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Last active February 6, 2022 16:26
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  • Save MikeIbberson/d1a18dcadd42447ac6a39af300518b9b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save MikeIbberson/d1a18dcadd42447ac6a39af300518b9b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
"brand": "3merge",
"color": "#49ec1c",
"description": "Sample Q3 setup json",
"favicon": "",
"lng": "en",
"logo": "",
"name": "Q3",
"resources": {
"descriptions": {
"demo": "Welcome to your new component! Descriptions auto-populate from the locale file and will not display if they aren't set.",
"softDelete": "You are about to delete a resource from this application. This may have unwanted side-effects. To proceed, please type the code below.",
"deleteConfirmation": "Please enter the word DELETE",
"passwordChange": "Note that changing your password will not log you out of other devices; it only affects new authentication requests.",
"resetPassword": "Enter your email address to send a temporary password to your inbox.",
"empty": "Looks like there are no results yet. Create a new resource and then come back.",
"error": "The server responded unexpectedly. Please refresh and report a bug if this issue persists",
"inclusions": "Move items from this column into the next to activate them. Remember, you can search and select in bulk. Likewise, you can set RegExp rules to future-proof your selection.",
"exceptions": "Items in this column are active either by precise selection or RegExp. To remove an automated item (one by rule), please delete the RegExp first or rewrite it to further exclude options.",
"spam": "Hang tight as we secure this form.",
"cookies": "Note that this website uses cookies to improve the user experience.",
"serverError": "Looks like something unexpected occurred. Please refresh the page and try again.",
"featuredUpload": "Note that this image is public",
"noNotes": "Looks like no one has said anything yet. Write the first post.",
"newPermission": "This app uses an intricate permissions system comprising roles and attributes. Roles are like groups and attributes define the actions a group can take.",
"cart": "Last updated on {{date}}",
"delete": "Unlike its parent resource, deleting a sub-resource is permanent. That said, you may retrieve some of the information from the CRUD applications logs. To continue, type the word \"DELETE\" into the textbox below.",
"filter": "Select parameters to accentuate your search query.",
"lorem": "Maecenas non posuere nibh, non lobortis libero. Nam fermentum iaculis efficitur. Duis iaculis nibh massa, in cursus erat ullamcorper volutpat. Praesent ac tellus id augue consequat ornare ut id eros. Phasellus pharetra turpis id ante malesuada rhoncus. Morbi ac risus sem. Curabitur sed justo et tellus placerat rutrum. Quisque ultricies velit at odio aliquam cursus. Vestibulum a ex non lectus molestie tristique. Nullam a dictum eros. Nulla lobortis ante sed varius tempor. Proin sed felis eros. Nam facilisis scelerisque tempus. Quisque a fermentum leo. Vestibulum porttitor, ligula eu lacinia consectetur, leo magna fringilla sem, non pellentesque sapien nunc lacinia turpis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam ac nisl id mauris aliquam accumsan. Morbi magna mauris, ullamcorper eget egestas et, lacinia in augue. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.",
"apply": "Apply current filter to search results",
"applyAndSave": "Apply current filter to search results and save to browser",
"reset": "Reset all active filters",
"resetAndSave": "Reset all active filters and clear preferences from browser",
"browseOrClick": "Search results will load as you type. Click one to visit the page or press Enter to view expanded results.",
"noResults": "This search yielded no results. Please try a different filter or keyword.",
"authenticationFailed": "Sorry, the credentials entered are incorrect. Please try again.",
"addToList": "Click this box to add a new item to this list.",
"trashSuccess": "Item has been archived. This page will redirect in 2 seconds.",
"trashFail": "This item could not be archived. Please make sure that no other resource references it or relies on it before trying again.",
"trash": "Add this resource to the archive",
"trashDescription": "Trashing a resource does not delete it from the DB; however, you will require a database administrator to recover the data. Please proceed with caution.",
"login": "Welcome back! If you cannot access your account, ",
