angst because i listen to chopin and debussy i listen to kylie minogue and scissor sisters because i m upbeat and i like to party i listen to wagner because i like the smell of napalm in the morning. kapranos said there was a general hostility towards classical music adding: there is very little done to break that hostility other than classic fm. he concluded: we define ourselves as a nation by the way we encourage our creativity. fellow speaker and classical composer james macmillan agreed: we need to rediscover our ability to listen. previous speakers at the edinburgh lectures series have included former soviet leader mikhail gorbachev and author professor stephen hawking. kapranos described his appearance on wednesday as more daunting by a long way than their upcoming brits performance. i don t really care about the brits he said. it s going to be great to go down but i have actually had to exercise part of my brain tonight. i think the government should do more to help up-and-coming artists be discovered by scrapping the entertainment licences for live venues. also they should do more to help independent record labels have a louder voice within an industry dominated by commercialised major labels. rather than expecting the government - i.e. the taxpayer - to fork out why don t some of the megastars put something back in some of britain s wealthiest people are musicians who have raked it in from albums concerts etc. there are far more important demands on government funds. if they can fund football why not fund music areas of the arts are funded by government and lottery grants so why not music we already have the opera receiving huge grants and it would clearly be beneficial for diversity in music to have the same opportunities in other areas of the music. the only problem would be how to judge what merits state cash. the government has enough problems funding schools and health services. if alex kapranos genuinely thinks a multi-billion pound industry should also have government funding then his own education was seriously lacking and more money should be put into that. as a scot living in england i appreciate the value of scottish music and culture being a success so i can see no problem with it! franz ferdinand travis and snow patrol are just recent examples of the success scottish music can have in the world so we should do what we scots are good at and support our own goods! i think the issue is more fundamental: should the government be spending money on subsidising a multi-million pound industry when health and education are in such a sorry state the answer is most definitely no. those people who are lucky enough to pursue their passion to get their pay cheque shouldn t be looking for government subsidies. i know that if i was lucky enough to be able to pursue my dream of show jumping i would want to finance myself until i was in a position to pursue corporate sponsorship. yes the government should fund music - it brings joy to the masses. there are already thousands of state-funded musicians out there sitting around twiddling their thumbs on the new deal . getting the government even more involved would only waste money that could be put to better use. as long as the government was funding real talent it would be a great move. i would hate to see more pop idol-type funding of music though as it would only serve to reinforce the stereotypes that alex talked about. only if the proposals make financial sense. franz ferdinand must be paying serious amounts of tax on their record sales - if they d had a government grant to get started they d have more than paid it back by now so the treasury would be making far more than it paid out. however the government has better things to spend its money on than to give charity to everyone who decides they re a musician. the government shouldn t fund music - it should invest in music and those investments should be treated like any other investment. i think the government needs to provide facilities and for young groups and bands to form and practise. the equipment is not cheap and can be well beyond the means of many people. however i do feel this should be the extent of their role to provide the conditions for the talent to flourish and let it go from there. i do agree that the government should help to fund music but there is also a responsibility held by record companies! they generally always opt for the tried and tested and tend not to want to break any moulds or risk losing any money which ultimately the directors are in the business for! if labels were more willing to put money forward towards smaller breakthrough acts then the government wouldn t have to fork out a great deal. yeah why not music should be government funded particularly the work of modern composers and veteran bands/artists and stuff. pop music pretty much rules the earth so more attention should go to the other fraternities i agree with funding the arts to make it more accessible to the public but i am not convinced that pop music requires financial support from the taxpayer. there is a great deal of money generated through pop music - perhaps a tax on pop could be ploughed into the public performance of other forms of music for everyone to enjoy. perhaps we could financially penalise really bad pop idol-style music - that is the music industry sector without any artistic merit or originality whatsoever and that which is specifically designed to line the pockets of music producers. call it a tax on music pollution if you like. though i really like franz ferdinand i have to disagree with mr kapranos. once government gets their hand into the private sector it will destroy the creative and possibly controversial avenues the artist pursues. many years ago this was the case with the us nea when the government started to question what was considered art for the money they were allotting. the solution mr kapranos should pursue would be privately-funded organizations like save the music in the us.,entertainment
1038,foxx and swank take actors awards jamie foxx and hilary swank have won the screen actors guild awards for best male and female film actors boosting their oscars hopes this month. foxx s portrayal of late soul-singer ray charles in ray had already earned him a prestigious golden globe award. swank triumphed for playing a gutsy female boxer in million dollar baby. modest wine country comedy sideways knocked out favourites million dollar baby and the aviator by taking the top prize for best cast performance. the screen actors guild (sag) represents us film and tv actors. its winners often go on to win oscars. in other nominations cate blanchett triumphed as the best supporting actress for her role as katharine hepburn in the aviator. veteran actor morgan freeman took the best supporting actor award for playing a prize-fighter turned gym manager in million dollar baby. thank you for ray charles for just living so complex and so interesting and making us all just come together said foxx accepting his award in los angeles on saturday. he also praised the film director: thank you for taylor hackford for taking a chance with an african-american film. taylor you re my director of the year. swank too was full of praise for her director and co-star clint eastwood. i bow down to you swank said to the 74-year-old eastwood. you are a talent beyond compare. if i m half the person you are and half the talent you are when i m 74 i will know that i ve accomplished something great. both foxx and swank are now considered to be among the favourites to get oscars - the hollywood s ultimate prize. however swank has to overcome a strong challenge from annette bening a nominee for the theatre farce being julia. meanwhile ballots for oscars - the hollywood s top honours - were mailed earlier this week to members of the academy of motion picture arts and sciences. the voting is due to end on 22 february - five days before the ceremony.,entertainment
1598,survey confirms property slowdown government figures have confirmed a widely reported slowdown of the uk s housing market in late 2004. house prices were 11.8% higher on the year in the last quarter of 2004 down from 16.3% in the july-to-september quarter the land registry said. the average house price in england and wales was £182 920 down from £187 971 in july-september. the volume of sales between october and december dropped by nearly a quarter from the same period in 2003. the government figures are the first official confirmation of falls in the market at the end of 2004. land registry figures are less up to date than those of banks and building societies since they record completions not mortgage approvals. however the figures are viewed as the most accurate measure of house prices as they include all property transactions including cash sales. the cost of buying a home fell in seven out of 10 regions between the third and fourth quarters of 2004. the biggest annual gains were made in wales where house prices were up by 23% in the fourth quarter. house prices rose the slowest in greater london being up by 6%. in the capital the volume of sales fell by 23% from 36 185 in 2003 to 28 041 for the same period in 2004. there was also a decline in the number of million-pound properties sold in the capital with 436 properties over £1m sold compared to 469 for the same period in 2003. although the figures point to a slowdown in the market the most recent surveys from nationwide and halifax have indicated the market may be undergoing a revival. after registering falls at the back end of 2004 halifax said house prices rose by 0.8% in january and nationwide reported a rise of 0.4% in the first month of the year. members of the bank of england s rate-setting committee will make their latest decision on interest rates on thursday.,business
1621,no jail for singer courtney love singer courtney love has been spared jail for assault and drug offences but must serve three years probation. she had back-to-back court appearances in two separate cases in los angeles first pleading no contest to attacking a woman with a whisky bottle. in the second ms love 40 pleaded guilty to possessing a forged prescription and painkiller oxycodone. she must also do 100 hours community service have drug treatment attend narcotics anonymous and pay a fine. the ex-hole singer s lawyer howard weitzman said ms love had turned her life around and she was clean and sober . the assault charge stemmed from april 2004 when ms love found musician kristin king in her boyfriend s home. ms king said the singer threw the bottle at the left side of my face in an angry vicious and erratic attack. ms love was originally charged with the more serious offence of assault with a deadly weapon but that was reduced to assault. judge rand rubin said she must: - spend three years on probation - have one year s anger management counselling - have one year s drug rehabilitation - do 100 hours community service - pay $1 000 (£535) fine - have random drug tests - go to three narcotics anonymous meetings per week in the drugs case she was sentenced to 18 months probation to run concurrently with the probation for the assault. that offence stemmed from october 2003 when she suffered an overdose after breaking a window at her boyfriend s home. in a separate case relating to the same incident ms love was sentenced to 18 months in drug rehabilitation for being under the influence of cocaine and opiates. in another case last october she pleaded guilty to disorderly conduct for hitting a man on the head with a microphone stand at a new york city nightclub. last month her lawyers said she had won back custody of frances bean her 12-year-old daughter with former nirvana frontman kurt cobain. the girl was removed from her care following her double arrest in october 2003. cobain committed suicide in 1994.,entertainment
474,broadband steams ahead in the us more and more americans are joining the internet s fast lane according to official figures. the number of people and business connected to broadband jumped by 38% in a year said the us federal communications commission (fcc). in a report it said there were more than 32 million broadband connections by the end of june 2004. but the us is still behind compared to other nations ranked 13th in the world by a un telecoms body. during his 2004 re-election campaign president george w bush pledge to ensure that affordable high-speed net access would be available to all americans by 2007. according to the report by the fcc broadband is becoming increasingly popular with people using it for research and shopping as well as downloading music and watching video. the total number of people and businesses on broadband rose by to 32.5 million in the year ending june 2004 compared to 23.5 million in june 2003. whereas in the uk most people hook up to broadband via asymmetric digital subscriber line (adsl) technology which lets ordinary copper phone lines support high data speeds. but in the us cable leads the way accounting for 18.6 million lines. broadband over the phone line makes up 11.4 million connections according to the fcc figures.,tech
1632,elton plays paris charity concert sir elton john has performed at a special concert in paris to raise money for the victims of the asian tsunami. the british singer played to a 2 700-strong audience on sunday at the french capital s bastille opera house. the concert was also part of an attempt to bring a broader range of events to the famous venue. money raised will go to the fondation pour l enfance (foundation for childhood) which aims to rebuild a children s shelter in sri lanka. sir elton played hits from his vast back catalogue to a sell-out crowd which included former french president valery giscard d estaing and his wife anne-aymone. the veteran pop star played piano accompaniment throughout the concert which lasted for three hours without an interval. he told the crowd: throughout the years i ve done a lot of drugs and alcohol. it s true that i was a nightmare impossible. for the last 14 years i ve been normal. now my drug is called david - a reference to david furnish his partner. the crowd who greeted each song with a standing ovation also included french singer charles aznavour and british ambassador sir john holmes. sir elton has also teamed up with phil collins to record a version of eric clapton s 1991 hit tears in heaven to raise money for the relief fund. a release date has yet to be set for the recording which was organised by sharon osbourne.,entertainment
1017,brookside actress keaveney dies actress anna keaveney who appeared in brookside my family and a touch of frost has died of lung cancer aged 55. keaveney who played brookside s marie jackson when the channel 4 soap began in 1982 died on saturday. born in runcorn cheshire she also starred in numerous films including 1989 s shirley valentine. she played nellie in mike leigh s latest film vera drake which won the golden lion prize for best film at this year s venice film festival. and most recently she appeared alongside richard wilson in itv s king of fridges and with martin clunes in doc martin. other tv appearances included the part of matron in itv drama footballers wives and a cameo role as tom farrell s mother sheila in bbc comedy gimme gimme gimme. keaveney s career also included stage performances in neaptide for the national theatre private lives and the rise and fall of little voice. the actress died in hospital. her agent barry brown said: anna was due to have had another operation on friday but unfortunately she was too weak.,entertainment
302,fox attacks blair s tory lies tony blair lied when he took the uk to war so has no qualms about lying in the election campaign say the tories. tory co-chairman liam fox was speaking after mr blair told labour members the tories offered a hard right agenda . dr fox told bbc radio: if you are willing to lie about the reasons for going to war i guess you are going to lie about anything at all. he would not discuss reports the party repaid £500 000 to lord ashcroft after he predicted an election defeat. the prime minister ratcheted up labour s pre-election campaigning at the weekend with a helicopter tour of the country and his speech at the party s spring conference. he insisted he did not know the poll date but it is widely expected to be 5 may. in what was seen as a highly personal speech in gateshead on sunday mr blair said: i have the same passion and hunger as when i first walked through the door of 10 downing street. he described his relationship with the public as starting euphoric then struggling to live up to the expectations and reaching the point of raised voices and throwing crockery . he warned his supporters against complacency saying: it s a fight for the future of our country it s a fight that for britain and the people of britain we have to win. mr blair said that whether the public chose michael howard or mr kennedy it would result in a tory government not a labour government and a country that goes back and does not move forward . dr fox accused mr blair and other cabinet ministers of telling lies about their opponents policies and then attacking the lies. what we learned at the weekend is what labour tactics are going to be and it s going to be fear and smear he told bbc news. the tory co-chairman attacked labour s six new pledges as vacuous and said mr blair was very worried voters would take revenge for his failure to deliver. dr fox refused to discuss weekend newspaper reports that the party had repaid £500 000 to former tory treasurer lord ashcroft after he said the party could not win the election. we repay loans when they are due but do not comment to individual financial matters he said insisting he enjoyed a warm and constructive relationship to lord ashcroft. meanwhile lib dem leader charles kennedy is expected to attack mr blair s words as he begins a nationwide tour on monday. mr kennedy is accelerating lib dem election preparations this week as he visits manchester liverpool leicester somerset basingstoke shrewsbury dorset and torbay. he said: this is three-party politics. in the northern cities the contest is between labour and the liberal democrats. in southern and rural seats - especially in the south west - the principal contenders are the liberal democrats and the conservatives who are out of the running in scotland and wales. the lib dems accuse mr blair of making a touchy-feely speech to labour delegates which will not help him regain public trust.,politics
150,the future in your pocket if you are a geek or gadget fan the next 12 months look like they are going to be a lot of fun. the relentless pace of development in the hi-tech world and rampant competition in many of its sectors particularly among mobile phone firms all suggests that 2005 is going to be a very good year. to begin with 2005 will be the year that third-generation (3g) mobile phones become inescapable. the 3 network launched in 2003 vodafone launched its consumer service in november orange followed in early december and t-mobile and o2 are due to launch in 2005. the main result of these launches will likely be a slew of good deals for consumers as operators try to poach new customers from rivals and convince existing users to trade up. already the extra capacity in 3g networks lets 3 offer good deals on voice calls at rates that will probably have to be matched by the other operators. but the shift in technology and low cost of voice calls means that operators lose a significant chunk of their revenue. show me an operator that believes their voice business can sustain them and i ll write their obituary said niel ransom chief technology officer at alcatel. instead operators are likely to push all other things that 3g phones can do such as video messaging and other multimedia capabilities. already camera phones look set to challenge digital cameras and are likely to win more fans as multi-megapixel devices go on sale. but 3g will not have everything its own way. it will face competition from emerging technologies such as wimax. this wireless technology can boost data transmission speeds up to 75 megabits per second and works over distances of up to 30 miles. kent is likely to be the site of the uk s first wimax network which is due to go live in 2005 and it could be the way that rural areas get high-speed net access. analyst firm telecom view predicts that wimax will steal a lot of market share from 3g and will be a clear winner. bob larribeau principal analyst at telecom view said the better return on investment offered by technologies such as wimax could dent the possible returns of 3g networks. and the growing ubiquity of wi-fi must not be forgotten either. the technology is popping up in more places than ever and its wider use is only held back by the price differences across countries and suppliers. moves to unite mobile and fixed phones look set to get more emphasis in 2005 too. for a start bt looks set to roll out its bluephone project during the next 12 months. the service revolves around a hybrid device that uses the mobile networks when you are out and about but switches back to the fixed line when you are at home. fixed line phones will also start to get much more serious competition from a technology that has the formidable name of voice over ip (voip). voip routes calls via the net instead of the fixed line phone network. anyone with a broadband connection which is now more than 50% of the uk s net using population can use voip and could slash their monthly phone bills if they used it. telecommunications regulator ofcom has declared 056 to be the area code for voip calls and 2005 is likely to see a lot more consumer-focused voip call services starting up. home broadband services will also start to increase in speed as dwindling numbers of new users signing force the pace of competition. if 2004 has been the year of the portable music player they 2005 looks like it will be the year of the portable media player. motorola has just announced a deal with apple to produce a phone that works with the itunes service and other hybrid gadgets that sport a big memory and lots of other functions will become commonplace. the pace of advancement in storage media will continue mean that the cost per megabyte of memory will plummet. some of those devices will sport huge hard drives letting you store more data than you ever wanted or knew you had. convergence could mean that single-function devices start to dwindle in number. instead every gadget will be able to do almost anything and communicate almost any way you want. the only downside is that consumers will face a series of tough choices as they are confronted by a bewildering array of gadgets each with an enormous numbers of features and vast data holding capacities. but that is the kind of problem most gadget fans can live with.,tech
2128,dunne keen to commit to man city richard dunne is ready to commit his long-term future to manchester city after turning his career around. he was once threatened with the sack by city boss kevin keegan but has since responded with impressive performances prompting interest from other clubs. early talks have taken place and the defender said: hopefully something will be sorted out as soon as possible. i definitely want to stay at city because i have really improved as a player here. newcastle boss graeme souness is said to have been impressed enough by dunne s turnaround in form to be ready to make a bid for the big stopper in the january transfer window. but the 25-year-old dubliner underlined his intention to stay at eastlands. he added: it s nice to be linked with top clubs but the important thing is this one and what we do. i really enjoy it at city and i want to keep that going. keegan is expected to be told there will be no funds to bring in fresh faces in january. dunne s professionalism was famously questioned by keegan who ordered the defender home after he allegedly turned up for training in a dishevelled state. but dunne is keen to put that period of his life behind him and said: i ve grown up a lot and the manager sees me as one of the most experienced players in the squad. i ve played more games than any other outfield players this season so i can t be regarded as being a kid any more. i have to use that as added pressure to perform and apart from the games at newcastle and middlesbrough defensively we ve done quite well. keegan is set for another boost when goalkeeper nicky weaver makes his long-awaited return in a reserve game at blackburn on tuesday. former england under-21 keeper weaver has missed nearly three full seasons with a succession of knee injuries which eventually needed pioneering transplant surgery earlier this year.,sport
203,ferguson fears milan cutting edge manchester united manager sir alex ferguson said his side s task against ac milan would not be made any easier by the absence of andriy shevchenko. milan s talismanic european footballer of the year misses wednesday s champions league first-leg tie after fracturing his cheekbone. it s a loss (to milan) but it could be worse if they didn t have such quality to bring in ferguson said. how much they miss him i think they ll know tomorrow night. ferguson said milan s front line would still represent a formidable challenge for his defenders. they can play rui costa and play kaka forward. they can bring serginho in and they can play (jon dahl) tomasson he said. ferguson s own goalscoring talisman ruud van nistelrooy is fit again but the scot admitted he was unsure whether to start the dutchman who has not played for three months. ruud is the best striker in europe. what i have to judge is whether he will struggle with the early pace after being out for so long he said. his ability puts him in with a big shout but it is a major decision. ferguson though is confident his young players particularly wayne rooney and cristiano ronaldo are up to the task. we have an opportunity to win this cup this year no question about that he declared. with the maturity we see every week in ronaldo and rooney the return of van nistelrooy and the form of roy keane paul scholes and ryan giggs we must have a fantastic chance. it is a view shared by rooney who believes if we can get past milan we have a great chance . as soon as i knew we were playing milan i got excited. looking at the draw it is anyone s trophy but we have every chance. hopefully we can get to that final in turkey and bring the cup back to manchester. milan coach carlo ancelotti said his team were looking forward to returning to the venue where they lifted europe s most prestigious club title two seasons ago. milan beat juventus in a penalty shootout after a 0-0 tie at old trafford and ancelotti said: we are all very happy to return (to old trafford) to play in the champions league and this will give us great motivation. ancelotti said he was aware of the threat united posed to his hopes of champions league glory. it s fundamental that we don t allow them to take control of the game. our intention is not to adapt to their play but to play our game he said. they have great quality in attack they use the wings a lot and we will have to make sure we stop them.,sport
2159,tsunami won t divert africa aid uk aid to help the victims of the asian tsunami disaster will not take much needed relief from africa prime minister tony blair has promised. mr blair told the bbc s breakfast with frost show the money spent on the tsunami would not invade the money britain wanted to spend on africa. questioned about the disaster he said his faith in god had not been shaken. he added he would give new figures on the number of tsunami-related british deaths to the commons on monday. foreign secretary jack straw said on friday that about 440 britons were either dead or missing in the disaster. mr blair told sunday s programme: since jack straw gave those figures a couple of days ago they haven t moved a great deal which should give us some hope that we are beginning to reach the peak of the numbers. but we just can t be sure. it is just an immensely difficult job to get absolutely accurate figures all countries are struggling with this. he said the £50 million originally allocated from the department for international development was now well on the way to being spent. but the exact allocation could not be clarified until the world bank had completed its assessment of the needs of the countries affected. within the next few weeks a clearer picture would emerge of the long-term costs of reconstruction he added. but he pledged that africa - which sees a preventable tsunami-size death toll every month from conflict disease and poverty - would not be neglected. as britain takes up its presidency of the g8 group of leading nations mr blair said ministers had a big agenda for africa. for the first time we have a plan that won t just deal with aid and debt but will also deal on issues of governance within african countries and conflict resolution he said. a lot of the problems in africa come from conflict that again are preventable but only with the right systems in place.,politics
2089,o driscoll saves irish blushes two moments of magic from brian o driscoll guided ireland to a workmanlike victory against italy. a pair of classic outside breaks from the ireland captain set up tries for geordan murphy and peter stringer. italy led 9-8 early in the second half but stringer s try gave ireland a lead they never lost. the hosts cut the gap to 18-12 with 10 minutes left and nearly scored through ludovico nitoglia but denis hickie s try ensured an irish victory. italy came flying out of the blocks and took the lead through a luciano orquera penalty after seven minutes. it could have been better for the hosts but the fly-half missed two kickable penalties and ireland drew level with a ronan o gara penalty midway through the first half. the italians were driving at the heart of the irish defence and for the first quarter the irish pack struggled to secure any ball for their talented backs. when they finally did just before the half-hour mark o driscoll promptly created a sparkling try for murphy. the ireland captain ran a dummy scissors and made a magical outside break before drawing the full-back and putting the diving murphy in at the corner. o gara missed the twice-taken conversion and the visitors found themselves trailing once again. roland de marigny took over the kicking duties for italy from the hapless orquera and he landed a penalty either side of the break to edge italy into a 9-8 lead. the only ireland player offering a real threat was o driscoll and it was his break that set up the second try for the visitors. shane horgan threw an overhead pass as he was about to be forced into touch and stringer scooted over with o gara landing the tricky conversion. a penalty apiece saw ireland leading 18-12 as the game entered the final quarter but they were lucky to survive when italy launched a series of attacks. winger nitoglia dropped the ball as he reached for the line and italy nearly rumbled over from a driving maul. an o gara penalty put ireland more than a converted try ahead and they made the game safe when hickie latched onto an inside pass from murphy and crossed for a converted try. o driscoll limped off late on joining centre partner gordon d arcy on the sidelines and the final word went to italy. prop martin castrogiovanni powered over for a try which was fitting reward for an italian pack which had kept the irish under pressure throughout. de marigny; mi bergamasco canale masi nitoglia; orquera troncon; lo cicero ongaro castrogiovanni; dellape bortolami; persico ma bergamasco parisse. perugini intoppa del fava dal maso griffen pozzebon robertson. murphy horgan o driscoll d arcy hickie o gara stringer corrigan byrne hayes o kelly o connell s easterby leamy foley. sheahan horan o callaghan miller g easterby humphreys dempsey. p o brien (new zealand),sport
1439,microsoft debuts security tools microsoft is releasing tools that clean up pcs harbouring viruses and spyware. the virus-fighting program will be updated monthly and is a precursor to microsoft releasing dedicated anti-virus software. also being released is a software utility that will help users find and remove any spyware on their home computer. although initially free it is thought that soon microsoft will be charging users for the anti-spyware tool. the anti-spyware tool is available now and the anti-virus utility is expected to be available later this month. microsoft s windows operating system has long been a favourite of people who write computer viruses because it is so ubiquitous and has many loopholes that can be exploited. it has proved such a tempting target that there are now thought to be more than 100 000 viruses and other malicious programs in existence. latest research suggests that new variants of viruses are being cranked out at a rate of up to 200 per week. spyware is surreptitious software that sneaks on to home computers often without users knowledge. in its most benign form it just bombards users with pop-up adverts or hijacks web browser settings. the most malicious forms steal confidential information or log every keystroke that users make. surveys have shown that most pcs are infested with spyware. research by technology firms earthlink and webroot revealed that 90% of windows machine have the malicious software on board and on average each one harbours 28 separate spyware programs. before now microsoft has left the market for pc security software to specialist firms such as symantec mcafee trend micro and many others. it said that its virus cleaning program would not stop machines being infected nor remove the need for other anti-virus programs. on spyware freely available programs such as ad-aware and spybot have become widely used by people keen to keep the latest variants at bay. microsoft s two security tools have emerged as a result of acquisitions the company has made over the last two years. in 2003 it bought romanian firm gecad software to get hold of its anti-virus technology. in december 2004 it bought new york-based anti-spyware firm giant company software. last year microsoft also released the sp2 upgrade for windows xp that closed many security loopholes in the software and made it easier for people to manage their anti-virus and firewall programs.,tech
158,gm ford cut output as sales fall us car firms general motors (gm) and ford have been forced to cut production in the face of falling car sales. us sales at gm sank 12.7% in february compared to a year ago while ford sales dropped 3% as foreign rivals took a bigger share of the market. meanwhile asian carmakers fared well - toyota sales jumped 11% while rival nissan notched up a 10% increase. overall. sales across the industry also fell to 1.25 million vehicles from 1.27 million a year earlier. gm and ford blamed high fuel prices for low sales of big trucks and gas-guzzling sports utility vehicles (suvs) - the vehicles that provide the biggest profits. gm added that us truck sales fell 9% in february while car business tumbled 17% however it did acknowledge that some new products - such as the pontiac g6 and chevrolet cobalt - had put in solid performances. the calendar year is starting off slower than expected both for gm and the industry said mark laneve gm s vice president for north american sales service and marketing. the slump in sales prompted the group to cut production in north america by 3% - it has already reduced output by around 9% in the face of growing stockpiles. meanwhile ford which posted its ninth consecutive drop in monthly us sales said it was cutting first-quarter north american production by another 10 000 vehicles or 1.2%. chrysler the us unit of germany s daimlerchrysler was the only detroit based automaker to boast an increase in market share during the month - with sales rising 8%. but america s loss was its foreign rivals gain as they continued to nibble away at the us market. while japan s top car maker toyota and nissan saw sales accelerate even the smaller suzuki motor corp snapped up a more business with sales improving 17.6% on a year ago. in 2003 the firm launched an ambitious plan to triple us sales by 2007 as it seeks to become a bigger player in the asian assault on the us market. korea s hyundai was another big gainer turning in a 19% surge in february sales. toyota put its rise in sales down to strong results for its redesigned avalon sedan and a 120% surge in sales of its gas-electric prius hybrid mid-size sedan as petrol-price conscious consumers looked to vehicles that were cheaper to run. as gas prices continue their upward march fuel efficiency catches the public eye jim press vice president and chief operating officer of toyota s us sales arm said in a statement.,business
352,new consoles promise big problems making games for future consoles will require more graphic artists and more money an industry conference has been told. sony microsoft and nintendo will debut their new consoles at the annual e3 games expo in los angeles in may. these so-called next generation machines will be faster than current consoles and capable of displaying much higher-quality visuals. for gamers this should make for better more immersive games. in a pre-recorded video slot during microsoft s keynote address at the game developers conference held last week in san francisco famed director james cameron revealed he is making a game in tandem with his next film - believed to be battle angel alita. the game s visual quality would be like a lucid dream said mr cameron. but numerous speakers warned that creating such graphics will require more artists and so next generation console games will be much more expensive to develop. the first new console microsoft s xbox 2 is not expected to reach the shops until the end of 2005. games typically take at least 18 months to create however so developers are grappling with the hardware today. according to robert walsh head of brisbane-based game developer krome studios next generation games will cost between $10-25m to make with teams averaging 80 staff in size taking two years to complete a title. such sums mean it will be difficult for anyone to start a new game studio said mr walsh. if you re a start-up i doubt that a publisher is going to walk in and give you a cheque for $10m however good you are he said. mr walsh suggested that new studios should make games for mobile phones and handheld consoles like the sony psp and the nintendo ds since they are cheaper and easier to create than console games. one developer bucking the trend towards big art teams is will wright the creator of the best-selling the sims games. the founder of california s maxis studio surprised the conference with a world exclusive preview of his next game spore. spore will allow players to experiment with the evolution of digital creatures. starting with an amoeba-sized organism the player will guide the physical development of their creature by selecting how its limbs jaws and other body parts evolve. eventually the creature will become capable of establishing cities trading and fighting and even building space ships. advanced players will visit the home planets of creatures created by other spore players. these worlds will be automatically swapped across the internet. mr wright said that enabling players to devise and share their creatures would make them care more about the game. i don t want to put the player in the role of luke skywalker or frodo baggins - i want them to be george lucas or dr seuss explained mr wright. few games have hinted at the scope of spore but mr wright explained that he has nevertheless kept his development team small by hiring expert programmers. instead of employing lots of artists to create 3d models of the digital creatures spore generates and displays the creatures according to rules devised by the programmers. the thing i am coming away with [from the conference] is that next generation content is going to be really expensive and creating it will drive the smaller players out of the market said mr wright. i d like to offer an alternative to that. new development tools will be another important aid in making next generation games and dozens of companies demonstrated their latest products at the conference. oxford-based natural motion launched endorphin v2.0 which enables artists to direct a 3d virtual actor . the actor is realistically modelled according to the laws of physics. endorphin simulates how the actor falls down stairs for instance or crumples up after a gunshot. artists can blend together these visual sequences and include the results in their games. the process is much quicker than having an artist animate each movement by hand and so lessens the need for larger art teams. another british company aiming to reduce the workload of artists is manchester start-up genemation. its latest tool gencrowd enables artists to create unique photo-realistic human faces for games involving lots of people. gencrowd works by blending together elements of an in-built supply of stock faces of differing ages and ethnicities. the software can create up to 2 000 new heads an hour. one area not yet dominated by graphical blockbusters is mobile phone games. even the latest phones are not as powerful as the consoles of a decade ago so smaller teams of half a dozen people can still create complete games for the devices. the game developers conference included a special two-day summit dedicated to creating mobile games. a niche attraction for a few dozen conference attendees when it began five years ago gdc s mobile summit this year drew several hundred delegates. mobile games are a fast-growing sector because newer phones have better graphics and sound and are thus more suitable for playing games. furthermore the adoption of mobile phones continues to spread across the world. it s predicted that by 2006 two billion people will own a mobile phone. the growing importance of mobile gaming was reflected by a keynote given by john batter general manager at ea mobile. ea mobile is a division of electronic arts the biggest games publisher. until recently electronic arts had been dismissive of games for phones. the last time you checked ea wasn t in this business mr batter admitted. but he said ea now planned on dominating the market by releasing mobile versions of its most popular franchises. ea plans to release up to 20 mobile games over the next 12 months. the first will be a version of its need for speed racing game created by ea mobile s 30-person development team. mr batter predicted that by 2006 mobile phones would be capable of running games of comparable quality to those on sony s upcoming psp handheld console. owain bennallack is the editor of develop magazine.,tech
