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Created November 20, 2010 02:46
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Process client side array in KRL raised to Kynetx app
ruleset a60x426 {
meta {
name "client-side-array-to-server"
description <<
author "Mike Grace"
logging on
rule get_tags_on_page {
select when pageview "process-client-side-array-in-krl-raised-to-kynetx-app"
emit <|
// get text of each tag into array
var tags = [];
$K(".tagged a").each(function(index, element) {
tags[index] = $K(element).text();
// convert array into string and add
// comma to end to facilitate processing csv
tags = tags + ",";
// raise event to server side KRL
app = KOBJ.get_application("a60x426");
app.raise_event("process_tags_from_page", {"pageTags":tags});
rule process_tags_from_page {
select when web process_tags_from_page or explicit process_tags_from_page
pre {
tags = event:param("pageTags");
tag = tags.replace(re/(.*?),.*/,"$1");
remainingTags = tags.replace(re/.*?,(.*)/,"$1");
if ((tag neq "")) then {
notify("Tag: #{tag}"," ") with sticky = true;
fired {
raise explicit event process_tags_from_page
with pageTags = remainingTags;
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