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Created March 5, 2020 02:20
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class: center middle

Dictionary Word Finder

<style> .remark-code { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style>

Interviewer Prompt

Given an alphabetical array of dictionary entries and a word to search for, find that word's definition (if it exists). A dictionary entry is just a string where the word's name appears first, followed by - [definition].

const dictionary = [
  'a - Used when mentioning someone or something for the first time in a text or conversation',
  'and - Used to connect words of the same part of speech, clauses, or sentences, that are to be taken jointly',
  'be - Exist',
  'in - Expressing the situation of something that is or appears to be enclosed or surrounded by something else',
  'of - Expressing the relationship between a part and a whole',
  'that - Used to identify a specific person or thing observed or heard by the speaker',
  'the - Denoting one or more people or things already mentioned or assumed to be common knowledge',
  'to - Expressing motion in the direction of (a particular location)'
definitionOf('be', dictionary); // should return 'Exist'
definitionOf('that', dictionary); // should return 'Used to identify a specific person or thing observed or heard by the speaker'
definitionOf('to', dictionary); // should return 'Expressing motion in the direction of (a particular location)'
definitionOf('wizbing', dictionary); // should return undefined

class: center middle

Interviewer Guide

Primary focuses

  • Time / space complexity analysis
  • Binary search
  • Indexing / caching (for repeated executions)

Complexity analysis

  • Push your candidate to analyze the time and/or space complexity
  • Do so when they're going over a possible approach
  • ...but leave them an option to cover it later

Binary search

  • If your candidate quickly comes up with the naive solution, push them to come up with other approaches before they start implementing the naive approach
  • If they don't come up with the binary search approach, suggest it. If they are not as comfortable with binary search feel free to allow them to code the brute force first.

Indexing / caching

  • Probably only worth covering this after the candidate has successfully implemented binary search
  • you probably will not get to this

class: center middle


Brute force solution

The naive (brute force) solution is to loop down the dictionary each time, looking for an entry that starts with the search word. This is O(n) time and O(m) space complexity, where n is the size of the dictionary and m is the average size of an entire entry.


If we consider the length of a definable word an "input that can grow arbitrarily large", then the time complexity is O(n * p), where p is average word length.

In reality, we know that the longest word is no longer than, say, 100 letters. That means p doesn't grow arbitrarily large.

Brute force solution

function definitionOf (word, dict) {
  for (let i = 0; i < dict.length; i++) {
    if (dict[i].startsWith(word + ' - ')) {
      return dict[i].slice(word.length + 3); // "subtract" the word itself (plus the ' - ' part)

...with fancy .find array method...

function definitionOf (word, dict) {
  const foundEntry = dict.find(entry => entry.startsWith(word + ' - '));
  if (!foundEntry) return;
  return foundEntry.slice(word.length + 3); // "subtract" the word itself (plus the ' - ' part)

Interviewer note

Your candidate might get stuck figuring out the precise code for confirming a dictionary match, e.g.:

entry.startsWith(searchWord + ' - ');

...and/or for getting the definition only from an entire entry:

entry.slice(searchWord.length + 3);

You can freely decide to let them struggle with these parts or to help them out (depending on how you want to challenge your candidate).

Binary search solution

The optimized binary search solution can be O(m * log n) time (n is dict array length, m is word length) and O(1) space.

Interviewer note

The less than < and greater than > operators can compare strings by alphabetical order (or really by character code, but that's close enough for what we're doing here). If a candidate goes down a rabbit-hole trying to implement a compareByAlphabeticalOrder function, just let them know that they can use </>.

Binary search solution

function definitionOf (word, dict) {
  // initialize indexes at the beginning and end of the dictionary, these define the bounds of our "search window"
  let prevLeft = 0;
  let prevRight = dict.length - 1;
  let index;
  // continue until the index has not changed from the previous cycle
  while (index !== prevLeft && index !== prevRight) {
    // find the middle of the existing search window
    index = Math.floor((prevLeft + prevRight) / 2);
    if (dict[index].startsWith(word + ' - ')) { // startsWith is a string comparison, takes O(m) time
      return dict[index].slice(word.length + 3); // "subtract" the word itself (plus the ' - ' part)
    if (word < dict[index]) {
      // "shrink" the right half of the search window
      prevRight = index - 1;
    } else {
      // "shrink" the left half of the search window
      prevLeft = index + 1;


String.prototype.startsWith() is a method built in to the String prototype with ECMAScript 2015 (aka: ES2015/ES6). So, it might not be available across all browsers or all JavaScript implementations.

You could implement it yourself with the following code (as per MDN):

if (!String.prototype.startsWith) {
  String.prototype.startsWith = function(search, pos) {
    return this.substr(!pos || pos < 0 ? 0 : +pos, search.length) === search

Notice that this is using the method String.prototype.substr()...

Three methods that do similar things

someStr.slice(start, end)
someStr.substring(start, end)
someStr.substr(start, length)


  • They all do not mutate the original string
  • The first argument is required, the second is optional
  • If there's only a start, the returned string goes to length


  • end is exclusive in .slice and .substring, length is inclusive in .substr
  • If end/length < 0 in .slice, it grabs from end, but .substring and .substr return empty strings
  • If end < start in .slice, it will return an empty string, while .substring will swap args

Binary search solution

The more modular version:

function definitionOf (word, dict) {
  const foundEntry = binaryFind(
    entry => entry.startsWith(word + ' - '),
    entry => word < entry
  return foundEntry.slice(word.length + 3); // "subtract" the word itself (plus the ' - ' part)

Notice that binaryFind is "assumed". In an interview, you can say something like "if I have time, I'll implement binaryFind".

This not only leads to more modular code, but also is a good way to get to a solution more quickly.

Binary search solution

Possible implementation of binaryFind...

function binaryFind (arr, matcher, comparator) {
  // initialize indexes at the beginning and end of the array, these define the bounds of our "search window"
  let prevLeft = 0;
  let prevRight = arr.length - 1;
  let index;
  // continue until the index has not changed from the previous cycle
  while (index !== prevLeft && index !== prevRight) {
    // find the middle of the existing search window
    index = Math.floor((prevLeft + prevRight) / 2);
    if (matcher(arr[index])) {
      return arr[index];
    if (comparator(arr[index])) {
      // "shrink" the right half of the search window
      prevRight = index - 1;
    } else {
      // "shrink" the left half of the search window
      prevLeft = index + 1;

Caching solution

The further-optimized precomputed hash map solution, O(n) time for the first run, O(1) for every subsequent run (AKA O(n) "pre-processing time"), and O(n) space:

// this cache will hold ALL dictionaries (though we'll only ever have one)
const cache = new Map();
function findOrCreateHashMap (dict) {
  // use the dictionary array object itself as a KEY
  if (cache.has(dict)) return cache.get(dict);
  const hashMap = {};
  dict.forEach(entry => {
    const [word, definition] = entry.split(' - ');
    hashMap[word] = definition;
  cache.set(dict, hashMap);
  return hashMap;
function definitionOf (word, dict) {
  const hashMap = findOrCreateHashMap(dict);
  return hashMap[word];


Map is an ES6 class that works a lot like an object, except...

A Map can have objects as keys

const exampleMap = new Map();
const exampleKey = { foo: 'bar' };
// woah an object is a key!?
exampleMap.set(exampleKey, 'this is any value');
exampleMap.get(exampleKey); // 'this is any value'
// must be the same object, not a different object with the same properties
exampleMap.get({ foo: 'bar' }); // undefined


  • Keep your candidate focused on time / space complexity analysis
  • Push them to find a binary search solution
  • ...If they finish that, push them to find the caching solution
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