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Last active July 10, 2023 14:09
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A very simple script to see which Destiny 2 exotic has which intrinsic stat focus.
import requests, os, json
# First, download the manifest overview
# Define the required tables. We need InventoryItem and the Plugs
requiredTables = [
2996146975: 0, # Mobility
392767087: 1, # Resilience
1943323491: 2, # Recovery
1735777505: 3, # Discipline
144602215: 4, # Intellect
4244567218: 5 # Strength
# Get the manifest
manifest = requests.get('').json()
manifest_version = manifest['Response']['version']
# create the manifest directories
if not os.path.exists('manifest'):
if not os.path.exists('manifest/' + manifest_version):
os.makedirs('manifest/' + manifest_version)
# download the tables, if they are not already downloaded
for table in requiredTables:
filename = 'manifest/' + manifest_version + '/' + table + '.json'
if os.path.isfile(filename):
print(table + " already downloaded")
print("Downloading " + table + "...")
table_url = '' + manifest['Response']['jsonWorldComponentContentPaths']['en'][table]
table_file = requests.get(table_url)
with open(filename, 'wb') as f:
print("Downloaded " + table + " to " + filename)
# Actually load the manifest
print("Loading manifest...")
tables = {table:json.load(open(f"manifest/{manifest_version}/{table}.json", encoding="utf8")) for table in requiredTables}
# Grab exotic armor
exotic_armor = [
k for _, k in tables["DestinyInventoryItemDefinition"].items()
if k["itemType"] == 2 # type: armor
and k["inventory"]["tierType"] == 6 # tier: exotic
# armor 2.0
and k["sockets"]["socketEntries"][0]["socketTypeHash"] in [1718047805] # MRR
def get_stat_minimum(item):
# Get plugs. MRR are sockets 0 and 1, DIS are sockets 2 and 3
socketCategories = [
_["socketIndexes"][:4] for _ in item["sockets"]["socketCategories"] if _["socketCategoryHash"] == 3154740035
sockets = [sock for k, sock in enumerate(item["sockets"]["socketEntries"]) if k in socketCategories]
# map sockets to their plugs
socket_plugs = [
for socket in sockets
# now map the plugs to their inventory items, and then to their stats
def mapToStats(plug):
result = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
entries = tables["DestinyInventoryItemDefinition"][str(plug["plugItemHash"])]["investmentStats"]
for entry in entries:
result[STAT_TO_INDEX[entry["statTypeHash"]]] = entry["value"]
return result
socket_plugs = [
[mapToStats(i) for i in socket_plug["reusablePlugItems"]]
for socket_plug in socket_plugs
# flatten and dedupe
socket_plugs = [item for sublist in socket_plugs for item in sublist]
socket_plugs = list(set([tuple(plug) for plug in socket_plugs]))
# now we have an array with shape [sockets][6]
# we want to find the minimum of each stat
minima = [min([plug[i] for plug in socket_plugs if plug[i] > 0]) for i in range(6)]
# if any stat is > 1, return the index; otherwise, -1
if any([minima[i] > 1 for i in range(6)]):
return minima.index(max(minima))
return -1
intrinsics = {item["displayProperties"]["name"]: get_stat_minimum(item) for item in exotic_armor}
STAT_NAMES = ["Mobility", "Resilience", "Recovery", "Discipline", "Intellect", "Strength", "-"]
# sort by name (key)
intrinsics = {k: v for k, v in sorted(intrinsics.items(), key=lambda item: item[0])}
for name in intrinsics:
print(f"{name:30} {STAT_NAMES[intrinsics[name]]}")
ACD/0 Feedback Fence -
Abeyant Leap -
Actium War Rig -
Aeon Safe -
Aeon Soul -
Aeon Swift -
An Insurmountable Skullfort Strength
Antaeus Wards -
Apotheosis Veil Intellect
Arbor Warden -
Armamentarium Discipline
Ashen Wake Discipline
Assassin's Cowl -
Astrocyte Verse -
Athrys's Embrace Strength
Ballidorse Wrathweavers -
Blight Ranger -
Boots of the Assembler -
Cadmus Ridge Lancecap -
Caliban's Hand -
Celestial Nighthawk Intellect
Cenotaph Mask -
Chromatic Fire -
Citan's Ramparts Resilience
Claws of Ahamkara Strength
Contraverse Hold Discipline
Crest of Alpha Lupi -
Crown of Tempests -
Cuirass of the Falling Star Intellect
Cyrtarachne's Facade -
Dawn Chorus -
Doom Fang Pauldron -
Dunemarchers -
Eternal Warrior Intellect
Eye of Another World -
Fallen Sunstar -
Felwinter's Helm -
Foetracer -
Fr0st-EE5 -
Gemini Jester Mobility
Geomag Stabilizers -
Getaway Artist Discipline
Graviton Forfeit -
Gwisin Vest Intellect
Gyrfalcon's Hauberk -
Hallowfire Heart -
Heart of Inmost Light -
Helm of Saint-14 Intellect
Hoarfrost-Z -
Icefall Mantle Resilience
Karnstein Armlets -
Khepri's Horn -
Khepri's Sting Strength
Knucklehead Radar -
Liar's Handshake -
Lion Rampant -
Loreley Splendor Helm -
Lucky Pants -
Lucky Raspberry Discipline
Lunafaction Boots Recovery
Mantle of Battle Harmony -
Mask of Bakris Mobility
Mask of the Quiet One -
Mechaneer's Tricksleeves -
Mk. 44 Stand Asides -
Necrotic Grip -
Nezarec's Sin -
No Backup Plans -
Nothing Manacles Discipline
Oathkeeper -
Omnioculus -
One-Eyed Mask -
Ophidia Spathe Strength
Ophidian Aspect -
Orpheus Rig Intellect
Osmiomancy Gloves -
Peacekeepers -
Peregrine Greaves Strength
Phoenix Cradle -
Phoenix Protocol Intellect
Point-Contact Cannon Brace -
Precious Scars -
Promethium Spur Intellect
Radiant Dance Machines -
Raiden Flux Intellect
Raiju's Harness Intellect
Rain of Fire -
Renewal Grasps -
Sanguine Alchemy Recovery
Sealed Ahamkara Grasps -
Secant Filaments -
Second Chance -
Severance Enclosure -
Shards of Galanor Intellect
Shinobu's Vow Discipline
Skull of Dire Ahamkara Intellect
Speedloader Slacks -
St0mp-EE5 -
Star-Eater Scales Intellect
Starfire Protocol Discipline
Stormdancer's Brace Intellect
Stronghold -
Sunbracers -
Swarmers -
Synthoceps -
The Bombardiers Mobility
The Dragon's Shadow Mobility
The Path of Burning Steps -
The Sixth Coyote Mobility
The Stag -
Transversive Steps -
Triton Vice -
Ursa Furiosa -
Verity's Brow -
Vesper of Radius Recovery
Wings of Sacred Dawn -
Winter's Guile -
Wormgod Caress -
Wormhusk Crown Mobility
Young Ahamkara's Spine Discipline
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