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Created February 27, 2020 02:46
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My personal resume, in markdown!

Michael Mcmanus


January 2020 - Present Teaching Fellow, Fullstack Academy

  • Supervised and assisted 40 students in software engineering immersive bootcamp.
  • Hosted workshops covering topics such as React, Redux, Express, SQL and Node JS.
  • Led a learning team of 7 students; conducted weekly office hours.
  • Spearheaded daily remote algorithm practice sessions with students outside of class.

December 2018 - May 2019 Membership Outreach Director, ISACA Cybersecurity Club

  • Conducted outreach to over 25 tech industry professionals to appear at club events.
  • Coordinated logistics for campus events; over 100 members in attendance.
  • Collaborated with an executive board team of 5 to facilitate club events.

Technical Experience


Dating App, Cross platform Web/Mobile dating app that connects users in the tech industry. React/Redux, Firebase

Meal Planner App, iOS application that generates a custom meal plan based on users’ fitness goals. Won an award for Best Product Idea at CodePath. Swift, XCode, Firebase, Spoonacular API

Song Sharing/DJ App, Web application that lets users share and vote on what songs to play next at a party. React, Redux, Express, NodeJS, Spotify API

E-commerce Site, Full stack web application that allows users to log in, add items to their cart, and checkout. React, Redux, Express, NodeJS, PostgreSQL, Stripe


July 2019 - December 2019 Fullstack Academy, New York.

  • Software engineering immersive
  • Coursework: React, Redux, NodeJS, SQL, data structures and algorithms

April 2019 - May 2019 CodePath, New York

  • iOS Engineering Course
  • Coursework: Swift, XCode, Objective-C, Firebase, Parse, REST APIs

September 2015 - June 2019 Baruch College, New York

  • B.B.A. in Computer and Information Systems, In-major GPA: 3.6
  • Undergraduate Coursework: Object Oriented Programming; Databases; Cybersecurity; Web Development; Applied Calculus in Business


2019 Dean's List, Baruch College, Awarded for outstanding academic performance.

Best Product Idea, CodePath, Inc., Awarded 3rd prize for CodePath annual demo day among 50 contestants.

Languages and Technologies

JavaScript; React; Node; Express; SQL; Redux; HTML/CSS; Swift; Objective-C; Python;

Visual Studio Code; PostgreSQL; Firebase;

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