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Created January 9, 2020 03:28
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import kotlinx.collections.immutable.PersistentMap
import kotlinx.collections.immutable.PersistentSet
import kotlinx.collections.immutable.persistentSetOf
import kotlinx.collections.immutable.toPersistentMap
import org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat
import org.junit.Test
class Day18ManyWorldsInterpretation {
* Nope this does not work for [smallMaze81] and [bigMaze]
fun silverTest() {
assertThat(Walker(smallMaze8).computeSteps().also { println(it) }.first).isEqualTo(8)
assertThat(Walker(smallMaze81).computeSteps().also { println(it) }.first).isEqualTo(81)
assertThat(Walker(smallMaze86).computeSteps().also { println(it) }.first).isEqualTo(86)
assertThat(Walker(smallMaze132).computeSteps().also { println(it) }.first).isEqualTo(132)
assertThat(Walker(smallMaze136).computeSteps().also { println(it) }.first).isEqualTo(136)
fun silver() {
assertThat(Walker(bigMaze).computeSteps().also { println(it) }.first).isEqualTo(6098)
fun gold() {
val result = intArrayOf(0, 1, 2, 3)
.map { index -> Walker(bigMaze1698, index).computeStepsAsync() }
.let { solutions -> solutions.sumBy { it.first } }
class Walker(mapString: String = smallMaze136, private val index: Int? = 0) {
private fun parseMapAndPosition(map: String): PersistentMap<Point, Char> {
return parseMap(map)
.mapValues { (_, v) -> if (v == '.') ' ' else v }
private val map: PersistentMap<Point, Char>
private val start: Point
private val starts: List<Point>
init {
map = parseMapAndPosition(mapString)
starts = map.entries.mapNotNull { (k, v) -> if (v == '@') k else null }
start = starts[index ?: 0]
private fun Point.value(): Char = map.getValue(this)
private fun Char.isKey() = isLetter() && isLowerCase()
data class AvailablePoint(val point: Point, val steps: Int)
data class CacheKey(val point: Point, val collected: Set<Char>)
private val cache: MutableMap<CacheKey, Pair<Int, String>> = mutableMapOf()
fun computeSteps(): Pair<Int, String> {
return computeStepsAsync()
fun computeStepsAsync(): Pair<Int, String> {
return reachPoints(start, externalKeys(), 0)
/** Keys which we cannot collect */
private fun externalKeys(): Set<Char> {
if (index == null) {
return emptySet()
} else {
return generateSequence(starts.minus(start).toSet()) { points: Set<Point> ->
val morePoints = points + points
.flatMap { point -> listOf(point.left(), point.up(), point.right(), point.down()) }
.filter { point -> point.value() != '#' }
.filter { point -> point !in points }
if (morePoints.size != points.size) morePoints else null
.map { it.value() }
.filter { it.isKey() }
/** return the amount of steps which is required to reach the best next position + best other further steps */
private fun reachPoints(start: Point, collected: Set<Char>, prev: Int): Pair<Int, String> {
return (cache.computeIfAbsent(CacheKey(start, collected)) {
reachOutWithWave(start, collected)
.filter { (point, _) -> point.value() !in collected }
.map { (point, steps) ->
val v = reachPoints(point,, steps)
v.copy(second = v.second + point.value()) // adds the path
.min(compareBy { it.first })
.orElseGet { 0 to "*" }
}).let { single -> single.copy(single.first + prev) }
private data class Wave(val points: PersistentSet<Point>, val front: List<AvailablePoint>, val iterations: Int)
/** A wave starting at [position] and going in all directions unless it encounters a closed door, a wall, or a new key */
private fun reachOutWithWave(position: Point, collected: Set<Char>): List<AvailablePoint> {
// check(position.value().let { it.isKey() || it == '@' }) { "Position $position=${position.value()} is not a key!" }
val seed = Wave(points = persistentSetOf(position), front = listOf(AvailablePoint(position, 0)), iterations = 0)
return generateSequence(seed) { wave: Wave ->
val keyLocations = wave.front.filter { available -> available.point.value().let { it.isKey() && it !in collected } }
val growth = wave.front
.map { available: AvailablePoint -> available.point }
.filter { point: Point -> !point.value().isKey() || point.value() in collected }
.flatMap { point -> listOf(point.left(), point.up(), point.right(), point.down()) }
.filter { point -> point !in wave.points }
.filter { point ->
with(point.value()) {
when {
this == ' ' -> true
this == '@' -> true
this == '#' -> false
isLowerCase() -> true
isUpperCase() -> toLowerCase() in collected
else -> throw Exception("Cannot deal with ${point.value()}")
.map { point -> AvailablePoint(point, wave.iterations + 1) }
val newFront =
when {
growth.isNotEmpty() -> Wave(wave.points.addAll( { it.point }), front = newFront, iterations = wave.iterations + 1)
else -> null
// remove non-keys from the front
.filter { availablePoint -> availablePoint.point.value().let { it.isKey() && it !in collected } }
val bigMaze1698 = """
val smallMaze8 = """
val smallMaze86 = """
val smallMaze132 = """
* Shortest paths are 136 steps; one is: a, f, b, j, g, n, h, d, l, o, e, p, c, i, k, m
val smallMaze136 = """
* Shortest paths are 136 steps; one is: a, c, f, i, d, g, b, e, h
val smallMaze81 = """
val bigMaze = """
data class Point(val x: Int, val y: Int, val z: Int = 0) {
operator fun minus(other: Point) = Point(x - other.x, y - other.y)
operator fun plus(other: Point) = Point(x + other.x, y + other.y)
init {
check(z >= 0)
fun Point.left() = copy(x = x - 1)
fun Point.right() = copy(x = x + 1)
fun Point.up() = copy(y = y + 1)
fun Point.down() = copy(y = y - 1)
fun parseMap(mapString: String): Map<Point, Char> {
return mapString.lines()
.mapIndexed { y, line ->
line.mapIndexed { x, c ->
Point(x, y) to c
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