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Created May 6, 2014 14:52
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  • Save MicheleBertoli/6763a30c0d8e28aa62cf to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save MicheleBertoli/6763a30c0d8e28aa62cf to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
po2mo issue #4
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Responsive Theme\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-04-25 13:42:58 UTC\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-04-21 08:47:14 UTC\n"
"Last-Translator: Web Translate It <>\n"
"Language-Team: French, France\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n > 1;\n"
#: page.php
#: landing-page.php
#: index.php
#: image.php
#: full-width-page.php
#: content-sidebar-page.php
#: content-sidebar-half-page.php
#: blog.php
#: blog-excerpt.php
#: archive.php
#: home.php
#: search.php
#: sidebar-content-half-page.php
#: sidebar-content-page.php
#: single.php
#: sitemap.php
msgid "Pages:"
msgstr "Pages&nbsp;:"
#: blog-excerpt.php
#: blog.php
#: loop-nav.php
msgid "&#8249; Older posts"
msgstr "&#8249; Articles plus anciens"
#: blog-excerpt.php
#: blog.php
#: loop-nav.php
msgid "Newer posts &#8250;"
msgstr "Articles plus r&#233;cents &#8250;"
#: blog.php
#: content-sidebar-half-page.php
#: content-sidebar-page.php
#: full-width-page.php
#: home.php
#: image.php
#: index.php
#: landing-page.php
#: page.php
#: sidebar-content-half-page.php
#: sidebar-content-page.php
#: single.php
#: core/includes/functions.php
msgid "Read more &#8250;"
msgstr "Lire la suite &#8250;"
#: comments.php
msgid "This post is password protected. Enter the password to view any comments."
msgstr "Cet article est prot&#233;g&#233; par mot de passe. Entrez le mot de passe pour acc&#233;der aux commentaires."
#: comments.php
#: comments.php
msgid "&#8249; Older comments"
msgstr "&#8249; Commentaires plus anciens"
#: comments.php
#: comments.php
msgid "Newer comments &#8250;"
msgstr "Commentaires plus r&#233;cents &#8250;"
#: comments.php
msgid "Pings&#47;Trackbacks"
msgstr "Pings&#47;Trackbacks"
#: comments.php
msgid "%1$d %2$s for \"%3$s\""
msgstr "%1$d %2$s pour \"%3$s\""
#: comments.php
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Nom"
#: comments.php
msgid "E-mail"
msgstr "Courriel"
#: comments.php
msgid "Website"
msgstr "Site Web"
#: footer.php
msgid "&copy;"
msgstr ""
#: footer.php
msgid "scroll to top"
msgstr "retour en haut"
#: footer.php
msgid "&uarr;"
msgstr "&uarr;"
#: footer.php
msgid "Responsive Theme"
msgstr ""
#: footer.php
msgid "powered by"
msgstr "Propulsé par WordPress"
#: footer.php
msgid "WordPress"
msgstr "WordPress"
#: image.php
msgid "&#8249; Return to"
msgstr "&#8249; Retour &#224;"
#: image.php
#: post-meta-page.php
#: post-meta.php
#: sidebar-content-half-page.php
#: sidebar-content-page.php
msgid "No Comments &darr;"
msgstr "Aucun commentaire &darr;"
#: post-meta-page.php
#: post-meta.php
#: image.php
#: sidebar-content-half-page.php
#: sidebar-content-page.php
msgid "1 Comment &darr;"
msgstr "1 commentaire &darr;"
#: post-meta-page.php
#: post-meta.php
#: image.php
#: sidebar-content-half-page.php
#: sidebar-content-page.php
msgid "% Comments &darr;"
msgstr "% commentaires &darr;"
#: image.php
#: post-data.php
#: sidebar-content-half-page.php
#: sidebar-content-page.php
msgid "Tagged with:"
msgstr "Tagu&#233;s avec&nbsp;:"
#: image.php
#: post-data.php
#: sidebar-content-half-page.php
#: sidebar-content-page.php
msgid "Posted in %s"
msgstr "Publi&#233; dans %s"
#: image.php
#: post-data.php
#: sidebar-content-half-page.php
#: sidebar-content-page.php
#: sitemap.php
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Editer"
#: loop-no-posts.php
msgid "404 &#8212; Fancy meeting you here!"
msgstr "404 &#8212; Heureux de vous voir ici &#33;"
#: loop-no-posts.php
msgid "Don&#39;t panic, we&#39;ll get through this together. Let&#39;s explore our options here."
