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Created September 15, 2023 11:20
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package main
import (
var prefix []byte
func main() {
prefixString := "00000000" // we compare only to the first 7 hex symbols, see compareHashPrefix
prefix = make([]byte, len(prefixString)/2)
_, err := hex.Decode(prefix, []byte(prefixString))
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Failed to decode prefix: %v", err)
fmt.Println("Prefix:", prefix)
// Arrays of synonyms for different words in the base sentence
synonyms := [][]string{
{"Beneath the veil of", "Within the depths of", "Underneath the cover of"},
{"digital", "binary", "cyber"},
{"realms,", "domains,", "territories,"},
{"in a delicate", "within a gentle", "amidst a soft", "in a subtle"},
{"dance of zeros,", "rhythm of silence,", "symphony of stillness,"},
{"seven", "sevenfold", "heptadic"},
{"zeros", "nulls", "voids"},
{"emerge to", "surfacing to", "rise and"},
{"conjure a", "weave a", "craft an", "paint a"},
{"serene", "tranquil", "calm", "peaceful"},
{"canvas.", "landscape.", "portrait.", "masterpiece."},
{"Like celestial", "Resembling celestial", "As if celestial"},
{"beacons in", "guiding lights in", "illuminations amidst"},
{"a luminous", "an ethereal", "a celestial"},
{"night sky,", "universe,", "cosmos,"},
{"they manifest", "they materialize", "they come to life"},
{"in the form of", "as", "morphing into"},
{"an arcanum", "a mystery", "an enigma"},
{"of seven-fold", "with seven", "with heptadic", "with sevenfold"},
{"serenity,", "tranquility,", "stillness,"},
{"with", "holding", "bearing"},
{"divine", "sacred", "holy"},
{"grace.", "elegance.", "majesty."},
// Convert the string to a byte slice
/* targetHashPrefix, err := hex.DecodeString(targetHashPrefixStr)
if err != nil {
} */
for i := 0; i < len(synonyms)-1; i++ {
for j := 0; j < len(synonyms[i]); j++ {
if synonyms[i][j][len(synonyms[i][j])-1] != '\n' {
synonyms[i][j] += " "
totalCombinations := 1
for _, syns := range synonyms {
totalCombinations *= len(syns)
fmt.Println("Total combinations:", totalCombinations)
var wg sync.WaitGroup
results := make(chan []byte, 20)
done := make(chan bool)
threads := 16
for i := 0; i < threads; i++ {
go func(offset int) {
defer wg.Done()
for j := offset; j < totalCombinations; j += threads {
sentence := buildSentence(j, synonyms)
hash := sha256.Sum256(sentence)
if compareHashPrefix(hash) {
results <- sentence
go func() {
done <- true
for {
select {
case sentence := <-results:
fmt.Println("Found a match!")
fmt.Println("Sentence:", string(sentence))
case <-done:
func buildSentence(num int, synonyms [][]string) []byte {
var sentence []byte
tempI := num
for j := 0; j < len(synonyms); j++ {
sentence = append(sentence, []byte(synonyms[j][tempI%len(synonyms[j])])...)
tempI /= len(synonyms[j])
return sentence
func compareHashPrefix(hash [32]byte) bool {
return hash[0] == prefix[0] && hash[1] == prefix[1] && hash[2] == prefix[2] && (hash[3]&0xf0) == prefix[3]&0xf0
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