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Last active April 26, 2021 18:48
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A TextView with Picasso targets for compound drawables
package net.aquadc.commonandroid.views
import android.annotation.SuppressLint
import android.content.Context
import android.view.View
import android.widget.TextView
import com.squareup.picasso.Picasso
import java.lang.Exception
import kotlin.contracts.ExperimentalContracts
import kotlin.contracts.InvocationKind
import kotlin.contracts.contract
import kotlin.math.min
* A TextView subclass which has a Picasso Target for each compound drawable.
* The original idea of implementing Target in a TextView was suggested
* by Jake Wharton here:
* This gist permalink:
open class PicassoTextView(context: Context) : TextView(context) {
private companion object {
private val emptyDrawables: Drawable.ConstantState = ColorDrawable().constantState!!
abstract inner class DrawableTarget internal constructor() : com.squareup.picasso.Target {
final override fun onPrepareLoad(placeHolderDrawable: Drawable?): Unit =
final override fun onBitmapFailed(e: Exception, errorDrawable: Drawable?): Unit =
final override fun onBitmapLoaded(bitmap: Bitmap, from: Picasso.LoadedFrom): Unit {
val animate = from != Picasso.LoadedFrom.MEMORY
val drawable =
if (animate)
TransitionDrawable(arrayOf(emptyDrawables.newDrawable(), BitmapDrawable(resources, bitmap)))
.also { it.startTransition(fadeDuration) }
BitmapDrawable(resources, bitmap)
/** Drawable fade duration in millis. */
var fadeDuration: Int = 300
set(value) {
check(value >= 0)
field = value
/** Shows you current drawable. */
@JvmName("get") operator fun invoke(): Drawable? = getDrawable()
/** Allows you to change current drawable. */
@JvmName("set") operator fun invoke(new: Drawable?): Unit = setDrawable(new)
protected abstract fun getDrawable(): Drawable?
protected abstract fun setDrawable(drawable: Drawable?)
inner class CompoundDrawable internal constructor(private val index: Int) : DrawableTarget() {
/** Compound drawable width hint, when {
* <0 -> limit width to abs(width)
* 0 -> use intrinsic width
* >0 -> force width (but save aspect if height is also forced)
* } */
var widthHint: Int = 0
set(new) {
if (field != new) {
field = new
/** Compound drawable height hint, when {
* <0 -> limit height to abs(height)
* 0 -> use intrinsic height
* >0 -> force height (but save aspect if width is also forced)
* } */
var heightHint: Int = 0
set(new) {
if (field != new) {
field = new
override fun getDrawable(): Drawable? =
compoundDrawableAt(index)?.takeIf { it.constantState != emptyDrawables }
override fun setDrawable(drawable: Drawable?) {
val drawable = drawable ?: emptyDrawables.newDrawable()
val imgWidth = drawable.intrinsicWidth
val imgHeight = drawable.intrinsicHeight
var width = widthHint
var height = heightHint
// if dimensions are limited, force smaller
if (width < 0) width = min(-width, imgWidth)
if (height < 0) height = min(-height, imgHeight)
// if dimensions are forced (or limited), apply but save aspect
if (width == 0 && height == 0) {
width = imgWidth
height = imgHeight
} else if (width == 0) { // fit width preserving forced/max height
width = (height.toDouble() / imgHeight * imgWidth).toInt()
} else if (height == 0) { // fit height preserving forced/max width
height = (width.toDouble() / imgWidth * imgHeight).toInt()
} else { // preserve aspect ratio by limiting image size in both directions
val scale = min(width.toDouble() / imgWidth, height.toDouble() / imgHeight)
width = (scale * imgWidth).toInt()
height = (scale * imgHeight).toInt()
drawable.setBounds(0, 0, width, height)
compoundDrawableAt(index, drawable)
private val targets = arrayOfNulls<DrawableTarget>(7)
private fun targetAt(index: Int): CompoundDrawable =
(targets[index] as CompoundDrawable?) ?: CompoundDrawable(index).also { targets[index] = it }
val leftDrawable: CompoundDrawable @JvmName("leftDrawable") get() = targetAt(0)
val topDrawable: CompoundDrawable @JvmName("topDrawable") get() = targetAt(1)
val rightDrawable: CompoundDrawable @JvmName("rightDrawable") get() = targetAt(2)
val bottomDrawable: CompoundDrawable @JvmName("bottomDrawable") get() = targetAt(3)
val startDrawable: CompoundDrawable @JvmName("startDrawable") get() = targetAt(4)
val endDrawable: CompoundDrawable @JvmName("endDrawable") get() = targetAt(5)
val backgroundDrawable: DrawableTarget
@JvmName("backgroundDrawable") get() =
targets[6] ?:
object : DrawableTarget() {
override fun getDrawable(): Drawable? = background
override fun setDrawable(drawable: Drawable?) { background = drawable }
}.also { targets[6] = it }
private fun compoundDrawableAt(index: Int): Drawable? =
if (index < 4) compoundDrawables[index] else compoundDrawablesRelative[2 * (index - 4)]
private fun compoundDrawableAt(index: Int, drawable: Drawable?): Unit =
if (index < 4) compoundDrawables.let {
it[index] = drawable
setCompoundDrawables(it[0], it[1], it[2], it[3])
} else compoundDrawablesRelative.let {
it[2 * (index - 4)] = drawable
setCompoundDrawablesRelative(it[0], it[1], it[2], it[3])
inline fun Context.picassoTextView(init: PicassoTextView.() -> Unit = {}): PicassoTextView {
contract { callsInPlace(init, InvocationKind.EXACTLY_ONCE) }
return PicassoTextView(this).apply(init)
inline fun View.picassoTextView(init: PicassoTextView.() -> Unit = {}): PicassoTextView {
contract { callsInPlace(init, InvocationKind.EXACTLY_ONCE) }
return PicassoTextView(context).apply(init)
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