msgstr "Ne paniquez pas&#44; nous allons r&#233;soudre cela ensemble&#46; Explorons les options possibles ici&#46;"
#: loop-no-posts.php
msgid "You can return %s or search for the page you were looking for."
msgstr "Vous pouvez revenir en arri&#232;re %s ou rechercher la page que vous demandiez"
#: loop-no-posts.php
#: core/includes/functions.php
msgid "Home"
msgstr "Accueil"
#: loop-no-posts.php
msgid "&larr; Home"
msgstr "&larr; Accueil"
#: loop-header.php
msgid "Daily Archives: %s"
msgstr "Archives quotidiennes&nbsp;: %s"
#: loop-header.php
msgid "Monthly Archives: %s"
msgstr "Archives mensuelles&nbsp;: %s"
#: loop-header.php
msgid "Yearly Archives: %s"
msgstr "Archives annuelles&nbsp;: %s"
#: loop-header.php
msgid "Blog Archives"
msgstr "Archives du site"
#: loop-no-posts.php
msgid "Your search for %s did not match any entries."
msgstr "Votre recherche pour %s ne retourne aucun contenu."
#: sitemap.php
msgid "Permanent Link to %s"
msgstr "Lien permanent vers %s"
#: core/includes/functions.php
#: loop-header.php
msgid "Search results for: %s"
msgstr "Résultats de recherche pour %s"
#: searchform.php
msgid "search here &hellip;"
msgstr "chercher ici &hellip;"
#: searchform.php
msgid "Go"
msgstr "Aller"
#: sidebar-gallery.php
msgid "Image Information"
msgstr "Information relative &#224; l&#39;image"
#: sidebar-gallery.php
msgid "Full Size:"
msgstr "Taille originale :"
#: sidebar-gallery.php
msgid "Aperture: f&#47;"
msgstr "Ouverture : f&#47;"
#: sidebar-gallery.php
msgid "Focal Length:"
msgstr "Focale :"
#: sidebar-gallery.php
msgid "mm"
msgstr "mn"
#: sidebar-gallery.php
msgid "ISO:"
msgstr "ISO :"
#: sidebar-gallery.php
msgid "Shutter:"
msgstr "Vitesse d&#39;obturation :"
#: sidebar-gallery.php
msgid "Camera:"
msgstr "Appareil photo :"
#: sidebar.php
#: sidebar-right.php
#: sidebar-right-half.php
#: sidebar-left.php
#: sidebar-left-half.php
#: sidebar-half-left.php
msgid "In Archive"
msgstr "dans les archives"
#: core/includes/functions-sidebar.php
#: sidebar-home.php
msgid "Home Widget 1"
msgstr "Accueil Widget 1"
#: sidebar-home.php
msgid "This is your first home widget box. To edit please go to Appearance > Widgets and choose 6th widget from the top in area 6 called Home Widget 1. Title is also manageable from widgets as well."
msgstr "Ceci est votre premier widget de page d&#39;accueil. Pour le modifier&#44; allez &#224; Apparence > Widgets et choisissez le 6&#232;me widget appel&#233; Accueil Widget 1. Le titre est &#233;galement &#233;ditable via la page d&#39;administration des widgets."
#: core/includes/functions-sidebar.php
#: sidebar-home.php
msgid "Home Widget 2"
msgstr "Accueil Widget 2"
#: sidebar-home.php
msgid "This is your second home widget box. To edit please go to Appearance > Widgets and choose 7th widget from the top in area 7 called Home Widget 2. Title is also manageable from widgets as well."
msgstr "Ceci est votre second widget de page d&#39;accueil. Pour le modifier&#44; allez &#224; Apparence > Widgets et choisissez le 7&#232;me widget appel&#233; Accueil Widget 2. Le titre est &#233;galement &#233;ditable via la page d&#39;administration des widgets."
#: core/includes/functions-sidebar.php
#: sidebar-home.php
msgid "Home Widget 3"
msgstr "Accueil Widget 3"
#: sidebar-home.php
msgid "This is your third home widget box. To edit please go to Appearance > Widgets and choose 8th widget from the top in area 8 called Home Widget 3. Title is also manageable from widgets as well."
msgstr "Ceci est votre troisi&#232;me widget de page d&#39;accueil. Pour le modifier&#44; allez &#224; Apparence > Widgets et choisissez le 8&#232;me widget appel&#233; Accueil Widget 3. Le titre est &#233;galement &#233;ditable via la page d&#39;administration des widgets."
