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Last active September 8, 2017 23:40
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Save Mierdin/5cce5ec644a839d0580f4998ec59c991 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
(virtualenv)vagrant@st2dev:~/st2$ st2 whoami
Currently logged in as st2admin
(virtualenv)vagrant@st2dev:~/st2$ st2 role list
ERROR: 403 Client Error: Forbidden
MESSAGE: Administrator access required for url:
(virtualenv)vagrant@st2dev:~/st2$ cat /opt/stackstorm/rbac/roles/inquiry_role.yaml
name: "inquiry_role"
description: "inquiry role"
enabled: true
- resource_uid: "inquiry:ask"
- "inquiry_respond"
- "inquiry_view"
(virtualenv)vagrant@st2dev:~/st2$ st2common/bin/st2-apply-rbac-definitions --config-file=/home/vagrant/st2/conf/
2017-09-05 23:35:33,699 INFO [-] Connecting to database "st2" @ "" as user "None".
2017-09-05 23:35:33,878 INFO [-] Loading role definitions from "/opt/stackstorm/rbac/roles/"
2017-09-05 23:35:33,950 INFO [-] Loading user role assignments from "/opt/stackstorm/rbac/assignments/"
2017-09-05 23:35:33,953 INFO [-] Loading group to role map definitions from "/opt/stackstorm/rbac/mappings/"
2017-09-05 23:35:33,953 INFO [-] Synchronizing roles...
2017-09-05 23:35:33,960 INFO [-] Roles synchronized (1 created, 0 updated, 0 removed)
2017-09-05 23:35:33,960 INFO [-] Synchronizing users role assignments...
2017-09-05 23:35:33,966 INFO [-] User role assignments synchronized
2017-09-05 23:35:33,966 INFO [-] Synchronizing group to role maps...
2017-09-05 23:35:33,967 INFO [-] Group to role map definitions synchronized.
(virtualenv)vagrant@st2dev:~/st2$ st2 role list
| id | name | system | description |
| 59af34bb32ed3553ec5a082e | admin | True | admin |
| 59af34c532ed355497e9a366 | inquiry_role | False | inquiry role |
| 59af34bb32ed3553ec5a082f | observer | True | observer |
| 59af34bb32ed3553ec5a0830 | system_admin | True | system_admin |
(virtualenv)vagrant@st2dev:~/st2$ st2 role-assignment list
| id | role | user | is_remote | description |
| 59af34c532ed355497e9a368 | admin | st2admin | False | |
(virtualenv)vagrant@st2dev:~/st2$ cat /opt/stackstorm/packs/examples/actions/workflows/mistral-ask-basic.yaml
version: '2.0'
description: A basic Mistral workflow illustrating the use of Inquiries
type: direct
result: <% task(task1).result.response %>
action: core.ask
tag: developers
- iuser
- continue
type: object
type: boolean
description: Should we continue?
- task2
action: core.local
cmd: date
(virtualenv)vagrant@st2dev:~/st2$ st2 run examples.mistral-ask-basic
id: 59af34c832ed355431abf39a
action.ref: examples.mistral-ask-basic
parameters: None
status: pausing
start_timestamp: 2017-09-05T23:35:36.196752Z
end_timestamp: None
| id | status | task | action | start_timestamp |
| 59af34c832ed355431abf39d | pending | task1 | core.ask | Tue, 05 Sep 2017 23:35:36 UTC |
(virtualenv)vagrant@st2dev:~/st2$ st2 login iuser --password=testp
Logged in as iuser
Note: You didn't use --write-password option so the password hasn't been stored in the client config and you will need to login again in 24 hours when the auth token expires.
As an alternative, you can run st2 login command with the "--write-password" flag, but keep it mind this will cause it to store the password in plain-text in the client config file (~/.st2/config).
(virtualenv)vagrant@st2dev:~/st2$ st2 inquiry list
| id | roles | users | tag | ttl |
| 59af34c832ed355431abf39d | | iuser | developers | 1440 |
(virtualenv)vagrant@st2dev:~/st2$ st2 inquiry get $(st2 inquiry list | grep developers | awk '{print $2}')
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/vagrant/st2/st2client/st2client/commands/", line 162, in get_resource_by_pk
instance = self.manager.get_by_id(pk, **kwargs)
File "/home/vagrant/st2/st2client/st2client/models/", line 39, in decorate
return func(*args, **kwargs)
File "/home/vagrant/st2/st2client/st2client/models/", line 204, in get_by_id
File "/home/vagrant/st2/st2client/st2client/models/", line 165, in handle_error
File "/home/vagrant/st2/virtualenv/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/requests/", line 928, in raise_for_status
raise HTTPError(http_error_msg, response=self)
HTTPError: 403 Client Error: Forbidden
MESSAGE: User "iuser" doesn't have required permission "inquiry_view" on resource "execution:59af34c832ed355431abf39d" for url:
Inquiry "59af34c832ed355431abf39d" is not found.
