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Last active July 30, 2023 16:56
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Rogue lvl 50
This build is leveraging the synergy with active and passive skill in the skill tree. Nothing really from the paragon board, but as you build out your paragon board you will be able to shift points you have allocated to passive skills to increase your core skills points allocated.
The main sequence for the big entrance attack is listed below to give a rough idea of how I maximize the synergy between the different skills in the skill tree.
1. Start Shadow Clone. Ultimate skill.
2. Enter concealment. Subterfuge skill.
3. Laydown 8 poison traps. Subterfuge sill (poison traps).
4. Apply shadow imbument. Imbuement skills.
5. Attack with core skill, which is either rapid fire or barrage. Basic skill is puncture with three blades to increase chances of making enemies vulnerable when fighting mobs.
Passive skills:
- Weapon mastery to increase X damage with my basic and core skills.
- Concussive to gain critical strike chance against knocked down enemies.
- Exploit to deal extra X damage.
- Malice to increase X damage to vulnerable enemies.
- Consuming shadows to generate energy for each enemy killed with shadow damage.
- Precision imbuement to increase critical strike.
- Trap mastery to increase critical strike chance against vulnerable and crowd controlled enemies for 4 secs.
The first thing we are leveraging is knocking down enemies, which is what the poison traps are for. You want to lay down as many of them in as wide a net as possible to knock down as many enemies as possible. To accomplish maximum effectiveness I run the aspect (X) and shadow clone ultimate skill. When concealment is on you enter stealth which prevents the traps from triggering, which allows you to lay down 4 traps! But if you have a shadow clone, your shadow clone will also lay down its own traps for a maximum of eight traps!!!! Knocking down enemies is also crowd control so you are potentially getting quite a few enemies in crowd control for extra damage with trap mastery. This is the first synergy to maximize damage.
Passive skill synergy with the traps:
- With the _concussive_ passive skill, you will then increase chances of critical strike chance on enemies that are knocked down.
- The _exploit_ passive skill also deal damage to injured enemies.
- And _malice_ passive skill deals damage to vulnerable enemies.
- Trap master to increase critical strike chance against vulnerable _and_ crowd controlled enemies.
Once you lay down all the traps, you exit concealment with the core skill. Another bit of synergy here is that when traps are activated they have a 30% chance to reset your imbuement cooldown. Meaning we can get a whole bunch more shadow imbuement damage! Shaow imbuement also has a 15% increase of crtical strike for enemies infected with shadow imbuement. This is where things can get _very_ interesting. Some aspects will allow a whole bunch of damage when you hit an enemy with shadow imbuement while they are poisoned. This is a huge accelerant! Shadow imbuement also has a primary explosion that will make enemies vulnerable for 2 seconds.
So at this point we have been increasing our critical strike chances and have been causing vulnerable damage to enemies.
The next thing to deal with is energy regeneration. You can use skill tree point for some buffs. You can also have some affixes help regen energy. So depending on affixes you can move around a couple of energy gen points.
Im working my way thru the paragon board and Im not entrely sure how skill tree points will get moved around as I build out the paragon board.
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