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Created October 23, 2012 08:06
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Matrix template (C++11 only!)
#ifndef MATRIX_HPP
#define MATRIX_HPP
#include <array>
#include <initializer_list>
#define MTXTMP template <typename T, unsigned int rows, unsigned int cols>
/* Matrix class template */
MTXTMP class matrix {
std::array<std::array<T, cols>, rows> myVal;
template <typename T_, unsigned int rows_, unsigned int cols_>
struct calc_det {T_ operator()(const matrix<T_, rows_, cols_>&) const;};
template <typename T_> struct calc_det<T_, 1, 1> {T_ operator()(const matrix<T_, 1, 1>&) const;};
template <typename T_> struct calc_det<T_, 2, 2> {T_ operator()(const matrix<T_, 2, 2>&) const;};
template <typename T_, unsigned int size>
struct calc_det<T_, size, size> {T_ operator()(const matrix<T_, size, size>&) const;};
template <typename T_, unsigned int rows_, unsigned int cols_>
struct calc_inv {const matrix<T_, rows_, cols_> operator()(const matrix<T_, rows_, cols_>&) const;};
template <typename T_> struct calc_inv<T_, 1, 1> {const matrix<T_, 1, 1> operator()(const matrix<T_, 1, 1>&) const;};
template <typename T_> struct calc_inv<T_, 2, 2> {const matrix<T_, 2, 2> operator()(const matrix<T_, 2, 2>&) const;};
template <typename T_, unsigned int size>
struct calc_inv<T_, size, size> {const matrix<T_, size, size> operator()(const matrix<T_, size, size>&) const;};
template <typename T_, unsigned int rows_, unsigned int cols_>
struct calc_uptriag {bool operator()(const matrix<T_, rows_, cols_>&) const;};
template <typename T_, unsigned int size>
struct calc_uptriag<T_, size, size> {bool operator()(const matrix<T_, size, size>&) const;};
template <typename T_, unsigned int rows_, unsigned int cols_>
struct calc_lwtriag {bool operator()(const matrix<T_, rows_, cols_>&) const;};
template <typename T_, unsigned int size>
struct calc_lwtriag<T_, size, size> {bool operator()(const matrix<T_, size, size>&) const;};
matrix(std::initializer_list<std::initializer_list<T> > list);
std::array<T, cols> getrow(unsigned int row) const;
std::array<T, rows> getcol(unsigned int col) const;
T getval(unsigned int row, unsigned int col) const;
void setval(unsigned int row, unsigned int col, const T val);
matrix<T, cols, rows> transpose() const;
matrix<T, rows, cols> operator+() const;
matrix<T, rows, cols> operator+(const matrix<T, rows, cols>& operand) const;
matrix<T, rows, cols>& operator+=(const matrix<T, rows, cols>& operand);
matrix<T, rows, cols> operator-() const;
matrix<T, rows, cols> operator-(const matrix<T, rows, cols>& operand) const;
matrix<T, rows, cols>& operator-=(const matrix<T, rows, cols>& operand);
matrix<T, rows, cols> operator*(const T operand) const;
matrix<T, rows, cols>& operator*=(const T operand);
template <unsigned int opcols>
matrix<T, rows, opcols> operator*(const matrix<T, cols, opcols>& operand) const;
T determinant() const;
matrix<T, rows, cols> invert() const;
template <typename T_, unsigned int rows_, unsigned int cols_>
bool operator==(const matrix<T_, rows_, cols_>& operand) const;
template <typename T_, unsigned int rows_, unsigned int cols_>
bool operator!=(const matrix<T_, rows_, cols_>& operand) const;
bool is_upper_triangular() const;
bool is_lower_triangular() const;
bool is_triangular() const;
bool is_diagonal() const;
/* Identity matrix */
template <typename T, unsigned size> matrix<T, size, size> identity() {
static_assert(size > 0, "Invalid size of matrix");
matrix<T, size, size> e;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < size; i++)
for (unsigned j = 0; j < size; j++)
e.setval(i, j, (i == j) ? 1 : 0);
return e;
/* Default constructor */
MTXTMP matrix<T, rows, cols>::matrix() {
static_assert((rows * cols) > 0, "Invalid size of matrix");
/* Constructor with initializer list */
MTXTMP matrix<T, rows, cols>::matrix(std::initializer_list<std::initializer_list<T> > list) {
static_assert((rows * cols) > 0, "Invalid size of matrix");
unsigned int row = 0;
for (auto k = list.begin(); k != list.end(); ++k) {
unsigned int col = 0;
for (auto l = k->begin(); l != k->end(); ++l) {
myVal[row][col++] = *l;
/* Row getter */
MTXTMP std::array<T, cols> matrix<T, rows, cols>::getrow(unsigned int row) const {
return std::array<T, cols>(myVal[row]);