65,india power shares jump on debut shares in india s largest power producer national thermal power corp (ntpc) have risen 13% on their stock market debut. the government s partial sell-off of ntpc is part of a controversial programme to privatise state-run firms. the 865 million share offer a mix of new shares and sales by the government raised 54bn rupees($1.2bn). it was india s second $1bn stock debut in three months coming after the flotation by software firm tata. the share offer was eleven times oversubscribed. it is a good investment bet said suhas naik an investment analyst from ing mutual fund. power needs in india are set to rise and ntpc will benefit from that. analysts say the success of the ntpc flotation would encourage the government to reduce stakes in more power companies. ntpc has said it will use the money from the share sale to feed the growing needs of the country s energy-starved economy. the firm is the largest utility company in india and the sixth largest power producer in the world.,business
513,digital guru floats sub-$100 pc nicholas negroponte chairman and founder of mit s media labs says he is developing a laptop pc that will go on sale for less than $100 (£53). he told the bbc world service programme go digital he hoped it would become an education tool in developing countries. he said one laptop per child could be very important to the development of not just that child but now the whole family village and neighbourhood . he said the child could use the laptop like a text book. he described the device as a stripped down laptop which would run a linux-based operating system we have to get the display down to below $20 to do this we need to rear project the image rather than using an ordinary flat panel. the second trick is to get rid of the fat if you can skinny it down you can gain speed and the ability to use smaller processors and slower memory. the device will probably be exported as a kit of parts to be assembled locally to keep costs down. mr negroponte said this was a not for profit venture though he recognised that the manufacturers of the components would be making money. in 1995 mr negroponte published the bestselling being digital now widely seen as predicting the digital age. the concept is based on experiments in the us state of maine where children were given laptop computers to take home and do their work on. while the idea was popular amongst the children it initially received some resistance from the teachers and there were problems with laptops getting broken. however mr negroponte has adapted the idea to his own work in cambodia where he set up two schools together with his wife and gave the children laptops. we put in 25 laptops three years ago only one has been broken the kids cherish these things it s also a tv a telephone and a games machine not just a textbook. mr negroponte wants the laptops to become more common than mobile phones but conceded this was ambitious. nokia make 200 million cell phones a year so for us to claim we re going to make 200 million laptops is a big number but we re not talking about doing it in three or five years we re talking about months. he plans to be distributing them by the end of 2006 and is already in discussion with the chinese education ministry who are expected to make a large order. in china they spend $17 per child per year on textbooks. that s for five or six years so if we can distribute and sell laptops in quantities of one million or more to ministries of education that s cheaper and the marketing overheads go away.,tech
1796,us tv cuts nudity from bbc film a us tv network is editing bbc films dirty war to avoid showing the front of a nude woman being scrubbed down after a fictional chemical attack. it is not worth showing non-essential nude scenes when indecency complaints are aggressively pursued by us tv watchdogs said pbs jacoba atlas. dirty war - screened uncut on bbc one last september - depicts a dirty bomb attack on the city of london. it is also being screened uncut on us cable channel hbo on 24 january. pbs said it will use extra footage for its broadcast showing the woman from a more discreet angle instead. the us federal communications commission fined cbs $550 000 (£306 814) last autumn for singer janet jackson s wardrobe malfunction during which her breast was exposed during a dance routine with justin timberlake. many us networks and broadcasters are now more nervous about airing nudity violence or bad language. ms atlas said pbs could put itself financially at risk if it showed the uncut version of dirty war and it could also deter many of its 170 individual stations from airing an important film . you want to pick your battles she said. she added that pbs which is a private non-profit media enterprise owned and operated by the nation s 349 public television stations is bolder about screening non-fiction or historical programming. pbs is seen in virtually all us homes with tv and describes itself as a trusted community resource serving nearly 100 million people each week.,entertainment
533,england s defensive crisis grows england s defensive worries have deepened following the withdrawal of tottenham s ledley king from the squad to face holland. chelsea s john terry and wayne bridge are also out leaving coach sven-goran eriksson with a real problem for wednesday s match at villa park. injured rio ferdinand and sol campbell were both left out of the squad and matthew upson has already pulled out. wes brown and jamie carragher are likely to be the makeshift partnership. terry the captain of chelsea as they push for the premiership title would have been a certain starter in the absence of campbell and ferdinand. but now he has pulled out with a bruised knee and is likely to be replaced by carragher alongside brown. manchester united s brown last played for england in the defeat by australia at upton park in february 2003. the 25-year-old was only called into the squad on sunday night as cover following the enforced withdrawal of upson who has a hamstring injury. and brown now looks certain to add to his tally of seven senior appearances for england. king was forced to pull out after his groin injury was assessed by england s medical staff. eriksson has still not decided whether to call up any further back-up having already summoned phil neville after bridge pulled out with a foot injury.,sport
727,merritt close to indoor 400m mark teenager lashawn merritt ran the third fastest indoor 400m of all time at the fayetteville invitational meeting. the world junior champion clocked 44.93 seconds to finish well clear of fellow american bershawn jackson in arkansas. only michael johnson has gone quicker setting the world record of 44.63secs in 1995 and running 44.66secs in 1996. kenyan bernard lagat missed out on the world record by 1.45secs as he ran the third quickest indoor mile ever to beat canada s nate brannen by almost 10secs. the olympic silver medallist s time of three minutes 49.89secs was inferior only to the 1997 world record of moroccan hicham el guerrouj and former world record holder eamonn coghlan of ireland s 3:49.78. lagat was on course to break el guerrouj s record through 1200m but could not maintain the pace over the final 400m. ireland s continued his excellent form by winning a tight 3 000m in 7:40.53. cragg who recently defeated olympic 10 000m champion kenenisa bekele in boston held off bekele s ethiopian colleague markos geneti by only 0.19secs to secure his victory. mark carroll who will join cragg in the european indoor championships next month finished a solid third in 7:46.78. olympic 200m gold medallist of jamaica ran the fastest women s 60m in the world this year as she equalled her personal best of 7.09secs. world indoor 60m hurdles champion also won improving his season-leading time to 7.51secs.,sport
78,hodgson relishes european clashes former blackburn boss roy hodgson says the premiership should follow the rest of europe and have a winter break - but insists that a gruelling domestic schedule will not damage the english elite s bid for champions league glory. hodgson - now in charge at viking stavanger - was at liverpool s clash with bayer leverkusen at anfield on tuesday as a member of uefa s technical committee. hodgson is a fierce advocate of the winter break employed throughout europe although not in england - where the champions league contenders have ploughed through a heavy fixture list. but hodgson told bbc sport that while he believes the premiership should embrace the idea he does not expect it to cost the english representatives in the last 16 of the champions league. i just feel it is very difficult to say with certainty that teams who have had the break will have a definite edge. i am a fervent supporter of the break. it gives players the chance to recharge their batteries midway through the season which some suggest will give teams an advantage in the champions league. the other school of thought suggests having a break then coming back to it puts you at a disadvantage. the bigger discussions around the winter break should be to do with the nature of football today the needs of football players and the way the premiership has developed rather than one or two matches in the champions league in february. hodgson believes a winter break carries many advantages explaining: as i said it is the perfect chance to recharge batteries. and certainly if i was still a manager in england i would be supporting any calls for its introduction. in pre-season you get a lot of enthusiasm and energy but by the time you get towards christmas many players having also played plenty of international matches for club and country and travelled a lot find themselves getting very jaded. the break gives them a chance to recover that energy and enthusiasm and perhaps more importantly recover their mental strength during the break and get ready for the games ahead. the mental side is by far the most important thing. hodgson added: the length of breaks can vary. in italy the break was very short. you just took christmas and new year. it was so short you didn t do anything. you gave the players a week or 10 days off then you were training for a week or 10 days and then went into a game. if it is longer it is important those responsible for physical fitness give the players a programme to follow to ensure the physical strength they have accumulated stays with them. and hodgson believes a winter break would be a positive step in the premiership. he said: if we talk about football at elite level which the premiership is then i would support a winter break. if you examine the demands of the premier league and in particular on players who play international football for their club and country then a break would do them the world of good - physically and mentally.,sport
1517,falconer rebuts charade claims concessions on a bill which critics claim would allow euthanasia through the back door were not a political ploy the lord chancellor has said. ministers have been accused of panic in offering last minute changes to the mental capacity bill amid chaotic scenes in the commons on tuesday. lord falconer said it was fair to criticise the late timing of the offer. he said the changes provided a solution to a very difficult issue but some mps argue the situation is still unclear. the bill allows people to give somebody the power of attorney to make decisions on their behalf if they become too ill to decide for themselves. ministers insist the plans would not change laws on euthanasia and would improve safeguards. critics fear it could allow killing by omission through withdrawing treatment including food and fluids. tony blair said he would do everything he could to meet concerns about the bill. but changes to the bill must not overturn the law set when a court ruled that doctors could withdraw artificial feeding and hydration from hillsborough coma victim tony bland. it is important we don t end up in the situation where doctors and consultants are confused about the law and may lay themselves open to prosecution in circumstances where no sensible person would want that to happen he said. on tuesday the government saw off a backbench attempt to force changes to the bill by 297 votes to 203 despite rebellion by 34 labour mps. the revolt was also reduced by news that lord falconer had promised the catholic archbishop of cardiff to strengthen safeguards in the bill. but that only came after mps bombarded constitutional affairs minister david lammy with a barrage of requests for him to read the letter as they complained they had been left in the dark. eventually he was hurriedly handed the letter to read out five minutes before the crunch votes prompting claims of a shambles. the deputy speaker later said the debate had not been handled as it should have been. lord falconer says there will be amendments when the bill goes to the house of lords. he told bbc news: we have given a commitment to put into the bill a clause that says that nothing in the bill authorises any act where the motive of the person authorising the decision is to end life. the motive has got to be to end suffering. he denied the concessions were a political manoeuvre forced by panic about the rebellion. it was inevitable that minds became more focused as the bill went through parliament but the result was a sensible solution he said. i don t think it is something to be embarrassed about. these issues are not easy to deal with he went on. bbc political editor andrew marr said mr lammy was waste deep in quicksand and sinking fast after his performance. but lord falconer praised his minister for an excellent job . former conservative leader iain duncan smith one of the chief critics of the plans condemned the debate as a charade and complained the promises of changes to the bill were vague.,politics
2153,brown proud of economy record gordon brown has delivered a rousing speech to labour s spring conference setting out the government s agenda for the next general election. the chancellor said he was proud of his party s record on the economy and would strive for continuing stability if elected. the gateshead conference was told he would help young people who were struggling to buy their own homes. and the chancellor vowed to continue the fight against child poverty. later prime minister tony blair will answer questions sent by the public via text and e-mail. analysing mr brown s position before the speech bbc correspondent james hardy said mr brown would draw sharp dividing lines with the conservatives for the forthcoming election campaign. he would contrast labour s plan to invest £60bn in services with a tory plan to cut spending by £35bn. mr brown will lay out his credentials as a reforming chancellor determined to take on and beat the asian tiger economies which increasingly dominate world trade our correspondent said. on friday night mr brown confirmed he would not make any tax commitments until the labour manifesto had been published after the budget expected in march. but commentators will listen to his speech closely for hints on whether as the conservatives claim he plans to raise tax after the election. the tories accuse labour of raising taxes 66 times since coming to power in 1997. following the chancellor s keynote speech the prime minister will face interactive questioning from ordinary voters on saturday. mr blair is thought to be deliberately putting himself on the line in a bid to engage the electorate ahead of an expected may election. capital radio dj margherita taylor will select questions to put to him from thousands e-mailed and sent by text. the prime minister s enthusiasm for the job remains undimmed alan milburn labour s election strategist told radio 4 s today programme on saturday. mr blair has the same passion and the same commitments for the job as when labour came to power in 1997 he said. and he confirmed mr blair s insistence that no poll date had yet been set. he said: i m the general election co-ordinator and i don t know and tony has not made up his mind. on friday the prime minister completed a whistle-stop tour of england during which he unveiled his party s six pre-election pledges. starting in london he visited marginal constituencies pledging to build on what he said were labour s achievements on the economy crime education and public services. the conservatives and lib dems said the pledges - set to underpin labour s election campaign - were worthless .,politics
2074,koubek suspended after drugs test stefan koubek says he has been banned for three months by the international tennis federation (itf) after testing positive for a banned substance. the world number 60 failed a routine drugs test at this year s french open but now plans to lodge an appeal. koubek believes an injection given to him by an austrian doctor to treat a wrist injury is to blame for producing traces of the substance in his system. i have acted correctly the 27-year-old austrian said in a statement. koubek who defeated britain s greg rusedski in the decisive rubber of the davis cup in september is now set to miss the start of the season. he said a three-month ban would mean that i not only will miss the australian open but also the davis cup in australia.,sport
1809,dal maso in to replace bergamasco david dal maso has been handed the task of replacing the injured mauro bergamasco at flanker in italy s team to face scotland on saturday. alessandro troncon continues at scrum-half despite the return to fitness of paul griffen. the experienced cristian stoica is recalled at centre at the expense of walter pozzebon. we are going to scotland for the first away win and nothing else said manager marco bollesan. i really believe this is the team who will have all our faith for saturday s game. we lost a player like mauro bergamasco who has been important for us but (coach) john (kirwan) has put together the best team at present if not ever. r de marigny (parma); mirco bergamasco (stade francais) c stoica (montpellier) a masi (viadana) l nitoglia (calvisano); l orquera (padova) a troncon (treviso); a lo cicero (l aquilla) f ongaro (treviso) m castrogiovanni (calvisano) s dellape (agen) m bortolami (narbonne capt) a persico (agen) d dal maso (treviso) s parisse (treviso). g intoppa (calvisano) s perugini (calvisano) ca del fava (parma) s orlando (treviso) p griffen (calvisano) r pedrazzi (viadana) k robertson (viadana).,sport
375,baywatch dubbed worst tv import surf show baywatch has won the title of worst tv import of all time in a poll of uk television executives. the programme which starred david hasselhoff and pamela anderson during its 12-year run was shown in 140 countries at its height. model anna nicole smith s reality show and the dukes of hazzard were runners-up in the broadcast magazine survey. the simpsons and dallas and 24 were among the magazine s list of the best all-time imports from the us. soap operas knots landing falcon crest plus the bold and the beautiful all made the top 10 of transatlantic tv howlers. the jerry springer show which came in at sixth on the list did not fare well. broadcast magazine said: british tv never realised how low it could go before jerry showed the way. baywatch rose to the top of the list for having mind-numbingly predictable scripts: beachgoer is saved from drowning according to the magazine. just inside the all-time worst top 10 came extreme makeover which sees members of the public given thousands of pounds worth of plastic surgery. other american shows which won praise were the x-files i love lucy twin peaks and star trek.,entertainment
2195,india-pakistan peace boosts trade calmer relations between india and pakistan are paying economic dividends with new figures showing bilateral trade up threefold in the summer. the value of trade in april-july rose to $186.3m (£97m) from $64.4m in the same period in 2003 the indian government said. nonethless the figures represent less than 1% of india s overall exports. but business is expected to be boosted further from 2006 when the south asian free trade area agreement starts. both countries eased travel and other restrictions as part of the peace process aimed at ending nearly six decades of hostilities. sugar plastics pharmaceutical products and tea are among the major exports from india to its neighbour while firms in pakistani have been selling fabrics fruit and spices. if the positive trend continues two-way trade could well cross half a billion dollars this fiscal year india s federal commerce minister kamal nath said. according to official data the value of india s overall exports in the current fiscal year is expected to reach more than $60bn while in pakistan s case it is set to hit more than $12bn. meanwhile the indian government said the prospects for the country s booming economy remained very bright despite a temporary aberration this year. its mid-year economic review forecasts growth of 6-6.5% in 2004 compared with 8.2% in 2003. higher oil prices the level of tax collections and an unfavourable monsoon season affecting the farm sector had hurt the economy in april-september it said.,business
1194,gadget market to grow in 2005 the explosion in consumer technology is to continue into 2005 delegates at the world s largest gadget show in las vegas have been told. the number of gadgets in the shops is predicted to grow by 11% while devices which talk to each other will become increasingly important. everything is going digital kirsten pfeifer from the consumer electronics association told the bbc news website. the consumer electronics show (ces) featured the pick of 2005 s products. consumers are controlling what they want and technologies like hdtvs [high-definition tvs] digital radio and digital cameras will remain strong in 2005. all the products on show really showed the breadth and depth of the industry. despite showing diversity some delegates attending complained that the showcase lacked as much wow factor as in previous years. the portable technologies on show also reflected one of the buzzwords of ces which was the time and place shifting of multimedia content - being able to watch and listen to video and music anywhere at any time. at the start of last year s ces the cea predicted there would be an average growth of 4% in 2004. that figure was surpassed with the rise in popularity of portable digital music players personal video recorders and digital cameras. it was clear also that gadgets are becoming a lot more about lifestyle choice with fashion and personalisation becoming increasingly key to the way gadgets are designed. part of this has been the rise in spending power of the generation x-ers who have grown up with technology and who now have the spending power and desire for more devices that suit them. more than 57% of the consumer electronics market is made up of female buyers according to cea research. hybrid devices which combine a number of multimedia functions were also in evidence on the show floor. a lot of this is driven by just the ability to do it said stephen baker a consumer electronics analyst with retail research firm npd group. some of these functions cost next to nothing to add. as well as the show floor showcasing everything from tiny wearable mp3 players to giant high-definition tvs several keynote speeches were made by industry leaders such as microsoft chief bill gates. despite several embarrassing technical glitches during mr gate s pre-show speech he announced several new partnerships - mainly for the us market. he unveiled new ways of letting people take tv shows recorded on personal video recorders and watch them back on portable devices. he disappointed some however by failing to announce any details of the next generation of the xbox games console. another disappointment was the lack of exposure sony s new portable games device the psp had at the show. sony said the much-anticipated gadget would most likely start shipping in march for the us and europe. it went on sale in japan before christmas. there were only two psps embedded in glass cabinets at the show though and no representatives to discuss further details. a sony representative told the bbc news website this was because sony did not consider it to be part of their consumer technology offering. elsewhere at the show there was a plethora of colour and plasma screens including samsung s 102-inch (2.6 metre) plasma - the largest in the world. industry experts were also excited about high-definition technologies coming to the fore in 2005 with new formats for dvds coming out which will hold six times as much data as conventional dvds. with so many devices on the move there were a lot of products on show offering external storage like seagate s 5gb pocket sized external hard drive which won an innovation for engineering and design prize. more than 120 000 trade professionals attended ces in las vegas which officially ran from 6 to 9 january.,tech
2141,celts savour grand slam prospect the six nations has heralded a new order in northern hemisphere rugby this year and wales and ireland rather than traditional big guns france and england face a potential grand slam play-off in three weeks time. but before that game in cardiff wales must get past scotland at murrayfield while ireland face the not insignificant task of a home fixture with the mercurial french. no-one knows what mood france will be in at lansdowne road on 12 march - sublime as in the first half against wales or ridiculous like in the same period against england at twickenham. but how the mighty have fallen. england sat on rugby s summit 15 months ago as world champions and 2003 grand slam winners. but they have lost nine of their 14 matches since that heady night in sydney. and they face the ignominy of what could amount to a wooden spoon play-off against italy in a fortnight. england are enduring their worst run in the championship since captain richard hill was dumped in favour of mike harrison after three straight losses in 1987. coach andy robinson who took over from the successful sir clive woodward in september has lost a phalanx of world cup stars. and he is enduring the toughest of teething problems in bedding down his own style with a new team. the same year that england ruled the roost a woeful wales lost all five matches in the six nations. and they won only two games against scotland and italy in 2004. wales most recent championship title was in 1994 and their last grand slam success came in 1978 in the era of gareth edwards phil bennett jpr williams et al. but welsh rugby fans remain on permanent tenterhooks for the blossoming of a new golden age. after several false dawns coach mike ruddock may have come up with the team and philosophy to match expectations. the fresh verve is inspired by skipper gareth thomas now out with a broken thumb accurate kicking from either fly-half stephen jones or centre gavin henson a rampant martyn williams leading the way up front and exciting runners in the guise of henson and shane williams. ireland coach eddie o sullivan and captain brian o driscoll have got their side buzzing too and they are close to shedding the nearly-men tag that has dogged them for the past few years. the men from the emerald isle have been six nations runners-up for the past two years to france and england. but they have not won the title since 1985 and last clinched a grand slam in 1948. as for scotland they have struggled this decade and the 2004 wooden spoon winners have not been in the top two since they lifted the title in 1999. italy continue the elusive search for their first six nations away win and can still only account for the scalps of scotland (twice) and wales since joining the elite in 2000. coach john kirwan is a passionate and dedicated believer in the azzurri but is lacking in raw materials. and so to france. brilliant one minute inept the next. but the reigning champions could quite easily turn on the style in dublin and end up winning the title through the back door. ireland though have won three times in their last five meetings. welsh romantics would probably prefer a glorious victory in the celtic showdown to crown their grand slam. but given that ireland have beaten wales in four of their last five meetings the welsh legions are likely to be behind les bleus on 12 march.,sport
220,mps assess scots fishing industry a group of mps are on a two-day fact-finding mission to scotland to gather evidence for a report into the uk s fishing industry. members of westminster s environment food and rural affairs committee will be touring fish markets and talking to fish processors. they will also talk to fisheries minister ross finnie and scientists. mps are deciding whether to recommend a new system of community quotas to conserve fish stocks. the aim is that fishing ports like peterhead or fraserburgh would be allocated a quota and local people would decide how to fish it. the scheme is a variation on the local management committees already being established by the european union. details are contained in a royal commission report for the uk government along with the more controversial idea of closing some mixed fishing grounds completely. six members of the committee will be in scotland to seek views from fishermen and processors in aberdeen and peterhead. they will also speak to mr finnie representatives of the royal society and the sea fish industry authority. committee chairman austin mitchell said some way has to be found of harvesting mixed fisheries without wasting stocks.,politics
1550,how to make a greener computer the hi-tech industry is starting to get more environmentally aware. bill thompson thinks it s about time. my first car ran on four star petrol and pumped vast quantities of lead into the atmosphere as i drove around cambridge. now you can t buy petrol with lead additives and we re all better off as a result. chip giant intel recently began shipping computer circuit boards that are lead free too reflecting a growing awareness on the part of the technology industry that products have to be designed and built in more environmentally friendly ways. apart from reducing the use of toxic materials like arsenic mercury cadmium and other heavy metals in the products themselves the manufacturing process is also being cleaned up with fewer complex and potentially damaging organic chemicals used as solvents. and work is going into making power supplies that are more energy efficient since current transformers are astonishingly wasteful as they charge our laptops mobiles and music players. one of the key aspects of the new approach is to design products that are easier to recycle. if you have got a phone or a computer with toxic chemicals or heavy metals in it then extracting them can be tricky and expensive. a well-designed electronic component is able to be recycled at low cost. this is going to be very important to hardware manufacturers in europe since from august the new waste electronic and electrical equipment directive will oblige them to accept returned products for recycling. they will end up paying if they build things that are expensive or impossible to take apart and will find their profits hit something which is likely to motivate them where appeals to the wider public interest might fall on deaf ears. it is as they say about time. we have a long and depressing history of developing new technologies with complete disregard for their potential impact on the environment and waiting until there is a crisis looming before we try to redesign them to cause less damage. the car engine is a case in point: lead additives helped stop petrol vapour exploding too early in the cylinder a phenomenon called knocking so they were simply used without any real thought for the fact that the lead would end up in the atmosphere. redesigning engines and making petrol slightly different was a lot more work so it took decades before it was done. we re seeing the same thing in the technology industry and as a result there are billions of devices from old mobile phones to antique handhelds that will have to be recycled in years to come. if apple gets its way then a lot of people are going to be buying a new mac mini and throwing away their old pc keeping the monitor and other peripherals. even if apple does not get its way four or five-year-old computers are not good enough to run modern programs and it s not unreasonable to replace them. but what do we do with the old ones i ve just looked around my office and i find two monitors an old 386 pc two old handhelds three ancient laptops four antique mobile phones a collection of rechargeable batteries and even a sun workstation that is no longer really much use. they are all old enough to be hazardous waste - the monitors alone will be full of arsenic and lead - but it s possible that some of the components could be useful. i could take them up the to the council recycling centre but it s a 10-mile drive away across town and like many other people my commitment to recycling is shallow at best. here in cambridge we have green bins for compostable waste a box for glass cans and paper that can be recycled and a black bin for the rest. there are bottle banks and clothing banks scattered around town and in supermarket car parks. would it be too much to ask for an electronics recycling box too i d probably remember to take my old mobile with me to the supermarket and drop it in a box - at least eventually. bill thompson is a regular commentator on the bbc world service programme go digital.,tech
1287,protesters plan airport challenge campaigners against the expansion of britain s airports have begun challenging the government s plans in the high court. baa s expansion of stansted airport in essex by building an extra runway is one of the most fiercely opposed plans. opponents say the £2bn cost of the new runway could not be met unless cash from heathrow and gatwick was used. they said this is illegal under current rules and are trying to block the government from changing legislation. baa are also owners of the airports at heathrow and gatwick. they have said they cannot raise the money needed for the stansted upgrades from current landing charges. baa also says it has attempted to involve communities in any future airport plans. groups challenging the plans include stop stansted expansion heathrow anti-noise campaigners hacan clearskies and the london boroughs of hillingdon and wandsworth. their opponents are also likely to complain there was no public consultation before an extra runway was built at luton airport or when it changed take-off and landing procedures at heathrow. if the group wins the government s future aviation plans outlined in last year s transport white paper could be left in ruins. the campaigners will say the government did not adequately consider the building of new airports such as one planned for the isle of sheppey east of london. lord hanningfield leader of essex county council told bbc radio 4 s today programme: we are going to the high court because we want a judge to rule there should be a proper inquiry. we want a judge to say there has been inadequate preparation consultation and thought before the government came out with its green paper. then there could be a proper debate nationally about where this extra capacity should go. he added: politicians should not decide where runways should be. the stansted expansion apart from the building of the new runway would also need to include new terminal buildings to deal with the projected 50m passengers who will use it every year. the airport is the hub of many of the no-frills airlines operating in the uk. but baa has said it has attempted to involve communities in any future airport plans. at heathrow gatwick edinburgh and glasgow airports baa launched a series of consultations on blight to properties from the proposed expansion in september 2004 which will close next week. baa is also offering to buy noise-hit properties for an index-linked unblighted price. at heathrow baa said it was working closely with all interested parties to see how the strict environmental air quality and noise targets for a third runway can be met. at gatwick the company has written to homes and business likely to be affected by any extra runway.,politics
1360,howard taunts blair over splits tony blair s feud with gordon brown is damaging the way the uk is governed tory leader michael howard has claimed in a heated prime minister s questions. mr howard asked: how can they fight crime when they are fighting each other that question was later unveiled as the headline for new tory campaign posters. but mr blair dismissed the talk of splits and said people s priorities at the next elections would be on the economic successes achieved by labour. he can stick up whatever he likes on billboards about something in a book but what the public will concentrate on are the low mortgages low inflation low unemployment that we delivered and that he failed to he said. the chancellor is currently on a high-profile tour of africa to highlight new anti-poverty plans. but before doing so he insisted he still trusted mr blair despite claims to the contrary in a new book. brown s britain by robert peston says there is mutual animosity between the two men. it claims mr blair said in november 2003 he would stand down as prime minister before the next election. but he went back on his pledge after support from cabinet allies and suspicion that mr brown was manoeuvring against him it says. mr peston s book claimed that mr brown told mr blair: there is nothing you could ever say to me now that i could ever believe. mr blair directly denied that quote on wednesday. he again insisted there could be no deals about the premiership but twice declined directly to say whether or not he had offered to quit. the tory leader countered that such agreements had been struck twice at dinners with the chancellor. he declared: he is the deals on meals prime minister. no wonder the chancellor is not a happy eater. he continued: how can there be discipline in schools when there is no discipline in government how can they clean up our hospitals when they don t clean up their act mr blair said he would not respond to tittle tattle in books and promised to hail labour s record on the economy waiting lists and law and order from now until polling day . later at their poster launch tory co-chairman liam fox said his party would exploit opportunities to show how juvenile the prime minister and chancellor were. labour staged a show of unity at its own poster launch on tuesday where mr brown was joined by alan milburn who mr blair controversially put in charge of election planning in place of the chancellor. but liberal democrat leader charles kennedy told bbc news: the government is clearly split at the top. this kind of cosmetic exercise does not persuade anybody. later this week mr blair is expected to outline the direction of his party s next election manifesto. the prime minister and chancellor faced backbench discontent at monday s meeting of the parliamentary labour party over claims made mr peston s book.,politics
25,mobile audio enters new dimension as mobile phones move closer to being a ubiquitous all-in-one media player audio is becoming ever more important. but how good can that sound be from such a small device the sound of a buzzing bee jumps from left to right before disappearing around the back of my head. the surround sound demo is unremarkable when heard on a multi-speaker home cinema system but startling when emerging from a small mobile phone. british firm sonaptic is one of a number of companies to have developed 3d audio technology that emerges from stereo speakers. firms am3d and srs both offer stereo-widening technology for mobile phones. but sonaptic s managing director david monteith says his firm is the only company to offer positional 3d audio on a mobile. there are quite a few basic technologies out there making the sound seem a bit bigger headphones a bit nicer. no-one has really tried before to make proper 3d positional audio - where an individual channel can be moved around. sonaptic has been working with japanese mobile network ntt docomo to set standards for 3d audio on mobile phones. in the last few months handsets from nec fujitsu and mitsubishi have been released on to the japanese marker which have chips produced by yamaha and rohm with sonaptic s technology. the technology has been around on pcs and games consoles for some time but what we are doing is making it more efficient so it can go on a small consumer device like a mobile phone said mr monteith. the technology works through applying the science of psychoacoustics and grew out of medical research done by the company s research director dr alastair sibbald. we are basically trying to fool your ears into thinking sound is coming from areas it actually isn t. your brain uses certain bits of information which we are effectively synthesising on a mobile phone handset. the structure of the ear works as a 3d encoder for sound - helping the brain understand from where sound is emanating. sonaptic s audio processing algorithms mimic that 3d encoding giving the impression that sound is coming from the left right and behind a listener when in fact it is coming from a single source. mr montieth says: if the sound is off to one side it will get to one ear before the other - if it is on the right it has to bend around your head to get to your left ear. the shape of your ear causes differences in sound from one ear to the other. we are synthesising those differences. sonaptic hopes the technology will have a big impact in the growing market of mobile gaming and music downloading. handhelds often have limitations - screens will be small by definition. if you want to get impact from media you are running - either a movie a game or watching tv - if you want it to be more immersive then our technology can help. a fishing game is the first title to use the technology creating a 3d sound field while the gamer plays. driving games and shoot em ups using the technology are in development. the technology can also be used for music - giving songs a much more expansive and immersive feel. sonaptic offers its technology on a chip or in software and is about to release a new version which significantly improves the efficiency of the audio processing. it s important we only use 10 or 15% of the processor otherwise you won t be able to play a game on the handset explained mr montieth. the company is now looking to the us and european markets where it has been working with network vodafone. we have focused first on japan because it has a very advanced mobile phone market. we knew japan would be the first place to have the handsets that could use our technology. there should be handsets out in the uk in the next six months.,tech