(virtualenv)vagrant@st2dev:~/st2$ st2 inquiry respond $(st2 inquiry list | grep developers | awk '{print $2}') '{"continue": true}'
ERROR: 403 Client Error: Forbidden
MESSAGE: User "iuser" doesn't have required permission "inquiry_respond" on resource "execution:59af34c832ed355431abf39d" for url:
(virtualenv)vagrant@st2dev:~/st2$ sudo mv /opt/stackstorm/rbac/inquiry_assignment.yaml /opt/stackstorm/rbac/assignments/
(virtualenv)vagrant@st2dev:~/st2$ cat /opt/stackstorm/rbac/assignments/inquiry_assignment.yaml
username: "iuser"
- "inquiry_role"
(virtualenv)vagrant@st2dev:~/st2$ st2common/bin/st2-apply-rbac-definitions --config-file=/home/vagrant/st2/conf/
2017-09-05 23:35:43,052 INFO [-] Connecting to database "st2" @ "" as user "None".
2017-09-05 23:35:43,219 INFO [-] Loading role definitions from "/opt/stackstorm/rbac/roles/"
2017-09-05 23:35:43,292 INFO [-] Loading user role assignments from "/opt/stackstorm/rbac/assignments/"
2017-09-05 23:35:43,295 INFO [-] Loading group to role map definitions from "/opt/stackstorm/rbac/mappings/"
2017-09-05 23:35:43,295 INFO [-] Synchronizing roles...
2017-09-05 23:35:43,301 INFO [-] Roles synchronized (0 created, 1 updated, 0 removed)
2017-09-05 23:35:43,302 INFO [-] Synchronizing users role assignments...
2017-09-05 23:35:43,310 INFO [-] User role assignments synchronized
2017-09-05 23:35:43,310 INFO [-] Synchronizing group to role maps...
2017-09-05 23:35:43,311 INFO [-] Group to role map definitions synchronized.
(virtualenv)vagrant@st2dev:~/st2$ st2 login st2admin --password=testp
Logged in as st2admin
Note: You didn't use --write-password option so the password hasn't been stored in the client config and you will need to login again in 24 hours when the auth token expires.
As an alternative, you can run st2 login command with the "--write-password" flag, but keep it mind this will cause it to store the password in plain-text in the client config file (~/.st2/config).
(virtualenv)vagrant@st2dev:~/st2$ st2 role-assignment list
| id | role | user | is_remote | description |
| 59af34cf32ed3554f5ede2e0 | admin | st2admin | False | |
| 59af34cf32ed3554f5ede2e1 | inquiry_role | iuser | False | |
(virtualenv)vagrant@st2dev:~/st2$ st2 login iuser --password=testp
Logged in as iuser
Note: You didn't use --write-password option so the password hasn't been stored in the client config and you will need to login again in 24 hours when the auth token expires.
As an alternative, you can run st2 login command with the "--write-password" flag, but keep it mind this will cause it to store the password in plain-text in the client config file (~/.st2/config).
(virtualenv)vagrant@st2dev:~/st2$ st2 inquiry get $(st2 inquiry list | grep developers | awk '{print $2}')
| Property | Value |
| id | 59af34c832ed355431abf39d |
| roles | |
| users | [ |
| | "iuser" |
| | ] |
| tag | developers |
| ttl | 1440 |
| schema | { |
| | "required": [ |
| | "continue" |
| | ], |
| | "type": "object", |
| | "properties": { |
| | "continue": { |
| | "type": "boolean", |
| | "description": "Should we continue?" |
| | } |
| | } |
| | } |
(virtualenv)vagrant@st2dev:~/st2$ st2 inquiry respond $(st2 inquiry list | grep developers | awk '{print $2}') '{"continue": true}'
| Property | Value |
| id | 59af34c832ed355431abf39d |
| response | { |
| | "continue": true |
| | } |
sudo mv /opt/stackstorm/rbac/assignments/inquiry_assignment.yaml /opt/stackstorm/rbac/
tools/ stop && tools/ startclean -m -x && python st2client/ install > /dev/null
st2 login st2admin --password=testp
st2 whoami
st2 role list
cat /opt/stackstorm/rbac/roles/inquiry_role.yaml
st2common/bin/st2-apply-rbac-definitions --config-file=/home/vagrant/st2/conf/
st2 role list
st2 role-assignment list
cat /opt/stackstorm/packs/examples/actions/workflows/mistral-ask-basic.yaml
st2 run examples.mistral-ask-basic
st2 login iuser --password=testp
st2 inquiry list
st2 inquiry get $(st2 inquiry list | grep developers | awk '{print $2}')
st2 inquiry respond $(st2 inquiry list | grep developers | awk '{print $2}') '{"continue": true}'
sudo mv /opt/stackstorm/rbac/inquiry_assignment.yaml /opt/stackstorm/rbac/assignments/
cat /opt/stackstorm/rbac/assignments/inquiry_assignment.yaml
st2common/bin/st2-apply-rbac-definitions --config-file=/home/vagrant/st2/conf/
st2 login st2admin --password=testp
st2 role-assignment list
st2 login iuser --password=testp
st2 inquiry get $(st2 inquiry list | grep developers | awk '{print $2}')
st2 inquiry respond $(st2 inquiry list | grep developers | awk '{print $2}') '{"continue": true}'
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