/* Column getter */
MTXTMP std::array<T, rows> matrix<T, rows, cols>::getcol(unsigned int col) const {
std::array<T, rows> ans;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < cols; i++)
ans[i] = myVal[i][col];
return ans;
/* Getter */
MTXTMP T matrix<T, rows, cols>::getval(unsigned int row, unsigned int col) const {
return myVal[row][col];
/* Setter */
MTXTMP void matrix<T, rows, cols>::setval(unsigned int row, unsigned int col, const T val) {
myVal[row][col] = val;
/* Transpose */
MTXTMP matrix<T, cols, rows> matrix<T, rows, cols>::transpose() const {
matrix<T, cols, rows> ans;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < cols; i++)
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < rows; j++)
ans[i][j] = myVal[j][i];
return ans;
/* Unary plus */
MTXTMP matrix<T, rows, cols> matrix<T, rows, cols>::operator+() const {
return *this;
/* Negation */
MTXTMP matrix<T, rows, cols> matrix<T, rows, cols>::operator-() const {
return (*this) * ((T)(-1));
/* Addition */
MTXTMP matrix<T, rows, cols> matrix<T, rows, cols>::operator+(const matrix<T, rows, cols>& operand) const {
matrix<T, rows, cols> ans;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < cols; j++)
ans.myVal[i][j] = myVal[i][j] + operand.myVal[i][j];
return ans;
MTXTMP matrix<T, rows, cols>& matrix<T, rows, cols>::operator+=(const matrix<T, rows, cols>& operand) {
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < cols; j++)
myVal[i][j] += operand.myVal[i][j];
return *this;
/* Subtraction */
MTXTMP matrix<T, rows, cols> matrix<T, rows, cols>::operator-(const matrix<T, rows, cols>& operand) const {
return (*this) + (-operand);
MTXTMP matrix<T, rows, cols>& matrix<T, rows, cols>::operator-=(const matrix<T, rows, cols>& operand) {
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < cols; j++)
myVal[i][j] -= operand.myVal[i][j];
return *this;
/* Scalar multiplication */
MTXTMP matrix<T, rows, cols> matrix<T, rows, cols>::operator*(const T operand) const {
matrix<T, rows, cols> ans;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < cols; j++)
ans.myVal[i][j] = myVal[i][j] * operand;
return ans;
MTXTMP matrix<T, rows, cols>& matrix<T, rows, cols>::operator*=(const T operand) {
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < cols; j++)
myVal[i][j] *= operand;
return *this;
/* Matrix multiplication */
MTXTMP template <unsigned int opcols> matrix<T, rows, opcols> matrix<T, rows, cols>::operator*(const matrix<T, cols, opcols>& operand) const {
matrix<T, rows, opcols> ans = {};
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < opcols; j++)
for (unsigned int k = 0; k < cols; k++)
ans.setval(i, j, ans.getval(i, j) + this->getval(i, k) * operand.getval(k, j));
return ans;
/* Determinant (function object, error) */
MTXTMP template <typename T_, unsigned int rows_, unsigned int cols_>
T_ matrix<T, rows, cols>::calc_det<T_, rows_, cols_>::operator()(const matrix<T_, rows_, cols_>&) const {
throw std::domain_error("Not a square matrix");
/* 1x1 matrix (in fact this is a scalar) determinant */
MTXTMP template <typename T_> T_ matrix<T, rows, cols>::calc_det<T_, 1, 1>::operator()(const matrix<T_, 1, 1>& arg) const {
return arg.getval(0, 0);
/* 2x2 matrix determinant */
MTXTMP template <typename T_> T_ matrix<T, rows, cols>::calc_det<T_, 2, 2>::operator()(const matrix<T_, 2, 2>& arg) const {
return arg.getval(0, 0) * arg.getval(1, 1) - arg.getval(0, 1) * arg.getval(1, 0);
/* nxn matrix determinant */
MTXTMP template <typename T_, unsigned int size> T_ matrix<T, rows, cols>::calc_det<T_, size, size>::operator()(const matrix<T_, size, size>& arg) const {
T_ det;
if (arg.is_triangular()) {
det = T_(1);
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
det *= arg.getval(i, i);
} else {
matrix<T_, size - 1, size - 1> minor;
det = T_(0);
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
for (int p = 0; p < (size - 1); p++)
for (int q = 1; q < size; q++)
minor.setval(p, q - 1, arg.getval((p >= i) ? (p + 1) : p, q));
if (i % 2 == 0)
det += arg.getval(i, 0) * minor.determinant();
det -= arg.getval(i, 0) * minor.determinant();
return det;
/* Determinant */
MTXTMP T matrix<T, rows, cols>::determinant() const {
return calc_det<T, rows, cols>()(*this);
/* Invertion (function object, error) */
