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Last active April 4, 2024 21:22
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Very Basic Airplane Simulator
import asyncio
import time
from math import sin, cos, atan2, tan, radians, degrees
import random
from windlock_beta.flight_control.flight_controller import ControlInput
GRAVITY_ACC = 9.80665 # m/s^2
def mph_to_ms(speed_mph):
return speed_mph * 0.44704
def mph_to_kts(speed_mph):
return speed_mph * 0.868976
def mph_to_fps(speed_mph):
return speed_mph * 5280 / (60 * 60)
class Sim172:
def __init__(self):
# Internal members
self.__is_simulating = False # True when simulation is running, false otherwise
self.__is_stalled = False # True when the airplane stalls, false otherwise
self.__last_timestamp = time.time_ns() # last time the simulation ran, use to cal time delta
self.__yoke_translation = 0 # mm from 0 representing neutral trim level. Negative means towards console (down elevator)
self.__yoke_rotation = 0 # degrees from level (neutral aileron). Negative is left
self.__current_pitch_input_mag = 0 # mm/sec - signs match yoke_translation
self.__current_pitch_input_exp = None # integer, nanoseconds since epoch when current input stops
self.__current_roll_input_mag = 0 # degrees/sec - signs match yoke_rotation
self.__current_roll_input_exp = None # integer, nanoseconds since epoch when current input stops
self.__current_turb_roll_mag = 0 # We'll treat turbulence events just like a brief control input
self.__current_turb_pitch_mag = 0 # But turbulence has separate roll/pitch with a single expiration date
self.__current_turb_exp = 0
self.__next_turb_event = 0
# Environment
self.wind_direction = 0 # degrees direction wind is coming from (0 = blowing from North to South)
self.wind_speed = 0 # mph - wind speed
self.turbulence_freq = 20 # how frequent is turbulence: 0 is never, 100 is constant
self.turbulence_magnitude = 60 # how aggressive is turbulence: 0 is none, 100 is maximum
# Aircraft Characteristics
self.max_sustainable_climb_rate = 500 # feet per minute, beyond this will decelerate
self.stall_speed = 65 # mph, below this will stall
self.level_cruise_speed = 90 # if not gaining or losing altitude, target speed
self.roll_input_sensitivity = 0.5 # unitless, degrees/sec of rotation for each degree of yoke rotation
self.roll_input_damping = 10 # represents the mass of the aircraft resisting roll input - 100 = cannot change
self.roll_self_correction = 10 # unitless, represents effect of dihedral
self.pitch_input_sensitivity = 0.3 # unitless, degrees/sec of pitch rotation for each mm of yoke translation
self.pitch_input_damping = 10 # represents the mass of the aircraft resisting picth input - 100 = cannot change
# Instrument Readings - Read Only
self.__bank_angle = 0 # degrees, negative is left, positive is right
self.__pitch_angle = 0 # degrees, negative is down, positive is up
self.__current_heading = 0 # degrees, 0 is North
self.__current_airspeed = 0 # mph, current speed of the aircraft
self.__altitude = 0 # feet above ground
self.__climb_rate = 0 # feet per second
def bank_angle(self):
return self.__bank_angle
def pitch_angle(self):
return self.__pitch_angle
def current_heading(self):
return self.__current_heading
def current_airspeed(self):
return self.__current_airspeed
def current_altitude(self):
return self.__altitude
def curent_climb_rate(self):
return self.__climb_rate
def yoke_position(self):
return self.__yoke_translation, self.__yoke_rotation
async def run_simulation(self):
while self.__is_simulating:
await asyncio.sleep(0.01)
current_time = time.time_ns() # save for checking if inputs are expired
delta_t_ms = (current_time - self.__last_timestamp) / 1000000 # convert to milliseconds
if delta_t_ms == 0:
delta_t_sec = delta_t_ms / 1000
# Check for turbulence
if self.__next_turb_event <= current_time and self.__current_turb_exp <= current_time:
#print('[*] New Turbulence',end='\r\n')
turb = self.get_turbulence()
self.__current_turb_roll_mag = turb[0]
self.__current_turb_pitch_mag = turb[1]
self.__current_turb_exp = turb[2]
self.__next_turb_event = time.time_ns() + ((100 - self.turbulence_freq)/100) * random.random() * 1000000000
self.__current_turb_exp = 0
