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Created April 5, 2013 22:14
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Subscribe to all topics button for GS communities
<!-- Subscribe to all topics. -->
<!-- Steps to a subscribe-to-all-topics button:
1. make a product for all topics, get ID number (87939:
2. make all new topics automatically be assigned to that product by ID number (through a jQuery click on that element)
3. hide that product by ID number
4. make a subscribe button on the front page
5. give the subscribe button a call to the product page's follow button -->
<!-- Header HTML: -->
<div class="sb_pod" id="notifs">
<div class="clearfix" id="email_notifications">
<!-- Personalize this text: -->
<h3>Want to subscribe to every topic?</h3>
<div class="inner_content">
<a href="#" class="button" id="email_subscription" style="margin-top:4px; ">Checking status . . .</a>
<!-- Footer HTML: -->
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
// Only show subscribe button if the user is logged in and on the front page.
var isFrontPage = $j("div.community_topic_box").size() > 0;
var loggedOut = $j("ul.logged_in").attr("style") != undefined;
jQuery(document).ready(function () {
// Checks if the user is logged in and if it's the front page.
if (!loggedOut && isFrontPage) {
// Position subscribe button.
// Personalize the address with the canonical name of your product:
jQuery.ajax("/[companyname]/products/[productcanonicalname]/", {
success: function (data) {
var button = jQuery("a#email_subscription");
var update = function (url, nextText, nextFunction) {
// Makes an ajax call to the product page that was created for all topics, and causes the same follow function to occur
// Personalize the address with the canonical name of your product:
jQuery.ajax("/[companyname]/products/[productcanonicalname]/" + url, {
success: function () {
var subscribe = function () {
update("follow", "Unsubscribe", unsubscribe);
var unsubscribe = function () {
update("unfollow", "Subscribe", subscribe);
data = jQuery(data);
var following = data.find("#follow_product_button").css("display").toLowerCase() == "none";
button.text(following ? "Unsubscribe" : "Subscribe").click(following ? unsubscribe : subscribe);
} else {
// On new topic page, automatically assign every topic to the hidden "all topics" product, and hide that from view.
// Personalize the address and the ID numbers:
if (window.location.pathname == "/[companyname]/topics/new") {
jQuery("#product_grid li.Updates").hide();
// Personalize the ID numbers here to hide them:
jQuery("ul.product_grid li.product_[number]").hide();
jQuery("#product_grid li #product_[number]").hide()
jQuery("#product_grid li #product_[number]").parent().hide();
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Hi Michelle,

Thanks for a great piece of code! take a look at my modification (needs a little refactoring, I'll get to it soon, I promise)
that solves a small bug (with users who are only "half" logged in), and adds the button to the latest updates page as well.

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