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Useful add-ons for tkinter-based GUI applications
import tkinter as tk
import pandas as pd
from tkinter import ttk
class Stdout_to_Widget(object):
"""Class to catch sys.stdout and display real-time to a tkinter Text or Listbox widget
widget (tkinter.Text/tkinter.Listbox): tkinter Text or Listbox to display stdout data
disable (bool): Choose to disable the widget after writing text
toplevel (tkinter.Tk/tkinter.Toplevel): Toplevel of widget; updates to give real-time text display
write: Catches sys.stdout.write or print events, sends text to widget provided, and updates the window
def __init__(self, widget, disable=False):
self.widget = widget
self.disable = disable
self.toplevel = widget.winfo_toplevel()
def write(self, text):
if self.widget.cget('state') == 'disabled':
self.widget.insert(tk.END, text)
if self.disable:
class Window(tk.Tk):
"""Class to build a tkinter-based main window with default values; base class for multiple
window-based user utilities
defaultPad (int): Default padding for frames and widgets
defaultBG (str): Default background color for frames and widgets
set_padding: Sets padx and/or pady padding for widget provided
row_config: Configures rows using a provided dictionary 'weights'
col_config: Configures columns using a provided dictionary 'weights'
grid_config: Configures rows and columns using 'weights' dictionaries
display: Displays the currently configured Window
def __init__(self, padding=4, bgColor='cadet blue', title='User Window', width=640, height=480,
resize_width=True, resize_height=True, font=('Arial',10,'bold')):
self.defaultPad = padding
self.defaultBG = bgColor
self.font = font
center_width = width // 2
center_height = height // 2
self.geometry('{}x{}+{}+{}'.format(width, height,
self.winfo_screenwidth() // 2 - center_width,
self.winfo_screenheight() // 2 - center_height))
self.resizable(width=resize_width, height=resize_height)
def set_padding(self, *args, padding=None):
"""Sets the x/y padding for a widget or widgets
*args: A tkinter or ttk widget or widgets
padding (int/tuple): Padding in pixels
if not padding:
padding = self.defaultPad
if isinstance(padding, tuple):
for arg in args:
if 'ttk' in str(type(arg)):
arg['padding'] = padding
arg['padx'] = padding[0]
arg['pady'] = padding[1]
elif isinstance(padding, int):
for arg in args:
if 'ttk' in str(type(arg)):
arg['padding'] = tuple([padding for i in range(4)])
arg['padx'] = padding
arg['pady'] = padding
def row_config(self, widget, weights):
"""Configures rows for selected widget
widget (tkinter[widget]): Widget to configure rows
weights (dict): Dictionary of row indices and associated desired weights
for key in weights.keys():
widget.rowconfigure(int(key), weight=weights[key])
def col_config(self, widget, weights):
"""Identical to row_config(), but for column configuration
for key in weights.keys():
widget.columnconfigure(int(key), weight=weights[key])
def grid_config(self, widget, row_weights, col_weights):
"""Configures row and column weights
widget (tkinter[widget]): the widget to configure
row_weights (dict): weights for the widget rows
col_weights (dict): weights for the widget columns
self.row_config(widget, row_weights)
self.col_config(widget, col_weights)
def display(self):
"""Displays the Window object as currently configured
class Popup(tk.Toplevel):
"""Class to build a tkinter-based popup window with default values; pretty much the same as
Window class without creating a new instance of tkinter.Tk
defaultPad (int): Default padding for frames and widgets
defaultBG (str): Default background color for frames and widgets
set_padding: Sets padx and/or pady padding for widget provided
row_config: Configures rows using a provided dictionary 'weights'
col_config: Configures columns using a provided dictionary 'weights'
grid_config: Configures rows and columns using 'weights' dictionaries
def __init__(self, master, padding=5, title='Popup', bgColor='cadet blue', width=240, height=240,
font=('Arial',10,'bold'), resize_width=False, resize_height=False, **kwargs):
super().__init__(master=master, **kwargs)
self.defaultPad = padding
self.defaultBG = bgColor
self.font = font
center_width = width // 2
center_height = height // 2
self.geometry('{}x{}+{}+{}'.format(width, height,
self.winfo_screenwidth() // 2 - center_width,
self.winfo_screenheight() // 2 - center_height))