#: single.php
msgid "About"
msgstr "A propos"
#: sitemap.php
msgid "Categories"
msgstr "Cat&#233;gories"
#: sitemap.php
msgid "Latest Posts"
msgstr "Les Derniers Articles"
#: sitemap.php
msgid "Pages"
msgstr "Pages"
#: core/includes/functions.php
msgid "Top Menu"
msgstr "Top Menu"
#: core/includes/functions.php
msgid "Header Menu"
msgstr "Menu Header"
#: core/includes/functions.php
msgid "Sub-Header Menu"
msgstr "Sous Menu Header"
#: core/includes/functions.php
msgid "Footer Menu"
msgstr "Menu de Pied de Page"
#: core/includes/functions.php
#: core/includes/functions.php
msgid "Page %s"
msgstr "Page %s"
#: core/includes/functions.php
msgid "<span class=\"%1$s\">Posted on </span>%2$s<span class=\"%3$s\"> by </span>%4$s"
msgstr "<span class=\"%1$s\">Post&#233; le </span>%2$s<span class=\"%3$s\"> par </span>%4$s"
#: core/includes/functions.php
#: core/includes/functions.php
msgid "View all posts by %s"
msgstr "Afficher tous les articles par %s"
#: core/includes/functions.php
msgid "Archive for %s"
msgstr "Archive pour %s"
#: core/includes/functions.php
msgid "Posts tagged %s"
msgstr "Publications tagu&#233;es %s"
#: core/includes/functions.php
msgid "Error 404"
msgstr "Erreur 404 "
#: core/includes/functions.php
#: core/includes/functions.php
msgid "More Themes"
msgstr "Plus de thèmes"
#: core/includes/functions.php
#: core/includes/functions.php
msgid "Showcase"
msgstr "Démo"
#: core/includes/functions-sidebar.php
msgid "Main Sidebar"
msgstr "Colonne principale"
#: core/includes/functions-sidebar.php
msgid "Right Sidebar"
msgstr "Colonne lat&#233;rale droite"
#: core/includes/functions-sidebar.php
msgid "Left Sidebar"
msgstr "Colonne lat&#233;rale gauche"
#: core/includes/functions-sidebar.php
msgid "Left Sidebar Half Page"
msgstr "Colonne lat&#233;rale gauche Demi&#45;Page"
#: core/includes/functions-sidebar.php
msgid "Right Sidebar Half Page"
msgstr "Colonne lat&#233;rale droite Demi&#45;Page"
#: core/includes/functions-sidebar.php
msgid "Gallery Sidebar"
msgstr "Barre lat&#233;rale Galerie"
#: core/includes/functions-sidebar.php
msgid "Colophon Widget"
msgstr "Widget Colophon"
#: core/includes/functions-sidebar.php
msgid "Top Widget"
msgstr "Widget supérieur"
#: blog.php
#. Template Name of the plugin/theme
# INSTRUCTION: Template Name of the plugin/theme
msgid "Blog (full posts)"
msgstr "Blog"
#: blog-excerpt.php
#. Template Name of the plugin/theme
# INSTRUCTION: Template Name of the plugin/theme
msgid "Blog Excerpt (summary)"
msgstr "Résumé"
#: content-sidebar-page.php
#: core/includes/post-custom-meta.php
#. Template Name of the plugin/theme
# INSTRUCTION: Template Name of the plugin/theme
msgid "Content/Sidebar"
msgstr "Contenu de la barre laterale"
#: sidebar-content-page.php
#: core/includes/post-custom-meta.php
#. Template Name of the plugin/theme
# INSTRUCTION: Template Name of the plugin/theme
msgid "Sidebar/Content"
msgstr "Barre laterale/Contenu"
#: content-sidebar-half-page.php
#: core/includes/post-custom-meta.php
#. Template Name of the plugin/theme
# INSTRUCTION: Template Name of the plugin/theme
msgid "Content/Sidebar Half Page"
msgstr "Contenu/ Barre laterale en demi-page"
#: sidebar-content-half-page.php
#: core/includes/post-custom-meta.php
#. Template Name of the plugin/theme
# INSTRUCTION: Template Name of the plugin/theme
msgid "Sidebar/Content Half Page"
msgstr "Barre laterale/ Contenu en demi-page"
#: full-width-page.php
#: core/includes/post-custom-meta.php
#. Template Name of the plugin/theme
# INSTRUCTION: Template Name of the plugin/theme
msgid "Full Width Page (no sidebar)"
msgstr "Pleine Largeur (sans Barre laterale)"
#: landing-page.php
#. Template Name of the plugin/theme
# INSTRUCTION: Template Name of the plugin/theme
msgid "Landing Page (no menu)"
msgstr "Page d'entrée (sans menu)"
#: sitemap.php
#. Template Name of the plugin/theme
# INSTRUCTION: Template Name of the plugin/theme
msgid "Sitemap"
msgstr "Plan du site"
#: core/includes/post-custom-meta.php
msgid "Layout"
msgstr "Mise en Page"
#: core/includes/classes/Responsive_Options.php
#: core/includes/post-custom-meta.php
msgid "Default"
msgstr "Defaut"
#: core/includes/theme-options/theme-options.php
#: front-page.php
msgid "Hello, World!"
