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Created August 21, 2021 12:41
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import os
import platform
arch_type = platform.uname()
arm64 = False
if 'arm64' in platform.uname():
print("arm64 detected (M1 probably)")
arm64 = True
print("i386 Detected (Probably Intel")
brew_exists = os.popen('command -v brew').read()
if brew_exists == '':
print("Brew not detected. Do you want to install it?")
install_brew = input("Install: (y/n): ")
if install_brew == 'y':
install_brew = True
print("Installing brew... this may freeze for a bit.")
os.popen('/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"').read()
install_brew = False
print("Not installing brew...")
print("Brew Detected, installing dependencies.. THIS MAY FREEZE, BUT IT IS WORKING CORRECTLY.")
os.popen('HOMEBREW_NO_AUTO_UPDATE=1 brew install zstd gnu-tar wget').read()
print("Downloading bootstrap...")
if arm64:
os.popen('wget -q --show-progress').read()
os.popen('wget -q --show-progress').read()
print("Bootstrapping Procursus.... THIS MAY FREEZE, BUT IT IS WORKING.")
os.popen('sudo -S gtar --preserve-permissions -xkf bootstrap.tar.zst -C /').read()
print("Adding Procursus to PATH...")
os.popen('sudo -S sh -c "echo /opt/procursus/bin >> /etc/paths"').read()
os.popen('sudo -S sh -c "echo /opt/procursus/sbin >> /etc/paths"').read()
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