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Last active March 10, 2024 18:26
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Generic channel-synchronised map (Golang)
// Note: Use mutexes people
package main
import (
// generic type: response
type re [T comparable, U any] struct {
u U
ok bool
err error
// generic type: request
type rq [T comparable, U any] struct {
f func(*map[T]U) (U, bool, error) // function to execute
cre chan re[T,U] // response channel
// generic synchronous map
type Syncmap [T comparable, U any] struct {
m map[T]U
crq chan rq[T,U] // request channel
done chan any // stop channel
// insert into map
func (s *Syncmap[T,U]) Put (t T, u U) {
cre := make(chan re[T,U])
defer close(cre)
s.crq <- rq[T,U]{
f: func(m *map[T]U) (U, bool, error) {
(*m)[t] = u
return u, true, nil
cre: cre,
// retrieve from map
func (s *Syncmap[T,U]) Get (t T) (U, bool) {
cre := make(chan re[T,U])
defer close(cre)
s.crq <- rq[T,U]{
f: func(m *map[T]U) (U, bool, error) {
u, ok := (*m)[t]
return u, ok, nil
cre: cre,
re := <-cre
return re.u, re.ok
// perform operation on map
func (s *Syncmap[T,U]) Do (f func(*map[T]U) (U, bool, error)) (U, bool, error) {
cre := make(chan re[T,U])
defer close(cre)
s.crq <- rq[T,U]{f: f, cre: cre}
re := <-cre
return re.u, re.ok, re.err
// setup a new syncmap with a go routine to attend to it
func Create [T comparable, U any] () *Syncmap[T,U] {
s := &Syncmap[T,U]{
m: map[T]U{},
crq: make(chan rq[T,U]),
done: make(chan any),
go func () {
defer close(s.crq)
for {
select {
case rq := <-s.crq: u, ok, err := rq.f(&s.m); rq.cre <- re[T,U]{u: u, ok: ok, err: err}
case <-s.done: return
return s
// destroy the go routine handling the syncmap
func (s *Syncmap[T,U]) Delete () {
func main() {
s := Create[string,int]()
defer s.Delete()
defer fmt.Println("Done")
// Instantiate the sum
s.Put("sum", 0)
// Launch a bunch of routines to use the map at the same time
var g sync.WaitGroup
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
go func (n int) {
defer g.Done()
s.Do(func(m *map[string]int) (int, bool, error) {
v, _ := (*m)["sum"]
(*m)["sum"] = v + n
return v, true, nil
// Print the sum
if sum, ok := s.Get("sum"); ok && sum == (10*(10-1))/2 {
fmt.Printf("%d\n", sum)
} else {
panic("bad mutual exclusion")
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