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Created October 5, 2017 16:26
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Couchbase;
using Couchbase.Configuration.Client;
using Couchbase.Core;
using Couchbase.IO;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
namespace ConsoleApp1
class Program
private const int DataSetSize = 10000;
private static readonly Random Randomizer = new Random();
private static readonly string Json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(
firstname = "mike",
lastname = "goldsmith",
dob = new DateTime(1984, 2, 27)
static void Main()
var tokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
Console.CancelKeyPress += delegate
WriteToOutput("Stopping workload ..");
var config = new ClientConfiguration
Servers = new List<Uri> {new Uri("couchbase://")},
UseSsl = true
using (var cluster = new Cluster(config))
cluster.Authenticate("Administrator", "password");
var bucket = cluster.OpenBucket("default");
var other = cluster.OpenBucket("other");
WriteToOutput("Populating data set ..");
foreach (var index in Enumerable.Range(1, DataSetSize))
var key = CreateKey(index);
bucket.Upsert(key, Json);
other.UpsertAsync(key, Json);
WriteToOutput("Starting workload ..");
while (!tokenSource.IsCancellationRequested)
Task.Factory.StartNew(() => Execute(bucket), tokenSource.Token)
.ContinueWith(task => Execute(other), tokenSource.Token)
WriteToOutput("Done - press key to close");
private static void WriteToOutput(string message)
Console.WriteLine($"{DateTime.UtcNow} - {message}");
private static string CreateKey(int index)
return $"key-{index}";
private static Task Execute(IBucket bucket)
var key = CreateKey(Randomizer.Next(DataSetSize));
return bucket.GetAsync<dynamic>(key)
.ContinueWith(task =>
var result = task.Result;
if (result.Status == ResponseStatus.None)
WriteToOutput("Received response code \"None\"");
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