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Last active August 30, 2017 17:08
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Immutable Date subclass
package net.aquadc.common
import java.util.*
import kotlin.DeprecationLevel.ERROR
import kotlin.UnsupportedOperationException as UOE
* Created by mike on 17.02.17
class ImDate private constructor(date: Long) : Date(date) {
override fun clone(): ImDate = this
@Deprecated(message = DEPRECATED, level = ERROR) override fun getYear(): Int = throw UOE(DEPRECATED)
@Deprecated(message = DEPRECATED, level = ERROR) override fun setYear(year: Int): Unit = throw UOE(DEPRECATED)
@Deprecated(message = DEPRECATED, level = ERROR) override fun getMonth(): Int = throw UOE(DEPRECATED)
@Deprecated(message = DEPRECATED, level = ERROR) override fun setMonth(month: Int): Unit = throw UOE(DEPRECATED)
@Deprecated(message = DEPRECATED, level = ERROR) override fun getDate(): Int = throw UOE(DEPRECATED)
@Deprecated(message = DEPRECATED, level = ERROR) override fun setDate(date: Int): Unit = throw UOE(DEPRECATED)
@Deprecated(message = DEPRECATED, level = ERROR) override fun getDay(): Int = throw UOE(DEPRECATED)
@Deprecated(message = DEPRECATED, level = ERROR) override fun getHours(): Int = throw UOE(DEPRECATED)
@Deprecated(message = DEPRECATED, level = ERROR) override fun setHours(hours: Int): Unit = throw UOE(DEPRECATED)
@Deprecated(message = DEPRECATED, level = ERROR) override fun getMinutes(): Int = throw UOE(DEPRECATED)
@Deprecated(message = DEPRECATED, level = ERROR) override fun setMinutes(minutes: Int): Unit = throw UOE(DEPRECATED)
@Deprecated(message = DEPRECATED, level = ERROR) override fun getSeconds(): Int = throw UOE(DEPRECATED)
@Deprecated(message = DEPRECATED, level = ERROR) override fun setSeconds(seconds: Int): Unit = throw UOE(DEPRECATED)
/* override fun getTime(): Long = super.getTime() // okay_face.jpg */
@Deprecated(message = IMMUTABLE, level = ERROR) override fun setTime(time: Long): Unit = throw UOE(IMMUTABLE)
/* override fun before(`when`: Date): Boolean = super.before(`when`) */
/* override fun after(`when`: Date): Boolean = super.after(`when`) */
/* override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean = super.equals(other) */
/* override fun compareTo(other: Date): Int = super.compareTo(other) */
/* override fun hashCode(): Int = super.hashCode() */
/* override fun toString(): String = super.toString() */
@Deprecated(message = DEPRECATED, level = ERROR) override fun toLocaleString(): String = throw UOE(DEPRECATED)
@Deprecated(message = DEPRECATED, level = ERROR) override fun toGMTString(): String = throw UOE(DEPRECATED)
@Deprecated(message = DEPRECATED, level = ERROR) override fun getTimezoneOffset(): Int = throw UOE(DEPRECATED)
companion object {
private const val DEPRECATED = "deprecated since February 12, 1997, i. e. 20 years ago!!"
private const val IMMUTABLE = "cannot mutate ImDate, it's immutable!"
fun now(): ImDate =
fun fromDate(date: Date): ImDate =
date as? ImDate ?: ImDate(date.time)
fun fromMillis(millis: Long): ImDate =
fun fromSeconds(seconds: Long): ImDate =
ImDate(1000 * seconds)
package net.aquadc.common
// imports here...
object ImDateTypeAdapterFactory : TypeAdapterFactory {
@Suppress("UNCHECKED_CAST") // :(
override fun <T : Any?> create(gson: Gson, type: TypeToken<T>): TypeAdapter<T>? =
if (type.rawType == ImDateTypeAdapter as TypeAdapter<T> else null
object ImDateTypeAdapter : TypeAdapter<ImDate>() {
private val dateAdapter = DateTypeAdapter()
override fun write(out: JsonWriter, value: ImDate?) = dateAdapter.write(out, value)
override fun read(`in`: JsonReader?): ImDate? =`in`)?.let { ImDate.fromDate(it) }
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