msgstr "Bonjour tout le monde&nbsp;!"
#: core/includes/theme-options/theme-options.php
#: front-page.php
msgid "Your H2 subheadline here"
msgstr "Votre sous&#45;titre H2 ici"
#: core/includes/theme-options/theme-options.php
#: front-page.php
msgid "Your title, subtitle and this very content is editable from Theme Option. Call to Action button and its destination link as well. Image on your right can be an image or even YouTube video if you like."
msgstr "Votre titre, sous&#45;titre et contenu sont modifiables via les options du th&#232;me, ainsi que le bouton Action et son lien. L&#39;image sur votre droite peut &#234;tre une image ou m&#234;me une vid&#233;o YouTube si vous le souhaitez."
#: core/includes/theme-options/theme-options.php
#: front-page.php
msgid "Call to Action"
msgstr "Appel &#224; Action"
#: core/includes/theme-options/theme-options.php
#: core/includes/theme-options/theme-options.php
msgid "Theme Options"
msgstr "Options du th&#232;me"
#: core/includes/theme-options/theme-options.php
msgid "Options Saved"
msgstr "Options enregistr&#233;es"
#: core/includes/theme-options/theme-options.php
msgid "Theme Elements"
msgstr "El&#233;ments du Th&#232;me"
#: core/includes/theme-options/theme-options.php
msgid "Disable Call to Action Button?"
msgstr "Désactiver le bouton Appel à action ?"
#: core/includes/classes/Responsive_Options.php
msgid "Save Options"
msgstr "Sauvegarder les options"
#: core/includes/classes/Responsive_Options.php
msgid "Restore Defaults"
msgstr "Rétablir les paramètres par défaut."
#: core/includes/theme-options/theme-options.php
msgid "Logo Upload"
msgstr "T&#233;l&#233;charger le Logo"
#: core/includes/theme-options/theme-options.php
msgid "Custom Header"
msgstr "En-tête Personnalis&#233;e"
#: core/includes/theme-options/theme-options.php
msgid "Need to replace or remove default logo?"
msgstr "Besoin de remplacer ou de supprimer le logo par d&#233;faut ?"
#: core/includes/theme-options/theme-options.php
msgid "Home Page"
msgstr "Page d'accueil"
#: core/includes/theme-options/theme-options.php
msgid "Headline"
msgstr "Titre"
#: core/includes/theme-options/theme-options.php
msgid "Enter your headline"
msgstr "Saisissez votre titre"
#: core/includes/theme-options/theme-options.php
msgid "Subheadline"
msgstr "Sous-Titre"
#: core/includes/theme-options/theme-options.php
msgid "Enter your subheadline"
msgstr "Saisissez votre sous&#45;titre"
#: core/includes/theme-options/theme-options.php
msgid "Content Area"
msgstr "Zone Contenu"
#: core/includes/theme-options/theme-options.php
msgid "Enter your content"
msgstr "Saisissez votre contenu"
#: core/includes/theme-options/theme-options.php
msgid "Call to Action (URL)"
msgstr "Appel &#224; Action (URL)"
#: core/includes/theme-options/theme-options.php
msgid "Enter your call to action URL"
msgstr "Saisissez votre lien pour l&#39;Appel &#224; Action"
#: core/includes/theme-options/theme-options.php
msgid "Call to Action (Text)"
msgstr "Appel &#224; Action (Texte)"
#: core/includes/theme-options/theme-options.php
msgid "Enter your call to action text"
msgstr "Saisissez votre texte pour l&#39;Appel &#224; Action"
#: core/includes/theme-options/theme-options.php
msgid "Featured Content"
msgstr "Contenu mis en Vedette"
#: core/includes/theme-options/theme-options.php
#: core/includes/theme-options/theme-options.php
msgid "See Docs"
msgstr "Voir la Documentation"
#: core/includes/theme-options/theme-options.php
msgid "Paste your shortcode, video or image source"
msgstr "Collez ici votre shortcode, votre html pour l'image ou la video"
#: core/includes/theme-options/theme-options.php
msgid "Default Layouts"
msgstr "Défaut"
#: core/includes/theme-options/theme-options.php
msgid "Default Static Page Layout"
msgstr "Mise en Page Statique par défaut."
