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Created November 22, 2022 17:08
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Export Keybase teams messages and download attachments
# Forked:
#To export a chat from the ZorkInc team, run:
# ./ ZorkInc
# It will create a folder ZorkInc in which you'll find a JSON file containing raw logs, a .log file containing human-readable export of the chat. It'll also download all attachments of the chat and put them in that same folder.
# Note: defaults to "general" channel in your team. Change references to this channel below under "topic_name" (3).
import json
import sys
import os
from datetime import datetime
conv_name = sys.argv[1]
conv_dir = "./" + conv_name
# Defaults to the last 1 million messages.
pg = 1000000
query = '{"method": "read", "params": {"options": {"channel": {"name": "'+ conv_name +'", "members_type": "team", "topic_name": "general", "pagination": {"num": ' + str(pg) + '}}}}}'
json_out = conv_dir + "/out.json"
log_out = conv_dir + "/conv.log"
def run_query(q):
cmd = "keybase chat api -m '" + query + "' >" + json_out
query_dl = []
def get_content_type(entry):
return entry["msg"]["content"]["type"]
def get_sender(entry):
return entry["msg"]["sender"]["username"]
def get_msg_id(entry):
return str(entry["msg"]["id"])
def get_filename(entry):
ctype = get_content_type(entry)
if ctype == "attachment":
return entry["msg"]["content"]["attachment"]["object"]["filename"]
elif ctype == "attachmentuploaded":
return entry["msg"]["content"]["attachment_uploaded"]["object"]["filename"]
print("don't know how to get filename")
def mk_out_filename(entry):
return conv_dir + "/msg_id_" + get_msg_id(entry) + "_" + get_filename(entry)
msg_stack = list()
def outputmsgs():
with open(json_out, 'r') as f:
outputmsgs.json_data = json.load(f)
for entry in outputmsgs.json_data["result"]["messages"]:
out = ""
ctype = get_content_type(entry)
mid = get_msg_id(entry)
content = entry["msg"]["content"]
sent_at = entry["msg"]["sent_at"]
if ctype == "text":
out = "<" + get_sender(entry) + "> " + content["text"]["body"]
elif ctype == "reaction":
out = "* " + get_sender(entry) + ": " + content["reaction"]["b"]
elif ctype == "attachment":
file_name = mk_out_filename(entry)
out = get_sender(entry) + " sent attachment " + file_name
query = '{"method": "download", "params": {"options": {"channel": {"name": "' + conv_name + '", "members_type": "team", "topic_name": "general"}, "message_id": ' + mid + ', "output": "' + file_name + '"}}}'
query_dl.append((file_name, query))
elif ctype == "attachmentuploaded":
out = get_sender(entry) + " attachment " + mk_out_filename(entry) + " uploaded"
elif ctype == "edit":
edit = content["edit"]
out = get_sender(entry) + " edited message with id " + str(edit["messageID"]) + " to: " + edit["body"]
elif ctype == "delete":
out = get_sender(entry) + " deleted message with ids " + str(content["delete"]["messageIDs"])
elif ctype == "unfurl":
out = get_sender(entry) + " sent unfurl: " + str(content["unfurl"]["unfurl"]["url"])
out = "(unknown message type '" + ctype + "')"
# print(entry)
msg_stack.append("#" + mid + " - " + datetime.utcfromtimestamp(sent_at).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') + " - " + out + '\n')
res = not 'last' in outputmsgs.json_data["result"]["pagination"]
if res: = outputmsgs.json_data["result"]["pagination"]["next"]
return res
print("exporting messages...")
while outputmsgs():
query = '{"method": "read", "params": {"options": {"channel": {"name": "' + conv_name + '", "members_type": "team", "topic_name": "general"}, "pagination": {"next": "' + + '", "num": ' + str(pg) + '}}}}'
with open(log_out, 'a') as outfile:
while msg_stack:
msg = msg_stack.pop()
print("downloading attachments...")
for (f, q) in query_dl:
print("downloading " + f)
cmd = "keybase chat api -m '" + q + "' > /dev/null"
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