self.__current_turb_pitch_mag = 0
self.__current_turb_roll_mag = 0
# First, check for any inputs
if self.__current_roll_input_exp:
if self.__current_roll_input_exp > current_time:
# New Yoke Rotation = Current Rotation + RollInputMagnitude * TimeSpan
self.__yoke_rotation += self.__current_roll_input_mag * delta_t_sec * (1 - (self.roll_input_damping / 100))
self.__current_roll_input_exp = None
if self.__current_pitch_input_exp:
if self.__current_pitch_input_exp > current_time:
self.__yoke_translation += self.__current_pitch_input_mag * delta_t_sec * (1 - (self.pitch_input_damping / 100))
self.__current_pitch_input_exp = None
# Now our controls are in the right place, so make the plane respond to current inputs
# We will basically assume no slippage in the air for now
# Aircraft attitude first
self.__bank_angle += self.roll_input_sensitivity * self.__yoke_rotation * delta_t_sec \
+ self.__current_turb_roll_mag * delta_t_sec \
- 0.75 * sin(radians(self.__bank_angle)) * delta_t_sec # Dihedral effect
# For pitch angle, calculate contribution from Control Input, then from Turbulence
pitch_control_contrib = self.pitch_input_sensitivity * self.__yoke_translation * (delta_t_sec)
pitch_bank_contrib = -6.0 * abs(sin(radians(self.__bank_angle))) * delta_t_sec
pitch_turbulence_contrib = self.__current_turb_pitch_mag * delta_t_sec
self.__pitch_angle += (pitch_control_contrib + pitch_bank_contrib + pitch_turbulence_contrib)
# Calculate altitude and speed first since they affect how much we're turning
slippage = 0.7 # fudge factor to get climb rate and angle closer to reality
new_climb_rate = slippage * (sin(radians(self.pitch_angle)) * mph_to_fps(self.__current_airspeed) * delta_t_sec) * 60 / delta_t_sec
# Now, deduct some climb rate if we're banked
#new_climb_rate -= (sin(radians(self.bank_angle))) * mph_to_fps(self.__current_airspeed) * delta_t_sec * 60
self.__climb_rate = 0.75 * new_climb_rate + 0.25 * self.__climb_rate
# Adjust speed - need to figure out how to do this better at some point
self.__current_airspeed -= sin(radians(self.pitch_angle)) * (delta_t_sec)
# Calculate radius of turn based on speed and bank angle
if self.bank_angle != 0.0:
turn_radius_ft = (mph_to_kts(self.__current_airspeed)**2) / (11.29 * tan(radians(self.bank_angle)))
calc_heading = self.__current_heading + degrees((mph_to_fps(self.__current_airspeed) * delta_t_sec) / turn_radius_ft)
if calc_heading >= 360:
self.__current_heading = calc_heading - 360
elif calc_heading < 0:
self.__current_heading = calc_heading + 360
self.__current_heading = calc_heading
# Finally, update altitude
if self.pitch_angle != 0.0:
self.__altitude += self.__climb_rate * (delta_t_sec) / 60
#print('[*] SimPlane Turb Roll: {0:6.2f}, Pitch: {1:6.2f}' \
# .format(self.__current_turb_roll_mag, self.__current_turb_pitch_mag), end='\r')
self.__last_timestamp = current_time # update for next loop
async def start_simulating(self, altitude=1000, heading=0):
self.__is_simulating = True
self.__current_airspeed = self.level_cruise_speed
self.__last_timestamp = time.time_ns()
self.__altitude = altitude
self.__current_heading = heading
def stop_simulating(self):
self.__is_simulating = False
def make_control_inputs(self, roll_input: ControlInput = None, pitch_input: ControlInput = None):
if roll_input:
self.__current_roll_input_mag = roll_input.magnitude
self.__current_roll_input_exp = time.time_ns() + 1000000 * roll_input.milliseconds
if pitch_input:
self.__current_pitch_input_mag = pitch_input.magnitude
self.__current_pitch_input_exp = time.time_ns() + 1000000 * pitch_input.milliseconds
# Returns a tuple with roll_mag, pitch_mag, expiration
def get_turbulence(self):
max_mag = 10.0 # degrees per second pitch or bank angle
roll_mag = max_mag * random.random() * (self.turbulence_magnitude / 100)
roll_mag *= [-1, 1][random.randrange(2)]
pitch_mag = max_mag * random.random() * (self.turbulence_magnitude / 100)
pitch_mag *= [-1, 1][random.randrange(2)]
# Turbulence events can last anywhere from 200 to 800 milliseconds
duration = random.randrange(200, 800)
exp = 1000000 * duration + time.time_ns()
return roll_mag, pitch_mag, exp
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