"loginReverify": "If you're new and have not yet received a verification code, ",
"reverify": "Still awaiting your email verification? No problem, resend it now.",
"verify": "If the account ID and verification code do not auto-fill, copy-and-paste from the email. Verification codes are valid for only five days. After that, you'll need to request a new code.",
"passwordReset": "Enter the email you login with below. If an email doesn't arrive shortly after, it is possible that you have entered the wrong address or that your account is suspended. ",
"cartError": "Please refresh the page. If this error persists, clear your cache, as a stored reference to an expired or missing order can cause problems.",
"cartEmpty": "You must first add products to your order before you can checkout.",
"passwordChangeFail": "Your password failed to change. Please check your inputs and try again.",
"passwordChangeSuccess": "Your password has been updated. This page will redirect in two seconds back home.",
"verificationSuccess": "Your email has been verified. This page will redirect you to login in two seconds.",
"verificationFailed": "Your email could not be verified. Ensure that both the ID and code have been used correctly and that your verification code was not issued more than five days ago.",
"reverificationSuccess": "Your re-verification email is on its way. This page will redirect you to verify in two seconds.",
"reverificationFailed": "You cannot re-verify this email because it either doesn't exist or requires approval.",
"passwordResetSuccess": "Password reset request received. This page will redirect you to login in two seconds.",
"passwordResetFail": "Your password reset request failed. Please check your inputs and try again.",
"welcome": "Got a minute? We'd love to show you a few things around the portal to get you started. When you've seen enough, click skip to dismiss the tour.",
"offcanvasMenu": "While you can use the sidebar icons to navigate around the app, we've provided a full pull-out menu too. Note that this element becomes the primary menu on smaller screens.",
"addDocument": "Most top-level pages have a button in the bottom-right corner (or in the header on mobile devices). Use this to add new documents to the database.",
"configureColumns": "Want to see more or less information? No problem, click here to activate columns in the table. Your preferences save to the browser, so next time your previous selection will take effect.",
"configureFilters": "This button will launch a filter menu so that you can reduce the number of results you see.",
"searchbar": "This searchbar will suggest data after your second character. Clicking on a result will bring you to the page. Hitting enter will apply the search query to the table.",
"dragAndSort": "Click on a column to change how the data is sorted. The up/down arrows correspond to ascending/descending data values. Some columns can be switched by dragging and dropping into place (not available on the first column).",
"multiselectRows": "Use the boxes in the left column to bulk select items. Clicking the column header box will toggle off/on all rows. This can be useful when using the export tools that popup.",
"profileDropdown": "This button will launch a menu that contains actions within your user profile (ie. logout).",
"howToEdit": "Clicking this button launches a drawer with more details on this item.",
"howToDelete": "Remove an item from this list. Note, that depending on the context, this might be irreversible.",
"howToInsert": "Add a new item to this list by click on this button. Sometimes, a custom element will render for more complex data editing experiences.",
"howToMultiselect": "Edit, export, and delete items in bulk. Which options appear will vary based on where you are in the app.",
"sidebar": "The sidebar is very dynamic. There are tabs along the top for common features, but some resources will disable those not in use. Typically, on the ID tab, you'll find quick actions, links, and global data. You may also find a featured photo uploader. On mobile, the sidebar is a swipe-in feature from the bottom of the screen.",
"missing": "The page you've requested does not exist. Please return home and try again.",
"reverified": "A new verification link has been generated and sent to your inbox. Any prior verification codes have been nullified. If the email still does not arrive, you can try again or contact support.",
"passwordResetNotice": "If you have an account, you will momentarily receive an email with a link to change your password.",