292,freeze on anti-spam campaign a campaign by lycos europe to target spam-related websites appears to have been put on hold. earlier this week the company released a screensaver that bombarded the sites with data to try to bump up the running costs of the websites. but the site hosting the screensaver now displays a pink graphic and the words stay tuned . no one at lycos was available for comment on latest developments in its controversial anti-spam campaign. lycos europe s make love not spam campaign was intended as a way for users to fight back against the mountain of junk mail flooding inboxes. people were encouraged to download the screensaver which when their pc was idle would then send lots of data to sites that peddle the goods and services mentioned in spam messages. lycos said the idea was to get the spam sites running at 95% capacity and generate big bandwidth bills for the spammers behind the sites. but the plan has proved controversial. monitoring firm netcraft analysed response times for some of the sites targeted by the screensaver and found that a number were completely knocked offline. the downing of the sites could dent lycos claims that what it is doing does not amount to a distributed denial of service attack. in such attacks thousands of computers bombard sites with data in an attempt to overwhelm them. laws in many countries do not explicitly outlaw such attacks but many nations are re-drafting computer use laws to make them specific offences. lycos europe now appears to have put the plan on hold. the site hosting the screensaver currently shows a holding page with the words stay tuned . the numerical internet address of the site has also changed. this is likely to be in response to spammers who have reportedly redirected traffic from their sites back to the lycos screensaver site. the campaign has come under fire from some corners of the web. many discussion groups have said that it set a dangerous precedent and could incite vigilantism. attacking a spammer s website is like poking a grizzly bear sleeping in your back garden with a pointy stick said graham cluley senior technology consultant for sophos. not only is this screensaver similar in its approach to a potentially illegal distributed denial of service attack but it also is in danger of turning innocent computer users into vigilantes who may not be prepared for whatever retaliation the spammers care to dream up.,tech
1916,no seasonal lift for house market a swathe of figures have provided further evidence of a slowdown in the uk property market. the council of mortgage lenders (cml) british bankers association (bba) and building societies association (bsa) all said mortgage lending was slowing. cml figures showed gross lending fell by 4% in november as the number of people buying new homes fell. elsewhere the bba added underlying mortgage lending rose by £4m in november compared to october s £4.29m. the cml said that loans for new property purchases fell 25% year-on-year to 85 000 - the lowest total seen since february 2003. data from the cml showed lending fell to just over £25bn in november from £25.5bn a year earlier. separate figures from the building societies association showed the value of mortgage approvals -- loans agreed but not yet made -- stood 32% lower than at the same time last year at a seasonally-adjusted £2.98bn. the figures come hot on the heels of new data from property website rightmove which suggested owners must indulge in a winter sale and slash prices by up to 8%. miles shipside commercial director at rightmove said sellers would have to be more realistic with their asking prices to tempt buyers. the average asking price of a home fell by more than £600 from £190 329 in november to £189 733 in december while the length of time it takes to sell a home rose to 81 days from 53 in the summer. rightmove said estate agents were set to enter 2005 with a third more properties on their books than a year ago. even once the quieter holiday period is over sellers will find themselves competing with a lot of other properties on the market. in any business excess supply and low demand means one thing - cut prices mr shipside said. the proof is that some properties that have been appropriately discounted are selling even in the current market. overall asking prices have fallen 3.3% from their july peaks as the equivalent of £6 500 has been cut from an average property. a host of mortgage lenders and economists have predicted that property prices will either fall or stagnate in 2005. what is apparent is a picture of a slowing market but one that should remain stable as we return to more normal volumes of lending over 2005 as a whole cml director general michael coogan said. it s a fairly consistent picture showing that mortgage demand has fallen back again which is consistent with a continuing correction in the housing market investec economist philip shaw said. however the figures do suggest only a modest weakening and we stand by our view that the property market will remain in the doldrums for some time though a collapse is still unlikely.,business
428,microsoft takes on desktop search microsoft has entered the desktop search fray releasing a test version of its tool to find documents e-mails and other files on a pc hard drive. the beta program only works on pcs running windows xp or windows 2000. the desktop search market is becoming increasingly crowded with firms touting programs that help people find files. search giant google launched its desktop search tool in october while yahoo is planning to release similar software in january. our ambition for search is to provide the ultimate information tool that can find anything you re looking for said yusuf mehdi corporate vice president at microsoft s msn internet division. microsoft s program can be used as a toolbar on the windows desktop the internet explorer browser and within the outlook e-mail program. the software giant is coming late to the desktop search arena competing with a large number of rivals. google has already released a desktop tool. yahoo is planning to get into the game in january and aol is expected to offer desktop searching early next year. small firms such as blinkx copernic enfish x1 technologies and x-friend offer tools that catalogue the huge amounts of information that people increasingly store on their desktop or home computer. apple will release a similar search system for its computers called spotlight that is due to be released with the tiger operating system.,tech
435,s korean lender faces liquidation creditors of south korea s top credit card firm have said they will put the company into liquidation if its ex-parent firm fails to back a bail-out. lg card s creditors have given lg group until wednesday to sign up to a $1.1bn rescue package. the firm avoided bankruptcy thanks to a $4.5bn bail-out in january 2004 which gave control to the creditors. lg group has said any package should reflect the firm s new ownership and it will not accept an unfair burden. at least seven million people in south korea use lg card s plastic for purchases. lg card s creditors have threatened parent group lg group with penalties if it fails to respond to their demands. creditors would seek strong financial sanctions against lg group if lg card is liquidated said yoo ji-chang governor of korean development bank (kdb) - one of the card firm s major creditors. lg group has said providing further help to the credit card issuer could hurt its corporate credibility and could spark shareholder lawsuits. it says it wants fair and reasonable guidelines on splitting the financial burden with the creditors who now own 99.3% of lg card. the creditors have asked the government to mediate to avoid any risk to the stability of financial markets kdb said. analysts believe a compromise is likely. lg group knows the impact on consumer demand and the national economy from a liquidation of lg card said kim yungmin an equity strategist at dongwon investment trust management. lg card almost collapsed in 2003 due to an increase in overdue credit card bills after the bursting of a credit bubble. the firm returned to profit in september 2004 but now needs a capital injection to avoid being delisted from the korea stock exchange. the exchange can delist a company if its debt exceeds its assets for two years running. lg card s creditors fear that such a move would triggered massive debt redemption requests that could bankrupt the firm which owes about $12.05bn. eventually lg group will have to participate but they have been stalling to try to earn better concessions said mr kim.,business
425,strachan turns down pompey former southampton manager gordon strachan has rejected the chance to become portsmouth s new boss. the scot was pompey chairman milan mandaric s first choice to replace harry redknapp who left fratton park for rivals saints earlier in december. i think it s a fantastic job for anybody apart from somebody who has just been the southampton manager strachan told the bbc. club director terry brady held initial talks with strachan on saturday. the former scotland international added that joining southampton s local rivals would not be a wise move. it s got everything going for it but i ve got too many memories of the other side and i don t want to sour those memories he said. everything s right - it s 10 minutes away there are good players there a good set-up a good atmosphere at the ground. there s lots to do but it s not right for somebody who has just been the southampton manager. since redknapp s departure executive director velimir zajec and coach joe jordan have overseen first-team affairs. the duo had gone five matches unbeaten until sunday s 1-0 defeat at home to champions arsenal but the club are still in a respectable 12th place in the premiership table. strachan left st mary s in february after earlier announcing his intention to take a break from the game at the end of the 2003-04 season. his previous managerial experience came at coventry whom he led for five years from 1996 to 2001.,sport
1141,film star fox behind theatre bid leading actor edward fox is one of the men behind plans to reopen a swansea theatre thought to be wales oldest. the star of film and tv hits day of the jackal and edward and mrs simpson has joined forces with swansea-born actor-director terry palmer. they will set up a charity to raise money to buy the palace theatre and hope to reopen it to audiences in summer 2006. it is estimated that £500 000 is needed to buy the grade ii listed building. the palace theatre which will be known as the pavilion repertory theatre was sold to an undisclosed bidder at auction 13 months ago for £340 000. before that it had been used as a nightclub for 10 years. oscar-winner sir anthony hopkins who was born in nearby port talbot made his professional debut there and charlie chaplin and lily langtry have also trodden its boards. fox told the south wales evening post that after visiting the theatre he was surprised by its beauty. a lot of money needs to be spent on it but all the bones are there - it just needs a beautiful skin he said. to call it a jewel is not an over-estimation. there are not many theatres left like this. the hope for the immediate future is that we can attract enough people to come forward to allow it to prosper he told the newspaper. fox first found fame in the 1960s. one of his most memorable roles was as an assassin in the day of the jackal in 1973 and he won a tv bafta as the prince of wales in 1980 for edward and mrs simpson. he was brought on board to save the theatre by mr palmer a long-standing friend of 40 years. two years ago i decided to return to swansea and do something for the city said mr palmer. he said he was excited by the idea of running the palace as a charity where young actors could develop and with an annual shakespeare festival in the summer. if in five years time the theatre can function in all areas without me i shall be well satisfied having helped to create a vital living theatre for the city he added. keith poulton a business adviser from swansea has already committed an undisclosed amount of money to the project. we need at least £75 000 to secure a deposit on the building and we ve only got two months to do that said mr poulton. a few benefactors have expressed their interest and mr fox is going to give it an awful lot of time he added. last year roads around the theatre were cordoned off when masonry from its roof fell onto a car but engineers said they were happy that it was safe.,entertainment
682,winter freeze keeps oil above $50 oil prices carried on rising on wednesday after cold weather on both sides of the north atlantic pushed us crude prices to four-month highs. freezing temperatures and heavy snowfalls took crude oil prices past $50 a barrel on tuesday for the first time since november. declines in the dollar have also contributed to the rising oil price. us crude was trading at $51.39 at 0710 gmt in asian electronic trade on wednesday. a barrel of us crude oil closed up $2.80 at $51.15 in new york on tuesday. opec members said on tuesday that given such high prices the cartel saw no reason to cut its output. although below last year s peak of $55.67 a barrel which was reached in october prices are now well above 2004 s average of $41.48. brent crude also rose in london trading adding $1.89 to $48.62 at the close. much of western europe and the north east of america has been shivering under unseasonably low temperatures in recent days. the decline in the us dollar to a five-week low against the euro has also served to inflate prices. the primary factor is the weak dollar said victor shum a singapore-based analyst with purvin and gertz. expectations that a rebound in the dollar would halt the oil price rise were not immediately borne out on wednesday morning as oil prices carried on upwards as the dollar strengthened against the euro the pound and the yen. several opec members said on tuesday that a cut in production was unlikely citing rising prices and strong demand for oil from asia. i agree that we do not need to cut supply if the prices are as much as this fathi bin shatwan libya s oil minister told reuters. i do not think we need to cut unless the prices are falling below $35 a barrel he added.,business
1499,man city 0-2 man utd manchester united reduced chelsea s premiership lead to nine points after a scrappy victory over manchester city. wayne rooney met gary neville s cross to the near post with a low shot which went in via a deflection off richard dunne to put united ahead. seven minutes later the unfortunate dunne hooked a volley over david james head and into his own net. steve mcmanaman wasted city s best chance when he shot wide from three yards in the first half. in the opening 45 minutes united had looked unlikely to earn the win they needed to maintain any chance of catching chelsea in the title race. their approach play was more laboured than patient and they managed to fashion just one chance - a paul scholes header over the bar. and city seemed to be content to sit back and try and hit their rivals on the break as the game settled into a tepid pattern. only shaun wright-phillips appeared capable of interrupting the monotony looking lively down the right and causing gabriel heinze problems. wes brown also found wright-phillips to be a difficult opponent when the tricky winger embarrassed him near the touchline. wright-phillips sublime skill and pace took him past brown and he delivered a pin-point centre to the feet of mcmanaman. but the former liverpool player demonstrated why he has never scored against united by side-footing the easy chance wide. john o shea was forced off after an earlier clash with sylvain distin and cristiano ronaldo came on to replace him. he immediately caused ben thatcher some discomfort and looked set to inject some much-needed pace into the united attack. rooney was being well marshalled by dunne - but that was all about to change. after the break united poured forward and there was a renewed urgency about their play. and when neville delivered a cross in a carbon copy of city s best first-half chance rooney showed mcmanaman how to do it - even if he needed the help of dunne s leg. worse was to come for dunne who had been having a fine match. on 75 minutes he scored a horrible own goal when attempting to volley clear rooney s cross and united seemed home and dry. however city did fight back and fowler missed another great chance from close range. and united keeper roy carroll saved well from kiki musampa. but united could have a had a third late on when substitute ryan giggs hit the post. - manchester city boss kevin keegan: we had a great chance to take the lead and the first goal was always going to be crucial. we started off with a good tempo but then we allowed them to dictate the pace a bit too much. but we still had four good chances two after we d gone 2-0 down the one mcmanaman missed was very similar to the one wayne rooney scored from. - manchester united boss sir alex ferguson: it wasn t our best performance of the last three months but i think we re deserved winners. at times especially in the first half we didn t play with enough speed. but with (cristiano) ronaldo and (ryan) giggs on the speed improved. derby games can be like that they can be scrappy dull horrible and it was maybe like that. man city: james mills (bradley wright-phillips 83) dunne distin thatcher shaun wright-phillips barton (macken 68) sibierski mcmanaman musampa fowler. subs not used: weaver onuoha flood. booked: fowler sibierski. man utd: carroll gary neville ferdinand brown heinze o shea (ronaldo 33) keane fortune fletcher (giggs 64) rooney scholes (phil neville 84). subs not used: howard bellion. booked: rooney scholes keane. goals: rooney 68 dunne 75 og. att: 47 111 ref: s bennett (kent).,sport
1121,blair congratulates bush on win tony blair has said he looks forward to continuing his strong relationship with george bush and working with him during his second term as president. mr bush s re-election came at a crucial time for a world that was fractured divided and uncertain mr blair said. it had to be brought together he added saying action was needed on poverty the middle east and the conditions on which terrorists prey. mr blair said states had to work with the us to fight global terrorism. but there was a need to recognise it would not be defeated by military might alone but also by demonstrating the strength of our common values he added. solving the conflict in the middle east was the world s single most pressing political challenge of the present day mr blair warned. the prime minister also urged europe and the us to build anew their alliance . all of us in positions of leadership not just president bush have a responsibility to rise to this challenge. it is urgent that we do so. mr blair also paid tribute to democrat john kerry s campaign saying he had helped make the presidential election a true celebration of american democracy . the election of the us president was significant for the world but particularly so for britain because of its special relationship he added. earlier tory leader michael howard sent mr bush his warmest congratulations saying: we look to the president to be a unifying force for those all over the world who share our determination to defend freedom. liberal democrat leader charles kennedy welcomed the fact there had been a quick conclusion to the election unlike in 2000. mr bush s first task was to rebuild a sense of domestic purpose within the us he said. mr kennedy said: internationally it is to be hoped that a second term will see a more sensitive approach to relations with long-standing allies not least for the global efforts to combat terrorism. lib dem foreign affairs spokesman menzies campbell said a win by mr kerry would have given mr blair the chance of a fresh start adding it was almost as if there was an umbilical cord between mr bush and the uk premier. europeans must hope that his administration will be much more multilateral in character and that he will act swiftly to rebuild the atlantic partnership which is so vital to security. iraq will remain an issue of potential division for some time to come. even before the result became clear mr blair was being urged to push for action on climate change at his first meeting with whichever candidate won. liberal democrat environment spokesman norman baker underlined the issue of global warming during a commons debate on anglo-american relations on wednesday. environment secretary margaret beckett has said the us will act on global warming despite george bush s refusal to sign up to the kyoto protocol on carbon emissions. public opinion would force change she told bbc news. but myron ebell an adviser on climate change to president bush has said there would be no change in the us stance and rejected the threat of climate change. he claimed the us was the only country with independent scientists.,politics
1529,new york rockers top talent poll new york electro-rock group the bravery have come top of the bbc news website s sound of 2005 poll to find the music scene s most promising new act. the bravery who have been compared to the cure and new order were the most heavily-tipped act in the survey of 110 impartial critics and broadcasters. rock band keane won sound of 2004 while us rapper 50 cent topped sound of 2003. other new artists in this year s list include london indie group bloc party at second and uk rapper kano third. the bravery played their first gig in 2003 and have since supported bands including the libertines interpol and echo and the bunnymen. they were the subject of a record company bidding war in 2004 and their debut single unconditional caused a huge buzz when it was released in the uk in november. singer sam endicott said he felt great about coming top of the sound of 2005 list. anyone that says they don t want a zillion screaming fans is a jackass a liar he said. one of the experts to tip the bravery was the times music critic paul connolly who said they were spiky but in love with pop . chris hawkins host of bbc 6 music s chart show said the band had great guitars and a mastery of the electro-clash sound . the bravery are proof alone that new york city is still home to hot new talent he said. alison howe producer of tv show later... with jools holland booked the group to appear the day after seeing them at a west london pub. they played like they were headlining the main stage at glastonbury she said. great songs a good look a touch of attitude and a cracking live band. q magazine reviews editor ted kessler said they were pretty-boy new york clothes horses with an unusually nimble ear for concise yearning pop in the mould of duran duran or the strokes . other pundits to take part in the survey included bbc radio 1 dj trevor nelson nme editor conor mcnicholas top of the pops presenter fearne cotton glastonbury organiser emily eavis and bbc radio 2 music editor colin martin. elsewhere on the top 10 second-placed rock band bloc party began their rise after supporting franz ferdinand and uk garage mc kano in third is signed to the streets record label. us rapper the game is hip-hop great dr dre s latest protege while leeds group kaiser chiefs came fifth with a promise to lead a britpop revival. in last year s survey keane were followed by franz ferdinand razorlight and joss stone in the top five - all of whom were virtually unknown outside the music industry at that point. boy band mcfly were sixth while scissor sisters who had the uk s best-selling album of 2004 were seventh. in the survey the pundits were asked for tips for three acts they thought were capable of reaching the top in their chosen genre either in terms of sales or critical acclaim. the artists could be from any country and any musical genre but must not have had a uk top 20 single been a contestant on a tv talent show or already be famous for doing something else such as a soap actor. those tips were then counted and compiled to make the top 10.,entertainment
658,freeze on anti-spam campaign a campaign by lycos europe to target spam-related websites appears to have been put on hold. earlier this week the company released a screensaver that bombarded the sites with data to try to bump up the running costs of the websites. but the site hosting the screensaver now displays a pink graphic and the words stay tuned . no one at lycos was available for comment on latest developments in its controversial anti-spam campaign. lycos europe s make love not spam campaign was intended as a way for users to fight back against the mountain of junk mail flooding inboxes. people were encouraged to download the screensaver which when their pc was idle would then send lots of data to sites that peddle the goods and services mentioned in spam messages. lycos said the idea was to get the spam sites running at 95% capacity and generate big bandwidth bills for the spammers behind the sites. but the plan has proved controversial. monitoring firm netcraft analysed response times for some of the sites targeted by the screensaver and found that a number were completely knocked offline. the downing of the sites could dent lycos claims that what it is doing does not amount to a distributed denial of service attack. in such attacks thousands of computers bombard sites with data in an attempt to overwhelm them. laws in many countries do not explicitly outlaw such attacks but many nations are re-drafting computer use laws to make them specific offences. lycos europe now appears to have put the plan on hold. the site hosting the screensaver currently shows a holding page with the words stay tuned . the numerical internet address of the site has also changed. this is likely to be in response to spammers who have reportedly redirected traffic from their sites back to the lycos screensaver site. the campaign has come under fire from some corners of the web. many discussion groups have said that it set a dangerous precedent and could incite vigilantism. attacking a spammer s website is like poking a grizzly bear sleeping in your back garden with a pointy stick said graham cluley senior technology consultant for sophos. not only is this screensaver similar in its approach to a potentially illegal distributed denial of service attack but it also is in danger of turning innocent computer users into vigilantes who may not be prepared for whatever retaliation the spammers care to dream up.,tech
575,blair says uk tsunami aid to soar tony blair has predicted the british government will eventually give hundreds of millions of pounds in aid to countries hit by the tsunami. the prime minister was speaking publicly for the first time since returning from his holiday in egypt. mr blair insisted he had been intimately involved in all decisions at all times despite being abroad. he was speaking before the uk joins a three-minute silence at noon across the eu for the estimated 150 000 dead. the foreign office says 41 britons are now confirmed to have died in the tsunami which struck south asia on boxing day with 158 others missing. asked about criticism that he did not cut short his holiday mr blair told bbc radio 4 s today programme: i don t think this is a situation in which the british people need me to articulate what they feel. i think they feel - as we all do - shock horror and absolute solidarity with those people who have lost their lives. the important thing was action and not words he said adding that of the £50m given by the government so far only six or seven million had been spent. it would become easier in the coming weeks to assess just how much money would have to be put in. my estimate is we will need to spend from government several hundred million pounds. so we will far and away more than match the generosity of the british people he said. asked whether he had not returned to work immediately because he was under doctors orders to rest mr blair said there was also a story he had been away for plastic surgery. as you can see unfortunately i am still looking the same as i always did he joked. the prime minister took personal charge of the uk s response on tuesday chairing a meeting of the emergency committee of ministers that has convened daily since boxing day. he also spoke on the telephone to us president george bush and the presidents of sri lanka and indonesia. chancellor gordon brown earlier backed a plan to freeze the foreign debts of all the affected nations. mr brown who was not at the downing street meeting says he has been in intensive talks with other g8 finance ministers. germany proposed a freeze last week and canada has begun its own moratorium. the chancellor said the plan would initially save the most affected countries about $3bn (£1.58bn) in repayments. tory leader michael howard also backed the proposals but said ministers had been playing catch-up with public donations. foreign secretary jack straw is to visit thailand and indonesia this week. during his trip mr straw will represent the g8 at the international conference called in jakarta indonesia on thursday. on friday he will visit the thai beach resort of phuket where british families are still searching for relatives. international development secretary hilary benn will also visit aceh in indonesia as well as sri lanka. the british public has now pledged £76m in aid with emergency supplies from the british government starting to arrive in the region on three raf flights in a joint operation with scandinavian countries. two ships - the royal fleet auxiliary ship diligence and frigate hms chatham - have arrived in the disaster area. a second royal fleet auxiliary vessel the bayleaf is also being sent. uk charities have also begun chartering planes to deliver aid. - a bbc news special: asia remembered including the three-minutes silence will be shown on bbc one and bbc news 24 from 1130 to 1215 gmt on wednesday.,politics
453,ask jeeves tips online ad revival ask jeeves has become the third leading online search firm this week to thank a revival in internet advertising for improving fortunes. the firm s revenue nearly tripled in the fourth quarter of 2004 exceeding $86m (£46m). ask jeeves once among the best-known names on the web is now a relatively modest player. its $17m profit for the quarter was dwarfed by the $204m announced by rival google earlier in the week. during the same quarter yahoo earned $187m again tipping a resurgence in online advertising. the trend has taken hold relatively quickly. late last year marketing company doubleclick one of the leading providers of online advertising warned that some or all of its business would have to be put up for sale. but on thursday it announced that a sharp turnaround had brought about an unexpected increase in profits. neither ask jeeves nor doubleclick thrilled investors with their profit news however. in both cases their shares fell by some 4%. analysts attributed the falls to excessive expectations in some quarters fuelled by the dramatic outperformance of google on tuesday.,business
962,stars shine on bafta red carpet hollywood stars brought a touch of glamour to london on saturday for the biggest night in the british film calendar. cate blanchett leonardo dicaprio and richard gere were just some of the actors who attended the 2005 bafta film awards. they emerged from limos at leicester square to an uncertain british climate that threatened rain one moment and promised late winter sunshine the next. but the gods were certainly shining on the thousands of film fans who lined the red carpet to meet their idols. screaming built up into a crescendo as more and more big name stars appeared. the biggest cheer of the night was reserved for the aviator star leonardo dicaprio who paused in the chilly february air to sign autographs for the throngs. he said the ear-piercing welcome was unlike anything i ve ever encountered. it s very intense and very loud. best actress winner imelda staunton who wore a green chiffon dress that sparkled with sequins and beads told the bbc news website that vera drake was the highlight of her career. her role as a backstreet abortionist in the gritty low-budget film has already led to a clutch of awards and an oscar nomination. she said: never in a million years did i think this was going to happen. being here and just being nominated is great but i hope it means more people will go and see the film as well. rooting for staunton in the best actress category was cate blanchett herself nominated for her supporting role as hollywood icon katherine hepburn in the aviator. shivering in a floor-length shimmering armani dress the australian-born actress stopped to sign autographs and joked: it s tight but i love it. glamour was also brought to the evening by actress sienna miller supermodel claudia schiffer - who was supporting her director husband matthew vaughn - troy actress diane kruger and star of the tv programme the oc micha barton. wearing a caramel-coloured floaty frock by the designer alexander mcqueen miller told reporters the red carpet experience was intense nerve-wracking and cold . the younger stars of british film were also represented in the shape of emma watson who plays hermione in the harry potter films. the 14-year-old said she was hoping to meet dicaprio and keanu reeves but joked that they are probably a little too old for me . actor christian slater who is currently starring in one flew over the cuckoo s nest in london s west end was greeted by cries of christian christian by the ever vocal crowd. keanu reeves who presented the best actress award said being on the red carpet was an exciting part of his job. it is always surreal and when it is nice it is nice he said. martin scorsese whose movie the aviator went on to win best film said being honoured in the uk meant a lot to him. he said: i am a great admirer of british cinema since the 1930s and 40s up until now. they give me a new energy when i see the best coming out of england and every two or three years is a whole new cycle of tough and young film-makers and even the older ones are making good films. to recognise me in this way is a great honour. british actor clive owen who has won a golden globe and a bafta for his supporting role in closer said it meant a lot to be at the ceremony. he said: just to be here really at the baftas. the bottom line is it is a celebration of british films.,entertainment
465,metlife buys up citigroup insurer us banking giant citigroup has sold its travelers life & annuity insurance arm to metlife for $11.5bn (£6.1bn). the sale is a further move by citigroup away from its 1990s strategy of offering every financial service - insurance broking and banking. profit growth in the insurance market has not matched expansion at citigroup s other businesses. for metlife the us s leading insurance company the purchase gives it access to a much larger distribution network. robert benmosche metlife s chairman and chief executive said that it was a great opportunity for the brand of metlife to be distributed through citigroup . under the agreement metlife will be able to sell its products through citigroup over the next 10 years. the deal includes smith barney retail brokerages and citibank branches. the company will pay between $1bn and $3bn in metlife stock with the rest being made up of cash. travelers had sales of $5.2bn in 2004 and made a profit of $901m. it has total net assets of $96bn. this deal employs some of metlife s excess capital in a potentially higher-return business and gives it more distribution said stuart quint an analyst at gartmore.,business
1968,brainwave cap controls computer a team of us researchers has shown that controlling devices with the brain is a step closer. four people two of them partly paralysed wheelchair users successfully moved a computer cursor while wearing a cap with 64 electrodes. previous research has shown that monkeys can control a computer with electrodes implanted into their brain. the new york team reported their findings in the proceedings of the national academy of sciences. the results show that people can learn to use scalp-recorded electroencephalogram rhythms to control rapid and accurate movement of a cursor in two directions said jonathan wolpaw and dennis mcfarlane. the research team from new york state department of health and state university of new york in albany said the research was another step towards people controlling wheelchairs or other electronic devices by thought. the four people faced a large video screen wearing a special cap which meant no surgery or implantation was needed. brain activity produces electrical signals that can be read by electrodes. complex algorithms then translate those signals into instructions to direct the computer. such brain activity does not require the use of any nerves of muscles so people with stroke or spinal cord injuries could use the cap effectively. the impressive non-invasive multidimensional control achieved in the present study suggests that a non-invasive brain control interface could support clinically useful operation of a robotic arm a motorised wheelchair or a neuroprosthesis said the researchers. the four volunteers also showed that they could get better at controlling the cursor the more times they tried. although the two partially-paralysed people performed better overall the researchers said this could be because their brains were more used to adapting or that they were simply more motivated. it is not the first time researchers have had this sort of success in brain-control experiments. some teams have used eye motion and other recording techniques. earlier this year a team at the mit media labs europe demonstrated a wireless cap which read brain waves to control a computer character.,tech
1966,bomb threat at bernabeu stadium spectators were evacuated from real madrid s bernabeu stadium on sunday following a bomb scare during the game between the hosts and real sociedad. more than 70 000 people abandoned the ground with the score at 1-1 and only three minutes left to play. the basque newspaper gara apparently received a telephone call saying a bomb was due to explode at 2100 local time. but after searching the stadium with sniffer dogs the police said that no explosive device had been found. the police have said they have completed their search and have not found anything said real madrid president florentino perez. the best thing we can all do now is to put this nightmare behind us. madrid midfielder guti told private spanish radio station cadena ser: i have never seen this before and sport should be above it all. real took the lead just before the break when brazilian striker ronaldo cracked home with his left foot. sociedad levelled the match midway through the second half when turkish striker nihat kahveci smashed home with an acrobatic finish. it is not yet clear if the remaining three minutes of the game will be played at a later date or if the result will be allowed to stand. if the result remains at 1-1 real will drop to third place in the standings 11 points behind leaders barcelona who snatched a late 2-1 win at albacete on saturday. initial reports suggested the basque separatist group eta may be responsible for the bomb threat after issuing similar warnings before a series of small explosions in recent days. the bernabeu was targeted by eta on 1 may 2002 when madrid were about to play fc barcelona in a champions league semi-final. a car bomb exploded in a street outside the stadium and 17 people were slightly injured.,sport
372,us peer-to-peer pirates convicted the first convictions for piracy over peer-to-peer networks have been handed down in the us. new yorker william trowbridge and texan michael chicoine have pleaded guilty to charges that they infringed copyright by illegally sharing music movies and software. the two men faced charges following raids in august on suspected pirates by the fbi. the pair face jail terms of up to five years and a $250 000 (£130 000) fine. in a statement the us department of justice said the two men operated the central hubs in a piracy community organised across the direct connect peer-to-peer network. the piracy group called itself the underground network and membership of it demanded that users share between one and 100 gigabytes of files. direct connect allows users to set themselves up as central servers that act as co-ordinating spots for sharers. users would swap files such as films and music by exchanging data over the network. during its investigation fbi agents reportedly downloaded 84 movies 40 software programs 13 games and 178 sound recordings from the five hubs that made up the larger piracy group. the raids were organised under the umbrella of operation digital gridlock which was aimed at fighting criminal copyright theft on peer-to-peer networks . in total six raids were carried out in august. five were on the homes of suspected copyright thieves and one on a net service firm. the department of justice said that both men pleaded guilty to one count of conspiracy to commit felony copyright infringement. they also pleaded guilty to acting for commercial advantage. the two men are due to be sentenced on 29 april.,tech
1396,dawson joins england injury list scrum-half matt dawson is an injury doubt for england s six nations opener against wales next weekend. the world cup winner missed wasps 12-9 loss to bath on saturday after injuring his right calf. wasps coach warren gatland said: he s got a fitness test in the week but he s got a good chance of playing. gloucester s andy hazell and leicester star lewis moody also received knocks during their respective league matches but should be fit for wales next week. if dawson is not fit to face wales robinson will have to choose from gloucester s andy gomarsall or leicester youngster harry ellis. jamie noon is another player on the sidelines after he limped off in the first half against saracens on friday with a dead leg. the centre who is in line for a first six nations start against wales will have to wait 48 hours before knowing the state of his injury.,sport