#: core/includes/theme-options/theme-options.php
msgid "Default Single Blog Post Layout"
msgstr "Mise en Page Simple Blog par défaut"
#: core/includes/theme-options/theme-options.php
msgid "Default Blog Posts Index Layout"
msgstr "Mise en Page Articles par défaut."
#: core/includes/theme-options/theme-options.php
msgid "Social Icons"
msgstr "R&#233;seaux Sociaux"
#: core/includes/functions.php
#: core/includes/theme-options/theme-options.php
msgid "Twitter"
msgstr "Twitter"
#: core/includes/theme-options/theme-options.php
msgid "Enter your Twitter URL"
msgstr "Saisissez l&#39;url Twitter"
#: core/includes/functions.php
#: core/includes/theme-options/theme-options.php
msgid "Facebook"
msgstr "Facebook"
#: core/includes/theme-options/theme-options.php
msgid "Enter your Facebook URL"
msgstr "Saisissez l&#39;url Facebook"
#: core/includes/functions.php
#: core/includes/theme-options/theme-options.php
msgid "LinkedIn"
msgstr "LinkedIn"
#: core/includes/theme-options/theme-options.php
msgid "Enter your LinkedIn URL"
msgstr "Saisissez l&#39;url Linkedin"
#: core/includes/functions.php
#: core/includes/theme-options/theme-options.php
msgid "YouTube"
msgstr "YouTube"
#: core/includes/theme-options/theme-options.php
msgid "Enter your YouTube URL"
msgstr "Saisissez l&#39;url Youtube"
#: core/includes/functions.php
#: core/includes/theme-options/theme-options.php
msgid "StumbleUpon"
msgstr "StumbleUpon"
#: core/includes/theme-options/theme-options.php
msgid "Enter your StumbleUpon URL"
msgstr "Saisissez l&#39;url StumbleUpon"
#: core/includes/functions.php
#: core/includes/theme-options/theme-options.php
msgid "RSS Feed"
msgstr "Flux RSS"
#: core/includes/theme-options/theme-options.php
msgid "Enter your RSS Feed URL"
msgstr "Saisissez l&#39;url du Flux RSS"
#: core/includes/functions.php
#: core/includes/theme-options/theme-options.php
msgid "Google+"
msgstr "Google&#43;"
#: core/includes/theme-options/theme-options.php
msgid "Enter your Google+ URL"
msgstr "Saisissez l&#39;url Google&#43;"
#: core/includes/functions.php
#: core/includes/theme-options/theme-options.php
msgid "Instagram"
msgstr ""
#: core/includes/theme-options/theme-options.php
msgid "Enter your Instagram URL"
msgstr "Saisissez l&#39;url Instagram"
#: core/includes/functions.php
#: core/includes/theme-options/theme-options.php
msgid "Pinterest"
msgstr "Pinterest"
#: core/includes/theme-options/theme-options.php
msgid "Enter your Pinterest URL"
msgstr "Saisissez l&#39;url Pinterest"
#: core/includes/functions.php
#: core/includes/theme-options/theme-options.php
msgid "Yelp!"
msgstr "A l&apos;Aide !"
