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Created January 14, 2014 08:48
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Save Micka33/8415196 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
script using imageMagic to resize only the images that are bigger than 1460x841
import os
from subprocess import call
import time
from datetime import datetime
import calendar
import re
## Library
def tell(array_of_strings):
print "###############"
if not isinstance(array_of_strings, basestring):
for string in array_of_strings:
print "###############"+string
print "###############"+array_of_strings
print "###############"
def cmd(array):
print '==>'+(' '.join(array))
## Process
def rename_folders(folderpath):
tell("Renaming folders in "+folderpath)
for dirname, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(folderpath):
for subdirname in dirnames:
new_subdir = subdirname.replace(' ', '_')
new_subdir = new_subdir.replace('-', '_')
cmd(['mv', os.path.join(dirname, subdirname), os.path.join(dirname, new_subdir)])
def resize(folderpath):
i = 0
for dirname, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(folderpath):
tell("resizing images")
#Getting the images and check for their date
for filename in filenames:
if".+\.png$", filename, re.IGNORECASE):
i += 1
newName = os.path.join(dirname, str(i)+'temp.png')#.replace(' ', '\ ')
oldname = os.path.join(dirname, filename)#.replace(' ', '\ ')
cmd(["convert", oldname, '-resize', '1460x841>', newName])
cmd(["rm", oldname])
cmd(["mv", newName, oldname])
## Main
def main(folder):
## First call
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