578,hearts of oak 3-2 cotonsport hearts of oak set up an all ghanaian confederation cup final with a 3-2 win over cameroon s cotonsport garoua in accra on sunday. the win for hearts means they will play asante kotoko in the two-leg final after the kumasi team qualified from group a on saturday. in the other group b game cameroon s beat of south africa 3-2 in douala neither side could have qualified for the final. hearts of oak started the game needing a win to qualify for the final while cotonsport only needed to avoid defeat to go through. louis agyemang scored the first two goals for hearts either side of half time before ben don bortey scored the third. hearts looked set for a comfortable win but cotonsport staged a late fight back scoring twice late on. first of all boukar makaji scored in the 89th minute and then 3 minutes into injury time at the end of the game andre nzame iii was on target. but it was too little too late for the cameroonians and hearts held on to win the game and a place in the final. the first leg of the final will be played in accra on the weekend of 27-28 november and the second leg two weeks later on the 11 december in kumasi. in the other group b game cameroon s sable batie took the lead in the 35th minute through kemadjou before santos equalised on the hour mark thanks to thokozani xaba . bernard ngom put sable ahead just five minutes later and then ernest nfor settled the game on 68 minutes. ruben cloete scored the south african sides consolation with just three minutes left on the clock.,sport
467,healey targets england comeback leicester wing austin healey hopes to use sunday s return heineken cup clash with wasps as a further springboard to an england recall for the six nations. healey who won 51 caps prior to the 2003 world cup has been in good form in the tigers resurgence this season. i definitely still have ambitions to play for england healey told the bbc. we will have to see what happens after the previous (autumn) tests but when i look at the current squad i definitely feel there is a place there for me. healey who has also played both half-back positions and full-back during his career has reverted to the wing where he won most of his england caps. after recovering from a trapped nerve in his back sustained at the end of september the 31-year-old is relishing his role in the tigers revival. i had six weeks out but fortunately i have resumed the sort of form i had before he said. i am basically playing where it best suits leicester. obviously i can play scrum-half fly-half or full-back at a moment s notice. but playing on the wing actually gives me a bigger free role to come in where i am not expected and influence things. that has been apparent in parts one and two of the wasps-leicester trilogy in recent weeks. first healey came off his flank with an angled run to score an injury-time try that earned the tigers a 17-17 draw in their premiership meeting on 21 november. then in the first of their heineken cup double header last sunday healey slotted in at stand-off and delivered a superb cross-kick for martin corry to score the tigers third try. i caught cozza s eye a couple of phases before that and was hoping to get it to him on the full but fortunately even with the bounce he managed to score healey recalled. healey twice a heineken cup winner believes last sunday s match was up there with some of the biggest club contests he has played in. it was a very intense occasion and a very destructive game he recalled. there was not a huge amount of rugby played but it was a great game to be involved in. after about 15 minutes i thought we might stride away with it but wasps really came back into it and in the last couple of minutes it could have gone either way. the same outcome this sunday would put leicester in pole position to top their heineken pool with a home game against biarritz and away trip to calvisano to come. but healey insists the tigers must summon the same desire if they are to deliver the knockout blow in what has been dubbed rugby s version of rocky ii . there was a lot of satisfaction in the dressing room aftewards but it is really only a case of a job half done he added. it was the first of a two-leg trip and if we lose at welford road it will negate all the positives we can take from result. i think it came down to who wanted it more and in the end i think we did. we have got to show the same desire again this week.,sport
1444,petrol duties frozen brown says chancellor gordon brown has announced a freeze on fuel duty in his pre-budget speech to the commons on thursday. mr brown told the house that government policy is to raise fuel duty at least in line with inflation each year to fulfil environmental commitments. but this financial year because of volatility in the oil market he said the duty would be frozen. during 2000 many motorists campaigned against the rises but environmentalists believe less duty means more pollution. he said: it is our policy that each year fuel duties should rise at least in line with inflation as we seek to meet our targets for reducing polluting emmissions and fund our public services. but this financial year because of the sustained volatility in the oil market i propose to match the freeze in car vehicle licence duty with a continuation on the freeze on the main road fuel duties. the rac welcomed the news calling it an early christmas present for motorists. but the organisation urged drivers to continue to shop around to get the best price for petrol. environmental group transport 2000 said the freeze sends the wrong message to motorists. we are concerned that although britain leads the world in rhetoric about climate change it often fails in practical action said a spokesman. in 2000 the people s fuel lobby caused chaos by blocking roads with slow-moving convoys after mr brown threatened to raise fuel taxes. the chancellor did not raise duty that year but despite threats of more protests in 2003 he added 1.28p per litre.,politics
1275,nasdaq planning $100m share sale the owner of the technology-dominated nasdaq stock index plans to sell shares to the public and list itself on the market it operates. according to a registration document filed with the securities and exchange commission nasdaq stock market plans to raise $100m (£52m) from the sale. some observers see this as another step closer to a full public listing. however nasdaq an icon of the 1990s technology boom recently poured cold water on those suggestions. the company first sold shares in private placements during 2000 and 2001. it technically went public in 2002 when the stock started trading on the otc bulletin board which lists equities that trade only occasionally. nasdaq will not make money from the sale only investors who bought shares in the private placings the filing documents said. the nasdaq is made up shares in technology firms and other companies with high growth potential. it was the most potent symbol of the 1990s internet and telecoms boom nose-diving after the bubble burst. a recovery in the fortunes of tech giants such as intel and survivors such as amazon has helped revive its fortunes.,business
1554,blair pledges unity to labour mps tony blair has sought to reassure labour backbenchers that nothing will stand in the way of the party s bid for a third term in power. mr blair was speaking to mps amid fresh rumours of a rift with gordon brown. a new book says the prime minister went back on a pledge to mr brown to stand down before the next general election. the chancellor has said he is focused on winning the poll and is due to join election supremo alan milburn for a labour poster launch this week. mr blair told the parliamentary labour party (plp) on monday: i know from everyone here in cabinet and government nothing is going to get in the way of a unified labour party with a unified position and winning the third term people desperately need. the prime minister and his chancellor arrived within seconds of each other and seemingly in good spirits at the start of the meeting which lasted around an hour. a new book brown s britain by sunday telegraph journalist robert peston says mr blair went back on a pledge to make way for mr brown after cabinet allies intervened in june 2004. it has caused a new wave of concern among labour mps gearing up to defend their seats in an election widely expected to be held in may and several members are understood to have lined up to express their discontent at the plp meeting. health secretary john reid earlier warned that labour members would not easily forgive anybody fuelling damaging speculation. he told bbc news: those who co-operate or inspire these books in my view have to know that whatever the short-term political or personal advantage that they think they might secure they always do it by damaging the record the unity and the re-election chances of the labour party and the government. mr blair on sunday dismissed claims of broken promises saying: i ve dealt with this six months ago. i said then you don t do deals over jobs like this - you don t. in a separate bbc interview mr brown said he and the prime minister would not be distracted by gossip . it s very important that we all do what we can in a unified way to ensure the election of a labour government he said. on monday mr blair s spokesman said: the prime minister is determined that he will get on with the business of government because he believes that what people want. mr brown says he discussed the election campaign with mr blair on saturday and promised to play his part. mr peston said the pair had mutual animosity and contempt . mr blair had decided in november 2003 he would quit because he felt he had lost voters trust because of the iraq war. he had then changed his mind in june 2004 following intervention from cabinet allies and suspicion that the chancellor was manoeuvring against him. mr brown allegedly said he could no longer believe anything mr blair told him. conservative co-chairman liam fox likened the two men to self-obsessed schoolboys . liberal democrat parliamentary chairman matthew taylor said their personal ambition was getting in the way of good government . ex-labour leader neil kinnock said mr blair and mr brown could only deal with the media frenzy by continuing to say they would not allow a row to damage labour or british interests. he told bbc radio five live that mr brown would never encourage any kind of insurrection or coup.,politics
121,slater to star in broadway play actor christian slater is stepping into the role of tom in the broadway revival of the glass menagerie. slater 35 is replacing actor dallas roberts in the tennessee williams drama which opens next month. no reason was given for roberts departure. the role will be played by understudy joey collins until slater joins the show. slater won rave reviews for his recent performance in one flew over the cuckoo s nest in london s west end. he has also starred in a number of films including heathers robin hood: prince of thieves and more recently churchill: the hollywood years. preview performances of the glass menagerie will begin at new york s ethel barrymore theatre on thursday. philip rinaldi a spokesman for the show said the play s 15 march opening date remains unchanged. the revival directed by david leveaux will also star jessica lange as the domineering mother amanda wingfield.,entertainment
899,ferguson hails man utd s resolve manchester united s alex ferguson has praised his players gutsy performance in the 1-0 win at aston villa. that was our hardest away game of the season and it was a fantastic game of football end-to-end with lots of good passing said the old trafford boss. we showed lots of character and guts and we weren t going to lose. i look at that fixture and think we ve been there and won while arsenal and chelsea have yet to come and villa may have some players back when they do. ferguson also hailed senior stars ryan giggs and roy keane who came off the bench for the injured john o shea. roy came on and brought a bit of composure to the midfield which we needed and which no other player has got. giggs was a tremendous threat and he brings tremendous penetration. all we can do is maintain our form play as we are and we ll get our rewards.,sport
1542,pete doherty misses bail deadline singer pete doherty will have to spend the weekend in jail because he could not come up with £150 000 bond money for his bail on time. the former libertines singer had been granted bail with curfew restrictions at highbury corner magistrates court on charges of robbery and blackmail. but his lawyer said the money could not be raised on time. mr doherty 25 was arrested following an alleged incident in a london hotel on wednesday evening. musician alan wass 23 also of north london appeared in court accused of the same offences. magistrates imposed a range of bail conditions on mr doherty including a curfew between 2200 and 0700 except when he attends a drug rehabilitation centre. he was told he would not be able to leave his home without being accompanied by a security firm. he must also surrender his passport and report daily to a local police station. mr wass was also given a curfew and told to surrender his passport. mr doherty left the libertines at the end of june 2004 but continued performing with his band babyshambles. the singer who has been linked to supermodel kate moss was arrested after police were called to the islington hotel in response to claims that a man had been assaulted. a man in his 30s was later taken to university college hospital london with facial injuries before being discharged. a lawyer representing mr doherty and mr wass said outside court the pair strenuously denied the charges.,entertainment
1080,ore costs hit global steel firms shares in steel firms have dropped worldwide amid concerns that higher iron ore costs will hit profit growth. shares in germany s thyssenkrupp the uk s corus and france s arcleor fell while japan s nippon steel slid after it agreed to pay 72% more for iron ore. china s baoshan iron and steel co. said it was delaying a share sale because of weak market conditions adding it would raise steel prices to offset ore costs. the threat of higher raw material costs also hit industries such as carmakers. france s peugeot warned that its profits may decline this year as a result of the higher steel plastic and commodity prices. steelmakers have been enjoying record profits as demand for steel has risen driven by the booming economies of countries such as china and india. steel prices rose by 8% globally in january alone and by 24% in china. the boom times are far from over but analysts say that earnings growth may slow. the share price fall was initially triggered by news that two of the world s biggest iron ore suppliers had negotiated contracts at much-higher prices. miners rio tinto and cia. vale do rio dolce (cvrd) this week managed to boost by 72% the price of their iron ore a key component of steel. analysts had expected japan s nippon to agree to a price rise of between 40% and 50%. steel analyst peter fish director of sheffield-based consulting group meps said the extent of cvrd s price rise was uncharted territory adding that the steel industry hasn t seen an increase of this magnitude probably in 50 years . analysts now expect other iron ore producers such as australia s bhp billiton to seek annual price rises of up to 70%. the news triggered the share price weakness. it sparked worries that steel makers might not be able to increase product prices further [ to cover rising ore costs] explained kazuhiro takahashi of daiwa securities smbc. in europe arcelor shed 2.1% to 17.58 euros in paris with thyssenkrupp dropping 1.7% to 16.87 euros. in london corus fell 2.2% to 55.57 pence. japan s biggest steel company nippon steel lost 2.5% to 270 yen with closest rival jfe holdings down 3.4%. china s baoshan the country s largest steel producer said that the uncertainty surrounding the industry has prompted it to pull its planned share sale. the firm had been expected to offer 22.5bn yuan ($2.7bn) worth of shares to investors. no date has been given for when the 5 billion shares will come to the market. baoshan stock climbed on news of the delay and its decision to increase the price of its steel by 10%.,business
1466,parties plans for council tax anger at council tax rises spilled over into mass protests in 2003 when the average english bill rose 12.9%. pensioners protests spread - some marched others simply refused to pay the increase. some such as 83-year-old elizabeth winkfield said they would rather go to jail. the audit commission found the whole local government finance system was fundamentally flawed and all three of the main parties have said the system has to change. labour says it wants to retain the property-based tax but reform it to make it fairer and says there is scope for councils to become more efficient. they say they are already helping pensioners with council tax bills with a £100 lump sum for the over-70s and last year the government capped some local councils budgets to keep demands down. deputy prime minister john prescott has said the current system is not sustainable in the long term and said there would be radical reform . the party says this year s increases will be the lowest in a decade. a report last year looked at increasing the number of council tax bands and other forms of local taxation such as reformed business rates although no decisions have been made. an independent inquiry into its findings the lyons review is due to report back at the end of 2005. the tories have promised a reduction on bills for pensioners who they say have been hardest hit by year-on-year increases in council tax. they say they can save £4bn on government waste of which £1.3bn could be used to cut pensioners bills by an average of £340. it would not be means tested say the tories because that would create more bureaucracy and could discourage people from saving for their retirement. instead households where council tax payers are over 65 would get a rebate covering half their bill up to a maximum of £500. the tories also say they are suspicious about any proposals to revalue homes - currently graded according to their value in 1991 - because they believe seven million of homes could move up a band. the liberal democrats want to do away with the council tax altogether and switch to a local income tax of the kind seen in the usa norway and switzerland. the rate would be set locally but administered by the inland revenue which they say would save at least £300m. they say the council tax is the most unpopular and most unfair tax in britain because it puts a ceiling on what the richest pay. the party says it would aim for a £5 000 tax-free personal allowance or a £7 000 allowance for the over-65s. after that income would be taxed up to £100 000. the lib dems say their plan is fairer more efficient has already been tested abroad and offers more accountability.,politics
726,vw considers opening indian plant volkswagen is considering building a car factory in india but said it had yet to make a final decision. the german giant said it was studying the possibility of opening an assembly plant in the country but that it remained only a potential idea. its comments came after the industry minister of india s andhra pradesh state said a team of vw officials were due to visit to discuss the plans. b. satyanarayana said he expected vw to co-sign a memorandum of agreement. several foreign carmakers including hyundai toyota suzuki and ford already have indian production facilities to meet demand for automobiles in asia s fourth-largest economy. vw s proposed plant would be set up in the port city of visakhapatnam on india s eastern coast. an andhra pradesh official added that vw had already approved a factory site measuring 250 acres.,business
1928,nadal puts spain 2-0 up result: nadal 6-7 (6/8) 6-2 7-6 (8/6) 6-2 roddick spain s rafael nadal beats andy roddick of the usa in the second singles match rubber of the 2004 davis cup final in seville. spain lead 1-0 after carlos moya beat mardy fish in straight sets in the opening match of the tie. nadal holds his nerve and the crowd goes wild as spain go 2-0 up in the tie. roddick holds serve to force nadal to serve for the match but the american surely cannot turn things around now. nadal works roddick around the court on two consecutive points to earn two break points. one is enough the spaniard secures the double-break and roddick is now teetering on the edge. roddick is trying to gee himself up but the clay surface is taking its toll on his game and he is looking tired. nadal wins the game to love. nadal steps up the pressure to break and spain have the early initiative in the fourth set. nadal also holds convincingly as both players feel their way into the fourth set. roddick shrugs off the disappointment of losing the third-set tiebreak and breezes through his first service game of the fourth set. nadal earns the first mini-break in the tiebreak as the match enters its fourth hour. a couple of stunning points follow one where nadal chases down a roddick shot and turns into a passing winner. then roddick produces some amazing defence at the net to take the score to 4-4. roddick has two serves for the set but double-faults to take the score to 5-5. nadal saves a roddick set point then earns his own with a drive volley - and a crosscourt passing winner sends the crowd wild. nadal tries to up his aggression and he passes roddick down the line to go 15-40 and two set points up. roddick saves the first with a desperate lunge volley and smacks a volley winner across the court to take the score back to deuce before securing the game. the set will go to another tiebreak. nadal enjoys another straightforward hold and roddick must once again serve to stay in the set. roddick again holds on despite some brilliant shot-making from his opponent. nadal races through his service game to put the pressure straight back onto roddick. roddick hangs in on his serve to level matters but nadal is making him fight for every point. nadal could be suffering a disappointment hangover from the previous game as he goes 0-30 down and then has to save a break point after a tremendous rally in which he is forced into some brilliant defence. but it pays off and the spaniard edges ahead in the set. roddick s serve is not firing as ferociously as usual and has to rely on his sheer competitive determination to stay in the set. three times nadal forces a break point and three times the world number two hangs in. and roddick s grit pays off as he manages to hold. roddick still looks a bit sluggish but he attacks the net and is rewarded with a break point which nadal saves with a good first serve and the spaniard goes on to hold. there is a disruption in play as roddick is upset about something in the crowd. the spanish captain gets involved as does the match referee but it is unclear what the problem is. one thing for certain is that the crowd are roused into support of nadal and they go wild when roddick loses the next point and goes break point down. roddick saves the break point and then bangs down his ninth ace before clinching the game with a service winner. the game passes the two-hour mark as nadal holds serve to edge ahead in the third set. now roddick has to defend a break point and he produces a characteristic ace to save it. it is immediately followed by another and he holds with a little dinked half-volley winner. roddick is looking a little leaden-footed but does carve out a break point for himself. but he plays it poorly and nadal avoids the danger. roddick has gone off the boil and again struggles. he fails to get down properly for a low forehand volley and gives nadal three break points. the american blasts an ace to save one but follows up with a double fault and the rubber is level. nadal edges towards taking the second set with a comfortable hold. two good serves put roddick 30-0 up but he then makes a couple of errors to find himself 30-40 down. he saves the break point with an ace and then manages to hold. roddick s level has dropped while nadal is on a hot streak. the spaniard includes a superb crosscourt winner off the back foot as he races through his service game without dropping a point. roddick double-faults twice and nadal takes full advantage of the break point offered powering a passing winner past roddick. nadal wins another tight game. neither player has dipped from the high standard of play in the first set. nadal puts the american under pressure and roddick saves a break point with a superb stop volley before going on to hold. nadal puts the disappointment of losing the first-set tiebreak to claim the opening game in the second. roddick double-faults to concede the first mini-break and then nadal loops a crosscourt winner to seize advantage in the tiebreak. he lets one slip but wins his next serve to earn three set points. but roddick saves them and then earns one himself. nadal comes up with a down-the-line winner but then nets tamely on roddick s next set point. nadal s nerve is tested as he tries to force a tiebreak. both players come up with some scintillating tennis and the spaniard has several chances to clinch the game before finally doing so when roddick drives wide. a pulsating game sees nadal racing round the court retrieving and refusing to give roddick any easy points. the point of the match so far involves roddick s slam-dunk smash being returned by nadal before roddick finally manages to end the rally. on the very next point nadal blasts a forehand service return from right of court that passes roddick and even the american is forced to applaud. but roddick comes up with two big serves to polish off the game. nadal outplays roddick to reach 40-0 but the american fights back to 40-30 before nadal s powerful crosscourt forehand winner secures the game. the crowd are getting very involved cheering between roddick s first and second serves. but the american comes through to hold and edge ahead in the set. nadal manages to hold again despite roddick piling the pressure on his serve. the spaniard wins the game courtesy of another lucky net cord. roddick double faults buts manages to keep his composure. a well-placed serve is unreturnable and roddick holds. a powerful ace down the middle gives nadal a simple love service game - the first time he has held serve so far in the match. if roddick didn t know before he knows now that he is in a real contest. another superb game as nadal breaks to once again lift the roof. he produces some fine groundstrokes to leave roddick chasing shadows. four of the first five games have seen a break of serve. despite the disappointment of losing his serve roddick is not phased and storms into a 40-15 lead when the umpire leaves his seat to confirm a close line-call. nadal takes the next point but roddick breaks again with a sharp volley at the net. roddick s advantage is short lived as nadal breaks back immediately. a fortunate net cord helps the spaniard on his way and when roddick fires a forehand cross court shot wide to lose his serve nadal pumps his fist in celebration. the american is pumped up for this clash and takes on nadal s serve from the start. nadal s drop shot is agonisingly called out and roddick claims the vital first break. after moya s win in the opening rubber a raucous seville crowd is buoyed by nadal s impressive start which sees him race into a 30-0 lead. however roddick fights back to hold his serve.,sport
1254,chris evans back on the market broadcaster chris evans has begun selling thousands of his possessions from a stall in camden market london. evans perched on a stool as shoppers wandered around the open-fronted shop packed with his furniture. among the items from his homes in los angeles and london were countless sofas chairs pictures beds and memorabilia from his past tv shows. asked the reason for the sale evans said: i just want to get rid of it all it s just a headache. he added: it feels good to be selling this stuff it s a weight off my mind. look at it all there s so much clutter. i ve enjoyed every bit of furniture and every poster but it s not important anymore. the normally gregarious evans cut a peculiarly unshowbusiness-like figure as he sipped coffee and smoked cigarettes wrapped in a big coat and scarf in front of his aladdin s cave. however the ostentation of some of the items on sale painted a picture of the eccentricity that endeared him to the british public in shows such as channel 4 s gameshow don t forget your toothbrush. the most striking thing about many of the pieces was their sheer size. sofas looked like they could seat a small party and a bed seemed big enough for four. the elaborate nature of the pieces many custom-made had to be admired particularly a huge red and gold upholstered throne and a stripy deckchair from the queen mary liner. to help people in their browsing evans had given the pieces labels with not only the price but a helpful often comic aside. isn t it great was the comment on the £1 950 throne and bob dylan s old sofa - honest was written on a dark wood couch priced £4 250. the prices were steep by a lot of people s standards but evans said it was not deterring shoppers. i ve sold quite a lot already. everything here is on sale for less than i bought it for but it s not really about the money. it s about getting rid of it all. we ve all been bartering that s what it s all about. he added that he was not going to reveal what he was going to do with the money he was making. vintage tv and film posters also lined the walls including a rare portrait of raquel welch and an original advertising print from the benny hill show. and almost hidden at the back of the lock-up were the two giant toothbrushes from his former channel 4 show although these were not for sale. despite the sheer curiosity value of the sale there was a healthy trickle of interest from the public rather than the perhaps expected crowds. some wandered in just to browse as they would any of the other stalls not knowing that it belonged to evans. paul burgess said: i didn t realise. i thought it was just a load of junk. i should go back and have a better look. but local resident francesca detakats came specially to the stall and left happy with her purchase of an original 1960s photograph of the who by david wedgburg. ms detakats said she was a collector and did not mind paying £350 for the print. if you like something you don t really count it like that she said. martin hellewell who had also made a point of visiting evans shop said he thought it was a great idea. why not if you ve got stuff to get rid of it s a good place to do it said mr hellewell. evans has taken out the stall with business partner pete winterbottom. they plan to open every day if possible although evans did not know how often he would be there. we ll stay definitely until christmas and then maybe a week after that said evans.,entertainment
1497,klinsmann issues lehmann warning germany coach jurgen klinsmann has warned goalkeeper jens lehmann he may have to quit arsenal to keep his world cup dreams alive. lehmann is understudy to oliver kahn in the german squad but has lost his place to manuel alumnia at highbury. klinsmann said: it will be difficult for any of our players if he is not a first-choice at his club. if jens is not arsenal s number one keeper that is a problem for me. he must be playing regularly. lehmann is desperate to keep his place in the germany squad when the country hosts the world cup in 2006. klinsmann added: if he is not playing regularly he cannot be germany s number one keeper or even number two keeper. the situation for jens is that he is currently the number two keeper at arsenal. this could be critical if it remains the same during next season.,sport
173,australia rates at four year high australia is raising its benchmark interest rate to its highest level in four years despite signs of a slowdown in the country s economy. the reserve bank of australia lifted interest rates 0.25% to 5.5% their first upwards move in more than a year. however shortly after the bank made its decision new figures showed a fall in economic growth in the last quarter. the bank said it had acted to curb inflation but the move was criticised by some analysts. the rate hike was the first since december 2003 and had been well-flagged in advance. however opposition parties and some analysts said the move was ill-timed given data showing the australian economy grew just 0.1% between october and december and 1.5% on an annual basis. the figures representing a decline from the 0.2% growth in gdp seen between july and september were below market expectations. consumer spending remains strong however and the bank is concerned about growing inflationary pressures. over recent months it has become increasingly clear that remaining spare capacity in the labour and goods markets is becoming rather limited said ian macfarlane governor of the reserve bank. at 2.6% inflation remains within the bank s 2-3% target range. however exports declined in the second half of 2004 fuelling a rise in the country s current account deficit - the difference in the value of imports compared to exports - to a record australian dollar 29.4bn. the australian government said the economy remained strong with unemployment at a near 30 year low. the economy has been strong and it is properly moderating but it doesn t look to me like it s slowing in any unreasonable way said treasurer peter costello. stock markets had factored in the likelihood of a rate rise but analysts still expressed concern about the strength of the economy. that 1.5% annual growth rate is the lowest we have seen since the post-election slump we saw back in 2000-1 said michael blythe chief economist at the commonwealth bank of australia. this suggests the economy really did slow very sharply in the second half of 2004.,business
370,eminem beats elvis to number one rapper eminem has denied elvis his fourth number one of the year after his song like toy soldiers stormed to the top of the singles charts. the track claimed the top spot ahead of the king s latest re-release are you lonesome tonight. it is the fifth in a series of 18 reissues to mark the 70th anniversary of presley s birth. almost here the duet from former westlife star brian mcfadden and delta goodrem went in at number three. like toy soldiers from eminem s encore album is sampled from martika s 1980s hit toy soldiers. it takes a swipe at hip-hop feuds and follows the success of just lose it. last week s number one elvis s it s now or never slipped 13 places to number 14 but all five of his re-released songs are in the top 40. one world project tsunami fundraiser grief never grows old slipped four places to number eight. featuring cliff richard and boy george the song was written by former dj mike read. in the album charts athlete s latest offering tourist claimed the top spot toppling the chemical brother s push the button down which fell to number six.,entertainment
351,sky takes over oscar night mantle sky has signed a major new deal to broadcast this year s academy awards taking over from three years of live oscar coverage on the bbc. sky said it was honoured to have won exclusive broadcasting rights and promised to cover the event in a way no other broadcaster could . the bbc denied it had lost a bidding war saying it had decided to pass the mantle to another broadcaster . the ceremony hosted by newcomer chris rock takes place on 27 february 2005. sky s coverage will launch with the nominations on 25 january and will include themed programming across sky channels including sky news sky travel and the biography channel. there will also be a month-long season of oscar-winning films on sky movies in the run up to the event and live uninterrupted coverage on the night. we are honoured to have won the live and exclusive broadcasting rights for the academy awards said sky networks sophie turner laing. sky is the natural place to see the biggest and most prestigious film event of the year and will cover the event in a way that no other broadcaster could. sky first scooped oscar rights from the bbc in 1999 but the bbc won them back in 2001 when sky was forced to pull out of a bidding war due to financial constraints. bbc viewers will of course be able to watch quality coverage of the 2005 academy awards on the bbc s bulletins and news programmes a spokesman said. among the films tipped to do well at this year s academy awards are martin scorsese s the aviator jean-pierre jeunet s a very long engagement and the ray charles biopic ray.,entertainment
186,almagro continues spanish surge unseeded nicolas almagro became the fifth spaniard to reach the last eight at the buenos aires open ousting eighth seed mariano zabaleta. he showed admirable resolve to win a rain-affected match 6-7 6-4 6-4. compatriot and seventh seed rafael nadal also reached the last eight beating italian potito starace 6-1 6-3. nadal playing in the outdoor clay event for the first time hit some powerful forehands to oust starace in a match delayed over an hour by rain. it s always a problem to have to stop for rain but one gets used to it said spanish teenager nadal. luckily i was able to keep my pace going throughout the match. he will now play gaston gaudio who beat unseeded brazilian flavio saretta 6-3 6-2 in the day s late match.,sport
1578,mcconnell details scots wave toll at least three people from scotland died in the tsunami disaster and a further three are on the missing list the first minister has told msps. the figures came out during a statement by jack mcconnell to the scottish parliament on wednesday. he formally expressed scotland s sympathy for the victims of the indian ocean tidal wave which killed 150 000. mr mcconnell went on to promise that scotland would play its part in the reconstruction effort. he said the provisional figures on the dead and lost had been provided by the police. mr mcconnell said the tragedy should persuade everyone to step up the fight against global poverty and change the world for the better. he said he was proud of the generous response of people in scotland to the disaster appeal which is expected soon to top £20m. the first minister also praised scottish water for immediately flying bottled water and five large generators to the disaster zone. the scottish executive has seconded 11 staff to the aid agencies. but he said scotland was in it for the long term with help planned for fishing communities for children s services and for the aid charities. he said 2005 must be the year that scotland showed clearly it cared for what happened to people elsewhere in the world whether in asia or in africa. mr mcconnell went on to signal that the executive would play its part in the make poverty history campaign being mounted by a variety of aid charities trade unions and churches in the run-up to the g8 summit in gleneagles in july. edinburgh architect dominic stephenson became the first scot to be confirmed as a victim of the asian tsunami. the 27-year-old was holidaying on the thai island of koh phi phi with eileen lee 24. she is still missing.,politics
2199,asian banks halt dollar s slide the dollar regained some lost ground against most major currencies on wednesday after south korea and japan denied they were planning a sell-off. the dollar suffered its biggest one-day fall in four months on tuesday on fears that asian central banks were about to lower their reserves of dollars. japan is the biggest holder of dollar reserves in the world with south korea the fourth largest. the dollar was buying 104.76 yen at 0950 gmt 0.5% stronger on the day. it also edged higher against both the euro and the pound with one euro worth $1.3218 and one pound buying $1.9094. concerns over rising oil prices and the outlook for the dollar pushed down us stock markets on tuesday; the dow jones industrial average closed down 1.6% while the nasdaq lost 1.3%. the dollar s latest slide began after a south korean parliamentary report suggested the country which has about $200bn in foreign reserves had plans to boost holdings of currencies such as the australian and canadian dollar. on wednesday however south korea moved to steady the financial markets. it issued a statement that the bank of korea will not change the portfolio of currencies in its reserves due to short term market factors . japan too steadied nerves. a senior japanese finance ministry official told reuters we have no plans to change the composition of currency holdings in the foreign reserves and we are not thinking about expanding our euro holdings . japan has $850bn in foreign exchange reserves. at the start of the year the us currency which had lost 7% against the euro in the final three months of 2004 and had fallen to record lows staged something of a recovery. analysts however pointed to the dollar s inability recently to extend that rally despite positive economic and corporate data and highlighted the fact that many of the us s economic problems had not disappeared. the focus has been on the country s massive trade and budget deficits and analysts have predicted more dollar weakness to come.,business
