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Last active June 3, 2019 20:08
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Save MikeModder/01767848731770e9c4acccf4dae71d80 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Test for automatically playing videos from GoGoAnime. Current doesn't work because of well-made browser security features.
package main
import (
neturl "net/url"
var (
reAnimeName = regexp.MustCompile("\\?id=.+&typesub=[\\w-]+&title=(.*)")
func main() {
fmt.Println("GoGoAutoplay - I hate WASM edition")
js.Global().Set("extractRapidVideoURL", js.FuncOf(func(_ js.Value, v []js.Value) interface{} {
ch := make(chan map[string]string)
extractRapidVideoURL(v[0].String(), ch)
var data map[string]string = <-ch
return data
select {}
/*ch := make(chan map[string]string)
go extractRapidVideoURL("", ch)
var data map[string]string = <-ch
if data["url"] == "" {
fmt.Printf("error: %s\n", data["error"])
js.Global().Get("document").Call("alert", fmt.Sprintf("error: %s\n", data["error"]))
fmt.Printf("%s - %s\n", data["title"], data["url"])
//fmt.Sprintf("%s?q=720p", data["url"]
iframe := js.Global().Get("document").Call("getElementById", "video-here")
iframe.Set("src", data["url"])
iframe.Set("width", js.Global().Get("document").Get("body").Get("clientWidth").Float())
iframe.Set("height", js.Global().Get("document").Get("body").Get("clientHeight").Float())*/
/*go extractMp4URL(fmt.Sprintf("%s?q=720p", data["url"]), ch)
data = <-ch
if data["url"] == "" {
fmt.Printf("error: %s\n", data["error"])
fmt.Printf("mp4: %s\n", data["url"])*/
func extractRapidVideoURL(ggaUrl string, ch chan map[string]string) {
resp, err := http.Get(ggaUrl)
if err != nil {
ch <- map[string]string{
"error": err.Error(),
"url": "",
"title": "",
defer resp.Body.Close()
if resp.StatusCode != 200 {
ch <- map[string]string{
"error": "status code not 200 ok",
"url": "",
"title": "",
doc, err := goquery.NewDocumentFromReader(resp.Body)
if err != nil {
ch <- map[string]string{
"error": err.Error(),
"url": "",
"title": "",
url, found := doc.Find(".rapidvideo").Children().First().Attr("data-video")
if !found {
ch <- map[string]string{
"error": "failed to find video url",
"url": "",
"title": "",
titleRaw, found := doc.Find(".download-anime").Children().First().Attr("href")
if !found {
ch <- map[string]string{
"error": "failed to find anime name",
"url": "",
"title": "",
title, err := neturl.QueryUnescape(reAnimeName.FindStringSubmatch(titleRaw)[1])
if err != nil {
ch <- map[string]string{
"error": err.Error(),
"url": "",
"title": "",
ch <- map[string]string{
"error": "",
"url": url,
"title": title,
func extractMp4URL(rvUrl string, ch chan map[string]string) {
resp, err := http.Get(rvUrl)
if err != nil {
ch <- map[string]string{
"error": err.Error(),
"url": "",
defer resp.Body.Close()
if resp.StatusCode != 200 {
ch <- map[string]string{
"error": "status code not 200 ok",
"url": "",
doc, err := goquery.NewDocumentFromReader(resp.Body)
if err != nil {
ch <- map[string]string{
"error": err.Error(),
"url": "",
url, found := doc.Find("source").First().Attr("src")
if !found {
ch <- map[string]string{
"error": "failed to extract video url",
"url": "",
ch <- map[string]string{
"error": "",
"url": url,
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