"addFirst": "To get started, click \"Add an item\" (if available) or ask for help creating a resource.",
"activityLog": "A rolling history of operations performed on this resource",
"failedToLoadVersionHistory": "The activity log for this module could not be loaded.",
"howToQ3": "Got a few seconds? We have some things to show you before diving into your new app.",
"howToProfile": "When you click on your profile, a small menu will appear with more actions that you can take.",
"howToMenu": "The menu contains all top-level views in your app. It's easily accessible at all times from either the bottom left (desktop) or top left (mobile). That said, on larger computers, a secondary icon menu will appear.",
"howToUseSegments": "Segments help you organize your data. Think of them as saveable filters. At any point, while searching and sifting through results, you can save a query for later use.",
"howToUseFilters": "Filters narrow down your search results. Some filters will be grouped together based on a common theme. In such cases, a small counter will appear to display the number of active filters in said group.",
"howToAdd": "Quickly add to your collection by opening the Add New wizard. Upon creation, you'll be redirected to edit the item further.",
"howToSearch": "After two characters, your search will start to suggest results. Clicking on a result will bring you directly to the page.",
"howToFilterGroups": "Chips may appear that summarize filters in play. In such cases, you can dismiss them one-by-one to walk back a query.",
"howToSelect": "Use the checkbox to select data in bulk. A menu will appear with further instructions.",
"howToReorder": "You can re-order and deactivate/activate columns in your datatable. These preferences will save across your devices.",
"howToUseMeta": "View quick facts about the resource you're in. Sometimes, this will include actionable panels for modifying global attributes.",
"howToUseThread": "Keep internal notes about the resource you're editing. This is handy for communicating the reason for a change and/or filling users in on history.",
"howToUseFiles": "Upload files to this resource and tag them for visual organization. You can rename your files, so don't worry about what the upload looks like.",
"howToUseDocs": "Need some more context? The docs will outline key features unique to the resource you're on.",
"howToUseRelatedLinks": "Hop to another area of the app related to the view you are in.",
"noActivity": "Nothing to show here yet. You'll be prompted when something arrives.",
"upgradeAccount": "Your current user role does not allow you to see this resource. Upgrade your account to continue.",
"changePassword": "Set a new password for this account that you haven't yet used",
"changePasswordSuccess": "Your password has been changed",
"willRefresh": "The resource you are viewing has changed. The page will auto-refresh in 10 seconds unless you press cancel to continue with your progress.",
"profileUpdated": "Your profile has been updated",
"profile": "Edit your user's contact details",
"importFailed": "Import process failed to start",
"importStarted": "Import process queued",
"exportFailed": "Export process failed to start",
"exportStarted": "Export process queued",
"reportStarted": "Report process queued",
"reportFailed": "Report process failed to start",
"folderNameExists": "This folder already exists",
"clickOrDrop": "Click here or drop a file(s) to upload",
"confirm": "To continue with this action, please type the phrase below. It must match exactly as displayed, including any use of capitalization.",
"trackChanges": "To begin tracking changes, the system needs at least two versions of this document. Check back once more activity has been collected.",
"mediaUploadFailed": "Media failed to upload to the server. Please ensure that the file size is under 5mb and that it's a picture and not a document.",
"loadingCommentsFailed": "Comments for this module failed to load.",
"io": "Exports in the I/O module integrate with all filters (and saved filters, known as segments). If you trigger an export without first selecting rows in the data-table, then it will include all records matching the given filter. Otherwise, it will target only the selected records. Please note that an export can contain up to 5,000 records.",
"passwordChangeNotice": "Your password has been successfully changed. Click below to login into your account.",
"unsavedChangesView": "Changes you made may not be saved. Press OK to continue.",
"unsavedChangesPage": "Changes you made may not be saved.",