1534,uk rebate unjustified - chirac french president jacques chirac has called the uk s £3bn rebate from the european union unjustified . speaking after a summit meeting he said unless it was put up for discussion the eu would never be able to reach agreement on its medium term finances. earlier foreign secretary jack straw said the uk was prepared to veto any bid to reduce the rebate secured by margaret thatcher in 1984. he said it remained justified because less eu farm money came to the uk. mr chirac told reporters in brussels: one can only have a reasonable budgetary balance if we put back on the table the british cheque. it can no longer be justified. it was from the past. but a uk government official responded: even with the rebate the uk pays two and a half times more than france contributes to the eu budget. without it we would pay 14 times as much as france. there can be no deal on future financing which does not protect the rebate. the 25-member eu is gearing up for tough negotiations on its budget plans for the period 2007-2013 with the bloc s luxembourg presidency hoping to strike a deal at a june summit. earlier conservative graham brady said the rebate was a crucial test of how firmly ministers were prepared to stand up for britain. eu commission president jose manuel barroso has indicated he wants the rebate to come to an end. mr straw said that as well as the veto over the rebate the uk wanted to keep a tight rein on national contributions. the uk france germany austria the netherlands and sweden want the eu budget to be capped at 1% of member states combined national incomes - the european commission has urged an increase to 1.26%. mr straw has said the eu commission s proposal would mean a 35% hike in the budget. shadow europe minister mr brady said: i believe it is essential that britain keeps the rebate and i think it s a crucial test of how firmly the british government is prepared to stand up for britain internationally in europe. the uk is already one of the biggest net contributors to the eu . the foreign secretary meanwhile said the justice of the rebate remained. we have one of the lowest net receipts of any eu country because of the relatively small size of our agriculture sector and its efficiency. that continues to be the case. uk independence party leader roger knapman said the rebate was set in stone and there was no reason to negotiate about it. it is extraordinary to do it at this time just as we are becoming the biggest contributor to the eu. if we lose our rebate as well the british taxpayer is going to be bled at such a rate that i think everyone will go off the european project. eu leaders are holding talks in brussels on how to re-energise the sluggish european economy. uk prime minister tony blair is meeting his eu counterparts to finalise a package of measures aimed at stimulating growth and boosting employment ahead of a series of referendums on the european constitution. the plans could introduce a free market into everything from computer services to construction. critics - including germany and france - believe liberalisation could result in companies shifting staff to cheaper bases in eastern europe undercutting large eu economies and undermining social protections. there are also concerns about the number of workers from eastern european countries who will head west exacerbating the already high unemployment levels in germany. mr straw insisted there was nothing to fear from the services directorate. european countries overall have benefited hugely from the free market in goods he said. what we are now talking about is developing that market into an internal market in services. britain s low unemployment meant there was less neurosis about people coming from eastern european countries. in countries like germany and france where frankly because of a tighter social market they have much higher levels of unemployment there is increasing anxiety about other people coming in he said.,politics
739,us duo in first spam conviction a brother and sister in the us have been convicted of sending hundreds of thousands of unsolicited e-mail messages to aol subscribers. it is the first criminal prosecution of internet spam distributors. jurors in virginia recommended that the man jeremy jaynes serve nine years in prison and that his sister jessica degroot be fined $7 500. they were convicted under a state law that bars the sending of bulk e-mails using fake addresses. they will be formally sentenced next year. a third defendant richard rutkowski was acquitted. prosecutors said jaynes was a snake oil salesman in a new format using the internet to peddle useless wares news agency associated press reported. a fed-ex refund processor was supposed to allow people to earn $75 an hour working from home. another item on sale was an internet history eraser . his sister helped him process credit card payments. jaynes amassed a fortune of $24m from his sales prosecutors said. he s been successful ripping people off all these years ap quoted prosecutor russell mcguire as saying. jaynes was also found guilty of breaking a state law which prohibits the sending of more than 100 000 e-mails in 30 days virginia state attorney general jerry kilgore reportedly said. prosecutors had asked for 15 years in jail for jaynes and a jail term for his sister. but jaynes lawyer david oblon called the nine-year recommended term outrageous and said his client believed he was innocent. he pointed out that all three of the accused lived in north carolina and were unaware of the virginia state law. spam messages are estimated to account for at least 60% of all e-mails sent.,tech
569,singer s film to show at festival a documentary which takes a candid look at the life of chart-topping singer george michael will be shown at this year s berlin film festival. a different story will screen in the panorama section of the festival which runs from 10-20 february. it features the singer talking about both his career and his personal life from his days in wham! through to more recent events. michael will attend the festival to introduce the screening on 16 february. director southan morris and executive producer andy stephens will also attend the festival. the 93 minute film will see michael discussing his early days in wham! along with his later career including his legal battles with record label sony and his stance against the iraq war and american politics. it will also touch upon his turbulent personal life including his arrest in a beverly hills park toilet in 1998 for lewd behaviour and the death of his boyfriend anselmo feleppa from aids. the film which includes previously unseen footage of the singer also features contributions from michael s former wham! partner andrew ridgeley as well as ex-wham! backing singers pepsi and shirlie. other contributors include sting mariah carey elton john noel gallagher geri halliwell and simon cowell. this year s festival will open with man to man a historical epic starring joseph fiennes and kristin scott-thomas. it will be one of 21 films competing for the festival s top prize the golden bear. other films in competition will include the life aquatic a quirky comedy starring bill murray and the biopic kinsey which features liam neeson. the full programme will be announced on 1 february.,entertainment
137,hillbillies singer scoggins dies country and western musician jerry scoggins has died in los angeles at the age of 93 his family has said. scoggins was best remembered for singing the theme tune to popular us tv show the beverly hillbillies. the texan-born singer approached the producers of the programme with theme tune the ballad of jed clampett for the pilot which was screened in 1962. the show which told the story of a poor man striking oil and moving to beverly hills ran until 1971. scoggins daugher jane kelly misel said that her father never tired of the song and would sing it at least once a day. he d sing it at birthdays and anniversaries and variety shows. he never stopped performing it she said. when a film version of the beverly hillbillies was made in 1993 scoggins came out of retirement to perform the theme tune. scoggins sang the lyrics while bluegrass stars lester flatt and earl scruggs played guitar and banjo.,entertainment
762,oscars steer clear of controversy the oscars nominations list has left out some of the most controversial films of the past year in favour of safer less contentious cinema. if best film nominees were drawn on the basis of column inches two of the front-runners would have had to be michael moore s bush-baiting documentary fahrenheit 9/11 and mel gibson s the passion of the christ. both films polarised opinion but had critics talking and the public turning up to see them - fahrenheit 9/11 breaking us box office records for a documentary and the passion of the christ making more than us$370m (£196m) in the us alone. but this year s academy awards have shied away from the big name controversies with the passion of the christ - a film accused of being anti-semitic - receiving nominations only in the minor categories of cinematography makeup and musical score. fahrenheit 9/11 has also been overlooked despite winning the palme d or at the cannes international film festival in 2004. moore s caustic documentary may have been affected by its distributors decision to enter it in the best picture category rather than best documentary says tim dams the news editor of trade magazine screen international. but he also believes the strong political viewpoint of moore s film does not sit well with the academy. if you look at past oscar winners and nominees the very conservative oscar voters tend to go for very conservative epic-style pictures. fahrenheit 9/11 didn t really fit in to that category. they tend to go for films like titanic gladiator and the lord of the rings films with scale that often aren t too contentious he said. while he said the oscar voting panel were not snubbing moore s film he thought it was unlikely a documentary could ever seriously compete in a best film category. i think it s more a misjudgement by the people putting it out rather than a deliberate snub he said. the problem with mel gibson s film he believed was that the voting panel may have been cautious in nominating a film with dialogue in aramaic an ancient middle eastern language. hollywood doesn t tend to like foreign-language films - no-one s ever tried doing a film in a dead language he said. but aside from these two films some potentially contentious pictures have won nominations. the german film the downfall a biopic tracing the final days of nazi leader adolf hitler in his berlin bunker has been recognised in the best foreign film category. the film has caused some controversy in showing hitler as a fallible but human man rather than a semi-mythical historical monster. but mr dams said: it s not an inflammatory film. it has done very well in germany and it s a film that portrays hitler as a human rather than some kind of devil or monster. another contentious film mr dams said has gained a nomination in the best documentary section through the force of its charm. independent film-maker morgan spurlock may have forced fast-food giant mcdonalds to withdraw its super size portions in the us after he went on a month-long diet eating nothing but mcdonalds meals - and filmed his progress. the film has been a hit around the world. mr dams said: it s a political film but it s quite fun and punky and well-paced. morgan spurlock is a really likeable guy. it s a very accessible film and it doesn t beat you over the head with its views. while in fahrenheit 9/11 there are moments of comedy i think the way that super size me is put together - the fact it s a very likeable film - means it s won through on charm. dam s pick at this year s oscars the aviator martin scorsese s biopic of aviation pioneer and hollywood player howard hughes. tinseltown it seems likes nothing more than a picture about one of its own.,entertainment
1733,mobiles not media players yet mobiles are not yet ready to be all-singing all-dancing multimedia devices which will replace portable media players say two reports. despite moves to bring music download services to mobiles people do not want to trade multimedia services with size and battery life said jupiter. a separate study by gartner has also said real-time tv broadcasts to mobiles is unlikely in europe until 2007. technical issues and standards must be resolved first said the report. batteries already have to cope with other services that operators offer like video playback video messaging megapixel cameras and games amongst others. bringing music download services based on the success of computer-based download services will put more demands on battery life. fifty percent of europeans said the size of a mobile was the most important factor when it came to choosing their phone but more power demands tend to mean larger handsets. mobile phone music services must not be positioned to compete with the pc music experience as the handsets are not yet ready said thomas husson mobile analyst at jupiter research. mobile music services should be new and different and enable operators to differentiate their brands and support third generation network launches. other problems facing mobile music include limited storage on phones compared to portable players which can hold up to 40gb of music. the mobile industry is keen to get into music downloading after the success of apple s itunes napster and other net music download services. with phones getting smarter and more powerful there are also demands to be able to watch tv on the move. in the us services like tivo to go let people transfer pre-recorded tv content onto their phones. but the gartner report on mobile tv broadcasting in europe suggests direct broadcasting will have to wait. currently tv-like services where clips are downloaded are offered by several european operators like italy s tim and 3. mobile tv will have to overcome several barriers before it is widely taken up though said the report. various standards and ways of getting tv signals to mobiles are being worked on globally. in europe trials in berlin and helsinki are making use of terrestrial tv masts to broadcast compressed signals to handsets with extra receivers. a service from the norwegian broadcasting corporation lets people watch tv programmes on their mobiles 24 hours a day. the service uses 3gp technology one of the standards for mobile tv. but at the end of 2004 the european telecommunications institute (etsi) formally adopted digital video broadcasting handheld (dvb-h) as the mobile tv broadcasting standard for europe. operators will be working on the standard as a way to bring real-time broadcasts to mobiles as well as trying to overcome several other barriers. the cost and infrastructure needs to set up the services will need to be addressed. handsets also need to be able to work with the dvb-h standard. tv services will have to live up to the expectations of the digital tv generation too which expects good quality images at low prices according to analysts. people are also likely to be put off watching tv on such small screens said gartner. digital video recorders like europe s sky+ box and video-on-demand services mean people have much more control over what tv they watch. as a result people may see broadcasting straight to mobiles as taking away that control. more powerful smartphones like the xda ii nokia 6600 sonyericsson p900 and the orange e200 offering web access text and multimedia messaging e-mail calendar and gaming are becoming increasingly common. a report by analysts instat/mdr has predicted that smartphone shipments will grow by 44% over the next five years. it says that smartphones will make up 117 million out of 833 million handsets shipped globally by 2009.,tech
1014,o sullivan could run in worlds sonia o sullivan has indicated that she would like to participate in next month s world cross country championships in st etienne. athletics ireland have hinted that the 35-year-old cobh runner may be included in the official line-up for the event in france on 19-20 march. provincial teams were selected after last saturday s nationals in santry and will be officially announced this week. o sullivan is at present preparing for the london marathon on 17 april. the participation of o sullivan currentily training at her base in australia would boost the ireland team who won the bronze three years agio. the first three at santry last saturday jolene byrne maria mccambridge and fionnualla britton are automatic selections and will most likely form part of the long-course team. o sullivan will also take part in the bupa great ireland run on 9 april in dublin.,sport
1199,sales fail to boost high street the january sales have failed to help the uk high street recover from a poor christmas season a survey has found. stores received a boost from bargain hunters but trading then reverted to december levels the british retail consortium and accountants kpmg said. sales in what is traditionally a strong month rose by 0.5% on a like-for-like basis compared with a year earlier. consumers remain cautious over buying big-ticket items like furniture said brc director general kevin hawkins. higher interest rates and uncertainty over the housing market continue to take their toll on the retail sector the brc said. but clothing and footwear sales were said to be generally better than december while department stores also had a good month. in the three-months to january like-for-like sales showed a growth rate of -0.1% the same as in the three months to december the brc said. following a relatively strong new year s bank holiday trading then took a downward turn said mr hawkins. even extending some promotions and discounts and the pay-day boost later in the month could not tempt customers. the previous brc survey found christmas 2004 was the worst for 10 years for retailers. and according to office for national statistics data sales in december failed to meet expectations and by some counts were the worst since 1981.,business
1540,holmes wins 2004 top tv moment sprinter kelly holmes olympic victory has been named the top television moment of 2004 in a bbc poll. holmes 800m gold medal victory beat favourite moments from drama comedy and factual programmes as voted by television viewers. natasha kaplinsky s strictly come dancing win was top entertainment moment and a little britain breast feeding sketch won the comedy prize. the 2004 tv moments will be shown on bbc one at 2000 gmt on wednesday. double gold medal winner holmes topped the best sports moment category beating maria sharapova s wimbledon triumph and matthew pinsent s rowing victory at the olympics. she then went on to take the overall prize of golden tv moment. the sight of former royal correspondent jennie bond with dozens of rats crawling over her in itv s i m a celebrity get me out of here was named best factual entertainment moment. michael buerk s return to ethiopia 20 years after originally reporting its famine topped the factual category for bbc programme this world. long-running soap eastenders won the best popular drama moment title when character dot confided in den watts that she was unwell.,entertainment
1099,bbc denies blackadder tv comeback the bbc has said there are no plans in the pipeline for a new series of hit comedy blackadder which ended in 1989. tony robinson who played the servant baldrick told itv1 s this morning the show s star rowan atkinson was more keen than he has been in the past . robinson added he would love to do another series each of which was set in a different era ranging from the 15th century to world war i. but the bbc said on thursday there were no plans for a comeback. in the final series all the main characters were killed off charging towards german lines after being ordered out of their trench. the poignant finale was later voted the best farewell episode of a tv series. a host of other uk actors including hugh laurie stephen fry and miranda richardson also appeared in the show. blackadder returned for a one-off special filmed to celebrate the arrival of the millennium in 1999. it was shown at the millennium dome in greenwich before being screened on bskyb.,entertainment
281,levy takes whitbread novel prize orange prize winner andrea levy has seen her book small island win the whitbread novel of the year award. she is now favourite to win the overall prize after beating booker winner alan hollinghurst s the line of beauty. geraldine mccaughrean has picked up the children s fiction award for the third time for not the end of the world. all the category winners go through to compete for the whitbread book of the year title which carries with it a £25 000 prize. a panel of judges including sir trevor mcdonald actor hugh grant and writer joanne harris will meet up on 25 january to decide the overall winner with the announcement being made later that evening. bookmaker william hill has placed london-based levy s novel as the 6/4 favourite to win. small island levy s fourth novel is set in post-war england and centres on a landlady and her lodgers. one is a jamaican who joined british troops to fight hitler but finds life difficult out of uniform when he settles in london. the judges who included authors jenny colgan and amanda craig were full of praise for her writing. what could have been a didactic or preachy prospect turns out to hilarious moving humane and eye-popping. it s hard to think of anybody not enjoying it wrote the judges. the first novel section was won by susan fletcher for eve green beating the favourite jonathan strange and mr norrell by susanna clarke. fletcher has recently graduated from graduated from the university of east anglia creative writing course. waterstone s fiction writer buyer suzie doore said: it is great to see susan fletcher win in the first novel category. as a relatively unknown author this award will give her exposure to a wider and mass audience that she may not have reached and is a perfect example of the influence of the whitbread. fresh out of university she is certainly one to watch. in the biography category it was john guy s the life of mary queen of scots that was picked as winner. the judges called it an impressive and readable piece of scholarship which cannot fail but leave the reader moved and intrigued by this most tragic and likeable of queens . guy has published many histories including tudor england. he is a fellow at clare college cambridge and became a honorary research professor of the university of st andrews in 2003. michael symmons roberts fourth collection of poems scooped the poetry award. his works mixes mysticism erotica and philosophy through life death and resurrection. as well as writing poetry symmons roberts also makes documentary films. children s winner mccaughrean who went into magazine publishing after studying teaching previously won the whitbread prize in 1987 with a little lower than angels and in 1994 with gold dust. she has previously been the winner of the blue peter book of the year.,entertainment
1451,boateng to step down at election paul boateng chief secretary to the treasury is to step down as a labour mp at the forthcoming general election. mr boateng 53 is to become the uk s high commissioner to south africa. he was the uk s first black cabinet minister when appointed to his post in 2002 promoted from the home office where he had been prisons minister. mr boateng served on the greater london council before being elected to parliament in 1987 declaring today brent south tomorrow soweto . he will succeed the previous high commissioner ann grant shortly after the next election which is widely expected to be held on 5 may. the appointment is dependent on labour s re-election. prime minister tony blair said: paul has been both a valued colleague and a trusted friend for many years. he has made an immense contribution to public life in britain and i am delighted that he has agreed to continue that service to the people of britain by acting as their representative in south africa. chancellor gordon brown said: over the past eight years paul s contribution to the treasury and the government has been exceptional - and it has been my privilege to have worked closely with him closely at the treasury. i congratulate paul on his new appointment. he has displayed huge dedication to the cause of african development for many years and it is fitting that in this year of challenge and opportunity for the african continent paul has been given such a pivotal role in our fight against poverty and injustice. i look forward to continuing to work with paul on this vital agenda. mr boateng said: i am honoured to be asked to take on this role especially as it comes at such an integral time for our relationship with south africa and the african continent. there shall be many new challenges and opportunities ahead and i look forward to embracing them with great anticipation. asked if he was appointed as the result of a fair and open competition he replied: i have been appointed as a result of a process that s been used before by labour and conservative governments to appoint people of all parties who have relevant experience. mr boateng also laughed off suggestions that his re-election in brent south seat had been in danger saying it was one of the safest labour seats in the country . shadow foreign secretary michael ancram said that if in government he would refuse to approve either mr boateng s appointment or that of ex-cabinet minister helen liddell as high commissioner to australia. mr blair s appointment of paul boateng is the latest example of a worrying trend of failed tony s cronies being appointed to senior diplomatic posts he said.,politics
743,ref stands by scotland decisions the referee from saturday s france v scotland six nations match has defended the officials handling of the game after criticism by matt williams. the scotland coach said his side were robbed of victory by poor decisions made by the officials. but nigel williams said: i m satisfied the game was handled correctly. meanwhile matt williams will not be punished by the scottish rugby union for allegedly using bad language in his comments about the officials. he denies having done so. nonetheless he was furious about several decisions that he felt denied his side a famous victory. but nigel williams told the scottish daily mail: i spoke to matt williams at the post-match dinner. he made no mention of the disallowed try or any other refereeing decisions whatsoever. if matt has issues with the match officials then he is very welcome to phone me and discuss them. ultimately there is a match assessor at every international game to give an impartial and objective view of the performance of the officials. that is the beginning and end of it.,sport
1851,kennedy to make temple address charles kennedy is set to address 2 000 people at a hindu temple as part of an appeal to ethnic minority voters. the liberal democrat leader will visit the shri swaminarayan mandir temple in neasden north west london. he will say labour can no longer lay exclusive claim to the votes of britain s ethnic minorities . mr kennedy will also highlight the anger among people of all races over the iraq war and call for a balanced approach to tackling terrorism. saturday s speech comes days after the lib dems launched their ethnic minority mini-manifesto. mr kennedy is to tell the audience: many people in britain of all races cultures and religions were angry about the way we were taken to war in iraq. and they saw the principled stand the liberal democrats took at the time. he will also say that the lib dems want to restore britain s reputation on the world stage by fighting international poverty and climate change and protecting human rights. mr kennedy will say that a balanced approach to tackling terrorism would mean tough measures to make britain safe - but not at the expense of people s fundamental legal rights like has happened at belmarsh . he will say it also means acting through the united nations on terrorism. mr kennedy held talks with tony blair on friday over government plans to hold terror suspects under house arrest. he said afterwards that the prime minister had offered some movement to address his concerns. the plans face trouble in the lords if conservative and lib dem opposition continues.,politics
1893,campbell: e-mail row silly fuss ex-no 10 media chief alastair campbell is at the centre of a new political row over an e-mail containing a four-letter outburst aimed at bbc journalists. mr campbell sent the missive by mistake to bbc2 s newsnight after it sought to question his role in labour s controversial poster campaign. he later contacted the show saying the original e-mail had been sent in error and that it was all a silly fuss . mr campbell has recently re-joined labour s election campaign. the e-mail was revealed the day after peter mandelson former labour minister and now a european commissioner warned the bbc to steer away from demonising mr campbell. mr campbell messaged newsnight after the programme investigated claims that labour s advertising agency tbwa was blaming him for controversy over its campaign posters. the images including one of flying pigs and another of what critics claim depicted tory leader michael howard as fagin prompted accusations of anti-semitism claims denied by labour. mr campbell s e-mail which was apparently intended for a party official suggested they should get trevor beattie tbwa s boss to issue a statement. in it he said: just spoke to trev. think tbwa shd give statement to newsnight saying party and agency work together well and nobody here has spoken to standard. posters done by by tbwa according to political brief. now fuck off and cover something important you twats! the e-mail was sent by mistake to newsnight journalist andrew mcfadyen. realising his error mr campbell then e-mailed mr mcfadyen pointing out the mistake but suggesting presenter jeremy paxman would have seen the funny side. he said: not very good at this e-mail blackberry malarkey. just looked at log of sent messages have realised e-mail meant for colleagues at tbwa has gone to you. for the record first three sentences of email spot on. no row between me and trevor. posters done by them according to our brief. i dreamt up flying pigs. pigs not great but okay in the circs of tories promising tax cuts and spending rises with the same money. tbwa made production. campbell swears shock. final sentence of earlier e-mail probably a bit colourful and personal considering we have never actually met but i m sure you share the same sense of humour as your star presenter mr p. never known such a silly fuss since the last silly fuss but there we go. must look forward not back. later the prime minister s spokesman was asked by journalists about his view on mr campbell s use of abusive language. the spokesman said: the person you are referring to is capable of speaking for himself and he no longer works in government. foreign secretary jack straw said he had always had very good and polite relations with mr campbell who he described as very talented . but on the former spin doctor s use of language mr straw said: i do know the odd journalist who has occasionally used the odd word that would probably be inappropriate in some circumstances. maybe i mix with the wrong kind of journalists. liam fox tory co-chairman said the return of mr campbell was a sign of new sinister and underhand tactics by labour.,politics
2116,cabs collect mountain of mobiles gadgets are cheaper smaller and more common than ever. but that just means we are more likely to lose them. in london alone over the past six months more than 63 000 mobile phones have been left in the back of black cabs according to a survey. that works out at about three phones per cab. over the same period almost 5 000 laptops and 5 800 pdas such as palms and pocket pcs were left in licensed cabs. even the great and good are not immune to losing their beloved gadgets. jemima khan reportedly left her ipod phone and purse in a cab and asked for them to be returned to her friend who turned out to be hugh grant. as the popularity of portable gadgets has grown and we trust more of our lives to them we seem to be forgetting them in ever larger numbers. the numbers of lost laptops has leapt by 71% in the last three years. this has left londoners or those travelling by cab in the capital as the world s best at losing laptops according to the research by the licensed taxi drivers association and pointsec a mobile-data backup firm. more than twice as many laptops were left in the back of black cabs in london as in any of the nine other cities (helsinki oslo munich paris stockholm copenhagen chicago and sydney) where the research into lost and found gadgets was carried out. by contrast danes were most adept at losing mobile phones being seven times more likely to leave it behind in a cab than travellers in germans norwegians and swedes. top of the range phones can carry enormous amounts of data - enough to hold hundreds of pictures or thousands of contact details. given that few people back up the data on their pc it is a fair bet that even fewer do so with the phone they carry around. you could be losing a fair chunk of your life in the back of that cab not least because many people collect numbers on their phone that they do not have anywhere else. equally phones let you navigate through contacts by name so many people have completely forgotten their friends numbers and could not reconstruct them if they had to. this growing habit of losing gadgets explains the rise of firms such as retrofone which lets people buy a cheap old-fashioned phone to replace the tiny shiny expensive one they have just lost. briton s growing love of phones has also led to the creation of the mobile equipment national database that lets you register the unique id number of your phone so it can be returned to you in the event of it being lost or stolen. according to statistics 50% of all muggings and snatch theft offences involve mobiles. millions of gadgets are now logged in the database and organisations such as transport for london regularly consult it when trying to re-unite folk with their phones and other gadgets. for the drivers finding a mobile in the back of their cab is one of the more pleasant things many have found. the survey of what else has been left behind included a harp a dog a hamster and a baby.,tech
1349,tory candidate quits over remark a conservative election challenger is quitting after being quoted as wanting a period of creative destruction in the public services . danny kruger who also works in the tory research unit had been due to take on tony blair in sedgefield. he says his remark last week was misrepresented but he will not contest the election for fear of damaging the conservative cause. tory leader michael howard accepted his decision with regret . mr kruger was quoted in the guardian newspaper saying: we plan to introduce a period of creative destruction in the public services. in a statement the party said the comment had been taken out of context. he fully supports the party s policies on and approach to the public services said the statement. however in order to avoid any further misrepresentation of his views and any damage to the party he has decided not to stand in the sedgefield constituency at the next election. mr kruger is continuing in his job at the tory campaign headquarters. labour election coordinator alan milburn claimed mr kruger had exposed the tory agenda for £35bn of cuts to public services. mr milburn said: he is not some unknown hopeful fighting an unwinnable seat. he is a man who has worked at the heart of conservative policy development... his claim that the tories were planning a period of creative destruction in the public services is not a rogue claim. it is the authentic and shocking voice of the conservative party. it reveals the true picture of what they would do.,politics
1999,cannabis hopes for drug firm a prescription cannabis drug made by uk biotech firm gw pharmaceuticals is set to be approved in canada. the drug is used to treat the central nervous system and alleviate the symptoms of multiple sclerosis (ms). a few weeks ago shares in gw pharma lost a third of their value after uk regulators said they wanted more evidence about the drug s benefits. but now canadian authorities have said the sativex drug will be considered for approval. approximately 50 000 people in canada have been diagnosed with ms and 85 000 people are suffering from the condition in the uk. many patients already smoke cannabis to relieve their symptoms. now gw pharma s sativex mouth spray could be legally available to ms sufferers in canada within the next few months. this will be the first time a cannabis-based drug has been approved anywhere in the world representing a landmark for gw pharma and for patients with ms. final approval in canada should now be little more than a formality analysts said and the company expects full approval for sativex early in 2005. we are delighted to receive this qualifying notice from health canada and look forward to receiving regulatory approval for sativex in canada in the early part of 2005 said gw pharma executive chairman dr geoffrey guy. the uk government granted gw pharma a licence to grow the cannabis plant for medical research purposes. satifex consists of a cannabis extract containing tetrahydrocannabinol and cannabidiol a cocktail that has also proved effective in treating patients with arthritis. thousands of plants are grown at a secret location somewhere in the english countryside. despite hopes of regulatory approval last year a series of delays has put back sativex s launch in the uk. the latest news sent shares in gw pharma up 8.5p or 8.1% to 113.5p.,business
2035,errors doomed first dome sale the initial attempt to sell the millennium dome failed due to a catalogue of errors a report by the government s finance watchdog says. the report said too many parties were involved in decision-making when the attraction first went on sale after the millennium exhibition ended. the national audit office said the dome cost taxpayers £28.7m to maintain and sell in the four years after it closed. finally a deal to turn it into a sport and entertainment venue was struck. more than £550m could now be returned to the public sector in the wake of the deal to regenerate the site in greenwich london. the nao report said that this sale went through because it avoided many of the problems of the previous attempt to sell the dome. deputy prime minister john prescott said a good deal had been secured. delivery of the many benefits secured through this deal will continue the substantial progress already made at the millennium village and elsewhere on the peninsula he said. but edward leigh who is chairman of the commons public accounts committee warned the government would have to work hard to ensure taxpayers would get full benefit from the dome deal. he said: this report also shows that the first attempt to sell the dome proved a complete fiasco. every arm of government seems to have had a finger in the pie. the process was confused and muddled. he added: four years after the millennium exhibition closed the government finally has a deal to find a use for what has been a white elephant since it closed in a deal that incredible as it may seem should bring in some money and provide a benefit for the local area and the country as whole. however it was more a question of luck that a strong bid turned up after thefirst abortive attempt. nao head sir john bourn said: in difficult circumstances following the failure of the first competition english partnerships and the office of the deputy prime minister have worked hard to get a deal.,politics
248,steady job growth continues in us the us created fewer jobs than expected in december but analysts said that the dip in hiring was not enough to derail the world s biggest economy. according to labor department figures 157 000 new jobs were added last month. that took 2004 s total to 2.2 million the best showing in five years. job creation was one of last year s main concerns for the us economy. while worries still remain the conditions are set for steady growth in 2005 analysts said. the unemployment rate stayed at 5.4% in december and about 200 000 jobs will need to be created each month if that figure is to drop. it was a respectable report said michael moran analyst at daiwa securities. payroll growth in december was a little lighter than the consensus forecast but we had upward revisions to the prior two months and an increase in manufacturing employment. manufacturing is a cyclical area of the economy and if it s showing job growth it s a good indication that the economy is on a solid growth track. that means that the federal reserve is likely to continue its policy of raising interest rates. the fed lifted borrowing costs five times last year to 2.25% citing evidence the us economic recovery was becoming more robust. job creation was one of last year s main concerns for the us economy and proved to be a main topic of debate in the us presidential election. while demand for workers is far from booming the conditions are set for steady growth. overall compared to the previous year it looks great it just keeps going stronger and stronger and i expect that to be the case in 2005 said kurt karl economist at swiss re in new york. meanwhile economists cautioned against reading too much into data from the federal reserve showing an unexpected $8.7bn drop in consumer debt in november. a fall in consumer spending which makes up about two-thirds of all us economic activity could help limit the extent of any future interest rate rises. but economists said there could be a number of reasons for a fall in the borrowing which include credit cards and personal loans while noting that such figures can vary on a month-to-month basis.,business
1308,sydney return for henin-hardenne olympic champion justine henin-hardenne will return to action in january s sydney international tournament. the belgian has not competed since losing her top world ranking at the us open in september where she was beaten in the fourth round by nadia petrova. she took time out to shake off a virus but will defend her titles in sydney and at the australian open. women s world number one lindsay davenport and french open champion anastasia myskina will also compete. in the men s event world number three lleyton hewitt returns to defend his title along with runner-up carlos moya. moya spain s davis cup final hero in their recent win over the us had to retire with an ankle injury in the first set of the final. tournament director craig watson said: i had a message relayed to me from him after spain s davis cup victory saying he was looking forward to trying to make up for his disappointment in the (2004) final. the tournament will take place from 9-15 january.,sport
1077,paraguay novel wins us book prize a novel set in 19th century paraguay has won the $10 000 (£5 390) fiction prize at the us national book awards. lily tuck s the news from paraguay is a fictionalised tale about paraguayan leader francisco solano lopez and his irish mistress. but the annual awards which were presented in new york on wednesday were not without controversy. children s author judy blume who was given an honourary medal used the ceremony to speak out over censorship. sales of blume s books have exceeded 75 million but her work - which features frank narratives about families religion and sexuality - is closely watched by the censors. blume said: the urge to ban is contagious. it spreads like wildfire from community to community. please speak out. censors hate publicity. her medal marks the second year in a row the honourary prize went to someone as notable for popular success as literary greatness. last year s honorary winner stephen king accused the industry during the 2003 ceremony of snobbery against popular writers. but his argument that the award should help sell books instead of honouring excellence is not shared by everyone. this year s fiction panel overlooked high-profile works such as philip roth s the plot against america and instead chose five little-known books all by new york-based women. one fiction judge stewart o nan carried around a note written on a napkin that said: i would hope that our caring more for the quality of a work than its sales figures make us a friend of books not an enemy. the national book awards non-fiction prize was awarded to kevin boyle s for arc of justice which focuses on a black family s fight to live in a white detroit neighbourhood in the 1920s. the award had created a lot of interest this year after the surprise inclusion of the of the 9-11 commission report looking into the events of the 11 september terrorist attacks on the us. pete hautman won the young people s literature prize for his novel godless. the winner in the poetry category was jean valentine for door in the mountain: new and collected poems 1965-2003.,entertainment
