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Created November 23, 2016 17:40
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#Import Module (Requires SSMS 16, July 2016)
Import-Module SqlServer
$ConnectionString = 'Server=SHION;Database=WideWorldImporters;trusted_connection=true'
$BillToCustomerList = Invoke-Sqlcmd -ConnectionString $ConnectionString -Query 'SELECT DISTINCT i.BillToCustomerID FROM Sales.Invoices as i;'
#Create Temp Testing Stored Procedure
$TesttingSproc = "IF (SELECT object_ID('temp_TestQuery')) IS NOT NULL
DROP PROCEDURE temp_TestQuery;
CREATE PROCEDURE temp_TestQuery @BillToCustomerID INT
SELECT si.StockItemName,
FROM Sales.Invoices AS i
JOIN Sales.InvoiceLines AS il
ON il.InvoiceID = i.InvoiceID
JOIN Warehouse.StockItems AS si
ON si.StockItemID = il.StockItemID
WHERE i.BillToCustomerID = @BillToCustomerID;
Invoke-Sqlcmd -ConnectionString $ConnectionString -Query $TesttingSproc
#Loop through and execute
foreach($row in $BillToCustomerList.BillToCustomerID)
Invoke-Sqlcmd -ConnectionString $ConnectionString -Query "EXEC temp_testQuery @BillToCustomerID = $row;" | Out-Null
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