"changelogAddedSingular": "Added {{name}}",
"changelogUpdatedSingular": "Updated {{name}}",
"changelogDeletedSingular": "Deleted {{name}}",
"changelogAddedPlural": "Added {{count}} properties",
"changelogUpdatedPlural": "Updated {{count}} properties",
"changelogDeletedPlural": "Deleted {{count}} properties",
"cannotAudit": "We could not fetch an audit trail for this record. Please verify that you have access to this feature and that it is turned on.",
"nothingToAudit": "Looks like there aren't any tracked changes for this record. Please come back later once users have made modifications.",
"addedAuditLogExpanded": "Added to sub-module {{entity}}",
"updatedAuditLogExpanded": "Updated properties inside sub-module {{entity}}",
"deletedAuditLogExpanded": "Removed properties from sub-module {{entity}}",
"addedAuditLog": "Added new properties to main document",
"updatedAuditLog": "Updated properties inside main document",
"deletedAuditLog": "Removed properties from main document",
"emailEditorFailed": "Servers encountered an error. You either do not have permission to view this add-on or there are no email templates configured.",
"emailTemplateLanguage": "All partials and templates must be written in valid MJML syntax",
"emailPreviewDisabledMobile": "Email previews are only available on desktop devices. Please load this module on a larger screen.",
"noNotificationsToSubscribeTo": "There aren't any notifications at this time",
"profileNotifications": "Set which notifications you'd like to receive from the system",
"auditSearch": "This is a case-sensitive search for a particular data key. The dropdown offers suggestions based on recently changed keys, but you can type anything into this field.",
"queueLogsFailed": "Servers encountered an error. You either do not have permission to view this add-on or there are no queues configured.",
"queues": "Background server activity (AKA Queue or Task Manager)",
"auditLogs": "This module tracks both user and system changes. Below, you'll find templates relevant to your data set. Note that these reports are not exhaustive; some properties are omitted for usability (i.e. less clutter). However, all data is tracked, so properties may be retroactively added to these templates at request.",
"auditLogsEmpty": "No results to show. Please try a different template or advanced query.",
"cannotDuplicateSegment": "Cannot create a duplicate segment. Please try saving a different filter."
"helpers": {
"confirmPassword": "Must match above",
"lowercase": "Must contain at least one lowercase letter",
"uppercase": "Must contain at least one uppercase letter",
"numbers": "Must contain at least one number",
"special": "Must contain at least one special character",
"currentPassword": "Log out and request a temporary password if you do not know this",
"condition": "Like a state or step (i.e. `is-verified`)",
"fields": "Which parts of the collection this user can access",
"ownership": "Can the user see what others make?",
"collection": "A fancy word for a set of similar data",
"ownershipAliases": "A property that acts like ownership when matched",
"region": "Select a country before choosing a region",
"branch": "This does not represent a third-party recipient",
"primary": "Acts as a default",
"postal": "No spaces allowed",
"moreThan1": "Cannot be negative or null",
"multi": "This is a multi-text field. Press enter to add options.",
"lorem": "This is a popover! Use it to display additional non-critical information.",
"tel": "Supports country code (+1) and extensions (x123)",
"phone": "Supports country code (+1) and extensions (x123)",
"noMatch": "Passwords do not match",
"hasLength": "Must contain between 8 and 16 characters",
"matches": "Must match the new password set above",
"filterName": "When provided, applying changes to this form will modify/save the active filter",
"fileUpload": "Click the input above to set a file",
"startTyping": "Start typing ...",
"filterByUser": "Currently, you cannot filter by system automation (i.e. no user)",
"filterByDate": "Will include records up to and on the selected date",
"filterByOperation": "The operation describes the type of change that occurred",
"auditTargets": "Select fields to query for changes. Not all fields will have human-friendly translations; however, those in raw form should still be distinguishable. This field will auto-populate if a template has been applied.",
"auditUser": "Although this field displays only user who've modified this resource, not all users have modified all fields. Therefore, this might commonly lead to no results."
