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Last active May 25, 2017 00:48
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Groovy script to manage windows services on Jenkins
def powershell
def isInstalled(Map map = [:], hostName, serviceName){
def debug = map.debug ?: false
if (debug) echo "[DEBUG] isInstalled method called: hostName:\"$hostName\", serviceName:\"$serviceName\""
def pwret = powershell.exec("(get-service -ComputerName $hostName | Where-Object {\$ -eq \\\"$serviceName\\\"})", debug: debug)
def installed = (pwret.trim().length() > 0)
if (debug) {
if (debug) echo "[DEBUG] $serviceName is installed: $installed."
if (installed) echo pwret
return installed
def getStatus(Map map = [:], hostName, serviceName){
def debug = map.debug ?: false
if (debug) echo "[DEBUG] getStatus method called: hostName:\"$hostName\", serviceName:\"$serviceName\", debug:\"$debug\""
if(!isInstalled(hostName, serviceName, debug: debug)) error "Windows service $serviceName is not installed on $hostName"
if (debug) echo "[DEBUG] Checking $serviceName status."
def pwret = powershell.exec("(get-service -ComputerName $hostName -Name $serviceName).Status", debug: debug)
if (debug) echo "[DEBUG] $serviceName is $pwret"
return pwret.trim();
def start(Map map = [:], hostName, serviceName){
def debug = map.debug ?: false
def timeout = map.timeout ?: 60
if (debug) echo "[DEBUG] stop method called: hostName:\"$hostName\", serviceName:\"$serviceName\", timeout:\"$timeout\", debug:\"$debug\""
if(!isInstalled(hostName, serviceName, debug: debug)) error "Windows service $serviceName is not installed on $hostName"
def status = getStatus(hostName, serviceName, debug: debug)
def statusToStart = ["Stopped", "StopPending", "ContinuePending", "PausePending", "Paused"]
if(isStatusInArray(status, statusToStart)){
if (debug) echo "[DEBUG] Starting $serviceName..."
powershell.exec("(get-service -ComputerName $hostName -Name $serviceName).Start()", debug: debug)
powershell.exec("(get-service -ComputerName $hostName -Name $serviceName).WaitForStatus(\\\"Running\\\")", debug: debug)
def stop(Map map = [:], hostName, serviceName){
def debug = map.debug ?: false
def timeout = map.timeout ?: 60
def force = map.force ?: false
if (debug) echo "[DEBUG] stop method called: hostName:\"$hostName\", serviceName:\"$serviceName\", force:\"$force\", timeout:\"$timeout\", debug:\"$debug\""
if(!isInstalled(hostName, serviceName, debug: debug)) error "Windows service $serviceName is not installed on $hostName"
def status = getStatus(hostName, serviceName, debug: debug)
def statusToStop = ["Running", "StartPending", "ContinuePending", "PausePending", "Paused"]
if(isStatusInArray(status, statusToStop)){
if (debug) echo "[DEBUG] Stopping $serviceName..."
powershell.exec("(get-service -ComputerName $hostName -Name $serviceName).Stop()", debug: debug)
powershell.exec("(get-service -ComputerName $hostName -Name $serviceName).WaitForStatus(\\\"Stopped\\\")", debug: debug)
def isStatusInArray(status, statusArray){
for (item in statusArray) {
if (status == item) return true
return false
return this
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This script depends on the powershell.groovy file that can be found here.


To run this script you can load the external file and call the exec method.

def powershell = load 'powershell.groovy'
def windowsservice = load 'windowsservice.groovy'
windowsservice.powershell = powershell


To debug, you can use

def debug = true
def powershell = load 'powershell.groovy'
def windowsservice = load 'windowsservice.groovy'
windowsservice.powershell = powershell

windowsservice.stop('localhost','myService', debug:debug)
windowsservice.start('localhost','myService', debug:debug)

Notice that the powershell inside the windows service will show the debug logs either.

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