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Last active August 29, 2015 14:06
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  • Save MikaelSmith/d885c72dd87e61e3f969 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save MikaelSmith/d885c72dd87e61e3f969 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Build script that downloads dependencies and builds puppetlabs/cfacter.
# Starting from a base Windows Server 2008r2 or 2012r2 installation, install required tools, setup the PATH, and download and build software.
# This script can be run directly from the web using "iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString('<url_to_raw>'))"
### Configuration
## Setup the working directory
## Set the number of cores to use for parallel builds
## Choose whether to download pre-built libraries or build from source
## Choose 32 or 64-bit build
$mingwVerNum = "4.8.3"
$mingwVerChoco = "${mingwVerNum}.20141208"
$mingwThreads = "posix"
if ($arch -eq 64) {
$mingwExceptions = "seh"
$mingwArch = "x86_64"
} else {
$mingwExceptions = "dwarf"
$mingwArch = "i686"
$mingwVer = "${mingwArch}_mingw-w64_${mingwVerNum}_${mingwThreads}_${mingwExceptions}"
$boostVerNum = "1.55.0"
$boostVer = "boost_$(${boostVerNum}.Replace('.', '_'))"
$boostPkg = "${boostVer}-${mingwVer}"
$yamlCppVerNum = "0.5.1"
$yamlCppVer = "yaml-cpp-${yamlCppVerNum}"
$yamlPkg = "${yamlCppVer}-${mingwVer}"
### Setup, build, and install
## Install Chocolatey, then use it to install required tools.
iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString(''))
choco install 7zip.commandline cmake git ruby python doxygen.install
choco install mingw -Version "${mingwVerChoco}"
$env:PATH = [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("Path","Machine") + ";" + [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("Path","User")
cd $sourceDir
## Download cfacter and setup build directories
git clone --recursive
mkdir -Force cfacter\release\ext
cd cfacter\release
cd ext
if ($buildSource) {
## Download, build, and install Boost
(New-Object net.webclient).DownloadFile("$boostVerNum/$boostVer.7z", "$toolsDir\$boostVer.7z")
& 7za x "${boostVer}.7z" | FIND /V "ing "
cd $boostVer
.\bootstrap mingw
$args = @(
.\b2 $args
cd $toolsDir
## Download, build, and install yaml-cpp
(New-Object net.webclient).DownloadFile("${yamlCppVer}.tar.gz", "$toolsDir\${yamlCppVer}.tar.gz")
& 7za x "${yamlCppVer}.tar.gz"
& 7za x "${yamlCppVer}.tar" | FIND /V "ing "
cd $yamlCppVer
mkdir build
cd build
$args = @(
"MinGW Makefiles",
cmake $args
mingw32-make install -j $cores
cd $toolsDir
} else {
## Download and unpack Boost from a pre-built package in S3
(New-Object net.webclient).DownloadFile("${boostPkg}.7z", "$toolsDir\${boostPkg}.7z")
& 7za x "${boostPkg}.7z" | FIND /V "ing "
## Download and unpack yaml-cpp from a pre-built package in S3
(New-Object net.webclient).DownloadFile("${yamlPkg}.7z", "$toolsDir\${yamlPkg}.7z")
& 7za x "${yamlPkg}.7z" | FIND /V "ing "
## Build CFacter
cd $buildDir
$args = @(
"MinGW Makefiles",
cmake $args
mingw32-make -j $cores
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