1374,uk economy facing major risks the uk manufacturing sector will continue to face serious challenges over the next two years the british chamber of commerce (bcc) has said. the group s quarterly survey of companies found exports had picked up in the last three months of 2004 to their best levels in eight years. the rise came despite exchange rates being cited as a major concern. however the bcc found the whole uk economy still faced major risks and warned that growth is set to slow. it recently forecast economic growth will slow from more than 3% in 2004 to a little below 2.5% in both 2005 and 2006. manufacturers domestic sales growth fell back slightly in the quarter the survey of 5 196 firms found. employment in manufacturing also fell and job expectations were at their lowest level for a year. despite some positive news for the export sector there are worrying signs for manufacturing the bcc said. these results reinforce our concern over the sector s persistent inability to sustain recovery. the outlook for the service sector was uncertain despite an increase in exports and orders over the quarter the bcc noted. the bcc found confidence increased in the quarter across both the manufacturing and service sectors although overall it failed to reach the levels at the start of 2004. the reduced threat of interest rate increases had contributed to improved confidence it said. the bank of england raised interest rates five times between november 2003 and august last year. but rates have been kept on hold since then amid signs of falling consumer confidence and a slowdown in output. the pressure on costs and margins the relentless increase in regulations and the threat of higher taxes remain serious problems bcc director general david frost said. while consumer spending is set to decelerate significantly over the next 12-18 months it is unlikely that investment and exports will rise sufficiently strongly to pick up the slack.,business
949,saudi ncci s shares soar shares in saudi arabia s national company for cooperative insurance (ncci) soared on their first day of trading in riyadh. they were trading 84% above the offer price on monday changing hands at 372 riyals ($99; £53) after topping 400 early in the day. demand for the insurer s debut shares was strong - 12 times what was on sale. the listing was part of the country s plans to open up its insurance market and boost demand in the sector. deregulation is expected to boost demand for accident and damage cover. previously only ncci has been legally allowed to offer insurance products within saudi arabia. however the authorities have turned a blind eye to the many other firms selling insurance. saudi arabia now wants a fully functioning insurance industry and is introducing legislation that will clamp down on unauthorised companies. policy-makers also want to make having insurance more of a requirement but first have to take steps to boost public confidence in the system analysts said. as a result ncci is being developed as the industry s flagship firm - publicly-listed with audited accounts. saudi arabia sold 7 million ncci shares or about 70% of the company s total capital last month. more than 800 000 applicants got 9 shares each for 205 riyals apiece.,business
429,china suspends 26 power projects china has ordered a halt to construction work on 26 big power stations including two at the three gorges dam on environmental grounds. the move is a surprising one because china is struggling to increase energy supplies for its booming economy. last year 24 provinces suffered black outs. the state environmental protection agency said the 26 projects had failed to do proper environmental assessments. topping the list was a controversial dam on the scenic upper yangtze river. construction of these projects has started without approval of the assessment of their environmental impact... they are typical illegal projects of construction first approval next said sepa vice-director pan yue in a statement on the agency s website. some of the projects may be allowed to start work again with the proper permits but others would be cancelled he said. altogether the agency ordered 30 projects halted. other projects included a petrochemicals plant and a port in fujian. the bulk of the list was made up of new power plants with some extensions to existing ones. the stoppages would appear to be another step in the central government s battle to control projects licensed by local officials. however previous crackdowns have tended to focus on projects for which the government argued there was overcapacity such as steel and cement. the government has encouraged construction of new electricity generating capacity to solve chronic energy shortages which forced many factories onto part-time working last year. in 2004 china increased its generating capacity by 12.6% or 440 700 megawatts (mw). the biggest single project to be halted was the xiluodi dam project designed to produce 12 600 mw of electricity. it is being built on the jinshajiang - or river of golden sand as the upper reaches of the yangtze are known. second and third on the agency s list were two power stations being built at the $22bn three gorges dam project on the central yangtze - an underground 4 200 mw power plant and a 100 mw plant. the three gorges dam has proved controversial in china - where more than half a million people have been relocated to make way for it - and abroad. it has drawn criticism from environmental groups and overseas human rights activists. the damming of the upper yangtze has also begun to attract criticism from environmentalists in china. in april 2004 central government officials ordered a halt to work on the nearby nu river which is part of a united nations world heritage site the three parallel rivers site which covers the yangtze mekong and nu (also known as the salween) according to the uk-published china review. that move reportedly followed a protest from the thai government about the downstream impact of the dams and a critical documentary made by chinese journalists. china s energy shortage influenced global prices for oil coal and shipping last year.,business
811,ronaldo considering new contract manchester united winger cristiano ronaldo said he is close to agreeing to a new contract at old trafford. the portugal star who joined in august 2003 on a five-year-deal is a regular in the united first-team. the united board have already made an offer to renew the contract but i m trying not to think about it he told the news of the world. my agent has spoken with the club and it will be resolved soon. i think we ll reach a good agreement for both sides. ronaldo refused to commit his long-term future to the club. nobody knows what will come tomorrow. i like being here but who knows he added. there aren t many bigger and better clubs than this one. it s my ambition to be at a big club. i m happy but nobody knows the future.,sport
228,all black magic: new zealand rugby playing colours: all black the haka and more! the all blacks charles john munro discovered rugby at london s christ college and on his return to nelson he staged new zealand s first game. nelson town met nelson college on 14 may 1870 the town triumphing by two goals to nil instigating a game that would become a national obsession and come to dominate the country s sporting passions. the game appealed to the kiwi psyche and quickly spread the native maoris finding a particular empathy with the sport s warrior ethos. in 1888 a british team led by ae stoddart toured new zealand and australia and soon after a maori named joe warbrick and an english ex-pat called thomas eyton decided to gather a combined new zealand team. twenty-two maori and four pakiha formed the new zealand native team who played a total of 107 matches in new zealand australia and the uk. the integration of white and maori was a reflecion of enlightened new zealand rugby and society even if the british press were somewhat mystified by the pre-match tradition of the maori war dance the haka! the other great symbol of new zealand rugby the all black kit with the silver fern on the breast was proposed by tom ellison at the first annual meeting of the new zealand rugby football union in 1893. new zealand played their first international against australia in 1903 the kiwis triumphing 22-3 in sydney and the following year an official british touring team came to new zealand for the first time. the tourists had gone through australia undefeated but their captain david revell bedell-sivright created animosity in new zealand with his patronising attitude. the kiwis shocked the rugby world with a 9-3 triumph in wellington sparking great celebrations across the country but bedell-sivright churlishly suggested that the victors would have no chance when they visited the uk. their opportunity to prove him wrong came in 1905 with the first official new zealand tour to europe. the tourists won their early games with a quick-thinking inventive approach but press criticism began to grow over their 2-3-2 scrum formation that left a roving forward free to disrupt opposition attacks. the tactic was effective two late tries seeing the kiwis to a 12-7 win over scotland before ireland were despatched 15-0 in dublin. a huge crowd at crystal palace convulsed with laughter at the sight of the haka - but the smiles were soon wiped from their faces when the tourists ran in five tries in a 15-0 hammering of england. new zealand headed to wales to meet a country in the midst of its first golden age and the encounter would be the first in a series of controversial clashes between the sides. an excellent try on the left wing by teddy morgan sealed a 3-0 win in a hard-fought encounter at cardiff arms park but post-match talk was dominated by a bob deans try that was ruled out by scottish referee john dallas. dallas said that deans was tackled short but the kiwi said he was dragged back into the field of play after grounding a try - on his death-bed three years later he exclaimed: i did score that try in cardiff. four of the 1905 all blacks went over to the newly formed all golds rugby league side soon after the tour but new zealand were strong enough to crush an anglo-welsh touring team in 1908. the first south africa tour of new zealand in 1921 saw honours shared in a three-test series starting the greatest rivalry in rugby - and the long-running controversy between the countries over the all blacks inclusion of maori players. the awesome 1924-5 all black tourists became known as the invincibles after winning all 30 of their games in france britain and ireland including a crushing 19-0 victory over wales at st helen s. despite their success the all blacks 2-3-2 scrum formation left them somewhat short of possession at times and the flaws were exploited by the springboks in south africa in 1928. employing the modern 3-4-1 scrum line-up against the new zealand rover system for the first time south african teams defeated the all blacks in five games and the test series was drawn two-all. the controversial new zealand scrum method finally disappeared after the 1930 lions tour (a series won 3-1 by new zealand) the lions manager describing the tactic as cheating prompting the international rugby board to rule that three men had to pack down in the front row of the scrum. the all blacks 1935 european tour started inauspiciously with an 11-3 loss to a swansea side inspired by teenage schoolboy half-backs hayden tanner and willie davies. a thrilling test at cardiff arms park went to wales 13-12 although the winning try from geoffrey rees-jones was controversial following an illegal claude davey tackle in the build-up. new zealand s next visit to wales in 1953 proved difficult as they lost 8-3 to cardiff and drew 6-6 at swansea. the all blacks were on top in the test with wales at the arms park but the teams were locked at 8-8 when a clem thomas cross kick was gathered by ken jones for a famous match-winning try. the tourists made some amends with wins over the other home nations before a 19-5 success over the barbarians in an arms park thriller. new zealand built from that tour and by the time they returned in 1963-4 they were undoubtedly the leading side in the world. that made the shock all the greater when a drop goal by student john uzzell gave newport an unlikely 3-0 win over the tourists at rodney parade. wilson whinneray s side rallied to beat wales 6-0 their first win at the arms park in four attempts and went unbeaten through the rest of the tour but when they returned home the first question put to them was: what happened in newport the only blemish on the record of the awesome 1967 tourists was a draw with east wales as they beat the full wales team 13-6 in cardiff to take the lead in the series between the countries for the first time. that lead was increased with two comfortable wins for the home side in new zealand in 1969 the first time wales had toured the country as an independent team. a ferocious game at the arms park in 1972 was edged 19-16 by the all blacks a measure of revenge for the defeat inflicted on new zealand by the carwyn james-inspired lions of 1971. james guided llanelli to a famous 9-3 win over the tourists at stradey park though and in the final game of the tour the barbarians defeated the all blacks 23-11 in cardiff in a game regarded by many as the greatest ever played. new zealand defeated a wales xv 12-3 at the arms park in a non-cap game in 1974 but it was the 1978 game in cardiff that would reignite the history of controversy between the two countries. wales were leading 12-10 with one minute left when andy haden flew to the floor from a line-out. television pictures clearly showed that he dived but english referee roger quittenton was fooled and awarded a penalty duly converted by brian mckechnie for a 13-12 win. since that infamous game the competition has largely left wales v new zealand fixtures as the men in red have slipped from the pinnacle of the world game. a crushing 23-3 win for new zealand in cardiff in the welsh rugby union s 1980 centenary game was a sign of things to come. the new professionalism in the southern hemisphere game that had left europe behind was shown as the all blacks swatted wales aside 49-6 in brisbane in the semi-final of the inaugural world cup. the kiwis went on to claim the cup and would inflict further misery on wales on their ill-fated 1988 tour of new zealand. a young talented wales side left britain full of confidence as triple crown winners but one of the greatest ever new zealand teams demolished them 52-3 and 54-9. after also taking some fearful beatings in the provincial games wales captain jonathan davies returned home calling for urgent change in the national game but as his views were ignored he - along with a generation of wales best players - chose to head north to rugby league. a 34-9 win in cardiff followed for new zealand in 1989 and at the 1995 world cup wales big talk was made to look embarrassing as the all blacks eased to victory in johannesburg. a crushing 42-7 kiwi triumph in wembley followed in 1997 and as wales misery increased they turned to new zealand for their salvation in the shape of coaches graham henry and steve hansen. there was a temporary resurgence in the welsh game but when an experimental new zealand side came to cardiff s new millennium stadium in 2002 they left with a 43-17 victory. a bruising 55-3 defeat followed for wales in hamilton in 2003 as hansen built towards the world cup but in australia it was a remarkable performance against the all blacks that gave his side renewed hope. wales were given no chance going into the game but in the course of the match they rediscovered the value of attacking flair to lead 37-33 early in the second half. new zealand rallied to a 53-37 win but the style shown by wales has been used as an inspiration as they look to a better future. they now face an all blacks team led by henry and hansen coming to europe with a weakened squad at the end of a long season. an encouraging display against south africa has inspired a confident wales camp to believe they can claim their first win over the men in black for over 50 years. they have a chance but clearly history is not on their side.,sport
49,england children s tsar appointed the first children s commissioner for england has been appointed. great ormond street hospital professor of child health al aynsley-green was chosen by the government and will start the £100 000-a-year job immediately. he will oversee a £2.5m annual budget and have the power to look into any matter relating to the interests and well-being of children . prof aynsley-green has also been the national clinical director for children in the department of health. he promised to make sure that children s opinions count . i will be drawing on my experience of working with children and young people to help ensure that those with the power to improve children s lives do live up to their responsibilities. i want all children and young people to know that they can approach me to discuss any matter that affects them knowing that i will value their opinion. education secretary ruth kelly said prof aynsley-green would strengthen the voice of children and young people . prof aynsley-green was a lecturer at oxford university trained at guy s hospital medical school university of london; oriel college oxford; and in switzerland. he is described as a proud grandfather of four. scotland wales and northern ireland already have children s commissioners.,politics
400,lib dems bold election policy charles kennedy has told voters his liberal democrats will offer them an honest choice at the next general election. with the other two big parties battling over which will impose the lowest taxes mr kennedy is going into the looming election pledged to increase taxation. it is a bold policy and certainly ensures there is that choice between the lib dems and the other two. with his party s previous pledge to increase taxes by one penny in the pound to spend on public services already adopted by the government he has switched tack. now he is promising to levy a modest increase of the same amount on earnings over £100 000 a year to allow him to finance a series of pledges. they are to scrap student fees finance free long term care for the elderly and replace the council tax with a local income tax. that last policy will also see about 3% of the most well off paying more while others pensioners in particular will pay less. labour and the tories have attacked his policies as both unworkable and not properly costed. inevitably they insist there is no need to raise taxes to fund improvements in services. the tories claim they can improve services and cut taxes through £35bn efficiency savings while labour has offered £22bn savings but has yet to map out precise tax proposals although there is little chance they will propose increases. in many ways the argument between the lib dems and the others over taxation and spending echo the sort of arguments that raged between labour and the tories in the 1980s and early 1990s. but unlike the old tory-labour debate he believes voters are ready to see modest tax increases on the well off in order to fund improvements in services. that is a view partly endorsed by recent polls suggesting people would rather have cash spent on public services than tax cuts. similarly there is a different tone to the lib dem approach to asylum and immigration with mr kennedy stressing politicians should not foment an artificial debate about immigration and attacking michael howard s proposals for quotas. once again with the two other big parties singing similar songs on immigration mr kennedy is stressing the different more liberal approach of his party. mr kennedy was also in buoyant mood over his party s election chances declaring the tories were not going to be significant players in the poll. he repeated his pledge not to do post-election deals with either party after the election. mr kennedy went on to suggest the re-election of a labour government with a small majority would amount to a massive vote of no confidence in tony blair s government. that suggests the lib dem leader believes he may well find himself in a powerful even pivotal position in a vastly different house of commons after the next election. it is a dream the third party has dreamed many times before.,politics
151,greek sprinters suspended by iaaf greek sprinters kostas kenteris and katerina thanou have been suspended after failing to take drugs tests before the athens olympics. athletics ruling body the iaaf said explanations from the pair and their former coach as to why they missed the tests were unacceptable . it added that kenteris and thanou had been provisionally suspended pending the resolution of their cases . they face two-year bans if found guilty by the greek athletics federation. the suspension also covers the athletes controversial coach christos tzekos. kenteris the 2000 olympic 200m champion and thanou the women s 100m silver medallist from the same games in sydney also face a criminal hearing in greece over the missed tests. they failed to appear to give samples in chicago and tel aviv shortly before the athens games and again in athens on 12 august the eve of the opening ceremony. greek prosecutors have also charged them with faking a midnight motorcycle crash which led to them spending four days in hospital. some medical staff have been charged with writing false medical reports. wednesday s statement said the greek federation (segas) would convene a disciplinary hearing for the trio to determine whether there had been doping violations. there will be a final right of appeal from the decision of the greek federation to the court of arbitration for sport the iaaf said. tzekos insisted he and the runners had nothing to hide. the iaaf s decision means nothing he said. we ll be presenting all our arguments to segas - we re innocent.,sport
295,china net cafe culture crackdown chinese authorities closed 12 575 net cafes in the closing months of 2004 the country s government said. according to the official news agency most of the net cafes were closed down because they were operating illegally. chinese net cafes operate under a set of strict guidelines and many of those most recently closed broke rules that limit how close they can be to schools. the move is the latest in a series of steps the chinese government has taken to crack down on what it considers to be immoral net use. the official xinhua news agency said the crackdown was carried out to create a safer environment for young people in china . rules introduced in 2002 demand that net cafes be at least 200 metres away from middle and elementary schools. the hours that children can use net cafes are also tightly regulated. china has long been worried that net cafes are an unhealthy influence on young people. the 12 575 cafes were shut in the three months from october to december. china also tries to dictate the types of computer games people can play to limit the amount of violence people are exposed to. net cafes are hugely popular in china because the relatively high cost of computer hardware means that few people have pcs in their homes. this is not the first time that the chinese government has moved against net cafes that are not operating within its strict guidelines. all the 100 000 or so net cafes in the country are required to use software that controls what websites users can see. logs of sites people visit are also kept. laws on net cafe opening hours and who can use them were introduced in 2002 following a fire at one cafe that killed 25 people. during the crackdown following the blaze authorities moved to clean up net cafes and demanded that all of them get permits to operate. in august 2004 chinese authorities shut down 700 websites and arrested 224 people in a crackdown on net porn. at the same time it introduced new controls to block overseas sex sites. the reporters without borders group said in a report that chinese government technologies for e-mail interception and net censorship are among the most highly developed in the world.,tech
1147,bbc leads interactive bafta wins the bbc and the national theatre have led the field at this year s interactive bafta awards. the national theatre s stagework website picked up the prize for best learning as well as top factual site. the bbc collected three awards including best online entertainment for the hitchhiker s guide to the galaxy adventure game. spooks interactive took the best interactive tv prize. the annual awards recognise the best in digital media. bbc sport interactive fought off competition from cbbc newsround and the guardian to take home the best news and sport trophy for its coverage of england s exit from euro 2004. it was recognised for its groundbreaking use of animation. bafta s grant dean chair of bafta s interactive entertainment committee said all the entrants had been of outstanding quality and that judging had been enormously difficult . without a doubt 2005 has been a landmark year for the bafta interactive awards he added. many of the top awards this year have gone to the companies we most commonly associate with traditional entertainment showing how the gap between new media film and television is closing. awards were given out in 12 different categories including interactive tv film music design as well as technical and social innovation at a london ceremony. the top music award was given to sseyo minimixa a mobile music sequencer designed to let people write edit and share compositions. warner bros was given two prizes for its inspiring efforts in film and dvd interactivity. the chaplin collection beat oasis really bend it like beckham shaun of the dead and the day today in the dvd category and trauma won best film. elsewhere fashionista and clothes designer alexander mcqueen took the accolade for the best-designed website. the awards have been running since 1997 but in 2002 the british academy of film and television decided to split them into separate games and interactive ceremonies. on tuesday half-life 2 dominated the games prizes. it collected six baftas including best game and best online game.,tech
754,italy aim to rattle england italy coach john kirwan believes his side can upset england as the six nations wooden spoon battle hots up. the two sides both without a win meet on 12 march at twickenham and kirwan says his side will be hoping to make the most of england s current slump. we have to make sure the england and france games are tough for them. england have not been having the best of championships. that is a big one for us and them and i am sure my players will rise to the occasion he said. but kirwan admits that a lot of hard work will be needed with his kickers before the trip to london. roland de marigny and luciano orquera had a miserable time with the boot in the dire defeat to scotland as chris paterson stole the show to give the hosts a much-needed 18-10 victory. kirwan said: the kicking was the decisive factor in scotland which cost us and it could go down to the kicking again next time. but i have a lot of confidence in my players and i am positive we can put everything together against england. england meanwhile are licking their wounds and rueing what might have been had two decisions from referee jonathan kaplan not gone against them in the second half in dublin. first mark cueto was judged offside as he chased fly-half charlie hodgson s kick and then kaplan opted not to call upon video evidence to see if josh lewsey had touched down after being driven over ireland s line. but centre jamie noon believes the side at least showed better form than their previous two defeats. we definitely improved against an in-form irish side he said. we went to dublin quietly confident that we would be able to compete and i think we showed that. we have got to make sure we now take the form and positives into the italy game. we are under no illusions that it is going to be easy but we definitely need a win. england have now equalled an 18-year low of four successive championship defeats including france in paris last season and have lost four in a row under andy robinson. his predecessor sir clive woodward began his seven-year reign with three defeats and two draws.,sport
1894,mobiles get set for visual radio the growth in the mobile phone market in the past decade has been nothing less than astonishing but the ability to communicate on the go is not the only reason we are hooked. games cameras and music players have all been added to our handsets in the last few years but 2005 could see another big innovation that won t just see a change in our mobile phone habits - it might alter the way we listen to the radio. finnish handset giant nokia has been working on a technology called visual radio which takes an existing fm signal from a radio station and enables that station to add enhancements such as information and pictures. it is not the first time that such an idea has been suggested - the early days of dab digital radio had similar intentions that never really saw the light of day. one problem is that the name visual radio leads people to think of television but reidar wasenius a senior project manager at nokia was adamant that visual radio should not be confused with the more traditional medium. he said: i m very happy to say it s not television what we re talking about is an enhancement of radio as we know it today. if you have a visual radio enabled handset when you hear an artist you don t know or there s a competition or vote that you d like to participate in you pull out your handset and with one click you turn on a visual channel parallel to the on-air broadcast you ve just been listening to. that visual channel is run from a computer within the radio station and sends out different kinds of information to the handset depending on what you are listening to. as well as details on the track or artist of a particular song there is also the ability to interact immediately with the radio station itself in a similar way to digital television s red button content. possible interactive content includes competitions votes and even the chance to rate the song that is playing. but the interactive aspect will make the service especially attractive to radio stations who will be able to track the number of people taking part in such activities on a real-time basis. this in turn should lead to an additional source of revenue as it is very likely that advertisers will be keen to exploit new opportunities to reach listeners. as the visual radio content is transmitted by existing gprs technology you would need to have that service enabled by your network. and there will be a cost for the service as well although it may depend on your usage. if you enjoy the visual channel occasionally and interact it ll be two or three pounds per month said mr wasenius. but typically what we see happening is the operator offering a package deal for an all you can eat arrangement per month. the payment system could therefore be similar to the way that broadband internet works versus dial-up connections. one thing that is for sure - assuming that nokia retains its market share in handsets it is estimating that there will be 100 million visual radio-enabled mobile phones in circulation by the end of 2006. basically visual radio is not really revolutionary but rather an evolution where we are providing tools with which people can participate in radio much more easily than ever before. the first visual radio service in the uk will begin in a few months time with virgin radio who are positive about the impact it could have on their listeners. station manager steve taylor commented: listeners can interact with the radio station in a new way. not only does this give listeners more information on the music we play but means they can instantly purchase things they like; mp3 music downloads and the latest gig tickets. initially visual radio functionality will be limited to two nokia handsets due out soon - the 3230 and 7710 - but if successful it is very likely that other manufacturers will want to join them. listen again to the interview on the radio five live website.,tech
2115,how the academy awards flourished the 77th annual academy awards are taking place on 27 february with the stars of the movie-making world once again holding their breath to discover who will be showered with the honours this year. but from humble beginnings how did the modern day extravaganza become the behemoth it is today how it all started the first academy awards were handed out in 1929 at a comparatively low-key dinner held at the hollywood roosevelt hotel - just over the road from their modern day home. just 250 guests attended with ticket prices at $5. the first film to win was wings which starred clara bow in the only silent movie to win the big award. for the first 10 years or so the winners list was handed to the newspapers so they could publish them at 11pm but in 1940 the winners were published in the los angeles times at 8.45pm meaning guests entering the ceremony knew already knew the results. as a result the sealed envelope system was introduced leading to the secrecy and suspense-filled night that happens today. when and where the tradition of holding the awards at a banquet continued until 1942 but with increasing interest came a growing guest list and it became impractical to host it as a dinner. the ceremonies were then transferred to theatres with the famous grauman s chinese theatre the first to host the expanded event. other venues included the dorothy chandler pavilion and the shrine auditorium. they are now held at the kodak theatre which opened in 2002 just across the road from its original home and holds 6 000 people. until 1954 they were held on a thursday then swapped around from monday to wednesday before sunday night was settled on although the month swapped from may to april to march and now its current month of february. the first televised ceremony was in 1953 with bob hope as the mc. who was oscar there is no solid evidence as to how the trophy became to be known as oscar. one popular story is that academy librarian margaret herrick said the statue looked like her uncle oscar. a journalist apparently overheard this conversation and used the phrase in an article. the first time it is thought to have been used in print was when columnist sidney skolsky used it to describe katherine hepburn s first best actress win in 1934. the academy officially adopted the nickname in 1939. the trophy was designed by mgm art director cedric gibbons. since its inception 2 530 oscars have been handed out. in support of the war effort the academy handed out plaster oscar statuettes during wwii. after the war winners exchanged the plaster awards for the real thing. fifty-five statues were stolen in en route to the awards in 2000 52 were recovered nine days later. winners were unaffected as a new batch was rushed out. who sits in judgement the academy was set up in 1927 as a non-profit organisation with 36 members from different film disciplines. douglas fairbanks sr was the first president and oversaw the first awards. there are now 5 700 members of the academy - with membership by invitation only to those who are seen to have achieved distinction in the movies and are therefore seen as fit to judge their peers. some of the criteria for admittance includes: film credits that reflect the high standards of the academy receipt of an academy award nomination achievement of unique distinction earning of special merit or making an outstanding contribution to film. the stars who left empty-handed while many of the biggest films and movie-makers have been honoured by the academy there is still surprise at those that did not receive any nominations that later went on to become classics. among the overlooked films were hobson s choice dirty harry the 39 steps the searchers and king kong. actors that failed to win for their iconic roles included al jolson in the jazz singer (1927) humphrey bogart in casablanca (1944) gene kelly in singing in the rain (1952) and henry fonda in 12 angry men (1957). alfred hitchcock also failed to win an award despite five nominations. his enduring influence on the horror genre was finally recognised with an honorary gong in 1968. the show always goes on not even war has halted the glittering hollywood event. there were calls for it to be cancelled in 2003 during the war in iraq but as it didn t stop during world war ii or the vietnam war. documentary winner michael moore ensured nobody forgot about the iraq war though and used his acceptance speech to criticise the american invasion. the ceremony was muted with the glitz turned down and many female stars opting for demure dark dresses. the ceremony has been postponed on three occasions. los angeles floods in 1938 saw it put back a week. the death of martin luther king saw it postponed for two days in 1968 as a mark of respect and there was a 24-hour delay following the assassination attempt on president ronald reagan. controversies and other gaffes three people have refused oscars including actor george c scott who said the whole thing was demeaning . writer dudley nichols refused his academy award in 1935 for his screenplay for the insider because the writers guild was striking at the time. marlon brando turned down his best actor oscar for the godfather in 1973 in protest as hollywood s apparent discrimination against native american people. he sent along a woman called sacheen littlefeather to collect his award. she was later revealed to be native american actress maria cruz. the following year robert opal interrupted proceedings when he streaked flashing a peace sign as well as everything else. the tv network managed to pan away and avoid too much nudity. opal was murdered in 1979. frank capra was the butt of one major gaffe in 1934 when the host opened out best picture envelope and declared come on up and get it frank to which frank capra bounded up to the stage before realising that he had meant frank lloyd had won for cavalcade. capra vowed he would never to go the awards again but went the following year to collect his award for it happened one night.,entertainment
360,baa support ahead of court battle uk airport operator baa has reiterated its support for the government s aviation expansion plans to airports throughout the country. the comments come a day ahead of a high court challenge by residents groups and local councils to the government s white paper. the judicial review will centre on government plans for expansion at heathrow stansted and luton airports. baa which operates all three said it was consulting with local communities. we on voluntary compensation schemes which go beyond our statutory obligations a baa spokesman said. groups challenging the plans include stop stansted expansion heathrow anti-noise campaigners hacan clearskies and the london boroughs of hillingdon and wandsworth. at heathrow gatwick edinburgh and glasgow airports baa launched a series of consultations on blight to properties from the proposed expansion in september 2004 which will close next week. the company is also offering to buy noise-hit properties for an index-linked unblighted price. among other measures baa has set up a homeowner support scheme for people living near stansted and has launched a special scheme for those close to the airport but far enough away not to be covered by the homeowner scheme. at heathrow baa said it was working closely with all interested parties to see how the strict environmental air quality and noise targets for a third runway can be met. at gatwick the company has written to homes and business likely to be affected by any extra runway. stop stansted expansion said the white paper published in december 2003 was fundamentally flawed and did not follow the proper consultation process. we do not underestimate the scale of the challenge before us because the courts have never before overturned a government white paper said stop stansted expansion chairman peter sanders said. hacan chairman john stewart said: almost exactly a year ago the government published its 30-year aviation white paper with much fanfare. it hoped that would be the end of the debate and it could proceed with its plans for a massive expansion of aviation. yet a year later the protesters are still here and stronger than ever. a judgement from mr justice sullivan is expected early in february.,politics
2168,no re-draft for eu patent law a proposed european law on software patents will not be re-drafted by the european commission (ec) despite requests by meps. the law is proving controversial and has been in limbo for a year. some major tech firms say it is needed to protect inventions while others fear it will hurt smaller tech firms. the ec says the council of ministers will adopt a draft version that was agreed upon last may but said it would review all aspects of the directive . the directive is intended to offer patent protection to inventions that use software to achieve their effect in other words computer implemented invention . in a letter ec president josé manuel barroso told the president of the european parliament josep borrell that the commission did not intend to refer a new proposal to the parliament and the council (of ministers) as it had supported the agreement reached by ministers in may 2004. if the european council agrees on the draft directive it will then return for a second reading at the european parliament. but that will not guarantee that the directive will become law - instead it will probably mean further delays and controversy over the directive. most eu legislation now needs the approval of both parliament and the council of ministers before it becomes law. french green mep alain lipietz warned two weeks ago that if the commission ignored the parliament s request it would be an insult to the assembly. he said that the parliament would then reject the council s version of the legislation as part of the final or conciliation stage of the decision procedure. in the us the patenting of computer programs and internet business methods is permitted. this means that the us-based holds a patent for its one-click shopping service for example. critics are concerned that the directive could lead to a similar model happening in europe. this they fear could hurt small software developers because they do not have the legal and financial might of larger companies if they had to fight patent legal action in court. supporters say current laws are inefficient and it would serve to even up a playing field without bringing eu laws in line with the us.,tech