#: core/includes/theme-options/theme-options.php
msgid "Enter your Yelp! URL"
msgstr "saisissez votre lien d&apos;assistance"
#: core/includes/functions.php
#: core/includes/theme-options/theme-options.php
msgid "Vimeo"
msgstr "Vimeo"
#: core/includes/theme-options/theme-options.php
msgid "Enter your Vimeo URL"
msgstr "Saisissez votre lien Vimeo"
#: core/includes/functions.php
#: core/includes/theme-options/theme-options.php
msgid "foursquare"
msgstr ""
#: core/includes/theme-options/theme-options.php
msgid "Enter your foursquare URL"
msgstr "Saisissez votre lien Foursquare"
#: core/includes/theme-options/theme-options.php
msgid "Custom CSS Styles"
msgstr "CSS personnalis&#233;"
#: core/includes/theme-options/theme-options.php
msgid "CSS Tutorial"
msgstr "Tutoriel CSS"
#: core/includes/theme-options/theme-options.php
msgid "Enter your custom CSS styles."
msgstr "Saisissez vos CSS personnalis&#233;s."
#: core/includes/theme-options/theme-options.php
msgid "Custom Scripts for Header and Footer"
msgstr "Scripts personnalisés pour l'entête et le pied de page"
#: core/includes/theme-options/theme-options.php
msgid "Quick Tutorial"
msgstr "Tutoriel succinst"
#: core/includes/theme-options/theme-options.php
msgid "Embeds to header.php &darr;"
msgstr "Inclus dans header.php &darr;"
#: core/includes/theme-options/theme-options.php
msgid "Enter your custom header script."
msgstr "Saisissez ici le script personnalisé pour l'entête"
#: core/includes/theme-options/theme-options.php
msgid "Embeds to footer.php &darr;"
msgstr "Inclus dans footer.php &darr;"
#: core/includes/theme-options/theme-options.php
msgid "Enter your custom footer script."
msgstr "Saisissez ici le script personnalisé pour le pied de page"
#: core/includes/functions.php
msgid "Activate Add Ons"
msgstr ""
#: core/includes/functions.php
msgid "All plugins installed and activated successfully. %s"
msgstr ""
#: core/includes/classes/Responsive_Options.php
#: core/includes/theme-options/theme-options.php
msgid "All theme settings will be lost!"
msgstr ""
#: core/includes/functions-sidebar.php
msgid "Area 10 - sidebar-colophon.php, 100% width Footer widgets"
msgstr ""
#: core/includes/functions-sidebar.php
msgid "Area 11 - sidebar-top.php - Displays on the right of the header"
msgstr ""
#: core/includes/functions-sidebar.php
msgid "Area 12 - sidebar-footer.php - Maximum of 3 widgets per row"
msgstr ""
#: core/includes/functions-sidebar.php
msgid "Area 1 - sidebar.php - Displays on Default, Blog, Blog Excerpt page templates"
msgstr ""
#: core/includes/functions-sidebar.php
msgid "Area 2 - sidebar-right.php - Displays on Content/Sidebar page templates"
msgstr ""
#: core/includes/functions-sidebar.php
msgid "Area 3 - sidebar-left.php - Displays on Sidebar/Content page templates"
msgstr ""
#: core/includes/functions-sidebar.php
msgid "Area 4 - sidebar-left-half.php - Displays on Sidebar Half Page/Content page templates"
msgstr ""
#: core/includes/functions-sidebar.php
msgid "Area 5 - sidebar-right-half.php - Displays on Content/Sidebar Half Page page templates"
msgstr ""
#: core/includes/functions-sidebar.php
msgid "Area 6 - sidebar-home.php - Displays on the Home Page"
msgstr ""
#: core/includes/functions-sidebar.php
msgid "Area 7 - sidebar-home.php - Displays on the Home Page"
msgstr ""
#: core/includes/functions-sidebar.php
msgid "Area 8 - sidebar-home.php - Displays on the Home Page"
msgstr ""
#: core/includes/functions-sidebar.php
msgid "Area 9 - sidebar-gallery.php - Displays on the page after an image has been clicked in a Gallery"
msgstr ""
#: core/includes/theme-options/theme-options.php
msgid "Blog"
msgstr ""
#: core/includes/functions-update.php
msgid "blog post"
msgstr ""
#: core/includes/theme-options/theme-options.php
msgid "Blog Title Toggle"
msgstr ""
#: core/includes/theme-options/theme-options.php
#: core/includes/theme-options/theme-options.php
msgid "check to disable"
msgstr ""
#: core/includes/theme-options/theme-options.php
msgid "check to enable"
msgstr ""
#: core/includes/theme-options/theme-options.php
msgid "Click here"
msgstr ""
#: core/includes/classes/Responsive_Options.php
#: core/includes/theme-options/theme-options.php
msgid "Click OK to Restore."
