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Last active April 8, 2023 19:30
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  1. Roll-your-own lazy singleton

    public final class Single {
        private static Single INSTANCE;
        private Single() {}
        public static Single getInstance() {
            return INSTANCE != null
                    ? INSTANCE : (INSTANCE = new Single());
  2. Roll-your-own DCL singleton

    public final class Single {
        private static final Object LOCK = new Object();
        private static volatile Single INSTANCE;
        private Single() {}
        public static Single getInstance() {
            Single inst = INSTANCE;
            if (inst != null) return inst;
            synchronized(LOCK) {
                if ((inst = INSTANCE) != null) return inst;
                return INSTANCE = new Single();
  3. Enum as singleton

    public enum Singleton { INSTANCE; }

    Healthy person's singleton:

    public final class Single {
        private static final Single INSTANCE = new Single();
        private Single() {}
        public static Single getInstance() {
            return INSTANCE;
    object Single
  4. A singleton with a parameter:

    public final class Single {
        private static Single INSTANCE;
        public static Single getInstance(Context context) {
            return INSTANCE != null
                    ? INSTANCE : (INSTANCE = new Single(context));
        private final Context context;
        private Single(Context context) {
            this.context = context;
    class Single
    private constructor(private val context: Context) {
        companion object {
            private var INSTANCE: Single? = null
            fun getInstance(context: Context): Single {
                INSTANCE?.let { return it }
                return Single(context).also { INSTANCE = it }

    Healthy person's class with a parameter:

    public final class NotSingle {
        private final Context context;
        public NotSingle(Context context) {
            this.context = context;
    class NotSingle(private val context: Context)
  5. Nullability hell

    var callback: Callback? = null
    override fun onAttach(context: Context?) { // 1
        this.callback = context as? Callback // 2
    override fun onClick(v: View?) { // 3
        (v?.tag // 4
                as? SomeObj)?.let { obj -> //5
            callback?.objClicked(obj) // 6

    Strict way:

    lateinit var callback: Callback
    fun onAttach(context: Context) {
        this.callback = context as Callback
    override fun onClick(v: View) {
        callback.objClicked(v.tag as SomeObj)

    Explicit strict way:

    fun onAttach(context: Context) {
        this.callback = context as? Callback
                ?: throw ClassCastException("host context must implement my Callback")
    override fun onClick(v: View) {
                v.tag as? SomeObj
                        ?: throw AssertionError("view $v expected to have a tag of type SomeObj, got ${v.tag}")

    Exception to this rule is where everything really can be nullable:

    private val PsiReference.outerMethodName: String? get() {
        val el = element
        // Java
            ?.takeIf { it.qualifierExpression === this }
            ?.let { (it.reference?.resolve() as PsiMethod?)?.name }
            ?.let { return it }
        // Kotlin
            ?.takeIf { it.receiverExpression.references.any { it.element == el } }
            ?.let { (it.selectorExpression as? KtCallExpression)?.calleeExpression?.references }
            ?.forEach { (it.resolve() as? PsiMethod)?.name?.let { return it } }
        return null
  6. Type checking

    if (iterable instanceof Collection) { ...

    Even Java stdlib:

    public static <T> List<T> unmodifiableList(List<? extends T> list) {
        return (list instanceof RandomAccess ?
                new UnmodifiableRandomAccessList<>(list) :
                new UnmodifiableList<>(list));

    Perfectly valid code and bad code which breaks it. Oops! Even equals() is broken thanks to typecasting. equals(Object) is wrong; interface Comparable<T> { int compareTo(T) } is great and right.

    Kotlin version with 'safe cast':

    val Iterable<*>.size: Int
        get() = (this as? Collection<*>)?.size ?: iterator().size
    val Iterator<*>.size: Int
        get() {
            var count = 0
            while (hasNext()) {
                next(); count++
            return count

    but it's not safer!

  7. data classes with no reason

    data class User(val name: String, val age: Int)

    The compiler automatically derives the following members from all properties declared in the primary constructor:

    • equals()/hashCode() pair;
    • toString() of the form "User(name=John, age=42)";
    • componentN() functions corresponding to the properties in their order of declaration;
    • copy() function (see below).
  8. Destructuring of a non-tuple

    val (name, age) = user
  9. Labeled return

    args.forEachIndexed { idx, arg ->
            params.getOrNull(idx)?.second ?: return@forEachIndexed,
            when (val it = arg.type) {
                PsiType.NULL -> null
                is PsiClassType -> it.resolve() ?: return@forEachIndexed
                is PsiPrimitiveType -> it.getBoxedType(arg)?.resolve() ?: return@forEachIndexed
                else -> return@forEachIndexed

    Healthy person's return from anonymous:

    args.forEachIndexed(fun(idx: Int, arg: PsiExpression) {
            params.getOrNull(idx)?.second ?: return,
            when (val it = arg.type) {
                PsiType.NULL -> null
                is PsiClassType -> it.resolve() ?: return
                is PsiPrimitiveType -> it.getBoxedType(arg)?.resolve() ?: return
                else -> return
  10. open classes and functions

    Kotlin defaults are better! 'allopen' is a workaround.