1391,labour s cunningham to stand down veteran labour mp and former cabinet minister jack cunningham has said he will stand down at the next election. one of the few blair-era ministers to serve under jim callaghan he was given the agriculture portfolio when labour regained power in 1997. mr cunningham went on to become tony blair s cabinet enforcer . he has represented the constituency now known as copeland since 1970. mr blair said he was a huge figure in labour and a valued personal friend . during labour s long period in opposition mr cunningham held a number of shadow roles including foreign affairs the environment and as trade spokesman. as agriculture minister he caused controversy when he decided to ban beef on the bone in the wake of fears over bse. he quit the government in 1999 and in recent years has served as the chairman of the all-party committee on lords reform and has been a loyal supporter of the government from the backbenches.,politics
1794,de niro film leads us box office film star robert de niro has returned to the top of the north american box office with his film hide and seek. the thriller shot straight to the number one spot after taking $22m (£11.7m) at the box office. de niro recently spent three weeks at the top with comedy meet the fockers which was at number five this week. oscar hopefuls the aviator million dollar baby and sideways all cashed in on their multiple nominations with stronger ticket sales. in hide and seek de niro plays a widower whose daughter has a creepy imaginary friend. despite lukewarm reviews from critics the film took more than the expected $18m (£9.5m). the element of a real actor in a psychological thriller certainly elevated it said bruce snyder president of domestic distribution at 20th century fox. clint eastwood s million dollar baby led the oscar hopefuls with $11.8m (£6.3m) coming in at number three during its first weekend of wide release. the aviator a film biography of howard hughes that leads the oscar field with 11 nominations was at number six for the weekend with $7.5m (£4m). oscar best-picture nominee sideways entered the top ten for the first time in its 15th week of release. it came in seventh $6.3 (£3.35m). last week s top film ice cube s road-trip comedy are we there yet slipped to second place with $17m (£9m) while coach carter fell two places to number four taking $8m (£4.25m) in its third week. rounding out the top ten were in good company - starring dennis quaid and scarlett johansson - racing stripes and assault on precinct 13.,entertainment
1277,henin-hardenne beaten on comeback justine henin-hardenne lost to elena dementieva in a comeback exhibition match in belgium on sunday for her second defeat in two days. and the belgian who has slipped to eight in the world after struggling with a virus faces a tough australian open title defence next month. i will be heading to australia with a lot of question marks over me i know that she said. but i think there ll be less pressure than last time even if i am champion. henin-hardenne was speaking after a 6-2 5-7 6-2 loss to world number six dementieva in charleroi belgium on sunday. the previous day the olympic champion went down 6-2 7-5 to france s nathalie dechy. i have to be positive i still have a few weeks she said. my body has to get accustomed again to the stress the rhythm. henin-hardenne slid down the world rankings in the second half of 2004 after contracting the illness in april. after an initial lay-off she was forced off the circuit for a second time after being knocked out of the french open in the second round. a comeback at the us open after a three-month absence ended when she crashed out at the fourth-round stage. but despite her problems she still won five of the nine official tournaments she entered in 2004 and won olympic gold in athens an achievement which saw her named belgian sportswoman of the year on friday. physically it s obvious that i hit rock bottom said the 22-year-old who will make her comeback in the sydney international from 10-16 january. since april with the exception of the olympics i have not done much. all the successes i had prior to that were mainly due to the work i put in on building up my fitness. now it s time to get back to putting in 200% effort and i think i am capable of doing that.,sport
1058,yukos loses us bankruptcy battle a judge has dismissed an attempt by russian oil giant yukos to gain bankruptcy protection in the us. yukos filed for chapter 11 protection in houston in an unsuccessful attempt to halt the auction of its yugansk division by the russian authorities. the court ruling is a blow to efforts to get damages for the sale of yugansk which yukos claims was illegally sold. separately former yukos boss mikhail khodorkovsky began testimony on friday in his trial for fraud and tax evasion. mr khodorkovsky - who has been in jail for more than a year - pleaded not guilty to the charges brought against him and denied involvement in any criminal activities. i pride myself on heading for 15 years a number of successful companies and helping other enterprises rise from their knees he told a russian court. yugansk was auctioned to help pay off $27.5bn (£14.5bn) in unpaid taxes. it was bought for $9.4bn by a previously-unknown group which was in turn bought up almost immediately by state-controlled oil company rosneft. texas judge letitia clark said yukos did not have enough of a us presence to establish us jurisdiction. the vast majority of the business and financial activities of yukos continue to occur in russia judge clark said in her ruling. such activities require the continued participation of the russian government. yukos had argued that a us court was entitled to declare it bankrupt before its yugansk unit was sold since it has local bank accounts and its chief finance officer bruce misamore lives in houston. yukos claimed it sought help in the us because other forums - russian courts and the european court of human rights - were either unfriendly or offered less protection. russia had indicated it would in any case not abide by the rulings of the us courts. in her ruling the judge acknowledged that it appears likely that agencies of the russian government have acted in a manner that would be considered confiscatory under united states law . but she said her role was simply to decide on jurisdiction. the us court s jurisdiction had been challenged by deutsche bank and gazpromneft a former unit of russian gas monopoly gazprom which is due to merge with rosneft. analysts said the ability of gazprom and rosneft to trade freely overseas had been stifled while the ownership of yugansk remained unclear. yukos said it would consider its options in light of the ruling. however it claimed that the court had backed its argument in four out of five key issues. we believe the merits of our case are strong and simple said chief executive steven theede. our assets were illegally seized. we want them back or damages paid.,business
987,video phone help for deaf people deaf people who prefer to communicate using british sign language (bsl) could soon be having their phone conversations relayed using webcams or videophones and an interpreter. the video relay service is being piloted by the royal national institute for deaf people (rnid) but the organisation says unless the service is provided at the same rate as voice calls it will be beyond most people s pockets. the rnid is urging telecoms regulator ofcom to reduce the cost of the service from the current £7.00 per minute and make it the same as ordinary phone calls. the service works by putting a deaf person in visual contact with a bsl interpreter via a webcam or video phone and the interpreter then relays the deaf person s conversation using a telephone and translates the other person s response into sign language. for many deaf people especially those born deaf bsl is a first and preferred means of communication. until now the only alternative has been to use textphones which means having to type a message and have it relayed via an operator. in the past i ve used textphones but they have problems said robert currington who is taking part in the pilot. i communicate in bsl; my written english is not very good and it takes me longer to think in english and type my message. i sometimes find it difficult to understand the reply. the rnid says the uk is lagging behind other countries which are already making relay services available at the cost of an ordinary phone call. there are no technical or economic reasons for not providing equivalent access to services for deaf people said rnid technology director guido gybels. in the us and australia sign language relay services have already been made universally available at the same cost as a voice call. by failing to provide and fund the video relay service for sign language users the telecommunications sector is effectively discriminating against an already disenfranchised group. ofcom says it has plans to review the services that telecoms companies are obliged to provide early next year. and new technology including the video relay service will be discussed with interested parties in the near future. but a spokesman said its powers were limited by legislation. any proposals to extend existing arrangements to cover new services would be for government to consider he said. mr currington like many of the uk s 70 000 bsl users will be hoping that a way can be found to make a cost-effective service available. the relay service makes phone conversations a pleasure he said. i can show my emotions more easily in bsl in the same way hearing people express emotions through voice calls.,tech
434,benitez issues warning to gerrard liverpool manager rafael benitez has ordered captain steven gerrard not to play down their champions league ambitions and be more positive. gerrard told the bbc liverpool were unlikely to win the trophy this year. benitez responded: i spoke to steven and said to him that in future it s better to think we can win the champions league. why not he said: we need winners here and everyone thinking only of winning. i always want to win. benitez added: when we lose i only think of solutions. if you only think about winning the next game you don t know what the draw will be. if we can win the next game maybe we will draw a side that isn t so strong or a side with injuries or suspensions. benitez is hoping to win his first trophy since arriving at liverpool from valencia when they play chelsea in the carling cup on sunday in cardiff.,sport
1793,worldcom bosses $54m payout ten former directors at worldcom have agreed to pay $54m (£28.85m) including $18m from their own pockets to settle a class action lawsuit reports say. james wareham a lawyer representing one of the directors told reuters the 10 had agreed to pay those who lost billions when the firm collapsed. the remaining $36m will be paid by the directors insurers. but a spokesman for the prosecutor new york state comptroller alan hevesi said no formal agreement had been made. corporate governance experts said that if the directors do dip into their own pockets for the settlement it will set a new standard for the accountability of bosses when the firms they oversee face problems. directors very rarely pay said charles elson chairman of the center for corporate governance at the university of delaware. he added that the settlement sends a pretty strong shockwave through the director world . a formal agreement on the payout is expected to be signed on thursday in a us district court in manhattan. earlier the new york times had reported that the personal payments were required as part of any deal at the start of negotiations. the ten former outside directors are james allen judith areen carl aycock max bobbitt clifford alexander stiles kellett gordon macklin john porter lawrence tucker and the estate of john sidgmore who died last year. it has not yet been determined how much each director will have to pay. none of the 10 former directors was a direct participant in the accounting machinations of the worldcom fraud said the wall street journal (wsj). two other outside former directors bert roberts and francesco galesi remain defendants in the lawsuit said the newspaper. according to the wsj which cites people familiar to the case the settling directors are expected to deny wrongdoing and state they are settling the case to eliminate the uncertainties and expense of further litigations. the second-largest us long-distance telecoms operator filed for bankruptcy in 2002 when an $11bn accounting scandal was unearthed. the company emerged from chapter 11 protection last year and changed its name to mci inc. former worldcom chief executive bernard ebbers is to face trial this month on criminal charges that he oversaw the fraud.,business
440,lib dems to target stamp duty the liberal democrats are promising to raise the stamp duty threshold if they win the general election in a bid to court first-time house buyers. vince cable the party s treasury spokesman said raising the threshold to £150 000 would prevent over 400 000 home-buyers from paying the tax. he said first-time buyers were being squeezed out of the housing market. the labour party said the liberal democrats needed to explain how they would pay for the plan. the plan forms part of a wider lib dems policy to encourage first time buyers and those on lower incomes into the market. under the proposals the average saving for a new buyer would be more than £1 000 according to mr cable. first time buyers are being squeezed out of the housing market not only by higher house prices but also by being swept into the stamp duty net he said. by failing to uprate the stamp duty threshold gordon brown has hit first time buyers and those on low incomes the hardest. by pledging to increase the threshold to £150 000 the liberal democrats will make it possible for many first time buyers to buy a property without facing this tax. paul boateng mp labour s chief secretary to the treasury said: the lib dems sums don t add up. they can have no credibility until they can say how they would fund their ever growing list of tax and spending commitments. mr cable will publish his alternative budget on monday.,politics
1872,singer ferguson facing eviction three degrees star sheila ferguson is the favourite to be evicted from itv s i m a celebrity... get me out of here on monday. bookmakers ladbrokes says the singer has even odds of being the first contestant to be voted off the show. it s going to be close but sheila is favourite as she has shown herself to be a bit of a troublemaker said ladbrokes warren lush. comic joe pasquale remains odds on favourite to win the reality show. mr lush added that nancy sorrell s chances of an early departure had increased since the surprise arrival of husband vic reeves in the jungle camp last wednesday. notwithstanding comedian reeves remains 3/1 favourite to win the show after pasquale. huggy bear actor antonio fargas also remains a contender for eviction having done nothing to live up to the pre-show hype . there has been a big gamble on natalie [appleton] to go... but bookies fancy the millions at home will keep piling on the misery by putting her through more bushtucker trials added mr lush. the former all saint star has performed dismally in bushtucker trials which have seen her plunged into glass tanks containing putrid waste and challenged to eat fish eyes. on friday ladbrokes suspended betting after singer brian harvey quit the show folllowing a blazing row with janet street-porter. harvey who entered the camp a day later than other contestants after learning that his grandmother had died reached the end of his tether following days of meagre rations and rows.,entertainment
674,msps hear renewed climate warning climate change could be completely out of control within several decades the scottish environment protection agency is warning a committee of msps. experts are giving evidence on the subject to the scottish parliament s environment committee. officials believe nuclear energy and wind farms may be better options than trying to tackle global warming. solutions suggested by conservationists include reducing internal uk air travel and boosting electric trains. the evidence is part of the committee s inquiry into the impact of climate change in scotland. sepa is attempting to curb global warming gases as pollution from transport emissions increases. ecologists are warning msps that scotland may have to accept significant intrusion from wind farms. it is likely also that nuclear power will be needed for possibly several decades. sepa predict that the two methods will remain as energy sources until climate change is under control. experts studying the seas off scotland s west coast have already forecast more devastating weather of the type which caused havoc across the country last month. they predicted that damaging storms will become more frequent. researchers from the university of the highlands and islands and southampton have been looking at wave heights in the atlantic over the last nine years. the project was conducted jointly by the environmental research institute in thurso which is part of the university of the highlands and islands (uhi) millennium institute network and the southampton oceanography centre. scientists carried out a series of studies including the use of satellites to assess wave heights in the seas around the west coast and the hebrides.,politics
1312,robinson out of six nations england captain jason robinson will miss the rest of the six nations because of injury. robinson stand-in captain in the absence of jonny wilkinson had been due to lead england in their final two games against italy and scotland. but the sale full-back pulled out of the squad on wednesday because of a torn ligament in his right thumb. the 30-year-old will undergo an operation on friday but england have yet to name a replacement skipper. robinson said: this is very disappointing for me as this means i miss england s last two games in the six nations at twickenham and two games for my club sale sharks. but i m looking to be back playing very early in april. robinson picked up the injury in the 19-13 defeat to ireland at lansdowne road on saturday. and coach andy robinson said: i am hugely disappointed for jason. as england captain he has been an immense figure during the autumn internationals and the six nations leading by example at all times. i look forward to having him back in the england squad. the announcement is the latest setback for robinson s injury-depleted squad. among the key figures already missing are jonny wilkinson mike tindall will greenwood julian white and phil vickery - a list which leaves robinson short on candidates for the now vacant captaincy role. former england skipper jeremy guscott told bbc radio five live his choice would be matt dawson even though he is does not hold a regular starting place. the obvious choice is dawson said guscott. especially given that harry ellis did not have his best game at scrum-half on saturday. dawson has the credentials and the experience even though his winning record at captain is not great. the other option in martin corry who is the standout forward at the moment. unfortunately england cannot rely on leaders on the field at the moment. england will announce their squad for the 12 march game against italy on saturday.,sport
577,robots learn robotiquette rules robots are learning lessons on robotiquette - how to behave socially - so they can mix better with humans. by playing games like pass-the-parcel a university of hertfordshire team is finding out how future robot companions should react in social situations. the study s findings will eventually help humans develop a code of social behaviour in human-robot interaction. the work is part of the european cogniron robotics project and was on show at london s science museum. we are assuming a situation in which a useful human companion robot already exists said professor kerstin dautenhahn project leader at hertfordshire. our mission is to look at how such a robot should be programmed to respect personal spaces of humans. the research also focuses on human perception of robots including how they should look and how a robot can learn new skills by imitating a human demonstrator. without such studies you will build robots which might not respect the fact that humans are individuals have preferences and come from different cultural backgrounds professor dautenhahn told bbc news online. and i want robots to treat humans as human beings and not like other robots she added. in most situations a companion robot will eventually have to deal not only with one person but also with groups of people. to find out how they would react the hertfordshire cogniron team taught one robot to play pass-the-parcel with children. showing off its skills at the science museum the unnamed robot had to select approach and ask different children to pick up a parcel with a gift moving it arm as a pointer and its camera as an eye. it even used speech to give instructions and play music. however according to researchers it will still take many years to build a robot which would make full use of the robotiquette for human interaction. if you think of a robot as a companion for the human being you can think of 20 years into the future concluded professor dautenhahn. it might take even longer because it is very very hard to develop such a robot. you can hear more on this story on the bbc world service s go digital programme.,tech
26,moya fights back for indian title carlos moya became the first man to successfully defend the chennai open title by beating four-times finalist paradorn srichaphan 3-6 6-4 7-6 (7/5). the spaniard then donated his £28 000 prize money to relief efforts for the victims of the asian tsunami. the final was close throughout with thai second seed srichaphan - the 2003 winner - closing out the first set. but moya took the second set before bouncing back from 5-2 down in the decider to force and win a tie-break. moya confirmed afterwards: i m donating my prize money from this tournament for the tsunami victims hoping it makes some difference to their lives. his contribution follows pledges by four other players to donate their prize money from the tournament which went ahead after the 26 december disaster which has so far claimed at least 150 000 lives. scrichapan said he would donate an unspecified amount for relief work in thailand where more than 5 000 people were killed. the atp has announced that it would contribute the us$25 000 tournament fee to unicef s emergency relief fund in tamil nadu. the atp tour s sponsor mercedes said it would also contribute increasing the atp donation to us$40 000.,sport
1174,bargain calls widen softbank loss japanese communications firm softbank has widened losses after heavy spending on a new cut-rate phone service. the service launched in december and dubbed otoku or bargain has had almost 900 000 orders softbank said. the firm a market leader in high-speed internet had an operating loss for the three months to december of 7.5bn yen ($71.5m; £38.4m). but without the otoku marketing spend it would have made a profit - and expects to move into the black in 2006. the firm did not give a figure for the extent of profits it expected to make next year. it was born in the 1990s tech boom investing widely and becoming a fast-rising star till the end of the tech bubble hit it hard. its recent return to a high profile came with the purchase of japan telecom the country s third-biggest fixed-line telecoms firm. the acquisition spurred its broadband internet division to pole position in the japanese market with more than 5.1 million subscribers at the end of december.,business
1244,bridge could miss rest of season chelsea left-back wayne bridge could miss the rest of the season with a suspected broken ankle. the england international 24 was hurt in an innocuous challenge with alan shearer during the londoners fa cup defeat at newcastle on sunday. we think it s a big injury said jose mourinho whose chelsea team this week meet barcelona in the champions league and liverpool in the carling cup final. william gallas and damien duff could also miss the barcelona game. france defender gallas and ireland winger duff both picked up their injuries in the closing stages of chelsea s 1-0 defeat at st james park. with bridge having gone off after mourinho used all three substitutes those knocks plus carlo cudicini s red card meant chelsea finished the game with seven able-bodied players. cudicini would not have played against barcelona but had been promised a game in the carling cup final although he will now miss the cardiff showpiece through suspension. the manager is not planning to add any new names to his squad ahead of the trip to barcelona even though he has few options to replace bridge at left-back. celestine babayaro left the club in january ironically to join newcastle and although gallas has deputised at left-back before he is struggling to be fit himself. it could be that paulo ferreira usually a right-back is switched to left-back with glen johnson who ended the newcastle game in goal playing on the right. youngsters ben hudell joe keenan and sam tillen would be options should mourinho decide to call up a replacement but it is unlikely he would risk an untried prospect in a champions league tie. bridge s injury also means mourinho who reportedly wants to sign ashley cole from arsenal will not have a specialist senior left-back for the run-in to the season. he (bridge) has no chance of playing against barcelona probably will not play against liverpool (in the carling cup final) and maybe not for the rest of the season he said. the medical department will try to do everything to recover gallas and duff. we will have to wait and see but i won t cry about injuries because we will have 11 players to play on tuesday. shearer said he was unsure what caused bridge s injury. i don t know what happened. he said. it was just a shame. i don t think we even touched each other. by all accounts it s pretty serious. i went into the dressing-room after the game and wished him all the best. mourinho whose team are chasing three trophies has already lost winger arjen robben to a serious injury.,sport
1977,mobile music challenges ipod age nokia and microsoft have agreed a deal to work on delivery of music to handsets while sony ericsson has unveiled its phone walkman and motorola is working on an itunes phone. can mobile phones replace the mp3 player in your pocket the music download market has been growing steadily since record firms embraced digital distribution. ease of use relative low price and increased access to broadband has helped drive the phenomenal growth of mp3 players. full-length music downloads on mobile phones have not taken off so quickly - held back by technical challenges as well as issues over music availability. but the mobile music industry is confident that the days of dedicated mp3 players are numbered. gilles babinet chief executive of mobile music firm musiwave said: music downloads on mobiles have the potential to be the biggest-ever medium for music. musiwave provides downloading infrastructure for the mobile phone market and mr babinet said the industry was enjoying definite momentum. but there are hurdles to overcome. mobile phones offer limited storage for music - certainly nothing to rival apple s 60gb ipod. but the first mobile phones with hard disk players will be on the market soon and the current generation of mobiles using flash technology can store up to one gigabyte of music - enough for 250 songs. we are working in the hard disk area and we will be bringing out exciting devices jonas guest vice president for entertainment at nokia told the bbc news website. but will mobiles become mere storage devices one of the problems we could have is that mobiles are used just for storage and playback while pcs are used for downloading said mr babinet we don t want people to cast aside their pcs - we want mobile users to hook up into the existing ecosystems explained mr guest. you must enable people to transfer music from a pc to a handset and vice versa. one of the key elements of the nokia and microsoft deal is the agreed ability to transfer songs between a handset and a pc. microsoft will adopt open standards allowing music to cross boundaries for the first time. songs can be downloaded on pc or mobile and transferred between the platforms. the line between online and wireless is going to blur predicted ted cohen senior vice president of digital development and distribution at emi. he said: the market is more regional in its maturity. in asia it is beyond belief. the majority of our digital revenues in asia comes from mobiles. in north america it is fixed line while there is equilibrium in europe. emi currently offers its entire 200 000 download catalogue for use by both by pcs and mobile phones. mr cohen said: it s going to be just as important to connect through 3g or wireless as it is through your pc. we want music to be a continuum. the seamless experience of mobiles and pc downloads is approaching he predicted. mr babinet said the mobile phone had a number of advantages over pcs which would see it become the focus for music downloading in the future. getting music from your pc onto a device is not an easy experience. you have to switch the pc on load the operating system load the program buy the music download the music and then transfer the music. all of these steps can be done in one step on a mobile phone. he said the mobile phone s billing system would make it easier for teenagers to embrace downloads because pre-paid cards were already accepted by the age group. certainly we have a problem with battery memory and bandwidth. but it s not about the current status. it s about the potential. you will have all of your music on your mobile. all three men said that the social interaction of mobile music would drive the market. mr cohen said: i can send you the song and it is either billed to me or i send it to you and if you listen to it and want to keep it is billed to you. it s a social phenomenon. mr babinet said: today you use radio and tv to discover music. tomorrow you will discover and consume music via one device - the mobile.,tech
339,aids and climate top davos agenda climate change and the fight against aids are leading the list of concerns for the first day of the world economic forum in the swiss resort of davos. some 2 000 business and political leaders from around the globe will listen to uk prime minister tony blair s opening speech on wednesday. mr blair will focus on africa s development plans and global warming. earlier in the day came an update on efforts to have 3 million people on anti-aids drugs by the end of 2005. the world health organisation (who) said 700 000 people in poor countries were on life-extending drugs - up from 440 000 six months earlier but amounting to only 12% of the 5.8 million who needed them. a $2bn funding gap still stood in the way of hitting the 2005 target the who said. the themes to be stressed by mr blair - whose attendance was announced at the last minute - are those he wants to dominate the uk s chairmanship of the g8 group of industrialised states. other issues to be discussed at the five-day conference range from china s economic power to iraq s future after this sunday s elections. aside from mr blair more than 20 other world leaders are expected to attend including french president jacques chirac - due to speak by video link after bad weather delayed his helicopter - and south african president thabo mbeki whose arrival has been delayed by ivory coast peace talks. the ukraine s new president viktor yushchenko will also be there - as will newly elected palestinian leader mahmoud abbas. showbiz figures will also put in an appearance from u2 frontman bono - a well-known campaigner on trade and development issues - to angelina jolie a goodwill campaigner for the un on refugees. unlike previous years protests against the wef are expected to be muted. anti-globalisation campaigners have called off a demonstration planned for the weekend. at the same time about 100 000 people are expected to converge on the brazilian resort of porto alegre for the world social forum - the so-called anti-davos for campaigners against globalisation for fair trade and many other causes. in contrast the davos forum is dominated by business issues - from outsourcing to corporate leadership - with bosses of more than a fifth of the world s 500 largest companies scheduled to attend. a survey published on the eve of the conference by pricewaterhousecoopers said four in ten business leaders were very confident that their companies would see sales rise in 2005. asian and american executives however were much more confident than their european counterparts. but the political discussions focusing on iran iraq and china are likely to dominate media attention.,business
1348,mps tout lords replacement plan a group of mps has tried to raise the pressure on tony blair over reform to the house of lords by publishing a detailed blueprint for change. the cross-party group has unveiled a draft bill proposing a smaller second chamber in which 70% of members would be elected. mps and peers have failed to agree on reform since 1999 when 600 hereditaries lost their seats. the group says it can win support for removing the last 92 hereditaries. the government postponed plans to remove the remaining hereditary peers because they said they were unlikely to succeed after opposition in the lords. tony blair has argued. there needs to be consensus on reforms. there have been suggestions there will be proposals for changing at least the powers of the lords in labour s manifesto. but the all-party group including tories ken clarke and sir george young labour s robin cook and tony wright and liberal democrat paul tyler is confident its plan would win support from a large majority . and they list former conservative leader william hague and former labour leader neil kinnock as supporters of the plans. the group says the british public and a clear majority of mps support replacing the lords with a largely-elected second chamber. their plan would see the house of lords being renamed the second chamber of parliament and its members would be known as mscps. there would be 385 mscps including 270 elected members 87 appointed members and 16 bishops. they would serve for between 12 and 14 years. mr cook said holding elections for mscps on the same day as those for mps might help motivate the electorate and increase voter turnout. he added: over the last year i have seen many statements from senior figures of this government insisting the public must have the right of choice. what could be more important than a choice of the people who sit in our parliament the group believes pressure is growing for change and the government s current position is unsustainable. it wants all three main parties to include a commitment to a largely democratic second chamber in their manifestos. mr clarke said the issue went to the heart of reforming the health of the british political system . and mr tyler said the prime minister s view that there was no agreement on the shape of the future of the lords was flawed. the problem i think in the prime minister s mind is there doesn t appear to be a consensus that includes him he said. we are providing a consensus . the elect the lords campaign said the draft bill was an important contribution to the debate. we believe this draft bill is detailed enough to form the basis of closer parliamentary scrutiny said co-ordinator peter facey. in lieu of any other such clear proposals the government must permit that to happen.,politics
123,safety alert as gm recalls cars the world s biggest carmaker general motors (gm) is recalling nearly 200 000 vehicles in the us on safety grounds according to federal regulators. the national highway traffic safety administration (nhtsa) said the largest recall involves 155 465 pickups vans and sports utility vehicles (suvs). this is because of possible malfunctions with the braking systems. the affected vehicles in the product recall are from the 2004 and 2005 model years gm said. those vehicles with potential faults are the chevrolet avalanche express kodiak silverade and suburban; the gmc savana sierra and yukon. the nhtsa said a pressure accumulator in the braking system could crack during normal driving and fragments could injure people if the hood was open. this could allow hydraulic fluid to leak which could make it harder to brake or steer and could cause a crash it warned. gm is also recalling 19 924 cadillac xlr coupes srx suvs and pontiac grand prix sedans from the 2004 model year. this is because the accelerator pedal may not work properly in extremely cold temperatures requiring more braking. in addition the car giant is calling back 17 815 buick raniers chevrolet trailblazers gmc envoys and isuzu ascenders from the 2005 model years because the windshield is not properly fitted and could fall out in a crash. however gm stressed that it did not know of any injuries related to the problems. news of the recall follows an announcement last month that gm expects earnings this year be lower than in 2004. the world s biggest car maker is grappling with losses in its european business weak us sales and now a product recall. in january gm said higher healthcare costs in north america and lower profits at its financial services subsidiary would hurt its performance in 2005.,business
612,bosvelt optimistic over new deal manchester city s paul bosvelt will find out within a month whether he is to be offered a new one-year deal. the 34-year-old dutch midfielder is out of contract in the summer and although his age may count against him he feels he can play on for another season. i told the club i would like to stay for one more year. they promised me an answer within the next month so i am waiting to see he said. the main concern is my age but i think i have proved i am fit enough. bosvelt joined city from feyenoord in 2003 and at first he struggled to adapt to life in england. but his professionalism and dedication impressed manager kevin keegan. he realised the pace of the game was faster than anything he was used to but he drove himself back into the team. he is an unsung hero said keegan.,sport
1740,collins to compete in birmingham world and commonwealth 100m champion kim collins will compete in the 60m at the norwich union grand prix in birmingham on 18 february. the st kitts and nevis star joins british olympic relay gold medallists jason gardener and mark lewis-francis. sydney olympic 100m champion and world indoor record holder maurice greene and athens olympic 100m silver medallist francis obikwelu will also take part. collins ran in birmingham at the 2003 world indoor championships. i m looking forward to competing against such a strong field he said. i got a great reception form the crowd at the nia when i won my 60m world indoor silver medal in 2003 and it will be really exciting to return to this venue. the world champion says he s in good shape but he isn t underestimating the home competition. jason gardener and mark lewis-francis are olympic gold medallists now and i m sure they ll be aiming to win in front of their home supporters. i m looking forward to competing against britain s best sprinters and i m sure the 60 metres will be one of the most exciting races of the evening. collins was sixth in the olympic final in athens but is hoping for a better result at the world championships in finland this summer. this will be a big year for me and i plan to defend my 100m world title in helsinki in august. before then i want to perform well over 60m indoors and start my year in winning form.,sport