"labels": {
"add": "Add",
"delete": "Delete",
"nevermind": "Nevermind",
"continue": "Continue",
"name": "Name",
"dismiss": "Dismiss",
"email": "Email address",
"password": "Password",
"passwordReset": "Reset password",
"currentPassword": "Current password",
"reverify": "Re-verify",
"login": "Login",
"recaptcha": "Must pass this test before proceeding",
"id": "Account ID",
"code": "Account code",
"confirmPassword": "Confirm password",
"inclusions": "Options",
"exceptions": "Active items",
"call": "Call now",
"clear": "Clear input",
"enlarge": "Click to enlarge",
"searchPlaceholder": "Press Enter to search",
"submit": "Submit",
"coll": "Collection",
"op": "Action",
"role": "Role type",
"q3-api-users": "UserModel",
"q3-api-permissions": "PermissionModel",
"forgotPassword": "Forgot your password?",
"ok": "OK, thanks",
"learn": "Learn more",
"tel": "Phone",
"message": "Provide some details",
"country": "Country",
"openEditor": "Launch editor",
"dropNdrop": "Drag files or click to upload.",
"upload": "Select above to select a file",
"featuredUpload": "Featured upload",
"onTheMind": "What's on your mind?",
"returnToLogin": "Back to login",
"incorrectLogin": "Doesn't look like you have an account",
"emailSent": "If this account exists, you'll get an email.",
"verify": "Verify",
"reset-password": "Reset password",
"loginReady": "All set to login!",
"newPassword": "New password",
"confirmNewPassword": "Confirm new password",
"condition": "Condition",
"ownership": "Ownership",
"fields": "Fields",
"ownershipAliases": "Ownership aliases",
"unknownAccount": "Hmm, not what we were expecting...",
"sentLabel": "Nice! Head to the login screen now.",
"checkout": "Checkout",
"shop": "Shop all products",
"region": "State/province",
"city": "City",
"streetLine1": "Street line 1",
"streetLine2": "Street line 2",
"postal": "Postal",
"edit": "Edit",
"reply": "Reply",
"branch": "Company branch",
"primary": "Primary address?",
"quantity": "Quantity",
"addToCart": "Buy now",
"search": "Search results",
"filter": "Filters",
"subscribed": "Subscribed",
"confirm": "Confirm",
"showingResults": "{{total}} results",
"preview": "Preview upload thumbnail",
"needHelp": "Learn about the actions on this page",
"fileInput": "Upload {{name}}",
"AL": "Alabama",
"AK": "Alaska",
"AZ": "Arizona",
"AR": "Arkansas",
"CA": "California",
"CO": "Colorado",
"CT": "Connecticut",
"DE": "Delaware",
"FL": "Florida",
"GA": "Georgia",
"HI": "Hawaii",
"ID": "Idaho",
"IL": "Illinois",
"IN": "Indiana",
"IA": "Iowa",
"KS": "Kansas",
"KY": "Kentucky",
"LA": "Louisiana",
"ME": "Maine",
"MD": "Maryland",
"MA": "Massachusetts",
"MI": "Michigan",
"MN": "Minnesota",
"MS": "Mississippi",
"MO": "Missouri",
"MT": "Montana",
"NE": "Nebraska",
"NV": "Nevada",
"NH": "New Hampshire",
"NJ": "New Jersey",
"NM": "New Mexico",
"NY": "New York",
"NC": "North Carolina",
"ND": "North Dakota",
"OH": "Ohio",
"OK": "Oklahoma",
"OR": "Oregon",
"PA": "Pennsylvania",
"RI": "Rhode Island",
"SC": "South Carolina",
"SD": "South Dakota",
"TN": "Tennessee",
"TX": "Texas",
"UT": "Utah",
"VT": "Vermont",
"VA": "Virginia",
"WA": "Washington",
"WV": "West Virginia",
"WI": "Wisconsin",
"WY": "Wyoming",
"AB": "Alberta",
"BC": "British Columbia",
"MB": "Manitoba",
"NB": "New Brunswick",
"NL": "Newfoundland",
"NT": "Northwest Territories",
"NS": "Nova Scotia",
"NU": "Nunavut",
"ON": "Ontario",
"PE": "Prince Edward Island",
"QC": "Quebec",
"SK": "Saskatchewan",
"YT": "Yukon",
"apply": "Apply",
"applyAndSave": "Apply/save",
"reset": "Reset",
"resetAndSave": "Reset/save",
"adventure": "Adventure {{type}}",
"backToMenu": "Back to full menu",
"startTyping": "Start typing to search",
