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Last active July 12, 2019 22:31
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Wash / BitBar Examples
#!/usr/bin/env wash
# Count all and all running EC2 instances
running=`find aws -action exec -meta .State.Name running 2>/dev/null | wc -l | xargs`
total=`find aws -action exec -meta .State.Name -exists 2>/dev/null | wc -l | xargs`
echo EC2 $running / $total
# Count S3 buckets
buckets=`find aws -maxdepth 4 -path '*/resources/s3/*' 2>/dev/null | wc -l | xargs`
echo S3 $buckets
# Count docker containers (docker plugin currently only lists running containers)
count=`ls docker/containers | wc -l | xargs`
echo Docker $count
#!/usr/bin/env wash
# Still a work in progress: find all instances that have expired, based on the 'lifetime' tag.
# Get the name, lifetime, and creation time of instances a specified 'lifetime'.
find . -meta .Tags[?].Key lifetime | xargs -n1 -I {} bash -c "echo {}; meta {} | jq -r '(.Tags[] | select(.Key == \"lifetime\") | .Value), .CreationTime'"
#!/usr/bin/env wash
# Filter container logs for warnings in the last 24 hours
count=`cat kubernetes/gke_shared-k8s_us-west1-a_shared-k8s-prod/dujour-prod/pods/dujour-6fb5b6f55c-* \
| agrind "* | parse '* WARN ' as timestamp | where timestamp > '$(TZ=UTC date -v -1d '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')' | count" \
| /usr/bin/tail -n1`
echo Warn -24h $count
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MikaelSmith commented May 28, 2019

Put scripts in ~/Documents/bitbar and run BitBar (or refresh from another bitbar menu).

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