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Created November 9, 2022 20:15
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import Foundation
enum NetworkingError: Int, Error, LocalizedError {
// 100 Informational
case `continue` = 100
case switchingProtocols = 101
case processing = 102
case earlyHints = 103
// 300 Redirection Messages
case multipleChoices = 300
case movedPermanently = 301
case found = 302
case seeOther = 303
case notModified = 304
case useProxy = 305
case temporaryRedirect = 307
case permanentRedirect = 308
// 400 Client Error Responses
case badRequest = 400
case unauthorized = 401
case paymentRequired = 402
case forbidden = 403
case notFound = 404
case methodNotAllowed = 405
case notAcceptable = 406
case proxyAuthenticationRequired = 407
case requestTimeout = 408
case conflict = 409
case gone = 410
case lengthRequired = 411
case preconditionFailed = 412
case payloadTooLarge = 413
case uriTooLong = 414
case unsupportedMediaType = 415
case rangeNotSatisfiable = 416
case expectationFailed = 417
case imATeapot = 418
case misDirectedRequest = 421
case unprocessableEntity = 422
case locked = 423
case failedDependency = 424
case tooEarly = 425
case upgradeRequired = 426
case preconditionRequired = 428
case tooManyRequests = 429
case requestHeaderFieldsTooLarge = 431
case unavailableForLegalReasons = 451
// 500 Server Error Responses
case internalServerError = 500
case notImplemented = 501
case badGateway = 502
case serviceUnavailable = 503
case gatewayTimeout = 504
case httpVersionNotSupported = 505
case variantAlsoNegotiates = 506
case insufficientStorage = 507
case loopDetected = 508
case notExtended = 510
case networkAuthenticationRequired = 511
// Generic errors
case unknownError
case badURLResponse
case timeout
var errorDescription: String? {
"Networking Error: \(self), Status Code: \(self.rawValue)"
static func error(_ statusCode: Int) -> Self {
guard let networkError = NetworkingError(rawValue: statusCode) else {
return NetworkingError.unknownError
return networkError
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