"browseOrClick": "Click a result at any time from the auto-populated list to visit the page.",
"changesRestored": "Un-saved changes have been restored into this form. Please save or delete them to proceed.",
"unsavedChangesOn": "Save your work before leaving this page.",
"creator": "Created",
"lastUpdated": "Last updated",
"help": "Documentation",
"documentationError": "Could not load the documentation.",
"documentationEmpty": "Documentation not yet configured.",
"commentsDisabled": "Comments have been disabled for this role type.",
"province": "Province",
"addFirst": "Add first resource",
"loremVars": "Lorem vars says hello: {{hello}}",
"startList": "Add the first item",
"addToList": "Add to list",
"verificationCode": "Verification code",
"previousPassword": "Previous password",
"loading": "Loading...",
"internalComments": "Notes",
"meta": "ID",
"documentation": "Docs",
"history": "History",
"unselect": "Unselect {{count}} items",
"addToTrash": "Add to the archives",
"featuredPhotoUpload": "Click to change/set the featured photo",
"learnMore": "Learn more",
"activeColumns": "Columns",
"optionsBySearch": "Options loaded via search",
"searchByGlob": "Use keywords or special characters like * for pattern matching",
"notAGlob": "Not a recognized pattern",
"selectAll": "Toggle all options",
"createRule": "Create a rule",
"requestNewPassword": "Reset password",
"reverifyLink": "Request new verification link",
"modifiedBy": "Last modified by",
"startOver": "Start over",
"turnOnOrOffColumns": "Enable/disable columns in the table",
"byPreset": "By preset",
"byField": "By property",
"genReport": "Generate a report",
"strength": "Strength validation",
"confirmation": "Confirmation",
"goBackToCollection": "Back to all {{resourceName}}",
"viewAll": "View all",
"toExcel": "To excel",
"toCsv": "To csv",
"bulkEdit": "Bulk edit",
"bulkDelete": "Bulk delete",
"save": "Save",
"remove": "Remove",
"close": "Close",
"quickAdd": "Quick-add",
"firstName": "First name",
"lastName": "Last name",
"age": "Age",
"enabled": "Enabled",
"openCart": "Open cart",
"subtotalOf": "Subtotal {{price}}",
"addToCartFail": "Failed",
"addToCartSuccess": "Done",
"files": "Files",
"filterName": "Filter name",
"notesError": "Notes in this module could not be loaded.",
"howTo": "How-to",
"tryAgain": "Try again",
"stick": "Stick",
"unstick": "Unstick",
"trackChanges": "No unsaved changes",
"unsavedChanges": "Unsaved changes",
"exportCollection": "Export",
"importCollection": "Import",
"lastRefreshed": "As of {{time}}",
"pendingUpdate": "New version available",
"changesDetected": "This page will auto-sync in five seconds.",
"reportStarted": "New report requested",
"goBack": "Go back",
"reloadNow": "Reload",
"profile": "Profile",
"changePassword": "Change password",
"logout": "Logout",
"restartTour": "Restart tour",
"q3-meta": "Summary",
"q3-thread": "Notes",
"q3-picture": "Image",
"q3-docs": "Docs",
"q3-files": "Files",
"markAsDefault": "Set as default",
"createFolder": "Create a folder",
"uploadingPhoto": "Upload a featured photo by clicking or dragging an image into the box above",
"unsetPhoto": "Delete this photo",
"photoFailedToUpload": "Photo failed to upload",
"clickToSetPhoto": "Click above or drag a file to set a photo",
"imageThumbnailPreview": "Upload preview image",
"changeFeaturedPhoto": "Change featured photo",
"createdAt": "Created",
"updatedAt": "Updated",
"within48": "Within the last 48 hours",
"searchSite": "Search this site by keyword",
"inCart": "{{num}} item(s) in the cart",
"applyFilters": "Apply filters",
"filters": "Filters",
"copyLink": "Copy link",
"clearAll": "Clear all",
"new": "New",
"saveAsSegment": "Save search as segment",
"thread": "Thread",
