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Last active August 29, 2015 14:25
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Save MikeDacre/af065b53223601135ac5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Diff of functioning and nonfunctioning tpm tmux server logs. Left file (>) is functional, right file (<) is not
< cmdq set-option -g default-shell /usr/bin/zsh (client -1)
> cmdq set-option -g default-shell /afs/ir/users/d/a/dacre/usr/bin/zsh (client -1)
< cmdq set-environment -g TMUX_PLUGIN_MANAGER_PATH /home/dacre/.tmux/plugins/ (client 11)
> cmdq set-environment -g TMUX_PLUGIN_MANAGER_PATH /afs/ir/users/d/a/dacre/.tmux/plugins/ (client 11)
< cmdq bind-key I run-shell /home/dacre/.tmux/plugins/tpm/scripts/ >/dev/null 2>&1 (client 11)
> cmdq bind-key I run-shell "/afs/ir/users/d/a/dacre/.tmux/plugins/tpm/scripts/ >/dev/null 2>&1" (client 11)
< cmdq bind-key U run-shell /home/dacre/.tmux/plugins/tpm/scripts/ (client 11)
> cmdq bind-key U run-shell /afs/ir/users/d/a/dacre/.tmux/plugins/tpm/scripts/ (client 11)
< cmdq bind-key M-u run-shell /home/dacre/.tmux/plugins/tpm/scripts/ (client 11)
> cmdq bind-key M-u run-shell /afs/ir/users/d/a/dacre/.tmux/plugins/tpm/scripts/ (client 11)
> cmdq set-option -g utf8 on (client 11)
> cmdq set-option -g status-utf8 on (client 11)
> cmdq show-options -sv escape-time (client 11)
> cmdq set-option -s escape-time 0 (client 11)
> cmdq show-options -gv history-limit (client 11)
> cmdq show-options -gv display-time (client 11)
> cmdq set-option -g display-time 4000 (client 11)
> cmdq show-options -gv status-interval (client 11)
> cmdq set-option -g status-interval 5 (client 11)
> cmdq show-options -gv default-terminal (client 11)
> cmdq show-options -sv default-terminal (client 11)
> cmdq set-option -g status-keys emacs (client 11)
> cmdq set-option -g focus-events on (client 11)
> cmdq set-window-option -g aggressive-resize on (client 11)
> cmdq set-option -g detach-on-destroy off (client 11)
> cmdq show-options -gv prefix (client 11)
> cmdq show-options -gv prefix (client 11)
> cmdq list-keys (client 11)
> cmdq list-keys (client 11)
> cmdq list-keys (client 11)
> cmdq list-keys (client 11)
> cmdq bind-key C-p previous-window (client 11)
> cmdq list-keys (client 11)
> cmdq bind-key C-n next-window (client 11)
> cmdq list-keys (client 11)
> cmdq bind-key R run-shell " \
> cmdq run-shell "/afs/ir/users/d/a/dacre/.tmux/plugins/tpm/scripts/ >/dev/null 2>&1" (client 7)
> cmdq source-file /afs/ir/users/d/a/dacre/.tmux.conf (client 15)
> cmdq set-option -g default-terminal screen-256color (client 15)
> cmdq set-option -g default-shell /afs/ir/users/d/a/dacre/usr/bin/zsh (client 15)
> cmdq set-option -g history-limit 100000 (client 15)
> cmdq unbind-key C-d (client 15)
> cmdq unbind-key C-b (client 15)
> cmdq set-option -g prefix C-s (client 15)
> cmdq set-option -g mouse-select-pane on (client 15)
> cmdq set-option -g mouse-resize-pane on (client 15)
> cmdq set-option -g mouse-select-window on (client 15)
> cmdq set-window-option -g mode-mouse on (client 15)
> cmdq bind-key C-s last-window (client 15)
> cmdq unbind-key % (client 15)
> cmdq bind-key | split-window -h -c #{pane_current_path} (client 15)
> cmdq bind-key - split-window -v -c #{pane_current_path} (client 15)
> cmdq bind-key c new-window -c #{pane_current_path} (client 15)
> cmdq set-window-option -g monitor-activity on (client 15)
> cmdq set-window-option -g visual-activity on (client 15)
> cmdq set-window-option -g mode-keys vi (client 15)
> cmdq bind-key -t vi-copy v begin-selection (client 15)
> cmdq bind-key -t vi-copy C-v rectangle-toggle (client 15)
> cmdq bind-key -t vi-copy y copy-selection (client 15)
> cmdq set-window-option -g window-status-current-bg green (client 15)
> cmdq set-window-option -g window-status-current-fg black (client 15)
> cmdq set-option -g status-bg black (client 15)