1401,be careful how you code a new european directive could put software writers at risk of legal action warns former programmer and technology analyst bill thompson. if it gets its way the dutch government will conclude its presidency of the european union by pushing through a controversial measure that has been rejected by the european parliament lacks majority support from national governments and will leave millions of european citizens in legal limbo and facing the possibility of court cases against them. if the new law was about border controls defence or even the new constitution then our tv screens would be full of experts agonising over the impact on our daily lives. sadly for those who will be directly affected the controversy concerns the patenting of computer programs a topic that may excite the bloggers campaigning groups and technical press but does not obsess middle britain. after all how much fuss can you generate about the directive on the patentability of computer-implemented inventions and the way it amends article 52 of the 1973 european patent convention yet if the new directive is nodded through at the next meeting of one of the eu s ministerial councils as seems likely it will allow programs to be patented in europe just as they are in the us. many observers of the computing scene including myself think the results will be disastrous for small companies innovative programmers and the free and open source software movement. it will let large companies patent all sorts of ideas and give legal force to those who want to limit their competitors use of really obvious ideas. in the us you cannot build a system that stores customer credit card details so that they can pay without having to re-enter them unless amazon lets you because they hold the patent on one-click online purchase. it is a small invention but amazon made it to the patent office first and now owns it. we are relatively free from this sort of thing over here but perhaps not for long. the new proposals go back to 2002 although argument about patentability of software and computer-implemented inventions has been going on since at least the mid-1980s. they have come to a head now after a year in which proposals were made endorsed by the council of ministers radically modified by the european parliament and then re-presented in their original form. some national governments seem to be aware of the problems. poland has rejected the proposal and germany s main political parties have opposed it but there is not enough opposition to guarantee their rejection. early in december the british government held a consultation meeting with those who had commented on the proposals. science minister lord sainsbury went along to listen and outline the uk position but according to those present it was embarrassing to see how little the minister and his officials actually understood the issues concerned. the draft directive is being put through the council as what is called an a item and can only be approved or rejected. no discussion or amendment is allowed. so why should we be worried first there is the abuse of the democratic process involved in disregarding the views of the parliament and abandoning all of their carefully argued amendments. this goes to the heart of the european project and even those who do not care about software or patents should be worried. if coders are treated like this today who is to say that it will not be you tomorrow more directly once software patents are granted then any programmer will have to worry that the code they are writing is infringing someone else s patent. this is not about stealing software as code is already protected by copyright. patents are not copyright but something much stronger. a patent gives the owner the right to stop anyone else using their invention even if the other person invented it separately. i have never to my shame managed to read lord byron s childe harold s pilgrimage. if it was pointed out that one of my articles contained a substantial chunk of the poem then i could defend myself in court by claiming that i had simply made it up and it was coincidence. the same does not hold for a patent. if i sit down this afternoon and write a brilliant graphics compression routine and it happens to be the same as the lzw algorithm used in gif files then i am in trouble under patent law at least in the us. coincidence is no defence. the proposed directive is supported by many of the major software companies but this is hardly surprising since most of them are us-based and they have already had to cope with a legal environment that allows patents. they have legal departments and more crucially patents of their own which they can trade or cross-license with other patent holders. even this system breaks down of course as microsoft found out last year when they initially lost a case brought by eolas which claimed that internet explorer (and other browsers) infringed an eolas patent. that one was eventually thrown out but only after months of uncertainty and millions of dollars. but small companies and the free and open software movement do not have any patents to trade. much of the really useful software we use every day programs like the apache web server the gnu/linux operating system and the fearsomely popular firefox browser is developed outside company structures by people who do not have legal departments to check for patent infringements. the damage to software will not happen overnight of course. if the directive goes through it has to be written into national laws and then there will be a steady stream of legal actions against small companies and open source products. eventually someone will decide to attack linux directly probably with some secret funding from one or two large players. the new directive will limit innovation by forcing programmers to spend time checking for patent infringements or simply avoiding working in potentially competitive areas. and it will damage europe s computer industry. we can only hope that the council of ministers has the integrity and strength to reject this bad law. bill thompson is a regular commentator on the bbc world service programme go digital.,tech
254,first look at playstation 3 chip some details of the chip inside sony s playstation 3 have been revealed. sony ibm and toshiba have released limited data about the so-called cell chip that will be able to carry out trillions of calculations per second. the chip will be made of several different processing cores that work on tasks together. the playstation 3 is expected in 2006 but developers are expecting to get prototypes early next year to tune games that will appear on it at launch. the three firms have been working on the chip since 2001 but before now few details have been released about how it might function. in a joint statement the three firms gave hints about how the chip will work but fuller details will be released in february next year at the international solid state circuits conference in san francisco. the three firms claim that the cell chip will be up to 10 times more powerful than existing processors. when put inside powerful computer servers the cell consortium expects it to be capable of handling 16 trillion floating point operations or calculations every second. the chip has also been refined to be able to handle the detailed graphics common in games and the data demands of films and broadband media. ibm said it would start producing the chip in early 2005 at manufacturing plants in the us. the first machines off the line using the cell processor will be computer workstations and servers. a working version of the ps3 is due to be shown off in may 2005 but a full launch of the next generation console is not expected to start until 2006. as well as being inside the playstation 3 the chip will also be used inside high-definition tvs and powerful computers. in the future all forms of digital content will be converged and fused onto the broadband network said ken kutaragi chief operating officer of sony. current pc architecture is nearing its limits.,tech
2113,ailing eurodisney vows turnaround eurodisney the european home of mickey mouse and friends has said it will sell 253m euros (£175m; $328m) of new shares as it looks to avoid insolvency. the sale is the last part of a plan to restructure 2.4bn euros-worth of debts. despite struggling since it was opened in 1992 eurodisney has recently made progress in turning its business around and ticket sales have picked up. however analysts still question whether it attracts enough visitors to stay open even with the restructuring. eurodisney remains europe s largest single tourist attraction attracting some 12.4 million visitors annually. a new attraction - walt disney studios - has recently opened its site near paris. the company s currently traded stock tumbled in paris on the latest news shedding 15% to 22 euro cents. eurodisney will sell the new shares priced at 9 euros cents each. the us disney corporation and saudi arabian prince al-walid bin talal the firm s two main shareholders will buy the new stock. the restructuring deal is the second in the firm s troubled financial history; its finances were first reorganised in 1994.,business
1885,saudi investor picks up the savoy london s famous savoy hotel has been sold to a group combining saudi billionaire investor prince alwaleed bin talal and a unit of hbos bank. financial details of the deal which includes the nearby simpson s in the strand restaurant were not disclosed. the seller - irish-based property firm quinlan private - bought the savoy along with the berkeley claridge s and the connaught for £750m last year. prince alwaleed s hotel investments include the luxury george v in paris. he also has substantial stakes in fairmont hotels & resorts which will manage the savoy and simpson s in the strand and four seasons. fairmont said it planned to invest $48m (£26m) in renovating parts of the savoy including the river room and suites with views over the river thames. work was expected to be completed by summer 2006 fairmont said.,business
1482,tories would cut number of mps the conservative party would cut the number of mps by about one-fifth if they were elected tory leader michael howard has said. the plan forms part of the party s smaller government bill to be unveiled later this week. mr howard told the sunday times the party would also reduce the number of government special advisers. and he said a referendum would be held in wales to decide whether or not to scrap the welsh assembly. the changes would all take place within five years of the conservatives winning a general election mr howard told the paper. the precise number of mps to go would depend on the result of the welsh referendum but it would probably mean a reduction of around 120 from the current total of 659. if wales decided to keep its assembly it would stand to lose more mps. mr howard said as both parties planned to cut the number of civil servants at whitehall - labour by more than 80 000 and the tories by almost 100 000 - they should accept a similar drop in their own numbers. it is all very well saying government departments should be reduced but what about ministers parliament and special advisers he said. shadow leader of the commons oliver heald said: this will be part of our aim to reduce unnecessary and costly interference in people s lives by reducing the size and role of the state . mr howard said the plan would also even out the great unfairness of there being proportionately more scottish and welsh mps at westminster than those from england. the average size of an english constituency was 70 000 people mr howard said. in northern ireland it was just over 66 000 in wales just over 59 000 and in scotland 53 000. the number of welsh mps would be set at an amount that was consistent and fair in terms of representation with the rest of the united kingdom if the assembly was scrapped. mr howard said the changes should be carried out quickly and could even be implemented by the election after next. you have got to have a big bang. we don t want this like the house of lords reform getting to one stage and then not having the next stage.,politics
1031,blair defends terror law changes the prime minister has defended measures to allow house arrest without trial saying several hundred people in the uk are plotting terror attacks. the government is facing opposition from tory and lib dem mps and its own backbenchers as it prepares for the final commons debate on the changes. but tony blair said there could be no concession on the basic principle . mr blair told the bbc the control orders would only be used in the most limited circumstances. critics in the opposition and civil rights activists are worried that the home secretary will have the power to issue the detention orders. but the government has so far resisted pressure for judges to be responsible for making the orders instead saying judges will be able to quash them. an explanation is being sent by home secretary charles clarke to all mps and peers ahead of the final debate in the house of commons. on sunday conservative shadow home secretary david davis claimed judges would get the powers to issue detention orders. and liberal democrat leader charles kennedy said some concessions had already been offered by the government during last-minute negotiations. some 32 labour mps voted against the legislation last week. barbara follett whose first husband was killed while under house arrest in south africa during the apartheid era confirmed she would vote against the government. but the government is continuing to insist that control orders must be issued by the home secretary. mr blair told bbc radio 4 s woman s hour: we are being advised by the police and the security services... what they say is you have got to give us powers in between mere surveillance of these people - there are several hundred of them in this country who we believe are engaged in plotting or trying to commit terrorist acts - you have got to give us power in between just surveying them and being able being sure enough of the proof to prosecute them beyond reasonable doubt. and these will be restrictions on their liberty that we will use only in the most limited circumstances. a yougov poll in the daily telegraph suggested 75% of respondents thought action was sometimes necessary against people who had not committed an offence but who had been found by intelligence services to be planning a terrorist attack. but tory leader michael howard told bbc news that the government was again making a mistake in rushing anti-terrorism legislation. i very much hope it would be possible to reach a compromise on this. he said after meeting tony blair he had been left with the impression that he really wasn t interested in any of the various proposals we have put forward . mr clarke wants house arrest and other powers to replace indefinite jail for terror suspects - something the law lords have ruled against on the basis that it breaches human rights. bbc political correspondent vicky young said some form of concession on the measures was likely to be needed to get the legislation through the house of lords where labour does not have a majority and would require support from other parties. shami chakrabarti director of civil liberties pressure group liberty said who was able to issue the control orders was not the main issue. she said the legislation was a travesty and a perversion of justice and would remain unpalatable even if a judge was involved early in the process.,politics
1088,us interest rates increased to 2% us interest rates are to rise for the fourth time in five months in a widely anticipated move. the federal reserve has raised its key federal funds rate by a quarter percentage point to 2% in light of mounting evidence that the us economy is regaining steam. us companies created twice as many jobs as expected in october while exports hit record levels in september. analysts said a clear-cut victory for president bush in last week s election paved the way for a rise. another rise could be in store for december some economists warned. the fed s open market committee - which sets interest rate policy in the us - voted unanimously in favour of a quarter point rise. the fed has been gradually easing rates up since the summer with quarter percentage point rises in june august and september. the central bank has been acting to restrain inflationary pressures while being careful not to obstruct economic growth. the fed did not rule out raising rates once again in december but noted that any future increases would take place at a measured pace. in a statement the fed said that long-term inflation pressures remained well contained while the us economy appeared to be growing at a moderate pace despite the rise in energy prices . financial analysts broadly welcomed the fed s move and shares traded largely flat. the dow jones industrial average closed down 0.89 points or 0.01% at 10 385.48. recent evidence has pointed to an upturn in the us economy. us firms created 337 000 jobs last month twice the amount expected while exports reached record levels in september. the economy grew 3.7% in the third quarter slower than forecast but an improvement on the 3.3% growth seen in the second quarter. analysts claimed the fed s assessment of future economic growth was a positive one but stressed that the jury was still out on the prospect of a further rise in december. let s wait until we see how growth and employment bear up under the fourth quarter s energy price drag before concluding that the fed has more work to do in 2005 said avery shenfeld senior economist at cibc world markets. i think the federal reserve does not want to rock the boat and is using a gradual approach in raising the interest rate said sung won sohn chief us economist for wells fargo bank. the economy is doing a bit better right now but there are still some concerns about geopolitics employment and the price of oil he added. the further rise in us rates is unlikely to have a direct bearing on uk monetary policy. the bank of england (boe) has kept interest rates on hold at 4.75% for the past three months leading some commentators to argue that rates may have peaked. in a report published on wednesday the bank said that with rates at their current level inflation would rise to its 2% target within two years. however boe governor mervyn king warned only last month that the era of consistently low inflation and low unemployment may be coming to an end.,business
190,grammys honour soul star charles the memory of soul legend ray charles dominated the music world s leading music ceremony on sunday as he was given eight posthumous grammy awards. charles who died in 2004 got honours including record and album of the year while alicia keys and actor jamie foxx performed a musical tribute to him. r&b star keys won four awards herself at the grammy ceremony in los angeles. u2 usher norah jones and kanye west got three each. west led the race going into the ceremony with 10 nominations. charles last album genius loves company a collection of duets that has sold more than two million copies was named album of the year and best pop vocal album. his song here we go again with norah jones won record of the year and best pop vocal collaboration while heaven help us all with gladys knight picked up best gospel performance. jones said: i m glad he s getting recognised because of who he is and how much i love him. actor jamie foxx - who is nominated for an oscar for playing charles in the hit movie ray - dedicated a rendition of georgia on my mind to old friends . keys looking to replicate her grammys success of 2002 when she won five picked up best r&b song for you don t know my name and best r&b album for the diary of alicia keys. she also shared the award for best r&b vocal performance by a duo or group with usher for my boo. usher s other victories were for best contemporary r&b album for confessions and best rap/sung collaboration for yeah! featuring lil jon and ludacris. kanye west dominated the rap categories winning best rap song for jesus walks and best rap album for the college dropout. but in one of the night s biggest shocks he lost out in the battle to be named best new artist to pop rock act maroon 5. vertigo by rock giants u2 won three trophies - best rock song best short video and best rock vocal performance by a duo or group. one of the other main awards song of the year went to us singer-songwriter john mayer for daughters. mayer also won best male pop vocal performance. britney spears picked up her first ever grammy for her song toxic which was named best dance recording. rod stewart also won the first grammy of his career getting the best traditional pop album award for stardust... the great american songbook: volume iii. in 2003 stewart said he was astounded he had never won a grammy - but they tend not to give it to the british unless you re sting . there were few other high-profile british victors this year. annie lennox metal group motorhead and dance act basement jaxx all took home trophies. but elvis costello who had four nominations and joss stone and franz ferdinand who were both up for three awards got nothing. beach boys veteran brian wilson was another first-time winner - for best rock instrumental performance. it represents triumph and achievement in music that i feel that i deserved and i m really glad i won he said. a live recording of composer john adams 11 september tribute on the transmigration of souls performed by the new york philharmonic won three classical prizes. and former us president bill clinton picked up the second grammy of his career winning the spoken word award for the audio version of his autobiography my life.,entertainment
1381,world leaders gather to face uncertainty more than 2 000 business and political leaders from around the globe are arriving in the swiss mountain resort davos for the annual world economic forum (wef). for five days they will discuss issues ranging from china s economic power to iraq s future after this sunday s elections. uk prime minister tony blair and south african president thabo mbeki are among the more than 20 government leaders and heads of state leaders attending the meeting. unlike previous years protests against the wef are expected to be muted. anti-globalisation campaigners have called off a demonstration planned for the weekend. the brazilian city of porto alegre will host the rival world social forum timed to run in parallel with the wef s ritzier event in davos. the organisers of the brazilian gathering which brings together thousands of campaigners against globalisation for fair trade and many other causes have promised to set an alternative agenda to that of the swiss summit. however many of the issues discussed in porto alegre are davos talking points as well. global warming features particularly high. wef participants are being asked to offset the carbon emissions they cause by travelling to the event. davos itself is in deep frost. the snow is piled high across the mountain village and at night the wind chill takes temperatures down to minus 20c and less. ultimately the forum will be dominated by business issues - from outsourcing to corporate leadership - with bosses of more than a fifth of the world s 500 largest companies scheduled to attend. but much of the media focus will be on the political leaders coming to davos not least because the agenda of this year s forum seems to lack an overarching theme. taking responsibility for tough choices is this year s official talking point hinting at a welter of knotty problems. one thing seems sure though: transatlantic disagreements over how to deal with iran iraq and china are set to dominate discussions. pointedly only one senior official from president bush s new administration is scheduled to attend. the us government may still make a conciliatory gesture just as happened a year ago when vice president dick cheney made a surprise appearance in davos. ukraine s new president viktor yushchenko is to speak just days after his inauguration an event that crowned the civil protests against the rigged first election that had tried to keep him from power. the european union s top leaders among them german chancellor gerhard schroeder and european commission president manuel barosso will be here too. mr blair will formally open the proceedings although his speech will be pre-empted by french president jacques chirac who announced his attendance at the last minute and secured a slot for a special message two hours before mr blair speaks. the organisers also hope that the new palestinian leader mahmoud abbas will use the opportunity for talks with at least one of the three israeli deputy prime ministers coming to the event a list that includes shimon peres. davos fans still hark back to 1994 when talks between yassir arafat and mr peres came close to a peace deal. mr blair s appearance will be keenly watched too as political observers in the uk claim it is a calculated snub against political rival chancellor gordon brown who was supposed to lead the uk government delegation. microsoft founder bill gates the world s richest man and a regular at davos will focus on campaigning for good causes though business interests will not be wholly absent either. having already donated billions of dollars to the fight against aids and malaria mr gates will call on world leaders to support a global vaccination campaign to protect children in developing countries from easily preventable diseases. on tuesday mr gates pledged $750m (£400m) of his own money to support the cause. mr gates company software giant microsoft also hopes to use davos to shore up its defences against open source software like linux which threaten microsoft s near monopoly on computer desktops. mr gates is said to be trying to arrange a meeting with brazil s president lula da silva. the brazilian government has plans to switch all government computers from microsoft to linux. at davos global problem solving and networking are never far apart.,business
264,ten-year tragedy of missing manic richey edwards guitarist and lyricist for the manic street preachers vanished 10 years ago on 1 february 1995. his disappearance remains one of the most tragic mysteries in rock music. for his devoted fans richey edwards was an inspired and inspiring poet a man who articulated their desperation and despair who shouted the things most kept hidden. the manic street preachers may only have become stadium-conquering rock giants since his disappearance - but edwards was the figurehead for their first dangerous and dazzling incarnation. edwards did not feature in the original line-up of the band though. singer/guitarist james dean bradfield bassist nicky wire and drummer sean moore were originally accompanied by a rhythm guitarist called flicker. but edwards replaced flicker in time for the band s self-financed debut suicide alley after designing the record s artwork. after becoming a full-time member edwards became a critical part of the band writing lyrics and playing guitar - though in many concerts he was not actually plugged in. but the fiercely intelligent edwards - who name-checked writers such as sylvia plath george orwell and philip larkin - battled depression alcohol problems eating disorders and self-harm. by the time the band released their third album the holy bible in october 1994 edwards had been admitted to hospital with depression. but in his last interview a few months later seemed to be making plans for the future. edwards walks out of the embassy hotel in london in the early morning ahead of the band s us tour to promote the holy bible. in the following days police issue a missing person alert and his parents graham and sherry plead for their son to let them know he is safe and well. police discover edwards car in a car park near the severn bridge near bristol - a notorious suicide spot. the discovery leads many to believe he has killed himself. the rest of the band stop touring and recording. the band play their first concerts since edwards disappearance as a trio performing support slots for the stone roses on their uk stadium tour. the manic street preachers release their first music since edwards disappearance. a design for life reaches number two in the uk singles chart. the album everything must go follows. the manics win best band and best album for everything must go at the brit awards. a fan says she saw edwards in the hippy resort of goa india. interpol are alerted but do not track him down. graham and sherry edwards fly to the spanish island of fuerteventura six weeks after reports a man fitting their son s description has been seen in a bar called underground. the report comes to nothing. edwards sister rachel makes an emotional tv appeal five years after the disappearance. i d just like to say to him if he is able to listen that we do love him very much and we d like him to come back - me mum and dad she said. the band play a concert in the cuban capital havana - the first contemporary western rock band to play there. on the seventh anniversary of his disappearance police offer edwards parents the opportunity to sign a death certificate. they refuse. the big issue magazine which supports homelessness charities prints the last known picture of edwards in a fresh plea for information. a pair of trainers containing human bones washed up on the banks of the river severn have no link to edwards police say. the last song written by edwards - a song called judge y self which was to have been used for the judge dredd film soundtrack - is released on the b-side compilation lipstick traces. a skeleton found by the river severn is not edwards tests reveal. the manics seventh studio album lifeblood features a song dedicated to edwards called cardiff afterlife. the remaining manic street preachers members continue to pay a quarter of the band s royalties into an account held in his name.,entertainment
1218,bortolami predicts dour contest italy skipper marco bortolami believes saturday s six nations contest against scotland will be a scrappy encounter. with both sides looking for their first win of the championship the third-round game at murrayfield has been billed as a wooden-spoon decider. and bortolami feels the edinburgh contest could end up being a bruising battle of the packs. it will not be a pretty game because both teams are desperate to gain their first win said the lock forward. italy have only recorded three wins since they joined the six nations in 2000 but two of those have come against scotland. this year italy opened up with a stubborn display against ireland but ended up losing 28-17. however they were thoroughly outplayed by an impressive welsh side in rome last time out. now the italians travel to edinburgh hoping to claim their first away win in the six nations. scotland played extremely well against france in paris but not so well when ireland came to edinburgh said bortolami. we are still very disappointed with our last game against wales in rome and we are thoroughly determined to right the wrongs. as a nation our quest is to be respected as a team worthy of a place in this tournament and we can only do this by winning games.,sport
610,england given tough sevens draw england will have to negotiate their way through a tough draw if they are to win the rugby world cup sevens in hong kong next month. the second seeds have been drawn against samoa france italy georgia and chinese taipei. the top two sides in each pool qualify but england could face 2001 winners new zealand in the quarter-finals if they stumble against samoa. scotland and ireland are in pool a together with the all blacks. england won the first event of the international rugby board world sevens series in dubai but have slipped to fourth in the table after failing to build on that victory. however they beat samoa in the recent los angeles sevens before losing to argentina in the semi-finals. england have the ability and determination to win this world cup and create sporting history by being the only nation to hold both the 15s and sevens world cups at the same time said england sevens coach mike friday. england have a fantastic record in hong kong and have won there the last three years but the world cup is on a different level. every pool contains teams who have caused upsets before and we will have to work hard to ensure we progress from our group. we have not performed consistently to our true potential so far in the irb sevens which has been disappointing - but we can only look forward. england won the first rugby world cup sevens in 1993 with a side that included the likes of lawrence dallaglio and matt dawson. in 1997 and 2001 england lost in the quarter-finals. (seeds in brackets) new zealand (1) scotland (8) tonga ireland korea usa. england (2) samoa (7) france italy georgia chinese taipei. fiji (3) australia (6) canada portugal japan hong kong. argentina (4) south africa (5) kenya tunisia russia uruguay.,sport
1483,youssou n dour wins music prize senegalese musician youssou n dour has been named a winner of a bbc radio 3 world music award. his album egypt won the critics award for album of the year while the best newcomer accolade went to argentine chango spasiuk. winners were chosen from ten categories to reflect different continents. a special poll winners concert hosted by eliza carthy and benjamin zephaniah will take place at the sage in gateshead on 5 march. the concert will be broadcast on radio 3 s world music day the following evening and will feature performances by many of the award winners. it will also include the announcement of the audience award chosen by radio 3 and bbc world service listeners alongside bbc four viewers. winner in the africa category was malian desert blues band tinariwen formed from the nomadic people of the southern sahara. cuban pianist bebo valdes and flamenco singer diego el cigala responsible for critically acclaimed album lagrimas negrasmusic won an award in the boundary crossing category. each winner will receive a specially commissioned sculpture entitled planet by anita sulimanovic who won a competition to design the award. highlights of the poll winners concert to be held at the sage gateshead will be televised on bbc four on 11 march.,entertainment
217,actor scott is new bond favourite bookmaker william hill has stopped taking bets on who will be the next james bond following a succession of large wagers on actor dougray scott. the firm closed the book on friday saying insider information could have contributed to the number of bets. in the past gambles like this have often been right william hill spokesman rupert adams said. the closing list gave scott odds of 6-9 followed by oscar nominee clive owen at 5-2. scott first found fame in the tv series soldier soldier and has since then starred in such films as mission impossible ii and the wartime drama enigma. mr adams said one punter had placed a bet of £870 on the 39-year-old actor at odds of 8-1. she told us she had some inside information perhaps she knew he had been to a casting but she wouldn t say he said. others thought to be in the running include star wars actor ewan mcgregor and australian star hugh jackman both of whom have odds of 4-1. colin farrell jude law and troy star eric bana have also been tipped for the role in the past. a large number of bets on actor colin salmon to become the first black james bond were dismissed as a publicity stunt a month ago. the next bond film originally due for release in 2005 has been delayed until 2006 due to sony s takeover of the mgm studio. the most recent die another day was released in late 2002 and saw pierce brosnan make his final appearance as the secret agent. the actor was originally due to make a fifth appearance as bond but was released from his contract in 2004.,entertainment
897,troubled marsh under sec scrutiny the us stock market regulator is investigating troubled insurance broker marsh & mclennan s shareholder transactions the firm has said. the securities and exchange commission has asked for information about transactions involving holders of 5% or more of the firm s shares. marsh has said it is co-operating fully with the sec investigation. marsh is also the focus of an inquiry the new york attorney-general into whether insurers rigged the market. since that inquiry was launched in october marsh has replaced its chief executive and held a boardroom shake-out to meet criticism by lessening the number of company executives on the board. prosecutors allege that marsh - the world s biggest insurance broker - and other us insurance firms may have fixed bids for corporate cover. this is the issue at the heart of the inquiry by new york s top law officer eliot spitzer and a separate prosecution of five insurers by the state of california. the sec s investigation into so-called related party transactions includes dealings in the trident funds managed by mmc capital the company s private equity firm. marsh s new chief executive michael cherkasky is trying to negotiate a settlement with mr spitzer. mr spitzer has built up a reputation as a fierce critic and campaigner against corporate america s misdeeds. the uncertainty unleashed by the scandal has prompted three credit rating agencies - standard & poor s moody s and fitch - to downgrade marsh in recent weeks. according to the financial times insurance analysts are now questioning whether marsh will be able to maintain its strong record of earning growth as they draw up forecasts for the first quarter of next year. doubts also exist over how much the company may have to pay regulators and lawyers to put the scandal behind.,business
1125,uk s useless quangos under fire the uk has 529 quangos financed with billions of pounds of taxpayers cash - many of which are useless or duplicate each other s efforts a report claims. essential guide to british quangos 2005 author dan lewis said at least 111 of the appointed bodies had been set up since labour won power in 1997. he urged a limit on the number of quangos that could be set up by any individual government department. tories and lib dems welcomed the report and called for a slimming down . conservative deregulation spokesman john redwood said: the research endorses our policy of destroying unwanted and unnecessary quangos and slimming down the rest. a conservative government will axe 162 quangos as part of its drive for more efficient and more accountable government. lib dem spokesman ed davey meanwhile said instead of the bonfire of quangos new labour had promised there had been an explosion of them. for over two decades under both tory and labour governments these unaccountable agencies have mushroomed. liberal democrats would abolish many merge others and make any that remain properly accountable. labour representatives were unavailable for comment. the quango guide follows last year s government-commissioned gershon report which recommended significant cuts in bureaucracy across the public sector. mr lewis wants a public inquiry into regional development agencies which cost £1.8bn a year - cash he says which appears to be almost entirely wasted . as well as a departmental limit on quangos he also wants a statutory five-year limit on any such body with executive powers. he also listed what he dubbed the nine most useless quangos . they were the british potato council the milk development council the energy savings trust agricultural wages committees the wine standards board the westminster foundation for democracy the football licensing authority investors in people uk and the economic and social research council. mr lewis branded the existence of the 60-employee potato council set up in 1997 to research and promote overseas potato markets surprising . he said the £80m spent annually on the energy savings trust which promotes renewable energy would be better spent on eight million boiler jackets for british homes. and he argued it was absurd to charge farmers for agricultural wages committees which set working and wage standards in the industry when many were prepared to take advantage of immigrant labour prepared to work for £1 an hour. if a football team can afford to pay £27m for wayne rooney why should the taxpayer - not all of whom like football - be forced to fund the football licensing authority to the tune of over £1.1m a year mr lewis asked. the report is published by the efficiency in government unit - a joint effort by right of centre think tanks the economic research council and the centre for policy studies. it says before a new public body is set up an assessment should be made whether its proposed role is already carried out by an existing charity or other private organisation.,politics
748,us ahold suppliers face charges us prosecutors have charged nine food suppliers with helping dutch retailer ahold inflate earnings by more than $800m (£428m). the charges have been brought against individuals as well as companies alleging they created false accounts. ahold hit the headlines in february 2003 after it emerged that there were accounting irregularities at its us subsidiary foodservice. three former ahold top executives last year agreed to settle fraud charges. ahold has admitted that it fraudulently inflated promotional allowances at foodservice improperly consolidated joint ventures and also committed other accounting errors and irregularities. the nine now charged who worked as suppliers to ahold are accused of signing false documents relating to the amount of money they paid the retailer for promoting their products in its stores. food companies pay supermarkets and retailers for prime shelf space. the suppliers in question are said to have inflated the amount of money they paid providing auditors with signed letters that allowed ahold to inflate its earnings. us attorney david kelley said he expects the nine vendors will plead guilty to the charges. he added that there may be more court actions in the future. i don t want to leave you with the impression that these were the only ones involved he said. among those facing charges are john nettle a former employee of general mills; mark bailin of rymer international seafood; tim daly of michael foods and kenneth bowman who worked as an independent contractor for total foods. others include michael hannigan of sugar foods; peter marion of maritime seafood processors and first choice foods; gordon redgate of commodity manager and private label distribution; bruce robinson of basic american foods and michael rogers formerly of tyson foods. pasquale d amuro of the fbi called the nine vendors the key ingredients in the process of cooking the books at ahold. at the time of the scandal ahold was seen by many as europe s enron. ahold shares tumbled on the news and many market observers predicted that the fall out could damage investor confidence across europe. it was less severe than many had envisaged however and since then ahold has worked hard at rebuilding its reputation and investor confidence. ahold is the world s fourth-largest supermarket chain. its other us businesses include stop & shop and giant food.,business
510,dutch watch van gogh s last film the last film to be made by the slain dutch director theo van gogh called 06/05 has been premiered in the hague. members of van gogh s family and celebrities attended the screening of 06/05 based on the murder of the anti-immigration politician pim fortuyn. van gogh was shot and stabbed to death in amsterdam six weeks ago. a dutch-moroccan man suspected of radical islamist links has been charged. the killing and fortuyn s death in 2002 convulsed the netherlands. many dutch people have questioned their country s self-image as a peaceful tolerant nation in the wake of the murders which triggered heated debate about immigration. an animal rights activist was sentenced to 18 years in prison last year for killing fortuyn. earlier this year van gogh made a film accusing islam of promoting violence against women. it caused outrage among muslims and death threats were made against him. the film 06/05 will become available on the internet on wednesday and go on general release in dutch cinemas in january. van gogh s movie mixes real images of the day of fortuyn s murder with a fictional plot about dutch intelligence services conspiring to silence the politician. the story unfolds through the eyes of a freelance photographer who unwittingly takes pictures revealing the involvement of dutch authorities in fortuyn s murder. photographer jim de booy then goes on the run from secret service agents who burgle his home and threaten his family.,entertainment
1836,henman overcomes rival rusedski tim henman saved a match point before fighting back to defeat british rival greg rusedski 4-6 7-6 (8-6) 6-4 at the dubai tennis championships on tuesday. world number 46 rusedski broke in the ninth game to take a tight opening set. rusedski had match point at 6-5 in the second set tie-break after henman double-faulted but missed his chance and
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