"fileManager": "File manager",
"fileManagerBreadcrumbs": "File manager directories",
"searchResults": "Search the results...",
"from": "From",
"to": "To",
"relatedLinks": "Related link",
"selectAllItems": "Select all",
"deselectAllItem": "Deselect all",
"exists": "Is {{key}}",
"doesNotExist": "Is not {{key}}",
"has": "Has {{key}} set",
"hasNot": "Does not have {{key}} set",
"equals": "{{key}} equals {{value}}",
"doesNotEqual": "{{key}} does not equal {{value}}",
"doesNotInclude": "{{key}} does not include {{value}}",
"includes": "{{key}} includes {{value}}",
"moreThan": "{{key}} more than {{value}}",
"lessThan": "{{key}} less than {{value}}",
"approved": "Approved",
"updateBulk": "Update in bulk",
"confirmPhrase": "Enter the phrase \"{{phrase}}\":",
"sortBy": "Sort by",
"filterBy": "Filter by",
"bulkOpOn": "Bulk op or array re-indexing on {{fields}}",
"header-2": "Title",
"bold": "Bold",
"underline": "Underline",
"divider": "Divider",
"italic": "Italic",
"blockquote": "Quote",
"list-unordered": "Unordered list",
"list-ordered": "Ordered list",
"hyperlink": "Link",
"image": "Image",
"video": "Embedded video",
"url": "Website",
"videoUrl": "Video URL",
"error": "Error",
"newestToOldest": "Newest to oldest",
"oldestToNewest": "Oldest to newest",
"leaveAComment": "Leave a new comment",
"downloadAsCsv": "Download CSV",
"downloadAsExcel": "Download Excel",
"insufficentData": "Insufficient data",
"modify": "Edit",
"searchTerm": "Search term",
"display": "Display",
"searchInputLabel": "Search",
"filterDefinitions": "Other filters",
"refresh": "Refresh",
"outdated": "Outdated",
"mostRecent": "Most recent",
"operation": "Operation",
"user": "User",
"entity": "Entity",
"date": "Date",
"filterByUser": "User",
"filterByDate": "Date",
"filterByOperation": "Operation",
"compareChanges": "Audit",
"loadMore": "Load more",
"isLoading": "Is loading ...",
"added": "Added",
"updated": "Updated",
"deleted": "Deleted",
"before": "Before",
"after": "After",
"systemAutomated": "System",
"deleteMany": "Delete",
"replyToThread": "Add reply",
"startThread": "Reply",
"emaileditor": "Email editor",
"addons": "Add-ons",
"partials": "Partials",
"templates": "Templates",
"notifications": "Notifications",
"altAttribute": "Alt attribute",
"alt": "Alt attribute",
"float": "Float",
"standard": "Standard",
"full": "Full",
"type": "Type",
"status": "Status",
"priority": "Priority",
"expectedCompletionDate": "Should finish by",
"completionDate": "Finished on",
"download": "Download",
"run": "Run",
"queues": "Queues",
"addRow": "Add row",
"auditTemplate": "Template",
"auditTargets": "Fields",
"auditUser": "User",
"getLogs": "Get logs",
"updates": "Updates",
"additions": "Additions",
"deletions": "Deletions",
"advanced": "Advanced",
"renameSegment": "Rename {{name}}",
"removeSegment": "Remove {{name}}",
"replaceSegment": "Replace {{name}} with current filter",
"addSegment": "Add a new segment",
"nameSegment": "Enter a name for your new segment",
"renameSegmentPrompt": "Enter a new name for your existing segment",
"segmentsSettings": "Segments settings",
"i/o": "I/O bulk tools",
"summary": "Summary",
"previous": "Previous",
"notes": "Notes",
"audit": "Audit logs",
"trash": "Delete",
"actions": "Actions",
"searchFilters": "Search",
"searchByFieldName": "Search by filter name",
"gte": "Greater than or equals to",
"lte": "Less than or equals to",
"range": "Between",
"eq": "Equals",
"ne": "Not equals",
"in": "In",
"nin": "Not in",
"regex": "Matches",
"today": "Today",
"month": "Month",
"week": "Week",
"day": "Day",
"list": "List",
"removeAllFilters": "Remove all active filters",
"restartFilters": "Restart from last search",
