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Last active February 15, 2021 18:29
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IDA script to rename vftable automatically
from idaapi import *
from idautils import *
from idc import *
from ida_typeinf import *
import re
IS64 = get_inf_structure().is_64bit()
print('64bit mode' if IS64 else '32bit mode')
sub_regex = re.compile(r'sub_[0-9A-F]+')
def get_iter():
return 8 if IS64 else 4
def dereference(current_ea):
return get_qword(current_ea) if IS64 else get_dword(current_ea)
def get_default_prototype(local_type):
return '__int64 __fastcall PROTO({} *);'.format(local_type) if IS64 else 'unsigned int __thiscall PROTO({} *);'.format(local_type)
def get_vtbl_prototype(local_type):
return '__int64 (*__fastcall PROTO)({} *);'.format(local_type) if IS64 else 'unsigned int (*__thiscall PROTO)({} *);'.format(local_type)
# generate the object type associated to the vftable
# if the type already exists it is untouched
def generate_local_type(class_name, nfuncs):
name = '{}_t'.format(class_name)
vtbl_struct_name = None
# try to create struct
struct_id = idaapi.get_struc_id(name)
if struct_id != idaapi.BADADDR:
print('structure {} already exists'.format(name))
return name, vtbl_struct_name
obj_struct_id = add_struc(0, name, 0)
print('Added type {} to database'.format(name))
# create vtable definition
proto = get_vtbl_prototype(name)
vtbl_struct_name = '{}_vtbl'.format(class_name.upper())
vtable_struct_id = add_struc(0, vtbl_struct_name, 0)
offset = get_iter()
idatype = idaapi.FF_QWORD if IS64 else idaapi.FF_DWORD
for i in range(nfuncs):
add_struc_member(vtable_struct_id, 'Vfunc{}'.format(i), i * offset, idatype, -1, offset)
idc.SetType(idc.get_member_id(vtable_struct_id, i * offset), '{}'.format(proto))
add_struc_member(obj_struct_id, '__vftable', 0, idatype, -1, offset)
idc.SetType(idc.get_member_id(obj_struct_id, 0), '{} *'.format(vtbl_struct_name))
print('Added type {} to database'.format(vtbl_struct_name))
return name, vtbl_struct_name
def process_vfunc(class_name, local_type, current_ea, index):
vfunc_ea = dereference(current_ea)
vfunc_name = get_name(vfunc_ea)
# only rename auto generated subroutines (prevent to rename user defined subroutines names)
# nullsub are ommited on purpose
if sub_regex.match(vfunc_name) is not None:
new_vfunc_name = '{}::Vfunc{}'.format(class_name, str(index))
set_name(vfunc_ea, new_vfunc_name)
print('> renamed func at {} to {} (old name: {})'.format(hex(vfunc_ea), new_vfunc_name, vfunc_name))
# if idaapi.decompile(vfunc_ea) is None:
# print('Failed to decompile {}'.format(hex(vfunc_ea)))
# guess function type
type_info = tinfo_t()
if not idaapi.get_tinfo(type_info, vfunc_ea):
if not idaapi.guess_tinfo(type_info, vfunc_ea):
print('Failed to guess info for {}'.format(hex(vfunc_ea)))
# change function first parameter type
func_data = func_type_data_t()
if func_data.size() >= 1:
thisobj_type_info = tinfo_t()
thisobj_type_info.get_named_type(get_idati(), local_type)
thisptr_type_info = tinfo_t()
func_data[0].type = thisptr_type_info
function_type_info = tinfo_t()
apply_tinfo(vfunc_ea, function_type_info, TINFO_DEFINITE)
print('> Updated prototype for {} ({})'.format(new_vfunc_name, hex(vfunc_ea)))
default_prototype = get_default_prototype(local_type)
idc.SetType(vfunc_ea, '') # remove any user defined prototype
idc.SetType(vfunc_ea, default_prototype)
print('> Applied default prototype for {} ({})'.format(new_vfunc_name, hex(vfunc_ea)))
def process(class_name, local_type, addresses):
for ea in addresses:
process_vfunc(class_name, local_type, ea, addresses.index(ea))
def run():
start_address = ask_long(0, 'vftable start address')
if start_address is None or start_address == BADADDR or start_address <= 0:
print('invalid start address')
end_address = ask_long(0, 'vftable end address')
if end_address is None or end_address == BADADDR or end_address <= 0:
print('invalid end address')
if start_address >= end_address:
print('invalid start and end address')
class_name = ask_str('', 0, 'class name')
if class_name is None or class_name == '':
print('invalid class name')
offset = get_iter()
addresses = list(range(start_address, end_address + offset, offset))
# generate vtbl local type
local_type, local_vtbl_type = generate_local_type(class_name, len(addresses))
# process
process(class_name, local_type, addresses)
# rename vftable offset
set_name(start_address, 's_' + class_name + '_vtbl')
if local_vtbl_type is not None:
idc.SetType(start_address, '{} *'.format(local_vtbl_type))
if __name__ == '__main__':
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