    • default method emulation — OK

       * Simple adapter class for [TextWatcher].
      open class SimpleTextWatcher : TextWatcher {
          /** No-op. */ override fun afterTextChanged(s: Editable) {}
          /** No-op. */ override fun beforeTextChanged(s: CharSequence, start: Int, count: Int, after: Int) {}
          /** No-op. */ override fun onTextChanged(s: CharSequence, start: Int, before: Int, count: Int) {}
    • 'template method' pattern — OK

    • sharing logic within private scope, class count/size economy — OK

  11. DTO/VO with default values, default constructor, and/or mutable fields

    class User(
        var name: String? = null,
        var age: Int = 0,
  12. Single operation on a Sequence
  13. Multiple operations on a collection

        .filter { it.isCool }

    Oh, we have map+filter in one run and in-place sorting!

        .mapNotNull { if (it.isCool) it.something else null }
  14. interface Constants

    public interface Constants {
        int A = 1;
    public class Whatever implements Constants {
    const val A = 1;

    Nope! Constants are implementation details. They should be private or passed via constructor!

  15. Enum as a stupid constant


    enum Role {
        User, Admin
    // ...
    @DrawableRes int iconOf(Role role) {
        switch (role) {
            case User: return R.drawable.icon_role;
            case Admin: return R.drawable.icon_admin;
            default: throw new AssertionError();


    enum Role {
        @DrawableRes public final int icon;
        Role(@DrawableRes int icon) {
            this.icon = icon;

    OK for Kotlin, thanks to exhaustive when:

    enum class Role {
        User, Admin
    // ...
    @DrawableRes fun iconOf(role: Role): Int = when (role) {
        Role.User -> R.drawable.icon_role
        Role.Admin -> R.drawable.icon_admin
  16. Reflect

    Given Java/Kotlin enum serialized as enum:

    enum class Role { USER, ADMIN }

    ...evolves to...

    sealed class Role {
        object User : Role()
        object Admin : Role()

    um, where are SCREAMING_CASE names? will it break serialization? Healthy enum representation for serialization:

        "USER" to Role.User,
        "ADMIN" to Role.Admin,


    listOf(Role.User, Role.Admin), Role::asString

    Date date1;
    Date date2;

    ...and after some time we have two date formats...

    class DateAdapter1 : TypeAdapter by DateAdapter(SimpleDateFormat("format #1"))
    class DateAdapter2 : TypeAdapter by DateAdapter(SimpleDateFormat("format #2"))

    Healthy code never mandate components to have no-arg constructor!

  17. Implicit registration, e. g. Map<Class<T>, T>


    • what about generic types?
    • runtime fail if required instance is not registered
    • nothing happens if useless instance is registered
    • different instances of the same type for different cases?

    Kotlin Map<KType, instance>:

    -what about generic types?
    +wildcards and projections?

    In the wild: Gson TypeAdapters, Jackson modules, DI containers, classpath scanning.

  18. Annotation processing

    Code generation is same reflection, but at compile-time. This implies:

    − it does not work with separate compilation

    + it is more type-safe

    − larger bytecode

    + faster bytecode

  19. Property delegation, an interesting but risky case of compile-time reflection

    class User(map: Map<String, Any>) {
        val name: String by map
        val age: String by map

    Symbol name becomes a String! Refactoring breaks serialization ABI.

    Providing serialized name explicitly, just a fantasy:

    class User(map: Map<String, Any>) {
        val "name": String by map
        val "age": String by map
    class User(map: Map<String, Any>) {
        val firstName: String by map as "name"
        val yearsAlive: String by map as "age"
  20. Object identity

    if (a == b) // Java
    if (a === b) // Kotlin

    Can be useful as an optimization, but could also indicate a design failure.

  21. DSLs

    DSLs are useful for streaming (kotlinx.html) or wrapping legacy APIs (like Android Views: Anko, Splitties, etc). But if you need to create an object graph, just do it: cann constructors and pass objects there, without any wrappers, like Flutter UI framework does.

  22. Mappers

    Smth smth = new Smth();
        a = someDto.a,
        b = someDto.x.b,
        c = someDto.x.c

    Solution: fix deserializer, SQL query, or whatever.

  23. Convenience methods and overloads

    Imagine a TextView which has setText(CharSequence) method. That's okay.

    Now we add setText(@StringRes int resId) version which just does setText(res.getText(resId)). Why this is bad?

    • SRP is broken. Now you're not only a TextView, you're also an, um, ResourcesAccessor.
    • We're just on our way to add more convenience methods. What about setText(@StringRes int resId, Object... formatArgs) and setQuantity(@PluralsRes int id, int quantity, Object... formatArgs)?
    • You use a TextView somewhere, maybe in a dialog builder. Should you support all these overloads in your interface, too? Or maybe find which one is primary and which are convenience?

    Another bloated examples from Android SDK:

    • View.setBackground: setBackgroundColor, setBackgroundResource
    • ImageView.setImageDrawable: setImageResource, setImageURI, setImageIcon, setImageBitmap

    So, where are setBackgroundBitmap or setImageColor?

    Kotlin: it's okay to add convenience extension functions:

    • they don't bloat the class
    • more overloads can be added without editing class sources
    • in IDE, extensions can be easily distinguished from member functions by their appearance
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