"shareFilters": "Copy query to clipboard",
"all": "All",
"createdBy": "Created by {{name}}",
"lastModifiedBy": "Updated by {{name}}"
"titles": {
"delete": "Delete confirmation",
"add": "Add new",
"login": "Login",
"resetPassword": "Reset password",
"passwordChange": "Change password",
"reverify": "Reverify",
"verify": "Verify",
"notFound": "This resource is missing",
"empty": "Nothing here",
"error": "Something went wrong",
"back": "Go back",
"fetchingError": "Could not fetch data for ",
"demo": "Demonstration",
"message": "Send us a message",
"serverError": "Issue encountered",
"noNotes": "Start the conversation",
"onTheMind": "What's on your mind?",
"passwordReset": "Password reset",
"newPermission": "New permission grant",
"cart": "Shopping cart",
"caution": "Proceed with caution",
"danger": "Danger zone",
"filter": "Filter data",
"addNote": "Add new note",
"lorem": "Lorem ipsum",
"general": "General",
"needHelp": "Need help?",
"documentation": "Documentation",
"narrowSearch": "Filter",
"help": "Documentation",
"startTyping": "Search",
"noResults": "No results",
"newUser": "Add a user",
"addToList": "Add an item",
"meetTheTeam": "Meet the team",
"cartError": "Something went wrong",
"cartEmpty": "Your cart is empty",
"deleteMany": "Bulk delete tool",
"editMany": "Bulk editing tool",
"welcome": "Welcome",
"offcanvasMenu": "Offcanvas menu",
"addDocument": "Add a document",
"configureColumns": "Adjustable columns",
"configureFilters": "Search filters",
"searchbar": "Searchbar",
"dragAndSort": "Columns",
"multiselectRows": "Multiselect",
"profileDropdown": "Profile",
"editSubDocument": "Edit subdocument",
"deleteSubDocument": "Delete subdocument",
"addSubDocument": "Add subdocument",
"multiSelectSubDocument": "Select multiple subdocuments",
"sidebar": "Sidebar",
"log": "History log",
"missing": "404",
"customizeFilter": "Custom filter builder",
"tableConfigurator": "Datatable configuration",
"reverified": "Done!",
"passwordResetNotice": "Done!",
"passwordChangeNotice": "Password changed",
"addFirst": "Nothing here yet",
"activityLog": "Activity log",
"howToQ3": "Welcome",
"howToProfile": "Profile",
"howToMenu": "Menu",
"howToUseSegments": "Segments",
"howToUseFilters": "Filters",
"howToAdd": "Add",
"howToSearch": "Search",
"howToFilterGroups": "Filter groups",
"howToSelect": "Select",
"howToReorder": "Re-order",
"howToEdit": "Edit",
"howToDelete": "Delete",
"howToInsert": "Insert",
"howToMultiselect": "Multi-select",
"howToUseMeta": "General",
"howToUseThread": "Notes",
"howToUseFiles": "Files",
"howToUseDocs": "Docs",
"howToUseRelatedLinks": "Related links",
"downloadable": "Downloadable",
"noActivity": "No activity",
"notification": "Notification",
"upgradeAccount": "Upgrade required",
"changePassword": "Change password",
"changesDetected": "Changes detected",
"featuredImage": "Featured image",
"fileManager": "File manager",
"createFolder": "Create folder",
"featuredPhoto": "Featured photo",
"missingConfiguration": "This component requires configuration",
"confirm": "Confirm",
"editor": "Edit",
"trackChanges": "Waiting for changes",
"comment": "Comment",
"edit": "Edit",
"reply": "Reply",
"io": "I/O",
"customSegmentEditor": "Segment editor",
"cannotAudit": "Cannot perform audit",
"nothingToAudit": "Nothing yet",
"emailEditorFailed": "Email editor unavailable",
"emailEditor": "Email editor",
"profileNotifications": "Notifications",
"queues": "Queues",
"past": "Past",
"upcoming": "Upcoming",
"queueLogsFailed": "Queues unavailable",
"audit": "Audit logs",
"notes": "Notes",
"uploads": "Uploads",
"files": "Files",
"menu": "Menu"
"supportedLngs": ["en", "fr"],
"title": "Q3"
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