self.resizable(width=resize_width, height=resize_height)
def set_padding(self, *args, padding=None):
"""Sets the x/y padding for a widget or widgets
*args: A tkinter or ttk widget or widgets
padding (int/tuple): Padding in pixels
if not padding:
padding = self.defaultPad
if isinstance(padding, tuple):
for arg in args:
if 'ttk' in str(type(arg)):
arg['padding'] = padding
arg['padx'] = padding[0]
arg['pady'] = padding[1]
elif isinstance(padding, int):
for arg in args:
if 'ttk' in str(type(arg)):
arg['padding'] = tuple([padding for i in range(4)])
arg['padx'] = padding
arg['pady'] = padding
def row_config(self, widget, weights):
"""Configures rows for selected widget
widget (tkinter[widget]): Widget to configure rows
weights (dict): Dictionary of row indices and associated desired weights
for key in weights.keys():
widget.rowconfigure(int(key), weight=weights[key])
def col_config(self, widget, weights):
"""Identical to row_config(), but for column configuration
for key in weights.keys():
widget.columnconfigure(int(key), weight=weights[key])
def grid_config(self, widget, row_weights, col_weights):
"""Configures row and column weights
widget (tkinter[widget]): the widget to configure
row_weights (dict): weights for the widget rows
col_weights (dict): weights for the widget columns
self.row_config(widget, row_weights)
self.col_config(widget, col_weights)
class ScrolledFrame(tk.Frame):
"""SubClass of tkinter.Frame - contains a canvas and attached Frame linked to
vertical and horizontal scrollbars.
grid: Sets the ScrolledFrame in parent window, arranges canvas and scrollbars within Frame
test_pack: For testing/debugging; generates 20 labels from top-left to bottom-right
def __init__(self, window, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(window, *args, **kwargs)
self.rowconfigure(0, weight=1)
self.columnconfigure(0, weight=1)
self._scrollbar_y = tk.Scrollbar(self)
self._scrollbar_x = tk.Scrollbar(self, orient=tk.HORIZONTAL)
self._canvas = tk.Canvas(self, borderwidth=0,
yscrollcommand=self._scrollbar_y.set, **kwargs)
self.frame = tk.Frame(self._canvas, **kwargs)
self._window = self._canvas.create_window((0,0), window=self.frame, anchor='nw')
self._canvas.bind('<Configure>', self._reconfigure)
def _reconfigure(self, event=None):
"""Binds to Canvas <Configure> event, ensures canvas size fits the Frame and
the scrollbars have the right scrollregion
bbox = self.frame.bbox('all')
self._canvas.height = bbox[3]
self._canvas.width = bbox[2]
def grid(self, row, column, sticky='nsew', rowspan=1, columnspan=1, **kwargs):
"""Sets ScrolledFrame in parent window; arranges canvas and scrollbars in Frame
***Same as tkinter widget.grid() args
super().grid(row=row, column=column, sticky=sticky, rowspan=rowspan, columnspan=columnspan, **kwargs)
self._spacer = tk.Frame(self)
self._scrollbar_y.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky='ns')
self._scrollbar_x.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky='ew')
self._spacer.grid(row=1, column=1, sticky='nsew')
self._canvas.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='nsew')
def test_pack(self):
"""Creates 20 raised Labels to test display/functionality
for i in range(20):
widg = tk.Label(self.frame, text='Label {}'.format(str(i)), relief='raised')
widg.grid(row=i, column=i, sticky='nsew')
class DataGridView(ScrolledFrame):
"""Allows display of data in user interactive form using
a variety of widget types.
import_data: Imports a pandas DataFrame or numpy Array into the DataGridView
clear: Destroys all widgets currently in the DataGridView
get_data: Exports the current data from the DataGridView to a pandas DataFrame
def _make_ref(*args):
return ','.join(args)
def _to_dataframe(df):
"""Attempts to convert input 'df' to a pandas DataFrame
if not isinstance(df, (pd.DataFrame, type(None))):
df = pd.DataFrame(df, columns=[str(x) for x in range(df.shape[1])])
return df
elif df is None:
return pd.DataFrame()
return df
def __init__(self, window, df=None, col_map=None, **kwargs):
super().__init__(window, **kwargs)
self._datavars = {}
self.import_data(df, col_map)
def _build_col_map(self, col_map):
"""Builds a mapping dictionary which will direct the type of widget
to use for each column of data. Defaults to tkinter.Entry() if not found
or not specified.
col_map (dict): Dictionary of column names and widget types. Combobox types
require the values list to be included.