> cmdq set-option -g status-fg white (client 15)
> cmdq set-option -g status-left-fg green (client 15)
> cmdq set-option -g status-left-bg black (client 15)
> cmdq set-option -g status-left #S (client 15)
> cmdq set-option -g status-right-fg green (client 15)
> cmdq set-option -g status-right-bg black (client 15)
> cmdq bind-key -n C-h run "(tmux display-message -p '#{pane_current_command}' | grep -iqE '(^|/)g?(view|vim?)(diff)?$' && tmux send-keys C-h) || tmux select-pane -L" (client 15)
> cmdq bind-key -n C-j run "(tmux display-message -p '#{pane_current_command}' | grep -iqE '(^|/)g?(view|vim?)(diff)?$' && tmux send-keys C-j) || tmux select-pane -D" (client 15)
> cmdq bind-key -n C-k run "(tmux display-message -p '#{pane_current_command}' | grep -iqE '(^|/)g?(view|vim?)(diff)?$' && tmux send-keys C-k) || tmux select-pane -U" (client 15)
> cmdq bind-key -n C-l run "(tmux display-message -p '#{pane_current_command}' | grep -iqE '(^|/)g?(view|vim?)(diff)?$' && tmux send-keys C-l) || tmux select-pane -R" (client 15)
> cmdq bind-key -n C-\ run "(tmux display-message -p '#{pane_current_command}' | grep -iqE '(^|/)g?(view|vim?)(diff)?$' && tmux send-keys 'C-\') || tmux select-pane -l" (client 15)
> cmdq set-option -g @plugin tmux-plugins/tpm (client 15)
> cmdq set-option -g @plugin tmux-plugins/tmux-sensible (client 15)
> cmdq run-shell ~/.tmux/plugins/tpm/tpm (client 15)
> cmdq show-environment -g TMUX_PLUGIN_MANAGER_PATH (client 18)
> cmdq show-options -gqv @tpm-install (client 18)
> cmdq bind-key I run-shell "/afs/ir/users/d/a/dacre/.tmux/plugins/tpm/scripts/ >/dev/null 2>&1" (client 18)
> cmdq show-options -gqv @tpm-update (client 18)
> cmdq bind-key U run-shell /afs/ir/users/d/a/dacre/.tmux/plugins/tpm/scripts/ (client 18)
> cmdq show-options -gqv @tpm-clean (client 18)
> cmdq bind-key M-u run-shell /afs/ir/users/d/a/dacre/.tmux/plugins/tpm/scripts/ (client 18)
> cmdq show-environment -g TMUX_PLUGIN_MANAGER_PATH (client 18)
> cmdq show-options -gqv @tpm_plugins (client 18)
> cmdq set-option -g utf8 on (client 18)
> cmdq set-option -g status-utf8 on (client 18)
> cmdq show-options -sv escape-time (client 18)
> cmdq show-options -gv history-limit (client 18)
> cmdq show-options -gv display-time (client 18)
> cmdq show-options -gv status-interval (client 18)
> cmdq show-options -gv default-terminal (client 18)
> cmdq show-options -sv default-terminal (client 18)
> cmdq set-option -g status-keys emacs (client 18)
> cmdq set-option -g focus-events on (client 18)
> cmdq set-window-option -g aggressive-resize on (client 18)
> cmdq set-option -g detach-on-destroy off (client 18)
> cmdq show-options -gv prefix (client 18)
> cmdq show-options -gv prefix (client 18)
> cmdq list-keys (client 18)
> cmdq list-keys (client 18)
> cmdq list-keys (client 18)
> cmdq list-keys (client 18)
> cmdq list-keys (client 18)
> cmdq list-keys (client 18)
> cmdq show-environment -g TMUX_PLUGIN_MANAGER_PATH (client 15)
> cmdq show-options -gqv @tpm_plugins (client 15)
> cmdq run-shell "echo 'Already installed "tpm"'" (client 15)
> cmdq run-shell "echo 'Already installed "tmux-sensible"'" (client 15)
> cmdq source-file /afs/ir/users/d/a/dacre/.tmux.conf (client 15)
> cmdq set-option -g default-terminal screen-256color (client 15)
> cmdq set-option -g default-shell /afs/ir/users/d/a/dacre/usr/bin/zsh (client 15)
> cmdq set-option -g history-limit 100000 (client 15)
> cmdq unbind-key C-d (client 15)
> cmdq unbind-key C-b (client 15)
> cmdq set-option -g prefix C-s (client 15)
> cmdq set-option -g mouse-select-pane on (client 15)
> cmdq set-option -g mouse-resize-pane on (client 15)
> cmdq set-option -g mouse-select-window on (client 15)
> cmdq set-window-option -g mode-mouse on (client 15)
> cmdq bind-key C-s last-window (client 15)
> cmdq unbind-key % (client 15)