MTXTMP template <typename T_, unsigned int rows_, unsigned int cols_> const matrix<T_, rows_, cols_>
matrix<T, rows, cols>::calc_inv<T_, rows_, cols_>::operator()(const matrix<T_, rows_, cols_>&) const {
throw std::domain_error("Not a square matrix");
/* 1x1 matrix (in fact this is a scalar) inversion */
MTXTMP template <typename T_> const matrix<T_, 1, 1> matrix<T, rows, cols>::calc_inv<T_, 1, 1>::operator()(const matrix<T_, 1, 1>& arg) const {
T_ det = arg.determinant();
if (det == T_(0)) throw std::domain_error("Cannot invert a singular matrix");
return matrix<T_, 1, 1>({
{arg.getval(0, 0) / det,},
/* 2x2 matrix inversion */
MTXTMP template <typename T_> const matrix<T_, 2, 2> matrix<T, rows, cols>::calc_inv<T_, 2, 2>::operator()(const matrix<T_, 2, 2>& arg) const {
T_ det = arg.determinant();
if (det == T_(0)) throw std::domain_error("Cannot invert a singular matrix");
return matrix<T_, 2, 2>({
{arg.getval(1, 1) / det, -arg.getval(0, 1) / det,},
{-arg.getval(0, 1) / det, arg.getval(0, 0) / det,},
/* nxn matrix inversion */
MTXTMP template <typename T_, unsigned int size> const matrix<T_, size, size>
matrix<T, rows, cols>::calc_inv<T_, size, size>::operator()(const matrix<T_, size, size>& arg) const {
matrix<T_, size, size> inverse;
matrix<T_, size - 1, size - 1> minor;
T_ det = arg.determinant();
if (det == T_(0)) throw std::domain_error("Cannot invert a singular matrix");
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) {
for (int p = 0; p < (size - 1); p++)
for (int q = 0; q < (size - 1); q++)
minor.setval(p, q, arg.getval((p >= i) ? (p + 1) : p, (q >= j) ? (q + 1) : q));
if ((i + j) % 2 == 0)
inverse.setval(j, i, minor.determinant() / det);
inverse.setval(j, i, -minor.determinant() / det);
return inverse;
/* Inversion */
MTXTMP matrix<T, rows, cols> matrix<T, rows, cols>::invert() const {
return calc_inv<T, rows, cols>()(*this);
/* Equality */
MTXTMP template <typename T_, unsigned int rows_, unsigned int cols_>
bool matrix<T, rows, cols>::operator==(const matrix<T_, rows_, cols_>& operand) const {
if ((rows != rows_) || (cols != cols_))
return false;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < rows; i++)
for (unsigned j = 0; j < cols; j++)
if (myVal[i][j] != operand.getval(i, j))
return false;
return true;
/* Non-equality */
MTXTMP template <typename T_, unsigned int rows_, unsigned int cols_>
bool matrix<T, rows, cols>::operator!=(const matrix<T_, rows_, cols_>& operand) const {
return !((*this) == operand);
/* is upper triangular? (function object, error) */
MTXTMP template <typename T_, unsigned int rows_, unsigned int cols_>
bool matrix<T, rows, cols>::calc_uptriag<T_, rows_, cols_>::operator()(const matrix<T_, rows_, cols_>&) const {
throw std::domain_error("Not a square matrix");
/* is upper triangular? (function object, square) */
MTXTMP template <typename T_, unsigned int size> bool matrix<T, rows, cols>::calc_uptriag<T_, size, size>::operator()(const matrix<T_, size, size>& arg) const {
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < i; j++)
if (arg.getval(i, j) != T_(0))
return false;
return true;
/* is lower triangular? (function object, error) */
MTXTMP template <typename T_, unsigned int rows_, unsigned int cols_>
bool matrix<T, rows, cols>::calc_lwtriag<T_, rows_, cols_>::operator()(const matrix<T_, rows_, cols_>&) const {
throw std::domain_error("Not a square matrix");
/* is lower triangular? (function object, square) */
MTXTMP template <typename T_, unsigned int size> bool matrix<T, rows, cols>::calc_lwtriag<T_, size, size>::operator()(const matrix<T_, size, size>& arg) const {
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
for (int j = i + 1; j < size; j++)
if (arg.getval(i, j) != T_(0))
return false;
return true;
/* is upper triangular? */
MTXTMP bool matrix<T, rows, cols>::is_upper_triangular() const {
return calc_uptriag<T, rows, cols>()(*this);
/* is lower triangular? */
MTXTMP bool matrix<T, rows, cols>::is_lower_triangular() const {
return calc_lwtriag<T, rows, cols>()(*this);
/* is triangular? */
MTXTMP bool matrix<T, rows, cols>::is_triangular() const {
return is_upper_triangular() || is_lower_triangular();
/* is diagonal? */
MTXTMP bool matrix<T, rows, cols>::is_diagonal() const {
return is_upper_triangular() && is_lower_triangular();
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