Example: {'ID' : 'Checkbox', 'Type' : ['Combobox', list(type_values)]}
return_map (dict): Mapping dictionary of final column names and corrected widget types.
if col_map is None:
return_map = {str(col) : 'Entry' for col in self._datagrid.columns}
col_map = {str(x):y for x, y in col_map.items()}
return_map = {str(col) : col_map.get(col, 'Entry') for col in self._datagrid.columns}
return return_map
def _combo_resize(self, event):
"""Resizes combobox width based on selection; bound to the <<ComboboxSelected>> event.
combo = event.widget
testWidth = len(str(combo.get()))
if testWidth > combo.cget('width'):
def _combo_configure(self, event):
"""Resizes the popdown menu to the longest option in the menu or to the required width of the Combobox,
whichever is shorter; bound to the <ButtonPress> event.
combo = event.widget
style = ttk.Style()
long = max(combo.cget('values'), key=len)
font = tkfont.nametofont(str(combo.cget('font')))
width = max(0, font.measure(long.strip() + '0') - combo.winfo_width())
style.configure('TCombobox', postoffset=(0,0,width,0))
def import_data(self, df, col_map=None):
"""Imports data from df, builds grid of widgets, types determined by col_map dictionary
df (pandas.DataFrame OR numpy.array): Data to display in the DataGridView
col_map (dict): ***See col_map description in _build_col_map***
self._datagrid = self._to_dataframe(df).fillna(value='')
self._col_map = self._build_col_map(col_map)
self._col_index = {self._datagrid.columns.get_loc(x) : x for x in self._datagrid.columns}
for col in self._datagrid.columns:
if isinstance(self._col_map[col], list):
col_type = self._col_map[col][0]
col_type = self._col_map[col]
header = tk.Label(self.frame, text=col, relief='raised')
header.grid(row=0, column=self._datagrid.columns.get_loc(col), sticky='nsew')
for row in range(self._datagrid.shape[0]):
ref = self._make_ref(str(row), str(self._datagrid.columns.get_loc(col)))
val =[row, col]
if col_type == 'Label':
self._datavars[ref] = tk.StringVar()
cell = tk.Label(self.frame, text=val, relief='raised', textvariable=self._datavars[ref])
elif col_type == 'Combobox':
self._datavars[ref] = tk.StringVar()
cell = ttk.Combobox(self.frame, state='readonly', values=self._col_map[col][1],
cell.bind('<<ComboboxSelected>>', self._combo_resize)
cell.bind('<ButtonPress>', self._combo_configure)
elif col_type == 'Checkbox':
self._datavars[ref] = tk.IntVar()
cell = tk.Checkbutton(self.frame, variable=self._datavars[ref], relief='raised')
self._datavars[ref] = tk.StringVar()
cell = tk.Entry(self.frame, textvariable=self._datavars[ref], relief='raised')
cell.insert(0, str([row,col]))
self._datavars[ref].set(val if val is not None else '')
cell.grid(row=row + 1, column=self._datagrid.columns.get_loc(col), sticky='nsew')
width = len(str(val))
if width > cell.cget('width'):
cell.config(width=width + 1)
def clear(self):
for widget in self.frame.winfo_children():
def get_data(self):
packupList = list(([self._datavars[x].get() for x in self._datavars.keys() if x.split(',')[0] == str(y)]
for y in range(self._datagrid.shape[0])))
return pd.DataFrame(packupList, columns=self._datagrid.columns)
if __name__ == '__main__':
"""Demo tkinter window containing one DataGridView and three other widgets
in the same parent widget.
import numpy as np
testFrame = tk.Tk()
testPack = np.zeros((20,10))
testColMap = {1:'Label', 2:['Combobox', [1,2,3,4,5]], 3:'Checkbox'}
for i in range(2):
testFrame.rowconfigure(i, weight=100)
testFrame.columnconfigure(i, weight=100)
testView = DataGridView(testFrame)
testView.import_data(testPack, testColMap)
testView.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='nsew')
lblOne = tk.Label(testFrame, text='Test1', relief='raised')
lblOne.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky='nsew')
lblTwo = tk.Label(testFrame, text='Test2', relief='raised')
lblTwo.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky='nsew')
lblThree = tk.Label(testFrame, text='Test3', relief='raised')
lblThree.grid(row=1, column=1, sticky='nsew')
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