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Last active February 29, 2024 22:22
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Save MikeRixWolfe/9a8d2e86fbf7dab46fe7 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Steam Sales Checker (via Big Picture data feeds)
#!/usr/bin/env python
import json
import os
import requests
import time
debug = False
debug_path = 'debug'
def log_sales_data(sales, filename):
# Create dr to log sales for debug purposes
if not os.path.exists(debug_path):
# Log specified data
with open("{}/{}-{}.json".format(debug_path,
time.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M', time.localtime()),
filename), "w+") as f:
json.dump(sales, f, sort_keys=True, indent=2)
def get_featured():
sales_url = ""
sales = requests.get(sales_url).json()
sales = {}
if debug:
log_sales_data(sales, "featured")
return sales
def get_featuredcategories():
sales_url = ""
sales = requests.get(sales_url).json()
sales = {}
if debug:
log_sales_data(sales, "featuredcategories")
return sales
def get_sales():
apps_url = ""
# Unusable categories
skips = ["coming_soon", "genres", "trailerslideshow", "status"]
# Fetch data
data = get_featuredcategories()
flash_data = get_featured()
# Break if either return empty - might be unnecessary
if not data or not flash_data:
return {}
# Aggregate data
fetchtime = int(time.time())
data["flash"] = {}
data["flash"]["name"] = "Flash Sales"
data["flash"]["items"] = []
data["featured"] = {}
data["featured"]["name"] = "Featured Sales"
data["featured"]["items"] = []
for item in flash_data["large_capsules"]:
if "discount_expiration" not in item.keys():
item["discount_expiration"] = 9999999999
if item["discount_expiration"] - fetchtime <= 43200:
# Mask Data
data = {k: v for k, v in data.items() if isinstance(v, dict)
and k not in skips}
if debug:
log_sales_data(data, "data")
# Format data
sales = {}
for category in data:
if "items" not in data[category].keys():
data[category]["items"] = []
for item in data[category]["items"]:
# Prepare item data
# Bundles
if set(["id", "url"]).issubset(set(item.keys())):
if not item["final_price"] and not item["discounted"]:
item["final_price"] = web.try_googl(item["url"])
item["discounted"] = True
# Midweek Madness, Weekend Deals, etc
if "url" in item.keys() and "id" not in item.keys():
data[category]["name"] = item["name"] or data[category]["name"]
item["id"] = str(item["url"])[34:-1]
appdata = requests.get("{}{}".format(apps_url,
item["name"] = appdata["name"]
if "Free to Play" in appdata["genres"]:
item["final_price"] = 'Free to Play'
item["discount_percent"] = '100'
item["final_price"] = appdata[
item["discount_percent"] = appdata[
item["discounted"] = True if int(item["discount_percent"]) > 0 \
else False
# Unusuable Catagory e.g. Banner Announcments
if debug:
print category, item
# Add appropriate item data to sales
if item["discounted"]:
item["name"] = item["name"].replace(" Advertising App", "")
item = {k: u"{}".format(v) for k, v in item.items() if k in
["name", "final_price", "discount_percent"]}
if data[category]["name"] not in sales.keys():
sales[data[category]["name"]] = []
# Filter and sort items
sales = {category: sorted([item for item in items if item["name"] != "Uninitialized"],
key=lambda x: x["name"]) for category, items in sales.items()}
if debug:
log_sales_data(sales, "sales")
# Return usable data
return sales
def format_sale_item(item):
if not str(item["final_price"]).isdigit():
return u"{}: {}".format(item["name"],
return u"{}: ${}.{}({}% off)".format(item["name"],
if __name__ == "__main__":
import codecs
import sys
from collections import OrderedDict
sys.stdout = codecs.getwriter('utf8')(sys.stdout)
sys.stderr = codecs.getwriter('utf8')(sys.stderr)
# Get sales
sales = get_sales()
# If sales not returned
if not sales:
print("Steam Store API error, no data returned. "
"Turn on debug and check logs for more info.")
# Output appropriate data
for category in OrderedDict(sorted(sales.items())):
items = [format_sale_item(item) for item in sales[category]]
print(u"{}:\n\t{}".format(category, u"\n\t".join(items)))
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it doesnt work, idk how python works but it doesnt work at all, there was a error on line 124 for print but now it just gives me this

object address  : 000001A15B506EC0
object refcount : 2
object type     : 00007FF9F63DDA90
object type name: TypeError
object repr     : TypeError('write() argument must be str, not bytes')
lost sys.stderr

also web isnt defined

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MikeRixWolfe commented Feb 29, 2024

@ItsFranklinMyDudes run with python2.7 and it works. This was written 8 years ago, updating it for python3 is left as an exercise for the interested party.

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@ItsFranklinMyDudes run with python2.7 and it works. This was written 8 years ago, updating it for python3 is left as an exercise for the interested party.

fuck it’s messing info, alr ty i’ll try it again

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