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Created September 19, 2023 08:44
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Example script for opening large file
#Python script for having a peek in a large file
#Tested in python 3.11
#Script character encoding: utf-8 (this is mostly important for the current place_holder for unprintables which you can replace if needed)
#File to open
filename = '/srv/storage/Artifacts/Wiki Data Dumps/enwiktionary-20200220-pages-articles-multistream.xml'
#Start position
offset = 2 << 30 # 2 gigabytes in
#Create list of unprintable bytes
unprintable_bytes = bytes(b for b in range(32) if b not in (9, 10, 13)) #bytes 0 .. 31 except tab, line feed and carriage return
#Place holder character (replace this if your system is having issues rendering this one)
place_holder = '·'
#Open file
with open(filename, 'rb') as infile:
#Seek to position
#Read 1 megabyte of data at this position
chunk = << 20)
#Filter out unprintable characters
filtered_chunk = ''.join(place_holder if b in unprintable_bytes else chr(b) for b in chunk)
#Present result
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