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Created July 15, 2013 06:55
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Functions for statistics
-- Functions for statistics
import Data.List
-- Averages
average p = (sum p) / (fromIntegral $ length p) -- arithmetic mean
geomean p = (product p) ** (1.0 / (fromIntegral $ length p)) -- geometric mean
harmean p = (fromIntegral $ length p) / (sum $ map (\x -> 1.0 / x) p) -- harmonic mean
rms p = sqrt $ average $ map (\x -> x * x) p -- quadratic mean (RMS)
-- Quantile
quantile q p | 0 <= q && q <= 1 -- any quantile
= f p $ fromIntegral 1 - q + q * (fromIntegral $ length p)
where f p x | ceiling x /= floor x = ((fromIntegral $ ceiling x) - x) * (sort p !! (floor x - 1))
+ (x - (fromIntegral $ floor x)) * (sort p !! (ceiling x - 1))
| otherwise = sort p !! (truncate x - 1)
quantile q _ | otherwise = 0/0 -- out of range: intentionally returns NaN
median p = quantile 0.50 p -- median
quart 0 p = quantile 0.00 p -- zeroth quartile (minimum)
quart 1 p = quantile 0.25 p -- first quartile
quart 2 p = quantile 0.50 p -- second quartile (median)
quart 3 p = quantile 0.75 p -- third quartile
quart 4 p = quantile 1.00 p -- fourth quartile (maximum)
quart _ _ = 0/0 -- invalid: intentionally returns NaN
lquart p = quart 1 p -- lower (first) quartile
uquart p = quart 3 p -- upper (third) quartile
iqr p = uquart p - lquart p -- interquartile range (IQR), or middle fifty
-- Moments
var p = average $ map (\x -> (x - average p) ** 2) p -- variance
stddev p = sqrt $ var p -- standard deviation
moment q p = average $ map (\x -> (x - average p) ** q) p -- moment
skew p = moment 3 p / (stddev p ** 3) -- skewness
kurt p = moment 4 p / (stddev p ** 4) - 3 -- (excess) kurtosis
-- Functions for outlier detection
inSigma q p x = abs ((x - average p) / stddev p) <= q -- check if given x in population p is within q times sigma
in2sigma = inSigma 2
in3sigma = inSigma 3
filterSigma q p = filter (inSigma q p) p -- from population p drop members which is out of q times sigma
filter2sigma = filterSigma 2
filter3sigma = filterSigma 3
inIqr q p x = x <= (uquart p + q * iqr p) && x >= (lquart p - q * iqr p) -- check if given x in population p is within q times IQR
in1_5iqr = inIqr 1.5
filterIqr q p = filter (inIqr q p) p -- from population p drop members which is out of q times IQR
filter1_5iqr = filterIqr 1.5
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