msgstr ""
#: core/includes/theme-options/theme-options.php
msgid "CSS Styles"
msgstr ""
#. Author of the plugin/theme
# INSTRUCTION: Author of the plugin/theme
msgid ""
msgstr ""
#: header.php
msgid "&darr; Skip to Main Content"
msgstr ""
#: core/includes/theme-options/theme-options.php
msgid "Disable breadcrumb list?"
msgstr ""
#: core/includes/classes/Responsive_Options.php
#: core/includes/theme-options/theme-options.php
msgid "Do you want to restore?"
msgstr ""
#: core/includes/theme-options/theme-options.php
msgid "Enable Custom Front Page"
msgstr ""
#: core/includes/theme-options/theme-options.php
msgid "Enable minified css?"
msgstr ""
#: core/includes/functions-sidebar.php
msgid "Footer Widget"
msgstr ""
#: core/includes/functions.php
#: core/includes/functions.php
msgid "Help"
msgstr ""
#. Author URI of the plugin/theme
# INSTRUCTION: Author URI of the plugin/theme
msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. Theme URI of the plugin/theme
# INSTRUCTION: Theme URI of the plugin/theme
msgid ""
msgstr ""
#: core/includes/functions.php
msgid "Installing Plugin: %s"
msgstr ""
#: core/includes/functions.php
#: core/includes/functions.php
msgid "Instructions"
msgstr ""
#: core/includes/theme-options/theme-options.php
msgid "Overrides the WordPress %1sfront page option%2s"
msgstr ""
#: core/includes/functions.php
msgid "Plugin activated successfully."
msgstr ""
#. Theme Name of the plugin/theme
# INSTRUCTION: Theme Name of the plugin/theme
msgid "Responsive"
msgstr ""
#: core/includes/functions.php
msgid "Responsive Add Features"
msgstr ""
#. Description of the plugin/theme
# INSTRUCTION: Description of the plugin/theme
msgid "Responsive Theme is a flexible foundation with fluid grid system that adapts your website to mobile devices and the desktop or any other viewing environment. Theme features 9 Page Templates, 11 Widget Areas, 6 Template Layouts, 4 Menu Positions and more. Powerful but simple Theme Options for full CMS control with easy Logo Upload, Social Networking and Webmaster Tools etc. Responsive is WooCommerce Compatible, Multilingual Ready (WPML), RTL-Language Support, Retina-Ready, Search Engine Friendly, W3C Markup Validated and currently translated into 45 languages. Cross-Browser compatible. <a href=\"\">Official support forum</a> ("
msgstr ""
#: core/includes/functions.php
msgid "Return to Required Plugins Installer"
msgstr ""
#: core/includes/theme-options/theme-options.php
msgid "Scripts"
msgstr ""
#: searchform.php
msgid "Search for:"
msgstr ""
#: core/includes/functions.php
msgid "Something went wrong with the plugin API."
msgstr ""
#: core/includes/functions-update.php
#. Translators: This is a big update. Please read the blog post beforeupdating.
# INSTRUCTION: Translators: This is a big update. Please read the blog post beforeupdating.
msgid "<strong>WARNING:</strong> There is a big <strong>Responsive Theme</strong> update available. Please read the %1$s before updating."
msgstr ""
#: core/includes/functions.php
msgid "The Custom Front Page is disabled. You can enable it in the <a href=\"%1$s\">theme settings</a>."
msgstr ""
#: core/includes/functions.php
msgid "The Custom Front Page is enabled. You can disable it in the <a href=\"%1$s\">theme settings</a>."
msgstr ""
#: core/includes/upsell/theme-upsell.php
msgid "Themes You Can Trust"
msgstr ""
#: core/includes/theme-options/theme-options.php
msgid "Title Text"
msgstr ""
#: core/includes/functions.php
#: core/includes/functions.php
msgid "Translate"
msgstr ""
#: core/includes/classes/Responsive_Options.php
msgid "Upgrade"
msgstr ""
#: core/includes/functions.php
msgid "Welcome to %1$s! Upgrade to %2$s today."
msgstr ""
module.exports = function(grunt) {
po2mo: {
files: {
expand: true,
src: "fr_FR.po"
grunt.registerTask("default", [
"name": "po2mo-issue-4",
"version": "1.0.0",
"devDependencies": {
"grunt": "*",
"grunt-po2mo": "*"
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