> cmdq bind-key | split-window -h -c #{pane_current_path} (client 15)
> cmdq bind-key - split-window -v -c #{pane_current_path} (client 15)
> cmdq bind-key c new-window -c #{pane_current_path} (client 15)
> cmdq set-window-option -g monitor-activity on (client 15)
> cmdq set-window-option -g visual-activity on (client 15)
> cmdq set-window-option -g mode-keys vi (client 15)
> cmdq bind-key -t vi-copy v begin-selection (client 15)
> cmdq bind-key -t vi-copy C-v rectangle-toggle (client 15)
> cmdq bind-key -t vi-copy y copy-selection (client 15)
> cmdq set-window-option -g window-status-current-bg green (client 15)
> cmdq set-window-option -g window-status-current-fg black (client 15)
> cmdq set-option -g status-bg black (client 15)
> cmdq set-option -g status-fg white (client 15)
> cmdq set-option -g status-left-fg green (client 15)
> cmdq set-option -g status-left-bg black (client 15)
> cmdq set-option -g status-left #S (client 15)
> cmdq set-option -g status-right-fg green (client 15)
> cmdq set-option -g status-right-bg black (client 15)
> cmdq bind-key -n C-h run "(tmux display-message -p '#{pane_current_command}' | grep -iqE '(^|/)g?(view|vim?)(diff)?$' && tmux send-keys C-h) || tmux select-pane -L" (client 15)
> cmdq bind-key -n C-j run "(tmux display-message -p '#{pane_current_command}' | grep -iqE '(^|/)g?(view|vim?)(diff)?$' && tmux send-keys C-j) || tmux select-pane -D" (client 15)
> cmdq bind-key -n C-k run "(tmux display-message -p '#{pane_current_command}' | grep -iqE '(^|/)g?(view|vim?)(diff)?$' && tmux send-keys C-k) || tmux select-pane -U" (client 15)
> cmdq bind-key -n C-l run "(tmux display-message -p '#{pane_current_command}' | grep -iqE '(^|/)g?(view|vim?)(diff)?$' && tmux send-keys C-l) || tmux select-pane -R" (client 15)
> cmdq bind-key -n C-\ run "(tmux display-message -p '#{pane_current_command}' | grep -iqE '(^|/)g?(view|vim?)(diff)?$' && tmux send-keys 'C-\') || tmux select-pane -l" (client 15)
> cmdq set-option -g @plugin tmux-plugins/tpm (client 15)
> cmdq set-option -g @plugin tmux-plugins/tmux-sensible (client 15)
> cmdq run-shell ~/.tmux/plugins/tpm/tpm (client 15)
> cmdq show-environment -g TMUX_PLUGIN_MANAGER_PATH (client 18)
> cmdq show-options -gqv @tpm-install (client 18)
> cmdq bind-key I run-shell "/afs/ir/users/d/a/dacre/.tmux/plugins/tpm/scripts/ >/dev/null 2>&1" (client 18)
> cmdq show-options -gqv @tpm-update (client 18)
> cmdq bind-key U run-shell /afs/ir/users/d/a/dacre/.tmux/plugins/tpm/scripts/ (client 18)
> cmdq show-options -gqv @tpm-clean (client 18)
> cmdq bind-key M-u run-shell /afs/ir/users/d/a/dacre/.tmux/plugins/tpm/scripts/ (client 18)
> cmdq show-environment -g TMUX_PLUGIN_MANAGER_PATH (client 18)
> cmdq show-options -gqv @tpm_plugins (client 18)
> cmdq set-option -g utf8 on (client 18)
> cmdq set-option -g status-utf8 on (client 18)
> cmdq show-options -sv escape-time (client 18)
> cmdq show-options -gv history-limit (client 18)
> cmdq show-options -gv display-time (client 18)
> cmdq show-options -gv status-interval (client 18)
> cmdq show-options -gv default-terminal (client 18)
> cmdq show-options -sv default-terminal (client 18)
> cmdq set-option -g status-keys emacs (client 18)
> cmdq set-option -g focus-events on (client 18)
> cmdq set-window-option -g aggressive-resize on (client 18)
> cmdq set-option -g detach-on-destroy off (client 18)
> cmdq show-options -gv prefix (client 18)
> cmdq show-options -gv prefix (client 18)
> cmdq list-keys (client 18)
> cmdq list-keys (client 18)
> cmdq list-keys (client 18)
> cmdq list-keys (client 18)
> cmdq list-keys (client 18)
> cmdq list-keys (client 18)
> cmdq run-shell "echo ''" (client 15)
> cmdq run-shell "echo 'TMUX environment reloaded.'" (client 15)
> cmdq run-shell "echo ''" (client 15)
> cmdq run-shell "echo 'Done, press ENTER to continue.'" (client 15)
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