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Created June 8, 2011 16:55
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Save MidnightLightning/1014819 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
PHP Growl notifier interface
* Interface with the growlnotify notification client
* The Growl notification system for Mac includes a command-line utility for scripts to send notifications through.
* 'growlnotify' needs to be explicitly installed from the "Extras" folder of the Growl installation disk before it can be used
* @author Brooks Boyd <>
* @link Growlnotifier documentation
class Growler {
public $appName;
public $icon;
* Set the name and icon for this script's notifications
* $param string $name The name of the application sending the Growl notification
* $param string $icon What icon to use for the notification. See {@link iconParse()} for how this string is interpreted
function __construct($name = "PHP Script", $icon = ".php") {
$this->appName = $name;
$this->icon = $icon;
* Send notification
* @param string $title The first line of the notification, usually in bold
* @param string $msg The rest of the message body; can contain line breaks
* @param int $priority An optional integer from -2 (low priority) to 2 (high priority); defaults to zero (normal priority)
function notify($title = null, $msg = null, $priority = 0) {
if ($title === null || $msg === null) return;
$cmd = 'growlnotify '.
'--name '.escapeshellarg($this->appName).' '.
$this->iconParse().' '.
'--priority '.escapeshellarg(intval($priority)).' '.
'--message '.escapeshellarg($msg).' '.
'--title '.escapeshellarg($title);
* Send notification to remote server
* @param string $host The remote server the message is being sent to
* @param string $title The first line of the notification, usually in bold
* @param string $msg The rest of the message body; can contain line breaks
* @param int $priority An optional integer from -2 (low priority) to 2 (high priority); defaults to zero (normal
* @param string $password Optional password, if the remote server is secured
* @param boolean $udp Send the notification via UDP instead of DO?
* @param integer $udp_port Specify the UDP port if different than the default
* @param string $udp_auth UDP authentication method; defaults to "MD5"
* @param boolean $udp_crypt Encrypt the UDP traffic?
function remote_notify($host, $title = null, $msg = null, $priority = 0, $password = null, $udp = false, $udp_port = null, $udp_auth = "MD5", $udp_crypt = false) {
if ($title == null || $msg === null) return;
$cmd = 'growlnotify '.
'--host '.escapeshellarg($host).' '.
'--name '.escapeshellarg($this->appName).' '.
$this->iconParse().' '.
'--priority '.escapeshellarg(intval($priority)).' '.
'--message '.escapeshellarg($msg).' ';
if ($password !== null) $cmd .= '--password '.escapeshellarg($password).' ';
if ($udp) {
// Send via UDP
$cmd .= '--udp --auth '.escapeshellarg($udp_auth).' ';
if ($udp_port !== null) $cmd .= '--port '.escapeshellarg($udp_port).' ';
if ($udp_crypt) $cmd .= '--crypt ';
$cmd .= '--title '.escapeshellarg($title); // Must be last
* Figure out what sort of icon to use
* Determine if $this->icon is a reference to an extension, file, or application name.
* If $this->icon starts with a ".", it's an extension
* If $this->icon starts with a "/", it's a file path
* Otherwise, its the name of an application
private function iconParse() {
$i = $this->icon;
if ($i[0] === '.') {
// File extension
return '--icon '.escapeshellarg(substr($i,1));
} elseif ($i[0] === '/') {
// File path; is it an image?
$ext = strtolower(pathinfo($i, PATHINFO_EXTENSION));
$img_exts = array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'tif', 'gif', 'png', 'bmp');
if (in_array($ext, $img_exts)) {
// This file is an image
return '--image '.escapeshellarg($i);
} else {
// This is a regular file; use the file's icon
return '--iconpath '.escapeshellarg($i);
} else {
// Assume this is an application's name
return '--appIcon '.escapeshellarg($i);
require_once('../lib/simpletest/autorun.php'); // Simpletest PHP unit testing
require_once('growler.php'); // Growler class
class GrowlerNotification extends UnitTestCase {
function testNameIconConstruction() {
$g = new Growler('MyRandomApp', '.php');
$this->assertEqual($g->appName, 'MyRandomApp');
$this->assertEqual($g->icon, '.php');
function testNotify() {
$g = new Growler('MyRandomApp', '.php');
$g->notify('Test Notification', 'Baseline success');
$this->pass('No errors');
function testNoTitleOrMsg() {
$g = new Growler('MyRandomApp', '.php');
$g->notify(); // Shouldn't do anything, but shouldn't throw an error either
$this->pass('No errors');
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