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Created March 23, 2021 15:33
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import time
import uuid
from typing import Iterator
from collections import deque
from contextlib import contextmanager
import threading
import traceback
import sqlalchemy
import sqlalchemy.event
import sqlalchemy.orm
from sqlalchemy.orm import Session
# importing logger class
from common.logger import Logger
__all__ = (
class DatabaseIsolationLevel:
read_committed = 'READ_COMMITTED'
repeatable_read = 'REPEATABLE_READ'
serializable = 'SERIALIZABLE'
default = read_committed
def uuid_simple():
return uuid.uuid4().hex[:8]
class DatabaseMixin:
__session_class__ = Session
__db_thread_local = threading.local()
__db_logger = Logger('db')
def __init_subclass__(cls, db_url=None, db_base=None, **kwargs):
cls._db_url = db_url
cls._db_base = db_base
def engine(self, isolation_level=None) -> sqlalchemy.engine.Engine:
isolation_level = isolation_level or DatabaseIsolationLevel.default
key = (self._db_url, isolation_level)
if not hasattr(self.__db_thread_local, 'engines'):
self.__db_thread_local.engines = {}
engine = self.__db_thread_local.engines.get(key, None)
if engine is None:
engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine(self._db_url, isolation_level=isolation_level,
pool_recycle=500, pool_size=30, pool_pre_ping=True)
def cut_long(statement, length: int = 3000):
statement = str(statement).replace('\n', ' ')
while ' ' in statement:
statement = statement.replace(' ', ' ')
return statement[:length]
@sqlalchemy.event.listens_for(engine, 'before_cursor_execute')
def before_cursor_execute(conn, _, statement, params, ____, _____):
query_id = uuid_simple()'query_start_time', deque()).appendleft(time.time())'query_id', deque()).appendleft(query_id)
self.__db_logger.debug(f'Query started', query_id=query_id, statement=cut_long(statement),
@sqlalchemy.event.listens_for(engine, 'after_cursor_execute')
def after_cursor_execute(conn, _, __, ___, ____, _____):
query_id =['query_id'].pop()
elapsed = time.time() -['query_start_time'].pop()
elapsed_ms = int(elapsed * 1000)
self.__db_logger.debug(f'Query completed', query_id=query_id, elapsed_ms=elapsed_ms)'Connected to database', db_url=repr(engine), isolation_level=isolation_level)
self.__db_thread_local.engines[key] = engine
return engine
def sessionmaker(self, isolation_level=None) -> sqlalchemy.orm.sessionmaker:
isolation_level = isolation_level or DatabaseIsolationLevel.default
key = (self._db_url, isolation_level)
if not hasattr(self.__db_thread_local, 'sessionmakers'):
self.__db_thread_local.sessionmakers = {}
sessionmaker = self.__db_thread_local.sessionmakers.get(key, None)
if sessionmaker is None:
sessionmaker = sqlalchemy.orm.sessionmaker(bind=self.engine(isolation_level=isolation_level),
self.__db_thread_local.sessionmakers[key] = sessionmaker
return sessionmaker
def connect(self, autoflush=False, autocommit=False, expire_on_commit=False,
isolation_level=None) -> Iterator[Session]:
Example usage:
db = DatabaseETL()
with db.connect() as session:
:param autoflush: When ``True``, all query operations will issue a
:meth:`~.Session.flush` call to this ``Session`` before proceeding.
This is a convenience feature so that :meth:`~.Session.flush` need
not be called repeatedly in order for database queries to retrieve
results. It's typical that ``autoflush`` is used in conjunction
with ``autocommit=False``. In this scenario, explicit calls to
:meth:`~.Session.flush` are rarely needed; you usually only need to
call :meth:`~.Session.commit` (which flushes) to finalize changes.
:param autocommit:
.. warning::
The autocommit flag is **not for general use**, and if it is
used, queries should only be invoked within the span of a
:meth:`.Session.begin` / :meth:`.Session.commit` pair. Executing
queries outside of a demarcated transaction is a legacy mode
of usage, and can in some cases lead to concurrent connection
Defaults to ``False``. When ``True``, the
:class:`.Session` does not keep a persistent transaction running,
and will acquire connections from the engine on an as-needed basis,
returning them immediately after their use. Flushes will begin and
commit (or possibly rollback) their own transaction if no
transaction is present. When using this mode, the
:meth:`.Session.begin` method is used to explicitly start
:param expire_on_commit: Defaults to ``False``. When ``True``, all
instances will be fully expired after each :meth:`~.commit`,
so that all attribute/object access subsequent to a completed
transaction will load from the most recent database state.
:param isolation_level: this string parameter is interpreted by various
dialects in order to affect the transaction isolation level of the
database connection. The parameter essentially accepts some subset of
these string arguments: ``"SERIALIZABLE"``, ``"REPEATABLE_READ"``,
Behavior here varies per backend, and
individual dialects should be consulted directly.
transaction_id = uuid_simple()
session: Session = self.sessionmaker(isolation_level)(autoflush=autoflush, autocommit=autocommit,
self.__db_logger.debug('Transaction started', transaction_id=transaction_id)
yield session
except BaseException as e:
self.__db_logger.warning(f'Rolling back db transaction {transaction_id}', exception=e,
self.__db_logger.debug('Transaction finished', transaction_id=transaction_id)
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