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Created September 12, 2018 13:33
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Two quick functions for converting a Pandas DataFrame to XML, then to an executable query string for SQL Server.
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from collections import OrderedDict
def gen_XML(dFrame, subelement):
"""Function to generate an XML string from a provided pandas DataFrame
# Arguments
dFrame (pandas.DataFrame): DataFrame to be converted to an XML string
subelement (str): Subelement of root to be used...can be just about anything
# Returns
String in XML format based on rows from dFrame
root = ET.Element('root')
for i in list(dFrame.index):
ET.SubElement(root, subelement, OrderedDict([(x, str(dFrame[x].loc[i])) for x in dFrame.columns]))
return ET.tostring(root, encoding='us-ascii', method='xml').decode('utf-8')
def gen_XML_query(xmlstr, schema, table, subelement, columndata, truncate=False):
"""Function to generate SQL Server pass-through query to upload an XML string
# Arguments
xmlstr (str): XML formatted string to load (gen_XML function can do this)
schema (str): Schema of the SQL Server table to be loaded
table (str): Table name to be loaded
subelement (str): Subelement of the XML string
columndata (dict): Dict or OrderedDict of column names and data types matching the table design in SQL Server
truncate (bool): If True, will truncate the SQL Server table prior to inserting new data
# Returns
Pass-through query that can be sent to MS SQL Server (str)
insertstr = ''
columnstr = ''
returnstr = ''
for key in columndata.keys():
if list(columndata.keys()).index(key) == 0:
insertstr += key
columnstr += key + ' ' + columndata[key]
insertstr += ',' + key
columnstr += ',' + key + ' ' + columndata[key]
if truncate:
returnstr += 'TRUNCATE TABLE {}.{};'.format(schema, table)
returnstr += """DECLARE @idoc int
,@doc nvarchar(max);
SET @doc = '{0}'
EXEC sp_xml_preparedocument @idoc OUTPUT, @doc;
INSERT INTO {1}.{2} ({3})
FROM OPENXML (@idoc, '/root/{4}', 0)
WITH ({5});
""".format(xmlstr, schema, table, insertstr, subelement, columnstr)
return returnstr
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